MUHLENBERG COUNTY FISCAL COURT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR: Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court BID DUE DATE: PLACE OF OPENING: Office of the Muhlenberg County Judge Executive Rick Newman MAILING ADDRESS: Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court P.O. Box 137 Greenville, KY 42345 PROJECT CONTACT: Laura Montgomery TELEPHONE: 270-338-2520 EMAIL: [email protected] Legal Notice No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed or translated into any language or form without the express written consent of the Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court (owner). Proposals may be subject to public review after contract(s) have been awarded. Respondents to this request for proposal are cautioned not to include any proprietary information as part of their proposal. If proprietary information is clearly and legibly marked in writing as CONFIDENTIAL and if the owners accept, in writing, such proprietary information from Respondent, then that information shall be held as CONFIDENTIAL by the owners. If you need any reasonable accommodation for any type of disability in order to participate in this procurement, please contact Judge Rick Newman’s office as soon as possible. The winning Respondent(s) will be required to complete and execute the Statement of Disclaimer attached hereto, and referenced herein, as Exhibit I. SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE HOLD HARMLESS PROVISION EVENT DATE TARGETS PURPOSE WRITTEN QUESTION DEADLINE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RESPONDENT SUBMISSION DEADLINE GENERAL 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 THE COUNTY 3.0 GOALS 4.0 POLICY STANDARDS 5.0 QUALITY OF SERVICE 6.0 SECURITY 7.0 MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM 8.0 GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 9.0 PROPOSAL PROCESS AND CONTENT 10.0 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBMISSION COSTS 11.0 SEVERABILITY 12.0 GOVERNING LAW 13.0 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 14.0 LEASE OF SYSTEM 15.0 MATCH REQUIREMENT INCLUDED: SCHEDULE I – RFP RESPONDENT FORM EXHIBIT I - STATEMENT OF DISCLAIMER EXHIBIT II – AFFIDAVIT OF NON COLLUSION EXHIBIT III – EXCEPTIONS/RESTRICTIONS EXHIBIT IV – EXPERIENCE/REFERENCES SCORING CRITERIA 2 PAGE 3 PAGES 3-4 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGES 4-6 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGES 9-10 PAGE 10 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 11 PAGE 11 PAGE 11 PAGE 11 PAGES 12-14 PAGE 15 PAGES 16-17 PAGE 18 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 Introduction and Purpose: The Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court (owner) invites qualified (see section 13 for qualification requirements) companies (“Respondents”) to submit a written proposal for the construction and management of a wireless broadband network (the “Network”) throughout the county-wide region, consisting of the county of Muhlenberg, more particularly described herein. Proposals are solicited in accordance with the terms, conditions and instructions as set forth in this Request for Proposal (“RFP”). The intent of this RFP is to ensure citizens in the owner’s region have access to broadband services. There are known wireless ISP (“WISP”) operations within this county area. The winning Respondent must identify existing WISPs in proposed geographic territory and present the owners with an interference mitigation plan and, potentially, interference coordination agreements by and among these WISPs. All Respondents must be familiar with the Federal Communications Commission Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15 at the following URL and must abide by these rules accordingly. The winning Respondent must file Federal Communications Commission Form 477 and provide copies to the owners on the same dates as these reports are files with the FCC. Information regarding FCC Form 477 can be found at All materials related to this RFP will be available on the Internet at In the event you do not have Internet access and download capability, all materials may be obtained from the Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court Office, 100 S Main St., Greenville, KY 42345. Although the owners are seeking a system design primarily utilizing wireless technologies, and assuming that wireless spectrum is generally unlicensed, the owners will review and consider all Respondent submissions that may also include the use of licensed spectrum, fiber optic lines, twisted pair copper, coaxial cable, laser or any other technology or combination of technologies that collectively achieve the greatest results based on the goals, objectives and requirements listed herein. The priority coverage area of this System (as defined below) will be the un-served and underserved homes and businesses in the county. During the natural course of events under this RFP, access to water towers and/or broadcast towers (collectively the “Towers”) may be made available to all Respondents. In some cases, lease agreements to the Towers may be executed by representatives of the owners for assignment to the winning Respondent(s). Final determination for, and use of, said leases shall made by the winning Respondent(s) and no further legal obligation of any kind, whatsoever, shall remain with the owners. The Respondent(s), selected by the review committee, shall receive certain grant funding for a portion or portions of this project. Hold Harmless Provision Respondents agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners, and employees of the owners, from and against all claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from any claim under this RFP. Respondent(s) hereby acknowledges that certain information contained herein regarding existing broadband operators, competitive services, data maps and other information not directly attributable to the owners. The information is to assist the Respondent(s) in its due diligence and analysis of this county-wide region and is based solely on information provided by third party sources for illustrative purposes under this RFP. 3 Event Date Targets Date of Issue of the RFP: 2-24-2015 Written Question from Respondents Accepted: 03-03-15 Proposals Due from Respondents: 03-03-15 Notification Highest Rated Respondent(s): 03-16-15 Project Purpose: The collective vision of the owners is to apply ubiquitous, low-cost Internet access in un/underserved areas as a foundation for Muhlenberg County - while stimulating economic development and promoting digital inclusion for all residents including, but not limited to, low income and disadvantaged residents of these county. Written Question Deadline Respondents must submit any written questions in writing either by mail or electronically concerning the RFP no later than March 03, 2015 at 4:00 P.M. CST to Laura Montgomery, Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court, PO Box 137, Greenville, KY 42345 or [email protected]. All questions submitted will be correlated and made available to all RFP holders. Request for Proposal Respondent Submission Deadline: Respondents will be asked to indicate their intent to submit written proposals no later than March 03, 2015 at 4:00 P.M. CST. The Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court will receive final proposals at its mailing address until March 03, 2015. No proposals will be accepted after the stated deadline. All proposals will be required to comply with the specific requirements of this RFP. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept any proposal or portion of a proposal deemed to be in the best interest of Muhlenberg County for which this RFP is contemplated. General: A. Proposals submitted are to be in accordance with the outline and specifications contained herein and are to remain in effect a minimum of six (6) months from the date of submission. A statement to this effect should be contained in the Respondent’s cover letter. B. This RFP in no manner obligates the owners to the eventual signing of an agreement with Respondent and may be terminated by the owners without penalty or obligation at any time prior to the signing of an agreement. C. Expenses for developing and presenting proposals shall be the entire responsibility of the Respondent. D. All supporting documentation and manuals submitted under this RFP will become the property of the owners unless otherwise requested by the Respondent, in writing, at the time of submission, and agreed to, in writing, by the owners. 4 E. This RFP contains requests for information. Respondents, however, in responding to this RFP, are encouraged to provide any additional information they believe relevant. F. Respondents are encouraged to examine all sections of this RFP carefully, in that the degree of inter relationship between sections is high. Clause headings appearing in this RFP have been inserted for convenience and ready reference. They do not purport to define, limit or extend the scope of intent of the respective clauses. G. Whenever the terms "must" "shall" "will" "is required" or "are required" are used in the RFP, the subject being referred to is to be a required feature of this RFP. In those cases where mandatory requirements are stated, material failure to meet those requirements could result in disqualification of the Respondent's response. Any deviation or exception from RFP specifications must be clearly identified by the Respondent in its proposal. H. An original, clearly marked as such, plus two copies (3 total) of concise proposals in notebook form with supporting documentation shall be delivered in a sealed container to the owner’s office, as such, to the address as first listed herein. The specific format for responses is detailed Schedule 1. Proposals are to be submitted as a booklet or in notebook form with appropriate indices. Each proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward concise description of the Respondent’s approach and ability to meet owner’s needs as stated in this RFP. Respondents are to adhere to the format attached herein as Schedule I. I. Proposal Evaluation. The owner reserves the right to accept, reject, modify, and/or negotiate any and all proposals received in conjunction with the RFP. Proposals will be judged based upon the business, technical, implementation plans, financial proposals and other supporting documentation. Particular criteria include, but are not limited to, the following: • Backhaul and Internet Backbone connection solutions • Business Sustainability Plan • Company experience • Company Engineering resources, experience and plans • Other assets of importance to success • Partners (equipment, service, content) • References • Risk • Support Plan for system and customers • Type and Fees of services to be provided • Timeline for service provision throughout Service Area 5 NOTE: Evaluation criteria are in alphabetical order and are not stated in order of preference. J. Non-Disclosure: The owners agree to not disclose sections or specifics in Respondents’ responses that are explicitly marked as confidential. Respondent recognizes that this is a public process and will limit information labeled as confidential. The owners reserve the right to make public basic information after selecting a winning Respondent to the extent as require by Kentucky Law. The owners will receive Respondents approval in advance if any such information was marked as confidential. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) may be signed between the owners and Respondent(s) upon request. 1.0 Purpose: 1.1 This RFP is intended to address areas in Muhlenberg County which are currently unserved / underserved by broadband Internet service. The owners are interested in creating a regional environment for residents, businesses, local government and other public organizations that will take advantage of existing and new wireless broadband technologies. The owners are seeking proposals from qualified telecommunications providers, and other potential services partners, describing wireless broadband and other data services they would provide businesses, residents, local government and other public organizations. 1.2 The owners will consider proposals that propose a public, private, public/private or other arrangement from one or more telecommunications company, provided that all such arrangements and proposals shall be in compliance with applicable Federal, State, County and City laws and regulations. The owners reserve the right to accept no proposal and will not be held liable for any fees or costs associated with proposal submissions. 1.3 It is the intention of the owners to evaluate via a field test the winning Respondent’s equipment and services prior to awarding any final contract as may be contemplated under this RFP. The owners may terminate this RFP at any time prior to the actual award of an agreement. 2.0 The County: 2.1 This project will take place within Muhlenberg County. 3.0 Goals: 3.1 The owners have identified the following critical goals for this initiative: 3.1.1 A fully redundant wireless broadband system (the “System”) capable of serving the largest geographic area possible, in the county area (the “Service Area”), that assures inhome access to the greatest extent possible for all residential subscribers. Certain portions of the overall design may incorporate fiber optic lines, licensed spectrum and/or other delivery and transport mechanisms (the “System Add Ons”). 6 3.1.2 The ability for residents to have access to affordable wireless internet access with a minimum throughput of 768/200 kbps and prices beginning at or below $35 per month. 3.1.3 Improvement of government service delivery. 3.1.4 Promotion of job creation, business growth and economic development. 3.1.5 Streamlined interaction between government and constituents. 3.2 In addition, the owners anticipate that this initiative will provide the following benefits: 3.2.1 Complement the strategy of the County Judge Executive to connect all residents to modern technology. 3.2.2 Spur economic development by allowing businesses relying on internet connectivity to locate in any of the county respective industrial parks and/or commercially zoned areas. 3.2.3 Public safety employees could benefit from having access to vital data while in the field. 3.2.4 Improve public safety through better communications and interoperability. 3.2.5 Improve the broadband experience for visitors to the service area. 3.2.6 Promote the image of each of Muhlenberg County by demonstrating progressive broadband initiatives. 3.2.7 Provide backup/contingency measures for disaster response and recovery. 4.0 Policy Standards: 4.1 The owners may create a contract for the development, construction, implementation, operation and maintenance of the wireless network. The owners will select a Respondent which will install the network and operate it under the following guidelines: 4.1.1 Have a portion of the broadband system operational in the Service Area by end of 2015. 4.1.2 Ensure that the following areas are treated as high priority when considering the fixed wireless engineering design for the Service Area: Muhlenberg County: • Muhlenberg County Park should be provided a broadband connection that supports a public access WiFi and IP cameras. A WiFi system would include security to block unwanted and illegal browsing. • Paradise Regional Business Park and Muhlenberg County Industrial Parks • Rails to Trails Park in Greenville and Central City. Parks should be provided a wireless system capable of supporting secure IP Cameras. 7 •Un-served / Underserved Areas 4.1.3 The network will be maintained and updated at sufficient intervals by the winning Respondent to prevent obsolescence. 4.2 The network will be maintained and updated at sufficient intervals by the winning Respondent to prevent obsolescence. 5.0 Quality of Service: 5.1 Certain portions of the System may operate on unlicensed spectrum, and as such, cannot provide the assurance of uninterrupted service and full availability of bandwidth. These services, however, should maintain and uninterrupted operability standard of at least 99.5%. There exists a balance between service levels, subscription cost, expediency, and availability that is considered by users of all broadband technologies. As such, the design of the wireless network should take into consideration the issues of reasonable reliability for residential use as well as the prioritization of specific traffic for use in public safety and official capacities. 6.0 Security: 6.1 Security is a major issue with every computer system. The System must employ all necessary security measures to ensure integrity of Governmental and private data as well as the privacy of the residential users. Thus, the System and System Add-Ons must be compliant with or capable of satisfying the following: 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) Homeland Security3 Protection of wireless clients from other malicious clients data Secure network configurations and management Use of encryption for transmission of data via the wireless system 3 All actions taken at every level (federal, state, local, private, and individual citizen) to deter, defend against, or mitigate attacks within the United States, or to respond to other major domestic emergencies. 7.0 Management Components of the System: 7.1 The winning Respondent shall provide evidence that it is capable of managing and operating the following components of the System. Special considerations will be given to not-for-profit corporations. 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 Data Center Operations. Customer Service/Billing ISP operations. Customer and network technical support made available via local or toll-free telephone number. Access to local phone numbers across the entirety of the Service Area. 8 8.0 General System Requirements: 8.1 Below are the service requirements. Services must be designed to serve indoor and outdoor clients. 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.2 Wireless Internet access services Dynamic and static IP addressing Ethernet 10Base-T or 100Base-T interface for subscriber devices Classes of service for business, residential, public safety and special projects. Availability of always on, always connected, VLANS (or acceptable alternatives) that can be dedicated to specific applications. Provide data backbone capabilities between designated locations. Subscriber Access Devices and Equipment Options 8.2.1 8.2.2 Inside wireless access devices with choice of outside antennas. Indoor antennas an extra cost. Outside access devices with Ethernet 10base-T or 100Base-T interfaces. 8.3 Coverage and Towers: 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 Un-served is defined as no existing terrestrial based broadband services of at least 768Kbps/200Kbps as excludes cellular coverage. Underserved is defined as no existing terrestrial based broadband serves of at least 3 Mbps/768Kbps and excludes cellular coverage. The coverage area should focus on un-served and underserved areas in the county. As a minimum, the expectations are that at least two (2) geographical areas will be identified and targeted in the county. The response should estimate the number of un-served / underserved households that will be covered by the design and how that number was determined. The focus should be on covering the maximum number of un/underserved households in the county. Leverage existing infrastructure to minimize the need for new towers and additional facilities. Special consideration should be given to the use of the Muhlenberg County Water District Water Towers. The proposed system spectrum, capacity, penetration, and interference issues need to be managed – explain the proposed solution details. Technical Plan Requirements. Respondents must address in detail the technology they plan to deploy, what their network is expected to be, and the quality of service expected as a result. Respondents must also address how changes in both technology and standards will affect deployment. At a minimum, Respondents must address the following questions: 8.4.1 What technology or technologies will be deployed? 8.4.2 Who are the manufacturers? 8.4.3 Has the Respondent already deployed this equipment elsewhere commercially? If so, where? Please describe the service, location, and number of subscribers. 8.4.4 Has the Respondent conducted field trials with this equipment? If so, what were the results? 9 8.4.6 What are the performance characteristics of the technology as deployed? For example, what are the non-LOS expectations? 8.4.6 Provide propagation maps for each transmission site. Maps should be prepared using an average CPE radio height of 12 foot. 8.4.7 Is the technology proprietary or based on standards? If the latter, what standard? Eg., 802.16d? 802.16e? 8.4.8 What is the planned network architecture? 8.4.9 How will the Respondent handle growth as required speeds and amount of data transmitted increase over the years? 8.4.10 How will the Respondent’s network be connected to the Internet Backbone? 8.4.11 Does the architecture support VoIP? 8.4.12 Explain how you will conduct site surveys to ensure maximum coverage is obtained as contemplated under this RFP. 9.0 Proposal Process and Content 9.1 Process 9.1.1 9.1.2 Oral Presentation: The Respondents may be required to give an oral presentation of the proposal to the Evaluation Committee. This will provide an opportunity for the Respondent to clarify or elaborate on the proposal. The project manager will schedule the time and location of any presentations. Presentations are at the option of the owners and may not be conducted. Therefore, proposals should be complete. Multiple Proposals: The owners willing to negotiate more than one proposal from Respondents to satisfy the various aspects of the owner’s request. Respondents may submit multiple proposals to meet the owner’s needs as specified above. 10.0 Responsibility for Submission Costs 10.1 The Respondent shall be solely and fully responsible for all costs associated with the development, preparation, transmittal, and submission of any material in response to this RFP. 10.2 The owners may, in its sole discretion, ask selected Respondents to present their material in person and the costs of such presentations shall be solely the responsibility of the Respondent. 10.3 The owners assume no contractual or other obligations as a result of the issuance of this RFP, the preparation or submission of materials by a Respondent, the evaluation of materials, the Respondent’s conducting of presentations, or the selection of any Respondent for further negotiations. There may be no claims whatsoever for reimbursement from the owners any affiliated consultants or agents for such costs. The owners reserve the right to withdraw this RFP at any time and to choose not to select any of the Respondents, in its sole and absolute discretion. 11.0 Severability It is understood and agreed that if any part, term, or provision of this RFP is by the Court held to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or the United States of America including, but not limited to, the policies, rules, and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular part, term, or provision held to be invalid. 10 12.0 Governing Law This RFP shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 13.0 Qualification Requirements Companies and/or entities submitting a response to this RFP shall be required to provide proof that they: 13.1 Have the financial ability to purchase an adequate number of customer premise devices to satisfactorily satisfy the intent of this RFP; and 13.2 Are willing to provide service across the service area as specified herein; and 13.3 Can validate their ability to support and maintain the System. 14.0 Lease of System The System, as defined herein, shall be leased to the winning Respondent(s) for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) per year. The cost of insuring the equipment will be initially paid by the county in which the equipment is used. All insurance costs will be reimbursed by the winning respondent yearly. 15.0 Match Requirement This project is being funded in part through a $120,000 grant from the Delta Regional Authority (DRA). As a requirement of the grant, the winning respondent must match the DRA grant, dollar for dollar, by providing additional equipment, installation, mapping and consultation, etc. 11 Schedule I RFP Response Format Section 1 Introduction and Executive Summary: Section 2 Response to General System Requirements: 1. Wireless Internet access services: 2. Dynamic and static IP addressing: 3. Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-T interface for subscriber devices: 4. Classes of service for business, residential, public safety and special projects: 5. Availability of always on, always connected, VLANS (or acceptable alternatives) that can be dedicated to specific applications: 6. Provide data backbone capabilities between designated locations: 7. Project Budget – DRA Funded Portion plus Match Requirement Section 3 Response to Coverage Plan Requirements: 1. Maximized coverage in the proposed service area. 2. Leverage existing infrastructure to minimize the need for new towers and additional facilities. 3. The proposed system spectrum, capacity, penetration, and interference issues need to be managed – explain the proposed solution details. 4. Submit the actual design in a PDF format. 5. Provide list of frequencies, to be used in the Service Area. Section 4 Response to Technical Plan Requirements: 1. What technology or technologies will be deployed? 2. Who are the manufacturers? 3. Has the Respondent already deployed this equipment elsewhere commercially? If so, where? Please describe the service, location, and number of subscribers. 4. Has the Respondent conducted field trials with this equipment? If so, what were the results? 12 5. What are the performance characteristics of the technology as deployed? For example, what is the range? 6. Is the technology proprietary or based on standards? If the latter, what standard? Eg., 802.16d? 802.16e? 8. What is the planned network architecture? 9. How will the Respondent handle growth as required speeds and amount of data transmitted increase over the years? 10. How will the Respondent’s network be connected to the Internet Backbone? 11. Does the architecture support mobility? 12. What are the planned (billable to use) installation costs? 13. What is involved in the installation process? 14. How does your solution/approach mitigate or eliminate the risk of unintentional selfinterference with–and promote cooperation between other commercial wireless ISPs, community wireless groups or other services using unlicensed spectrum? 15. How does your solution address the need to provide different levels and qualities of service, security and other characteristics for multiple types of users over a single physical network (e.g., municipal employees, public safety, public access, etc.)? 16. Describe the way in which prioritization of traffic for municipal use (e.g., public safety) is accomplished with your solution, especially in the event of an emergency. Section 5 Management Components and Support Plan Requirements: 1. Data Center Operations. 2. Customer Service/Billing ISP operations. 3. Customer and network technical support. 4. Access to local numbers across the entirety of the Service Area. 5. Discuss your disaster recovery plan (e.g. portable “system on wheels”, back-up power, et al) 6. Include a project timeline including contract signing, site acquisition, equipment deployment, customer installation. 13 Section 6 Response to Security Requirements: 1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) 2. Homeland Security 3. Protection of wireless clients from other malicious clients data 4. Secure network configurations and management 5. Use of encryption for transmission of data via the wireless system Section 7 Management Components of the System: 1. Discuss management components of respondent. Section 8 Completion and Execution of Exhibits: 1. Exhibit 1 Statement of Disclaimer 2. Exhibit II Affidavit of Non Collusion 3. Exhibit III Exceptions/Restrictions 4. Exhibit IV Experience/References 14 EXHIBIT I STATEMENT OF DISCLAIMER This is to certify that no employee, official or elected official of Muhlenberg County has a proprietary interest in the company, corporation, partnership, or other organization, furnishing the goods and/or services, or stands to benefit personally from the furnishing of such goods or services, as referenced above. FIRM:________________________________________________________ BY:__________________________________________________________ Attest: _____________________________________________________________ Witness Date:___________________________________ State of _________________________________ County of ________________________________ To-wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, whose commission as such will expire on the ___ day of _______, 20 ___, do hereby certify that _______________ whose name(s) is (are) signed to the foregoing Statement bearing date of _______________, 20___, this day personally appeared before me in the County and State aforesaid and acknowledged the same before me GIVEN under my hand and seal this ____ day of ____, 20___. ___________________________________________________ Notary Public 15 EXHIBIT II AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION The undersigned, duly authorized to represent the persons, firms and corporations joining and participating in the submission of the foregoing RFP (such persons, firms and corporations hereinafter being referred to as the “Respondent"), being duly sworn, on his or her oath, states that to the best of his or her belief and knowledge no person, firm or corporation, nor any person duly representing the same joining and participating in the submission of the foregoing RFP, has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other Respondent, or with any official of the owners or any employee thereof, or any person, firm or corporation under contract with the owners whereby the Respondent, in order to induce acceptance of the foregoing RFP by the owners, has paid or is to pay to any other Respondent or to any of the aforementioned persons anything of value whatever, and that the respondent has not, directly or indirectly entered into any arrangement or agreement with any other Respondent or which tends to or does lessen or destroy free competition in the letting of the contract sought for by the foregoing RFP. The Respondent hereby certifies that, except as explicitly set out in its bid submission, neither it, its officers, partners, owners, providers, representatives, employees and parties in interest, including the affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Respondent, potential Respondent, firm or person, in connection with this solicitation, to submit a collusive or sham bid, to refrain from bidding, to manipulate or ascertain the price(s) of other Respondents or potential Respondents, or to obtain through any unlawful act an advantage over other Respondents or the owners. The prices submitted herein have been arrived at in an entirely independent and lawful manner by the Respondent without consultation with other Respondents or potential Respondents or foreknowledge of the prices to be submitted in response to this solicitation by other Respondents or potential Respondents on the part of the Respondent, its officers, partners, owners, providers, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including the affiant. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The undersigned Respondent and each person signing on behalf of the Respondent certifies, and in the case of a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, the owners, nor any employee, or person, whose salary is payable in whole or in part by the owners, has a direct or indirect financial interest in the award of this RFP, or in the services to which this RFP relates, or in any of the profits, real or potential, thereof, except as noted otherwise herein. Signature _____________________________________________________ Company Name_____________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of _______________________, 2005. Notary Public in and for the County of __________________________, State of ___________________. My commission expires: ___________________________ 16 EXHIBIT III EXCEPTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS (Please identify any exceptions or restrictions in this area) 17 EXHIBIT IV EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES (Please discuss experience and identify references and contact information in this area) 18 SCORING CRITERIA 1. Introduction and General Summary: 5 Points 2. Response to General System Requirements: 15 Points 3. Response to Coverage Plan Requirements: 15 Points 4. Response to Technical Plan Requirements: 25 Points 5. Management Components and Support Plan Requirements: 15 Points 6. Respondent’s Business Plan Information: 5 Points 7. Response to Security Requirements: 10 Points 8. Financial Data of Respondent: 5 Points 9. Completion and Execution of Exhibits: 5 Points 19
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