Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 Monthly Newsletter-Shevat/Adar 5775 From the Rabbi’s Shtender Dear Member, Despite the cold snowy weather outside, we know that spring is not far away. That means that both Purim and Pesach are but a stone’s throw away. The basic theme or tone of these two Yomim Tovim is that of Simcha. Simcha would seem illusive at a time of great uncertainty and danger for Jews throughout the world. We seem to be watching history repeat itself through the ugly face of antiSemitism. We continue to wonder why the world around us doesn’t see the current events with the message that we see. On the other hand, we can look at each of these two Yomim Tovim, Purim and Pesach, as a lesson in history, never to despair, and to remember the timeless lesson of history that even if in every generation there are those who would wish us no good, Hashem continues to protect us and save us from the hands of those would harm us. Rabbi Naphtali Burnstein MISHNA YOMI PROGRAM The Mishna Yomi Program continues Maseches Kaylim RABBI BURNSTEIN’S HALACHA SHIUR FOR WOMEN Our weekly women’s Halacha Shiur has begun learning a new topic, Hilchos Brachos. The class meets every Monday at 8:30 pm at the home of Deena Israeli 2542 Lafayette Drive, University Heights —— We hope to see you at the class. Time Table/Shacharis Times/Shiurim Schedule 2 Power of Prayer/Daniel Haas Fund/JECC Camp Incentive Program 3 Trivia Night Feb. 7 4 Scholar-in-Residence at Stone Synagogue, Feb. 13-14 5 Tributes/Mevorchim Sponsors/Mark Your Calendar/YI Notables 6 Mazel Tovs 7 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 Page 2 TIME TABLE– February Zemonim Yisro Feb. 6-7 17/18 Shevat Mishpatim Shabbos Shekalim Mevorchim HaChodesh Feb. 13-14 24/25 Shevat Terumah Feb. 20-21 1/2 Adar Tetzaveh Shabbos Zachor Feb. 27-28 8/9 Adar Candlelighting 5:30 pm 5:39 pm 5:47 pm 5:56 pm Mincha Erev Shabbos 5:35 pm 5:45 pm 5:55 pm 6:00 pm Hashkoma Stone 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Shacharis 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am (Stone) Childcare Groups (HAC) Junior Congregation 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:15 am 10:15-11:15 am 10:30-11:15 am Mincha 5:20 pm 5:30 pm 5:40 pm 5:40 pm Ma’ariv 6:33 pm 6:41 pm 6:49 pm 6:57 pm Motzei Shabbos 6:41 pm 6:49 pm 6:57 pm 7:05 pm Latest time for krias shema (am) Latest time for Shacharis (am) 10:06 am 10:01 am 9:57 am 9:51 am 10:58 am Weekday Mincha (week of…) 2/8-2/12 10:54 am 2/15-2/19 5:50 pm 10:51 am 2/22-2/26 5:55 pm 10:47 am 3/1-3/4 6:05 pm 5:40 pm Shacharis Schedule: HAC: S 7:20 am M & Th 6:40 / 7:10 am T-W-F 6:45 / 7:20 am Rosh Chodesh Adar Thursday, Feb. 19 Friday, Feb. 20 Stone: 6:30/7:40 am HAC: 6:30/7:00 am Stone Syn: S 7:15/8:00/ 8:30 am M & Th 6:40 / 7:50 am T-W-F 6:45 am/ 7:50 am Shiurim Schedule WEEKDAY R’ Naphtali Burnstein (Stone Syn): Mishne Brura, M - F 7:20 am (Stone Syn) Mishne Brura, S - Th 10:00 pm (JLC) Daf Yomi, S - F 8:50 am Halacha class for women M 8:30 pm (Deena Israeli’s home) SHABBOS R’Aharon Dovid Lebovics (HAC) Parsha Insights, 8:30 am R’ Sherman Frankel (Stone Syn) Chumash, 8:30 am R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn) Shiur following Hashkoma minyan Gemara, for men, W 8:00 pm Dr. Jeffrey Lautman (Stone Syn) Shiur following Hashkoma minyan Yorah Deah for men, W 9:15 pm R’ Yankel Cohen (HAC) Shiur, 1 hour before Mincha R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn): R’ Moshe Berger (Stone Syn) Shiur at Shalosh Seudos Sun. 9-10:15 am Parshas Hashavua for men and women Tues. 7:30 pm Parshas Hashavua for women Wed. 12:30 pm Sefer Shemos for women Dr. Abba Spero (Stone Syn): Wed. 11:00 am Chumash Page 3 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 In the Bracha of “Ahava Raba” that we say each morning in Shacharis, we say the phrase: ““ ”והאר עינינו בתורתךEnlighten our eyes in your Torah”. This prayer is not only for an understanding of Torah, but also that Torah may help us perceive the truth in everything. The Torah tells the story of Hagar and Yishmael who were stranded in the desert without water. Hagar abandoned her son and fled, saying that she could not bear to see him die of thirst. The Torah teaches us that Hashem opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. Hashem did not create a well where none had existed, but opened her eyes so that she could see an already existing well, which she had not seen because of her state of panic. What was necessary was not a miracle, but just a correct perception of reality. Studying Torah can provide guidance that can assist us in truly understanding and avoiding distortions of reality. This is what we pray for in the Bracha of “Ahava Raba”. Daniel Haas Scholarship Fund We wish to remind our members of a longstanding fund which exists at Young Israel, established 31 years ago by the Haas family to perpetuate the memory of their beloved son, Daniel, who was killed in the service of the Israel Defense Forces. Students who are planning to attend an Israeli study program (year or summer) may apply for a grant. Contact the Young Israel office for more information on application requirements. We also encourage members to make donations to this fund in honor or in memory of a loved one, in order to continue to make the grants possible. JECC CAMP INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland is once again offering incentive grants for students attending denominationally sponsored, and some non—denominational overnight camps for the first or second time. Grants are not based on need. Just follow these three easy steps: Enroll your child in a qualifying camp. Register for the camp incentive at (Day school students will be redirected to an alternate registration site.) To qualify for the grant as a member of Young Israel, you must contact the shul office. Deadline is March 1, 2015. Mussar Vaad A new Mussar Vaad has been formed for men and women. It is a wonderful opportunity to help refine our character. The Vaad will be led by Rabbi Yisroel Gelber, under the supervision of Rabbi Leib Keleman, both experts in the field. For additional information, please contact Adam Gardin at 216-224-2883. Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 Page 4 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland Stone Synagogue invites the entire kehilla to hear our Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein Maggid Shiur at Yeshivat Nitiv Aryeh in Yerushalayim Rebbe, YU Gruss Kollel in Yerushalayim Shabbos, February 13 & 14—Parshas Mishpatim (Parshas Shekalim) Friday night Oneg at 8:30 pm at the home of Josh & Henna Klarfeld, 2488 Brentwood Rd, Beachwood Drasha on Shabbos morning at the 9:00 am minyan Pre– Mincha Shiur at 4:45 pm Page 5 Page 6 Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - February 2015 TRIBUTES In Honor of: Rabbi Pinchos & Naomi Landis on the birth of a girl from Alan & Lisa Schabes Moishe & Zehava Neuman on the birth of a granddaughter from Herschel & Debby Berger David & Joy Schwartz on the birth of a grandson from Herschel & Debby Berger/Ronald & Rena Greenfeld David & Sara Farkas on the birth of a son from Ronald & Rena Greenfeld David & Laura Steinberg on the engagement of their daughter, Ronit, from Alan & Lisa Schabes Rabbi Moshe Berger from an anonymous donor Refuah Shelaima to: Marilyn Schachter from Joseph & Marilyn Bench Ruth Cohen from Larry & Sandi Gold Amy Smith from Larry & Sandi Gold In Memory of: Minda Jaffe from Isaac & Francine Flaks/Harold & Betty Neustadter/Alan & Lisa Schabes Edith Altman from Sheldon & Elaine Steiger/Alan & Lisa Schabes Kurt Huebner from Alan & Lisa Schabes/Stuart & Jennifer Mintz Father of Malkie Torgow from Alan & Lisa Schabes Refuah Shelaima to: Marilyn Schachter (Miriam Zelda bas Fraida Gittel) Condolences to: Tehilla Hessler on the loss of her mother, Louise Danise. Sandy Singer on the loss of his sister, Lillian Singer Welcome New Members: Jon & Kathi Resnick and Ira & Barbie Taub MARK YOUR CALENDAR Motzei Shabbos, Feb. 7, Stone Syn. 2nd Annual YIGC Trivia Night More information on page 4 Shabbos, Feb. 14, Stone Syn. Scholar-in-Residence See details on page 5 Shabbos, Feb. 14 Stone Syn Mevorchim Kiddush Shabbos, Feb. 14 Stone Syn. Feigenbaum Shalosh Seudos Meshullam & Elene Feigenbaum are sponsoring Shalosh Seudos to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Meshullam’s mother, Sonja Feigenbaum Shabbos, Feb. 28, Stone Syn Joint YI/Yachad Shalosh Seudos Thank you to the following Mevorchim Kiddush sponsors at Stone Synagogue on January 17: Chaim & Talia Schuss in honor of their daughter, Miri’s first birthday Dave Frank in honor of his daughter, Rena’s Bas Mitzvah Rabbi & Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Burnstein’s mother Moish & Hindy Goldfinger to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Hindy’s father Harold & Deborah Polster to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Deborah’s mother Thank you to Mark Roth & Ross Wilkoff for setting up our recent Mevorchim HaChodesh Kiddush at the Stone Synagogue. Young Israel of Greater Cleveland February 2015 Page 7 Meshullam & Elene Feigenbaum on the marriage of their daughter Lolly to Jason Zauer of Teaneck, N.J. Izhak & Judith Shamir on the marriage of their grandson, Dov Shamir, to Stephanie Gampel of N.Y. Parents are Dan & Batia Shamir. Shelly & Debbie Senders, parents, and Mike Senders, grandfather, on the marriage of Tammie Senders, to Adam Neuman of Baltimore David & Joy Schwartz on the birth of a grandson. Parents are Dovie & Yael Schwartz. Moshe & Zehava Neuman on the birth of a granddaughter. Parents are Mendy & Shira Schwarzmer of University Hts. Paula Feigenbaum on the birth of two grandsons. Parents are David & Mimi Schuldenfrei of Israel and Yehoshua & Aviva Morgenstern of Baltimore. Mark & Shani Polster, and Warren & Marlene Sobol, parents, and Eddy & Shelly Klineman and Harold & Deborah Polster, grandparents, on the marriage of Noam & Emily David & Cheryl Lever on the marriage of their daughter, Kaila, to Yehuda Shugarman of Baltimore Jeff & Teri Lautman on the marriage of their daughter, Talia, to Yaakov Borenstein of West Hempstead, N.Y. Fred & Norma LaBrie on the birth of a great grandson. Parents are Refael & Avigail Gildengorn of Baltimore. Grandparents are Rabbi Moshe & Rena LaBrie of Baltimore. Jon Resnick & Kathi Warn on their marriage. Sharona Grunspan on the birth of a granddaughter. Parents are Leibel & Sammi Sternbach of Plainview, N.Y. Moshe & Adina Ornstein on the birth of a boy Rikki Jaffa on her Bas Mitzvah. Parents are Amir & Edna Jaffa. Grandparents are Mendy & Ita Klein. Rena Frank on her Bas Mitzvah. Father is Dave Frank. Grandparents are Lenny & Birdie Frank. Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda & Channah Appel on the marriage of their son, Bentzy, to Nechama Raizy Marlowe of Miami, Florida Yehuda & Laura Wolf on the birth of a boy Herb & Retha Schabes on the birth of a great grandson. Parents are Yitzchok & Tzippy Schabes. Grandparents are Stuart & Lisa Schabes of Baltimore.
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