GQMF9KBM4 . iuasjMllmiWfllMI lift l0mmntn0f nl ilii rim i - ifnw'iiMdi f- ' in n mJ;'tnit;i,,iri(r,,.'i,i,r ,urmmmaafflm IMPORTANT CASE, SPE6IAL SALE DeLishmutU The Qet Back Their Judgt busulos the Charge of Fraud by Payment in Worthless Stock. 1 tt ALL straw mi c FOR JUST HALF PRICE. NEW CRASH HATS AT NEW PRICES. gii of GJ. Johnson & Go.. I 257 COMMERCIAL July 23, 1803. Tlio alxive cHe iiaa dragged along until the present term of court, when the 8 final arguments were Hubmitted. It that the DeLanhmutUi had traded raptti nnd. KiMtili'ltla .l.a l'.tli flnvnl bm. x.i.a ...v. 3f tilt .....I. wortli raveral tliouwind dollars, to It. K. niion-a- l urowne lor mock in tne Jioscow ap-or- ..a STREET. Mohow, Idaho. The bank lank, thereafter failed, and thu DeLaHhmuttfi were calied ttixtn to pay the depositors. l'Hin citation to makegood thedejKMiitfl, tlio plaintifh) secured u footliold U Mop of THE eivwl are OovernorH Tanner of Illinois, I'oynti'rof Nebrauku, JSradley of DAM JOURNAL Kt'n-tnck- y, of Michigan, Hhnw of Iowa, Jtnclinull of Ohio, I.ind of Miniio-aotl'ingrtK) a, HOBDH DHOTHBKS Y SATURDAY .AUGUST 6, 180!). Dally, One Year 83.00, In Advance Daily, Tout Montlm $1 00. ! Advance Weekly, One Year 01.00, In Advance !? CURRENT EVENTS. Kmith of Montana, McLatirin of Mimlfotippi, Jono4 of Arkanmnt, Mc.Mil Ian of Ti'iniomw, Jolnipoii of Alabama, AInrphyof Arizona, Punuliur of Xortii Dakota, I)wndon of .Maryland, and Oeor of Oregon. Governor Atkincon of WVt Virginia, writoH that lio will Ihj unahlo to attond, though hcindorcon tho piirWfo of tliu eonferunco, In addition to the exociitivca of tho difforont fdatw tliore will hu priwont n largo ntimbor of nttoriiuy-gunerttlfl reudy U dieciiMi tho bill from n legal xtund-K)lHayerri ant'-truor to framo a new mouHtire if tlio eonferoncu dueniM it odvimiblu. Threw IiiiiiiInhI deletfali nr at Hay City, JIIpIi., tonltund thu twilh nnmml convention nndmuHionl fuativul of 1'olinli Hingore' nllinncc, which iwgombleH in the morning. Tlio organization is national in iU koh), it inirKww being to MIDSUMMER SOCIAL. Instruct Polish children in vocal nnd Instrumental tnuidc, mill to unooumgH I'ollah young inon to trimly nuil eotiiioMr One of Mrs, lid ward Hirach'u Informal Afternoons Silver Uell Circle Soda'. in unto. An Informul afternoon in honor of ('otitttfuife .JonlHn.of San KrunclHOo, Mlm unhim! for TIih programme linn hh the thirteenth miniinl nmwIoii of tint Nat-ion- wiih givun at thu homo of Mr. and Mr. IMwunl Hindi on Chumokotii Htruet o HraUirnol CoiiKriwH which will in Chicago, two wuuku from inxt I'rlduy from two until (ive. Tho guoHtH TuQwlny for H four ilayM moating. The were greeted by Mine Jordan and Mrn. HiriH'h UNMlfltiNl by thu Mirfeoe lilrHch Vongromi in componed of niprmiHiittttlveei uud the hoiirn wore phmmutly Hpont hi from nil the luuriing fratornnl ImnenYl-nreooiulifii In tho Unitctl Ptuttw and onvormttiou and llDtunlug to munii and Cumtriii, nuri ItH ohjecht ure to nnllonll othor oxorrhioM. MiitH Florunuu THIhou ruuditnxl a of Midi nrgniiliuitlonii for thn purim wilo in u lirllliuut inuiiiiur. piano Mm. iumI lxMioflt pro iniitiiiit information, I", It. Aiimmi wing two Hougti, ooiH'huling lootlon. with "Hoptember," hi ptirfeotly adiiptiMl Htliriolmker Hull In Chlnigo the IumI to her colli nilto voire, uud pererul read, plw;u whoruiu Oolonul Hubert (I. Ingor-ko- I, ingri by Mb MiiIhiI Curler, one of will tomorrow Im thu plnuu o( input-lu- g Bulem'H iiKMt IIiiIhImhI oliM'titioiiiftti mid of Mirvivont of tlio iChivuuth IIIIiihIh frofh from one of thu gruotetit Amur-lai- n Cavulry uml other frluiiriH of the iiguoa-ti- u m!1km)1h mid oxpredon. About who will gnthur to pay tribute to fifty Kuloin twicluly ludleti wore prewut his mumory. Thu Kluvniith IIIIiioIh !u npite of the iieHekle mrhoh being at Cavalry wiih CoIuiiuI Ingurwri'H old it huight, and thu gueet of thu ocoiihIoii and thtf surviving (illliwni and and bur ohariiilug hiMtoeri wuro thu private living In Chicago, 1'iMiriii and in of many beautiful llonil giftf. other oitleii will bu uinuiig thu t)KmktirH Mim Jordan Ih bond iiiUhIc twuihur of it thu meeting, ait well ua.wviiritl prom- tliu limiillu iiiunIu wiIiimiI of Friiroo, ono inent (JhimigoaiiH wlio wuro Itfndniig of tliu inotit fiiwhionablu iHmrdlng KclHirU friends of Colonel lugurxill. on tin I'ncillc tmt, mid mIic rctiunx WimmImMk Jjito HiIm aftttrnooii thu wrk thuru nuxt TiiwnIuv, tntukof I'hlliiriulphlii will be thu wenu Tlie ludlea of Hilver iSell t'irclc y.ivu a of wlmt promihUH Io'Ihi on of tint grand MlivtMtfful tMH'iul at their hull in lunar-uuc- u uat tririiKghw for Mipruimtpy ever wit block Friday uvunlug. Thu oujoy. nuwuri on u rye hi truck In Anmrlru. Thu iiiuni coimmiwi in ruireoiiuioutri mm uoutuMtutitit will lw l.lnton, thu mlririlu-riddanThere were reviUtloiiH by Mlm oiiiimpion of KunK, mid Aletha Irvln and Maude CuMelHier, mid by Minn ltunlnu'11,. Mim Siiithwlck. Hurry Hikes, and phunomonul racing hiiIoh mid MIm Huritt. MIm Maud i'Mug mid will Pulls. Thtty Ohm nitwit ym Nulliu Derby, rHuderuil plamw, man from uh in a rm'i for tlio world'H I'hupioiiH.iip did Maetur Font Tnrpluy of Cortland. IAU AlMiut attciulwl uud a plinild time mid ifpurmiof f l,(KH). Itoth intin huvu arranged totino motor piiolug nmohliiws, wan brttl. whioh have provun relluhlu In thu big A farewell iiurty wiih givun Mr. and riuton huro and In Now York during tlio Mr. John llouk at tliu home of Mr. However, in order to (lillhnm on Kulnur'w lnttom on Friday minI mouth. avoid delays in ease of accidents to the uvunlug by thu friuudti and nulglilwirw of thogueflte, tliuv inilng alnjut to loavu iiiuqIiIiuni, there will Ihi on hand an arfor Kiigluiul to viil t thu futhur of Mr. UHriruplcUi Iteuk. Theluttur aftur iiiuuy yurtrn ray of Muwmuktir, with in Marlon county Mild IiIh large and quints ready to tuku the phut of thu pniHirty and rwturmxl to Kugbtnd, The motor muehtntM. Iriendti wlm gtUherul to wlnli Mr. mel Mm. Iteak a pleuwtnt farewell ami a Two nntloiial eoiiferernxM for th ttmutry of trutitM aru on thu uipis for wife return to thie lieautiful wore: Mr. ami Itlack, Mr. and nuxt inontliH, one cutllwl by llowntir Mm. Ktler, Mr. Mr. and Mm. I'untiumim, Buyers of Tuxtw to lw liuld In Chimgo Mr. mid Mm. Utllhum, Mr. and Mm. nnilur tint aiiHplcuo uf thu Otvk-- 1V1th-thi- ItyHti. Mm. t'lark, the Mieeee Uittie Chirk, F. Walker, Jwlie Weeiey. Iteeeie Davie, I Mlu Goodrich. Hulllu Gllluiour, Rutlwr-IngTito diitiw namwl fur tlw two Martini Kitt'hliiK, KtHe ItetinUley, Mury nro hittthrtH)duynuurt and iim IhiI a lletinUlev, Mimtor t'hurlee Walter l'twrmiue, John Ityun, I'lierlw oomparaUvulyfowoftlHWtfwiiotKiproMMWu Harley Hlili, Homer Alliuou, lnduIiioim Dud it convenient to Attend Uillum, Itolit. I'turk, AiiHtin Ityan, Walter both gutliorlug It Im notimprolmhlu that IWrtlNluy, Arthur Iteenliiley ami lid the two uoiiftirunouM will be murgtd into Holier. Tliu evening wea nwde loop, hh the oim. If thin U not douu it Im Itkoly that mttaie and kihnI fellowship were paitto thu Oiiltmgo I'onferiinvu will bo ularily eiijoyuble. uml until Ootobur or httur. If thu cake aidiMl largely to the cool the unlor of amiumiilotttloiiH mi fur uoiIvih1 mu any tlte youiiiMir (Ktopiu awl wtu full' by all. tho Ht. IkiU tionfureneu ludiuutlon will Ihi an Immumitf gathering of men Jacksonville Ttmtw: Hv. V. bentse!, from nil mrt of tlio oountry wIiomi who Iimh taken clmr)ju of the new Cutli-oi- k (MirWh coMiixweil if the touUiern or uommurMul Mtunding make tliuir oplnloim on tho aubJtHH of tninU worthy iiert of the Jurkeoo ttmnty and all of jke cuuuIUm, with uud Utm from Klumath of wniNldorutloii. Anumg heudiiuartere at AnhUntl. U making reIhhmi liavt far whom ncooptttiictM bo ciul if tin' iiiiiiiutaiiiH u iMitltrul ieit. nt v- - i. al win-vuii- t a r y rirg-Iiiut- a mu-mI- In' iilrifr llrriti'tii. mid tliu receiver of the bank, asking that the larm prowrty ooi-e- t ij.ick io mom uwn rr.p...M1 tho groumlH that the trade wiih made through, and by means of fraud iqioii (In. twirl' tt Itrfiu.-rm- - , gJt Washing Powder 1071. Men 1 TIWN.1FAIKBANK KLmU COMPANY, rUwVork Ujtla ....ArJeA li: 14 u is Arl crm... .Corvallis. . Lv . j0 u At Albany and Conrallit con eci I, tains of the C. St E Ry. IFTOETENDENCg' PassESuek. LTF.E .SAVJ3D. A TRAIN DAILY f EXCRIT SUNDAY.! THALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- - y, W. SKINNEK, Deiwt Agent, rr C I) OAHRILLSON City 'ncket Agent, 231 Cora, rcercla) M. Salem Or. K,, Managei. F. & P. A. I'ortlaa. Sliou Line Railroad Oregon The Direct Home to Utah, Montana, Glvttt choice of and all Eastern Poiiits tiro lavorlto ro itc-- . via the Look ut the tunc U Day." to Salt Luke Days to Denvor :ii Days to Chlcauo Ii Dayfl to New York (tevllnltig Chair Can, Uhnlslerei Tou 1st SMiilnir Can, ami t'ulhnnu I'alnct) Hleveri nitrated on nil trains. For further Information apply. to 2 ,t V P O, llAUKKIt, Agents, FalHU K. t:0MAN, (ien'l Agent TEllltY.Trav. 1'm AkI lit Third St l'orlluml BMMHHaswnsMMinHiHaaaa5SWSai . TINNERS GanadianPacific Ry COURT STREET. U3 Colorado Union l'acltio Fust Mall I.i.ib, or the Klo Grande Ucoulu Line(. PLUMBERS and M Direct connections at an Vith fo HAWAII, lAI'AN steamship lines CHINA. 'I UK PIIILLIPINES and AL's! DOIHK I 1 450 PM) Lv....t'ottland....Ari 8S5Aji 730 p M Lv. . . .McMinnviilc Lv 5:50 a m 11:30 PM)Ar Independence Lv) A Free Kurtz & Hamilton o .. 0 4.-5- To whom it may concern : This is to certify that Uertha P. Conner, of Mt.Angol precinct. Marion county. Oregon, lias suffered from u cancerous growth in tlie leftear for about three years. Thu growth was cutout twice and burned out onco by Albany Phygiciiins. but tlie growtii came buck as bad as ever, nnd pained her so Irndly that she had to lie taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Botanical entirely disapKjecialist, the growth peared, and at this date, four montlis since treatment wits begun, the growth bus not reappeared, and tlie ear bus entirely healed leaving only the scars indicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tlie above statement is absolutely true, and that Her-th- n P Conner, tlie iionon mentioned ffl.rt- 4l.n nll.l.t!tll, lino ..II. ii.ii.t. 11. lliu miuium III 111. iiuo ..ull.l.ut luminal t.l ily since early childhood, bearing tho re lationship to me oi niece. II. C. Long. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 18W. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. o Ar. V Fall. d. .;55 p M I KXPRESa the Botanlonl Spoo allst. Succeeds Whore Othor Dr. J. F, Cook, Maken specialty nf all Kinds of Sheet. Steel and Galvanized Iron work rjoflng and guttering, a full line of Pumps and pump fittings. Prompt work and reasouahlu prlcos. We carry In stock tho Fairbanks wind mill. Cull uud see us before L'lvlng your order fur mill or tank. Phono 2.'i4 Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comiort by the 11141, LIMITED . IKk-k- . PHOMPI WORK AND the fastest train crossing ritlGES! LOW 1) llU 1 Tho I hm-p- sue-ees- 'I'll Hat School. For outaloguosand furthor Information, address the Pro&ldeut nr Hon. J. J. Walton, Sec, Kugcne, Oregon. B l 7w cod dly to travel by it. VK.IH. chsr-turo.- Itxplaiiathm f ha syntein Iu ilntail Iu theMt miliimns Watell fur it. KITA A.N DKKB-W- I l.MM AN. titAlB RKpriMtmtutive ami Mmlr of tlin Fueully Ktmlwt over Wrt National llhlu'.. Out) ur two plaeea own fur ailvanMHl playurs In piano quartet. Wel jaiul Frl 3 i. m . SCIIOI.AHTIO Kranle.1 (rum a rpuularly iaitiltitiun. WII.t.MRTrK ItlVHIt lin Hint W)' 10a. im. Corvullls AlbHliy i.Mihi Thu. l'oluts, First term begins Sept. IS, 1801). Exccllont courses In Ancient and Modern Languages, .Sciences-- Mathematics otc. Guduntcs from the tenth grade nnd from nil accredited schools ndmltted without examination. StudonU not fully prepared toontor, on n take studies In whioh they uro tlctlolent, In the Ktigeue City High WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Dally boils to Poitlaud at above. Oily Transfers to street car line at Oreg if the steamers are delayed theie ouua trip tickets to allpointkin Oregon. Wishing, ton, or California. Connection made at loit-lanwith all rail, ocean andnver lines W. II. HURLHURT. Uen'l Pas. AbI. Portlaml. dr. G. M. TOWKKS, Agent, Trade street dock Salen. UOISK & IIARKEU, City Agent. Corvallis k Eastern Railroad No. 105 Commercial street, oppoMto Wlllumette hotel. TIME Ladles' and gontlomon's clothing cleaned, dyed, repaired ami prossod. Flue blankoUs cleaned or dyod and nicely finished. Kid glovos cleaned, 10c; dyed 2 Few Interesting Facts i t&2J- - as speed, comfoit and safety is concerned. 2l.'i fcnitiloyes ol the wUconin Central LttiM are paid to verve the public ami our strains are operated so at to make clo e coiuwctiflAt with diverging lines at all junction points. I'ltllman ralaee bltunntr and Chair cars on through trains. Dining ear service unexecllod, Meals la Carle. s In erder to obtain this The Best Proscription for Mnlnrln' service. CkllUatMl tVverlsa hallo l KTiTTic- - ask the .icket agent to sell you a ticket ,ovr um Cut 1.1. Tnsia It U IM ply lion xl Quinine lu a Instate frta So an Pay J i I llrvamt. It does not tie in the painter's fancy to ittuKine a prettier pictute than that of a rttM Mt rtw 4 m TUB WISCONSIN CMIA!. LINKS youiiK Ki'l will liirt hicu.uH with the iroHile of love hlf patted Ih thr unities ef aappr duamland The wind of happy JERSEY BULL. maidenhood i a clear and polinhed mirror, make dirert which, when the wit go wandering Into the Full blood Jorn' ur(iiw for reason uiw you will it. laul hK CWesgo, Mllwawlse BhtMtlaad of dreams, reflects the impres-Ioh- i only tl, s(H)t ottsh. Corner of Tliirteejilit lowi rtatt of wakmi; hour. If those impresPer any ImUer iRfoiuvalion call uh' sions are nhrasaut and naiules and hannr. nml Oontar streets. ticket asent er mreeAd with h will smile in her sleep If the impie. Ruown A Son, 5 tt sions arc lhive of a suncriiiK woman, torJAt. 1XJKD, tured with thr special ailment to which Oeneral Anesit. the feminine enranism is liable, the picture Milwawks, Wis, is spelled by the line of sunVriHg and JAS. A. CLOCK. Maladies of this nature unfit a GttfMia! A Rent, wmau for Joyous maidcnhiKHl and fur mothethovHl SiffM, They incapacitate har 36Slk fife to bear the burdem of iu any sphere IVRTtANB. 0K, First-lass Household, Boarding and of ailion matiul and social duties ttlite arc a btinlen to the woman who stables, ts constantly sulfeniiir from hruikohe, backache, drauginir acusationa and waV-entitCOMMKKOIAL STKKHT. I)r drain. Pierce's Havotiie SALKM, ORK. putittvely, cowplslcly, unlail-ui;lctnev troublsa of this nature It iuiiaita health, strength, vigor tu the womanly organs. It fit for eare-fiehealthy uuldsuhood, happy wifehood 97 STATK STKKHT. and capable mothcthood. S15 and upwaida, I tuv-a Mttle stopUugMer who had Si Yilu.a uue. wWA mcsskttt cwwd." Best Rlgj, for Commercial M(n Pants S3 aivd upwrd MiR Mi T H kkwe. sTiWl. IlfcjAUi. Ctt., . "I sywt atwot twsytY 4amm far Justf-- s In SWv aaM hlMk HM.WtiUuM U1V aad stoltciM. ami H 1W iwt W Is chtM s wwrth af nsMd We castiwstiwsl sm fe.JTSufe toaius ntwl nAiiirsjrLtWe rl Notice. doMei iu iHssW HsvwIfelHrisHiitoM I hav MmHos) Mmwm) ' an my H wall fraU sala far 4 wmA Ihi UMIh of forktdlftsaml rum 11 v ilrlylnir a $pe laity, lloriMWtwari)! tiv dav. weoW nMh. whUh sst Mty ntx 4atiifv Ktw tlw cbiM Hon9h 20Q tqns of A I Qlovtir U ruHMtig anxaul vry wnut aa4 I. )ot as or month ami lwt of stfHUon ay ' rturton In the ftald hiaHhy a .VI tj k'uartiiituiHl. FRANK DUHUIN "kedTront liveryll v Wm ULLREY, O. H. LANE Prop.: Merchant TailOp No. 71 Chemckcta st, H et Hi e. rl ut4.00 1 - same day. II. L WAl.lri. F. 1. Im 7 wilumhttk:rivkk and ooutinmng thruuh pMskni and aiuu- ytMtoic and old. tkol wk.provklwl ititnt fr itstintsMtlv luvitesl tolwpitM- -, MnKer AlUuy, Oie. DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Jutiu m$ Augtwt o MinjM A. T J.TUitNRH AxeHt. Annual Encampment, A. Ijohaii Vwltan Keuiimu A SHXiHtion at MeliHMm, Ur., ciuim'n-- - . ot mcau Trains ror iiie iuu'iumi"" pie j:lvin.' time kin noin, DeUoltat to reach cnmpinu L'niiinuh ou ine iirelteubush uud Sauliam river the raptals) 2oMalt Lenves Salem ut 7 a. in. for Portland and way landing overy Tuesday, Tliurshiy und Saturday. Tbe atejttr baa Un MHlni-ti1 t ' n. in. 1 only. r. TUT1HLL Assayer. s ( f 111. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany hatur-day- s on Tuesdays, Thursdays and SS4e Mreel, nsar isilnud. Frethest and lW meats. My jiaUons y 1 keep the In uwn 3f : 700 a. 3 NEW MARKET Fcd 11:40 a. in itolurnluu: AND LABORATORY. .1. 1, Leaved Yuqulna Leuvos Ckirvallls Anlvns Allinnv fissay Office ::i.s. mnmw - 12:50 p. in. 1:4ft p. in. 6:P0 p. iu. i liist-ciu- l1cant For Ynqulnu: Train leaves Albany 'iraln Iouvch Corvallis.... Tralu arrives Yaqiilna... th-i- I "Sweet Home" If you want fresh homo made candy. U'o cream, lee cold summer drinks, or a vood elgur coll at tho "Sweet I Iomo" 7 SO If No. 'iUUK Gommurehtl street. I CAT?!), For Detroit: Leaves Allwmy 7H0u. in. Arrives Detroit ll:Wu.m. 4 Iteturnlni;: Leuves Detroit 12:36 n. 111. p. in. A rives Albany p. iu. !Loa vea A lbaiiy ..... 11:05 GlUH'ND Flook J15 p. m. Arrives Corvallis Coitinierclul St., Salem Oregon. SLeaves Corvallis a. iu. 7:2ou. in. Arrlvos Albany f inn fltwl rti-- nnmiii( 11. AlhllflV Aflfl WIV ltl HM 14JIIIIVWM ttV Krf Corvallis with Southern Pacific tininr-- ,iilvlni. rllr...) cnrulw f.llind (rfllll f0Vport und adjacont tienahes. No. 0 runs from Albany in Corvallis ou Mondays, Wednesdays and Platino Photos, VO For full oarticulnrH nti to rates, time and of C. 1 U. publications apply to C. M. LOUKWOOD Al'ciiL Salem Ore. II. II. A Dolt, AL'ont Portland. K. J.Coyle, A.U V A, Vancouver H.C. Steam Dye Works "Take In" The Whole Field 28c. If you have n want that you think eomu man iu .Marion Uounty emt nil, tuku iu the whole field ut once by insert ing it want add in Jouhnau Tliure's no half way business about Knlargouients In Crayon and Wator tho Journal. It gots right nut among A Color. Photo Muttons. all thu people who are worth talking to. When people are conlemuli'linu a Irin And if your man is iu town you'll And whether on kuiuieit or pleasure, they natur Amateur developing and finishing neatly done. K J. UROWN, him. Tliure's no'douht aliotit that. ally want the liest service obtainable so lar 11 e'egance. It will pay you At llnimi. KIUUTII (wrlltiaatiM 'Ar8ar luve Halttm Tuition Free. I). M. I'KKHinKNT lnlit le In seeoudiug tliu motion for tliu adoption of tliu rofeolutnhiH Prof II. I.. Itutus, Hiku feelingly of pliHtsmit relations which luive uxisteil during tliu montlis of ministry and Kuv. Mr. Freuluud expressed his uppreeiation of tliu good will of the church ami congregation. Mr. Freulaml left on Monday for Portland, wliuni hu will occupy the pulpit of tlie First CongreKtttiouul church during tlie ubsuiico of its jmstor, and will then supply the Congregational t'hureh at Tucouiu until it sei'iirtM a to Dr. Scudder. the continent. It is a through train making fewstons. Its equipment is of surpassing University System to of Musical Instruction. A Naponal CiMiiMiraitve Intiitutlon whiuh U mfinnuiK to niliiilwr Uh laiiulLV by liHliiirwl ami its xiilln liy Ihoiisanilii. Hinlimuiiiir mum IlututwiMlrstatMi. Pur the nr 1'upiu of rriTiit.rrwiKr of Oregon, cunll-deuc- e Intor-Stn- It. If. SCO IT, C I They are not there is nothing to good as tho gcniUue QOLO DUST for all cleaning about the bouts. Ask lor GOLD DUST tad lutlat on gettinjr it. Made only by DAlty RUN 710 a Ml"l.v... .Portland.. , Paul-Chicag- Co, 5 1 1 ft., Salem Water TRAIWS ) M hrst-cla- o well-tille- nl lglJ MONTEZUMA ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone Pacific Ar. San Francisco. Lv Ogden... Ar IiiopM 5'ooPM Ar Denver. . Lv 645P1, 6:15 PM Ar , 6.43 AM Ar . . . Omaha . . , Ar 8 so A M v Ar . . . . Chicago . . . . Lv 0,30 r u 7.00 AM Ar. . . Los Ange'cs . ..Ar Q2Si( 8M5PM Ar... E' Paso... . Ar 2 3s v M 4. IS P M Ar. . . .Fort Worth .,Ar 8.40 Am 10,4 dappled chestnut Is a beautiful Ar 8401-17.55 Am Ar... New Orleans linnds high, and weighs 1700 lbs. He is UlNINO CAKS OUSEkVATION CARS. a jwrlect all purpose horse. Pullman and tourist sleeping caTi Will bo at Huffman's stable, Satoni, to all throuch tiaim. Toutut cn Saturday of oach week in July and Aug-ui- t, attached tluough to Chicago without change. nt and the remainder of tlio week RPSKBURH VA'L, D.MtY. tlio Fair Grounds. Terms f 15.00 to inti:y ami Lv . , Portland luse, a M Lv... .Salem.. .. Lv;i5o.-rsure. Koseburg. bv 7.'30A Also oolts liroken and bandied for 520 P Ml Ar .. WEbT SflJE UTVItilON. II. It. RtrritsiitroiU). sjieed. BRTWEFN PORTlND AND COXVAU.U. Mail tiains daily except Sunilay.j AND 3, OKAY HLK. ItOOMS Retnere Their Reputa tion. Tlie ball ame played on Wiliwjn .SOULE 3JROS. Avenue Friday afternoon lictween the Foresters and Red men, was one of tlie PIANO I ONERS AND REPAIRERS entortninmenU) mrHt enjoyable open-ai- r IORTINU,:UllK ever given in Salem. It was the second Tlie game between thoHs two nines. For Halein ami rtetHlty leareronlers at tli-first was played on Tuesday, July 2f, C. Will's Music Btore. ami reHilted in a score of It to 10 in favor of tlie Foresters. These gentlemen rather expected to clinch the matter of their superiority, in the second game, but tlie Rod Men had close contest other plant-- and after OFFICF, CITY HALL yesterday they took the game by a score IM setvice apply at office. For water 14 13. to of Make monthly in advance. Ry previous arrangement only seven payable tomplaints at the rft" innings wore played. Good feeling prevailed throughout the game. George Hushucll acted us umpire, nnd lie seems to have the faculty of being always at exactly tho right place to cutch the vital features of every close point. Whenever there was a sudden Fcramble of players and ball, Ihishnell was tliore ahead of tlie hull, and his decision were two-hus- a 7.-4- BASE BALL. SHASTA ROJTE J7wrPMAr....Satem a Lower Berth, lluitt, Ijoodaa TE mi L,v...;tortiana. ,.Ar ISiooxl You Can Get H Comututrs should beware of the cheap and Inferior waaulng powders aald to be juat as VIA EXPRESS Judgu Mcllride, Tuowlay, decidwl that remarkably satisfactory. the farm should revert to the Del.ahh-imittTliore was plenty of enthusinsism Thin huv'mi tiium tho valuable amongst thu crowd of nnd us farm lxmiilun the low which iiaymcnt of approached game ex the end of tlie the tho bunk's dooiitors wouM ontull. Ar citoment ran high. Neurly every one gus Aug. . irj. is glad, though, that it turned out us it FAIR WOMAN'S FAME. did, for that insures another game between these nines. With one exception the through An Oregon Editor Would Like to Buy score will show that some good The of the Hurilngtun Route trains Stamps in Red Lodge. played after the first bail was lire almost Invariably KdltorUl anl HeuIIInnt from Hed Ixnigf. Mon The exception Is our tit. tuning. Fomu brilliant plays and some Una, I'ltlcot. Limited. On the limited The Snium. Ore.. Journal of recent woful orrors wore made by nearly every there Is usually room and to date copies un item which appeared in player. spare. The Picket some time ago, which item, made Murphy it couple of beautiful Don't Infer that It ls neither is remark, Journal's witli together the slides, a three Imsc hit uud it home run ; so firm, nor so fast, as ANY train Intro reproducer: of ANY other line between St. Mrs. Shannon, ussistaut oorttuiiHtruss hut if hu didn't do it lot of tilings of Paul and Chicago. On the con Wednealay deimrtiil on mi extended that kind, every one would think he trury, there Is no more beautiful visit with relatives uud frlenils in Spotrain In America. It lias electric Ore. Her was "soldioring." kane. Wash., ami Hnluiii. Probably the most surprising tiling light, steum heat, wldevostlbulos, place jh lsjlng lillol by Miss Verim the most satisfactory dining-ca- r Ilinds. the ciiaruiim; sulioolmu'iu and which occurred during tliu whole gmne on the continent and service iilrs'iitloniHt. was u hit by Jessup. Iu tlie lower berth 'or everybody, Hufurrlntr to the alxivu the Journal and faithfully previous game, tlie doctor A. C. SHELDON. says: Geu'l Ai.'cnt, Portland, Or. "A clinriiiliiL. schoolinu'aui mid olocil conscientiously fanned out every time, tionist!" I.lfo must be wortli living In mid not until tlie fifth inning yester ihsl I.odge, with Midi a purson to lick day did he ut lust swat the bull. It stumps for you. sailed awuy high over the head of tlie center Holder, uud no one was more Freeland. M. Rev. S. surprised than Jussiiii himself. When List Fluidity ended tlio puritsl of Kuv begot buck home, lie solemnly averred S. M. Freoluud's service, in supplying that it was tlio first time lie ever hit a tliu pulpit of tlie Congregational church, huso 1ml I in his life. in Forest (Jrovu, during Its search for a Redinen. Foresters. Abbio lxietor. uud tlie following resolutions Hodgklns TIM It HtIKtl'LIC. Cox DKIMIIT iMtniiK ii wore HUrHsl by tliu church mid cougre King Kmm l'orl.KiMl OH I Hamilton Murphy sa gutiou at the morning service: 1 Ii Holmun Mellon Frttt Salt likp. Denver Ft. Worth' 1. That we recognize in him a faith Oiualia, Kaiiras tlty, Htr. ispin Fontaine MmII Williams 'Jli fill muesengor of tlio loving Christ and it is. Williams S Ill, uiuis.ciiii'atronnu irftm, Ilishop ltd Icoil tlie Lords lirotuer llttml to........ lloruoyer Lucas See"" Walla, Hp"knlic. Mlnuit fi.- If Walla i 'i'i.,.t ti... ti. u.i rM.iui,... nr.. Olingur Uhuiv hjkiiis, ni. rani, imiiiiiu. kaiui ii. Andorson of ill the forms of loving obedience to iod L WHiiLse Klyer l.'hieauo anil wil. Jossup 2.30 rf Hmuilto III men, fellow and unsulllsh our to a. in. Tho score by innings, was as follows: bus by him lnieu nlululy sot liofore us for ft 0 ii 0 2 0 Red Men upon ocKAN'WiTurHirrrar uh ourcniiU'innlutioii and ureud I t 0 :t HI 8 p in.KurSau KraiiBhuHi, 2 2 I p. in for our sdoptiou, impressing uh witli Foresters sail every nve uiijk. higher views ul tlntv and a ueeHti' I'OI.UMKIA ItlVKIt ol our necl ol divine lielp mm a Albany Democrat.: Superintendent a ii. m.i STRAMKRS. ii. m. Mtroniier assurance of its present reality. J. D. 1.00 of tlie puultontiury was in nX. HlIU Astoria ami way uiu'IIw, ix Huu. To Hatur it. That we urutefiilly aiioreciute mid tliu city this noon on Ids way homo ,lKy .. shill long remumlMir his service among from it trip to tlie Smitinui, witching it iu v, m us and Iiojhi that he uud Ills esteemed ride to Albany on tliu Vllhird engine. ArSa lsve WU.tiAMKTTK ItlVKIt wife may yet formany yours huvo health Iohi Salem p. in. ami utreiigtli to continue their labors. 7.1ft am rurllawl. NuwUrtf aixl wiiy IjihUIhks. jiona ITiu tlie I. That wo commend them to thu cure uud guidmice of our Heavenly University Frl ntiilHnl 10 a, iu. rather, mid liespouk for them tlie Tu Itaytini Tlmr Fur Moll mid co ownition of Clirlstittu Wwl Sat. wherever they iiiuy Ihi culled. .M..m Frl n. Beware of Imitations! SOUTH AND EAST Southern Soccesser to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Whiu Comer, SaLtn, Or. Partiei desiring mperia operations at moderate fees in any branch an In especial request. i io cenls and 2S cents DnifglMs. nMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMir The Red wrtiriirxr OF THE Quicker than anything Tlio coco of Krnufit and Inez v. It. S. Browne, et nl, canto up Too-da- y in theCircuitcotirt and tlio trial wax one of iiitarert. Itrocnis that thu orfghmlly traded the farm near lUodrille to It. 8. Urowne for bank ktook in a Mow30w institution whidi soon afterwanlfl failttl, ami which, to date, lew tmid IhiI 20 jut cent dividend to its creditor 8. The complaint alleges timt the ftMiiditig of the bank wag mis reprotttiited, and the trade offecUd by fraud. They want their farm back. Williams, of Portland, and Tongue, of tills eitv, are for the prosecution, and Wirt rfinor. Portland, and K.It. Huston, are for tfio defence, the Receiver of the Imuk huriiiir intervened towivu tho farm From tlio Ar- fl an awet of tliu bank. THIS WEEK. EVERY GOLF SHIRT IN THE HOUSE AT REDUCED PRICES. Constipation and Sick Headache i else ViiTr & dentist, Cure I GOLF " O. H. 01AOK IEECHAM'st jSi eBjBW.aJn it t'Aftt)Si 'i Farm. SHIRTS ubsllissa - JIIIIIHIhlllltlllllllHIMllllltOIHIIItlllllilMIIOMlllltL l wh MKaMi nr' acirosanuJalioiM, iMlMtHt; an usurfttaml for rarrylng llh firtuhl DvEFt ol Slate atieet. KD. N. UIBS CAPITAL Ajwut. Cm Exoressand Transfel, wfnaciallr all Mcuttlfen, miUtn MeU all aaail ami asMeatgi ball. mi lartimi oi U war of 1&M-m wU 10 id ftt M if lfc tw suldiru of the with Spaiii or Ut fage aad set v 10c Tckphoi S. 7". !'hihppiiir! Bv l u4uiuitU. "Wlm SKIl-t- U DLSQUE. ilr ami i B8- - "')
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