From your missionary page 2 Pastors meeting page 2 Church news page 3 Jesus & Me Fest info page 4 Women’s conference page 4 Youth event page 5 Memorials page 5 Women’s spring event page 6 Prayer needs page 7 Calendar page 7 Marriage seminar page 8 Page 2 From Your Missionary For some time now we have been praying about a Pregnancy Care Center in Crisp County. This is a vision God gave me several years ago. Since I have been serving as the Chairman for the Crisp Ministerial Collaborative, many people have sensed God leading us to begin this type of ministry. I have been working with a Gary Leutzinger feasibility team, and we are at the stage of getting a Board of Directors for the Center. We are planning sometime in May to have a vision/fundraising banquet to look toward opening a center in late Summer or early Fall. This ministry will be one that our churches can support in many ways. As an extension of this type of ministry, we are also looking at using our Sheffield Building as a boutique for young girls and women who need help providing things for their children. This ministry would be a strong partner with the Pregnancy Care Center. This ministry would offer parenting classes, life-skill classes, and Bible classes for the girls and young women. They would have to be involved in the classes in order to take advantage of the clothing and other items for their child/children. We are going to need a director to oversee this ministry. I am praying that God will call a Godly women who has a passion in this area and would be willing to commit their time to seeing that this ministry will be successful. If anyone is feeling led to lead this type of ministry, please contact me as soon as possible. I am very excited about how this ministry can have a big impact on girls and young women. I believe God could use this ministry to change and transform the hearts of many young women in our communities. Please be in prayer for this ministry as well as the Pregnancy Care Center. We will also need volunteers to help with the Care Center. For more information regarding how you can help in these two ministries, please call me. In closing, I would like for our churches to pray for our mission teams that are going to Moldova/Ukraine and Romania. When you receive this newsletter, the Moldova team will already be ministering in the churches of that area. The team will be back March 6. The Romanian mission team will be leaving on March 20 and will minister in country for five days and will be preaching the Gospel and having eyeglass clinics in 20 churches. Please pray that thousands of people will give their hearts and lives to Christ. I am thankful we can do international missions, but we have big task of reaching thousands in our own communities with the Gospel. We will have that opportunity as churches on March 28 at Williams Field in Cordele through the Jesus and Me Festival. We believe that hundreds of people will attend this festival. We will be able to share the Gospel and see God save and change many lives right here in our Jerusalem. We encourage churches to have a booth as well as having a part in music and drama. The information has already been sent to your church, and we hope that every church will take part in some way in this festival. It is a joy to be a witness and share the love of God. I pray that God will use our churches in a mighty way not only through this festival but through the ministries of each local congregation! Bro. Gary March pastors meeting to focus on pastors round table No, the pastors meeting on March 11 at 10:30 a.m. at HBC won’t be about the shape of your table, however, GBC missionary Stacy Dyer will be there to talk about beginning a Pastors Roundtable in HBA. The purpose of the Pastors Roundtable is to create an environment where pastors of similar situations can come together to exchange ideas on topics related to ministry in the local church. Its mission is to strengthen one another through the open exchange of questions, ideas, best practices, mistakes, and successes. Come, learn and enjoy going out to eat together after the meeting. Page 3 Church news Filadelphia ordains four new deacons Filadelphia Church recently ordained these four men pictured as deacons (left to right): Santos Gonzalez, Jose Rodriguez, Martin Francisco, and Benjamin Garcia. Cordele First Church has called Richard Williams as associate pastor. Northern Heights Church recognized Eva Joe & Greer Laporte, Glenda & Reggie Calhoun, Billy Forrest and Rubye Eason as Sweethearts of the Year for 2014 at their Senior Adult Valentine Banquet. Also, Billy Bullington, Janet Devane, and Leala Sheffield were recognized as Sweethearts of the Year for 2015. Northern Heights Church will present Crosby Lane in Story and Song at 11:00 a.m. March 8. On March 29, the Stone Family will be in concert at 6:00 p.m. On March 28, the church will conduct their monthly Food and Prayer Distribution beginning at 8:30 a.m. Pinecrest Church is selling pork chop plates for $8 each. Proceeds will go to fund the summer mission trip to West Virginia. Pick up times on March 13 are 11am–1pm and 4pm–6pm. Call 229-273-1261 for more information and to purchase tickets. Cordele First had a special prayer service at their new church house on February 22 and look forward to moving in the near future. Hatley Church will have revival services March 1-4. Times are Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Kevin Moore will be the guest preacher. There will be special music and nursery at all services. Ebenezer Church will have revival services March 8-11, Sunday at 11am and 6pm and Monday through Wednesday at 7pm. Bruce Lovesmith, a student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, will be the guest preacher. Pinehurst Church is sponsoring this event to raise funds for their mission trip to Brazil May 31–June 9, 2015. Pleasant Grove Church will have revival services March 15-18. Sunday’s service will be at 6:00 p.m., and Monday through Wednesday services will be at 7:00 p.m. Stan Bowen will be the guest preacher. Lakeshore Church distributes food each fourth Wednesday of the month. Call 229-805-0890 for more information. Page 4 More info about Jesus And Me Fest 2015 The mission of JAMF2015 is to unify God’s people in our community to share Jesus with people in our community. So how can you and/or church help? !Need participants for the music and drama ministries (especially the Via Dolorosa drama) !Puppet teams, drama/dance teams to perform !Singers and musicians to perform !Vendors (individuals or church groups–great for fund raisers) !Clean up crew. Golf carts or four wheelers to help with clean up and trash maintenance during the day. !Large bank tents. !Flat bed trailers for stages. !Temporary power poles (2) !Help advertise event (i.e. church publications, post flyers in high traffic areas, share on Facebook) !Help with planning event–attend meetings. Over 300 people attended the Matt Papa Concert on February 8 at 6pm at the Crisp County Middle School Auditorium. Reflections of a Lovely Lady Women’s Conference Flyers, bulletin inserts and vendor applications are downloadable from and the JAMF Facebook page. Hardcopies are available at Houston Baptist Center. To help, come to the next meeting or contact one of the following: Administration: Erie Eidenire (229-869-1046) or Gary Leutzinger (229-406-1445) Organization: Sonya Mizell (229-805-0890) or Art Castillo (229-805-0319) Publicity: Lorey Smith (229-395-9356) or Sonya Mizzell Grounds: Robert Smith (229-947-9282) or Dawn Smith (229-947-1086) Vendors: Mike Neumans (229-938-1127) or Jayme Rabon (229-322-6908) Music: Deedy Eidenire (229–869-1026) Drama: Steve Cobb (229-406-0461) Children’s Area: Shona Warren (229-322-0976) Planning meetings are at 7:00 p.m. at Houston Baptist Center, 2116 US 41 N, Cordele, March 3, March 10, and March 17. Please come. Presented by Gibbs Family Ministries 229-273-8373 or 938-1760 Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:30am–3:00pm Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 133 Emmaus Road (Off Hwy 90), Cordele Speakers Donna Stripling, Pat Story, Lillie Weaver, Amy Gibbs, Nancy Gibbs No Admission Fee Love Offering Taken Testimonies Praise and Worship Come And Be Inspired! Page 5 Men’s Day at Penia Church on January 25, 2015. Recent Memorials Received: `In memory of C. R. Gamble By Merle Sheffield `In memory of Emeral Gill (for Camp Houston) By Carol Serravezza `In memory of Kathy Spires By Merle Sheffield On January 25, Lake Blackshear Church celebrated Hgh Attendance Day. The Cordele Cruisers brought their classic cars, and everyone dressed in classic 50s attire. If you are not following us on Facebook, you are missing a lot of good stuff! Page 6 Price of $129/person includes four meals, refreshments breaks, worship sessions and conferences. Go to for more information and to register online. March 1-8, 2015 Offering Goal: $60 Million GospelSings By Grace presents Alex Clements The Faithful Servants Goodbread & Co. Jim Cox as Cousin Theodore March 6, 2015 at 7pm Cordele Community Clubhouse NE Corner of US 280 & US 41, Cordele April 12, 2015 at 7pm Pinecrest Baptist Churh Page 7 Please pray for: Opportunities coming up #Asssociational Missionary Gary Leutzinger #Lisa Chalk #Happi and Chuck Keenan #Merle Sheffield; Lauralyn & Troy Drew #Billy Tison #Linnie Tukes #Lost and unchurched people #Moldova/Ukraine Mission Team (Ray Burnette, Chris Hurt, Fred Jones, Stacy Posey, Greg Sims, Jennie Taylor, Aubrey Wynn) Feb. 23–Mar. 6. #Soon to be Pregnacy Care Center, Cordele #Revival in HBA churches #Romania Mission Team (Connie Carney, Bruce Howland, Chris Hurt, Gary Leutzinger, Shaun McNulty, Pat Story, Shona Warren, and Jane White) #Unity in our churches and unity among our churches #Churches without pastors–Bakerfield, Dooling, Mars Hill, Pinecrest, Warwick First Houston Baptist Association events are printed in bold type. HBC is an abbreviation for Houston Baptist Center. Mar. 1-8 Mar. 3 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 2 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 13-14 Mar. 14 # Church positions available Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Smyrna Church is seeking a part-time minister of music. Contact Linda Whit at 229-268-6792. Mar. 17 Mar. 20-21 Unadilla First Church is looking for a pianist. Call 478-627-3615. Mar. 20-22 Vienna First Church is seeking a pianist for Sunday AM worship and weekly choir practice. Contact Jim Bolton at 229-268-4386. Mar. 20-27 Mar. 21 Warwick First Church is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Contact Sherry Bailey at 229-349-0256. Mar. 28 Birthdays & Anniversaries Mar. 2 Mar. 6 Mar. 8 Mar. 11 Mar. 21 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Sid Davidson Kristy & Matt Stephens Dan McPherson Morgan Duncan Brenda Lockerman Cecelia & Damon Fountain Sara Jones Lisa Chalk, James McBurrows Aidan Price Apr. 12 Apr. 17-18 Apr. 24-26 Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and North American Missions Jesus & Me Fest Meeting, 7pm, HBC VBS Clinic, FBC, Centerville, 7:30am–12:30pm Children’s Extravaganza, Green Acres Baptist Church, Warner Robins Jesus & Me Fest Meeting, 7pm, HBC Pastors Meeting, 10:30am, HBC Marriage Seminar led by Danny Singleton (see page 8) VBS Clinic, Byne Memorial Baptist Church, Albany, 7:30am–12:30pm Start A Church Sunday Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday Associational Youth Event, 6:30pm, Pinecrest Church Jesus & Me Fest Meeting, 7pm, HBC Handbell Festival, Central Baptist Church, Warner Robins Journey–A missions focused retreat for teen girls, Immanuel Baptist Church, Savannah Romania Mission Trip State RA/Challengers Racer Derby, Camp Kaleo, Forsyth Jesus & Me Fest, 9am–3pm, Williams Field, Cordele Kuyasa Kids Choir Concert, Pinecrest Church, 7pm Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, Toccoa Baptist Conference Ctr. Assn’l Youth DiscipleNow Weekend, Cordele FBC Page 8 Houston Herald is published monthly by Houston Baptist Association. Send news and/or comments to P O Box 1274, Cordele, GA 31010, email to [email protected] or call 229-273-4127. ^ Hous on Baptist Association 2116 Hwy 41 ^ P O Box 1274 ^ Cordele, GA 31010 229-273-4127 (phone); 229-273-0626 (fax) Associational Missionary: Gary Leutzinger [email protected] NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 35 VIENNA GA ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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