Hygienic Sanitary Gaskets Compression Controlled Gaskets for Aseptic Markets Superior Performance for High Purity Processing Parker’s hygienic sanitary gaskets are patent pending designs which offer long-term sealability, excellent wear performance, complete material traceability and easy installation. Our sanitary gaskets are designed to meet typical ASME-BPE hygienic clamp unions with a nearly flush interface (± .008"), preventing the entrapment of any media within a dead space that can lead to microbial growth and contamination. In addition, the flush interface helps prevent erosion of the elastomeric gasket that could contaminate the process stream. Product Features r *OOFSTFBMCFBETQSPWJEFQSJNBSZ QPJOUPGTFBMJOH r &YUFOEFE QMBTUJDPOPOFJODIBOE Parker Hannifin Corporation MBSHFSTJ[FTIFMQTTVQQPSUTFBM Integrated Sealing Systems Division CFBETBOENBJOUBJOáVTIJOUFSGBDF 3700 Mayflower Drive r 3FEFTJHOFEPVUFSCFBEHFPNFUSZ Lynchburg, VA 24501 NBJOUBJOTTFBMJOHDBQBCJMJUZXJUIPVU BOPWFSàMMDPOEJUJPOUIBUXPVME phone 434 846 6541 DBVTFUIFNBUFSJBMUPFYUSVEFJOUP fax 434 847 2725 UIF*%EVSJOHUIFSNBMFYQBOTJPO www.parker.com r 0VUFSDMJQTUPBMJHOHBTLFU UPUIFGFSSVMF r 4UPDLTJ[FTBWBJMBCMFUISPVHI rMetal EFUFDUBCMFNBUFSJBMTBWBJMBCMF Contact Information: Benefits r *OUSVTJPOSFDFTTPGUIFHBTLFU MFTTUIBO r -POHUFSNTFBMBCJMJUZ r &BTZQBSUBMJHONFOUEVSJOH JOTUBMMBUJPO r &BTZQBSUSFNPWBMGSPNUIF GFSSVMFBGUFSVTF r .BUFSJBMUSBDFBCJMJUZCBDLUP UIFSBXJOHSFEJFOUT r $PNQSFTTJPOPOUIFHBTLFU JTBVUPNBUJDBMMZDPOUSPMMFECZ QMBTUJDDBSSJFS r .FFUTBMMGPPECFWFSBHFQSPDFTTJOH SFRVJSFNFOUT Over-Molded Rubber to Plastic Design Parker’s hygienic sanitary gasket type B design provides superior sealability, alignment and traceability. Reduced outer bead size prevents over-fill condition that would cause seal bead to extrude into tube Outer clip aligns gasket with ferrule Inner seal beads provide primary point of sealing (increased sealing pressure over existing designs) Extended plastic support stabilizes the seal beads and limits extrusion into the tube Parker Sanitary Gaskets Testing for intrusion & sealability Laboratory Testing for Intrusion & Sealability Test Results During product development, Parker’s sanitary gaskets were evaluated side-by-side with various industry leading sanitary gasket suppliers' products, by an independent test laboratory. In doing so, Parker confirmed its products perform better than what exists in the market today. A After the completion of 500 steam-in-place cycles, Parker’s gaskets exhibited an average of .003" of intrusion. Compared to the competitor’s gaskets, Parker’s ethylene propylene (EPDM) gaskets displayed: r A minimum of 90% less intrusion r The ability to hold pressure without having to re-torque the clamp, resulting in labor cost savings. r The ability to disassemble the joint and remove the gasket by hand without the use of external tools, improving the safe removal of the gasket and reducing labor costs. 0.003 Intrusion Test Results Minimum Recess/Intrusion Results (inches) Maximum Recess/Intrusion Results (inches) Average Intrusion Results (inches) 1BSLFS&1%.4BOJUBSZ(BTLFU $PNQFUJUPS"4UBOEBSE&1%.(BTLFU $PNQFUJUPS#4UBOEBSE&1%.(BTLFU $PNQFUJUPS"15'&&1%.&OWFMPQF(BTLFU $PNQFUJUPS#15'&&1%.&OWFMPQF(BTLFU $PNQFUJUPS$&1%.$PNQSFTTJPO$POUSPMMFE(BTLFU BPE Intrusion Category I – Maximum intrusion/recess .025" (radial) BPE Intrusion Category II – Maximum intrusion/recess .008" (radial) Materials for Biopharmaceutical Food and Beverage Applications r 641IBSNBDPQFJB641 $MBTT7* r "4BOJUBSZ4UBOEBSEBOE Please contact the division for assistance in selecting materials in these situations. Notes: Material specific data sheets available upon request. "MM'%"NBUFSJBMTMJTUFEQBTTUIF'$35JUMF FYUSBDUBCMFUFTUJOHSFRVJSFEGPSSFQFBUFE use in contact with aqueous and fatty foods. E3609-70 ( ( ( & ( ( ( & & & & & & F & EJ590-70 ( ( ( & ( ( ( & & & & & & F & N1069-70 ( ( F ( ( ( F F ( ( ( ( P & ( S0317-60 P & & & P P '( ( & F & ( F ( ( S7387-70 P & & & P P '( ( & F & ( F ( ( V1274-80 ( & & F ( ( & ( ( ( ( & ( & & XV0180-02 ( & & F ( ( & ( ( ( ( & ( & & & &YDFMMFOU( (PPE' 'BJS1 1PPS Properties of Commonly Used Elastomers for Sanitary Gaskets Parker Compound Polymer Hardness Color Temperature Range (°F) E3609-70 &1%. 70 #MBDL UP '%"6417* EJ590-70 &1%. 70 White UP '%"6417*"$MBTT*** N1069-70 /#3 70 #MBDL UP '%""$MBTT** S0317-60 VMQ 3FE UP '%"6417*"$MBTT*7 S7387-70 VMQ 70 5SBOTMVDFOU UP 641 V1274-80 FKM #MBDL UP '%"6417*"$MBTT* XV0180-02 FKM #MBDL UP '%"NFUBMEFUFDUBCMF Material Traceability Each sanitary gasket has a laser etched product identification on the part to allow for full traceability. The etched identification includes codes for the material type, manufacturing date, shift, and month of production. Parker’s internal rubber mixing capability ensures full traceability back to the raw ingredients used in production. Water 7FHFUBCMF0JM Steam (<400°F) 4PEJVN)ZQPDIMPSJUJF 4PEJVN)ZESPYJEF 4PBQT#MFBDIFT%FUFSHFOUT "MDPIPM3FTJTUBODF Chemical Properties "DJE3FTJTUBODF 5FOTJMF4USFOHUI 5FBS3FTJTUBODF -PX5FNQFSBUVSF3FTJTUBODF )FBU3FTJTUBODF Parker Compound $PNQSFTTJPO4FU3FTJTUBODF r '%"TUBOEBSE$'3 "CSBTJPO3FTJTUBODF For these reasons, Parker only uses materials that are compliant with the following specifications to manufacture sanitary gaskets: Physical Properties "MLBMJ3FTJTUBODF Parker can offer a wide range of elastomers to accommodate the various critical sealing challenges faced in the bioparmaceutical , food and beverage markets. Selecting a suitable material is critical in both industries to insure long-term sealability and zero contamination. Compliance Product Offering Parker’s hygienic sanitary gaskets are offered in our &DPNQPVOEB641$MBTT7*'%"BOE/4' approved ethylene propylene (EPDM) material; as well BTëVPSPDBSCPO',. BOETJMJDPOF72. NBUFSJBMT 4FFPVSWJEFPCZ TDBOOJOHUIJT23 DPEFPOBOZNPCJMF EFWJDF Sanitary Gaskets How to Order 84 16 - 3A - 1 3A Certified Tubing O.D. in TJYUFFOUITPGBOJODI Sanitary Gasket Identifier m5ZQF"BMMSVCCFS HBTLFUEFTJHO m5ZQF#PWFSNPMEFE SVCCFSUPQMBTUJDEFTJHO Part Number - B Plastic Material/Color Suffix B Blue (standard) R Light Red Rubber Material/Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 3-A Sanitary Standards Silicone/Rust FKM/Black EPDM/White Nitrile/Black 5 Silicone / Clear 6 EPDM / Black ',M / Black.FUBM%FUFDUBCMF Parker’s Hygienic Sanitary Gaskets Material Plastic Suffix Color Size (OD) Type na na na na na TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF A A A A A B B B B B B B TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF TFFBCPWF 3 ⁄ "MMPGUIFNBUFSJBMTDPOàHVSBUJPOTPG UIFIZHJFOJDTBOJUBSZHBTLFUMJOFBSFJO DPNQMJBODFXJUI"TUBOEBSE SFRVJSFNFOUT&TUBCMJTIFECZ"4BOJUBSZ 4UBOEBSET*ODUIF"4BOJUBSZ4UBOEBSET FOIBODFQSPEVDUTBGFUZXJUIBTFUPG TUBOEBSETBOEBDDFQUFEQSBDUJDFT Assembly Tools Parker’s i-logic end caps, slotted sanitary clamp and i-torquer wrench ensures proper fitting torque, allows for easy gasket identification and makes end cap removal safe and easy Consult your local distributor or division for further details. © 201 Parker Hannifin Corporation *44
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