Presider: Fr. Jim DeBruycker So what do you think Isaac and his therapist talked about? “Your father tried to kill you? Pre-Mass Speaker: Jane Leyden Cavanaugh. Now is the Moment… to be free. “‘Yes, he took me up a mountainside. He made me carry all the firewood saying it was for a barbecue. When we got there he said lay down on the firewood than he tied me to the wood” On this second Sunday in Lent we welcome back our friend and world class trumpeter, Chuck Lazarus as we consider Now is the be free. Chuck will play two solos at today's Gym Masses with our own Tommy Barbarella. Thank you! Peter comes to tell us about his extraordinary experience on the mountaintop. Join us for our child-centered liturgies in the Church. Daylight Savings Time begins next Sunday, March 8. Please remember to adjust your clocks! “You didn’t struggle?” “I’m a 3rd century BC Middle Eastern boy. We don’t argue with our fathers.” “Then what?” “He took out the biggest knife I ever saw and said he was going to cut my throat as a sacrifice to God. At the last minute he dropped the knife, hugged me very hard and said ‘The angel stopped me in the nick of time.’ I really don’t know if I can trust him anymore.” Don’t we all have trust issues sometimes? Few bible stories are more argued about than the sacrifice of Isaac or as it is traditionally called, the binding of Isaac or the Akeda. The Muslims maintain it wasn’t even Isaac, but Ishmael, Abraham’s true first born and the father of the Arab tribes. The Jewish sages argue over what God really intended and what Abraham really intended. Some say Abraham failed the test by actually attempting to go through with the sacrifice even though he knew God’s prohibition against child sacrifice. The real test others say was Isaac’s submitting to God - he is the true hero of the test. Another one of those post-mortem questions that needs answering. Whatever the answer God definitely trusted Abraham after that. In the Christian scriptures the Akeda becomes a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice. Some ancient scholars even thought that Mount Moriah, the traditional site of the Akeda became Calvary in Jesus time. Of course there are some significant differences. Jesus chose ‘just actions’ which resulted in his death. He led his life so that he did not walk away from injustice but assaulted and challenged the law. He lived an uncomfortable life as an example to us. It is not an accident that the prophet of the law and the prophet of justice should minister to him at the Transfiguration. Jesus was the embodiment, the perfection of the law and justice. As shaken as Peter was by this apparition, he remembered the time Moses climbed a mountain and became as white as snow. The people set up a traveling sanctuary, a tent which evolved into the Great Temple in Jerusalem. FFI check the bulletin, the SJA website or call the Parish Center. The Upper Room is located in the Parish Center; Hospitality Hall is in the Church basement. Tuesday and Thursday morning 8 am Mass is celebrated in the Church Today A Delegation to the Border, after the 11 am Mass, Parish Center Delegation to Pine Ridge, 12:30 pm in the Arc Tuesday, March 3 Mass, 8 am in the Church Wednesday, March 4 Soup Supper, beginning at 5 pm in Hospitality Hall Conversation of Hope, 6:30 pm in the Church Thursday, March 6 Mass, 8 am in the Church Choir, 7 pm in the Church Friday, February 27 Mass, 6 pm in the Church Stations of the Cross, 7 pm in the Church Sunday, March 8: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speaker: Julie Madden. Now is the Moment… to rise up. Sun, March 1: Ge 22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18; Ro 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 Mon, March 2: Daniel 9:4b-10; Luke 6:36-38 Tue, March 3: Isaiah 1:10,16-20; Matthew 23:1-12 Wed, March 4: Jeremiah 18:18-20; Matthew 20:17-28 Thu, March 5: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 16:19-31 Fri, March 6: Gen 37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28a; Matt 21:33-43,45-46 Sat, March 7: Micah 7:14-15,18-20; Luke 15:1-3,11-32 Sun, March 8: Exodus20:1-17; Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25 9 and 11 am Gym Masses: Sunday, March 15: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speaker: Nekima Levy-Pounds. Now is the Moment… to be light. Sunday, March 22: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. Now is the Moment… Now! Holy Week Schedule Wednesday, April 1: Seder Meal, 6 pm in the Gym, RSVP required Thursday, April 2: Holy Thursday Mass, 7 pm in the Gym Friday, April 3: Contemporary Stations of the Cross, 3 & 7 pm, Gym Saturday, April 4: Easter Vigil, 7:30 pm in the Gym Sunday, April 5: 7, 9 & 11 am Masses in the Gym 9 & 11 am Masses in the Church Attention 5 pm Mass Eucharistic Ministers/Sacristans: The 2015 Calendar is ready for sign-up in the Church sacristy. SignUpGenius for Eucharistic Ministers is available on line. It's simple, user friendly and a reminder is sent 3 days before your scheduled volunteer day. FFI contact Marcia at [email protected]. Gluten-free Communion is available upon request. Please see any of the Sunday sacristans in the Gym before Mass. For Family Mass please see Gabrielle. Bud B., Dan P., Sally Backstrom, Dennis Barta, Phyllis Berninger, Peyton Berkland, Jean Besch-Patsch, Charlie Bloss, Sara Brock, Don Burke, Courtney, Dayna Cell, Bob Crowley, Denise, John D., Roger D., Megan Daoust, Irvin Dehn, Brittnay Delaney, Lois Doyle, Paul Doyle, Brian Flaata, Jermaine Foslien, Patricia Freeman, John & Margaret Frees, Stephen Goodman, Jim Gorman, Bryen Granlund, Tom Griep, Tom H., Betty Hinker, Jim & Pat Hinton, Megan Hoffman, Mary Hoody, Jody Hughes, Dan & Tom Jay, Tex Jones, Paul Jonsson, Glen Kelley, Kirk L, Bernie Kunkel, Amy Lainus, Iva Lang, Gary Lindstrom, Chantilly Lynch, Kari, Kyle M., Jeanette Maloney, Marie Marschel, Marge McClintick, Rose McGonagle, Katherine & Lauren McManus, Kayla McMullan, Jackie Mead, Sharon Miller, Dorothy Mongoven, Jason Monroe, Pamela Morgan, Gene Muelken, Mary Mueller, Joan Mulvey, Greg Murphy, Nate, Nick, Julius Nolen, Craig Norby, David Novitske, Olivia, Doris Oakes, Sr. Dolores Oaks, Matt Olk, Stacey Olk, Paul Olvera, Bill P., Rick Pattison, Jim Patrykus, Patricia Pavlik, Roberta Pearson, Joan Penrose, John Pirola, Tom Privette, Guy Prudden, Brooks Richard, Herb Rorke, Sheila Rossebo, Judy Roy, Helen Russett, Pat Sable, Martin Salley, Bonnie Sander, Leanna Sartia, Shea Sexton, Sam Slagerman, Emily Slotness, Sandra & Dietra Smith, John Spalding, Julian Sprunck, Judy Steffes, Sandy Stroud, Irene Taddiken, Helen Tierney, Matthew Tenant, Gregory Thomas, Mary Eve Thomas, Michele Thonias, Echo Thoren, Madison Travers, Carin Vagle, Carol Whitlow, Dan Williams, Jim & Jerry Wohnoutka, Jerry Young, Kathleen Ziegler, Ava & Annemaire Zubrzycki A Book of Prayer is located in our Gym vestibule. If you have a family member or friend who is ill, or who has recently died, please write their names in our Book of Prayer before Mass so we may include them in prayers during our Sunday Masses. Prayer Corner Requests: To keep prayer requests current, names will be included in the bulletin for four weeks and then removed. To renew your request, please call Nancy Becker at 612.823.8205 ext. 223. Choir will rehearse this Thursday, March 5 at 7 pm in the Church. Next Soup Supper ~ Wednesday, March 4: Enjoy soup, sandwiches and expand your SJA circle, 5 - 6:30 pm in Hospitality Hall. Hosted by our Mobile Loaves and Fishes volunteers! Free will donations will benefit MLF, our mobile food outreach ministry. Soup Donations Needed for March 4! To donate two gallons of soup, call the Parish Center. Big thank you to last Wednesday’s volunteers and attendees! Bread was donated by our neighbors, Steve and Gail Arnold, at Great Harvest Bread Co. on 43rd & Upton Ave. S. Show your appreciation by supporting this local, family owned business. Generous free will donations from the Ash Wednesday supper totaled $800 for the SJA CARE Fund! Lenten Wednesdays! Church open, 5 - 6 pm, for personal meditation Soup Supper in Hospitality Hall, 5 - 6:30 pm Growing in Lent through Learning & Prayer, 6:30 pm, Church March 4: Come to a lively conversation of Hope led by Benedictine, Catholic women facilitated by SJA Prayer Partner, Joan Riebel. March 11: Using the ancient practice of Visio Divina (divine seeing) we will learn how to prayerfully engage the Holy Spirit by contemplating artwork and listening to scripture with the eyes and ears of our hearts. Led by SJA Prayer Partner, Ron Joki. March 18: Join our Pastors, Prayer Partners and SJA Choir and experience the beauty of forgiving and being forgiven through the sacrament of Reconciliation at 7 pm in the Church. Prepare for the joy of Easter! March 25: Bring family and friends to the Gym anytime between 6:30 and 8 pm for an evening of service projects benefitting local non-profits. All ages welcome! Singles 50+ 2nd Sunday Supper: March 8 in Hospitality Hall. 5 pm, Social Hour, 6 pm, Corned Beef Dinner, 7 pm, Professional musicians entertain with Irish and other ethnic selections including requests. Cost is $10. Come alone or bring a friend! FFI call Karen at 952.884.5165. Summary of contributions for the week and fiscal year. Includes plate, envelopes and estimated Sustaining Member payments. Feb. 16 - Feb. 22: Actual $29,797 Budget $33,812 Prior Year Actual $31,340 YTD (July 1 - Feb. 22): Actual $1,266,074 Budget $1,273,278 Prior Year Actual $1,270,170 Finance Manager Position: SJA is seeking applicants for our Finance Manager position. The job responsibilities include directing, managing and completing all general accounting and financial reporting activities for the parish. Candidates will have a minimum of five years accounting experience, a BA in accounting or related field is preferred. Submit cover letter and resume to Fr. Jim DeBruycker, [email protected] or Dennis Heaney, [email protected]. The 2015 Arm In Arm In Africa Delegation is in South Africa until March 6. You may read about their mission and see photographs at, then click blog. St. Patrick's Day Mass and Celebration for Seniors: On Thursday, March 12 SAGES invites SJA seniors to celebrate with Mass at 11:30 am in the Church, followed by lunch and entertainment in Hospitality Hall. Come and sing along with our very own Irish tenor, JP Fitzgibbons. Suggested $10 per person free will offering; no one turned away for inability to pay. Space limited; reservations required. RSVP to the Parish Center by Noon on March 9. Adoptive Families Book Club: Join us on Saturday, Feb. 28 at Turtle Bread (Chicago Ave) at 10 am to discuss the memoir, Prison Baby, by Deborah Jiang-Stein. The author, founder of the unPrison Project, which seeks to empower incarcerated women, will be joining us. FFI contact Gabrielle at [email protected]. Are You LGBT and Attending SJA? Whether you're a visitor or a longtime member, we seek your input on how we as a parish can best serve you on your journey of faith. RSVP to Julie Madden at the Parish Center if you can join us on Tuesday, March 24 at 7 pm here at SJA for this conversation, and thank you for being with us! Concert Series: Tickets for Walking Shoes featuring internationally beloved storyteller Kevin Kling host, Dan Chouinard and singer Prudence Johnson go on sale today in the Egan Room after Masses. It all happens on Sunday, April 26 at 7 pm in the SJA Gym. Get ready for your own summer adventure - purchase tickets today! All seats (open seating) $20. The Bottom Line: Contributions last week were $4,015 below budget. Year-to-date contributions were $7,204 below budget or 0.6%. We continue to remain close to budget for the fiscal year which is good considering the cold weekends lately. ~Steve Meyer, Finance Director FFI on Pastoral Ministries contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at 612.823.8205 ext 231 or via email: [email protected]. FFI on Peace & Justice programs contact Julie Madden at 612.823.8205 ext 228 or [email protected]. Mental Health Ministry: Monday, March 9, SJA Hospitality Hall. We are pleased to welcome back, Carolyn Denton, MA, LN from Partners in Resilience. Carolyn will follow up her thoughtful and inspiring presentation on Mindfulness with the Role Nutrition Can Play in Maintaining Good Mental Health. Light supper at 5:45 pm; announcements and program 6:30 - 8:15 pm. 1.5 hours CEU's offered to students/professionals. All are welcome. FFI contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright in the Parish Center. A Day at the Capitol with our SJA ISAIAH Core Team: A visit to our legislators is the most effective and easy way to be heard during the legislative session, and ISAIAH congregations are ready to go! SJA will have a presence at the Capitol this Tuesday, March 3 and we welcome all to join us - training, orientation and accompaniment provided. This is such a powerful and simple way to exercise our discipleship in service of the common good and human dignity. FFI/to sign up, stop by a table in the school corridor or in the Egan Roomthis morning. Recommended: Plan to attend the Forum on Mental Illness in Youth, Saturday, March 14, 9:30 - 11:30 am at the Richfield Municipal Center, 6700 Portland Ave S. Panel discussion featuring Sue Abderholden, Exec. Dir. NAMI-MN, Steve Lepinski, Exec. Dir. Washburn Center for Children, State Senator Barb Goodwin and former State Rep. Mindy Greiling. FFI BeFriender Ministry: If you feel in need of someone to talk things over with in a confidential, compassionate manner, find out if a SJA BeFriender can help. FFI contact Carolyn Dobis, 651.485.2868 or Mary Ann Kelly-Wright in the Parish Center. SJA/TRUST Grief Support: On Thursday, March 5 Anna Lee Roberts, will speak on Music Therapy and Grief at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 2914 W. 44th St, Mpls. 6:15 pm, registration and refreshments; 6:30 pm, speaker; 7 - 8 pm, facilitated small groups. All are welcome. FFI contact Norine Larson at 952.925.2437 or Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. Parish Visitor: If you missed the Feb. 28 Parish Visitor information meeting and would like to know more, contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. March is Minnesota FoodShare Month: One in 10 Minnesotans - more than 500,000 state residents experience food insecurity on a regular basis. Our weekly collection of nonperishable food goes to Sabathani Community Center, and are grateful for your donations. Look for the red bins in the Parish Center lobby. Help Put a Stop to Sex Trafficking: On Sunday, March 8 at 11:45 am, Annunciation Church is hosting a forum with survivors and law enforcement officials to help us identify signs of trafficking as well as available resources. Parental discretion advised. Donated personal care items, nonperishable foods, women's and children's clothing will be collected at the event. A Delegation to the Border: Today following the 11:00 Mass, parishioner Rose Grengs invites you to an information session in the Parish Center about a potential delegation to the U.S./Mexico border in the winter of 2016. It will be an incredible experience learning about the issues faced by those migrating across the desert. Calling All Bennies! Today, a group of 11 St. Ben's students will arrive at the SJA Youth House and will be there for the week, volunteering with local organization Breaking Free as an alternative Spring Break experience. They will join our Wednesday Lenten program, too. SJAers are invited to share dinner with these wonderful young women on Friday, March 6. RSVP to Julie Madden at the Parish Center. Housing Ministry: Next Saturday, March 7, we will field a team of SJAers to volunteer with Urban Homeworks, rehabbing a home that will provide beautiful and affordable housing. No experience necessary - 2 slots open! FFI/to volunteer, contact Julie Madden, thank you! Discrimination in our Criminal Justice System: Looking in the Mirror: On Monday, March 9, at 7 pm in the Gym, SJA will host an event featuring former President of the Council on Crime and Justice Tom Johnson, as well as people impacted by our criminal justice system. This will be a very powerful and timely conversation, sponsored by Catholic Charities' Office for Social Justice. Int'l Women's Day Event: On Wednesday, March 11, the Woman's Club of Mpls and World Without Genocide (SJA Justice Fund grant recipient) will present "Gender-Based Violence: Taking a Stand Locally and Globally." FFI go to Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness: You Can Help! Simpson Housing Services, a local nonprofit dedicated to helping people experiencing homelessness, needs male volunteers to mentor boys in 6th-9th grade. This is a once-per-week commitment for 1 year - imagine the difference you can make in a young person's life. Training and support provided, as well as tickets to sports, arts and educational events. FFI/to volunteer, contact Charlotte Kinzley, [email protected] or 612.455.0850. We form the faith of our community through participation in prayer, liturgy, sacraments, education, community and works of justice. Camp St. Joan 2015 – Australia, July 20 - 23 on the SJA campus. Register online at FFI contact Therese Pendleton, 612.823.8205 x230 or [email protected]. Supplies Needed For Our HOBT Play! We need the following supplies: Cardboard, 2' x 2' and larger pieces; Plastic containers with lids (yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream); Ice cream buckets with lids; Newspapers; Brown paper bags. To donate please contact Gabrielle at [email protected]. Thanks! SJA Children’s Choir: All children in grades 3 - 7 are invited to join our Children’s Choir, directed by Seth Boyd. The choir will have three Spring performances: April 19, May 10 and June 7. Rehearsals will be in the school library on March 8, 15, 22 & 29, April 12 & 26, May 3,12:45 - 2 pm and May 24 & May 31, 10:30 am - noon. Sign up with Gabrielle at [email protected]. First Communion preparation program is open to all parish children 2nd grade and up. The registration meeting is March 15 at 12:30 pm in the Gym. FFI go to under the Sacraments/First Communion tab, or contact Marie Bissonnette. : (Grades 7-12) FFI contact Donelle Poling at 612.823.8205 ext. 241 or [email protected]. Youth Got Talent: Are you in grades 7 - 12 and have a talent that you want to share? Come and audition on March 8 or 15 for Youth Got Talent! Auditions are in the Arc starting at 12:30. Sign up for auditions at CLUB or online! Youth Got Talent is on April 25 at 7 pm in the SJA Gym. Feed My Starving Children: On March 14, 2 - 4 pm, join other SJA families, at the Egan site, to pack food for families in need around the world. To sign up: Gabrielle at [email protected]. Delegation to Pine Ridge Reservation, SD for 9th-12th graders! August 1 - 7. Interested in having a meaningful experience, working at various projects across the reservation while learning about the culture and history of the Lakota people? Join us on our delegation trip this summer! Come to an important information meeting on Sunday, March 1, 12:30 - 2 pm in the Arc. FFI contact Donelle Poling at [email protected]. The Way of the Cross: Join us for a pre-Mass presentation on March 22, at 9 or 11 am in the Church. This unique Stations of the Cross brings the story of Jesus’ passion to life through various “eye witnesses.” We encourage families to share in this powerful experience of drama, music and prayer. Family Mass follows. Friday March 13, Water Park of America: Grab your swimsuits and get ready for some fun! 7th-12th Grade – Friends are welcome!! Bus will leave SJA at 6 pm and return around 10 pm. Cost is $20.Online registration under “ministries, outreach/social”. FFI contact Donelle at [email protected]. Celebrate Palm Sunday With In the Heart of the Beast: On March 29, come to the Church at 9 or 11 am for a unique preMass story of Jesus’ last week. SJA families, actors and musicians join In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre to create an unforgettable Palm Sunday experience. Family Mass follows. : FFI contact Jennifer Gessner, at 612.823.8205 ext. 240, or [email protected]. Our Nursery, located in the lower level of the Parish Center, is open for the 9 and 11 am Sunday Masses. The Nursery Cooperative is a wonderful community of families and volunteers that allows parents to enjoy Mass and meet other young families in the Parish. Drop-ins welcome! : (Ages 4-Kindergarten) FFI contact Therese Pendleton at 612.823.8205 ext. 230 or [email protected]. : (Grades 1-6) FFI contact Marie Bissonnette at 612.823.8205 ext. 229 or [email protected]. Schedule: Today, March 8 & 15: Regular class and Family Mass March 22: Meet in classrooms, 9 and 11 am special Stations of the Cross in the Church—all invited followed by Family Mass. : FFI contact Julie McConaha at 612.823.8205 ext. 226 or [email protected]. Weavings - A Writing Workshop: There's still time to join this writing workshop! Led by Marie Thielen, Legacy Writer. RSVP at the Parish Center for last session, March 7, 9,am - noon in the Upper Room. Developing the Virture of Gratitude: A SAGES spring retreat, March 14, 9 am - 1 pm in Hospitality Hall - open to all; led by Mark Scannell and Rita Benak. Cost: $10. RSVP at the Parish Center. #SJA<40: Connect Beyond Mass with more 20's & 30's adults. Details: [email protected]. Today! Brunch after the 11 am Mass Now! Follow & Like SJAUnderForty on Facebook and Twitter March 11: Serve Lenten Soup Parish Book Club: Everyone welcome, anytime! Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Parish Center. join the email group at [email protected]. What would you like to read? March 11: The Leisure Seeker by Michael Zadoorean April 8: The Florist’s Daughter by Patricia Hampl May 13: The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis Click Here for more information on our supporters
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