THE CLICKABLE CHAMBER MUSIC NEWSLETTER FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA No.656 Thursday, February 26, 2015 - Sunday, March 8, 2015 Next issue: Thursday, March 5, 2015 Are you new to the exploration of classical music? See the excellent and entertaining "How To Enjoy A Live Concert" by Los Angeles-based bassoonist JOHN STEINMETZ on the Naxos website: About the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter New York Arts Consultant EDNA LANDAU's Musical America Blog Post "A Full-Time Labor of Love" Not already a chamber music newsletter subscriber? Please send subscription requests to [email protected]. You'll also receive e-flyers for select concerts. Your e-mail address is never shared. Please note: Whenever the current issue doesn't arrive in your e-mail inbox, it may have been mistakenly diverted to a spam folder. You can read the current issue on the website of Classical Crossroads, Inc. by clicking: The links in the online pdf posting above are not clickable on iPads and similar devices. If links are not clickable, use the html online posting at this website address: The chamber music newsletter is in TWO SECTIONS. The first is a TABLE OF CONTENTS. It allows you to quickly scan the newsletter - each item is as compact as possible. The second section is the MAIN PART OF THE NEWSLETTER. It gives full information on each item in the Table of Contents. I N T H I S I S S U E : *************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS (full information further down in body of newsletter) ** BEVERLY HILLS NATIONAL AUDITIONS Announced A. The BEVERLY HILLS NATIONAL AUDITIONS will be held Friday, April 17, 2015 in the City of Beverly Hills, Roxbury Community Center 471 Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Artists and ensembles will be selected for three 2015/2016 Series: Music In The Mansion - Beverly Hills CA The Interludes - Torrance CA Music By The Sea - Encinitas CA APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 10, 2015 (full information in Item A. below) Find the audition application, by clicking: ** THE LIST B. THE COMPREHENSIVE LIST of Upcoming Chamber Music Concerts is generated in partnership with See THE LIST by clicking: ** HIGHLIGHTS and HIDDEN GEMS Select Concerts Not To Be Overlooked (full information further down in body of newsletter) C. USC Thornton School Chamber Music Masterclass - Free with THOMAS ADÈS Friday, February 27, 2015 - 5:00PM Cammilleri Hall - Brain and Creativity Institute University of Southern California D. 7th ANNUAL REDONDO BEACH BAROQUE FESTIVAL - Free A Three-Day Celebration of Composers, Instruments, and Music of the Baroque Era Friday, February 27, 2015 - 7:30PM Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 2:00PM Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Riviera United Methodist Church - Redondo Beach CA E. USC Thornton School Faculty Recital - Free Pianist DAVID WILKINSON joined by mezzo-soprano LAURIE RUBIN Friday, February 27, 2015 - 8:00PM Alfred Newman Recital Hall - University of Southern California F. South Bay Chamber Music Society - Free MUSICUS STEVEN VANHAUWAERT piano, TEREZA STANISLAV violin, ROBERT BROPHY viola, CÉCILIA TSAN cello, DREW DEMBOWSKI bass Friday, February 27, 2015 - 8:00PM Los Angeles Harbor College Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Pacific Unitarian Church - Rancho Palos Verdes CA G. musiQuelle presents Pianist ALEXANDER KOBRIN Gold Medal Winner of the Van Cliburn Competition Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 7:30PM Leo Frankel Concert Hall - Beverly Hills CA H. Chamber Music | OC presents Pianists GRACE FONG and KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Soka Performing Arts Center I. SUNDAYS LIVE! Chamber Music Series presents - Free Pianist NADIA SHPACHENKO, Violinist MARTIN CHALIFOUR, Cellist TIMOTHY LOO Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 6:00PM Los Angeles County Museum of Art J. CSULB Faculty Artist Series Los Angeles Philharmonic cellist DAVID GARRETT with Los Angeles Philharmonic violinist JOHNNY LEE and Occidental Faculty Pianist JUNKO UENO GARRETT Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 8:00PM Daniel Recital Hall - California State University, Long Beach K. L'Ermitage Foundation Concert Series presents ELIZABETH PITCAIRN violin, MARY AU piano Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 8:00PM Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel - Brentwood CA L. Pasadena Presbyterian "Music at Noon" - Free Beverly Hills National Auditions Winner Mezzo-soprano IRIS MALKIN with Pianist LUCY NARGIZYAN Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 12:10-12:40PM Pasadena Presbyterian Church M. Los Angeles Philharmonic Colburn Celebrity Series presents Sir ANDRÁS SCHIFF piano Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 8:00PM - Walt Disney Concert Hall N. chambermusic@ucla PETER YATES guitar with UCLA faculty colleagues JULIANA GONDEK voice and MOVSES POGOSSIAN violin, and guest artists ensembleFRET with ALEXANDRA GRABARCHUK voice Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 8:00PM Jan Popper Theater - Schoenberg Music Building, UCLA O. Classical Crossroads, Inc. - Free Bach's Lunchtime Recital presents Beverly Hills National Auditions Winner TRIO CÉLESTE IRYNA KRECHKOVSKY violin, KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS piano, ROSS GASWORTH cello Friday, March 6, 2015 - 12:15-12:45PM First Lutheran Church & School - Torrance P. KALEIDOSCOPE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Friday, March 6, 2015 - 8:00PM First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 8:00PM First Baptist Church of Pasadena Q. Classical Music Series 2015 - Free GIFTS FROM OVER SEA KATINA MITCHELL soprano and INES THOMÉ guitar Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 2:00PM Peninsula Center Library - Rolling Hills Estates CA R. Music & Conversations MB GORDY percussion LYRIS QUARTET ALYSSA PARK and SHALINI VIJAYAN violins LUKE MAURER viola, TIMOTHY LOO cello Saturday, March 7, 2015 Wine at 7:00PM - Music at 8:00PM Jack Rutberg Fine Arts - West Side S. Second Sundays At Two - Free Pianist INNA FALIKS plays Johannes Brahms' Third Piano Sonata Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 2:00PM sharp! Rolling Hills United Methodist Church T. Classical Encounters Foundation presents CENTRAL4 Piano Quartet TIMOTHY DURKOVIC piano, ELIZABETH HEDMAN violin, AARON OLTMAN viola, PAULA FEHRENBACH cello Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 4:00PM - Home of Ronna Binn-Hersh U. Le Salon de Musiques MARTIN CHALIFOUR violin, AMBROISE AUBRUN violin, CARRIE DENNIS viola, JACOB BRAUN cello, KEVIN FITZ-GERALD Piano Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 4:00PM Dorothy Chandler Pavilion - Downtown V. The Gift of Music Benefit Concert for the Historic Preservation of St. James Episcopal Church LA Philharmonic Principal Clarinetist MICHELE ZUKOVSKY USC Thornton Faculty Bassoonist JUDITH FARMER DIANA NEWMAN soprano, MICHELLE BAKER-WRIGHT flute, GAVIN MARTIN piano Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 5:30PM St. James Episcopal Church - South Pasadena CA W. SUNDAYS LIVE! Chamber Music Series presents - Free SMOKE & MIRRORS Percussion Ensemble JOE BERIBAK, EDWARD HONG, KEVIN SCHLOSSMAN, DEREK TYWONIUK, IVAN WAN Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 6:00PM Los Angeles County Museum of Art X. CSUN Guest Artist Recital New York City-based pianist KARINÉ POGHOSYAN plays Khachaturian from her just-released NAXOS CD Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 7:30PM Cal State University Northridge ** THE REST OF THE NEWSLETTER Table of Contents (cont'd) (full information further down in body of newsletter) Y. REVIEWS OF RECENT CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS and OTHER ITEMS OF HIGH INTEREST ON THE SOUTHLAND MUSIC SCENE * Music Critic LAURENCE VITTES's review in Strings "Auryn Quartet Continues its Neverending Story in Los Angeles" on DaCamera Society's Chamber Music In Historic Sites series * Music Critic TIMOTHY MANGAN's review in the Orange County Register "Kronos Quartet ebbs and flows with Philip Glass' String Quartet No. 6" * Music Critic MARK SWED's Review in the Los Angeles Times "Exploratory 'First Take' presents six operas in progress" * New Music Blogger NICK NORTON's interview in New Classic LA with First Take: Artistic Director YUVAL SHARON * Music Critic MARK SWED's Critic's Pick in the Los Angeles Times "A new-music cornucopia" * CALLING ALL SOUTHLAND MUSICIANS! for BACH IN THE SUBWAYS DAY on Saturday, March 21, 2015 J.S. Bach enthusiast JEEHYUN LEE is again this year organizing L.A.'s participation in the worldwide BACH IN THE SUBWAYS DAY, which will include an all-day marathon at Union Station among other stellar venues. If you'd like to find out about performing, contact Jeehyun at: [email protected] For more information, click: * Music 101: It's About Time with KUSC Host ALAN CHAPMAN Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 7:30pm - Walt Disney Concert Hall * OperaWorks' Arts for Social Awareness - Contribute! In its first Indiegogo project, OperaWorks launches the modern operatic productions "The Discord Altar" in association with the Fugitive Kind Theater Company * Pasadena Conservatory of Music Adult Class by PRISCILLA PAWLICKI Debussy and Ravel: New Directions in Western Music Tuesdays, March 3-24, 2015 - 10:00AM Z. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CLASSICAL GUITAR RECITALS GEORGE GUTMAN's Weekly Summary For the full calendar, click: AA. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORCHESTRA CONCERTS MICHAEL CLEARY's Summary For the full calendar, click: BB. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA VOCAL EVENTS LAURI D. GOLDENHERSH's Weekly Highlights For the full calendar, click: CC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORGAN CONCERTS DD. WEBSITES OF HIGH INTEREST TO SOUTHLAND CHAMBER MUSIC AFICIONADOS EE. IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRESENTING ORGANIZATIONS AND ARTISTS FF. ABOUT THE CLICKABLE CHAMBER MUSIC NEWSLETTER GG. SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE AND OTHER INFORMATION (at the bottom) Send Subscribe/Unsubscribe requests by replying to this e-mail or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS N E W S L E T T E R B E G I N S ********************************* GREETINGS, MUSIC AFICIONADOS, ** BEVERLY HILLS NATIONAL AUDITIONS Announced A. The BEVERLY HILLS NATIONAL AUDITIONS will be held Friday, April 17, 2015 from 9:00AM to 6:00PM in the City of Beverly Hills, Roxbury Community Center 471 Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 For a Google map, click: The annual BEVERLY HILLS NATIONAL AUDITIONS, sponsored by the City of Beverly Hills, are scheduled for Friday, April 17, 2015 in the City of Beverly Hills' newly renovated Roxbury Community Center. Artists and ensembles will be selected for three 2015-2016 concert series: Music In The Mansion - Beverly Hills CA The Interludes - Torrance CA Music By The Sea - Encinitas CA "A much-sought-after opportunity for young performers... the talent level is extremely high." - Los Angeles Times APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 10, 2015 Download an application by clicking: Beverly Hills National Auditions winners are also recommended to more than 50 members of the CONSORTIUM OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMBER MUSIC PRESENTERS, which include LACMA's Sundays Live!, Laguna Beach Live!, Rolling Hills United Methodist Church's "Second Sundays At Two," to name just some. Consortium members are invited as guests to the Beverly Hills auditions, and those who can't attend in person are given the contact information for the winners to consider for their series. The Beverly Hills Auditions winners, in turn, are given contact information for the Consortium members, and the winners are encouraged to propose concerts to the Consortium members. This allows the auditioning artists to be exposed to numerous performance opportunities and the Consortium members access to exceptionally fine artists and ensembles for their series. Final note: Presenters interested in joining Consortium of Southern California Chamber Music Presenters, click here: ** THE LIST B. LISTINGS OF UPCOMING CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS THE COMPREHENSIVE LIST of Upcoming Chamber Music Concerts & Recitals is generated in partnership with PerformingArtsLIVE. See THE LIST by clicking: EASILY CUSTOMIZE the list to find other types of concerts or for concerts just in your area by clicking: IMPORTANT NOTE to presenting organizations and artists: Please see Item EE below about uploading your concert information to ** HIGHLIGHTS and HIDDEN GEMS Select Concerts Not To Be Overlooked C. USC Thornton School Chamber Music Masterclass - Free with THOMAS ADÈS Friday, February 27, 2015 - 5:00PM Cammilleri Hall Brain and Creativity Institute University of Southern California [SouthLA][Free] For a campus map and directions, click: and THOMAS ADÈS is an award-winning pianist, conductor, and composer whose works include two operas, Powder Her Face and The Tempest, in addition to music for orchestra and chamber ensembles. His many awards include the Grawemeyer Award for Asyla (1999); Royal Philharmonic Society large-scale composition awards for Asyla, The Tempest, and Tevot; Ernst von Siemens Composers' prize for Arcadiana; and British Composer Award for The Four Quarters. He appears regularly as a conductor around the globe, and his recent piano engagements include solo recitals at Carnegie Hall and the Barbican in London. Free admission. For information, click: D. 7th ANNUAL REDONDO BEACH BAROQUE FESTIVAL - Free A Three-Day Celebration of Composers, Instruments, and Music of the Baroque Era Friday, February 27, 2015 - 7:30PM Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 2:00PM Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Riviera United Methodist Church 375 Palos Verdes Blvd, Redondo Beach CA [SouthBay][Free] For a Google map, click: THE CONCERTS Friday, February 27, 2015 - 7:30PM BAROQUE VOCAL MASTERPIECES Soprano SARAH PARGA and an ensemble of early music instrumentalists will share vocal music from the 17th Century. The program will feature selections by G.F. Handel and Dietrich Buxtehude. Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 2:00PM LOS ANGELES RECORDER ORCHESTRA TOM AXWORTHY conductor A program of "Rococo Variations," with selections by J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Corrette and Rosenmuller. Read about LARO by clicking: Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM TESSERAE EARLY MUSIC ENSEMBLE The Image of Melancholy Early Music specialists SUSAN FELDMAN violin, and LEIF WOODWARD gamba, will be joined by ANDREW McINTOSH, AARON WESTMAN, and MALACHAI KOMANOFF BANDY for a program of selections by Anthony Holburne, Samuel Scheidt, Carlo Gesualdo, Orlando di Lasso, and William Byrd. Read about Tesserae and its artists and listen by clicking: Your free-will donation at the door supports the Riviera Fine Arts Fund. Childcare for ages 0-5 is available at all events by advance reservation - call (310)378-9273. For concert information, click: E. USC Thornton School Faculty Recital - Free Pianist DAVID WILKINSON joined by mezzo-soprano LAURIE RUBIN Friday, February 27, 2015 - 8:00PM Alfred Newman Recital Hall University of Southern California [SouthLA][Free] For a campus map and directions, click: Program Selections include LAURIE RUBIN's "Do You Dream in Color," which details her experiences as a blind singer. DAVID WILKINSON is recognized as one of Southern California's leading vocal accompanists and coaches. His performances as a collaborative pianist have taken place in major concert halls and universities throughout the U.S. and Europe, including The White House, the Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Yale University, the Verdi Conservatory and Oberlin Conservatory. Wilkinson has collaborated with such distinguished artists as Frederica Von Stade, Jane Eaglen, Markella Hatziano, Julia Migenes, Adrian Gans, Gloria Parker, and Laurie Rubin. While living in Italy, he was an accompanist for the studios and masterclasses of operatic legends Tito Gobbi, Giuseppe Di Stefano, and Magda Olivero. Read about David Wilkinson by clicking: A Beverly Hills National Auditions winner, mezzo-soprano LAURIE RUBIN received high praise from New York Times chief classical music critic ANTHONY TOMMASINI who wrote she possesses "compelling artistry," "communicative power," and that her voice displays "earthy, rich, and poignant qualities." Los Angeles Times chief classical music critic MARK SWED writes about Laurie Rubin, "A young mezzo-soprano whose voice is darkly complex and mysteriously soulful and who adds intense emphasis to every word of text.... She sings magnificently.... A major, and maybe great, career beckons." Read about Laurie Rubin and listen by clicking: Free admission. For information, click: F. South Bay Chamber Music Society - Free MUSICUS STEVEN VANHAUWAERT piano, TEREZA STANISLAV violin, ROBERT BROPHY viola, CÉCILIA TSAN cello, DREW DEMBOWSKI bass Friday, February 27, 2015 - 8:00PM Recital Hall - Music Department Los Angeles Harbor College 1111 Figueroa Place, Wilmington CA [SouthBay][Free] For directions, click: Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Pacific Unitarian Church 5621 Montemalaga, Rancho Palos Verdes CA [SouthBay][Free] For directions, click: Program Ralph Vaughan Williams: Piano Quintet in C Minor Maurice Ravel / arr. Roland Kato: Ma Mère l'Oye Franz Schubert: Piano Quintet in A Major, D667, "The Trout" The members of the much-loved PANTOUM TRIO are joined by violist ROBERT BROPHY and bassist ADREW DEMBOWSKI for piano quintets. Read about the Pantoum Trio by clicking: Free admission. For concert information, click: G. musiQuelle presents Pianist ALEXANDER KOBRIN Gold Medal Winner of the Van Cliburn Competition (in his only Los Angeles recital) Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 7:30PM Leo Frankel Concert Hall On a hilltop in Beverly Hills CA [WestSide] Program Selections by Beethoven, Schumann, and Rachmaninoff Besides Russian pianist ALEXANDER KOBRIN's Gold Medal at the Twelfth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2005, he has numerous other successes in international competitions including First Prize at the Busoni International Piano Competition, Top Prize at the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, First Prize at the Scottish International Piano Competition in Glasgow, and Third Prize at the International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. Mr. Kobrin has performed as concerto soloist with many of the world's great orchestras including the New York Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic, Russian National Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic, English Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Verdi, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Moscow Philharmonic, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Dallas Symphony, Berliner Symphony, Chicago Sinfonietta, Swedish Radio Symphony, Birmingham Symphony, Warsaw Philharmonic, and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. He has appeared in recital at major halls worldwide, including the Louvre Auditorium and Salle Cortot in Paris, Albert Hall and Wigmore Hall in London, Munich Herkulesaal and Berliner Filarmonia Hall in Germany, the Kennedy Centre in Washington, Avery Fisher Hall in New York, the Great Hall at the Moscow Conservatoire, Sheung Wan Civic Centre in Hong Kong, as well as Sala Verdi in Milan and many others. Mr. Kobrin was born in 1980 in Moscow. At the age of five, he was enrolled in the world-famous Gnessin Special School of Music, after which he attended the prestigious Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire. Read about Alexander Kobrin, watch, and listen, by clicking: The Leo Frankel Concert Hall has quickly become known within the classical music community as an unmatched intimate audiophile recital hall, attended by a knowledgeable, empathetic audience, in which classical music magic happens. Tickets: $50 / $25 students. Order tickets (address will be provided) by clicking: H. Chamber Music | OC presents A TWO PIANO EXTRAVAGANZA Pianists GRACE FONG and KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS JOHN WALCUTT narrator Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 3:00PM Soka Performing Arts Center 1 University Drive Aliso Viejo CA [OrangeCounty] For directions, click: Program Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937): La Valse for Two Pianos Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) / arr. Victor BABIN (1908-1972): Four Waltzes for Two Pianos Camille SAINT-SAENS (1835-1921): Le Carnaval des Animaux (The Carnival of the Animals) Featuring internationally acclaimed concert pianists GRACE FONG and KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS, this program of duo piano masterpieces will include a fresh new take on Carnival of the Animals featuring musicians from Chamber Music | OC's Young Artist Program, dancers from UC Irvine's Department of Dance, artwork projections from Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center, and more! GRACE FONG is Director of Keyboard Studies in the Chapman University Conservatory of Music. Dr. Fong earned her Master of Music and Doctorate of Musical Arts degrees at the Cleveland Institute of Music under the direction of SERGEI BABAYAN. She completed her undergraduate studies at USC under JOHN PERRY, where she was awarded the USC Renaissance Scholar Prize. Read about Grace Fong and listen by clicking: Korean-American pianist KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS is a graduate of The Juilliard School and UCI, and completed his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Stony Brook University in New York. A founding members of Trio Céleste, he has performed in the world's leading concert halls including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Prösels Castle in Italy, the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall, Lichtenstein Palace in Prague, and Aspen's Harris Concert Hall, where he was featured on National Public Radio's Performance Today. Read about Kevin Kwan Loucks by clicking: Tickets: $20 / $15 seniors (62+) / $5 students. For concert information and tickets, click: I. SUNDAYS LIVE! Chamber Music Series presents - Free Pianist NADIA SHPACHENKO, Violinist MARTIN CHALIFOUR, Cellist TIMOTHY LOO Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 6:00PM Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Leo S. Bing Theater 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA (Just east of Fairfax. Parking across the street at Wilshire & Spaulding) [midWilshireLA][Free] For directions, click: Program Beethoven: Violin Sonata No.10 in G Major, Op.96 Harold Meltzer: Sinbad for Actor and Piano Trio HAROLD MELTZER joins the performance as a narrator A favorite on Sundays Live! Ukrainian-born pianist NADIA SHPACHENKO completed her Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music degrees at USC, where she was awarded the title of Outstanding Graduate. Her principal teachers have included such distinguished pianists as JOHN PERRY in Los Angeles, VICTOR ROSENBAUM in Boston, and VICTOR DEREVIANKO in Israel. In 2006, Dr. Shpachenko joined the faculty of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Read about Nadia and listen by clicking: MARTIN CHALIFOUR began his tenure as Principal Concertmaster of the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 1995. The recipient of various grants and awards in his native Canada, he graduated with honors from the Montreal Conservatory and continued his studies at the Curtis Institute of Music. In 1986, Martin Chalifour received a Certificate of Honor at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and in the following year was a laureate of the Montreal International Competition. Since then he has concertized with the world's leading orchestras and conductors. Read about Martin Chalifour by clicking: Cellist TIMOTHY LOO is well known by Los Angeles aficionados as a Jacaranda "founding spirit" and most recently as the cellist of the Lyris Quartet. Begun in 1948, SUNDAYS LIVE! is the longest-running music broadcast in Los Angeles. It presents weekly classical chamber music concerts and recitals by premier professional artists from Southern California and around the world. These one-hour concerts are presented free to the public at 6:00PM on Sundays in the Leo S. Bing Theater of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. No tickets or reservations are required, and all are welcome. Read about Sundays Live! by clicking: Listen to the previous Sunday's concert streamed on-demand or downloaded as a podcast from the KUSC website by clicking: Free admission. For concert and artist information, call (323) 857-6234 or click: J. CSULB Faculty Artist Series Los Angeles Philharmonic cellist DAVID GARRETT with Los Angeles Philharmonic violinist JOHNNY LEE and Occidental Faculty Pianist JUNKO UENO GARRETT Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 8:00PM Daniel Recital Hall University Music Center (UMC) California State University, Long Beach Long Beach CA [LongBeach] For directions, click: Program Schubert, arr. Laszlo Varga: Two Songs Schubert: Sonata in A Minor for cello and piano, D821, "Arpeggione" Schubert: Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op.99 CSULB faculty cellist DAVID GARRETT joined the cello section of the Los Angeles Philharmonic in February of 2000. Previously he was a member of the Houston Symphony, assistant principal of the San Antonio Symphony, and a member of the New Orleans Philharmonic. David also appears frequently as recitalist, chamber musician, and soloist, and is a frequent performer on the Philharmonic's Chamber Music Society and Green Umbrella concerts. Read about David Garrett by clicking: Violinist JOHNNY LEE joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2005. An avid chamber musician, Lee frequently appears on the LA Phil's Chamber Music Society series. He has collaborated with such artists as THOMAS ADÈS and CHRISTOPH ESCHENBACH, and he has recorded the Ustvolskaya Clarinet Trio with DAVID HOWARD and VICKI RAY for Yarlung Records. After graduating from Harvard, he attended the Cleveland Institute of Music, where he received his master's degree in 2003. Read about Johnny Lee by clicking: JUNKO UENO GARRETT trained at Toho Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo, and received a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from Rice University with JOHN PERRY. Junko is a faculty member of Occidental College and Kawai artist. Read about Junko Ueno Garrett by clicking: Tickets: $10 / $7 students and seniors. For information, click: K. L'Ermitage Foundation Concert Series presents ELIZABETH PITCAIRN violin, MARY AU piano Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 8:00PM Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel 11461 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles CA [WestSide] For a Google map, click: Celebrated American violin virtuoso ELIZABETH PITCAIRN has earned a stunning reputation as one of America's most beloved soloists who regularly draws accolades from around the world. The signature artist performs in partnership with one of the world's most legendary instruments... the Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius of 1720. Read about Elizabeth Pitcairn by clicking: Born in Hong Kong, pianist MARY AU received her music education at the Royal Academy of Music in London and USC. Well known and much loved by Southland aficionados, Mary is an impassioned collaborator, soloist, chamber musician, and master teacher, who collaborates with some of the world's leading artists. Read about Mary by clicking: One of Los Angeles' best-kept secrets, L'Ermitage Foundation offers its members a rare concert series in an intimate salon setting by internationally recognized artists who perform on leading concert stages worldwide. Now in its 31st year, the Foundation currently is financially supporting Center Stage Strings, Children's Hospital, Education through Music, Luzerne Music Center, Para Los Niños, and Venice Family Clinic. Read about the L'Ermitage Foundation by clicking: Some guest seats for the recital are available by advance reservation for Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter subscribers. A charitable donation is requested. To attend as a guest, call Executive Director Ms. RENÉE CHERNIAK at (310)472-3330. For concert information, click: L. Pasadena Presbyterian "Music at Noon" - Free Beverly Hills National Auditions Winner Mezzo-soprano IRIS MALKIN with Pianist LUCY NARGIZYAN Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 12:10-12:40PM Pasadena Presbyterian Church 585 E. Colorado Blvd (NW corner of Colorado & Madison) Pasadena CA [Pasadena/Glendale][Free] For directions, click: Israeli born mezzo-soprano IRIS MALKIN performed under the baton of PIERRE BOULEZ during the 2006 Lucerne Festival, including collaboration with Boulez' celebrated Ensemble Intercontemporain. Iris graduated from the Jerusalem Academy of Music with a Master's Degrees in Vocal Performance and Piano, and was awarded the highly coveted America-Israel Cultural Foundation Study Scholarship. Read about Iris by clicking: Born in Moscow, pianist LUCY NARGIZYAN is the winner of the Moscow Young Artist Competition, Music Teachers Association of California Piano Duo Competition in San Diego, the Armenian Allied Arts Association Competition, Los Angeles International Liszt Competition, USC Concerto Competition, and the Peninsula Young Artists International Festival. She holds a Bachelor of Music from Moscow State Music College, and a Master of Music and a Doctorate from USC. Read about Lucy Nargizyan by clicking:!lucy Free admission. Lunch is available following the concert for a $6 donation, or bring your own lunch to enjoy in the church's courtyard. See the Pasadena Presbyterian "Music at Noon" series by clicking: M. Los Angeles Philharmonic Colburn Celebrity Series presents Sir ANDRÁS SCHIFF piano Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 8:00PM Walt Disney Concert Hall 111 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles CA [DowntownLA] For directions, click: Program - Late Masterworks - Part II Mozart: Sonata in B-flat Major, K570 Beethoven: Sonata in A-flat Major, Op.110 Haydn: Sonata in D Major, Hob.XVI:51 Schubert: Sonata in A Major, D959 Read about the great Hungarian pianist ANDRÁS SCHIFF (b.1953) by clicking: Music Critic MARK SWED's review in the Los Angeles Times of Part I: "András Schiff slyly and expertly plays late sonatas of legends" by clicking: Tickets: $59 - $118. For full concert and artist information, click: N. chambermusic@ucla PETER YATES guitar with UCLA faculty colleagues JULIANA GONDEK voice and MOVSES POGOSSIAN violin, and guest artists ensembleFRET BUZZ GRAVELLE mandolin, WALTER MARSH guitar, PETER YATES arpeggione with ALEXANDRA GRABARCHUK voice Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 8:00PM Jan Popper Theater Schoenberg Music Building, UCLA [WestSide] Park in P2. For directions and a map, click: Program Buzz Gravelle: Zero's Vinyl (2014) ensembleFRET Ástor Piazzolla: Tango - Cafe 1930, with MOVSES POGOSSIAN violin G.F. Handel: A Spanish Cantata No se emenderÁ jamÁs - Rezitativo - Dicente mis ojos with JULIANA GONDEK voice Buzz Gravelle: Carnival Skies at Dusk (2011) with BUZZ GRAVELLE guitar Walter Marsh: Three In A Row (2014) ensembleFRET J.S. Bach: Four Sacred Arias Joaquín Rodrigo: Three Folk Songs, with JULIANA GONDEK and BUZZ GRAVELLE (mandolin) Peter Yates: The Egg and the Seed (live version 2014) PETER YATES with ALEXANDRA GRABARCHUK voice ensembleFRET and ALAN BERMAN slidemaster A program of tangos, Baroque arias, phase-shifting grooves channeling the ghost of Charlie Christian, 12-tone invocations of "Moon River," and the new live version of Yates' The Egg and the Seed - a multimedia extravaganza about intercourse in all forms and levels of scale – molecular, cellular, interpersonal, cultural and national. No less than 250 collage images present a "comic book" age-of-exploration narrative whose text blocks and word balloons are not read, but sung. Metaphors of seeking, sighting, touching, merging, mixing, and emerging multiply, leading to a cyclic conclusion where all ends in another beginning. Read about ensembleFRET by clicking: See the concert flyer, with an images from The Egg & The Seed that defies a written description, by clicking: Admission $14 / $11 UCLA faculty, staff and students. For information, call the UCLA Department of Music at (310)825-4761, or click: O. Classical Crossroads, Inc. - Free Bach's Lunchtime Recital presents Beverly Hills National Auditions Winner TRIO CÉLESTE IRYNA KRECHKOVSKY violin, KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS piano, ROSS GASWORTH cello Friday, March 6, 2015 - 12:15-12:45PM First Lutheran Church & School - Torrance 2900 W. Carson Street, Torrance CA (on the south side Carson Street just east of Maple. Park in the Church lot along surface streets in the surrounding neighborhood, including across Carson St.) [SouthBay][Free] For a Google map, click: Program Piazzolla/Bragato: Invierno Porteño from The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires Frank Martin (1890-1974): Piano Trio on Popular Irish Melodies (1925) Piazzolla/Bragato: Verano Porteño from The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires Based in Orange County, TRIO CÉLESTE is Ensemble-in-Residence at the Claire Trevor School of the Arts at UC Irvine. The trio has already taken on several large-scale projects, including performances of the complete Beethoven Trios and performances of Beethoven's Triple Concerto with the UCI Symphony Orchestra in June of 2012. Trio Céleste is the principal Ensemble-in-Residence at the new chamber music series, Chamber Music | OC. This performances will feature the famed 1689 "Baumgartner" Stradivari Violin on loan from the Canada Council for the Arts. Trio Céleste is a Beverly Hills Auditions winner and the distinguished Artists-in-Residence at Grand Canyon National Park last summer. Read about Trio Céleste and its distinguished members by clicking: Listen to Trio Céleste by clicking: Free admission, donations appreciated. Reception with the artist follows with complimentary organic freshly ground fair-trade coffee, freshly baked treats, and a seasonal fruit selection. For concert information, click: P. KALEIDOSCOPE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Friday, March 6, 2015 - 8:00PM First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica 1220 Second Street, Santa Monica CA [WestSide] For a Google map, click: Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 8:00PM First Baptist Church of Pasadena 75 North Marengo Avenue, Pasadena CA [Pasadena/Glendale] For a Google map, click: Program Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf Ravel: Mother Goose Suite Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet The KALEIDOSCOPE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA is a new conductorless ensemble based in Los Angeles dedicated to creating concert experiences at the highest level of artistic excellence and bringing together a musician's collective and community. Its members are drawn from the finest young fast-rising artists in town. Kaleidoscope seeks to live the artistic vision of all ensemble members and build a viable presence in the Los Angeles community and beyond through education and audience outreach, commissioning new music, and connection. Read about Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra, which recently successfully completed a $29,700 KickStarter project(!), by clicking: Tickets: $25 / $10 students & seniors / ages 17 and youngerfree For concert information and tickets, click: Q. Classical Music Series 2015 - Free GIFTS FROM OVER SEA KATINA MITCHELL soprano and INES THOMÉ guitar Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 2:00PM Community Room Peninsula Center Library 701 Silver Spur Road, Rolling Hills Estates CA [SouthBay][Free] For a Google map, click: The ensemble GIFTS FROM OVER SEA explores music that tells stories. Having performed extensively in the Southern California region, the duo offers a scholarly approach to folk music and a lively perspective on classical music. Their music continues the ancient human tradition of storytelling through song. Soprano KATINA MITCHELL is a Beverly Hills National Auditions winner with the Early Music ensemble Sweet Temperament. Read about Gifts from over Sea by clicking: Palos Verdes Library District's Classical Music Series features young and emerging musicians from all over the world. Free admission. For information, click: R. Music & Conversations MB GORDY percussion LYRIS QUARTET ALYSSA PARK and SHALINI VIJAYAN violins LUKE MAURER viola, TIMOTHY LOO cello Saturday, March 7, 2015 Wine courtesy of Casa Torelli Imports - 7:00PM Music - 8:00PM Jack Rutberg Fine Arts 357 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles CA (just North of Beverly Blvd) Metered parking on La Brea, free after 8:00PM Or park on an adjacent residential street (be sure to read the signs) [midWilshireLA] For a Google map, click: Program Art Jarvinen: Out of the Blue for eight tuned steel bell plates Lou Harrison: Double Concerto, 2.Stampede for violin, cello, and percussion Jane Brockman: Map of Found Memories for percussion and string quartet M.B. Gordy: Improvisation Maurice Ravel: String Quartet in F Major MB GORDY has performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, The National Symphony, The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, The Long Beach Opera, The Pasadena Pops, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and Pageant of the Masters. He has performed with the Doobie Brothers, Frank Zappa, John Tesh, Three Dog Night, and Josh Groben among others. M.B. is currently playing drums for RITA COOLIDGE. He has recorded with Green Day, REO Speedwagon, Neil Diamond, and Bill Withers, and has worked with noted producers such as Peter Asher, Don Was, Mat Wallace, Rob Cavallo, and Scotty Morris. With numerous performances for films and theater, M.B. can be heard on the soundtracks of American Sniper, Red Dragon, Transformers, We Are Marshall, Get Him to the Greek, and 3:10 to Yuma, and television shows such as Mad Men, The Mentalist, The Tonight Show, Battlestar Galactica, Good Morning America, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and many more. Read about MB Gordy by clicking: The LYRIS QUARTET was created from a conversation between violinist ALYSSA PARK, who has enjoyed an illustrious career as an international soloist and is the youngest prizewinner in the history of the Tchaikovsky International Competition, and violinist SHALINI VIJAYAN, who has built a career as an advocate of modern music as a member of Absolute Ensemble and Southwest Chamber Music. They wished to create a string quartet that encompassed their love for both standard and modern repertoire and commission works from living composers. Although Lyris was formally founded in 2008 when violist LUKE MAURER and cellist TIMOTHY LOO (a Jacaranda "founding spirit") joined the group, these four musicians and friends have collaborated together for many years. Read about the Lyris Quartet at their new website by clicking: You'll have the opportunity to hear world-class performers in the beautiful new art-gallery venue for Music & Conversations. Over fine wine, audience members are invited to participate, ask questions, and mingle with the artists and like-minded guests. Read about Music & Conversations by clicking: Tickets: $20 includes wine at 7:00PM. For concert and artist information and advance ticket purchase, click: S. Second Sundays At Two - Free Pianist INNA FALIKS Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 2:00PM sharp! Rolling Hills United Methodist Church 26438 Crenshaw Blvd, Rolling Hills Estates CA (Northeast corner of Crenshaw & Palos Verdes Drive North) [SouthBay][Free] For a Google map, click: Program Johannes Brahms: Piano Sonata No.3 in F Minor, Op.5 (1853) Ukrainian-born pianist INNA FALIKS performs Johannes Brahms' third piano sonata, his monumental early masterpiece of symphonic proportions in five movements. This will be Ms. Falik's final West Coast performance before returning to New York with a program for the famed Bargemusic series that includes both Brahms' second and third sonatas. It was these early piano masterpieces that captured Robert and Clara Schumann's attention and catapulted Brahms into the top tier of Romantic composers. INNA FALIKS made her debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. She has since performed on many of the world's great stages, with numerous orchestras and conductors such as Leonard Slatkin and Keith Lockhart, and in solo appearances in Carnegie Hall's Weill Concert Hall, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Paris' Salle Cortot, Chicago's Orchestra Hall, Moscow's Tchaikovsky Hall, to name some. She is a frequent recitalist on Los Angeles County Museum of Art concert series. Previously based in New York City, Inna was recently appointed to UCLA's Piano Faculty. Read about Inna Faliks by clicking: "Adventurous and passionate" — The New Yorker "A concert pianist of the highest order" — Chicago WTTW "courage to take risks, expressive intensity & technical perfection" — General Anzeiger, Bonn "remarkable insight" — Audiophile audition "poetry and panoramic vision" — Washington Post "riveting passion, playfulness" — Baltimore Sun ACCOMPANYING ART EXHIBIT This concert will be in collaboration with an art exhibit in the Narthex by noted local artist JOY GONZALEZ. Read about Joy Gonzalez and view a virtual gallery of her paintings by clicking: THE VENUE Rolling Hills United Methodist Church's "Second Sundays At Two" presents free concerts without intermission, mostly on second Sundays September through June, except December. Generous at-the-door contributions (100% ARE FOR THE ARTISTS!) will ensure the success of the series. Please contribute what you can. See the line-up of upcoming artists on PerformingArtsLIVE by clicking: The Rolling Hills United Methodist Church's sanctuary is described by Ms. Faliks as "one of the Los Angeles area's most beautiful acoustical gems." The venue's idyllic sylvan setting next to the South Coast Botanic Garden on the north-east corner of Crenshaw Blvd and Palos Verdes Drive North makes the concert experience especially pleasant. Free admission. For concert information, click: T. Classical Encounters Foundation presents CENTRAL4 Piano Quartet TIMOTHY DURKOVIC piano, ELIZABETH HEDMAN violin, AARON OLTMAN viola, PAULA FEHRENBACH cello Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 4:00PM The Hamburg Room Home of Ronna Binn-Hersh 19365 Lemmer Drive, Tarzana CA [SanFernandoValley] For a Google map, click: Program Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Quartet No.2 in E-flat Major, K493 Johannes Brahms: Piano Quartet No.1 in G Minor, Op.25 Born and raised in Guatemala, pianist TIMOTHY DURKOVIC holds Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from USC and was a guest lecturer at USC as KEVIN FITZ-GERALD's sabbatical replacement. Timothy won the Gold Medal at the 1996 Los Angeles International Liszt Competition. Along with his piano-duo partner CHIE NAGATANI, he won both the 2001 San Diego Duo Piano Competition and the 2001 IBLA Grand Prize Duo Piano Award (Sicily, Italy). ELIZABETH HEDMAN is Principal Second and Acting Concertmaster for the Santa Barbara Symphony as well as a member of the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra and the Pasadena Symphony and Pops. She regularly plays with the LA Chamber Orchestra, LA Master Chorale, and the Santa Barbara Opera. During the past four summers, she performed at the Oregon Bach Festival. She earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Cleveland Institute of Music, where she won the Concerto Competition and was the teaching assistant to DONALD WEILERSTEIN. Violist AARON OLTMAN has performed with the LA Philharmonic, LA Chamber Orchestra, LA Opera, Pasadena Symphony, New West Symphony, Santa Barbara Symphony, and the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra. He has appeared in chamber music concerts for the Camerata Pacifica in Santa Barbara, Sundays Live at the LA County Museum of Art, the South Bay Chamber Music Society, the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival, the LA Philharmonic's Green Umbrella series, and is active in the Recording Industry. He received his Bachelors and Masters Degrees at USC studying under DONALD McINNES. Cellist PAULA FEHRENBACH is a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory, Miami University in Ohio, and earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree while studying with LYNN HARRELL at USC. She subsequently joined the New World Symphony under the baton of MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS. Paula is a member of the Santa Barbara and New West Symphonies and the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, and is on the faculties of Long Beach City College and Pasadena City College. Tickets: $45 premium / $35 general / $20 students. A delicious buffet will follow the program. For information, call (818)343-3095 or click: U. Le Salon de Musiques MARTIN CHALIFOUR violin, AMBROISE AUBRUN violin, CARRIE DENNIS viola, JACOB BRAUN cello, KEVIN FITZ-GERALD Piano Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 4:00PM Impresario Room (5th floor) Dorothy Chandler Pavilion 135 North Grand Avenue, Los Angeles CA [DowntownLA] For a Google map, click: Program Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867-1942): Sonata in E Minor for violin and piano, Op.1 (U.S.A. Premiere) Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947): Soliloque et Forlane for viola and piano Reynaldo Hahn: Nocturne for violin and piano Reynaldo Hahn: Romance in a Major for violin and piano Eugene Ysaÿe (1858-1931): Trio for Two violins and viola, "Le Londres" Jean Cras (1879-1932): Piano Quintet (U.S.A. Premiere) Le Salon de Musiques features the Southland's finest ensemble artists, who are often found performing with the town's leading orchestras and in the film studios. The venue is the 5th-floor Impresario Room in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion with a beautiful view of the Hollywood Hills. After the performance, audience members mingle around a gourmet buffet with French Champagne. Read about Le Salon de Musiques by clicking: Tickets: $75 / $39 students. For full concert and artist information, click: V. The Gift of Music Benefit Concert for the Historic Preservation of St. James Episcopal Church LA Philharmonic Principal Clarinetist MICHELE ZUKOVSKY USC Thornton Faculty Bassoonist JUDITH FARMER DIANA NEWMAN soprano, MICHELLE BAKER-WRIGHT flute, GAVIN MARTIN piano Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 5:30PM St. James Episcopal Church 1325 Monterey Rd South Pasadena CA [Pasadena/Glendale] For a Google map, click: Program Mozart: Adagio for bassoon, clarinet, and piano Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857): Duo for flute, clarinet, and piano Mendelssohn: Scherzo for bassoon, clarinet, piano Cesare Pugni (1802-1870): Duo for flute and clarinet with piano Schubert: Shepherd on the Rock for soprano, clarinet, and piano This benefit concert is for the historic 1907 St. James Episcopal Church, designated Historical Landmark No.33 by the Cultural Heritage Commission. See a 1930 photo of the Church by clicking: General Admission: $75 Student Admission: $20 Purchase tickets online and find higher-level donation categories by clicking: W. SUNDAYS LIVE! Chamber Music Series presents - Free SMOKE & MIRRORS Percussion Ensemble JOE BERIBAK, EDWARD HONG, KEVIN SCHLOSSMAN, DEREK TYWONIUK, IVAN WAN Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 6:00PM Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Leo S. Bing Theater 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA (Just east of Fairfax. Parking across the street at Wilshire & Spaulding) [midWilshireLA][Free] For directions, click: Created in 2009 at The Colburn School, SMOKE & MIRRORS champions the work of percussion masters such as John Cage, Lou Harrison, and Steve Reich, and also works with young composers, including members Derek Tywoniuk and Joe Beribak. Smoke & Mirrors has collaborated with the Colburn Orchestra, the Los Angeles Percussion Quartet, and the New West Symphony, and co-commissioned a new percussion trio from New York composer Robert Honstein. Begun in 1948, SUNDAYS LIVE! is the longest-running music broadcast in Los Angeles. It presents weekly classical chamber music concerts and recitals by premier professional artists from Southern California and around the world. These one-hour concerts are presented free to the public at 6:00PM on Sundays in the Leo S. Bing Theater of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. No tickets or reservations are required, and all are welcome. Read about Sundays Live! by clicking: Listen to the previous Sunday's concert streamed on-demand or downloaded as a podcast from the KUSC website by clicking: Free admission. For concert and artist information, call (323) 857-6234 or click: X. CSUN Guest Artist Recital New York City-based pianist KARINÉ POGHOSYAN plays Khachaturian from her just-released NAXOS CD Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 7:30PM Music Recital Hall Cypress Hall (Music Building) Cal State University Northridge [SanFernandoValley] For directions, click: and for a campus map, click: Program Selections from Ms. Poghosyan's solo CD of Aram Khachaturian's piano works and ballet transcriptions, recently released on NAXOS label click: "Ms. Poghosyan is a relaxed and natural musician, very obviously at home in the Tchaikovsky concerto. Her technique is big and secure, with blazing octaves, clean articulation, and a beautifully weighted touch. More importantly, her virtuosity was not a shallow display of party tricks, but a tool for musical expression." - The New York Concert Review Watch KARINÉ POGHOSYAN perform Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 with the Newburgh Symphony and much more by clicking: New York City-based rising-star pianist KARINÉ POGHOSYAN graduated from California State University, Northridge and went on to earn her Master's degree and Doctorate in record time at the Manhattan School of Music, where she is now on its distinguished faculty. Along the way, Kariné won the New West Symphony Discovery Artists Competition, the Beverly Hills National Auditions, the Thousand Islands International Piano Competition, CSUN Symphony Concerto Competition, the Artists International Auditions, and she was a top-prize winner in the Los Angeles International Liszt Piano Competition, Five Towns Music and Arts Competition, and the Arno Babajanian Piano Competition. Kariné Poghosyan has been described as an "extraordinary" and "larger than life" pianist, whose playing goes "to the heart of the music." New York Concert Review called her a pianist who "has that spark." She made her orchestral debut at 14 playing Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.1, and her solo Carnegie Hall debut at 23. She has appeared as a soloist with numerous orchestras including the New West Symphony, Park Avenue Chamber Symphony Orchestra, Musica Bella Symphony Orchestra, and the CSUN Symphony. Read about Kariné Poghosyan by clicking: Tickets: $15 / $10 faculty, staff, seniors / $7 students. A CD signing follows. For information, click: ** THE REST OF THE NEWSLETTER Y. REVIEWS OF RECENT CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS and OTHER ITEMS OF HIGH INTEREST ON THE SOUTHLAND CHAMBER MUSIC SCENE Music Critic LAURENCE VITTES's review "Auryn Quartet Continues its Neverending Story in Los Angeles" on DaCamera Society's Chamber Music In Historic Sites series in Strings Music Critic TIMOTHY MANGAN's review "Kronos Quartet ebbs and flows with Philip Glass' String Quartet No. 6" in the Orange County Register Music Critic MARK SWED's Review "Exploratory 'First Take' presents six operas in progress" in the Los Angeles Times New Music Blogger NICK NORTON's interview with First Take: Artistic Director YUVAL SHARON in New Classic LA Music Critic MARK SWED's Critic's Pick "A new-music cornucopia" in the Los Angeles Times CALLING ALL SOUTHLAND MUSICIANS! for BACH IN THE SUBWAYS DAY on Saturday, March 21, 2015 J.S. Bach enthusiast JEEHYUN LEE is again this year organizing L.A.'s participation in the worldwide BACH IN THE SUBWAYS DAY, which will include an all-day marathon at Union Station among other stellar venues. If you'd like to find out about performing, contact Jeehyun at: [email protected] For more information, click: CALLING ALL SOUTHLAND MUSICIANS! J.S. Bach enthusiast JEEHYUN LEE is again this year organizing Los Angeles' participation in the worldwide BACH IN THE SUBWAYS DAY on Sunday, March 15, 2015, which will include an all-day marathon at Union Station among other stellar venues. If you would like to find out about performing, contact Jeehyun at: [email protected] For more information, click: Music 101: It's About Time with KUSC Host ALAN CHAPMAN Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 7:30pm - Walt Disney Concert Hall Tickets: $5. Designed for a broad audience, from those who know very little about classical music to those who are more familiar. OperaWorks' Arts for Social Awareness - Contribute! (17 days left) In its first Indiegogo project, OperaWorks launches the first in an on-going series of modern operatic productions "The Discord Altar," an original work developed and produced in association with the Fugitive Kind Theater Company, recently nominated for 8 Ovation Awards. Pasadena Conservatory of Music Adult Class Debussy and Ravel: New Directions in Western Music by PRISCILLA PAWLICKI Tuesdays, March 3-24, 2015 - 10:00AM Z. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CLASSICAL GUITAR RECITALS GEORGE GUTMAN's Weekly Summary For the full calendar, click: On Friday, February 27, the Glendale Community College Guitar Octet will perform at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. Saturday's busy with Vanguard University's Second Annual Guitar Festival taking place all day, all of it free, JOHN SCHNEIDERMAN and HIDEKI YAMAYA performing at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana that afternoon, and the Israeli mandolin virtuoso AVI AVITAL appearing at the Segerstrom Center in Costa Mesa that evening. The next Guitar Circle meeting on Saturday, March 21 will be a Members' Showcase and the schedule is not yet full, contact James Chiang to reserve a slot to perform. Cheers, George Gutman [email protected] For a comprehensive calendar of upcoming guitar events, where you will find information about these and other guitar events, see the Orange County Guitar Circle's web calendar by clicking: AA. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORCHESTRA CONCERTS MICHAEL CLEARY's Summary For the full calendar and information, click: Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 7:00PM - Orange Southern California Philharmonic Orange Lutheran High School Nechita Center Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 7:30PM - Los Angeles Los Angeles Lawyers Philharmonic Wilshire United Methodist Church Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 8:00PM - Culver City Culver City Symphony Orchestra (CCSO) Veteran's Memorial Auditorium Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 7:00PM - Santa Monica Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra Mt Olive Lutheran Church Friday, March 6, 2015 - 8:00PM - Claremont - Free Pomona College Orchestra (PCO) Pomona College Bridges Hall of Music Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 2:00PM - Los Angeles American Youth Symphony Walt Disney Concert Hall Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 8:00PM - Redlands Redlands Symphony University of Redlands Memorial Chapel Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 3:00PM - Claremont - Free Pomona College Orchestra (PCO) Pomona College Bridges Hall of Music Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 7:00PM - Los Angeles Colburn Orchestra Zipper Hall Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 8:00PM - Rolling Hills Estates Chamber Orchestra of the South Bay (COSB) Norris Theatre Consult the following websites for additional orchestral offerings (listed alphabetically) LONG BEACH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA For the full schedule click: LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA For the full schedule click: LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC For the full schedule click: NEW WEST SYMPHONY For the full schedule click: PACIFIC SYMPHONY For the full schedule click:,1 PASADENA SYMPHONY For the full schedule click: Visiting Orchestras presented by PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OF ORANGE COUNTY For the full schedule click: Cheers, Michael Cleary [email protected] For full orchestra concert information, consult Michael's Southern California Orchestra Concerts website by clicking: BB. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA VOCAL EVENTS LAURI D. GOLDENHERSH's Weekly Highlights For the full calendar, click: This week, the Southland offers operatic oddities and big congratulations: TERRY KNOWLES will be feted at the annual gala for the LA MASTER CHORALE this weekend - the luxe event is Sunday night, March 1, and we at the List offer our kudos for Knowles' 15 years of hard work on behalf of the Chorale. Details on this grand gathering are available by clicking: Elsewhere this weekend, Enrique Granados' 1915 one-act opera, 'Goyescas', comes to us through INDEPENDENT OPERA COMPANY, with two performances on the Westside. The opera is preceded in the program by love duets from the operatic repertoire - because everyone needs a good swoon once in a while. Click: Lewis Carroll comes to modern life as 'Alice in Wonderland' comes to Disney Hall on Friday and Saturday, in a conglomeration of art forms making its West Coast premiere. Presented by the LA PHIL, the grand production of Unsuk Chin and David Henry Hwang's trip into operatic fantasy is a collaboration with LA OPERA (nice to see those two working together). The event features members of the LA MASTER CHORALE, the LOS ANGELES CHILDREN's CHORUS, and a bevy of soloists and the visionaries who put it all together, led by director/video artist NETIA JONES and conductor SUSANNA MALKKI. Just two performances, and as of this writing, some tickets are still available — click: Also on the calendar are concerts from BACH COLLEGIUM OF SAN DIEGO, performances by DAVID WILKINSON and LAURIE RUBIN (together and separately), and of course, more where those came from. Finally, if you're not otherwise occupied Sunday night (after LA Met's 'Don Carlo', perhaps?), join me and various Listers for a little schmoozing at Sunnin Lebanese Cafe in Westwood - for details, click: CONTINUING Thru 3/1 — 'Ghosts of Versailles', LA OPERA More on the Singerpreneur blog: Thru Sunday, March 1 - 'Don Carlo', LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN OPERA Click: Thru Saturday, April 25 - 'Figaro Unbound' (Various events), LA OPERA (& partner orgs) Click: COMING UP We've entered the forty days of Lent, which always holds beautiful, contemplative concerts and programs designed to offer a deeply spiritual experience. Keep an eye on the calendar, as we'll post details of these events as they arrive. (If you're hosting such a program and it involves singing, please do send us the info...) The local sci-fi community has awaited PACIFIC OPERA PROJECT's new production of Mozart's 'Abduction from the Seraglio' with bated breath, as the Trekkified reimagining takes us where few operas have gone before. (There was that Klingon opera a few years ago...) Don't worry - this one's still Mozart, with a stellar cast, and will be sung in English. The show runs March 6-8, and be sure to get your tickets pronto - click: March 6 & 7 brings LA OPERA and 'Noah's Flood' back the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, in the immensely popular community production that includes full orchestra led by conductor JAMES CONLON, a horde of performers from the local community, a menagerie created for the production, and stars from among LAO's regulars. Tickets are free, with a small handling charge — there may be a few left, so quick-click: That should keep y'all out of trouble. Have a wild and wonderful week, and always, thank you for supporting live singing! Lauri D. Goldenhersh [email protected] Visit the Lister Calendar Send us your event info: [email protected] Subscribe to e-news from the List: For the latest issue of Next 7, click: Singerpreneur blog: CC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORGAN CONCERTS Select organ recitals are included in the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter's list of concerts. For a comprehensive list of organ recitals, consult the Calendar for the Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Orange County chapters of the American Guild of Organists by clicking here: For a handy organ-concert finder for Southern California, where you can both find and submit organ concerts, click: DD. WEBSITES OF HIGH INTEREST TO SOUTHLAND CHAMBER MUSIC AFICIONADOS PerformingArtsLIVE The most comprehensive online listing of Music, Theater, and Dance events in Southern California KUSC Concert Calendar Concerts on the KUSC Calendar are provided through the classical music announcements uploaded to PerformingArtsLIVE experienceLA Official Cultural Calendar of Los Angeles County Orange County Guitar Circle's Comprehensive Classical Guitar Events in Southern California Southern California Orchestra Concerts Southern California Vocal Concerts Southern California Organ Concerts and Southern California Early Music Society (SCEMS) listing of Early Music concerts (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque) EE. NOTE TO PRESENTING ORGANIZATIONS AND ARTISTS In partnership with, the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter's calendar of upcoming concerts is generated by If you haven't already done so, upload your concert information. It's easy to do. Simply click: An announcement of your concert will appear in the following: a. On the website: b. In the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter: c. On the KUSC's calendar of concerts: And, you and your friends can go to the announcement of your concert on and share it with your Facebook friends and Tweet it to your followers. IMPORTANT NOTE: When posting to PerformingArtsLIVE, selecting any one of the categories: 1) Chamber Music, 2) Instrumental Recital, or 3) Voice Recital, or 4) Contemporary Classical/New Music will ensure it will be included in the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter. FF. ABOUT THE CLICKABLE CHAMBER MUSIC NEWSLETTER The Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter was founded in November 1999. It is delivered via e-mail as a free community service and also is posted on Classical Crossroads' website at: There are currently 6,119 subscribers, who also received formatted e-flyers for select concerts and occasional mid-issue newsletter updates. About Jim Eninger and the Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter: New York Arts Consultant Edna Landau's Musical America Blog Post "A Full-Time Labor of Love" Los Angeles Music Critic Alan Rich "The Continental Shift, And The Pathway Through It" Chris Pasles' Los Angeles Times Article "His grapevine is a chamber music lifeline" Composer/Conductor Russell Steinberg's Blog Post "Classical Music Set To Boom!" Daily Breeze Columnist John Bogert "Ph.D. publicist is in tune with classical music" Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter volunteer team: Dennis Bade, Tara Biard, Jack Bowman, Michael Cleary, Mary Lynn Eninger, Katie Eninger, Bettina Gantsweg, Lauri D. Goldenhersh, George Gutman, Nina Haro, Toni Hertz, Gene Hoy, Annette Melikian, Andrew Paroczai, and Amy Sinclair I'd like to hear from you - reply to this e-mail (preferred) or send replies to [email protected]. Best wishes, Jim Eninger, Editor-in-Chief The Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter Torrance, California GG. SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE AND OTHER INFORMATION Please forward to friends. If you're not yet a subscriber, reply with a request (your e-mail address is never shared). You'll also receive newsletter updates and occasional e-flyers for selected highly worthwhile concerts. Send requests [email protected] To help ensure that you continue receiving the newsletter, please add the e-mail address you received it from to your address book and safesenders list. The current issue is posted on the website of Classical Crossroads, Inc. Click: Note: Some website addresses (over 70 characters) have been shortened so they remain clickable, through the services of the Google URL shortener Finally, send requests to subscribe or unsubscribe - opt in or opt out - by replying to this e-mail or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]
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