SAINT ANNE SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER GUILD 1-30 SUMMIT AVENUE FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410 Phone: 201-796-3353 January 21, ZOLS Dear Parents and Faculty, to announce that we will be sponsoring our 19th Annual Spring Tricky Tray and Dinner. It will be held on Thursday, May 7,2Ot5 at the Venetian in Garfield, NJ. St. Anne's PTG is proud ln order to make the Tricky Tray a GREAT success, it is now the time we are depending on our families and faculty to donate at least one basket. Our goal is to be even more successful this year than last year. We ask that you spend a minimum of 540.00 and that you create something you would be proud to win yourself. When creating your basket, choose a theme. Your theme name that you choose will be used to identify your basket along with your name in our program. Please do not forget to put a tag on the basket stating the name of the basket and your family name. We are also reaching out to those in our St. Anne Family and extended family who may somehow be connected with a business that would be willing to donate some type of gift or service or even a monetary donation. We have attached a donation letter for you to distribute. Feel free to make as many copies as you need. Baskets mav be broueht in startine March 2nd and no later than April ,ALL please BASKETS MUST BE WRAPPED IN CLEAR WRAP.' try your hardest to respect the deadline. Your basket (with your name and title of the basket displayed) should be brought to the school kitchen. There will be a sign-in book. Make sure that you sign in your basket including the value of your basket. **Please be aware that EVERY family is EXPECTED to donate a basket.** lf you have any questions, please call Mary Ryerson (201) 390-0624 or Kristie Bednarz (201) 693-6824. Sincerely, Tricky Tray Committee TRICKY TRAY TICKET ORDER FORM IS ATTACHED TO: PARENTS AND FACULTY PIACE: THE VENETIAN RIVER ROAD, GARFIELD, NJ RE: OUR COST: SCO.OO PER 19TH ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY WHEN: T!ME: PERSON THURSDAY, MAY 7,20L5 5:30 P.M. DOORS OPEN 7:00 P.M. DINNER SERVED Seating is limited and tickets will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. So hurry and fill out your order soon. You won't want to miss this exciting event! Ticket orders will be accepted starting Monday, March 2nd. Ticket orders may be sent in through school via your child. lf you have a whole table or a group that is sitting together, please have ONE person collect the money and send it in all together if possible. Please fill out and send in the bottom portion of this ticket form. Tickets will be sent home through the oldest child. !f you have any questions, please call Catherine Mortell at (201) 79L-1802 or (201) 4LO-OL47. **Allticket orders wil! include (1) blue sheet and ***TICKETS I wish to purchase Wltt (1) yellow sheet.** BE SENT HOME THE WEEK OF May 4th.**'r, Tricky Tray Tickets I have enclosed S for tickets (CK_) or (CASH_) Name Phone Number c/o Child's Name Grade Address Town State _ Zip Code Please seat me with (Tables can be reserved for up to L0 people comfortably, but can fit 12 people max.) Please return in an envelope marked: 'Tricky Tray Tickets" Attn: Catherine Mortellc/o Lucas Mortell- grade 34 St. Anne School L-30 Summit Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Make checks payable to St. Anne's PTG (there will be a 520.00 fee for all returned checks) Saint Anne School 1-30 Summit Avenue Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Phone: 2OL-796-3353 Fax:201-796-9058 Mary Ryerson Catherine Mortell Trieky Tray Coordinator Tricky Tray Coordinator Kristie Bednarz PTG President Loretta Stachiotti Principal Tax ID 22'L640306 January 21,20L5 Dear Sir or Madam: The Saint Anne School PTG is hosting its 19th annual "Tricky Tray'' on Thursday, May 7, 20L5. Throughout the years, the support of merchants and various corporations like yours have helped in making fundraisers like this a success. We are kindly asking all businesses to join us in our endeavor by donating a monetary donation, gift certificate, or merchandise that can be used as prizes for our event. will be used towards the Saint Anne School used to help fund activities for the children The money we raise at this event PTG Budget, which in turn is throughout the school year. Your company name and contribution will be listed in our program. A11 donations can be sent to Saint Anne School Tricky Tray c/o Mary Ryerson, 1-30 Summit Avenue, Fair Lawn NJ 07410, or given to any of the committee members distributing this letter. We will continue to show our appreciation through the years with our patronage. On behalf of the Saint Anne Schoo1 PTG, we would like to thank you in advance for all your support. Sincerely, l,muktr{,,,q't- l{^rrt Slcn"v Mary Ryerson, Tricky Tray Coordinator Kristie Bednarz, PTG President, Tricky Tray Coordinator Saint Anne School PTG Contact # 201'796'1149 Cell# 201-693-6824 Email : [email protected] St. Anne School Parent Teacher Guild 1-30 Summit Avenue Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201) 7s6-33s3 N?so 't*:* ,*:X Otl60rmm.€Ecem ,e';"**.,;*" **J."d*" #;;#; 'iJ ** ,*, The PTG is selling bags of raffle tickets for the 19th AnnualTricky Tray & Dinner at the "pre-sale" price of $ss.oo. Bags are available starting March 2nd - May 5th at the "pre-sale" price. The bag contains the following: (1) Blue sheet of (25) tickets (1) Yellow sheet of (25) tickets (5) Green tickets (3) White tickets - "Mini Grand" 12) Orange tickets -'Super Mini Grand" Red ticket - "Grand" (1) I bags of raffle tickets @ 555.00 per bag = would like to purchase I have enclosed Checks Cash S Phone Number Name Grade c/o Child's Name Address Town State _ Zip Code Please return in an envelope marked: St. Anne School 1-30 Summit Avenue Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 "Raffle Tickets" Attn: Mary Ryerson Make checks payable to: St. Anne's PTG (there will be a 520.00 fee for all returned checks)
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