MIDDLE TENNESSEE FREE Il Gl COLON CANCER Awareness Month SPORTS is Starting SUMMER is Around the Are You Tennessee Start 2015 Right with VITAL 5: NUTRITION Made RESTFUL SLEEP: The Foundation of Good Health ISSUES: Not Just A Childhood Concern! FARM GtVESYOU WAYS TO SAVE ON AIn'O !NSURA.NC~ Profes5ional Multiple Alternative Groups Po/ides Fuel Vellides {il\ ~ Q.. ~ ~ ~ ,,~ Drivers MUlti-Car " Take advantage of multiple discounts on Farmers Auto Insurance. AI fARMERS. providing a variety of auto ;nsura""" discount< i. something we take prOde in. from safe drive .. to good .Iud(ont., and ev<:>n when insuring 2 0( mote cars, know that FARMERS is fully commited to provjd ir>g excellent v.lue for y"'" insurar>eedollar. cal l me today to ~r>d out about all the auto insurance discounts that may b(' available foryou UNINSURED! UNOERIN$URED On -'>\10 25"oId.....,.._ "" ....."'..... ond_~ ~do """ l>aV'O_h Uninwrod/Underinwrod Motori$! 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Ani lable exclusive ly al: _____________________ - Low lev~ la~r t herapy for those in urlv stagH of hair 10 .. - PRP -The new",t non-.u,glcallrNtment for Nrl, <lag.. of hair 10« - MI"o·plgm~latio n - Non turglcal option for men who liu thai buued cut hair style WeGrow Hal •.com!PAI Medical Group In Brentwood, TN. Calltodayandreceiveafree microscopic hair/scalp analysis. OTHER HAIR RESTORATION OPTIONS 800.496.7225 PAl MedicalGroup www .tnhe ~ lth 615.376.6010 I 9000Churd!S~tEa5l- s.."lding B,Sune201, BrMtwood. TN 37027 .. ndwe llness _com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 Health & Wellness March 201 S - Middle Tennessee Heal the Nerves in Your Feet. Don't Just Mask the Pain. By Gretchen Campbell, M.D. T here are lots of reasons for foot pa in. Sometimes il is due 10 structural issues such as fallen arches, it could be due 10 poor Circulation. or it cou ld be due 10 a cond ition referred to ilS Peripheral Neuropathy. NefVe pain can be very difficult to manage , e,pe· cial ly if the diagoosi. is de layed. If it is identified and treated early, outcomes can be very different. Left untreated, neuropathy can progress to cause per· manent numbness. weakness and even difficu lty with balance What are the Cause·51 There are many, many potential causes. The most COmmOn causes in the United States are d iabetes and alcohol dependence. Other causes include vitamin deficiencies, certain medications, kidney problems and many others. Certain types Ciln also be hered itary. What flse Could It lie? There are other condition. that can have Ihe same symptoms as r>europathy. Pinched nerws in the back, narrowing of the sp;nal column (spinal stenosis), poor circulation, as well as certain v~amin and mineral de&iencies or tOJ(icities. It is important to see a neurologist to determine the root cause of your symptoms. The treatment of these conditions i, very different, and sometime s one person can have both peripheral neuropathy a, well as other cond ition, that cause foot pain. If the conditions are oot managed properly, they usua lly eventua lly progress. I'm diabetic and I've been told I have neuropathy. What If I lenore the p"ln. It', n.ot th"t b"d. Peripheral neuroP'lthy affect, 70% of diabetics. "" many as one in four people with diabetes will have a foot uker - an open so", - in their lifetime. Nearly 80% of all non-traumatic amputations occur in people with diabete s. Half of patients who have foot "mputati-on, die within five years. Gel Tested. Get Treated. Get Better. KCA Neurology has a 0% limb loss rate . If you have diabetes (or your feet hurt), and you have never What i. P1!riphef31 Neuropathy? Periphernl NeurOllathy i•• imply a condition whereby the nerve have been damaged. It is a term that loosely refers to neM! damage of all types, but, in the medial world, we typically use this term to define neM! damage that starts in the feet and eventually spreads to the hands if left untreated. The typical symptoms (and you don't have to have all of these symptoms) are numbness, tingling, burning, aching Or stabb ing pain. The pa in is SOme· times worse at night. Usually, the s kin is very hyper· sensitive to touch (so bed linens on your feet may be bothersome). Initially, the pilln may come and go. Later, as the cond ition progresses. discomfort may become constant. t"'~tment with medication aimed at increasing your neNe fiber density which can stabilize the process and decrease the risk of limb loss . seen a neurologist, call today (even if your diabetes is · controlled"). Saving a limb could save your life. Did You Know? Peripheral Neuropathy is the NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF LI M B LOSS in the Un ited States. Most neuropathy goes untreated until pain is severe. The more severe the nefVe damage, Ihe more difficult ~ i, to tre at. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important. What Is the Treatment? First, your neurologist ,hould examine you and try to dete rmine the cause of your symptoms. If it Is determined that neuropathy is the cause of you r foot pain, your neurologist will then need to find out why you have the ne uropathy in the first place. Don't accept mere pain medications alone as your treatment. The re is treatment directed toward, increa,· Ing the number of nerve fibers which can stab ilize the condition and decrease Ihe risk of progression. TVPical medications used to treat the pain associated with neuropathy indude Bapentin, Lynea, CVmbalta and others. These medications work to decrease pain, but do not improve the underlying condition. The best treatment involves identification of the cause of neuropathy Uf possible), treatme nt of the underlying cause. treatment of the pain (with one or a combination of the above medications) and Dr. Campbell is boa rd certified in neu rola nd t reats all neu~ogica l illne sses induding migraine s, e pilepsy, back pain, nec k pain, neuropathy, pinche d nerves, carpal t unnel synd rome, m ultiple scle rosis and a host of ot her conditions. She offe~ multiple procedures to de termine and treat the root ca use o f sym ptoms prior t o treat ment. KCA Me dica l Grou p is also an accredite d ce nter for Tysa bri infuSions (an intravenous treatment fo r Multi ple Scle rosis). Ogy, To schedule an appointment, please call KCA NEUROLOGY.COM "5.55 0 .1100 • frlln klln" Cluksvill e. TN KCA Medical Group at: 615.550.1800· FRANKLIN 931.647.2828 - CLARKSVILLE, or visit us online at _.kcadocs.com . ________________________ www.tnhe a lth .. ndwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 Health & Wellness March 201 S - Middle Tennessee March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month c By William Norris, M.D., FACG olorectal cancer develop~ in the colon or rtttum. The colon (large intestine) and rectum arc pan of the digestive s)'Stem. Colon cancer is the second Icading ca~se of canccr death in the United States . It is the third most common cancer diagnosed in the United Stales. behind proslate and lung cancer in mcn. and breast cancer and lung cancer in women. Five 10 six percent of Americans will develop colon carw;er. It is cslimaled that ovcr 40,000 people will die of colon cancer in 2015. Most colon cancel'S develop from polyps, or growths on the inside lining of the large intestine. When discovered early, colon cancer is highly trealllble. However, screening greatly reduces Ihe chance of developing colon cancer and decreases colon canccr mortality. Ri5k F"etoT5 for Colon "'neer Based upon researeh studics, Ihc most common risks for developing colon cancer are: • SO years orolder - A~one ages. the risk of developing or being diagnosed with colon cancer increaSC"$. • Personal bi story of COIOD polyps _ Approxi_ malely 30 % of peoplc have polyps. which are growths on the colon wall. MO$t polypS are not cancerous: however. a subset of polyps called adenomas may dcvelop into cancer. The time framc for an adenoma 10 develop into cancer can be between 5 and IS years. When these polyps are discovered at colonoscopy and removed, the risk of developing colon cancer is greatly reduced. • Family history of COIOD cancer - First degree relalivcs (parents. siblings. and children) of a person with colon cancer have an increased likelihood of developing colon cancer. This risk is fun her increased if the family member was diagnosed at a young age. • Inflammatory Bowel Disease _ A person who suffers from Crohn', disease or ulcerative colitis has an increased risk of developing colon cancer. • High Fat Diet _ Diets in red meat and with high animal fat conient may increase Ihe risk of colon cancer. SCJttJling wilh a colonoscopy at agc SO. HO\>'evcr, the recorrunendcd screening age for AfricanAmerican~ ;s age 45. If a person has family history of oolon cancer, it is nxommcnded for screening 10 start at an earlier age. Screening iot""'als may be reduced based on risk factors as well. To get screcned for colon cancer, you should contact a gastroenterologist for a screening colonoscopy. Remcmber. prevention is bener than detection. • Genelics - Some fonns of colon cancer can be inherited. Familial alterations in the SC<Juencc of cer\lIin genes can result in the devclopmenl of colon cancer in families. These colon cancers typically arc detected at an earlier age than the sporadic oolon cancer. Screening colonoscopy detccts polyps, which may be cancerous. At the time of the colonoscopy, the polyps arc removed . Screening also helps detect colon cancer in the earliest sllIgcs. Symptoms mColon Cancer Symptom!; of colon cancer can vary. It is possible to be asymptomatic prior 10 being diagnosed wilh colon cancer. The most common symptoms include change!; in bowd habits, blood in slOOl or weight loss. How and When Should 1Get Screened? T1>e reoommended screening modality for colon cancer is a eolonosoopy. A eolonoscopy inwilves the insenion of a flexible ru!.>c with a camcrn attached to il into the rectum and advancing it through the oolon. A bcm'cl prep to rid Ihe colon of waste products is nccessary to optimize visua]izalion of the colon wall 10 detect polyps. During the procedure, conscious sedalion or ancslhcsia is given 10 prevent discomfon. Ifa polyp is seen, it;s removed during the examination. Dr. Norr/J i, a ~a'ive of Ddray BeacA. PI... If" reui>wi his undugraduale de!:IU from MoreAous" College and gradualed from Mdarry Medical College in 1999. His inlernal medicine residency was comple'ed at tAe University of Tenne:uu.MempAis. ife SpeM nine years in Ihe UnilM Sial'" Army. His medical ca",e' began aI Pori Campbel/. "'here he served as Ihe CAief of Medicine during 'he lasl yea' of his tour. He subsequenlly compielM his ga,'ro<!n'erology fel/o ...·ship al Woller «eeJ Army MMical Cemer; and became board certifiM in GaslrQenluolo/(Y ofter his 'raining " .... complele. lIe " .... selecled for and comple'ed On Ad."Onud Therapeutic £~dascopy Training {'rogram al Ihe Uni>..,rsity of Mar·yland. Tlte remainder of his military Ca"",r ,..00, s~rved at Itill'er «ud Army Medical Centu. "'here he ""Os ,h~ Director of Endoscopy. lie Acid s,off ap{JQin'_ menlS al Georgeto"'n University School of Medicine and a"he Uniformed Sen·ice. Uni>..,,_ siry of Ihe Heallh Scienc .... Dr. Norris is an Ope""ion Iraqi PlUdom ,we",n. senoing a combal lour ,,'i,A lSI Co ....lty DM,ion in 2009. and is a 8ronze S'Il' MMlli recipient. After hi, mililary ClllUr; Dr. Norris relocaled 10 Middle Tennus ..... IIi. office is I""a",d On Ihe Skyline MMicll1 Cenler Campus. and he i. on staff 01 Sk)"line. lIenderson"ille and Cenlenniol Mediclli Centers. The recommended ages and intervals for To learn more or to sebedu]e an appoint_ screening vary depending on risk factors and • Cigan:ttc smoking - People who ~moke have an ment, please call Norris Gastroenterology age. The American College of Gastrocnlcrolincreased risk of developing precancerous polyps G roup 116 15-612-4998. ogy recommends avcrnge risk indiWluals to begin and colon cancer. ________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l tness.com MIddle T e nnessee March 2015 Health & W~ 7 5 BRAIN BOOSTERS getting 100 much ..........3. ~ ItIO$I <Ji us ..., not getting mough. Unless you an: latina antKoogulam drup, or blood coagulatioo problcmt, it is unlikely 1 VITAM IN 0: THE SUNS H INE VITAMIN By Chris TaIeghani, M.D., M,B.A. ever 10 uke care: of your bniin! Inc",uing your inuke of thc:$c 5Ilbsw.ccs can seriously boost your bniin po"'..".. 1"1 eas.ier than CAFFEINE & THEAN INE: THE DYNAMIC DUO What ;. it? Caffeine is I natUllllly occurring chemical stimulant Theanine is an amino acid typically used for trcaling an ~ iety. Whal don it do? Thcanine helpS ~it nerve impulses in the brain and helpS MtUJlllly calm and focus ,"" Inin. Caffeine is a scimulanl that illCfC3.SCS Iknnesa. Wbc:n you combine these two chemicals. the calming effccts of the Theanine eountc-ract the "imulilting effccts of Ihc: u/Tdnc. resulting in I ballU>l'ed alert-yel·focused broin. This magic combination of chemicals has been used as a non-phallTlaceuticaltreatment for ADIID. Where can I get ;I? Caffeine is ibundant in what ,,'C eal and drink. But. as. I MeIItioncd before, it·s this duo thai benefi .. US lII0$I. You ' re: in luck. bccau$c these chemicals natUllllly occur toge1her in both black and grttI\ variclics of tea How much should I hive? Up to 4OOm.g of caffeine per day is safe for mOSt adults. This amount equates to 4 cups of cofTee, 10 cans of soda, or 2 CIlCf8Y drinks. About the same is reoommc:ndcd for mu:imum Theanine ronsumplion. Higlt doses of citbcr of these ehemic:aJ. can <:&use you 10 feel "'..".... Ien, or "'.."._ relued. so finding. balance is imponanL POLYPHENOLS: BRAIN DEFENSE What i. it? Pulyphl:1lOls an: antioxidants thaI help the broin stay healthy by reducing toxicity. abnollTlal broin function, and inflammation. WhIt does il do? Polyphcnol. help protect lhe brain', neurons apinst injury and promoIe imp<O\-ro memory, ~aming.. and ""nall copitive function. Where elJl I get it? PoIyp/>crlols lIfm'IIOO dilflcul1 to get in your diel. [n fact, you may ",ally enjoy eon_ sumina these anlioxidants! Polypl>cnols Can be: found in dark chocolate (with al leaJI 60% cacao). red wines (like pinoc noif. merlot, and cabc:met uuvignon). tcas (inel,..jing dccaffeinalcd v";elies), and many fruits and ''''gctables. Ho .... mucb lhould I hive? AI We all know, there iuuch • !hing as 100 mach or. (lOOd thing. II is diffkuit 10 ""crdosc on antioxidants in froi .. and veg_ etables, bul it is possible " 'hm IIkint supplements witl! high conccnlnltlon$. T.d:ing anllOxidants in execu can overwhelm the free radic:.1s that cells use to talk 10 one anotbcr and function properly. CRIATINE: T H E TURBO BOOST Wb.at i, it1 Creatine is an lImino acid that occurs naturally in lhe body,lI>OJlly in muscles. WhIt docs it do? C"'""ti"" impro'"CI bnin efficiency and boosts memory and l11enlian lipan, It is particu .... ly ....,ful for shon_tC"llTl memory. Where can I get it? The body makes crealine, hut it ean liso be obtained from tenain foods and supplement•. Creatine is found limost exclu.;,"CIy in "",.1 and fish. HOw mllCb should I have? Unle$l you arc I "eg_ take ""'""tinc suppIcmen1s. Si;(kul muscle .... ill only hold a ccnain """'nl of creatine, SO adding more 10 your diel won'l raise your creatine levels be:yond a ccrtain point. Excess c"'"line is rtmOved from Ihc: body by the kidney.: so prolonged exposure to excess creatine can couse kidney damage. ~an, you probably don't ncc<IlO OMEGA· 3: BRAIN FOOD What ~ il? 0mega·3s arc: fany acids. ThM arc: Iypcs, each with distinct bc:aI!h bcncfilf-ALA, EPA, and DHA. 1hrtt major What does il do? DHA is the OO1C",.J that benefits the brain the most. It ocoounts for up to 97% of Ihc: OO1CSI-J fIlly acids in the brain, and it CflSUrcs that our bniin cdls de"eiop and function properly. Where can I get it? Nuts, tlusceds. cltia seeds. and fany f~ like salmon. IUI"II. or mackcrel ore. good soon:c of omcga-ls. Kcq> in mind that fart1Ol:d flSl! hive muo;h ""'..". DBA j,e,.·cls !han ocean f~ do. Man)' vegetables. like spinach and broccoli. an: 100 rich in omega-l5- You can aoo take "upplcmcnt if you arc: noc gelling cnouglt in your daily diet. How mucb Ibould I hive? The Institute of Medicine ([OM) has not )'e1. c:stablished I n:comn><nOOd intake for omcga--k Moot people do IlOl hI'~ 10 ""'"'Y ahou. ha,,,, that you an: scning 100 much orncp-3. What i. it? Vitamin 0 is . fll~..ble chcmlcoJ rcspon_ Jiblc for mhancing the body'. ahsorp6on of calcium. lIS "~1I as mIjJICSium. iron. p/losphak, and rinc. What does it do1 VItamin 0 plays a ,; l1li role in the body', immune S)ISICm I!Id ncun:trl"UCUlar system. Some srudics show thai adequate b~1s of vitamin 0 may be: fUlUircd for the brain 10 produce JCroIOnin (a ncurotr8n$mincr that a/kcts mood. sleep, memory. and I>chavior), Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to ttrtain CInOCI""S. heart disease. and Alzheimer's disease. Where can I get it? Many oIhcr 'itamins aJmO tmm the foods you tall or """,*1Ik11b )'OU lite. but )'<lUI" body can mate il""""11 vitamin O! The bc:$I and easiest WIly 10 incrasc )tIUr Vnamin 0 is 10 get IOITIl'SWlligbc. How much lilouid I have? Vitamin D (aloog with vitamins K, A. E) is noc water-soluble, SO !he body C1Ul/lOl e~eretc e~eess of this vitamin- it is possible to gCl too much. Vitamin D "''el"Use lllTIOlIt always occurs from ""cruse of suppIcn1o:nts: excessive sun exposure doQn·I ...... 'dl>(llIly ~use viwnin D poison_ ina bcitillst the body limiu the amounl of this vitamin it produces. ChriJ Ta/eghan;, MD. , M.B.A , Boord C~rrifl~d NewrmwrgeDfl Dr. Takgltani is a board ccnificd IlCUI'tlSWJCOIl who spocializes In mini_ mally invasi,'C surgery. including the EndoscopIC Endonasal Approach. He received his Medic.1 Degree at Gt'Ofgetown University School of MediCIne and completed his Neurosurgery Residency training 1.1 PennsylvanIa Slate MIIIOI1 S. Hashcy Medical Center. PINNACLE Surgical Partners Phone: (615) 88 5·2778 Fax: (615) 986-60 52 www.PinnadeSurgical.net rOO" ~.Ith tips, .........10<, & _, Ii~ ~.t fHoI>ooI<.comni".....~.tr•• t...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w ......... nhe~tlh~ndwellness.com' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Health & Wellnes$ March ZO 15 Mid dle Te n nesse e Are Stem Cells the Next Penicillin? By David Ebner, Stan Writer C han<:~ are ~t you ha~ heard about stem cells-t~ have ~ In the news for ~ars. BUI did you know Ihl! Slem c~1s are bo!-ing used ri911f now in the Uniled Stat~ to trHI debilitating lung diwasn? s...ff~ of disNws ~i«o COPO, pulmonary fibrosis. flnpny. serna and Intenlitial lung diwase are r«eiving life changing stem (~I trealments thllt jusl a few short yoears 1190 had not yet ~ thought of as possiblfl. With further ~a nc:emenlS In the study of stem cells, the question Is posed: are Stem (~Is the ne~t pen icillin? Stem cells and penicillin both come from humble ~innlngs and a«idental discov' e ry. They are both used to treat life threatening conditions and dlsea~, and Just like pen icillin, stem ce ll biojoglSlS have won Nobel Pflzes due to the PfaCllcal uses of their dl sc~rll'$. Consider the hlstooy of penicillin. In 1939, while Poland was surrende<ing to Hltlel's Blltzkrl@g German offensl~. a Scottish bioIo9lst by the ~me of Sir Alfox.llnder Fleming was on his 10th year of studying his accidef1tal dlscowry ~med penicillin. While on vacation with his family to< the summer. Fleming left the cultures he was worlUng on out on his lab wori<station. Upon returning, he notked that a fungus had started to grow on one of the cultures and commenled,"1"hII'J funny: After furthe< stucly of the fungus. fleming obsefwd that the mold produced a subst.tnce lhat killed many diseit5e-uusing bacteria. Sir Alexand« flemin9 did not know the magnitude that his mold e!rperimenlS would have in 1945 when the II1tibiol:lc would save thousands of I~ on the French bea<;;hfront on o-~. It wasn't until that )'01. that Sir Alexand« fleming was acknowIedoed for his servk:e to lhe medial ~ by being iJWarded the Nobel Prize. In the 1950's, a synthetic form of penicillin was firsl designed .nd mass production ~an to create the antibiotic at an amazing pace and for a relatively small e xpense. Since then. penl· cillin has been used In vast quantities around the world and has sa~ million s of li~. Today, one dinic.the lung Institute. is usi"'iJ .cIult Slen! cells harvested from me P<'tie-nt's own fat. blood and bone marrow 10 provide similar healing resulu to< people with lung disNses. Their website. wwwJunginstitule.com. states that they have treated ~r SOO P<'tlenlS to date. The physician gives the P<'tient a IIrowth factor that mul· tlplieS the Item cells inlO millions of healthy (ells before extracting the stem cells from the po>tient, then they sepo>,ate the (ells and reinlroduce them Into the po>tient's body. The result Is that the healthy cells replace the damaged ones found in Ihe lungs. Not only can this slow the progreso slon of the d isease, but it also works to restore lung function. The lung Institute's Medical Director. Dr. Burton Feinerman. who has been trulln9 P<'tients with stem cells since the 1960's, said. ·Stem cells are very Important because they offer a different apPfQach. Instead of just Ireatln9 symptoms and making the P<'tient a .inle more comfortable. stem (ells lar9l'tlhe disease and can lIMo ~.KOftrJ of penicillin _. an "fly .....,.. .1 II'OUIMI !lAaklne repair the damaged tissue. II is a whole MClleal ..mnc-u dallJlIIC tIM COUIW 01 MCI..... -..Ilel.... new ball game and gives people rulis1ic hope !hi! we CII1 chillenge !he Incurable: that warranted the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine, are adult stem cellI-. This 1ype of stem c~1 k found .lust as people _ e wMY about how penicillin in fully developed individuals and flourish in all might help fight in~s when first developed, people regardl~s of I9E' or health. there is ~ hesitalion that stem cell technol· ogy can help treat diseases. ~, just li ke Most cells found in the body ha~ developed Into penicillin was recognized by the scientific com· a specific type of cell, like a sltin (I'll or a brain cell. munlty. so have stem c~1 developments. If the At the turn of the 20th century, biologists discov· number o f people successfully treated with stem ered that some cells (stem cells) hiM! not ~t been cells alre.cly Is any Indication, then il will assigned as a certain type of cell. They are simply undoubtedly be heralded, like penicillin, as the blank (ells standing by to meet your body's IIround breaking medical technology of its time. needs. Stem cells being used to Ifeat diseases can be tracO!d back to 1968 when the first bone If you or a loved one suffers trom a chron iC marrow transplant was used to treat a patient suf. Stem cells have also been sl udied extensively ~r lung d isea se. the specialists at t he lung fering from leukemia. Placing healthy stem cells time and have crept Into the nallonal dla~ue as a Institute may ~ ab le 10 help. You tan contact InlO a sick Individual's body results in the creallon buzz word for certain political agendu, po>rlk u· the lung Institute I! (855) 914-3212 or visit of only healthy ce lls that are not infected w ith the larly the stem cells found In fetu~. However, the lunginslitute.(omlhHllh 10 find out if these new d isease. In turn, these cells replace the dlseasO!d actual stem cells that are now being used to trelt treatments are right for you. d isea ses In the United States, and the same cells ones and start to heal the patient. - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnhe a lthlln dw ellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Middle Tennessee - March lOIS Health & Wellness 9 Kyphon Balloon Kyphoplasty S pine fractures cause a lot of pain for many people. Some believe that they have to simply live through the pain, or perhaps undergo major surgery in order to get some relief. There is now a treatment option called Kyphon Balloon Kyphoplasty that takes as lillie as 15 minutes to pcrfonn. is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that can reducc or eliminate back pain, and even increase a person's overall mobility and quality of life Osteoporosis causes loss of bone strength and stability and is the underlying disease in most patients suffering from spinal fractures. In addition to osteoporosis. bone loss can occur as a side effect of medicat ions sueh as cOl1icostcroids. cel1ain cancer treatments. and lifestyle choices including smoking, inactivity, and low calcium intakc_ Repol1 any new or unusual baek pain to your doctor promptly. Early diagnosis can lead to more treatment options. A physical exam, together with an ~-ray. can help detcnnine whether you have a spinal fracture or not. Why People Choose Balloon Kyphoplasty • Angular correction of defonnity • Restoration ofvel1cbral body height • Improved quality oflife • Significant reduction in back pain Balloon Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive, 15 minute procedure. The recovery time is minimal, and normal activities ean be resumed almost immediately. Patients are often able to do more activities than they were able to do before the procedure. What the Procedure Entails The first step of the procedure involves creating a space within the spine where the balloon can be inSCl1ed. The surgcon uses a hollow instro_ ment to make a path into the fractured venebra. Once in place. the ba lloon is inflated in order to get the collapsed bone back into the right position. When the bone is in place. the balloon is deflated and removed. Before the bone can collapse, the space is filled with orthopedie cement which sets to form an internal cast. Dedicated to Pain Management From AU Sources At Comprehensive Pain Spcrialists. we are dedicated to reducing or eliminating pain from several different sourees. not just spine pain. Pain from auto immune disorders such as lupus or fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome. headaches, cancer related pain. spons injuries, and pain experienced after an acc ident are all things that we include in our individualized assessments. With over 60 locations throughout thc Southeast. find out why Comprehensive Pain Specialists is best suited for aU of your pain management needs. .$!.~ CPS COMPREHENSIVE PAIN SPECIALISTS ________________________ www.tnhe~lth 855-61 5-PAJN {7246l www.cpspain.com .. ndwe llness.com ________________________ Improve your odds with stem cell therapy. Treatments at the Lung Institute use stem cells from the patient's own body to regenerate new, healthy tissue that improves lung function and quality of life. Call (855) 914·3212 or visit lungi nstitute.com/health .... ~ ! ill Lung Institute 1I<N!1lI' EMi«. Got Hemorrhoids? Don't keep treating them. Remove them! 1luting )'OUr >yrnp!""" with mf<>y , _ on<! ok>t ...... t> ()t'Iy p«Mdn 'tmpOI"¥)' 'ellef. Sodonl ~ttNtinoJ ~ ~Ih<rn. ~'. , .... ,.,.. a.I)'OUr bes( ogWI. The CRH O'Regan System ~ utilizes a non-surgical, patented device. o Quick, effe<:l~ & painless CRH O~Regan System' Ij No prep. NOr>SurgocoI HenXJrrr.xt ~ ei Return 10 woflc lhe same day --- "" sedali"" William Norris, M.D. FACG Boord Ce<1i1ie<l Go.troenteroiogi" Call 61 5.612.4998 to schedule an appointmen t. =================~W~W~W~.~"~"~'~"~th . ndwellness.com--_______________ 12 Keatth & Wellness March 2015 - Middle Tennessee Great Life, Great Look and Great Hair! By Michael 5 Ramsey, MBMiCM + Hair Loss + Style Ilair today is as much about style as anything else. Whetha men wear their hair short, spiked, or just a stubble look - hair speaks to others about that person. Justin Bieber is known almost as much for his hair and style as his music. Hair as a part of a pcrwn's style has long been the style stnement fo.- women. but now many men use their hair to tell a story about themselves. The imaginations of stylist around the world impact style like never before. Yean ago, men gencrnlly would wear hair a ,ensin length as a part of their style - today, there are as many fashionable long hair styles as shOJI and medium. The wonderful thing about hair is it changes constantly. naturally. It grows, curls, lightens in the sun - it is always in a state of change. When you consider coloring. permanents. and other stylized options for hair, the choi= are almost endless. Women rnrely keep a hair stylc for long. They are IIair loss for men and women can even be a style. Many men who lose their hair will simply sha"e it all otT. This becomes their style. Others, who lose their hair will begin to take preventive stcps to Stop the loss by using hair loss therapies such as Rogaine, EXT Hair Treatments OJ Laser Hair Treatments. Whilc these won't grow a full head of hair. fOJ most people these therapies are pretty effective at stopping hair loss and encouraging an ideal growing environment for all the hair. IIair transplants and hair restoration surgery are synonymous and there are a variety of ICChniqucs employed today. In Our clinic, we customize each and every procedure to fit the face and look the patient is looking for. Some men want a very light covering of hair so they are 001 bald while others want fullness. Many of our female patients want to fill in thin spots - they don't usually bald like men SO we customizc the procedure \0 suit their individual nocds. + Hair Restoration So today, whether you want hair you can style. color. grow longer or simply shave off - yw have options neva before available. Hair. or lack of it. makes a statement about the person. Sometimes it says. "I'm carefree and busy" while other times it says. 'Tm sc~y and I take pride in my appearance." In any case. your hair is as much about your style today as the clothes you wear. the car you drivc or the lifCSlyle you livc. For those men and women who want more hair. there are a variety of options. Hair coverings such as hair systems are good for many men, especially men with advanced hair loss. These hair systems are typically CUStom made fOJ each individual and then cut and blended into the person's own hair on the sides. IIair extensions work much the same way but are more targeted and are used to add "olume to thin fine hair mostly. Fashion wigs ha,'c become the rage thanks to Lady Gaga and many other celebrities. "These are fun fOJ many wOmen who want a sudden and drastic change. + Most Advanced Hair Restoration Procedures At PAJ Medical Group / WeGrowHair.com, weotTer the most advanced hair restoration procedures anywhere in the world. For more information about hair transplantation or laser hair treatments, please call 615-376-6010 or 800-496-7215. Or. visit US online at ...ww. WcGrowHair.com. ~ PAl eominually looking for the latest most flattering Hair restoration surgery is one of the most MEDlCALGROUP style for their lifestyle. A mOm offour is more likely popular options for many men and women with to have a style that works for her hurried lifestyle mild to moderate hair loss. This option has been while a female executive might make a statement refined to the degree almost unimaginable only with her hair that she is serious and determined. 30 years ago when Hair Plugs were the standard. PAl MecIc:itI Grtq:I NashWie Granted. certain looks can be associated with Today, the procedure ;s so refined that once the Michael Ramsey, MBAMCM periods of time - remember the Farrah Fawcen hair hair grows in from the procedure, it looks as PAl ~~ ow.ctor natural as the hair that ...·as there before. style - today. styles are less confined and more open. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnhe althandwe ltness.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WeGrowHair.com Mtddle Tennessee - March 2015 Keal\h & Wel lness 13 Nashville Boat Club Don't Buy A Boat® Join The Club! T he Nashville Boat Club is a private, members-only Boating O ;>unlry Club"'. For nearly 1(3 the cost of owning a single boat. you can enjoy a fleet of new upscale boats. These meticulously maintained boats are for the EXCLUSIVE use of our members. Members have UNUMITED use of the boats; PLUS we provide complimentary wakeboards, skis. kneeboards, tubes. and more for you and your family to enjoy! Fishing Boats More Convenient Than Owning! Enjoy a variety of boats at a number of locations. without tOO hassle of ownership! We take care of all maintenance and upkeep. and you get unlimited boat usage and guaranteed reservations plus com_ plimentary use of the dub's water toys. Following are JUSt a few of the boats we have to ofTer: Pontoon Boats Harris Solstice 250 Pontoon: This brand new Solstice is up for anything you can dish OUI. A unique fence oksign and brilliant graphics package showcase its style. An extended rear deck offers easy access to the water. and a 150hp outboard engine powers every kind of WBterspons action . For Ihose wanting to simply relax the day away, the Transformer Loungen come with an array of adjuStments for comfort as well as convenient underseat storage drawers that pull OUI so you don'l have to get up 10 remove your stored items. [I also features luxurious caplains chairs in the front Port Side along with a real granile top coffee table. 2013 Chaparral H20 19 Ski & Fish: We've all seen the vintage Ski Fish boalS of yesteryear. Fast forward to 2013 and it's crystal clear that Chaparral's new 19 Ski Fish is anything but your Grandpa's boat with new graphics. Chaparral innovation is at its best in the 19 SF. The 2013 1120 19 Ski & Fish could easily win awards as a first-rate fishing machine or a po ..... er packed wakeboard tow boat. Storage spaec defies the centerline length_ So does the ride quality_ Water Toys The Nashville Doat Club pl'Qvides a variety of high quality waler toys from manufacturers such as Liquid Foree, O'Brien, Hydroslide, Body Glove. Sevy!or. HO, Connelly. and more Our selection is always changing based on input and requests from Our members and currently includes the following: • Wakcboards (Adult & Junior) • Surfboards • Wake Skate-Like skateboarding On the water! • Combo Skis (Adult & Junior) plus Competition Slalom Ski and Trainer Skis for all ages. • Knecboards Wakeboard Boats Moomba LSV has been oksigned to ofTer even more incredible wake performance, a deep wake surf interior. fiberglass floor with snap-out earpel and a new graphic exterior design. At 21 feet 6 inches, the LSV is literally the perfe<:t size, Big enough to fit all your friends and hdp them excd in their favorite wake spons. bUI small enough to IuIndle with case. This Moomba is loaded with the wake riding 100ls you need so take a minute on the new tooled-in transom scat to prepare for your next personal best, • Tubes in a variety of sizes and shapes for all ages including single and double riders, and more. Compare The Cous and Savings! Ski Boats Joining the club costs much less than buying a boa\. Club dues stan at JUSt S223 per month for unlimited boat usage and ONE-TIME membership fees stan at S1395. The only other OO5t is replacing the fuel that is used during your outing. DoUar for dollar. boat clubs an: simply a better deal-----and a much I110Te IrOUble-frce way to enjoy the water. Ebbtide 220 Dcckboat: This 22-footer has the space ofa pontoon boat. amenities galore and Ihe power to pull skicrs and wakeboardcrs_ Seating Your Choke of Lot:atlon$! Call the Nashville Boat Club at for 12. a changing room, pressurized fresh water Now with three locations in lhe Nashville area and 61 5-232-91 00 to schedule system. sink. hand-held sho .... ·crs and more. This others nationwide. members can boat on Percy a club tour today! is a deckboat tlull caters to the skiers and wakePriest, Old Hickory, or Center Hill lakes, plus other www.na.hvilleboat(lub..net boarders with amenities and power lakes nationwide. ________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ www.lnhe~tth~ndwe l tness.com 14 Hea~h & Wellness March 2015 - Middle Tennessee PRODUCT LIABILITY INJURIES (WHAT TO DO ?) By David E. High, Attorney-At-Law M any individuals are seriously injured by defective Or unreasonably dangerous products . If you have an injury due to a defective Or dangerous product, il is very irnponant that you first get prQmpl and thorough medical care. Thereaner, you need 10 make sure the product is prcscrved (kept in a safe place) and that photographs are taken Qf the product. the accident scene and your injuries. PUI together a list of witnesses and COntaCt information. II is imperative that you seek legal counsel e~peri tnecd in handling product liability claims. If you do not prescrve the defective product, you cannot prosecute your claim. Your case will IIWSI likely be dismissed. Prompt Ugil Counsel is Key Time is of the csscnce. UndcrTennessec law, the seller. if the seller is nOI also Ihe manufacturer. Man~ manufacturers arc located in foreign countries. There are cumbersome procedures in obtaining service of process on foreign corporations so. again, ~ou nccd to emplo~ an attome~ who is experienced in pursuing products liabilit~ claims. ~ou must give notice of the injury and potential claim to the manufacturer and seller o f the product in order to preserve some of ~our legal theories, such as breach of implied wamlnt~. Therefore, it is very imponant that ~ou obtain prompt legal counscl and that the~ provide legal notice to thc potential defendants. Failure to do so will result in you losing some of ~our legal rights and could jeopardize ~our ease. In Tcnnessee. We have a one·~ear statute of limitations. Counsel has to give timel~ notice to the potential defendants. investigate the matler. have the case reviewed b~ pol<:ntial experts, and decide how to proceed well within the ~ear from ~our injury. Tennessee also has a tcn-~ear statute ofrcpose. A cause of action muSt be brought within ten years of the time the product is first sold for use and consumption Thcrefore. it is imperative that ~ou act diligentl~ in obtaining counsel if ~ou are going to consider pursuing a products liabilit~ claim. Thus. a products liability action cannOI be brought on a product in use Over ten ~ears. even within the one-~ear statute of limitations. Products liability law has been the subject of extensive tort reform in the state of Tennessee. In addition 10 caps on non-economic damages, Ihere arc procedural "hoops· that muSt be jumped turou6" an rasllC ,m'tallons on \o,e "", 'ty to sue In Tennessee, the manufacturer of a product is strictl~ liable if Ihe~ manufactured a produClthat was defective or unn:asonabl~ dangerous. If ~ou or ~our loved ones have been significantl~ injured b~ a producl that ~ou feci was either defective or unreasonabl~ dangcrous, ~ou should have the claim reviewed b~ experienced counsel. Significant awards ofmone~ can be recovered. Successful Reso lution of Many Products Liability C la im s At High Law Office, PLLC, We have successfully resolved products liability claims involving defective medical devices such as defective heart valves, defectivc hernia patches and defcctive hip prostheses. We have handled products liability claims involving defective clothing. defective ''' " . ," Best Lawyers- ~'::~"'~:~~d::::·~:·::·~:·::::::'::"::'·:·~::::~~::·:":·:·~·~"~'~'~';"~'~'~"~'~'~';':'~"~'~ www .tnhe ~tth~ndwe l tness .com construclion machinery and dangerous manufacturing equipment. We have also suceessfull~ handled vaccine injury claims. If ~ou or your loved one is injured due 10 ccnain required vaccinations, there is a special fund administered b~ The United States Court of Federal Claims. David E. High is admitled to practice in the United States Court of Federal Claims and has SUCCeSSfull~ resolved and tried vaccine injury compensation claims. Again. there are short statutes of limitation of 36 months for injury claims, 24 months for death claims or 48 months from the onset OfS~mplOmS thaI caused the dealh, whichever is earlier for these vaccine claims. FREE CONSULTATION We would be happy to review ~ourdaim on a contingenl fcc or pereentage fcc basis. No recovery, No fee. Schedule a free consultation with High Law Office. PLlC, at 615-256- 1000. or visit uS online at www.Highla ..... O ffiee.com. David E. B1&h.Attoroey-At-Law D(wid E. High gradualed 01 Ihe top of his class 01 Nashville School of Law in 1980. gruduoled ....ith lligh flonor.~ fro m the Uni_ versity of Tennessee. Knoxville. ami has o>-er 34 years oflrial experience. Ill' is a member of Ihe M,dtimillion /)Q/lar Advocates Forum and has been includ<-d in 1101' Best Lawyers in America for o,-er 20 years, Mid-Soulh Super La,.,'Ct"$. ond the Bur Register of Preeminent La,.,'Ct"$. M~ High will ",>'i<"" )v"r personal injury case ....ithout charge and handle ) vur case on a ~No Recm'Cry. No Fee" basi!. .,n . r. lu MwON OOUM-"""OeATU fOJuo1 MuI.~ OOUM-"""OeATU F<*.OH Tho Top T.... L.awywo 10 - . . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Middle Tennessee· March 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 15 GOING SOLO: THERAPEUTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS IN A CHARMING NEWWAY By Casey Durrett, lJcensed Esthebcian T raditionally, Iherapeulic heallh and "'Cllness professionals have practiced Iheir professions in facility-based environmenlS where mulliplc practitioners and cuStOmers are all prcscnl in Ihe same space, at the same time. In conlrast to facility-ccnterc<! businesses. there is an exciting IJ'Cnd that is qui<~ly becoming a favorite amongst both practitioners and patrons: the solo business model. Wh ~t Is ~ Solo pre ne url As more "'Cllness professionals begin measuring their dreams and goals against th<:>sc of their employ_ ers, many IU'C shifting into ·wlopreneurship." ·'Solopreneur'· is a tl'Cfldy new tenn 10 deseribe an entrepreneur who works in, and operates, his Or her business alone. While ,,'Cl lness service providcrs find Ihis model attractive for reasons inch>ding flexibility of schedule and complete control of the dire<;tion of their businesses, palmns are gaining an appetite for services rendered by solo-professionals because of the enticing atmosphere that comes with an extraordinary degree nf privacy and penonalizcd care. Consumers who find themselves in the comfY spacc of an established solopreneur will find that the uniquely private environment and personalized al1ention are unparalleled. Our time is precious. So, when a practilioner is able 10 provide your services free of distraclion and inlcrruptions and wilh the freedom 10 cUSlomiu your experience, you are far more li kely 10 Ica''C your aJ)lXlintment kl\Owing your time and money wcre ,,-ell invested. Whether it is B nutritional or life-coaching consultation. a therapeutic acupuncture treatment. or stress-reliC'ling reflexology session. your needs are al",oays best met when your provider is funy able to focus on you and you alone. Be The l ea de r Of Your Own Future For the "'·eHneS! provider. taking lhe leap into the solo world , the potential is endless. The solopreneur business-model olTers a rieh and exlcnsive list of per1cs, 1\01 the least ofwhich is being the leader of your ow,., future ; • Flexiblc working hours of your choosing • No umbrellas O'ICr creativity or eamings • Create the c~act Blmosphere you wanl for your business • Choose thc specific service, you want to provide • Sct your own ratc"s and policies • Provide a guesH:entered environmenl that focuses on private, personalized CIU'C Solopreneuers Are On The Rise Studies show that lhe number of solopreneurs in the U.S. wor1cplace is on the rise. Likewise. the number of consumers who se<:k out private praclilioner5 is on Ihe rise. If you ha,·e yet to experience the luxury of rtteiving service. from a pro-gOrle-solo. consider treating yourselflO the experience. The quaint envi ronmenl. privalc atmosphere and personalized service are likely to win you over for good. Are you an estllblished therapeutic heilith orwell ness practitione r who has been dreami ng of: ~Wnlng a bUSiness where you clln loeatioos kldude: Nashville & Murfreesboro CaM today! 615-804-9661 In the therapeutic health and w.nness world, patrons p rovide the ultimate guest e~per ience often encounter three or more people to complete a www.salon-suites.com single appointment. Appointments may be booked y'Living your own vision with one employee. while services are rendered by ; ; ' Bei ng you r own boss another. and yet a third may be responsible for cheding OUt guests as they depart. This is not parII you said "yes" to t hose quest;on ~ are in ticularly problematic for all peoplc, as some indi_ the NashVille Or Murfre.esboro IIrus. and ,·iduals lo,·c the hustle and bustle of a busy location. lIre interested in g oing ~Io - give Doug But there i. something calming and fulfilling about Patrtck a call at 61 S.804.966 \ to diSCUSS dealing with one person who handles C'lery"lhing, how to get stilrted! I mllde Ih"l <"II from slart 10 finish. and sends you On your way mysell several yell" IIgo and have never f«ling important and appre<:iated. This is looked back! conlrol gl its finNI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .t nhealthandwe llness .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .,,,gUt,, 16 Health & wetness March 2015 - Middle Tennessee EyeBall Was a Success! Finding host families for blind orphans is focus of Wang Foundation 's recent annual charity event ver 700 peoplc attended EyeBall 20 14, the annual charity event of Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration (www.wangfou ndation.eom) on Saturday IOf l l f14 at Massey Perfonning Art Center at Belmont University. and met Mari o. who was a blind orphan from the poor country of Moldova until only one year ago, at the brink of subjcction to a life of human trafficking and prostitution. Now. she is a happy teen ager who has gone from darkness to light and ean see! Maria is loved, lives in Franklin. T N, and gocs to school there. Maria was at the EyeBall, told her story and sang a song for everyone in auendance! O 11le Eye Dall is the annual event of the SO Ic(3) non·profit eharity-Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration (www.Wangfoundation.eom). ~ 1ennessee house speakei' Hlr.oeI and Or. MiIIg (jtBall 2014. the Innual d'Iarity IMnt of the 501(:(3) Wana: Fooodalion lor SWU Restoration. 'IIhit:II to date his helped patiefllS from OYer 40 states in the u.s. and 55 eountries with an sigJ1t restoration $Utgtries per. Iormed free..of-charge. wane.t This year marked lhe 9th Eye lJall for the sight foundation. whi ch to date has hclped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and S$ countries. wi th all sight restoration surgeries per_ formed frcc-<lf-chargc. Marla , the Iormerty blind IS·jtar Old Moido-an orpllan who was rescued rrom human \r3lfieldng Ind prostitution and WI$ brought to the U.s. &1Id whose 'lgJ1t was restored by tM foundation and who SlrW Itle wof1d and herse~ lor the nrst time. and Dr. Mlng Wang. Th' Goal of Eyeball 2014 'The goal of EyeBall 2014--whieh was a free event--is to find more host families for the bl ind orphans whom ou r foundation i$ trying to help." said Dr. Ming Wa ng, MD, PhD, founder and ehainnan of the found ation. "Our foundation's focus has been trying to help blind orph an s, sueh as Kajal (a 4-year-<l ld blind orphan from India), Margarette (a 10-year-<lld bl ind orphan from Ha iti) and Maria (a I !)-yearold blind orphan from Moldova). We ha\·e realized over the past decade that the most effcctive way to help these blind orphans is to identify host families. Wh ile medical and surgica l core is donated by the foundation doctors, these patients have so many other needs- i.e., housing. clothing, transportation, schooling, Ctc.--whieh host fami lies would be in the beSt po$i tion 10 fulfill." added Dr. Wang. ------------------- www . nhe~llh~ndwelln eu.com Marla's Journey from O.rkneu to Sight There is 1"10 better c.o;ample of the vital role host families play in helping these bliod orphans than Steve and Lynn l icodrich, • Franklin couplc woo sponsored and hosted Maria Moran , a I!)-year-<lld fonnerly bliod orphan from Moldova. Maria had been blind sioce birth Dnd was abandoned in 1111 orphanage in Moldova, but the Hendriclles took her on the long and arduous jOW'llc:y around the globe to the U.S. 10 seek the help of Dr. Ming Wang and the foundation, and 10 gi\·c her a chance 10 ha\·c restored sight and the hope of a better life. II story that is remarkable and inspiring. Maria underwent a very diffieult lIod complex 4-hour sight restoration surgery in November of last year. The surgery was a success, Maria·s sight was restored. and she saw the world and herself fOf the \.ery fim time! When she looked io the mirror, she c.o;c1aimed, "Sunt Frumoasa·· ('I'm so pretty ' in Romanian)! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrddle Tennessee - March 2015 Kealth & WellneS5 Ms. Marjorie Mullen. tile artist who created tile signature fetus-in·tIle·ejtball painting for EI"BaIl 201 4 which describes tile amn iotic membi'ane contact lens irwented by tile foondiWon doctors for ""'ich th'" have obtained U.s. palents and Dr. Ming Wang. The success of Maria's journey from darkness to sight has drawn publ ic ancntion to thc necd to help more blind orphans, and according 10 Dr. Wang. "one oflhe vila] steps ofthis process is finding more host families like the Hendriehes. That is why it was free to anend this year's EyeBall. I wanled as many people to attend EyeBall 2014 as possible, so Ihat we would have the greatest chance offinding more host families. and, as a result, we can help more Marias!" Dr. Wang added. 17 EyeBall 2014 was a beauliful concert featuring Dr. Ming Wang (on the Chinese "cr-hu" violin), Carlos Enrique, M. Mus.lcomposcr (guitar), De idre Em erson. M. Mus. (cello), David Fischer, JD (vocal), Mary Katherine (vocal) and Jim Labriola (comedian). Videos of the foundation's blind orphan patients were also shown, and the foundation appealed to the audience to hc]p to identify more host families. 8ecomlng a Host Family "The best part of EyeBall 20]4 was that Maria herself was there. She and her host family--Steve and Lynn Hendrieh-- were the featured guests. Thc Hcndriches told us how they became a host family, and Maria shared thc joy shc fclt about going from darkness to sight, and her gratitude for being given the opportunity to avoid the devastating fate of human trafficking and prostitution, and, instead, being able to live a wonderfu l life as a happy American teenager, with the Hcndrichcs in Franklin, TN. It is stories like this that make all the hard work and effort worth it!" beamed Dr. Wang. Maria and Dr. Wang _____________________ www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness.com For m ore information about the Wang Foundation andlor Eye8alll0l4, contact: Dr. Ming Wang, Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration. ]801 West End Ave, Suite 1150, Nashville. TN. 37203, 615-321-8881 (Office), [email protected]; www.wangfoundation.eom _____________________ 18 Health & Weiness March 2:015 - MIddle Tennessee DENTURES vs. IMPLANTS Restore Your Smile with Modern Dental Technology ByJameA Romero,Jr., D.D.S. Whi t Dati Getting OenUt llmpianu Involve? The process of getting implants requires a few visits over several months. X-I"lIYs and imp<eSslons (molds) an: taken of the jaw and tcctb to dctcnninc bone. gum tissue , and s pacing avail_ able for an implant. While th~ area is numb. the implanl will be surgically placed inl0 lhe bone and allowed to heal and integrale itself for up to six months. Depending on the lype o f imp Ian 1, a second surgery may be required in order to place the ·'posl~ thaI will hold the artir..:ial lOO1h in pIli«. Wilh other implants. ,he po$l and anchor arc already attached and placed at lhe same lim<:. U lIS«umi dcnmrt"S are an old·fashionw wlulion for people ..·100 ha~ lost all of ,heir teeth. Unforlunatcly. you may find ,hat wearing unsccured demures can be painful. inconvenient and awkward. Such dentures make i, difficult to chew a varicly of foods, which can stop you from ealing many of 1he foods you Oll(:e enjoyw. Wtaring dentures may also affcct how )'0<1 pronounce words. Ind therefore Ihe way yOtl speak. Missing leeth can cause bone loss. Significant bonc loss can shrink the contours of the jawbone. causing wrinkled lips and a s unken mouth and chin . When your jaw line shrinks, il Can cause denturt"S to lose their fil. They of\en slip. cause pain. or even become embarrassing. AIII"lIClive, healthy teeth play an imponanl role in our genenl health and well·being. You look and feel confidenl, free to laugh with friends and family _ anytime and anywhere. O. nta llmpl l nt Solut ions Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide. fixw solutiQllto having removable panial or complete dentures. A variely of modem dental implanl-based tooth replacemenl solutions are available. Any of these so lu1ions can dramatically improve your quality of life; such as enabling proper chewing and speaking, increaSing comfort and self_ confidence. Dent.l implants ~ anir..:i.l roots and teeth (usually lilanium) tllat are SU'iically placed into the upper Of lower jaw bone by your Oral SU'icon. The teeth anachw 10 ;mplan1!i are very nalul'lll looking and oftcn enhance or restore a palient's smile. Dental implants arc strong and durable and wi!! last many years. On occasion. they will have to be re-lightened or replaced due to normal wear. RuIOftS fof o.tIhlllmp(an,,: • Replace one Or mOre miSSing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth. • Resohejoint pain or bil~ problems caused by 1~,h shIftIng mto miSSing looth space. • Reslore a patient·s confident smIle. • Res,ore chewing. speech. and dlgesuon. , Restore or enlLance facialllssucs. • SUPPOrl a bridge or denture, makmg it more secure and comforlable. Ailer several weeks of healing. the anificial teelh are made and fi llcd 10 thc PO" ponion of Ihe anchor. Because severnl fittings may be n:qui~ Ihis step may take one 10 IWO months to complete. After a healing period, the artificial \ee1h arc securely attached 10 the implant, pr0viding excellent stabilily and comfon \0 the palient You will receive can: instructions when yOtlr trealment is compleled. Good oral hygiene and cating habits, alongside regular denIal visits. will aid in lhe life of your n~w implanl. IXntallmplants are professIonals for o ...,r years as I successful and trusted m<:thod oflOOlh replacemenl used loday. t·.",ltke your naturall00,h TOOt. You do not feellhe difference. I·A", m"d."f b••oc.,mp",bI, re~uh, materials. As a lhey are accepted by your body. Your implant will nonnally lasl a hfetime with propc:r care and good 0<11.1 hygiene. Mainlain natural~. and m,mmize funher ~ loss due 10 bone sumubllon one of lheir most Imponant advantages , »r(Ivide stabilily and comfon, for a WIde 'nriety of replac~ment teelh sol utions. • Implants acl 1ike your natural tooth roots. and support your individu.ally made ceramic crown. bridge or full proslhesis. www .tnheiOlthand wellneu.com Solace Orol Surgery • I Surgery & DenIal I mplont~ To learn more or to schedule an a ppointment, please contact Solace Oral SU'Iery at 615-320-1392 . Tennessee Comprehensive Lung & Sleep Center UniqUf:/y quaiijitd 10 IH:ip you brtalht tasier and slup btlUr. Thousands in Middle Tennessee experience difficulty breathing or trouble sleeping. Are you one of them? (1)<Ie o. Southwell. M .P .• I'CCP CALL 615-822-2214 _~ ....... CriOOOI .. _ . Con..- ...... Irometo Our f'ro<.1i<,e! Eri< T . Y;",. M.P. M .. Solimah Joooo CMlIIo<I_ ...., ..... c..ti6oI .. - . . _ 102 Wes.sington Place, Hender$onville, TN 37075 www.lungandsleeptn.com • Approved VA Fee·Based Facility • Please inquir<: About Our Asthma eo: COP O Clinical R.escar<:h HIGH LAW OffiCE I'll ( • AUTO ACCIDENTS • MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS • TRACTOR TRAILER ACCIDENTS • ALL SERIOUS INJURIES "NO RECOVERY, NO FEE!" DAVID E. HIGH (615) 256-1000 WWW.HIGHlJ\WOFFICE.COM [email protected] 300 JAMES ROBERTSON PARKWAY COURT SQJ,IARE BUILDING. SUITE 200 NASHVI LLE. TN 37201 , ....•.. 11 Be&.l.awy<o......... " .... ... " ________________ www.tnhe ~ lth ~ ndwe l lness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20 Health '" Wetness Milrc h 2:01 S - Middle Tennessee Summer Is Right Around The Corner! ~!~you Swimsuit Ready? E veryone loves to fed ,om fonable in t!leirown skin and CQflfidem when summer rolls around. Now is the best time to invest in your health andlor wealt h! Are you tired of st!\lggling with fatigue. no energy, an~iety. neess weight, bloating. sugar cravings andlor "brain fog?"' Plexus products may hel p! They otTer a 60 day money bl\:k guarantcc on all customer purehases. Plctus Worldwide is I wel\ness company ...ith 14 anw::in& pnx\IcIs and pro"al ~15 10 address vitality and weight loa Th:ir products mly help reguIaIe blood sugars, boos! mcIaboIism. StIppn'SS appcUlC and accclcralc healthy wcigh! loa Bum flit.. Not Muscle Plexus Slim is the most natural, healthy solution 10 !lelp)l(llJ lose weight and inches by burning fat. IlO! muscle. Plexus Slim has been shown to help regulate blood sugar, maintain healthy blood pressure and promote beneficial lipid and eholestCTOllcvcls. h 's fast and easy to drink! Simply pour into a bottle ofwatC1" 30 minutes befOll: a meal and experience the results you've been dreaming of. [I's IlO! a shalee or a meal replacement! You still eat your favorite foods! Plexus h.u liso developed products 10 !lelp!he body cleanse: !he gastrointestinal oxygenates and en<:rJi~ your body ,,·hile !lelping cleanse "'"8SICS. pathogens and plaqlM:. ProBioS (calUrtS fiv.:= probioIic$. added mzytne$, B6 Gr.p: Seed e.l'.trac1 and Vitamin C. ProBio.S RlppofU \he breaking down ofho6tile O!pI1isms thaI may negati,-cly ~ your health . FeelAmnlngl Launl shares. .'J found P1C.l'.us and signed up as &/I indcpcndcnt distributor to get my products wholosale, nev~ intending workin& the business. J .-arched this company and Plexus Slim caught lauta R~- lOliI and goroedown4 pant -..In 121f1On1he with my t:yt=. About I w«k on PII:Ku. ~ Pkxus products. J " " ~ by \he sustained CIlCIlD' I hid. my Ii:x:us ""35 clear and I "" cnlVing hcilthier choices. People noticed [ was slimming down and it f~h .maring. I sham:! Plexus and the business side began. Plexus has helped my oVCTaIl health, sustained energy and the willpowa- J have (>Vcr food is unbelievable. The financial side blows my mind! The products have a 60 day mcmcy back guarantee. my team is amazing and supponiv.:=. the timing 10 be with PIc~us is right. They were named 8th fastest growing privately held company in Arnc:riu by INC 5000. number 2 in Ucalth and Wc;lIncss CalCgory. The reasons Ill: simple: the products wori<, the compensation plan is the best in the industry. and they have a "vrId \:1ass managcmmt team. !rIC! and ancrics. 810 Cleanse You want 10 be on. successful team and LaW1l ', Ple.xus!Cam is JUS! that! [n Occcmber, 78 people joined her. On Jan lSI and 2nd. in t,,"O days. 42 people joined her amazing tcam. This is where you want to be! "Your health journey needs a support J)'StC1l1 and our team has that:' says Laura. LaW1l Robinson. a full time Emergency Room nurse and Aesthetician, turned to Plexus for changes in the beginning of20 14 and what a year shc had! Laura explains that working II 12 hourshift is v~ry rewarding but exhausting at the same ti~. In March 20 14, she was looking for products with proven ingredients to help regulate blood sugar and ai\-C her sustained cneTlY. Fallin I..oYt With Your life [t is mo.-ardina bcin& I Plc:xus lndcpmdenI: Amho" adoi". Wbm Laura ,,-as asked ,,·hy her learn is iIO ,._ful and has 1IfO"11 iIO Jaracl in tbr: last 12 months. she rq>Iicd, "W~ arc I team!" " [ kwe training and ""lllkin& al l my awhossadocs through tbr: steps ofbcin& $llCCC:S.'iful. We M'o"C fun and ha'o"C become a Wnily. Fall in Io>-c with your lifc;. Make tbr: changes that will help )I(lIJ ao;cunplish that! • DJ.1Ntk FriIndly • No MHI RepI.",,,.e"U ·· sa-s "'-'conwnIon ' 'Ndienuof tl ....... tol.. - s.._",~ .ncf am"" - Htlp. _I"t.", hM/thy blood IU9""'n.d blood PASSU" Lau,. I. oII... tng 9'''''t N_ YIN, 5p«ktIf .rod sign up ml.t 00,.,'1 ...,/t. ..,n YOlir hN/th ,,.,,J/or ~""IIC'" jourrley lod'rt Emlil: welinenwithpleKus l @'yahoo.comformorelnformetlon Ind yltw www.wellnesswithplexus.eomforpurchnes. If you Wlnl to join Laura and her fut growing team for whole.. Ie priees andlor thc business side or jusl try the Imuing Plexus products, contlel her for mort= information It: wcl1nclswithplexusl @yahoo.eom. Or yilit site: www.wellnesswithpluU5.com. Ambassador 111238229. ---_ . . _-.... _-. . . ,:==:----_ . - ... ....- ---_ ____ .. _ ... _ --------------------- www . tnhe~1th.ntlweUtlu ..... _ _ _ .... _ .. _no __ • .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ REJUVENATIO HEALTH AND WELlNESS Larger. Smaller. Fuller. Higher. Firmer. Talk to us. Rejuvenation Health and We lln ess Charl es F. Fatseas , M.D., p,e. 6 15-945- 4422 I www.rejuvenationtn.co m INDIANLAKE T. Taylor Minch ey SSN MSN N P-C On the Web _ .1 _ " MdW_.com On focebook On Twitter loc""",,"-com! "";""'.C<>m! ___ I~ In Your Inbox R",,""" CK.o' """""'" _,"" sy.",,~, Providing information 822·9002 @theweightlosswizard Q1' thot will p romote living a healthy. wel l-balanced lifestyle. GET STARTED TODAY! I = Middle Tennessee Health e. We~neS$ Magazine is the most effect ive and a ffordable way 10 reach customers. More thon 10.000 copies ore distributed eve<'! month 01 hospitals , doctors' offices. hea lth e. wellnes\ cent~. shopping pkllQS. g<oce<y stores and many ot her loca tions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W:W:W~.'~'~"':~:lth .. nd wellness.com - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22 Keatth & Wellness March 2015 • Middle Tennessee Progressive Technology Helps Seniors Ambulate Again I ndividuals have found new hope when it comes to ambulating and per_ fonning assisted daily living tasks independently. A new pro~ive technology is On the market called the Alter G Bionic Leg which is a banery-powered, wearable robotic training device activated by a patient's initiated movement, 11 is a modality used by physical therapists for patients with impaired walking ar>d functional mobility. The Altcr G Bionic Leg strength_ ens musclcs, improves gait, and facilitatcs active motor learning while promoting improved amhulation and transfer skills. Currently, it is a crucial component for stroke reltabilitation and physical therapy for patients with chronic, degenerative neurological gait impainnents including Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Seniors Plus More, Inc" a Medicare Certified Home Health Agency is the first and only home care company to launch the hionic leg. It will he used by physical therapy staff to improve participation in sit-to-stand activities. walking and stair climbing exercises that are critical to thc rttovery of gait and balance, When a patient hegins to stand up, step forward or ascend a step, the bionic leg's fOOlpad sensors calculate the shifting weight and the posilion of the lower leg, ar>dthen calculate how much assisti"e foree is needed for knee movement to move the foot and leg in a coordinated panem, one nonnal to transfers, gait and stair stepping, "Alter G Bionic teehnology can he life changing for someone. We've seen stroke and post_polio patients, people who haven't been able to walk in years who had lost all hope, walk again," exclaimed Josh Smithson, Executive Dirtttor, "We are excited to he bringing this progressive technology to the communities we serve. We will he tracking and measuring long tenn patient outcomes and participating in research studies with. our PT staff," Smithson said, "This is cuning edge, slat<>-of-the-art rehabilitation therapy and we're thrilled to be providing it!" ~ .. The Bionic leg has been used on numerous palients with very successful Outcomes, A patient's mother wrote a le1\cr of appreciation Slating. "He started walking at 9 months of age and by the age of 2 started deteriorating and diagnosed with CP althe age of 4. For the paSt 3 years he has been wheelchair bound ar>d only able to transfer from chair with assist. We brought him to many neurologists who didn't wanl to work with him. Finally somcone rttommer>ded Ihe Altcr G Bionic Leg. I can't describe 10 you what a blcssing this has been for my son, It's made such adifference. The look On his face was amazement on his first treatment. After 6--7 visits he came walking out from his bedroom to the living room, by himself. This is a miracle and I'm SO grateful." - Mrs, Damato ________________________ www,tnhe~lth~ndwe l tness_com Our Services • ShotH.... m a<>d , B.o t ~ ; ng • O<"';r>g • G<ooming ' _ _aboo • H oo;l~y aO<l Ex"",;.. Long-Ttfm C..... • MedicMion ~m ; n<IIIf' • Ca,e PlaMng - ShopPIng a<>d ("a<>do • T,an<p<>rtabon a<>d Mo<e." Middle Tennessee - March 2015 Kealth & Wei lneS5 23 TENNESSEE PROBATE P robale in Tennessee is a coun supervised legal proceeding thai may he required when someone dies owning propeny. Probate will he required if a person has a will. Probate of a will is required even if the deceased owed no property that requires court supervision. It is a criminal offense in Tennessee not to probate a will in your possession. Probate may he required even if a person docs nOi have a will if Ihey have property Ihat requires coun supervision 10 pass to heirs. If a will or an estate is probated, somcone is appointed with a legal aUlhority to galher Ihe de<:eased person's asselS. pay debts and taxes. and evenlUally transfer assets to the deceased's heirs. If the person is named in a will. this individual is called Ihc e~ccutor and the will detennines who will serve as e~«utor.lflhcre was no will. then the person appointed to administrator of the estate is called the administrator and is appointed by the court. 11 is recommended that everyone should have a will so thai they may detenninc who is responsible for administrating their estate. Probate in Tennessee commonly takes six months to a year, depending On the amount and complexity of the assetS owned by the dcceaocd. Certain assetS such as a business can make probate a more eompliealed malter. 11 is recommended Ihat everyone tal k to an anomey before probating a will or opening an estate. If there are large assets or if somrone decides to challenge the will, then the probate process can take longer than a year. Generally. the asSCIs of the deceased go through probate. The legal representative (the executor or administrator) is required to marshal Ihe assets (collect the asscts). This consists of closing bank accounts and sclling off personal property that is not wanled by the heirs. However, there are some asscts of the deceased that do nOt pass through the probate estate. One such type of property Can he real estate which generally passes outside of the will directly to the bendiciarics named in the will, or, if there is nO will, to the dc<:eased's heirs at law. THE PROBATE PROCESS The probate process begins with the filing of the petition to probate the will and the filing of the original will in the appropriate coun. If there is no will, then an individual rrnly file a petition to be appointed administrator of the estate. If there is a will, the will must he proven in coun . To be valid, the will muSt be signed in front of twO witnesses and their signatures must he notarized. The will must contain a sworn affidavit to prove the will . If there is no affidavit attached to the will, then the petitioner must obtain appropriate affidavits from Ihe two witnesses and file them in court or bring the two witnesses live to the hearing. O nce appointed, Ihe personal representative, In addition to marshaling the assets. must notify all creditors of the estate and pay all of the debts of Ihe deceased, such as funeral expenses. loans. mortgages. court cOstS and fees. If a credi tor has a claim, it must file a sworn claim with the coun. Ihe personal represenlative must either accept the 615-255-7500 www.plcslaw.com 20 14th A..... Nonb, St •. 1700 • N •• hvill., T N 37219 ________________________ www.tnhe ~ lth~ndwe l lness.com claim or file an objection to the claim. In addition, the personal representative must file a notice with TennCare and must also file an inheritance tax return with the S,ate ofTennessee and may be required to file a federal e~tate tax return. Once the personal representative has completely marshaled all the assets. paid all Ihe debts of Ihe estate. including any taxes owed, and distributed any remaining assets to Ihe heirs, the estate may he closed . RELIEVE THE STRESS AND ANX IETY O F HANDLING YOUR LOVED ONE'S ESTATE Hiringa competent probate al10rney to help you with this process Can usually relieve much of the Stress and anxiety which accompanies the loss of a loved one and in having to handle the loved one's estatc . The administration of an cstate. including obtaining TcnnCarc releases and filing tax returns. can he a long and cumbersome task . An e xperienced lawyer can ~treamline the proces~. Is y our family prepared? If no t. ca llihe legal experts a t Parker Lawrence Cantrell & Smith at 615-255-1500, or visit us online al www.pleslaw.com. ________________________ 24 Health & Weiness March 2:015 - Middle Tennessee There's no secret to feeling great. Start 2015 Right with Vital 5! Eat Healthy. Exercise Often. Take the Vital 5 Every Day! ALOE VERA FOREVER DAILY FOREVER AC11VE PROBIOnC FOREVER ARenC SEA Advanced Nutrition Made Simple By AIlne and Peter Noble WhIt II VItal 57 Vilal 5 is fi,·c essential Forever products IlIat ARGI+ provide I IOlid foundation of.d-.-anced nwi'ion. When rombincd, these S core productS fonn a powerful Nutrition Supcrllighway that serve as ,he building blocks of any cus,omized nu,rilional pn:>gram. AlOE """ the digestive tract Nourishes 0IIl: of the primary components of the Nutrient Superhighway. where our food and nutrients are absoJbcd. Aloe can help to support nu,ricnt absofption and bioavai lability as well as "'aist elimination. vital - adjective (vi · ~I) I) essential for O;Olltinue.;l. uilleoce and Vilal for you lind for your health and vilalily. 1U«C$S. 2:) full of energy; lively. 1'o00Dl'ful NuIrtent Supellolghwa, Thc Nutricnt Supcrhigh"'ay is designed 10 cfficiell"Y dclivcr nu,rien,s ,hrough our bodies our cells. lissues and vi,al o'l!ans. We lake in nu,ricn,s from our food and 'he diC1aty supplements we consume and this Nutrienl Superhighway ensl,l/"CS ,1Ia1 ,hcsc nutrknts are delivered 10 c'"erY cell and 'issue. plus remo,·cs the was,e products our '0 "You CD"" change your life If you don', Peter and Anne No bl e ~. ~""""_" OItlrillutot IOIUO ... l21 m _wn Bat $o><HU for HNhh<m<lllHucy .............. ........ CaIIfgOfiK: ~ Advanud NutrlIIon WeightMan.aIlI"P«soNII Ca ... bodies normally gencrale. In. nutshell. nutrients movc 10 when: they are needed. and WlstCS are carried to be eliminated from the: body. The result of a well.funclioning Nutrient Sup<:rhighway is optimal hcalth and vitality with menIal. physical and elTlOlional CTlCrgy. Taking Vital 5 daily helps support tl>c NutriCTlt Superhighway. WIlli Supports tilt NutrIInI Supemlghwar? A healthy diel with lots of fruits and "egetables. ,,·hole gn.ins. cold water fish and adequate amounls of water ... Plus extra support. Bridging tht Nutritional Gap Unfortunately. with today', fanning me1hod. natun:'s mincral contCTlt in the J(lil has been dq>ICICd and our modem diels and lifestyle practices can Ica''CC us ,,·ith gap> in nutritional status. Ac~i", to research. many are DOl obI.ining enough of c~in key nuuienls on • daily basis. Man: and man: peoplc rely 011 nutri, ional supplements. These prodUCIS are designed to help bridge thcse nUlritional gaps to support levels of nutrients nowing onto t~ Nutrient Superhighway. F.II" Look Better. Feel Better. Skin Ca ... Cosm.uc. Pet ....... andmo.-. ..• ~~§§§§§§§§§§~:~_l~ ' ~~-~=" ----_.-..,. . ~ fDA.'IlIo..-.._ . . _ _ ID . . . . . .. _ ... ... _ .. _ §l _ I '.. _ _ "'_.~ _ JIIo\otinM ;t,... .......- • •-....-. FORMII DAILY Provides es~tiaJ vitamins and minerals and ~Ips ensure wc are obtailling tl>c le,'CCls of these nutriCTlts we need for optimal health. It can liso help 10 fill in Ihe nutrienl gaps Ihat can result from our modem diets. These nutrien ts are then carried a long the Nutrient Superhighway to our cells and tissues to support optimal functioning. 10 FOREYBI PA0810TlC Tilts the balance o f good and bad baeteria in your fl"or by increasing the: good. helpful b.Ktma in our bodies. Thissupponsdigestion and the absorption of nutrients ontO tile Nutrient Superhighway. ARCTIC SEA Provides the: cssen,ial Omega ) fatly acids that are often missing from our modem diets. including a uniqucly high 1c\'C1 of DIM - one oCtile most important Omega )'1 ,,'CC ean consume, Maximizing our intake ofOmeg. 3'$ from cold _,er fish helps to bring us closer to I~ ideal 1:1 tatio of Omega 3: Omeg.6 fatly acids. This I>clps 10 sUppOrt tl>c cardiovascular syflem and digestive tract - both essential components oflhe Nuuient Superhillhway. ARGI. Provides Artininc: plus supponive nutriCTlts rich in fornilricoxide producIion. Nitric oxide supports the ein;ulatory system.. ,,·hich canics numCTlIIi thr(J<lgh our bodies to the «lis and lissues and allO tames was,e products from nonnal metabolic processes to be eliminated by tile body. Ihcreby sup-porting cell function. antio~idants To 1~0t711l0 ... Vitol5 con IIt lp you. pl~lUe call Pel~r Dna AIIII~ Nobl~ 01 6/ 1·951· 2830. ~mail lIotun lollUJ'[email protected] or!lis!t "", olllille ot _ .nolUn IOl>eS)lOlLjlp .COIII. www.tnheiOlthiOndwellneu.com - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- NEW PATIENT CLEANING Dr. Kellye Rice is the nRST AND ONLY dentist in Tennessee to now offer help with weight loss! INTRODUCING INCLUDES: • CLEANING • X·RAYS • KEALTH CHECK Call US at (615) 373-4488 10 lake aavanlag<l oI1ni, exc lusive oil.... ! KCA NEUROLOGY.COM 615.550.1800 • Franklin & Clarksville, TN www.tnhe ~ lt h~ nd w e l lness . com 26 Keatth & Wellness March 2015 . Middle Tennessee National Nutrition Month - March 2015 By T. Taylor Minchey, RN, BSN. MSN. FNP-C -Indian Lake Medical Weight Loss & Weliness M juggl~ o,t 01 y, busy schedules, 50 we .... nt meal. th.t . re quick .nd easy. As. resul\. we oft"" ...Iy on convenience food •. Unlottun'lely, many convenience food, Iprodu('\, Ihat require litt le Or nO preparation .uch as lro.en meal., take-ou\. ind la.t lood) ire les. nul rjtlous a nd more e . ~nsive th.n .imi l ~ r lood. p ... p~red . 1 home, The good ne .... ;. th.t you can improve nYlrition and reduc" co.1> by makina yt>\Ir own "/a,t- food •. Also. pre paring ta.ty and healthy meal ••1 home C3n h...., • ,..,.i~"" imp,act on your family's he. lth. nps to Simplify Meals at Home l IS 5:00. lou 're stuck in traffic, you ·re tired, and you ·re hungry. You want to hUI'1! a healthy meal when ),011 get home, bUI you don " ",alit 10 spend much time f IXing i~ Sou nd/ami/ia r? Nutrition Facts Read the Label WHaTCHa" Ha ... do you l et >!arte<!? Ma king .mall changes in yoyr e.ting ha bit> C3n make . big diffe ... nce to ..... d. launch· ing • h e . l th ~ r life style. H ~ re are some tips .nd tool. to ge t you st.rted. Start slo ... a nd m. ke ch. nge, to your ea~ng h.bits over time. II is not real istic to t ry to m. ke drastic c~nge, to your diet ow.mighl . Changing e""rything at Onc" usually lead. 10 slipping and """ntually giving up. Ma ke . m ~1 1 .Ieps like . witching from butter to o live oil ... hen cooking or Iry choosing f~t · fre e or 10... ·f.1 version. of yoyr fa"",ite food •. A. your .mall chlnge. become habil. you C3n contin ..e to add more hulthy choice. to yt>\Ir diet. Shop sm.rt M the grocery , tore. M. ke ... hopping list. ideally ... ith • v.riety of fruits .nd vegetable •. whole grains, lean prote in. and low lal dairy products . E.t • hult hy .nick at home before you go to t he $lore, that .... y you ... ill .tick to VOOr .hopping Ii.t and be I.. ss likely 10 make impul.i"" pu"h •• e. b•• e<! upon """ing. , Eat .mal ler portion •. Eating hulthy food i. important. But yt>\I .Iso need ta p.y .ttention to how much food yt>\I .. M. Try putting a .mall . mounl 01 food in •• mal l bowl or pl.le Instead 01 ... tinS out of .. p.ckage or container. R.... d nutrition I. belsto Hnd out Ihe .ervi", , i'e .nd ho ... many servings ire in .. pac""ge. The re m;oy be more t han onel S. Prep,anng meals M home " a great opportunity to i"""""" t he ""tI ... family. Children C3n help with simple. ige-ipproprlale taru such as meawril1/l ingredient$. Nurse Practitioner Objectivft: • Help pat>en\$ to ga in control ow.r eating habi\$ and patterns • Support adults ..... king freedom from poorly define<! uling f(l<Jtine, • s..ppon . ignifiC3 nl behavioral, nutrm""aland psycholoeical chanae. in e2!ing ritual. • Reduce symptoms I ..oeialed with being """,,,,,eiShl and obesity and improw. ow.rall quality ollile • Help patients 10 cop;ng . ki". GOOD LOOKIn· COOKIn'? 4. You C3n plan I>;,la""'" meal •• rod control portion si~. ~iop .n array 01 da ily Patient Go.ak : • E$I.blish i regular and .ustainable eati", pallern lot trw. e ntl ... f.mily • Eventually to . top leeling. 01 d ieting and the feeli"iS 01 deprMltlon • Decrease binge e.ting ~nd a ny ot her di50rOerty ~p a food d iary. If VOU .taM record i", everythl", VOU ...1 .nd drin k on a da ily ba .... you will become much more . .... re of 6K!1y what .... hen.nd ... hy you ~.t. YOO C3n identify p.ttem •• nd t~ implement chanse. to help you make he.~hier food choice •. e.tlngbe~ • Recot!ni'" unhealthy Ihinkin,s paltern. and negative sell·Uolk; learn $ltills 10 correct them • Decrease t he importance o f weight and .h.pe as • determinate 01 sell-worth • II's important th.t yt>\I maintain a he.llhy body weight a nd body fat oe""ntage. get t he recomm~nde<! a mount of physical a('!iv;1'; and exercise .nd conSIJ me lhe recomm e nd ~ d nutrie nt, from food. Whe n you and 'fO'Jr fa mily members eat nYlritlou. food •. il helps you 10 maintain yt>\Ir heakh and reduce 'fOOr risk of hean di",~se. hiSh blood pre .. ~ .... di.bete •• osteoporosis a nd several ty~. 01 C3r.cer, • • well •• ~ps 10 maimain. hea khybody weight. To perform at your peak, you have to eat healthy & live a healthy lifestyle. Food is fuel for the body. ~ Top S Re.. """ To P~p;lre Me.. " At H_ I . f ood. pre p,ared .t home are afte n ~r in calor"", sodium .• rod .. turaled fal ... her1 compared 10 wmmer· ci. '1y prep,ared foods. 2. You' ~ in charge , Add as li ttl ~ or as much spi<: ~ a, VOUlike. YOO C3n leave the onion. on Or off. You re~ 1 1y C3n Mve ~ vour .... yl 3. You C3n save money ... hen you make il yourse~. Inlegrat~ physica l activity inlO d. ily improve mood and self..... ,eem I'O'J!in~ .nd • eev..lop a nd m. int. in . regular and nutritionally bala""'" eating style T~'lmenl Plan, w eekly nUlrition managemen\. education and counseli", willi Nurse Practitione r, T, llrV\Or Minchey. liN. SSN. MSN. FNP-C • Cogni~ l\ehavioral Ther;>py (CBT] o • Nutrition l herapy o Sl ress management • Continuou. goal setting • To move to .... rd • hea~h ie r. • w eekend meal p lanning h appl~r life,tyI~ • Gl'OIJp th~r;>py Medical & WELLNESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ......... . tnhe ~ lth~nd ... e llness .com _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Middle Tennessee· March 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 27 PEDIATRIC OBESITY: You Are What You Eat! I 6y Leanna Dugan, RN, CPNP t is no sc<:ret that obesily is affecting many of our children . As discussed in previous articles, obesilY has serious hcalth consequences including type 2 diabetes. high hlood pressure,liver prohlems, bone and joint problems, and psychological consequences. Many experts are blaming this epidemic on the "wcstcm dict" - which mCans a diet high in refined carbohydrates (white flour), refined sugars (white sugar), and processed food (anything in packages!). Here are a few lips to guide making food choiees for your kids: S+ Fruits and Vegetables: You've heard the rule before. This might be One oflhe most important rules 10 stick 10! There are multiple studies showing Ihat a diet rich in vegetabics and fruits reduces tbe risk of dying from ALL of the Wcstern diseases. In countries where pooplc cat a pound or mOre of fruits and vegetables a day, the rate of canCer is half what it is in the United States. Ideally, only 2 of these servings will be fruit, and Ihc rest vegetabics. Serve vegetablcs and fruits with meals and also as snac ks. Froren vegetables and fruits are nearly as good as fresh, since they retain most of the nutrients thr{mgh the freezing process. Canned (without added sauces. salt. Or sugar) ean also be used . Fruit juiees do NOT have Ihe same bencficial effects as intact fruit because juice has conecnlraled calories similar to soda beverages and lacks Ihe fiber and other nutrients in whole fruit Portion Sizes: A great resouree for detCTlt1ining age·appropriate serving sizes is www.mypyramid.gov.whichgi'"Csservingsizesforspecificfoodsandbever_ ages based On age. height, weight. and aetivity level. Although portion control is important, II)' nOllO be overly restrictive of your child's food intake during meaWme. The paren!'s responsibility is to provide a well-balanced. nutritious meal. Kids are remarkably good at self·regulating the quanlity of food Ihey eal. Allowing kids to eat as much [healthy[ food as they choose has been shown to reduce unhealthy snacking between meals. However, if your meal consists ofa lean meat. vegetables, and mashed potatoes - your child should be encouraged to go back for second servings of the meat Or vegetables first! Eat Food: Sounds simple. r know. It can be hard to know what is truly "healthy" for your children now Ihal every packaged food is making some sort of health claim! This is part of the reason we encourage you to break out of the pac kages, and cat foods that arc just that - FOOD. No chemicals. no preservatives. no dyes. no added honnones, no unpronounceable words, none of the ingredients that arc increasingly being blamed for Our malfunctioning bodies. Examples of regular food are fruits. vegetables. eggs. cheese, mil k. meal. beans, rice and other grains . Mi lk does nOI mean chocolate mil k Or strawberry milk, but regular white milk. Meat does not mean breaded and fried nuggets. but baked or grilled meats. A good rule of thumb Ihal Ihe author Michael Pollan uses in his book " In Defense of Food" is "Don't cat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food." Squishy squeeze yogurts. cheese that comes out of a squirt can chances are thai your great-grandmother would be bamed by these foods . Another great rule of thumb is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where a large percentage of things you'lI find there arc real food. Our Boord Certified physicians; \.(011 ~ ~ M.D. ' JoI1n W. (h.l m ~ J,., M.D. lhomas !Tim) (an, M.D. ' Ph~is lowrtSOOd. M.D. AIII\()O (~, MO • Molly flood, M.D. Alltn fIo jOOd)', M.D. ' !.taona Oug.In, U N.P. Itnnifrl Stubbltl\e!(j, CP.M.P. - .---",,-..... c •• • .......615.790.3200 570 Baker's Bridge Ave . • Franklin T<Klay's society makes il difficult to change Our eating habils, but it Can be done. Don't hesitate 10 ca ll your health,are provider if you have questions aboulthe Iypcs offood you and your children should be eating. We are here to help your family stay as healthy as possible! To learn more or /0 sch edule all appoillfmell/, call uS a/6 15-790-J ]OO or ~======================::::-;;;;;:;;;;', visif our ..",I>sife <If "' ..•..·.PediafricsOP ·' allklill.com. www.tnhe ~ lth~ndwe l lness . com ------------------------ - 28 Health & wetness March ZOIS - Middl e Tennessee Adult Attention Issues: Not Just A Childhood Concern! Webb, D.Psy, MPH KeniItl L PhD By LiSa and L Robins, ife can be a balancing llel for any adult __ but if )'011 find )'OII ..... lf constaItlly late. disorga"iud. fO'1e1ful. and overwhdmed by your rtSpOI'ISibililies. )'011 may !ldult .'lention issue! or C"\'CU ADDI'ADHD. Ancntion deflCil dOOrder affccts many ldullS, and illl wide variety of frustraling 'ympIOmS can hinder C"\-erything from )'QUI" relalionships 10)'Ollr career.' ""'1' Not For KldsOnly! Man~peopk'h;nk 'hatleamingdisorders OfIly OCCur in childhood __ bu, attention deficil disorder often goes unrewgniud throu&J>out childhood. You may hive been abk '0 compensate fOO" tbc: symptoms of ADD/ADHD " 'hen )'011 "'ttl: )'OWl" onl~ to run into prob ...... as )'QUI" responsibililies incn:asc. Tbt- rno<l: balls you're trying to kttp in lhe air-pursuing I el r<:er. "'Sinll a family. running I hou~e gRat..... lhe demand on your abili,ies to organi:tC. focus. and ",main calm. This can be challcnlling for anyone. but if you ha,'C adult attention i.. ues or Al)[)fAOHO. it can feel monumental al limes. ean be helpful think aboul .ttention deficit disorder III eoilection oftniu that arc both positi,'c and challengiag-just like any 0Ibcr set of qualities )'01& might poue5S. AIonj: with the impulsivity and di""1anizalion of ADD/ADIID may come incredible c",alivity. passion, enellY. out-of-lhe-box thinking. and I constant flow of original ideas. figure OUI wha, you'", good II and set up )'Ourenvi· ronmcnllO suppon tho~ strength,. It 10 5ignsand 5~mptorn, of Adult ADD/ADHD' In adults, allenlion defidl disorder oAC1llooks quite differenl than it does in children- and illl'ymp!Olt1S arc ,,"iquc: for each individual. Tbt- following ClI_ qories highlighl common symptom. ofldult anen_ lion iss"",, or AOD/Am lD. Do your besl to identify !he arcu wh ..... )'0\1 experience diffICulty. Once you pinpoinl your mrn;1 problemalic symp,oms. you can itan to work on malegies for dealing wi,h them.' 1. Tro",bl.ColKtntrating Ind 5t~"!I focused Those with !ldul! anC1ltion iu.w:s or AD[){AOHO oAC1l diffICUlty stayina focused and '!lending 10 daily, mundane wh. fOO" eumplc. you may be easily distrIICled by i""levant , iplS and sounds. quickly bounce from one lletivity to anoIhc<. or bc:oomc bored quickly, ··zoning out"' withoul realiz· ing il. even in ,hc middle ofa eonvel"$alion. ""'1' ,_. . . . _ . . _R ... .. -----"-,-,. ._ ...._, ..""'.--- .,, . _ l'- _ .~_ ,~--~ - ----. ,." --"- -'-- - ", 2. Hyparfocus While )'OII're probably ....-are thot people ...ith !ldult al1C'tllion iI$UCS 00" AD[){ADHD have trOUbk focusing on tasks lhat aren'l intemling 10 tbc:m. you may not know Iha! !hm:'s another side: llenCkncy 10 be.:omc Ibsortled in lISb that an: Slimulatina and rewarding, Hypcrfocus is IICIII3.lly I <;Oping mechanism !"or distrw;tion--fO way oftunin& out tbc: chaos. It can be SO Slrona thac you be.:omc oblivious to C\·crything going on around you. I lyperfocU$ can be an USC! "'hen chan, nclcd into produc,i,l' aclivilies, bul il Can also lead to work and relalionship problems if left WIC~kcd. 1. DllOf9anlution and For~tful,,"1 When you adult 'l1culion iS$UCS, life oAcu S«11\S chlo!ic and oul of control. SlIying organ;"cd and on lop of things tan be c:<trenlCly challenJiing-as is ""'ing OUI wha, information is ",Ievanl for the task at hand. prioritirinllthe thinK" you need 10 do. k«ping track OflaSb and responsibililies. and managin8 yourtime . Common symptoms of disoq;a. ni'.... lion and fO'Eelfulncu include : • poor orpni7.11ional skills (home, offICe. desk. 00" car is e~tremcly messy and CIUltered) , tcndcnI;y 10 procrastinale • trOUble WIning and ftnishing projects • chronic lateness - frequently forgetting appointmcnllI. eommitmcnl5, and deldlincs • constantly IM;ng or misplacinlilhings (keys, w.llet. phone. documems, bills) • undercSlim.ting lhe time il will take yoolO rompl"t" tasks ""'1' 4, Impulslvlty If you suffer fTom symploms in this calqory, you ma~ ha,l' trOUbic inhibi,ina )'QUI" bchIvlors. comments, and responses. You might oct before thinking, 00" reacl withoul torISidc:ring eOMSc<!UC1ICCS. You may find yourself inl"rrupling olhcn, blun;ng out comments, and rushing lhrough tuks without reading instructions. 5. Emotlon,,1 Difficulties' Many .duhs wilh anenlion iss,," or ADD/ADHD ha,'~ I difflCul! lime managina fecl inp, e$p«iall~ when il comes to emotions lite .nger or f""tnolion . Common emotional symptoms of Idul! ADD/ADHD include: • ~nse ofunderachk"emenl • doesn't deal well with frustrltion ud il easily flustered and stres~d out • irrilability or mood .winK" • ,rouble II.I~ing motivated • hy~sitivily 10 criticism • shon, often uplos"l', temper • low self-esteem and sense ofins«wilY ---------------------------------------------- www. I nh~al Hy~rKth'lty or Restlessnall HyperactivilY in adullS with ancnllon issues ~ ADD/ADHD can look tbc: same iii it does in kids. You may be highly cr>ef'lIClic and pelpCluaily ' "on tbc: go'. as if dri,"CII by a molOr. For many peopk with ADDJADIID. how~....... tbc: s)'n1plOlJlS of h~vity become mon: sub!Je and intcmal .. tbc:y grow older. Common JymptomS ofhypcrac1ivily in Idullll include: • f«ling' of inner restlessness •• gi"'lion • lendency to take risks • gcning bored euily - racing lhoughlll • lrouble sining 5lill: torIStant fldgeling • enoving f~ ClIcitement • IIlkina eaC<.'S5i'l'ly • doing. million things a, once 6. Ad",ltAOO/ADHD DoHtrtHaveTo HoIdYou s.d< When you h.ve adult attention diffieul,ies. il's easy 10 end up lhinking 'hal lhere·, something wrong with you - . dult anenlion issues or ADD/ADHD are!lOl an indicator of intelligence 00" cap,abi lity-far from il. In our prIIC,ice ....·c coach • number of highly successful ClI<:CUI" 'es with ADD and ""'c:nl .ncntion ilSl.ICS to devise SI"1qtic:s to make their lltenlion diffICUlties 'work fOO" tbc:m. and assist tbc:m 10 be: vcry SlICeessful. C ...... in things may be more difficull for you. bul that doesn't mean you can'l find yoor niche and achieve 'IICC"". The key is 10 find oul what your streng,,,, an: and to capillli"" on lhem. If difficulties wilh .tttn,;on and focus are still gcnina in 'he "'"lOy of your life. dcspi'e self-help effons \0 manage lhem, il may be Ii"", \0 seek outside support. Adulll with .nenlion difficuhi"" or ADD/A DIID can benefit from I number of treatmenllI. includinll behaviorll coaching. individual ,herap)'o $Clf-help groups. \locational counseling. educational assistance. and mediC.lion . Thc good news i. thaI. no maner how it fcc". Ihc challenges of attention defiei' disorder are be.... bk. Wilh educ.lion. suppon. and • linle cre'li~i'y. you Can kim to manage Iduh attention symptoms or ADDlADHD- cven ruming some of your chal Icnllfi inlO strengt .... 11'1 ne""r 100 laIC to tum the difficulti"" of Idul! ancntion issues Or ADD/A DHD around and sIan succeeding on your OWn Icnnl. Please tall our offic"" al 6 L5·31 0·1 491 10 learn how ...·e tin help or to schedule. consultation. ' _ ' ... _. _L. _. . _. _ . _. ._ :::...::::::::::::.:..::::::==::::::=thandwellness.(om -----~-'::::.::::.:.. . ,~n.. MIddle Tennessee· March 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 29 RESTFUL SLEEP: THE FOUNDATION OF GOOD HEALTH By Calherine R. Stallworth, M.D., assisted by Sa rah Bennel! o ur bodies need restful sleep to repair and renew. Sleep disorders can lead to cornpromised immune function and other serious health concerns. Invest in your health by prioritizing a healthy sleep cycle . There are a wide variety of habits. rituals, herbs. and techniques that can be used to promote a restful sleep . Hypnosis is another proven technique that helps an individual get a good night's sleep. Routinn a nd Rilnabare Ke y Change in routine can significantly impact sleep trends. Create sustainable habits and rituals that will carry you to a restful state of slccp. Simply going to bed and waking up at the same time each day will make a difference. Create a morning ritual that includes light exposure and exercise. Regular exereise has many benefits and is known to promote restful sleep. Maintain a dark. quiet room that is moderately cool. Slow down in the evenings by practicing yoga, taking a wann hath, drinking tea. or journaling. Use blue light reduction technology when watching television or using a computer. Blue light suppresses the secretion of melatonin and Can be detrimental to those who long for a restful nighfs sleep. F.1ux is One computer app that works well to suppress blue light. We recommend using this if)'Ou do choose to read from an electronic device prior to going to sleep. During the evening, it is also helpful to dim the lights to simulate dusk; this will allow the body to produce melatonin, a honnone that is essential for heahhy sleep. h is also important to begin to listC'll to your body throughout the day and do not reach for imitation energies such as eaffeinc and sugar. Caffeine blocks neurotranSmiHers that induce sleep and too much sugar can cause a honnonal roller coaster of sons. The Be n e fit of He rbs Herbs such as lemon balm. skullcap. and passionflower are wonderful herbs for treating insomnia. Enjoy a warm cup of tea featuring these herbs to relax and prepare for sleep_ Hops. found in beer. produce a calming, sedative State. h also helps to reduce hot flashes and night sweats during menopause . Chamomile is> of course, a wonderful herbal tea for inducing relaxation. Lavender essential oil can be placed on a washcloth and put under the pillow as an aromatherapy for relaxation. It>s also worth noting that kava, a root that is used to treat anxiety and relieve tension, can be used for those who have anxiety induced v insomnia. For over 2,000 years, Valerian has been used as a sedative and sleep agent. Note that Valerian must be taken for at leas! weeks before full benefits can b< Join the Be Well Community v v ,., achieved. ------------------------ www.tnhe~lth .. ndwe llness.com ____ Clinical Hyp nosis Can Prom ole Sleep At Be Well, we often recommend the use ofherhs and behavioral change to facilitate sleep. Ho""ever, one of our favorite tools for the management of insomnia is clinical hypnosis. Clinical hypnosis is diffCl"ctlt than ·'Iay'· hypnosis in that it is dchered by a licensed heahh care professional who is otherwise competent to treat a particular problem. [n the hands ofa competent health professional, hypnosis can be a vcry powerful tool to enhance healing. [t is regarded as a safe and effective tool for promoting sleep. We offer clinical hypnosis and have experienced incredible results from this treatment. Invest in yoursclfand use these tools to achieve optimum health. Make an appointment with Be Well for hypnosis therapy and additional support during your journey towards achieving better sleep habits. C.dow:. .. R. Stltltwortb. MO Dr. Sulllwonil u a board certiftN 1Udtc/r1 doctor. SIIe U 0/1" 0/ til" frw pIIysld aM t" :r.rllllUIH ,..110 u / ,,/Io,..,IIIptral"" d I" ' ''tq ",l1"" M"dl. a.... ,,,,,,,,,,ti,,,, MNU:/"" u til" practice 0/ IUdlct"" tlwlt u Jwfutic, r-elotiOlUII/pClflft"rw/, ....1d"lfud--lHu1fd, tuUl tlfchul"" 0/ botll multtlo,,,11 tuUl _ -mulltIOlUfI flPproacl/u to leea/hIg. pNlCtic". Be Well C/Ill/c tuUl .4po'''-ry. u loca'N ' " Nall"I11". TN. YOlO call jlNl /lin"'" "'"tlo" I2t - .krHll.clblk '" by clllll., U5. 7H-U41 H", '''fo'· ~::::::::::::::::::: 30 Health & Welness Marc h 2015 - Mid d le T en n essee Treatment Option Unveiled for Foot Drop in Honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month with "'"cry SICp. Other benefits of wearin8 a WalkAide include incruscd circulalion. improvement of musele ""cn8th. reduced edema .nd improved ncuroplasticity. T raumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivon: People whose Ii,·cs have been chan8ed fO!"ever by a blow to the heod or I nc:urolosical event. Gail. b.lance and "ability are usually severely afTceled by TBI and aher the lifcstyle ofsurvivon. FOOl drop i. the mosl common symplOm. Althou&h hi&hly-advanccd, Wallu\ide is surprisin81Y usc. It oonsiSll of an AA boncryopmoi«l. s~hanncl electrical stimulalor. two deccrodc:s. and elcctnxk: leads.. "'''allu\ide is applied difttlly 10 the q - _ implanted uncIo:rncath tbc skin - ..1tic:h means no SUIJCTY ill invo],"Cd. A cuffholds tbc system comfonably in pIat:e, and it can be wont discn:ctly under most cloth,n&- Willi the WalkAide, no extra sensors Ifl' needed. Tnoditioaally, foot drop is !reated with bracin, usina an ankle foot orthosis (AFO). The passive trutmmt offm:d by AFOs docs _ promote active usc: of nt\If"OR\UScui. systems and abo limilS IIIkIe range: of motion. AfOl can be uncomlOrtablc, bulky. and. if poorly fined., produce areas of pn'SSUle and tissue brakdo"o>11. A new ilUlOVllti,~ modical product knovo" as Wallu\ick may replace tbI: uaditiooal AfO 10 re-tIIlPI" a pc:rson's exisling nm"<' ~thways and mll$Cles. The n<::Nilmall of exislin8 muscles results in reduction of atrophy and wa!kin8 fatipe _ . common side effect off001 brxing. WalkAick users have Ihc: fTecdom 10 walk willi or without fOOlWcu. up and do",,, the SIIin, and eVC1l sidcslcp. WalkAldoIHelpl Comlult Foot Drop and R.SIO,.. Mobility Many Tennc:sscans are experiencing. hU8C brcakthrou8h in rehabilitation wben fil with the technology of WaltAidc, a medical device the si:tC of an iPod and can be worn on one or boIh lep.. Frank Caruso. Wallu\kk-traincd specialist and American Board CCT"Iifltd Orthotist of Murphy·, Onhopc:dic$ and fOOl Care a part or the Human Tcehnology. Inc. Prosthetic;s and Onhotics Group evaluatcs boIh chikftn and adulu 'NC"ekly wiib ccmplimmlary .sscssrnrnII using a demo uniL The initial asscamenI will determine if tbc patimt is a aood ~ for Wallu\ick 1fnImmI. frank is licensed by tbc Board or Podiatry in tbI: Sl3IC or TtnnCSICC and assisls medical proftsSionols. cuqi'~...J his dienu with new i~i,"C 1cChnoIo&Y he fonTottly UKd in the Philadelphia area 10 imprm~ people·s li,·c:s and change: their function.aIllIIICOmCS. The WalkAide i, worn around lhe calf, just ~Iow 1hc kn«, and uiICS elcemeal stimulltion 10 combat foot drop and restore mobility to people with stroke. cerebral palsy. lraumatic b",in injury. multiple seh:rotis, and incOmplele spinal cord inj ury. Somc1imcs, the first finin8 wilh lhe Wallu\idc device i, very crnotiooal wilh tears in pa.icnlS andIorpamlt's eyes becausc of1hc amazin, results. Thedc... ice and proper filltlly ofTer dIC ability.o walt normally for tM first time since a woke or other type of dcbilitalin, condition. lndividuals ...ho "'"<'at WaJkAi<Ie murn 10 their normal routilleS sucb as n.... ipting college e~ or wa1tin8 factory !loon and an: able 10 perform tbcir jobs and daily taskl bclter since they don·1 ttip OVa" ibillj:S or fall. walkAi<Ie can iflc~aK cnCTIY ""'"<'Is and 8d patients act;,·~ again. 11 may allo... faslCT walkina for lon&er distanCCS willi less fali"",. In flCt, many people who tty WaltAi ... experience immediate and substanti.1 imPfO'"<'ment in their walkin8 ability, .... hieh inc~ases their mobility. func'ionality, and ovcnll indcpcndcnce. small and easy 10 WalkAIdoI ProvIdots the Advantages noIfound In Typk.al Foot Drop TrHIments: • Easy one-handcd opention and application • Small. ilClf-wntaiMd unit • Docs not require onhopc:dic or spcciallhoxs • May be worn barerOOl or "ith slippcl'S • Minimal_lICt means minimal discomfOlt with reduced pc1"$piration • May impn>'o"C tin:ulation, reduce atrophy. improo..., voluntary control and incrtaSe joint ""'F of tnOIion A oatifltd onhotiSl cuswmizes the WaJlu\ide 10 each individuals waIkina pancm. II is _ • one me filS all device. Only specially trained medical professionals should CU5klmizc Ind fil the WalkAick. Usin8 WaIkAnaJ)"Sl. a multiflCClC<l rompner IIOftware propVn, Murphy's Onhopodics and Foot Can: a pan oftM Human Technology.lnc . ProstbcIic$ and Onhorics Group can tailor WalkAide 10 lin individuars walking pattern for optimal effecti,..".... and continue with follow up appointments. The WalkAidc ha$ an exereise: modo: for horne: lISe. In addition to walking assistance, Ihc WalkAidc system incl!ldc:s a pre-programmable exereise mode that allows 0 user 10 excrc;iIC hislhcr musclcs while reslin8 for a sct period of .ime as prescribed. M...-phy·s Onhopc:dics and FOOl CIfl' a pari of eM HlI/TIlI1 TechnolotlY. Inc. f'ros.. thctic$ and 0r\h0Iic$ Group invites refcmols from medical professionals. or paticnl3 may conllCt 1-800-922- 1514 for an appointmenlll one of our numerous Iotations. Solutions for Life, Technology for Living , • SUVlHG IIRTl1 TO GU.lATRlC AND MOST lrISUItA.NCI .I\CClPTlD M[DI~ _..... _. Murphy'IOrthopedic. ... ---& foot Care How Dotts W.lkAld. Wortl? lbc WalkAide applits low level d~lrical currentS stimulatin8 the anterior Amputeea - CUSIom Orthopedic libialis nc:rvt which provides dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle to prevenl DevIce. for all Medical Conditions foot drop. lbc funcliQnal eh:C1rical .timulation prom!»' a musele cont""'tion CUllom and Diabetic which lifts tM foot al tM appropriate time durin8tM pit cycle.. The device uses SMeIlOrthotlc. and Supports an ernbc:ddcd Iottelerornc"ler. which is similar SC1UOI" tcehn%aY to that UKd in Wii video pmin8 syilems. 10 dctC1"Tl1inc: the appropriaIC timina for stimulation _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w.lnheililhilndwellneu.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - " Middle Tennessee - March 2015 Health&Weliness GIVING: Good for the Mind, Body and Soul By Jamey Campbell, CFRE T he early results are in, and it appear1, that Americans gave $456.7 billion to cha"ty in 20t4. That's a 9 pe<cent ""crease over 201 3. Giving to everything from religious organizations, to $OCial service$. to edu",tion, AmI.'rican$ continue to be the mO$t generous people in the world. Amerir;;!n$ may give away more money than any other country in the world, but how mlJ(h is "morer' You might be $urprised. In lOU, Barna Group condllCted a poll ~bout donor trends in the Un ~ed Statl!$ and found that more than half of Ameriuln$ ~id they donated money Of items (or both) to a ",use they ",red ~bout in the previou$ )"!ar. Accord ing to BarM, a person's religious identi~", tion ha$ a lotto do w;th whether or not they donate to causes they believe in. Evangelicals were far more li kely to donate money, items Of timl.' a$ a volunteer. A total of 79 pefCeflt of those who identified themselves ~$ evangelical$ donated money, ~em$ or time in the previous yea .. MO$t people (55 percent) indicated they g~ ~way SSOO or Ie» per )"!ar while only S percent ~id they g~ve ~way more than S5,OOOpetyea .. 11'$ eilSY to look at the number1 ~nd do the m~th. But ~II we get ~re more number$. percentage$. etc. What I think i$ important is the motivation behind the giving and the benefit$ of giving- both for the recipient and the donor. Hardly a day goes by that I don't receive some kind of solicitation in the mail or by email. Some corne from Ofganizations we support and are interested In. but most are not Being in the fundraising business myself, I realize I probably rec.me more than the average person just because I am interested in what othel's are doing and how they are communicating w;th their current and potential givefs. So why do we give? Is it because organizations need our money? I hope that's not the case. We s.houki give because the people those organizations serve need our help. Maybe it's fe-eding the hungry, or p(oviding diapers for the new baby of a single mother, or providing healthcare to the uninsured. or helping kids In depressed areas receive a better education. All these things are ~e causes. W~h 50 many 'opportun~ies: how do we decide where to invest our gifts? Here at Christian Medical & Dental As$OCiation$. we have dozens of efforts requirIng dooor funding-from healthca re mission$. to student ministry on 280 medical and dental school campuses, to training national surgeons in places like Kenya, Egypt and Ethiopia. All of these endeavors need donor support in order to be successful. But when I meet Individually with donors, I don' ' sell" what we are doing. I ask what interests them personally and then seek to find something we are doing that will help meet their personal giving and ministry ideology. Then ~ becomes a partnenhip. a relationship; oot Just a transaction. Giving is oot Just good for the recipient; ~'s al$O good for the giver. Literally. In 2013, Us. News reported that consulting · associates 31 having money ~n~ ~~rily "",ke people happy, but giving it ~w~y-even if you ~re not rkh- i$ likely to "",ke you feelwe~~hier ~nd, thu$, happier. In the repor~ it waHited th~t giving ~w~y S500 ha$ the ~mI.' effea on happi~» a$ earning an e XIf~ S10,000. So if you want to be h~ppier, give wwit'j ~ money. How ~bout your phY$ica1 health! DI.>e$ giving impa<:t th~t as well! You bet! Rese<IfCh wggl!$ts volunteering m~y redlJ(e the ri$l< of heart disease. There's ~I$O a $tudy that indkatl!$ people who volunteer, whether it be serving at a commun ity soup kitchen or visiting nur$ing home$. m~y reduce their early mortality r~te by 22 petcent compared to those who don't. Ultim~tely, giving i$ ~ persoMI choice. Even the Bible ~y$ we ~re not to give ~s a result of pre$$ure from ~nyone. "f.ach one mus, give as he 005 dedtkd in his hearl, II(lI rf!luaanl/y ar under compulsion, for God /Qves a cheerful gi...r' (2 Corinthi~ns 9:7, ESV). It $Ound$ like the writer wa$ ~lready doing his own rese~f(h about giving and h~ppine$$! encour~ge you to m~ ke giving a Involve your $pouse ~nd children. let them see you give and volunteer and they wil l view it as $Omething impof1~nt , $Omething they will want to do them$elves. When the benefit$ of giving ~re applied ~t the family level, the re$ult$ will be enjO)led by ~II involved. Finally, let me f~mily ~ct ivity. Jilmey Cllmpbellls Vice President for Stewilrdship Deve lopment II I Christian M edlclll & Dentlll Associations. For more In formation Ilbout supporting CMDA's ministry e fforts h ere In the U.S. Ilnd Ilround the world, please visit www.cmdil.org/glvlng. IT', '."_.IT', W'.IT" - l1li ........." n .. ...OII.....Ln'. ""," _ ". IT..... Dr. Kenith Robins . Dr. Lisa Webb James Tigert. CH change your behavior. change your life. ConMIItIng_~ i< . pr..roc.d~~_",octiIionm'" ~ _ ...... .. .... """" joy. M>rotSII ord ........,;.,gin."'"' 0/ j<IU" iii<. ""_ ""'99Iin9-'d'Ion\JO.""""" _or _ , "" \'00 foeing _foroin Ih<rood or _.- _thoImoy>ftm~ I Dr. u.._..-.dDr._-"~CIiniuI ~ ...... po<McIotoolsord~lO~j'O<J~yor.o"'~lOthoI _ moyMd pe.oce.~ord <oroteo .. ,... ~ we_j'O<JlOaoIIlOdoylor .<or ....... ,.... r.e.~ 1 l&t S) J1o-1~ 1 or .... "'" -"'- Nashville & Murfreesboro 615-804-9661 '::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::W :: W ;'W : .:,;,;.:.: ';';' ::: handwe llness.com ----------------------------------------------- 1111'" 7, 3ubI20-2f 11II"",JIootI·5 AH Opll on, <> o",,-ll p.m. "ull<ul.",1 aod Alrlcon 1""1>(1 /(-$) 1160 A<><~ C .... biftg (,,,,"0 712) $JO{J f • • nl, "" ('/flr>;> 1(-6) $rw At. PH Option, ,~ p.m. Hod.,. Hod . ... Nt ('1IJh;; 1(-6) J1W 1.... 10 PH (riSing 7-12) $160 ""I -DoW O pt ion. 9 o.m.·' p.m. Roc:k OM Rol $.oaion 1 (rloM<;l ) -11! 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I l"oto ("""'} H]) $160 .o.M Op llon. 9 0.m.·12 p.m. Oone. "" IrloI"O 6~) $16<:1 PM Opllon. 1..... p .m. Oone. PM / , , _ 9·1])$160 ",,1-OoV Option, 9 a.m.·' p..... BeKh C_k Ad""ntu .. _ o n ' 1"0If00 H)SJOO ehe.. Comp 1"""0 ]oM $JOO Fol",tolol1...1n>llon An (,,,,"0 K·5) $JOO _'T_~ , "".-OoV Opl lon. 9 0 .....-3 p.m . MoOk $oNion 2 I"""'} 9·m JJlS"9 Onl._4 p.m. Songw,Hlnolllecon:ling $oNion ~ (''''''II 5·1]) $JOO TMoW s.ttIon 2 lrisI<>g H2) $JOO ..... n.I5 ..... "" 31 eo.....""' p.m. MondaV-F, lc:Iov STP-ADHD ("", .. 3·10)J..<.$OO _ 7...... _ kcamp 1111'" 5, 3ubI6-IO t:qulM 'fmloUnt &u.t: AM Optlont 9 0 .m .-1J p.m. IIoking Ca"'p ("$I"'} 0<·4) SllS !OOOkmokl"9 Ar1 I""",} M]) $IT5 Hondw,Hlno: Prlnl - 51<11 110.... (,,,,"0 1·2) 1200 LEGO: Mind"""". Settlon 1 I~ ' ·5) J2QO ""1·Doy 9 o.m.-' p.m. $-4251wHk ....... 15-19 1''''09I(~). ''''''''' 3·10 1''''09 I(~) ..... "" 20·2<1 ("""0 0<·3); .....w ou_ .. '-7 "0 0·12) _1""_ C_ """"'",. _""' room. hc.IIo9_" \PO .... ""'" C_ PM OpHono ....... p .m. Culu",' Cooking ("""0 K·5) $175 Hondw,Hlno: Prlnl- FIo.no,o .... ilding (,,,,"0 PIIo109"'P .... ("""0 3·']) S I6<:I J. ~ J 1200 'Wedl6: JubJ 13-17 AM Optlont 9 0.m.-1J p.m. Moblie Ar1 and Medlo .o.M 1"""0 7·3J SJ6<:I PM OpHont ....... p .m. Moblie Ar1 ond M..... PM (risI<>g 9· m $16<:1 "".-OoV Opl lon. 9 0 .....-' p.m . BeKh C ............. ntu ... s._ l l~!-6) SJ(lO 1>544 Murray Lane, Brentwood, TN Camps run through June and July and Include half-day and full-day options. Before- and after-care are available. Read more and register .... lIne a l WWW_curreylngramcamps_org
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