TELANGANA GAZETTED POLYTECHNIC ALL LECTURERS’ASSOCIATION (TG-PALA) Honorary President M.MANOHAR REDDY Honorary Secretary B.VENKATESHWARLU Regd.NO.2288/96 O/O TG-PALA,GOVT.POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS,MASABTANK,HYDERABAD-500028 Cell:9848924186,9912743797,9951214770 Email:[email protected] President General Secretary Y.NARSAIAH GOUD M.MURALIDHAR GUPTA Associate President Treasurer K.S.CHAKRAVARTHI B.RAJA Vice President(Services) 2. CH.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY GPT Warangal The institutions namely, Govt. Institute of Electronics (GIOE), Govt. Institute of Leather Technology (GILT) and Govt. Institute of Printing Technology (GIPT), all at Hyderabad are not included in the 10th schedule. Hence the teachers allotted to Zones Vice President(Organizing) I to IV of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh and working in these institutions which belong to G.VIJAYA SIMHA RAO GIPT Hyderabad Vice President(Academic) Y.KRISHNA Gpt Warangal Telangana must be repatriated to the state of Andhra Pradesh. 3. The Department had earlier taken a stand that Durgabai Deshmukh Women’s Technical Training Institute (DDWTTI), Hyderabad belongs to Zone-VI. Hence the teachers appointed in Zones I to IV in the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh and Vice President(Communications) V.SURESH JNGP Hyderabad Secretary(Academic &PR) K.CHANDRA SEKHAR working in the institution which belongs to Zone VI must be repatriated to the state of AP. 4. In the recent recruitment by APPSC to the posts of Lecturers, about 50 persons of Gpt Mahabubnagar Telangana origin were allotted to Zones I to IV. The Association requests the Secretary(Services) Commissioner to furnish necessary proposals to the Government to re allot the N.MURALI MANOHAR GIOE,Sec’bad teachers to Telangana. Secretary(Organizing) 5. D.CHITTA RANJAN REDDY GILT,Hyd Women Secretaries DR.G.LALITHA GPT Hyd G.RAJITHA DEVI GPT parakal B.KAMSIBAI GPT Narsapur B.PUSHPA GPT Narsapur Y.NAGALAXMI GPT Badangipet Joint Secretary (Communications) K.VENKAN GOUD GPT Gadwal Joint Secretary(Finance &PR) B.SRAVAN KUMAR JNGP Hyderabad Joint Secretary(Services) J.SRINIVAS RAO GPT,Kothagudem There are some teachers of Telangana origin and working in Zones I to IV in various cadres. As they are few in number, the Association requests the Commissioner to furnish proposals to Govt. to repatriate them to the State of Telangana. 6. All the staff members belonging to Andhra Pradesh and working in the O/o CTE / TEQIP/O/o RJD and construction cell must be replaced with Telangana staff immediately. TELANGANA GAZETTED POLYTECHNIC ALL LECTURERS’ASSOCIATION Honorary President (TG-PALA) M.MANOHAR REDDY Honorary Secretary B.VENKATESHWARLU Regd.NO.2288/96 O/O TG-PALA,GOVT.POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS,MASABTANK,HYDERABAD-500028 Cell:9848924186,9912743797,9951214770 Email:[email protected] President General Secretary Y.NARSAIAH GOUD M.MURALIDHAR GUPTA Associate President Treasurer K.S.CHAKRAVARTHI B.RAJA Vice President(Services) B. Academic/ Board Issues: CH.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY GPT Warangal Vice President(Organizing) G.VIJAYA SIMHA RAO GIPT Hyderabad 1. Promotions to the post of Principals, Heads of Sections and Senior Lecturers is to be taken up immediately as these promotions could not be taken up for the past Vice President(Academic) two five years. Due to this many posts of Principals and Heads of Sections are Y.KRISHNA Gpt Warangal vacant. Therefore this is indirectly hampering the administration in the colleges resulting in poor pass percentage. Vice President(Communications) V.SURESH JNGP Hyderabad 2. Rationalisation of Posts in all the branches in all old Govt Polytechnics. Secretary(Academic &PR) 3. Necessary proposals for creation of new posts in the aftermath of bifurcation in the K.CHANDRA SEKHAR Gpt Mahabubnagar Secretary(Services) O/o CTE & SBTET may be furnished to Govt. 4. Second shift Diploma courses being conducted in Govt. Polytechnics is causing N.MURALI MANOHAR GIOE,Sec’bad lot of inconvenience to the students due to inadequate laboratories, class rooms, Secretary(Organizing) introduction of equivalent no. of courses in the newly established Govt. D.CHITTA RANJAN REDDY GILT,Hyd Women Secretaries DR.G.LALITHA GPT Hyd G.RAJITHA DEVI GPT parakal B.KAMSIBAI GPT Narsapur B.PUSHPA GPT Narsapur Y.NAGALAXMI GPT Badangipet Joint Secretary (Communications) K.VENKAN GOUD GPT Gadwal furniture, hostel accommodation, etc. The Dept. had furnished proposals for Polytechnics where the permanent buildings were constructed. The proposal pending with the Govt. may be expedited. 5. Newly established Govt. Polytechnics are lacking basic amenities and infrastructure like laboratories, class rooms, furniture, etc. Steps may be taken to establish them as early as possible. 6. Steps may be taken to establish Skill Development Centres (SDC’s) in all Govt. Polytechnics. 7. Staff pattern in TEQUIP posts may be modified as Joint Secretary(Finance &PR) B.SRAVAN KUMAR JNGP Hyderabad Principal Cadre – 1 post, Head of Section Cadre- 2 posts, Senior Lecturer Cadre- 2 posts Joint Secretary(Services) in place of 4 posts in Principal Cadre. J.SRINIVAS RAO GPT,Kothagudem TELANGANA GAZETTED POLYTECHNIC ALL LECTURERS’ASSOCIATION Honorary President (TG-PALA) M.MANOHAR REDDY Honorary Secretary B.VENKATESHWARLU Regd.NO.2288/96 O/O TG-PALA,GOVT.POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS,MASABTANK,HYDERABAD-500028 Cell:9848924186,9912743797,9951214770 Email:[email protected] President General Secretary Y.NARSAIAH GOUD M.MURALIDHAR GUPTA Associate President Treasurer K.S.CHAKRAVARTHI B.RAJA Vice President(Services) CH.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY GPT Warangal 8. The State Board of Technical Education & Training needs to be bifurcated immediately as this step will avoid confusion in the preparation of curriculum, conducting of spot valuation, issue of certificates to Telangana students and in Vice President(Organizing) G.VIJAYA SIMHA RAO GIPT Hyderabad conducting of various examinations. TGPALA requests the Commissioner to use her good offices in Govt. for bifurcation of SBTET at the earliest. Vice President(Academic) Y.KRISHNA Gpt Warangal Vice President(Communications) V.SURESH JNGP Hyderabad 9. Establishment of Separate Training centre under the control of SBTET will be beneficial to the staff working in the Department as the requirements of the staff are better known to the SBTET. 10. As the Department is taking up modernisation of Polytechnics, it is necessary to Secretary(Academic &PR) have a separate cell under the Cadre of One Head of Section, 2 Senior Lecturers K.CHANDRA SEKHAR and 1 Lecturer, in the O/o CTE/RJD to exclusively monitor Civil and Electrical Gpt Mahabubnagar works. Secretary(Services) N.MURALI MANOHAR GIOE,Sec’bad Secretary(Organizing) D.CHITTA RANJAN REDDY GILT,Hyd Women Secretaries DR.G.LALITHA GPT Hyd G.RAJITHA DEVI GPT parakal B.KAMSIBAI GPT Narsapur B.PUSHPA GPT Narsapur Y.NAGALAXMI GPT Badangipet Joint Secretary (Communications) K.VENKAN GOUD GPT Gadwal Joint Secretary(Finance &PR) B.SRAVAN KUMAR JNGP Hyderabad Joint Secretary(Services) J.SRINIVAS RAO GPT,Kothagudem 11. Various representations were submitted to SBTET regarding revision of the present curriculum. The suggestions of the Association may be taken into consideration before finalising the Curriculum-14 for 2nd and 3rd years. 12. Remuneration for all Board duties including Wireman/ Supervisor and Typewriting/ Shorthand examinations may be enhanced immediately. 13. Many Polytechnics are not equipped with E-Class rooms. This facility may be created in all the polytechnics. 14. The benefits which are provided to the SC& ST students studying in GMR Polytechnics may be extended to the SC& ST students studying in other Govt. Polytechnics under SC, ST sub plan. 15. In NITTTR extension centre Hyderabad, 3 staff members working in Technical Education Department are on Deputation for the past 4 years even though the Department has deputed them to work in the centre for only three months. The matter was brought to the notice of CTE and an enquiry was conducted by RJD. On the recommendation of RJD the CTE cancelled the deputations of all these staff members vide letter No G/2904/2014 dated 30-10-2014. But so far no action has been initiated on this letter. TELANGANA GAZETTED POLYTECHNIC ALL LECTURERS’ASSOCIATION Honorary President (TG-PALA) M.MANOHAR REDDY Honorary Secretary B.VENKATESHWARLU Regd.NO.2288/96 O/O TG-PALA,GOVT.POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS,MASABTANK,HYDERABAD-500028 Cell:9848924186,9912743797,9951214770 Email:[email protected] President General Secretary Y.NARSAIAH GOUD M.MURALIDHAR GUPTA Associate President Treasurer K.S.CHAKRAVARTHI B.RAJA Vice President(Services) CH.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY GPT Warangal Vice President(Organizing) G.VIJAYA SIMHA RAO GIPT Hyderabad Vice President(Academic) Y.KRISHNA Gpt Warangal Vice President(Communications) C. Issues related to Service matters: 1. Modification of APTES rules: In the wake of Telangana state formation the present APTES rules G.O.Ms. No 178 may be modified and a new G.O separately for Telangana state may be issued with necessary modifications as per the requirement of staff working in Telangana State. V.SURESH JNGP Hyderabad Secretary(Academic &PR) K.CHANDRA SEKHAR Gpt Mahabubnagar 2. Qualification Relaxation: The department is unable to fill the posts of Heads of Sections and Principals due to the imposition of Higher Qualifications like PhD/M. Tech. As the QIP facilities are not available in the universities of Telangana the higher Secretary(Services) N.MURALI MANOHAR GIOE,Sec’bad qualification condition may be relaxed for one time to fill the vacant posts of Heads of Sections and Principals. Secretary(Organizing) D.CHITTA RANJAN REDDY GILT,Hyd Women Secretaries DR.G.LALITHA GPT Hyd G.RAJITHA DEVI GPT parakal B.KAMSIBAI GPT Narsapur B.PUSHPA GPT Narsapur Y.NAGALAXMI GPT Badangipet 3. QIP facilities: QIP facilities may be created in the Universities of Telangana facilitating the staff to acquire higher qualifications like M.Tech/PhD. 4. Sanction of new Posts: I/II/III year component posts to the newly established Govt. Polytechnics may be obtained as early as possible. Joint Secretary (Communications) K.VENKAN GOUD GPT Gadwal 5. AICTE pay scales may be extended to all the Teaching staff (with B.Tech 2nd Joint Secretary(Finance &PR) Class/Diploma) as this measure will boost the morale of all the teachers working in B.SRAVAN KUMAR JNGP Hyderabad Govt. Polytechnics. The staffs working with these qualifications are very few and they Joint Secretary(Services) J.SRINIVAS RAO GPT,Kothagudem are in the verge of retirement. Hence this will not cause burden to Government. TELANGANA GAZETTED POLYTECHNIC ALL LECTURERS’ASSOCIATION (TG-PALA) Honorary President M.MANOHAR REDDY Honorary Secretary B.VENKATESHWARLU Regd.NO.2288/96 O/O TG-PALA,GOVT.POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS,MASABTANK,HYDERABAD-500028 Cell:9848924186,9912743797,9951214770 Email:[email protected] President General Secretary Y.NARSAIAH GOUD M.MURALIDHAR GUPTA Associate President Treasurer K.S.CHAKRAVARTHI B.RAJA Vice President(Services) CH.MADHUSUDHAN REDDY GPT Warangal Vice President(Organizing) G.VIJAYA SIMHA RAO GIPT Hyderabad Vice President(Academic) Y.KRISHNA Gpt Warangal 6. Advanced increments may be sanctioned to the Lecturers who have acquired higher qualifications like M.Tech/PhD prior to 01-01-2006. 7. All the vacant posts of Workshop and Lab Attenders may be filled up as early as possible. 8. A Lab Assistant post may be created for each laboratory to assist the teaching. 9. A letter may be addressed to TPSC(Telangana Public Service Commission to be Vice President(Communications) formed) to issue Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) notification to eligible V.SURESH JNGP Hyderabad Lecturers working in Polytechnics for award of Lecturer (Senior Scale) and Lecturer Secretary(Academic &PR) K.CHANDRA SEKHAR (Selection grade) with different AGP’s. 10. Regularisation of Services of Lecturers who have joined in service in the year 2012 Gpt Mahabubnagar may be taken up immediately since they have completed more than 02 years of Secretary(Services) N.MURALI MANOHAR GIOE,Sec’bad Secretary(Organizing) D.CHITTA RANJAN REDDY GILT,Hyd Women Secretaries DR.G.LALITHA GPT Hyd G.RAJITHA DEVI GPT parakal B.KAMSIBAI GPT Narsapur B.PUSHPA GPT Narsapur Y.NAGALAXMI GPT Badangipet service. 11. Extra 5 days casual leave for women teachers on par with intermediate and school teachers. 12. The staff members who have passed NET/SLET may be given Rs 6000 AGP on par with degree college lecturers. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Joint Secretary (Communications) K.VENKAN GOUD GPT Gadwal Joint Secretary(Finance &PR) B.SRAVAN KUMAR JNGP Hyderabad Joint Secretary(Services) J.SRINIVAS RAO GPT,Kothagudem (Y. NARSAIAH GOUD) President, TG-PALA
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