West Bengal Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes

West Bengal Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Development & Finance Corporation
(A Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking)
Skill Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Announces “Certificate Course in Heavy Equipment
Operation” to promote relevant skills among SC/ST candidates of
West Bengal for the growing construction sector.
Course Details:
o Residential Program for 5 weeks in Kharagpur
o Certification from NSDC (National Skill Development
Corporation) and Tata Hitachi (as Industry Partner)
o Placement Assistance will be provided
o Total Intake: 60 students (in batches of 20)
o Eligibility - SC/ST, Class X, Age between 18 & 30 yrs. Annual
family income max. upto Rs. 0.81 lakh (rural) & Rs. 1.03 lakh
o Last Date of Online Application through
h t t p / / w w w. w b s c s t c o r p . g o v. i n : 1 0 M a r c h , 2 0 1 5
Managing Director, WBSCSTDFC
For Details: Please visit www.wbscstdfc.gov.in /
Helpline: - 033-65501888/ 033-40726621/