Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Monthly Newsletter-Adar/Nisan 5775 From the Rabbi’s Shtender Dear Member, Our shul has been buzzing with much activity in the past few weeks. Our very successful Trivia Night was enjoyed by all in attendance. On Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim (& Shekalim) we had the pleasure of hosting Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein as our Scholar in Residence. Rabbi Eisenstein’s presentations were all well received and much enjoyed. A special thank you to Josh & Hena Klarfeld for hosting our guest, as well as hosting the Oneg Shabbos. Our upcoming Paint Night for young couples promises to be a great success. We hope you will come and join us for our upcoming Purim Party. Our committee is working hard to put together a very meaningful and fun evening. One of the highlights for me on Purim is our Megillah reading in shul, which is done by our young baalei kriah under the guidance of Dr. Jeffrey Lautman. Jeff puts a lot of time, energy and effort into making our Kriah by our young baalei kriah very professional, smooth and enjoyable. This year our young men will be our baalei kriah at all of our minyanim, allowing more young men the opportunity to participate. Thank you, again, Jeff for your devotion to the boys and our shul. Many thanks, as well, to Dr. Yosef Rudolph for all his effort in this project. I look forward to seeing you on Purim. Rabbi Naphtali Burnstein Time Table/Shacharis Times/Shiurim Schedule 2 Power of Prayer/Daniel Haas Fund/JECC Camp Incentive Program 3 Purim Schedule and Halachos 4-5 Purim Party 6 Tributes/Mevorchim Sponsors/Mark Your Calendar/YI Notables 7 Trivia Night Winners and Kudos 8 Mazel Tovs 9 REMEMBER TO SPRING FORWARD AND CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS ONE HOUR AHEAD SATURDAY NIGHT MARCH 7, 2015 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 2 TIME TABLE– March Zemonim Vayikra Rosh Chodesh Shabbos HaChodesh March 20-21 29 Adar/1 Nisan Earliest 6:23 pm Latest 7:20 pm Earlier 6:10 pm Later 7:25 pm Tzav Shabbos HaGadol March 27-28 7/8 Nisan Ki Sisa March 6-7 15/16 Adar Vahakhel-Pekude Shabbos Parah March 13-14 22/23 Adar Candlelighting 6:04 pm 7:12 pm (Stone) Mincha Erev Shabbos (HAC) Mincha Erev Shabbos 6:10 pm 7:00 pm 6:10 pm 7:00 pm 6:10 pm 6:15 pm Hashkoma Stone 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Shacharis 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am (Stone) Boys/Girls Groups (Stone) Childcare group (HAC) Junior Congregation 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:30 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:30 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:30 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:30 am 10:30-11:15 am Mincha 5:50 pm 7:00 pm 7:05 pm 7:15 pm Earliest 6:29 pm Latest 7:28 pm Earlier 6:15 pm Later 7:30 pm Ma’ariv 7:06 pm 8:14 pm 8:21 pm 8:29 pm Motzei Shabbos 7:14 pm 8:22 pm 8:29 pm 8:37 pm Latest time for krias shema (am) Latest time for Shacharis (am) 9:44 am 10:37 am 10:31 am 10:24 am 10:42 am 11:37 am 3/15-3/19 7:20 pm 11:31 am 3/22-3/26 7:30 pm 11:26 am 3/29-4/2 7:35 pm Weekday Mincha (week of…) 3/8-3/12 7:15 pm Shacharis Schedule: HAC: S 7:20 am M & Th 6:40 / 7:10 am T-W-F 6:45 / 7:20 am Rosh Chodesh Nisan Shabbos, March 21 Stone: 8:00/9:00 am HAC: 9:00 am Stone Syn: S 7:15/8:00/ 8:30 am M & Th 6:40 / 7:50 am T-W-F 6:45 am/ 7:50 am Shiurim Schedule WEEKDAY R’ Naphtali Burnstein (Stone Syn): Mishne Brura, M - F 7:20 am (Stone Syn) Mishne Brura, S - Th 10:00 pm (JLC) Daf Yomi, S - F 8:50 am Halacha class for women M 8:30 pm (Deena Israeli’s home) SHABBOS R’Aharon Dovid Lebovics (HAC) Parsha Insights, 8:30 am R’ Sherman Frankel (Stone Syn) Chumash, 8:30 am R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn) Shiur following Hashkoma minyan Gemara, for men, W 8:00 pm Dr. Jeffrey Lautman (Stone Syn) Shiur following Hashkoma minyan Yorah Deah for men, W 9:15 pm R’ Yankel Cohen (HAC) Shiur, 1 hour before Mincha R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn): R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn) Shiur at Shalosh Seudos Sun. 9-10:15 am Parshas Hashavua for men and women Tues. 7:30 pm Parshas Hashavua for women Wed. 12:30 pm Sefer Shemos for women Dr. Abba Spero (Stone Syn): Wed. 11:00 am Chumash Page 3 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 We say many Brochos every day. Some are part of our regular tefilos, others revolve around eating and drinking, while others are said prior to performing a mitzvah (putting on Talis and Tefillin, or bentsching licht for Shabbos and Yom Tov). We do not, however, recite a bracha before fulfilling the mitzvah of Tzedakah. There are many reasons that are suggested. Allow me to suggest one. Tzedakah must be performed promptly, without any delay whatsoever. If someone needy requests help from us, we have no time for meditation. The needy person needs help without delay and should not be made to wait while we prepare ourselves to perform the mitzvah, and certainly should not be sent away to return at a later time. We might ask why did our sages not formulate a bracha for this special mitzvah and simply specify that it should be said quickly and without meditation? The answer is obvious: That kind of bracha is hardly worth saying. Daniel Haas Scholarship Fund We wish to remind our members of a longstanding fund which exists at Young Israel, established 31 years ago by the Haas family to perpetuate the memory of their beloved son, Daniel, who was killed in the service of the Israel Defense Forces. Students who are planning to attend an Israeli study program (year or summer) may apply for a grant. Contact the Young Israel office for more information on application requirements. We also encourage members to make donations to this fund in honor or in memory of a loved one, in order to continue to make the grants possible. Mussar Vaad A new Mussar Vaad has been formed for men and women. It is a wonderful opportunity to help refine our character. The Vaad will be led by Rabbi Yisroel Gelber, under the supervision of Rabbi Leib Keleman, both experts in the field. For additional information, please contact Adam Gardin at 216-224-2883. MISHNA YOMI PROGRAM The Mishna Yomi Program begins Maseches Ohalos on Shabbos, March 21, 2015 Important Reminder All food items brought into the shul building must bear an approved kosher symbol. No homemade food items can be brought into the shul. Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 4 PURIM – 2015 / ע"ה Fast of Esther- Ta’anis Esther is observed on Wednesday, March 4. The fast begins at 5:45 am and ends at 7:02 pm. Although the fast does not technically begin until morning, a person should have in mind before retiring for the night the possibility of awakening before daybreak to eat. Giving of the Half Shekel - Our custom is to give 3 coins to charity before Mincha on Ta’anis Esther. This is done in commemoration of the half shekel donated to the Beis Hamikdash each year during the month of Adar. Since it is mentioned 3 times we give 3 coins each. These coins should be the half-denomination in the country in which it is given (e.g. 3 half dollars in the U.S.), or the equivalent. The coins need not be silver. If this practice was not observed on Ta’anis Esther, it may be done on Purim day preferably before the morning reading of the Megillah. A plate will be put out at all minyanim, with all monies going to charity. Shabbos Zachor - On the Shabbos before Purim (this year February 28), a second Torah is used for the reading of "Parshas Zachor". The Torah commands us to remember the nation of Amalek that attacked the people of Israel immediately after their exodus from Egypt. Since Haman was a descendant of Amalek, this portion is read on the Shabbos immediately preceding Purim. According to many opinions, both men and women are obligated to hear this special reading. A second reading of "Parshas Zachor" will take place (at the Stone Synagogue and the Hebrew Academy Branch) immediately after the conclusion of davening, for those who may have missed the first reading. Purim Day - On Purim everyone is required to observe four mitzvos. 1) Hearing the reading of the Megillah both at night and in the morning. Although it is important to educate children about all the mitzvos of Purim, particularly the mitzvah of hearing the Megillah, those children who cannot sit through the entire reading and will disturb others should not be brought to shul for the Megillah reading. (Please look on the next page for specific times and locations for the Megillah readings). 2) Mishloach Manos - On Purim day at least two ready-to-eat food items are given to another person. 3) Matanos L'evyonim - On Purim day, gifts (money, food etc.) are given to at least two needy people. Please send in your "Matanos L'evyonim" donations to the office (continued on page 5) Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 5 PURIM…(Continued from page 4) (please specify that the donation is for Matanos L'evyonim) before Purim. All monies collected will be distributed to local people in need (through Matan B'sayser) and needy people in Israel, on Purim day. 4) Seudas Purim - on Purim day, a festive meal is eaten. In order to fulfill the obligation of a "Purim Seudah" one must wash and eat bread and preferably include meat at this meal. It is important to start the seudas purim early enough so that most of the meal is observed on Purim day (and not the night after) *Additionally, al Hanissim is added to the Shemoneh Esrai and Birkas Hamazon on Purim. If Al Hanissim is inadvertently omitted, the davening or benching does not have to be repeated. PURIM SCHEDULE 2015/5775 Wednesday, March 4, Ta’anis Esther Fast begins: 5:45a.m. Shacharis: Stone Syn 6:30/7:40 am HAC 6:30/7:00 am Mincha: Ma’ariv: 5:55 pm at both branches 6:55 pm followed by Megillah reading at 7:05 pm at both branches ☺☺ Purim party at the Stone Synagogue following Megillah ☺☺ See flyer p. 6 for information Second Megillah reading at the Stone Synagogue at 9:00 pm Thursday, March 5, 2015, Purim Day Shacharis followed by Megillah: Stone Synagogue: 6:30/8:00 am HAC 6:30/7:30 am Megillah reading will begin approximately 30-35 min. after the beginning of Shacharis Late morning Megillah reading at the Stone Synagogue 9:30 am (no Shacharis at this time) Rabbi Burnstein invites men to his home for an open house, 3:30-4:30 pm, 23794 Wendover Drive in Beachwood. Mincha: Stone Syn 4:30 pm/HAC 3:15 pm followed by a 20 minute Shiur. Maariv: 9:00 pm at both branches Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 6 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 7 Young Israel’s 2nd Annual Trivia Night Was a huge success 22 teams competed and the winners were….. 1st Place: Barely Legal Steve & Beth Baker Phil & Kim Setnick Yoav & Yael Taub 2nd Place: The Quizzards of Cleveland David & Donna Feldman Alan & Uriel Goldman Ross & Diane Wilkoff 3rd Place: The Grenadines Billy & Sheri Sax Dan & Batia Shamir Warren & Marlene Sobol The program could not have happened without the talented and tireless efforts of : Marilyn Schachter, David Seiger, & Ezzie Goldish, co-chairs And the following volunteers: Shimon Berger, Dovid Bloom, Stephanie Bloom, Shawn Fink, Chaya Fixler, Sheila Freund, Maggie Gerber, Sara Goldman, Bonnie Klarfeld, Honey Levitin, Marvin Moskowitz, Shani Polster, Andreia Schwartz, Leslie Seiger, Leah Seiger, Jonah Seiger, Jacob Seiger, Marlene Sobol, Lynda Steiner Page 8 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - March 2015 TRIBUTES Library Fund In Memory of: Kurt Heubner (father of Teri Lautman) from Asher & Leatrice Rabinsky MARK YOUR CALENDAR Sunday, March 1, Stone Synagogue Bnei Akiva Carnival Shabbos, March 7, Stone Synagogue Scott & Ilana Wolfson are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of their son, Noah’s Bar Mitzvah Thank you to the following Mevorchim Kiddush sponsors at Stone Synagogue on Feb. 14: Harry & Marcy Tesler in honor of the birth of their twin grandchildren In commemoration of the following Yahrzeits: Joseph & Shelley Edelstein -- Joseph’s mother Sandy & Bernice Gale—Sandy’s father & Bernice’s mother Irene Marocco--mother Harold & Debbie Polster—Harold’s father & Debbie’s father David & Leslie Seiger—David’s father Kenny & Ruth Wieder—Kenny’s father & Ruth’s father Meshullam & Elene Feigenbaum—Meshullam’s father & mother Mendy & Becki Gecovich—Mendy’s father Morris & Tova Mandel—Morris’ brother David & Sarah Rothner—David’s father Ivan & Marilyn Soclof—Marilyn’s mother Bea Wieder—husband Hakoras Hatov to the sponsors of our very interesting and successful Shabbos at the Stone Synagogue with our Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: Gold—Raanan & Daphne Soclof Silver—Josh & Henna Klarfeld, Alan & Lisa Schabes, Mendy & Marilyn Schachter Bronze—Mark & Miriam Berkowitz Refuah Shelaima to: Marilyn Schachter (Miriam Zelda bas Fraida Gittel) Welcome New Members: Akiva & Nava Diamond Young Israel of Greater Cleveland March 2015 Page 9 Yosef & Miriam Koval, parents, and Murray & Malka Leah Koval, grandparents, on the birth of a girl Akiva & Nava Diamond on the birth of a boy Simcha and Nikki Schlanger on the birth of a girl. Fred & Norma LaBrie, great grandparents and Lisa Adler, grandmother, on the birth of a girl to Menachem & Miryam Sandman of Florida Amir & Edna Jaffa, parents, and Mendy & Ita Klein, grandparents on the marriage of Shani to EBY Schabes of Chicago. Alan & Debbie Erenrich on the engagement of their daughter to Rebecca, to Daniel Saleman of Queens Nachum & Yael Tesler, parents and Harry & Marcy Tesler and Zev & Leah Kushner, grandparents, on the birth of twins (boy & girl) Nachum Tesler on receiving his license as an independent clinical counselor Abe & Shoshana Socher on the birth of twin grandchildren (boy & girl). Parents are Anna and Emmanuel Sanders of New York. Reuven & Naomi Dessler on the birth of a granddaughter. Parents are Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Yoel Dessler Harold & Edith Shachter on the marriage of their daughter, Hedva, to Don Zeevi of Detroit Avner & Devora Freund on the birth of a grandson. Parents are Dovid & Rivkie Freund of N.Y. Rabbi Yankel & Ruth Cohen on the engagement of their granddaughter, Michelle Respler to Scottie Schames of Los Angeles. Parents are Don & Tzippy Respler of Teaneck, N.J. Alvin & Arlene Jaffe on the Bas Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Shuli Frenkel. Parents are Jonathan Frenkel & Tova Jaffe of Silver Spring, Md. Jake & Rochel Koval on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Nosson Goldman. Parents are Rabbi Yoel & Ahuva Goldman. Herschel & Debby Berger, grandparents, and Helen Berger, great grandmother, on the engagement of Yehuda Taragin to Daniella Rose of Ramat Beit Shemesh. Parents are Yonatan & Rochel Taragin of Ramat Beit Shemesh.
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