IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL WEDNESDAY NOTES March 4, 2015 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME – Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on March 7th . The bad news is we lose an hour of sleep. The good news is we get one more hour of sunshine!! 2015-16 REGISTRATION – The fee is now $150.00 per child. Registrations will only be accepted if space is still available. The Extended School Program registration fee is $25 per child. SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT- We are so sorry for the inconvenience however, we are canceling the Scholarship Night. We thank you for your interest and support. STUDENT COUNCIL – Student Council is selling water, juice, ice tea, and flavored water for $1.00. A flyer was sent home today for Activity Night (Italian Night) for grades Pre-K through 4th. It will be held on Friday, March 20 from 6-8 PM in Fellowship Hall. All slips and payments must be sent in NO LATER THAN March13. There will be a Student Council meeting Friday morning 8 AM in Mrs. Clydesdale’s room. Please be on time! CHAPEL OFFERINGS – The coins have been counted for the Pasta for Pennies campaign. This year we had TWO WINNING CLASSES. Yes that’s right. Our 4th and 5th grades tied for first place! Both classes will enjoy a delicious lunch at Olive Garden. Thanks to everyone for your support. CHAPEL SERVICE – Throughout the Lenten season we are having our Lenten service at 9:00AM. Parents are welcome to join us. If you are unable to attend then ILC also offers a 7:30PM service. Come between 5:30 & 6:45 and enjoy a soup and salad supper with us. SPRING PORTRAIT RETURN – If you are not purchasing any part of the spring portraits, please return the entire package as soon as possible. The deadline for purchasing and/or returning your Spring pictures is Friday, March 6th . If you are making a purchase, please send payment with the amount that corresponds with the purchase that was made. Lifetouch is keeping track of each and every package that was sent to each and every student in the school. If you have any questions, please give the office a call. Important Parent Information Below Immanuel Lutheran School School Pictures If you have already paid for your portraits, thank you! Your Spring Portraits have shipped! You have received your portraits. Select your favorites and pay online! 1. Go to 2. Log in with your Portrait ID and Access Code, which is on your portrait package insert. 3. Please return unpurchased portraits to your school. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK - ILS is now on facebook! Look us up and like us to get updates on school news. (Search for "Immanuel Lutheran School") FYI to our parents - This is an informational page. We will not post any student pictures here. IMPORTANT TAX NOTICE – We have been advised by a CPA that tuition is not tax deductible. For this reason we do not send out tuition tax statements. If you wish a tax letter you must notify Mrs. Reiff in writing. Payments to the Extended School Program can be deductible. Tax statements for the Program were sent out at the end of January. WHAT SCRIP DO YOU HAVE ON HAND?- These are the following SCRIP cards we have in the office for sale: ShopRite, Acme, Dunkin Donuts, Wawa, Walmart, Giant, Giant Eagle, Pathmark, Wendy’s, Starbucks, Darden. Please note that there are limited quantities and are available on a first come, first serve basis. GOT PICTURES? – The yearbook is in need of pictures. If you have any, please feel free to send them via e-mail to Mrs. Cortes at [email protected]. Thanks for all of your help in order to make our yearbook a success. LOVELINES- The Yearbook deadline is approaching quickly. If you would like to have special shoutouts to students, teachers or staff printed in the 2014-2015 yearbook, please fill out the form that was sent home and return it by March 31st. The price for each loveline will be $2.00 for every 10 words. Lovelines help offset the cost that the PTL has to pay for your child’s yearbook. Forms are available in the school office if you have misplaced the one that was sent home. Your help is greatly appreciated. YEARBOOK ADS- To offset the cost of our yearbooks, we provide space for local business to place an ad. If you or anyone you know has a business and might want to advertise in our yearbook. Please request a copy of a letter that you can pass along to them. The costs are; business cards-$15, quarter page-$25, half page-$50 or whole page- $100. Remember, this is also a tax-deductible expense.Please let us know if you or someone you know might be interested in this offer. Thank you for your support. NEW STUDENT TESTING – We have begun new student testing. If you have an interest in any of the grades for another child please call the office to sign up for the testing. Limited space is available in many classes – don’t delay. SHOPRITE FOR MY SCHOOL PROGRAM- Shoprite is giving away up to 1 million dollars to area schools. Here’s how it works; Register your Price Plus club card at and select the school you wish to support. We know it is Immanuel. Shop for participating products at Shoprite during advertised promotions using your Price Plus club card. Earnings are automatically credited to your school of choice. We know it is Immanuel. Visit for new monthly offers. FOX CHASE FARM HAPPENINGS - Gardening to help others. Last year 2500 pounds of produce was donated to area food banks. Call 215-728-7900. Maple Sugar Day- March 7th Noon to 4PM Admission: $3.00 RAISING CHILDREN WHO READ – Wheat Ridge Ministries sends these suggestions for parents to help their children develop a love of reading. Let your children see how important reading is by doing it yourself & having bookshelves they can reach. Read to your child every day. Make library visits a regular routine. Books on tape can help pass the time on long road trips. Set aside time as a family to read for fun by making bedtime stories a day-end ritual. Give books as gifts. Make sure you have a comfortable, well-lit place to cuddle together with a book. Make a book by inviting your child to tell a story about anything they want while you write it down. As your child gets older, read longer chapter books and poetry to them. Immanuel Lutheran Church Invites You to Our “Children's Easter Vigil” Saturday, April 4, 2015 Fellowship Hall 5:00 to 6:00 pm Come join Pastor Wright for a fun filled hour of stories, games and refreshments. Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes you to join us during the Lenten season: Lenten Wednesdays: 9:00 AM – service 5:30-6:45PM Soup & Salad dinner 7:30 PM – communion service Sundays: 10AM Traditional Worship & Sunday School 11:30 AM Bible Study 7 PM Worship COMPOSITION CONTEST WINNERS 2015- Over the last few weeks, our Immanuel students have been writing compositions that pay tribute to famous African Americans. These compositions not only focused on the important contributions of our African American heroes, but reminded us of some important moments in our country’s history as well. We are proud of all the essays for their fluent writing style and the information they provided. Congratulations to all our fine writers and especially our Composition Contest Winners: 2nd - Autumn Payton Jackson- “Harriet Tubman” 3rd – Natalie Solis –“One of the Most Talented People Who Ever Lived” 4th – Kimora Johnson - “The Brave Astronaut” 5th - Madison Farrell- “The Galveston Giant” 6th – Mariam Camara – “The Past Educates the Present” 7th – Daniel Bianowicz – “Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee” 8th – Sarah Sam – “First Footprints on the Top of our Planet” You mare invited to join us after chapel on Wednesday, March 11, to hear our winning students read their compositions. A booklet with all the winning essays will be distributed to all students so if you are unable to make the presentation, you will still be able to read them. PTL Wednesday Notes 3/4/15 PARENT TEACHER LEAGUE (The PTL) The PTL is designed to have teachers and parents working together for the benefit of the student. By your child attending Immanuel Lutheran School, YOU are automatically a member of the PTL. The PTL thrives off of parent participation through volunteering, fundraising and fellowship. Hello PTL and Happy Wednesday!!!! ☺ We would like to send a supersized Thank You to all the ILS families that were able to attend the Chick-Fil-A spirit night last Wednesday. A great time was had by all! Upcoming Fundraisers Gertrude Hawk Easter Candy: February 2nd – February 20th This fundraiser has officially ended and orders will arrive on Thursday March 20, 2015. Read-A-Thon: February 17th – March 6th These are the final three days of the Read-A-Thon. All monies are due on Monday March 9, 2015. Tupperware: March 16th – March 30th Need to re-up on your storage containers, lost a couple of lids along the way? Well this year the PTL has added a Tupperware sale to our fundraising efforts. Tupperware booklets will be sent home in the coming weeks. You’ll find a host of amazing products to help you with your storage and organization needs. ILS PTL Bake Sale: March 26th & March 27th Spring time is coming, so let’s celebrate the beginning of a sweet season with a Spring Bake Sale! Signup sheets will be going home next week. Please consider participating. The students (and staff) look forward to the great selection of baked goods. Regularly Scheduled Events PTL Meetings – Every 1st Monday of every month PTL meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 7pm in the lunchroom. Various topics are covered ranging from: status of fundraisers, upcoming events, teacher’s requests, planning fellowship activities, volunteering efforts and presenting new ideas. These monthly meetings provide the time for teachers and parents to discuss the happenings in and around the school. Because every parent is a member of the PTL, it is important to try to have at least one member of your family attend these meetings. You will receive useful information while remaining abreast of what’s going on. School Store – Open every M,W,F from 8am-8:30am (only if a parent volunteer is available) The school store offers, new school logo gym t-shirts and sweat shirts, various school supplies, snacks, fun trinkets, and FREE gently used uniforms. *We also have NEW ILS MERCHANDISE!!! Although it’s a small store, the kids truly enjoy it. Come see for yourself. Monies raised help support the needs of our teachers. Volunteering at the store will take about 40 minutes of your time in the morning (open at 8am, close at 8:30am) WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING WHEN YOU CAN. Volunteer Schedule Pizza Lunch 3/6/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/13/15 - Bill Surman 3/20/15 - NOON DISMISSAL 3/27/15 - Bill Surman School Store 3/2/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/4/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/6/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/9/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/11/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 3/13/15 – VOLUNTEER NEEDED Cup Cake 3/6/15 - LaToya Thornton, Marie Wakefield, Brian Clark 3/13/15 – Shirley Slade- Butler, Knud Kristensen, Laura McNamee 3/20/15 - NOON DISMISSAL 3/27/15 – LaToya Thornton, Todd & Amy Bianowicz, Lisa & Todd Thomas If you’re interested in volunteering for any of the above events, click on one of the links below. If you’re unable to, or are having trouble logging on, please contact Danielle Gentle. PIZZA: CUPCAKES: SCHOOL STORE: ILS-PTL on Facebook: The PTL has a facebook page on which there are links to all the signups on and a google calendar containing all important school and PTL functions. Updates and reminders are also posted on here. Please like the page to get these updates. PTL BOARD: President: Danielle Gentle [email protected] (267) 304-4789 Treasurer: Ken Musser Secretary: Ken Musser [email protected] You can email the entire PTL board at: [email protected] ILS PTL BAKE SALE “Sweets for our Sweets” ILS PTL will be having a Spring bake sale on Thursday, March 26th. The sale will take place during all lunch periods. Everything will be priced at $.50. We will need parent volunteers to provide the baked goods. Due to food allergies that some children may have, please do not use any nuts or nut related products in any of the baked goods. For those who will be bringing something, we kindly ask the following: Bring all baked goods to school the morning of the bake sale Have all items pre-bagged (ex. 2 cookies per baggie, brownies, rice crispy treats, cake slices individually wrapped, etc.) For this event we will also need 1 volunteer at the school for the sale from 11am to 2pm. The volunteer will need to arrange all the baked goods, collect and count the money, and put away any remaining goods. In the event we receive a large amount of items we will hold a second bake sale on Friday, March 27th during the same time and a volunteer will also be needed for this day. Please return this form no later than Monday, March 23th. Thank you. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Danielle Gentile, 267-304-4789 or e-mail at [email protected] Name__________________________________ Grade ___________________________ Bake Good ________________________________________________ *School Volunteer ____________________________________Telephone # ________________
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