Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) Notices: • All attorneys must attend the confirmation hearing. (If you have an attorney cover for you, you are responsible to obtain the court results and announcements from the attorney appearing on your behalf and that attorney appearing on your behalf must be fully informed and authorized to negotiate/argue your cases) • ALL Objection to Exemptions will be heard at 1:30 with confirmation - even if noticed for 9:00 am • New Income Verification Language is available at www.ch13herkert.com/planlanguage.pdf • This calendar is the Trustee's recommendations based on timely received amendments and documents. o If you agree with the recommendation, you are not required to pre-call or "check in" with the Trustee. OIfyou do not agree with the Trustee's recommendation, including providing the documents requested 15 days before the next calendar, the attorney or pro se debtor must call the Trustee on the day before confirmation between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm to seek a resolution. / o Documents that were not timely filed or received by the trustee (15 days before confirmation hearing) may not be considered in the recommendation and will not be reviewed until next months calendar (Do not "resend" late documents without verifying they were not received). A continuance for late documents without a judge's approval should NOT be presumed. eThe motion calendar will be posted as soon as possible at www.chI3herkert.com/motioncalendar .pdf e A "FINAL" calendar which includes the debtor's payment status should be posted after 4:30 PM or as soon as possible after pre-calls are completed Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1510171 1:30 PM RAFAEL V BLANCO ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE /01 Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) 2013/2014 tax returns 1510145 ZOLIA CARIDAD PEREZ MARTIN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 'VE"C'TCW''' I,,~.) c,d 1510107 (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE \/FSTFr} 1510090 100 ORLANDO MARCELINO MARTINEZ ) ALSO ONAM see PAGE _ _~ jj Confirmed @ 341 THEOPHILUS E SIMMONS GRACE G SIMMONS (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #4198 (1211-115), #6053 (12/1-1/5) & #6640/6925 (10/24-11119 & 12/23-1/5), b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) provide life ins policy & pension stmts, d) list of household goods NEW ISSUES: e) fee application, f) provide proof of Sch J #4b & 4c, g) provide 20 16(b) with amounts, h) 2014 tax returns, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $6908,00 + tax refund Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1438174 1: 30 PM LUIS FERNANDO CABRERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) CMI issues line #10 need all income of live in girlfriend, #13c need evidence of car payment in debtor's name & #26 need affidavit from receiptant and evidence of 6months pre-petition payments VFSTFD 1438090 JUAN PEREZ HERMIDA DORA APOLINAR RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan \lFf~TEr} 1438060 FERDINAND BARRETT (CONWADE D. LEWIS, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) DL, b) objlconform to cl#l & #2 (J ., .. ",'-,,) ,~., .,,1' 1438033 YAQUELIN HERNANDEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ/ ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: C-OOQ... Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1438009 1:30 PM MIGUEL R ALVARADO (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) provide life ins policy, b) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #16 & 41 1438002 EVA L CHAUCA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm Plan 1437976 ODALIS NUNEZ (ALEJANDRO SIXTO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1437958 ELISA E RIVERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03/ 2015 1437955 1: 30 PM LOURDES ELENA ORTIZ OROZCO (PATRICK L. CORDERO/ ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) CMI issue line #30 overstated by $214.31, b) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $9420.00 1437940 JORGE A CUE MIRURGIA ESPINOSA (PATRICK L. CORDERO/ ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to correct attorney fees 1437826 MIGUEL A PEREZ SANTIAGO ALSO ON AMs SEE PAGE~. (EDWARD FREIRE/ ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of$7285.00 1437764 VES'fED WILFREDO NAVARRO LILIA A CERVERA (MARY REYES/ ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) copy/explain check #99 $1000.00, b) FMV of vehicles, c) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #16 overstated, d) why doe debtor's need 6 vehicles? pg: c~cai Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1437721 1:30 PM ANGEL PEDRO GUERRA FERIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1437700 COLETTE CESAR (MARY JO RIVERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE q <6 ~""~~. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) explain check #6070 $1000.00, b) address feasibility issue, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) amend plan to provide creditor address in cramdown, e) amend plan to pay CH7 of $3345.00 1437690 LUIS ALBERTO GALVEZ ELENA DEL CARMEN GALVEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~ ) If objection sustained, Confirm lAP VFs"rFD 1437687 MIRELYS HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VF:s'rEfJ If motion to value granted, Confirm lAP Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1437644 1:30 PM JACINTO MESTRIL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1437627 AIDA C NUNEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~~, Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) business bank stmt #3106 (9/18-12/18), b) amend plan to fund properly (m. 46-60) 1437504 ESCARLES HUMBERTO SANCHEZ SILVANA BARRIOS (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) reg for 13 Chevy, b) provide last profit/loss and balance sheet prepared for business, c) obj/conform to cl#2 & #3, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$11,363,00 (need vehicle reg) 1437450 JORGE E HERNANDEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #9505 (9/17-12/17), b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, c) provide proof of Sch J line #15c & 17a, d) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, e) file LMM motion pg: C,OOV Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 30 PM Mar 03, 2015 1437415 JORGE CESPEDES ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE q7 ) Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to provide correct IVL 1437393 LIZ M ZUBIAR (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE If order granting motion to waive WDO rcvd, Confirm lAP VESTE[) 1437366 GISELLE L CASTILLO ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Cf tp ) If motion to waive granted & LF90 provided, Confirm lAP VEs'rED 1437361 MARK A MINCY (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE VFs'rC:D ) ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE == q(p Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) copy/explain check #8523 $121125, #8526 $1468,00 & #8527 $1211.25, b) FMV of vehicles, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) WDO or motion to waive, 1) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, g) obj/conform to cl#3 & #4, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$99,007.00, i) CMI issues line #16 (30)-see deficiency, j) according to payment advices DI $ 1345,79/month pg: C-OO'( Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1437306 1:30 PM ORLANDO SERPA ~lSO ON AM, SEE PAGE C; & (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) LFIO wi paystubs & file with court 1437274 ARIAS CASTRODA {-:",! '..' J (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) non homestead info sheet (complete & TT form), b) amend plan to pay CH7 of $4944.48, c) explain joint tenancy for Vista Memorial Gardens (Sch A) 1437211 VF::'STFD 1437198 JAMIE E BERMEO CLAUDIA BERMEO GRAJALES (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM8 SEE PAGE - Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to include IVL, b) obj/ conform to cl#6, c) explain Sch I #8a (non filing spouse) EUGENIO 0 TORRES MARIA D TORRES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to value granted, Confirm Plan pg: C~OO1S Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1437083 1:30 PM GILBERTO PALMA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) copy/explain check #348 $1450.00, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$6023.22 (correct value of vehicle) 1436882 MARY DEL PORTILLO (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1436858 RUBEN CASTELLANO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) LF90, c) LF67, d) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: e) objlconform to cl#2 & #3 1436848 MARTHA HUERTAS (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Confirm lAP pg: C-LXY1 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436803 1:30 PM HEDLEY ELISHA CAYASSO-MYLES ROSA A CAYASSO (MONICA REYES, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) calculation of income, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) amend plan to include IVL, e) is this 100% plan, if so amend plan to provide correct language 1436719 HORACIO JARQUIN DELGADO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1436714 MARIA ROSA SILVA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) expenses objectionable $512.00 over standard expenses, need 60 month plan for standard expenses 1436702 RUBENS FERREIRA FERRAZ DALVA FERREIRA FERRAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) amend plan to include IVL, b) provide list of accounts payable of $34,500.00 from P&L pg: C~ 0)0 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436618 1:30 PM LAVERN JACQUELINE MORGAN (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~ Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) DL, b) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, c) amend plan to provide for creditor address in cramdown box, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $5220.14 1436586 EVELYN DENISE LASTER (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) address feasibility issue 1436526 FREDERICK GULTUMYOTIN (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #5320/9342 (11/18-12/3), b) address feasibility issue, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of$10,404.22, d) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #19,30 & 39 1436489 MARIO ALEJANDRO DELVA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) obj/conform to cl#1 pg: C,OII Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436479 1:30 PM MANUEL RODEIRO ALSO ON .4.M0 SEE PAGE (MARY REYES, ESQ. If objection sustained, Confirm lAP VE~S'r[,D 1436477 Cf V ) REINIEL MILLAN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) provide life ins stmt, b) expenses evidence provided "allowance sheet" but amount on sheet are much lower than amounts on Sch L, mixing IRS expenses and actual expenses for same deductions. If using IRS need 60 month plan 1436457 OSVALDO V ROMAN (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE )AlSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE~_ Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #0313 (9/2-9/18), b) provide proof/reduce to basic Sch J #6c & 10, c) address feasibility issue, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $4978.00 (correct value of vehicle) 1436449 BARBARA INES DIAZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE VF::S'}"[[) ) ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE ~ Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) 2012 tax returns (need Sch C), b) fee application, c) provide proof of Sch J #8, d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) LF67 pg: ~~ O)tZ.. Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436431 1:30 PM YOSDANI HECHAVARRIA JACQUELINE FRONTELA (CHRISTINA M. COELLO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) address feasibility issue, b) good faith to unsecured creditor, c) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$2380.20, d) amend Sch J #21 to remove MM payment (in plan) 1436405 CARLOS FERNANDEZ (PHILIP BARTLETT, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) DL, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) amend plan to fund properly, f) amend plan to correct overlapping months, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of $7481.00 NEW ISSUES: h) bank stmts #5704 (9/2-12/2), i) FMV /payoff of vehicle, j) business bank stmts #1551 (1211-12/2), k) obj/conform to cl#2 1436401 1436395 JOSE AMIGO KIMBERLY AMIGO (MAYLENE ABAD, ESQ. OLGA VELEZ RAMOS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) objlconform to cl#l pg: ~~OI8 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436382 1:30 PM GLORIA GARCIA TAILLIE ALSO ON AM t SEE PAGE f'd- (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRE) VE::ST'[[) 1436302 Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) BDQ, b) affidavit ofrent, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) amend plan to correct overlapping months, e) amend plan to provide creditor address for Fersom Mortgage SANDRA MARIA RIVERA EMILIO JR MORALES (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to provide gambling language, b) amend Sch E to remove Dept of Rev/student loans 1436285 IRIS NEREIDA VAZQUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE if d-- If motion to value granted, Confirm Plan 1436279 OMARA PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE qI If objection sustained (2), Confirm Plan Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436278 1: 30 PM ROLANDO CERIT ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ..!l.L~~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 4/7 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) amend CMI to correct income $3414.50 (per P&L) 1436272 RUBEN JIMENEZ MARIA CAROLINA JIMENEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO 01\1 AM$ ) If objection sustained (2), Confirm Plan 1436270 GEOVANNI FRANCISCO MORALES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 4/7 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) provide proof of expenses on Sch J line #7,9, 11 & 12, b) explain withdrawal on 11/13 $1030.00 & 11126 $1000.00 1436267 YOMARIS FERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to waive granted, Confirm Plan pg: C.-OIS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436260 1:30 PM GABRIEL ARCE MARIA I ARCE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 4/7 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of $48,590.00, b) how/when did debtor payoff non homestead (provide closing docs) 1436251 WILSON ACEVEDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 4/7 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of $2183.46, b) CMI issue line #28 need ACMI for line #28 & Sch B for car (car not in debtor's name not asset Sch B-can not take 28 deduction) 1436232 JAVIER CONCEPCION (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1436199 FRANKLIN OVES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: c- OILR Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436169 1:30 PM MARIA C BURGOS j'.' (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm lAP 1436159 INES CORZO (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) 2012 tax returns (need complete), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) provide copy oflife ins 1436148 RAUL GONZALEZ ROSA HENDERSON (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to include IVL 1436069 ALBIN J SUAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm 2AP pg: C. . O)'1 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435968 1:30 PM JARIENT HERNANDEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) non homestead info sheet, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) BDQ, d) DL, e) DSO, f) affidavit of support, g) provide copy of life ins & 401k stmt, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, j) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #3, 27a, 30, 31, 32, 39 & 47c NEW ISSUES: k) bank stmts #9264 (8/25-8/31),1) FMV (NADAICarmax) of vehicle, m) business bank stmts #2579 (8/25-8/31), n) amend plan to pay CH7 of$69,233.95, 0) explain withdrawal on 11/6 $1460.00 & 11/20 $1040.00, p) amend Sch/CMI to disclose business income 1435903 BARBARA MUNOZ (PRO-SE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #2777/0082/9712/6222 (8/24-10/20), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) FMV of jewelry, e) address feasibility issue, f) DL, g) affidavit of support, h) provide list of household goods, i) amend plan to provide numbers not dates (ex. 1-60), j) obj/conform to cl#2, k) amend plan to pay CH7 of$41,730.00, 1) amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment, paid thru plan, m) amend plan to remove Wells Fargo from cramdown (listed 2x on plan) 1435874 JOY TERRY LEE CLAYTON (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1435836 RAMON DE JESUS CALVO ILUMINADA PAULINA MORELL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: C.. O\ <6' Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435792 1:30 PM CHERYL MCKENZIE (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) FMV of vehicle, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) proof of household size/income of all adults, d) DL, e) file 2016(b), f) amend plan to correct attorney section, g) file LMM motion, h) obj/conform to cl#l NEW ISSUES: i) bank stmts #8787 (8121-11121), #5923 (8/21-8/26 & 9126-11121), #8920 (10/1-11121) & #1906 (1113-11121), j) amend plan to pay disposable income, k) obj/conform to cl#5, 1) amend Sch B #2 to disclose bank accts #5923 & #1906, m) amend Sch B #25 to disclose value of 12 Mazda & include in CH7 1435747 LEONARDO MARTIN LEZCANO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) bank stmts #5719 (8/21-10120 & 11/21), b) FMV of motorcycle, c) file LMM motion 1435731 ANA MARIA DIAZ (ABBIE B. CUELLAR, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) profitlloss and balance sheet, b) DL, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) affidavit of support, f) amend plan to include IVL NEW ISSUES: g) business bank stmts #7336 (8121-9129), h) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-60) 1435583 MADILEINI CLEMENTE FERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435582 1:30 PM ALEX OTERO (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRE) Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) DL, c) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #16 & #25, d) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$8,142.00 NEW ISSUES: e) objlconform to cl#l 1435507 LUIS GONZALO CHAVEZ (ARAMIS HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) 2012/2013 corp taxes, b) FMV of vehicles, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, f) DL, g) LF90, h) LF67, i) file motion to value and set for hearing NEW ISSUES: j) bank stmts #0236 (8/19-11119), k) amend plan to provide correct IVL, I) amend plan to fund properly, m) obj/conform to cl#l, n) amend plan to remove regular payment $1008.40 9in plan payable $1447.75) 1435477 LILLIAN GUTIERREZ-ALVAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1435387 ALEXIS V PEREZ MARTHA LAGO QUESADA (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRE) Dismiss remains unresolved: a) BDQ, b) LF67, c) obj/conform to cl#3 NEW ISSUES: d) 2012 tax returns for debtor (need transcript, received acct trans ), e) proof of household size/income of all adults pg: (;-00.0 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435342 1:30 PM EZEQUIEL RODRIGUEZ (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRE) Dismiss remains unresolved: a) non homestead info sheet, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) calculation of income, d) proof of household size/income of all adults, e) info re: SOFA #10, t) amend plan to include lawsuit language, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$60,225.75 (includes $2000.00 to girlfriend), i) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30 & #40, j) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$265,539.00 NEW ISSUES: k) 2012 tax returns (need Sch C & E), 1) address feasibility issue, m) obj/conform to cl#2 & #4, n) amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment, included in plan 1435283 VICKY GOLDMAN (LAURENCE J. EDSON, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) CMI issues line #30 (see deficiency) DI is $745.83/month 1435027 A.lSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~Y; ~ YASHICA SHEREA BAIN (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ ___ ) Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) payoff non homestead, b) BDQ, profit/loss & balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, c) address feasibility issue, d) affidavit of support, e) amend plan to breakdown attorney fees, t) amend plan to include IVL, g) file LMM motion, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $78,450.00 (equity of non homestead per Sch D), i) amend Sch A to disclose amount of secured claim for non homestead, j) amend Sch A to correct address for homestead 1434942 LETICIA ABREU (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PA.GE ~~-~~~~7 Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #9920/4340 (9/6-11/6), b) file motion to value and set for hearing, c) If boyfriend is household member must include all of his income, provide evidence of income (27a issue), a single debtor is only allowed one vehicle even if they own more then one Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1434938 1:30 PM HORACIO ANTONIO GOMEZ (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #0407 (8/11-10/6) & #7395 (8/11-11/11), b) address feasibility issue, c) amend Sch B #2 to disclose bank acct #7395 1434918 RICARDO ROSS RAFAELA ROSS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) affidavit of support, c) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: d) amend plan to correct attorney fees, e) amend plan to correct amount paid to attorney (per debtor at 341 $3000.00) 1434890 MARINA MERCEDES GARCIA (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) LF90, c) LF67, d) 2016(b), e) provide copy of life ins & IRA, f) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, g) evidence/calculation of CMI line #28 NEW ISSUES: h) bank stmts #5225 (8/10-11110) & #2918 (8/10-11110) 1434622 ANIBAL R COBOS ANA I RAMIREZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #9509 (8/5-10/23), b) copy of check #904 $1644.30, c) explain withdrawal on 11/5 $2081.99, d) BDQ, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) amend plan to include IVL & gambling language, h) file LMM motion, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $6042.48 NEW ISSUES: j) obj/conform to cl#5 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1434607 1:30 PM ARELIA HERNANDEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm Plan 1434591 SERGIO C CASTILLO AZALEA CASTILLO (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ , :,\ " .' Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) file motion to value and set for hearing, b) obj/conform to cl#3 1434520 NIVYS MARGARITA FRANCO . ",.', ,," , .~ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) bank stmts #0820 (8/3-11/3), b) provide proof of Sch J #6a & l7c, c) amend plan to start secured creditors in month 1, d) amend plan to provide information in LMM language 1434380 HECTOR J TORRES (LOUIS A. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) FMV of vehicle, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) DSO, d) amend SOFA to disclose $2500.00 loan repaid NEW ISSUES: e) objlconform to cl#6, f) income understated (see deficiency), g) CMI issues line #33/57/47b & 49 (see deficiency), h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$8424,53 + $2500.00 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1434364 1:30 PM OLIVER ANGULO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, b) proof of household size/income of all adults, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) file LMM motion, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $2862.00 NEW ISSUES: i) copy/explain check #119 $2000.00 & #116 $1000.00, j) FMV (NADAICarmax) of all vehicles, k) spouse's pay advices/wages not disclosed, 1) provide proof of Sch J line #6c 1434228 ABELARDO RODRIGUEZ (EMMANUEL PEREZ, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) where do the debtor's paystubs get deposited, b) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) amend plan to 60 months OR 100% language, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, g) amend plan to disclose creditor address for ALS, h) CMI issues, see deficiency, i) amend plan to pay DI of $17,908.00 to unsecured creditors, j) amend Sch A to provide value/secured cl of non homestead 1434103 RAYDA CONDE H, '.'", :". ,," .) ':':!, (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) spouse's pay advices/wages not disclosed, b) proof of household size/income of all adults, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$23,888.00 (equity in non homestead) 1433917 MAYDA MENESES (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Confirm lAP Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1433905 1:30 PM FERNANDO TAMAME (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) payoff ofreal estate, b) address feasibility issue, c) 2016(b) & plan do not match-Amend, d) file LMM motion, e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, f) obj/conform to cl#1, g) amend plan to correct MMM address on plan 1433308 ISAMEL DEJESUS TRILLOS ALEXA B TRILLOS (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMti SEE PAGE ?2-_ If 3AP filed with LMM language & math ok, Confirm 3AP 1433283 JAIME ANTONIO SEPULVEDA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) non homestead info sheet, b) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, g) amend Sch D to provide address for Country Club NEW ISSUES: h) explain all checks over $1000.00 from acct #7050, i) FMV/payoff of real estate, j) business bank stmts #8118 (7120-7/30) & #9201 (7/20-7/31), k) obj/conform to cl#2, 1) amend all Sch's to correct debtor's homestead address, m) Does debtor own 9721, in plan as MMM but not on sch's, n) Who owns Prades USA, Inc 1433061 JASMINE EBONY GOMEZ -'.' (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Pf.!tGE S:t _ If objection sustained, Confirm Plan Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1432979 1: 30 PM CHRISTOPHER ANGELO DAVIS MARIE JUNIE DAVIS (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) ~ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~ () I -~, Dismiss remains unresolved: a) obj/conform to cl#7, b) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #3, 30,31,32,39,40 & 55, c) bank stmts #9288 (7/15-8/24) NEW ISSUES: d) bank stmts #9765 (8/22-9/22) 1432912 MARIA CARMEN CELEIRO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) amend plan to pay disposable income, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditors 1432530 FIDEL GUZMAN (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) payoff of vehicles, b) profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #6504 (7/8-10/8), c) address feasibility issue, d) obj/conform to cl#4 1432358 ANA MARIA MARTINEZ-TAPIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ICj Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) obj/ conform to cl#3 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1432158 1:30 PM MARK AMADOR ALICIA M LUE (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) LF67, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or file POC, e) amend plan to provide missing creditor address to Citi & Miami Postal, f) evidence/calculation CMI line #30,35,36 & 39 NEW ISSUES: g) bank stmts #5930 (712-7/31), h) file 2016(b), i) amend plan to include gambling language, j) amend plan to pay CH7 of$9853.80 1432135 ELOISE CALERO (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) DL, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) provide Cemetery docs, f) What is debtors 2nd part time job (self employed) 1430378 MICHELLE LEWIS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3120: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) provide proof of Sch J line #6a, 6b & 15c, c) file LMM motion, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$8700.24 1430285 JUAN DE DIOS ESCOBAR (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) amend plan to fund properly, b) file motion to value and set for hearing, c) amend plan to provide regular payments to HOA NEW ISSUES: d) amend Sch's/CMI to correct household size, e) proof sent for Sch J expenses has different address then listed in Sch's-explain 12455, f) Who is Selma Garay? Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1430011 1: 30 PM CARL CASTELLANO i::'-:., (VINCENT O'BRIEN, ESQUIRE If 3AP filed to fund, Confirm 3AP 1427615 GILBERTO PEREZ CARRION (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1425963 DAPHNE WILSON (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE )ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE &3 ~~. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) non homestead info sheet, b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) affidavit of support, d) amend plan to include IVL, e) obj/conform to cl#l, t) good faith to unsecured creditors 1425354 OSCAR CHAPARRO (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Confirm lAP Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1423058 1:30 PM MARIO TAMAYO (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Dismiss remains unresolved: a) payoff of real estate, b) non homestead info sheet, c) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, d) DL, e) LF90, f) file motion to value and set for hearing, g) file LMM motion, h) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, i) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, j) amend Sch's to disclose rental income NEW ISSUES: k) 2012/2013 tax returns (complete), 1) copy/explain check #811 $1072.00, m) provide proof of Sch J expenses, n) amend plan to provide gambling language, 0) amend Sch B to provide bank acct in correct section (#2) 1422415 GRISELL V SOTOLONGO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 417 due on or before 5PM on 3/20: a) FMV of vehicles, b) amend CMI to correct household size, c) DL, d) affidavit of support, e) file motion to value and set for hearing, f) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $121,320.00, g) amend plan to provide regular payment for Venetian Isles Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1436086 1: 35 PM MIGUEL ANGEL QUEVEDO HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confinn 1 A Plan 1436084 IVAN ROSETE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP (100% Plan) 1436061 JOSE CARMEN VELASCO (MARY REYES, ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved: (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) Amend Sch C for Florida exemptions as Debtor's drivers license reflects lived in Florida since 2011 and debtor claimed to be US citizen at 341 and amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $10,343. 1436028 LAWANNA LYNN MCGAUGHEY (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE Confinn 1 A Plan pg: C-O&O Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435949 1:35 PM ENRIQUE TORRES PAULINA M OCHOA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE ~~ If obi to elm #4 sustained, Confirm 2AP, flnot Cont to 4/7 1435878 DANILO YANES ELSIE J YANEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cont to 4/7: on or before Spm on 3120 (Friday) debtor must amend plan to pay $802.S0/month to Trustee as CMI line #40 is not paid to disabled, elderly relative 1435758 JOSE MARCOS ORELLANA TERESA NARCISA GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1435735 LESLIE TAMARA ARAFET (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP pg: C-O&\ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435584 1:35 PM EUDE J PENA LECHUGA EDDUINA REGO SALAZAR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1435464 GABRIEL TORIVIO CASTRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1435456 REINEIRO A RIVAS YOLANDA RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1435397 IRMA RIVADENIRA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan pg: C-03Q. Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435269 1: 35 PM ODALYS HERNANDEZ RIVERO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm plan 1435263 SUYIN ROBLES (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Confirm 2 A Plan 1435208 JULIAN PONCE OLGA MARIA PONCE (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE ".. :' - ""';: )Al.SO ON AiVi~ SEE PAGE ","'.':":-" ¥' y_ If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan 1435156 JOHNNY RODRIGUEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP pg: C-033 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435119 1:35 PM MARIA ANGELES BARCELO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) a) Bank statements for #9427 (8/13-8/20), b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$19,205 (includes FMV of property provided $23,095) 1435053 MEYLING CASTRO (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) a) Obj/Conform to clm #4 (arrears underpaid in plan), b) Provide proof of separation or Amend Sch I & CMI to include non-filing spouses income, c) Does non-filing spouse pay child support? 1434886 MONICA ESPINOSA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 417: Due on or before 5pm on 3/20: a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$15,516.13 (includes Amended B and money given to daughter), b) Amend SOFA #10 to add money given to daughter, 1434810 DERRICK D MONESTIME DARA T MONESTIME (CHRISTINE E. BRYCE, ESQUIRE '~ Cont to 417: on or before 5pm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must amend plan to pay $13,789.80 to unsecured creditors as amend CMI lists HOA on line 47 but already deducted on line 25A ($231.66 over) pg: C-03~ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1434784 JAMIE ERNESTO ANGULO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: ~ iii ~ ~ri!Coee I i'lityme,jl rmtlieke Slagter? MuickiJlll $1500.00011 973t3 & $1680.90 en '0 /sffi!lFjCltfj BxprD:!S 1U§1!1l jnth!l'latiQR, d) evidence!caIculation ofCMI line #27a & 30 (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1434719 RUBEN ERNESTO GARCIA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Dismiss: debtor calculation of line 19 is overstated by $149.63 for vehicle, thus debtor is over median. (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are prOVided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1434490 JOSE MANUEL ORTEZ ESTHER ARUCA ORTEZ (OFER SHMUCHER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: debtor failed to provide calculation ofCMI line 30, 37, 39 and 40 (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are prOVided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1434420 ALINA MARIA ALFONSO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan pg: C-O'3 S Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1434398 1: 35 PM RAUL ALFREDO PENAFIEL (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE 9fs.m:tss: BeatOi' faHed to: a) Am@nd eM! and 8cb I to show correct business income as per P&b fH-ovieee (sib $3,407.2-7), b1-Pnwide preefand exp18'l1€lti-etl~-aGGOllnt #2637 on 10/31 jao $2,0 10 or add back to ChI" 7 (sib $11,199.77) (TFustee H'iU not COI'tSftk}' fl eOl'ltil'lUflnCe unless aU documents Gll'e provided orfiledprior to pl·coca/ls en JI2). 1434220 SEBASTIEN AMAYA SULMA SIOMARA AMAYA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1434218 FRANCISCO SCOTT LUZ MILAGROS LE TORRE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan 1434204 LUISA CHINDEMI (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) Notice of fiiin~ a~d amended plan did not resolve: expense on Sch J 15e(no vehicle listed on Seh ~ or D - valuation payoff etc), Seh J 17 is in plan, obj/eonform to claim #8 arrears of $180,819.00 (valued mortgage IS OR B26093 P0768 poe mortgage is OR B24109 P4358 pg: C-03~ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1434168 1: 35 PM OVIDIO JULIO PEREZ (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Confirm 4 A Plan 1434164 MAGALY ALTAGRACIA ORTEGA (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. ~,LSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE _~, If mtn granted confirm plan 1434133 GLENDA COLINDRES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1433975 REMIGIO LIFREDO BENGOCHEA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Already dismissed pg: C--031 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1433955 1:35 PM MIGUEL ANGEL GONZALEZ MERCEDES SANDAR GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and no other changes amend plan to pay disposable income ($ I 48.45/month) if not rec'd DISMISS ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1433930 NORMA SUAREZ MARTINEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm plan 1433923 JULIO ANTONIO SILVA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Dismiss debtor failed to a) copy/explain check on 10/16 $2000.00,10120 $13,000.00 & 8126 $1100.00, b) amend plan to provide LMM language, c) explain deposit on 10127 $9800.00,10/3 $8876.04,10/6 $9800.00 & 8/21 $4130.43, d) explain; 1. bank debit on 8/4 $1000.00 (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1433496 KENDRIS LEONEL CRUZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE "~.~ Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 pg: C-O"3<6 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1433452 1:35 PM ELISA I CASO (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1433381 GEORGE GABELA (CHRISTIAN PANAGAKOS, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1433176 ALFREDO FORTE (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and no other changes amend plan to pay disposable income ($1,111.14 monthly payment to plan) ifnot rec'd DISMISS (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 1433110 JUAN ALBERTO GARCIA ClRA MARIA GARCIA (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. dismiss debtor failed to provide evidence why maintaining two properties is reasonable and necessary and evidence of line 40 - no legible drivers license reflecting 2 residences prior to filing (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1432532 1:35 PM ILEEN P MORGAN " ' I i j,. .~ " (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Confirm 1 A Plan 1432517 CARINA BORDERS PEREZ (MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ) If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and no other changes amend plan to amend plan to include HAMP language if not rec'd DISMISS (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 1432383 DANIEL ROMAN (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Al.SO ON AM9 SEE PAGE yo dismiss debtor failed to a) amend CMI for correct income per attorney letter $7076.09 per month but CMI discloses $6057.13, b) CMI line 30 is amount withheld 'not incurred (refund not included), c) amend Schedule A to disclose homestead, d) did not address retaining non-homestead without any income, (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1432374 SHE LANA MARIA LOPEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Al.SO ON dismiss debtor failed to file mtn to value Publix - no amended plan filed to remove" c) failed to provide evidence of expense Schedule J line 6, d) need evidentiary hearing on reasonable and necessary expenses as plan payment is $103.33 per month while paying $165.00 for cable, $110.00 for cell phone, $83.00 for pet care, $100.00 for recreation, (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) pg: C,- OL-/O Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1432226 RUTH MUZUCO (SABRINA CHASSAGNE, P.A Continue to 417: Due on or before Spm on 3/20: a) Amend plan to fund (11-16), 1432107 EVELYN MEDINA (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: on or before Spm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must amend plan to surrender or cure and maintain payments (MMM denied) 1431980 ROBERT NOVAS SONIA MARIA NOVAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1431871 RAMON COTTO (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. ALSO ON AM@ SEE. If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan pg: (!, 0 t.j I Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1431800 1:35 PM RAUL GUILLERMO SEBAZCO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains URresowed: (Ff4US.tf?€ will not eonsider tl eontinUtll1Ce unless ttll docaments al'e pI 0 vided 01 fiied prior to pre-calls on- 3/2) a~ Affidavit ~f Support 1431790 RICHARD JR PRIOLEAU (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE )AlSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE r6 dismiss debtor failed toa) Evidence and calculation for CMI line #28 d) Provide bank statements for account#2409 (8/29-8/31), #1433 (8/28 8t3=tt,,, t) Provide timeshare documents, ane I'etirernetrl poliey;- h) Sch I to add spouses income and employment information, c) Amend plan to pay chp 7 of$223,711.84 (TBE properties are not titled in co-debtor's name), (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1431728 RAMONA COLLAZO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) AlSOONAMe 76 Confirm lAP 1431717 JOSE LUIS GUTIERREZ (ROBERT PEREDA, ESQUIRE ) .ALSO Dismiss: still not resolved from last month (did not dismiss on debtor's representation would resolve 15 days prior to this hearing) debtor failed to: a) amend plan to provide HOA arrears (plan does not provide for valuation or cure and maintain and failed to obj/amend to claim #1, b) amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (City National BankJOwcen) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) pg: c.. ... QI-l;L Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1431658 1: 35 PM JESSICA COLON DIAZ (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE dismiss debtor failed to reset motion to value for hearing (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1431379 BLANCY JOSEF INA LAVERDE (ALEJANDRO SIXTO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1431180 RAUL TRUJILLO MIRIAM G TRUJILLO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE 'f Cont to 417: on or before Spm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must obj/amend to claim #9 1431139 RICHARD DEAN SZUREK (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Per ECF #53 debtor to file motion to convert to Chapter 11 on or before March 31 or dismiss pg: C! ... 04 :3 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1431093 1:35 PM ZULEIDY ORUNA MILO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1430981 lRAIDA C AVILA ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE /:) (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ) dismiss debtor failed Amend eMI to disclose pension income listed on Sch I, (or amend Schedule I if not pension income) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1430725 RIGOBERTO VASQUEZ MlLAGROS ROSARIO VASQUEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE 15 Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 1430435 WALDO J VALENCIA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE confirm 4 A Plan pg: c. . . Ol-{~ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1430409 1:35 PM VICTOR MANUEL VASCONCELOS ARLEEN VASCONCELOS (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ dismiss debtor failed to provide evidence and calculation of expenses on Amend CM! including line 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 29, 33 (e) (HOA already deducted on line 8) - documents provided do not reflect amounts and no calculation provided (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1430250 LAZARA M ROQUE ,,..:: (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM* SEE PAGE .~J I Dismiss: Debtor failed to: (amended plan filed without support provided) a) no motion to value on Bayview filed, b) plan does not fund months 1 - 10, c) need written consent from creditor for balloon payment (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1430041 PRAXEDES DALIA JORDAN (SAMlRA GHAZAL, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) obj/conform to c1#2, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$13,709.50,c) amend plan to provide monthly plan months (sib 36)(Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1429883 MAUREEN LUZ RAMIREZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan pg: C.-Oi~ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1429770 1:35 PM GUILAINE BELONY (STEPHEN J. GLAZER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) payoff of real estate, b) non homestead info sheet, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) DL, e) LF90, f) file mQtion to value and set for hearing, g) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $169,340.00 (per Sch A, equity in non homestead) s), i) good faith to unsecured creditors, j) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $96,880.80, k) no lien on non homestead: Amend Sch A & D, 1) Trustee objects to keeping rental properly wi no income (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1429728 JOSE R PANTOJA MIRIAM PANTOJA (LOUIS A. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and no other changes amend plan to pay Ch 7 of $6534.29 ($12,034.29 if BLT denied) if not rec'd DISMISS (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 1429570 ENRIQUE REYNA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE dismiss debtor failed to provide evidence that CMI line 13/19 was court ordered (college expenses) or to amend plan to pay disposable income of $493.66 per month (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1429309 JESUS MEZA ALEXANDRA CARRILLO MEZA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE If obj granted confirm 1 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1429155 1:35 PM LYNDA RUTH MASTERS (PRO-SE 71) dismiss debtor failed to a) bank stmts #1371 (8/26) & #4554/0156 (8/15-8/26), b) non homestead info sheet, c) file fee application (plan still has attorney fees), d) affidavit of rent, e) amend plan to correct attorney fees (plan still has attorney fees), f) amend plan to pay CH7 of$95,835.00 (equity of non homestead) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) 1429153 JOSE JOAQUIN GARCIA YOLANDA GARCIA HERNANDEZ (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ PAGE 10 If objection sustained confirm 3 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1429125 KEVIN EDWARD HALL (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1428912 IVETTE S MENDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 3/19, amend plan to conform to any bench ruling or agreement by 3/23 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1428689 ANGEL LUIS AQUINO (RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: on or before 5pm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must obj/conform to claim #6 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1428433 NICOLE BALTAZAR (CHRISTINE E. BRYCE, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: on or before 5pm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must obj/conform to claim #5 (claim #6 has same account number as MMM) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1428320 ALEXIS CORREA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: prosecute motion to value or remove from plan American Home Mortgage (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1428139 ANA PANE QUE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: t- Oy <6 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1 :35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1428005 JASON VAUGHN BUCHANAN (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE .ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~ &1 ) dismiss debtor failed to provide evidence that child support is for child not deducted as household member (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1427779 DIANA FABREGAS (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE dismiss debtor failed to provide evidence and calculation of ACMI expense, line 13, 16,23 (not telephone expenses) and 33(d) does not match plan payment to mortgage IN ADDITION: plan has calculation errors in attorney fees, does not fund each month, (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1427598 ADILIA NOEL (GONZALO PEREZ, JR., ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1427580 DARIUS REID ) .AlSO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ PAGE~ If obj sustained confirm 3 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: c.~ oLlq Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1427450 1:35 PM WALDO IGOR ALVAREZ (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE DISMISSED 1427110 NARCISA AMANDA GUTIERREZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: on or before Spm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must file written memorandum or contact Trustee re: deduction of foreseeable MMM payment on CMI Form per Lanning or contract payment CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1426872 OCTAVIO LINARES GLEIBYS-dismissed PAGARIZABAL ) ALSO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE dismiss debtor failed to amend CMI and Schedule I as according to P&L debtor's income is $3,298/m (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1426831 KAREN LORENA MARENCO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE .ALSO PAGE --- Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: t-OSO Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1426750 1:35 PM GEORGE KUSHMA,III (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Confirm SAP 1426690 LOIS ALEXANDRA LASTRA (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ Confirm 4 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1426518 JESLEY TIMOR (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) File motion to value and set for hearing (Chase) or remove from cram down, b) Reset hearings for ECF #52, #49, #43 & #41, c) Amend plan to pay Ch of$2,149, (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1426174 SANDRO VALDES (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: amend plan to fund (2nd A Plan does not fund month 7 ) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: ~-o51 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1425545 1: 35 PM ADRIAN ALEMAN MARTHA T ALEMAN (MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ) Confirm 4 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1425502 MARIO TAVERNA (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 5/20 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1425240 JOSE SAEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AiVi~ PAGE.~~ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) a) File TBE motion, b) Amend Sch C to claim TBE on property 5600 Collins Avenue, #9T, Miami Beach, Florida 22140, c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$33,235.47 or add 100% language, 1425208 GINO MONTEFIORI ONAIDYS DAlMARA GARCIA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ 't:r. ":",,.;; 'I ~)' \ '.,'.,' Confirm 3 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: C-OS.2. Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1424780 1:35 PM TATIANA VALDES GOMEZ (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE 1424665 WILLIAM RIVERA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 5/20 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1424643 GERMAN ARTURO LUJAN RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Dismiss debtor failed to amend plan to pay Claim #3 (objection withdrawn) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1424548 GERONIMO PEREZ CABALLERO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1424509 1:35 PM PATRAIN SMITH J~,LSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE _ t.£ I (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. If obj sustained confirm 2 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1424506 JOSE MANUEL ARGUELLES ROXANA SUAREZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. If obj sustained confirm 2 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1423526 . ARTURO J VALBUENA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE If obj sustained and mtn granted confirm 1 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1423313 MAXIMILIANO VALDES (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. JUDGE: order on consolidation not on docket CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: c- OSt-( Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1422978 1: 35 PM AISSA GLORIA MASFORROLL (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and no other changes surrender,object or amend to claim #13, #22, #25, #26 if not rec'd DISMISS ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1422624 JESUS BELLO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss debtor failed to amend plan to conform to agreed order entered ECF #61 enterd 1/28) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1422550 WILFREDO GONZALEZ (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1422374 BENJAMIN NIEVES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: on or before 5pm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must amend plan to conform to any agreement on motion to determine escrow OR both parties must file "respsa statement" with their estimate of the escrow payment CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1422034 BARBARO HERNANDEZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Confirm 7 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1421730 CARLOS MANUEL ROMERO MAYRA L LOPEZ (ANDRES F. ALOS, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE _. 6?-- Ifmtn granted confirm 3 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1421649 STEVEN C PYKE (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Confirm 2 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1421426 LAURA P MARTIN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE PAGE ..... 6~ ....... if mtn granted confirm I A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: c- OSG:> Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1420810 MICHAEL H TESCH BILLIE VILANO TAYLOR (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1420269 INGRID GILABERT _6-1 (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE PJ~GE_. Continue to 417: Due on or before 5pm on 3/20: a) Affidavit of Support 1420252 MAYNOR ADOMI PEREZ (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE DISMISSED 1419674 MARISA L MENENDEZ (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan subject to HAMP CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: C.... O:5/7 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1419190 1:35 PM MARIA M VEGA ALSO ON AM§ SEE PAGE (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE 6 () ) dismiss debtor failed to file fee application need creditor agreement to lump sum payment, plan does not fund month 51, (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1419072 GUILLERMO A BUENO (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Ifmtn granted confirm 1 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1418937 DARLENE CORDERO (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE If agreed order or amended plan by 3/3, continue to 417. If not dismiss. CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1418750 LUIS ELIAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cont to 4/7: on or before 5pm on 3/20 (Friday) debtor must obj/conform to claim #15 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1418738 1:35 PM CARLOS A MENDEZ GEMA MENDEZ (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 4/28 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1418556 ANTONIO ESCOBAR SUZANNE BARBARA ESCOBAR (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss debtor failed to amend plan to require payment due in February (lAP reduced amounts already paid to make debtor paid ahead) CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1418291 ANN M JONES (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ l~les t COn~YrA lo Arb amended plan by noon on 372 confIrm If math Ok and plan and no otlier cfianges amend plan .06 per month (Duster! wit'! ni5l conSIder a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) AC'fION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1418262 IVIS ALVAREZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE ) I.\LSO ON Ifmtn granted confirm plan If not granted and not set for evidentiary dismiss CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS pg: c.- OSq Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1418140 1:35 PM DEBORAH A JONES (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 3/19, amend plan to conform to any bench ruling or agreement by 3/23 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1417994 SAMUEL C OLIVEIRA (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE DISMISSED 1417687 DELIA VICTORIA RIZO (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ)AlSO ON AM@ PAGE -211 -' If obj sustained confirm 8 A plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1417657 CHARLES E BRAZIER CONNIE JUNE BRAZIER (MICHAEL H. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE Confirm 5 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1417590 1:35 PM NANCY LEE BRASINGTON-REID (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1414112 GEORGE H BUHRTS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: still not resolved from reinstatement (reinstated on debtor's representation would resolve 15 days prior to this hearing) debtor failed to: plan does not pay CH 7 of $679,249.00 b) Ch 7 is $679,245.00 (Max Managements has real assets of $1 ,099,244.00 and real liabilities (not loans to officer, etc) of $420,002.15 CASE PENDING OVER 12MONTHS 1413869 ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ LUISA M HERNANDEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. ALSO ON AIVi~ ¥I ~ Cont to 417: g" evidentiary hearing !reId 2725, by noon on 312 debtor attemey tnttst"contact Trustee's offt:ce AND ..., haw filed amended plan to conform to COllft r~der adVisement or no amended plarr is necessaIy, infollll 'Frustee. CA:SB PBNDfNfrt7VER:-6 MONTHS 1412252 LUZ MARINA ARTEAGA (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan to surrender or amend plan to cure and maintain payments as MMM was denied, ifnot rec'd DISMISS Ifrec'd Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 3/19, amend plan to conform to any bench ruling or agreement by 3/23 ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03/ 2015 1412231 1:35 PM ROSA HERNANDEZ (RICHARD ADAMS/ESQ. Dismiss: debtor failed to file amended plan to address equal payment objection by creditor, CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1410654 CARLO BENZON MELENDEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ/ ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) obj!conform to claim #9 and #10, b) include payments to creditors month 52 - 60, c) amend plan to pay disposable income of$70,537.20 to unsecured. Debtor filed motions to value but has not amended plan to reflect valuation of any property CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1410303 SILVIA FELIPE BOSADA (AUBREY G. RUDD/ESQUIRE Cont to 417: evidentiary set for 3/19, amend plan to conform to any bench ruling or agreement by 3/23 CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1340283 CHARLES D PETERSON SR CEDELL M PETERSON SR (JORDAN E BUBLICK/ ESQUIRE JUDGE: plan does not match order on fees: fees granted $10,830.67, plan pays $11,449.67 CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1339228 ALBERTO FARINAS DAISY DE LA CARIDAD SOLORZANO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ) Confirm 8 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1338591 ANA MARTINEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan 1338525 MARIA ODILIA EHREN (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Confirm 6 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1334977 ROQUE G LEAL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 5 A Plan CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS pg: c- Olo3 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1333724 1: 35 PM ZULIMI PASTOR CLARK (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Cont to 4/7: evidentiary hearing set for 3/19 (TT objection) CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1332807 SENEN EDUARDO JIMENEZ (MICHAEL J BROOKS, ESQUIRE Cont to 4/7: evidentiary hearing held 2/25, by noon on 3/2 debtor attorney must contact Trustee's office AND have filed amended plan to conform to court ruling, or if under advisement or no amended plan is necessary, inform Trustee. CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS 1326031 ANA LILLO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE JUDGE: debtor has failed to properly serve motion to value (claims since no registered agent on Sunbiz, there is no legal method to contact mortgage company see Trustee motion for OSC) CASE PENDING OVER 18 MONTHS 1325489 JAVIER GONZALEZ (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Dismiss debtor failed to a) amend plan to 60 months as was over median at time of filing, b) pre-maternity leave CMI has wrong household size and plan does not provide for payment of disposable income, c) date maternity leave commenced not provided (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS pg: c.-O(P1-{ Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Mar 03, 2015 1238028 WILLIAM H ANDERSON CHERYL BRADLEY ANDERSON (JACQUELINE LEDON, ESQUIRE cont 417 funds not received from creditors CASE PENDING OVER 18 MONTHS 1237922 YOLI MACARENA CANO-RODRIGUEZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE ) f4.LSO ON AM \, If debtor files amended plan by noon on 3/2 confirm if math ok and plan and amend plan to surrender property and to set hearing on motion to value and provide funds for 10 months (reinstated no payments since APril 24, 2014) ifnot rec'd DISMISS ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 3/2 CASE PENDING OVER 26 MONTHS 1337672 DARRYL REONN JOHNSON YAILEN CAR I DAD LEON-CABALLB250 (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE ) Conb ;~\.A PAGE /}..v-::- JV --- ;Z}~ r tti1 ( iOO' II ') dismissal, ACMI has disp3able income .o.U5.iQ.~ month of disposab~ncome b plan only pay, $86.55 per~otho Also ACMI includls issue resov~ PriOr¢ndmen;yof2 transpor tion cost on line 27 A pI s public transp tion on line 27B. plan must ~y $732.00 er m7n or a total of $43,9 .00 to the nsecured cre tors. I / " (Tru lee will ngl consider a co/tinuance unless all documents are proviaed or filed p!ior to pre/alls on 3; ') CA E PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS Dismiss 0 provl e un I Tj£s 1414698 IRIS MILAGROS ORTIZ JOSE RUBEN ORTIZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Dismissed pg: C- Olo5 Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1424102 1: 35 PM CLARA L SANDOVAL DEHILDAGO (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMG SeE Dismiss: still not resolved from last month (requested dismissal as documents not received, attorney filed response) debtor failed to: provide explain withdrawal with proof (receipts etc) on 6/23 in the amount of $4,000 6/13 in the amount of$l,OOO, 6118 in the amount of$1,500, 4/14 in the amount of$1,500 & 4/23 in the amount of$1,500, 1425118 IRAN ROJAS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE JUDGE: Dismiss, debtor attorney did not send un-redacted DSO (redacted uploaded to ECF #65 - faxed incorrect DSO) to Trustee CASE PENDING OVER 6 MONTHS 1431472 ARGELIO BELTRAN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: still not resolved from last month (requested dismissal as documents not received. attorney filed response) debtor failed to: provide a) evidence / calculation ofCMI line #30 and evidence and calculation ofCMI line #19 (bank checks are never evidence of monthly payment amount as discussed with attorney in pre-calls 1434487 DEDRICK RIOS (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. f-LSO ON Dismiss: still not resolved from last month (requested dismissal as documents not received. attorney filed response) debtor failed to amend the plan for the correct amount to the unsecured creditors: a) The Statement of Current Monthly Income and Disposable Income Calculation (CMI Fonn) reflects disposable income of $418.00 plus a deduction of $170.12 for the priority IRS claim requiring the debtor pay a total of $35,407.20 to the unsecured creditors. The plan pays $6020.00 to the general unsecured creditors and $10,248.75 for a total of$16,268.75 b) The debtor testified at the meeting of creditors on December 19 that he had filed the past 3 years of tax returns with the IRS. But the IRS sent a letter to the debtor and copied the TlUstee and debtor's attorney stating that they had not received the tax returns as of December 19, 2014. In fact, the debtor did not provide the IRS with the 2011 and 2012 tax returns until FeblUary 18,2015. c) The debtor's 2013 tax returns reflect the debtor owes $10,207.00. The debtor's 2012 tax returns reflect that the debtor owes $6453.00. The debtor's 2011 tax returns reflect that the debtor owes $2886.00. In addition, there will be penalties and interest (estimate $800.00) (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) Draft - 2/7 (based on docs rec'd by 2/26) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 LMI CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Mar 03, 2015 1435632 1:35 PM DAVID MICHAEL SIQUEIROS ANDREA SIQUEIROS (BRETT A. ELAM, ESQUIRE ) .AlSO ON AMw Dismiss: still not resolved from last month (requested dismissal as documents not received. attorney filed response) debtor failed to: still not received: a) evidence of household size and income of all adults, no dependants listed on Schedule J; b) plan is not feasible Schedule J disposable income for plan payments is $-342.28, c) object or conform to claim #6 Miami Dade County - direct payment language not sufficient, d) amend schedules to disclose motorcycle (deducted on CMI fonn), e) amend Sch B to include bank statement (in business name but is used for personal expenses), f) explain if the debtor has any interest in home in Texas ISSUES RAISED FROM DOCUMENTS REC"D AFTER 341: G) Profit and loss reflect business value of $46,906.54 when stockhold loans and debtor's personal credit card debts are removed, H) CMI expenses are incorrect: 1line 30 is not to include property taxes; 2- allowance to teen is not daycare, 3- phone expenses are excluded from line 37 - bank statements are not evidence of any expenses, 4- life insurance does not reflect term life only, 5- I) CH 7 issue from schedules is $6029.49 plus business is valued at $46,906.54 per profit and loss and need appraisal of antique sewing machine, 14 paintings (Trustee will not consider a continuance unless all documents are provided or filed prior to pre-calls on 3/2) CASE PENDING OVER 12 MONTHS
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