Presider: Fr. Jim DeBruycker Pre-Mass Speaker: We welcome singer, visual artist and member of our community, Carin Vagle, to share her journey through illness as she is At home with her own Yes! Thank you. We begin at 9 and 11 am today, with our special pre-Mass Advent play, Emmanuel Is Near, which includes SJA actors, musicians and Children’s Choir. Don’t miss this wonderful culmination of our Advent celebrations! Family Masses follow immediately. The Sunday Morning Registration and Information Office is located in the Parish Center. In the office you may register to become a SJA parishioner; get program information; sign up for a program; and register to volunteer. The office is open after both of our Sunday morning liturgies. Our first reading for the 4th Sunday of Advent is a repudiation of David and his wish to build a temple to house the Arc of the Covenant, the seat of God on earth. Like God’s answer to Job where he rhetorically questions Job as to his understanding of all that God does, God questions David. Did I need a new house? Did I ask for a new house? I don’t even need a new paint job. Of course it goes deeper than that. After years of warfare David has finally brought peace to and consolidated his kingdom. It had been a life he had not sought after but a ‘gift’ from God. David never says it but this God is not easily kept under control. God does what God wants. Maybe a new house will keep God satiated for a little while and occupied with other things like new furnishings. David forgot this was the God who makes his most perfect dwelling in his people. He could care less about smells and bells and cedar beams. They are nice if they are an expression of the people’s love and care not just for God but each other. God’s great antiphon is “How goes it with my little ones? How goes it with the orphans and widows? How are the sick, the imprisoned?” Like a broken record I can hear the laments of the people at the hospital. If only..., this can’t be happening…, I know this is a nightmare and I will wake up. Life can be terribly unfair and happiness fleeting. We are all looking for the promise, the guarantee that bad things won’t happen to us. And we all like to make little deals, or build little houses so maybe we can control what happens. It doesn’t work that way. How it works is that we have to be there for each other and build communities which sustain each other in catastrophe. Not communities that only protect those who have. Our last reading is the story of a young woman who said yes to God. I will be God’s house in the most intimate way possible, as a mother. It was a yes to uncertainty. It was a yes to commitment. It was yes to build a community of care. It was a yes to God! I trust you will guide me to completion in a broken world. Merry Christmas. Parking: Be considerate of our neighbors and their property. Please don’t block driveways or park in their on-street handicapped areas. Thank you! SJA Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Schedule Wednesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Masses 4 pm: Fr. Cassidy: Especially for Families in the Gym 4 pm: Fr. DeBruycker and the SJA musicians in the Church 6 pm: Fr. Cassidy and the SJA choir in the Gym 10 pm: Fr. DeBruycker and the SJA musicians, Church Thursday, December 25: Christmas Day Masses 7:45 am: Fr. DeBruycker (Quiet Mass, no music) Church 9 am: Fr. DeBruycker and the SJA musicians in the Gym 11 am: Fr. Cassidy and the SJA Choir in the Gym Thursday, January 1: New Year’s Mass at 10 am in the Gym The Parish Center Offices will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26, Jan. 1 and 2. Sun, Dec. 21: 2 Sa 7:1-5,8b-12,14a,16; Ro 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Mon, Dec. 22: 1 Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56 Tue, Dec. 23: Malachi 3:1-4,23-24; Luke 1:57-66 Wed, Dec. 24: Isaiah 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17,22-25; Matthew 1:1-25 Thu, Dec. 25: Isaiah 9:1-6; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 Fri, Dec. 26: Acts 6:8-10,7:54-59; Matthew 10:17-22 Sat, Dec. 27: 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:1a,2-8 Sun, Dec. 28: Sirach 3:2-6,12-14; Col 3:12-21; Luke 2:22-40 Tuesday and Thursday morning 8 am Mass is celebrated in the Church 9 and 11 am Gym Masses: Sunday, December 28: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Feast of the Holy Innocents. We will remember children, who are always the first victims of war, in a special presentation. Sunday, January 4: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. Epiphany! The award winning Lincoln High School Choir, from Thief River Falls, will provide special music. Sunday, January 18: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. Pre-Mass: We will hear the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other leaders for civil and human rights. T Mychael Rambo joins the SJA Choir. Sunday, January 25: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speaker: Dr. Ed Ehlinger, MN Commissioner of Health. Sunday, February 8: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speakers: Parishioners – Charlotte Kinzley, John Song and Damien Poling - whose work with those on the margins in our community is discipleship in action. Attention 5 pm Mass Eucharistic Ministers/Sacristans: The 2015 Calendar is ready for sign-up in the Church Sacristy. SignUpGenius for Eucharistic Ministers is available on line. It's simple, user friendly and a reminder is sent 3 days before your scheduled volunteer day. FFI contact Marcia at [email protected]. Gluten-free Communion is available upon request. Please see any of the Sunday sacristans in the Gym before Mass. For Family Mass please see Gabrielle. Bud B., Dennis Barta, Jean Besch-Patsch, Charlie Bloss, Betty Bonnert, Sara Brock, Don Burke, Maureen Carlson, Dorothy Casserly, Dayna Cell, Denise, John D., Megan Daoust, Kris & Larry Dease, Dale Dolata, John & Margaret Frees, Jim Gorman, Bryen Granlund, Tom Griep, Tom H., Pat Haliday, Betty Hinker, Jim and Pat Hinton, Mary Hoody, Jody Hughes, Dan Jay, Tom Jay, Tex Jones, Paul Jonsson, Stacy Kenyon, Cole Kitchel, Leslie Knoblauch, Lynne, Kirk L, Melinda Larsen, John Lasota, Gary Lindstrom, Liz Loney, Peter Lupori, Chantilly Lynch, Rose McGonagle, Katherine & Lauren McManus, Kayla McMullan, Jackie Mead, Chuck Meiers, Shell Meehl, Kelley Meyer, Mike M., Sharon Miller, Ginny Miller, Dorothy Mongoven, Jason Monroe, Pamela Morgan, Gene Muelken, Morris Mundahl, Greg Murphy, Pat Murphy, Nick, Charlie Nelson, David Novitske, Olivia, Doris Oakes, Sr. Dolores Oaks, Matt Olk, Stacey Olk, Bill P., Rick Pattison, Joan Penrose, John Pirola, Liz Pojar, Nikki Poynter, Tom Privette, Catherine Pususta, Herb Ranweiler, Helen Russett, Susan Roufs, Herb Rorke, Sheila Rossebo, Pat Sable, Marianne Seekamp, Sam Slagerman, Emily Slotness, Philip Sosin, John Spalding, Julian Sprunck, Sandy Stroud, Irene Taddiken, Helen Tierney, Matthew Tenant, Mary Eve Thomas, Echo Thoren, Madison Travers, Carin Vagle, Patricia Vorst, Ben Weston, Darlene Engbarth Wheeler, Carol Whitlow, Dan Williams, Jim and Jerry Wohnoutka, Jane Young, Kathleen Ziegler A Book of Prayer is located in our Gym vestibule. If you have a family member or friend who is ill, or who has recently died, please write their names in our Book of Prayer before Mass so we may include them in prayers during our Sunday Masses. Prayer Corner Requests: To keep prayer requests current, names will be included in the bulletin for four weeks and then removed. To renew your request, please call Nancy Becker at 612.823.8205 ext. 223. Choir will sing at the 6 pm Christmas Eve Mass in the Gym and the 11 am Christmas Day Mass. Blessings and see you for the MLK concert rehearsal on Thursday, Jan. 8 at 7 pm in the Church. New Year’s Mass: Come ring in the New Year with prayer and song as our community gathers on January 1 at 10 am for a special New Year's Mass. Thief River Falls High School Choir: On Sunday, Jan. 4 the award winning Thief River Falls High School Choir, under the direction of Darcy Reese, will fill our 9 and 11 am Gym Masses with song in honor of the Epiphany! Concert Series: Purchase your tickets now for the annual MLK Holiday Concert, Marching to a Better World. Always a favorite, this year's concert features singers, Gwen Matthews, Brittany Delaney, Tonia Hughes, T Mychael Rambo, Thomasina Petrus, the SJA Choir and more, all hosted by our own Dan Chouinard! Bring the entire family. Sunday, Jan. 18, tickets at Cabaret 2014 raised $108,000 for the ministries of St. Joan of Arc. Thank you to the pastors, Cabaret Committee, Anna Vagle, Dan Chouinard, George Maurer, Tommy Barbarella, all of the musicians, volunteers, staff, and Cabaret attendees. You made our 20th Cabaret a huge success. We are grateful and honored to have worked with all of you. Christopher Hermann and Jean Hartman (Co-Chairs). Save the Date: Valentine's Day Breakfast: On Saturday, Feb. 14, 8 - 11 am, Mobile Loaves and Fishes food outreach ministry (and SJA Sustaining Partner) invites you to a pancake breakfast and silent auction here at SJA in Hospitality Hall. To volunteer, donate items or RSVP for the event, email [email protected]. Baptism: To have your child baptized at St. Joan’s you must be a registered member and participate in a 90-minute Baptism preparation class. FFI and to register call JP at the Parish Center. Summary of contributions for the week and fiscal year. Includes plate, envelopes and estimated Sustaining Member payments. Dec. 7 - Dec. 14: Actual $36,850 Budget $45,115 Prior Year Actual $39,785 YTD (July 1 - Dec. 14): Actual $774,023 Budget $783,085 Prior Year Actual $774,748 Christmas Giving: Each year Saint Joan of Arc relies on increased contributions at Christmas. We budget for 16% of our fiscal year contributions during December, almost twice what we receive in an average month. You can see how much we rely on the generosity of every individual and family in our community to support the many SJA services, ministries and programs throughout the year. If you are interested in a convenient way to make regular contributions or want to make an additional gift to SJA before year-end, we encourage you to use the online giving option on our Website - Just click on the “Donate to St. Joan” button on the right side of the home page. Given the hectic holiday time, electronic giving can be a very convenient option. At a time when so many churches are losing membership, we are growing. More and more people are attracted to the joy-filled liturgies and the welcoming spirit of St. Joan of Arc parish. That increase, though, puts more and more demands on our campus and our ministries. We need your help to maintain the vibrancy of SJA. Thank you for your generosity throughout the year and especially at Christmas. We hope that you have a most blessed Christmas and happy and healthy 2015. Towards Health Care for All: On Sunday, Jan. 25, our pre-Mass speaker is Dr. Ed Ehlinger, commissioner of the MN. Department of Health and champion of true health care reform that provides affordable and quality care for all. Following the 11:00 Mass, our SJA Conversations on Health Care network will host a discussion in the Church with Dr. Ehlinger and we hope you can join us! Momentum is growing for a transformation of health care in our nation and this SJA group is leading the way. Sturdy Shoes Needed for Homeless: Thank you for your donations throughout the past year! Calvary’s Warm Meal Ministry program continues to need gently used shoes for the homeless. Sturdy walking or tennis shoes are best. Men’s styles are most needed; women’s, teen’s styles and boots for outdoor work appreciated as well. Please drop your donations directly at Calvary, 2608 Blaisdell Av S or bring them to SJA’s Parish Center. FFI contact Mary McDonough at [email protected]. The Bottom Line: Contributions last week were $8,265 below budget. Year-to-date contributions were $9,062 below budget or 1.1%. With the Christmas holiday, gifts can vary from week to week, if you want make a special donation before the end of the year please contact the finance office. Thanks for your continued support. ~Steve Meyer, Finance Director Food Shelf Donations are always needed. You are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items with you when you come to Mass on Sunday and place them in our food shelf bins, located in the entrances to our Church and Parish Center. Your offerings are donated to the Foodshelf at Sabathani Community Center each week. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need. FFI on Pastoral Ministries contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at 612.823.8205 ext 231 or via email: [email protected]. Mental Health Ministry: Monday, January 12, in Hospitality Hall. Come and learn about Mental Health Connect, an exciting new program to better serve people living with mental illness. Bethlehem Lutheran Church and SJA are both involved with MHC. Light supper at 5:45 pm; program 6:30 - 8:15 pm. All are welcome. 1.25 hours CEU certificate available for professionals in the field. FFI contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. Recommended Reading: 23: Time to Choose by Nicholas P. Dennen. A true story of the author's journey with traumatic brain injury. " about creating what's possible and seeing adversity as a true teacher in the game of life." Two copies are available in the Parish Resource Library. BeFriender Ministry: SJA BeFrienders offer listening companionship with caring, compassion and confidentiality. FFI contact Carolyn Dobis at 651.485.2868 or Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. SJA/TRUST Grief Support: The winter series begins Thursday, Jan. 22 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Mpls. Pick up a schedule from the Church or school hallway bulletin board or the Parish Center. FFI contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. Rest in Peace Catherine Benkert, mother of parishioner Peggy Benkert, has passed on to eternal life Please keep her and her family in your prayers. FFI on Peace & Justice programs contact Julie Madden at 612.823.8205 ext 228 or [email protected]. Call to Peace: From John Dear: "This is what Jesus calls us to do: Grieve for the suffering and dying in the world, speak out against war and poverty, and celebrate life with joy, even the trouble you get into for your peace work. Pray over your anger, feel it, forgive those who hurt you, let it go, reconcile as best you can, and get back to work ending war, poverty and injustice, staying faithful to the journey of Gospel nonviolence." A Great Abundance: Today after Mass, pick up a list of the organizations most recently awarded grants from the SJA Justice Fund. We awarded a total of $33,000 in grants to 9 organizations in which our parishioners are involved as committed volunteers and leaders, and wait till you read the great partners we are privileged to support in local and global efforts for charity and justice! Thanks to all who applied and to everyone who supports the SJA Outreach Fund, which makes these grants possible. SJA EcoSpirits Retreat Day: Join our EcoSpirits for an afternoon of reflection and planning on Saturday, Jan. 10 at beautiful Woodlake Nature Center in Richfield, 12:30 - 4:30 pm, followed by a potluck dinner. Our EcoSpirits lead our congregation in caring for all of God's creation and we welcome you to join us. FFI, please contact Elaine Gaston at 612.722.6734. ISAIAH Ministry: The tragic deaths of African American men at the hands of our police, and the recent outcry in response, remind us that we as a nation have so far to go in creating racial equity and understanding. We work with ISAIAH, a collaborative of more than 100 local congregations, on issues of social and racial justice, and we invite you to join our next gathering on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 7 pm in the parish center for a discussion and actions on this very topic and on our work to build God's kingdom together. SJA Housing Ministry Welcomes the New Year: FFI, please contact Julie Madden. On Saturday, Jan. 10, you are invited to join a team of SJAers working with Urban Homeworks to rehab a home that will provide beautiful and affordable housing to a lowincome family. No experience needed, and it is a very satisfying day meeting great people and doing holy work! Our youth continue to lead our efforts with Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and hundreds of SJAers have joined Beacon's advocacy network to raise our voices at the state and local level in support of affordable housing for all. We invite all to join us. An Interfaith Peace Vigil Against War: Please join us on Wednesdays, 4:30 - 5:30 pm at the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge. We form the faith of our community through participation in prayer, liturgy, sacraments, education, community and works of justice. New to SJA? Meet a Mentor Family! Do you love SJA but find it hard to connect with other parish families? Would you like to be part of the many exciting SJA ministries, but don’t know how to get started? Sign up with a mentor family! Your mentor family will join you for coffee and cookies after a Family Mass to share with you the ways their family found a home at SJA. FFI contact Gabrielle at [email protected]. Adoptive Families Book Club: Join us on Saturday, Jan. 17 at 10 am to discuss the novel, Orfan by Corie Skolnick. We’ll meet at Turtle Bread on Chicago Avenue. Questions? Email Gabrielle at [email protected]. : FFI contact Jennifer Gessner, at 612.823.8205 ext. 240, or [email protected]. Our Nursery, located in the lower level of the Parish Center, is open for the 9 and 11 am Sunday Masses. The Nursery Cooperative is a wonderful community of families and volunteers that allows parents to enjoy Mass and meet other young families in the Parish. Drop-ins welcome! : (Ages 4-Kindergarten) FFI contact Therese Pendleton at 612.823.8205 ext. 230 or [email protected]. : (Grades 1-6) FFI contact Marie Bissonnette at 612.823.8205 ext. 229 or [email protected]. Grades 1-6 Schedule Today: No Class. Family Masses start at 9 and 11 am, with our special pre-Mass Advent play, Emmanuel Is Near, including SJA actors, musicians and the Children’s Choir. Don’t miss this wonderful culmination of our Advent celebrations! Dec. 28 and Jan. 4: No Class or Family Mass Jan. 11: Classes and Family Masses resume : (Grades 7-12) FFI contact Donelle Poling at 612.823.8205 ext. 241 or [email protected]. YM Schedule: Today: CLUB/Small Groups Slopefest (grades 7-12): Join us for a weekend full of fun, faith, friends, skiing and snowboarding. Friday, Feb. 13 - 16. $250 for skiers/snowboarders, + $10/day to rent skis, $20/day to rent snowboards. We will be hitting the slopes of Spirit Mountain in Duluth, staying at YMCA Camp Miller. Pick up permission slip in Parish Center. FFI, Donelle at [email protected]. Must register by Feb. 6. : FFI contact Julie McConaha at 612.823.8205 ext 226 or [email protected]. #SJA<40's New Year's Resolution: Been meaning to come to one of our events? First chance: New Year's Resolution Brunch on Sunday, Jan. 4 after 11 am Mass at Turtle Bread Company. Women, Save the Date! Women of SJA gather Saturday, Feb. 7, 8:45 - 12 pm. Catherine Michaud, CSJ, Ph.D. inspires the ultimate talk on women in the emerging Church. Watch upcoming bulletins for more details. Men, Save the Date! SJA Annual Men's Retreat is coming, Saturday, Jan. 31, 9 am - 12:30 pm. Come to the Tree of Life! Watch upcoming bulletins for more details. RCIA and All: Everyone is invited to hear Fr. Jim DeBruycker teach about our Catholic Sacraments of Initiation along side our great RCIA class. Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 7 pm in the Church. Experiencing Stories Together! SJA Parish Book Club is launching our third year together and you are invited to join us for any of these upcoming selections at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center: Ordinary People by Judith Guest on Jan. 14. Until They Bring The Streetcars Back by Stanley Gordon West on Feb. 11. The Leisure Seeker by Michael Zadoorian on March 11. Opportunities for Individual Spiritual Development at SJA: Did you know that we offer two ongoing groups in which to study theology and the bible? These run year-round and can be joined anytime. Contact Julie at [email protected] to get connected! Scripture Matters: A studious, friendly group who elect their next study materials to take them further in their spiritual journey. Meets most Tuesday nights at 7 pm. Bible Journey: These small groups use the N. T. Wright For Everyone bible study guides and explore the New Testament chapter by chapter. Session I meets Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, Session II meets Wednesdays at 1:30 pm. Recycle: Please use the labeled receptacles for compost, paper, glass, plastic, cans, waste and cups. By doing so we will be ecologically responsible and a big help to our maintenance staff as well. Thank you. Get Connected! To take advantage of new social media options, log on to Facebook and “Like” our page at Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community. You can also follow us on Twitter at @sjampls.
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