6 th University Business Forum Brussels, 5-6 March 2015 SPEAKERS DG Education Education and Culture and Culture 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 1 02/03/15 12:53 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 2 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — PLENARY 5th March Chair: Ms Alessandra Luchetti Head of Unit, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture Alessandra Luchetti is an agronomist graduated at the University of Perugia (Italy) with a specialisation in arboriculture. Between 1988 and 1992 she was research fellow at the CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council) at the Olive Oil Research Institute (Istituto per la Ricerca in Olivicoltura). In 1994 she joined the European Commission, as project officer at the agro-industrial research unit of Directorate-General for Research where she was mainly responsible of research fields related to food raw material improvements and food consumer acceptance and needs. In 2001 she moved to the Directorate responsible for the implementation of the Human Resources and Mobility programme and was appointed successively Head of Sector for the Reintegration Grants and Deputy Head of the Marie Curie Actions-Fellowships Unit. In February 2011, she moved to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture where she is now Head of the unit “Innovation in Education, EIT and MSCA”. Mr Tibor Navracsics Member of the European Commission in charge of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics holds degrees in law from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Budapest’s ELTE University and a PhD in political sciences. In 1999 he became an Associate professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, ELTE. Between 1997-2000 he assumed the position of the Secretary-general of the Hungarian Political Science Association and he was also Head of the Department of Prime Minister’s Office until 2002. In 2003 he became Cabinet Chief to the President of the Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union and between 2006-2010 he was elected as a Member of Parliament as well as a Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional, Judicial and Procedural Affairs. He also served as Fidesz National Assembly representative from 2006 until October 2014. Between 2010 and 2014 He was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice. In 2014 he also assumed the position as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In November 2014 Tibor Navrascics became Commissioner of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport in the new Juncker Commission. Ms Mārīte Seile Minister of Education and Science, Latvia, EU Presidency January – June 2015 Marite Seile has a strong background both in the education and corporate sectors. She began her career as a math teacher and deputy principal in a rural high school where she ran programs for mathematically gifted children and launched initiatives for broadening access to high quality educational opportunities for children from remote rural areas. Marite directed various education projects at the Soros Foundation-Latvia Transformation of Education Programme and was a co-founder and director of School Support Center, a non-governmental organization dedicated to school improvement. Marite worked in the corporate sector for nine years, as Head of Human Resources for the Maxima supermarket chain (7000 employees) and Board member and Business Process Director for Primekss, a construction company operating in the Baltics, Scandinavia, Poland, Israel and Belarus. Marite holds a Math degree from the University of Latvia and a Master’s of Science in Educational and Training Systems Design from Twente University in the Netherlands. 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 3 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Ms Silvia Costa Member of the European Parliament, Chair of Culture Committee Silvia Costa is Chair of the Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament. She has been rapporteur for the European Parliament of the Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020. She has been Lazio regional councillor responsible for education, educational rights and training (2005-2009); member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies for three parliamentary terms; member of the Committee on internal affairs, the Committee on culture, science and education and the Committee on general guidance and monitoring of radio and television services (1985-1993). State secretary at the Ministry for universities, scientific research and technology (1993-1994). She has been chair of the European advisory committee on equal opportunities during the 1996 Italian Presidency of the EU and head of the EU delegation to the annual session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (1996). Co-founder of the ‘Telefono Azzurro’ NGO for missing children; member of the board of management of the Donne in Musica Foundation (2002-2005). President of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome (1995-2005). Professor David B. Audretsch Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs David Audretsch is a Distinguished Professor and Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he is also serves as Director of the Institute for Development Strategies. He also is an Honorary Professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. Audretsch’s research has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, government policy, innovation, economic development and global competitiveness. His books include Everything in its Place: The Strategic Management of Cities, Regions and States with Oxford University Press in 2015 and The Handbook of Local Competitiveness, also with Oxford University Press in 2015. He is co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal. He was awarded the 2001 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research. In 2008 he received an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Augsburg, and in September, 2010 he received an honorary doctorate degree from Jonköping University. In 2011 he was awarded the Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal. He is a member of the Advisory Board to a number of international research and policy institutes, including Chair of the the Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (German Institute for Economic Analysis Berlin), Chair of the Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Foundation for the Promotion of German Science), New York Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, and the Jackstädt Centre for Entrepreneurship in Wuppertal, Germany. Mr Jo Lopes Head of Technical Excellence, Jaguar Land Rover, Chair of the UK’s Automotive Industrial Partnership for skills José Lopes joined what became Jaguar Land Rover as a graduate in 1989. He has worked within Research and Development in different Engineering roles, on Land Rover and Jaguar projects. As Head of Technical Excellence, reporting to the board member for Group Engineering, he has responsibility for the development and nurturing of engineering skills and competencies within the company. This includes developing the skills needed to support the company’s advanced low-carbon vehicle development and research. He is also charged with ensuring that new engineering graduates and apprentices are given the necessary skills to support future growth. Directly involved with a number of UK universities, José is a Governor of new University Technical College at the University of Warwick, which is tasked to develop the Engineers for the future. He is also a Governor of a primary school. José is chair of the Skills Work Group of UK Automotive Council and the chair of the Automotive Industrial Partnership; working across the automotive sector with Government to deliver required skills for sustainable growth. He is a Chartered Engineer, has a Master of Philosophy in Applied Physics and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology, and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 4 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 4 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — ROUND TABLE – “Partnerships for Jobs and Growth” – Challenges and Opportunities Moderator: Dan Luca Director EurActiv Institute Dr. Dan LUCA is presently the Director of the Brussels based EurActiv Institute. He has worked as a European affairs professional for twenty years from which the five years in Romania and the last fifteen years in Brussels. In 2008 he obtained a PhD in ‘International Relations and European Studies’ with a specialisation in Communication. He gives lectures on topics related to the European Union and communication techniques at ten European universities. He is the founder of three associations: “House of Europe” in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the “Romania–EU” Club in Brussels and the first Romanian think tank in Brussels, GrupRomania. He is the author of numerous books, articles and studies in relation to European Union topics. He is an active EU affairs blogger since 2007 (see: www.casaeuropei.blogspot.com). His most recent book, “European Union: Views from Brussels” (2013), shows his vision about EU citizens, Future EU, EU Communication, Business Management, EU Education and Technology. Professor Maria Helena Nazaré President of the European University Association (EUA) She was trained as a physicist, (Licenciatura, University of Lisbon, 1972; Doctor of Philosophy, University of London, King’s College, 1978). She was Head of Physics’ Department twice (1978-80 and 1988-90), Vice-President of the Scientific Council in 1990-91 and Vice-Rector, a position held until 1998. Elected twice as Rector of the University of Aveiro, She served from January 2002 until February 2010 and was the chair of the Portuguese Rectors’ Conference Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer. She participated in many EUA activities such as: the research working group (2003-09); the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) since 2004 which gave her the opportunity to evaluate universities in many countries (Spain, Turkey, Palestine, Slovenia, Kazakhstan and Romania) and to chair the IEP steering committee in 2007-09; She chaired the 2009-10 pilot project on Energy (EPUE) and served as a EUA Board member and Vice President 2009 - 2012. She has also participated in OECD evaluations in Catalonia, Lombardy, Basque Country and Bulgaria and in ENQA reviews of quality assurance agencies in Galicia and Finland. She was a Member of the Portuguese National Education Council and Chair of its Higher Education Committee (2009 - 2013), President of the Advisory Board of Fundação Galp Energia and President of the Portuguese Physics Society (2009 - 2013). Presently she is the President of the European University Association since 2012, Member of the Administration Board of Portugal Telecom since 2008 and Member of Board of Trustees of Fundação Francisco Manuel Soares dos Santos in Portugal since 2013. Mr Jean-Francois Minster Senior Vice President of Scientific Development, TOTAL S.A. Jean-François Minster obtained a diploma of the Ecole Polytechnique and a Doctorate of the Institut de Physique du Globe of Paris (French institute of geophysics). In 1981, he created the laboratory for Physics and Chemistry of the Hydrosphere of the Institut de Physique du Globe of Paris, then the laboratory of Oceanography and Geophysics of Toulouse which he managed from 1985 to1996. He worked on the study of meteorites, volcanism, ocean currents the oceanic cycle of the carbon in relation with climate, and satellite oceanography. From 1990 to 1996, he also occupied the function of Director of the Institute of the Earth sciences of Toulouse. In 1996, he took the direction of the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). From 2000 to 2005, Jean-François Minster was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER). In 2005 and 2006, he was Scientific Director General of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). He is corresponding member of the Academy of Science and member of the Academy of the Technologies. On October 1st, 2006, Jean-François Minster is nominated Senior Vice President, Scientific Development of Total SA. 5 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 5 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Professor Ernst Schmachtenberg Rector, University of Aachen; President-elect CESAER Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ernst Schmachtenberg (born 1952) is currently rector of the RWTH Aachen University (since 08/2008). He is also President-Elect of CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research, since 10/2014) and President of the IDEA League (since 01/2014). After graduating in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University he received his PhD at the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV/RWTH Aachen University). From 10/85 till 12/1987 he was also Head of the”Part Design, Materials Technology, and Fibre-Reinforced Plastics” section at the IKV. His next stations were Head of Research & Development at Süddeutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum (SKZ) in Würzburg (01/1988-08/1990), Head of the Polymer Processing Group und Head of the Construction Department at the Polymer Division of Bayer AG in Leverkusen (09/1990-12/1992). From 01/1993 till 09/2001 Ernst Schmachtenberg held the Chair of Polymer Technology in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Essen University and CEO of IKM GmbH in Essen. In 10/2001 he took over the Chair of Plastics Materials Technology of the IKV at RWTH Aachen University and from 04/2006-07/2008 the Chair of Polymer Technology at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Mr Javier Calderón Beltrán Managing Director, CEOE FORMACIÓN, Chair of education and training working group, BUSINESSEUROPE Javier Calderon Beltran has a degree in Business Management and Marketing from ESIC. Recently he have finished a General Director Program (PDG) at IESE – Universidad de Navarra. Currently he is managing director at the training institute of Confederation of Employers and Industries of Spain. Also he is the chairman of the Education and Training Working Group at BusinessEurope. Closely related to consulting and training, has been, among other charges, director of business development in Formación Digital and commercial director in Spain Company Sanroman. Between 1998 and 2005 he had different responsibilities at Coastal Training Technologies (a Dupont Company) served as Business Manager for southern Europe (Spain, Italy and Portugal), general manager at the company in Monterrey (Mexico) and sales manager in Virginia Beach, Virginia for the Latin American market. Mr Mário Tarouca Treasurer - Director of Public Affairs, JADE – European Confederation of Junior Enterprises Mário Tarouca is a 21 years old entrepreneur. He is the Director of Public Affairs for JADE - The European Confederation of Junior Enterprises. He works in order to make JADE visible in front of businesses, policy makers and academia by representing and developing, through cooperation and exchange of practices, a high-quality network of entrepreneurial students throughout Europe. Mário has been introduced to the Junior Enterprise concept, when he was studying in the University of Coimbra, Portugal. From that moment on, he was thrilled to put ideas into action, through the projects and services provided to other organisations. Being always a true passionate entrepreneur, while in the high school, he co-founded his own company organising local events. Also, by the age of 19, Mário cofounded his own IT startup, in the field of telecommunication, creating a simple way to share all your contacts through an ingenious mobile application. 6 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 6 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION – ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOP 1.1: Enhancing Entrepreneurial Teaching Moderator: Professor Christine Volkmann UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management and Jackstädt Research Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Wuppertal Christine Volkmann studied Economics at Gießen University (Germany). After having worked as a PhD research associate with Deutsche Lufthansa AG, she held several leading positions at Deutsche Bank. In 1999, Christine Volkmann was appointed Professor of Economics at the Westfälische Hochschule and managing director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Since 2008, Christine Volkmann holds the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics at Wuppertal University. She is director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Research (IGIF) and executive committee member of the interdisciplinary Jackstädt Research Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Her research and teaching activities focus on Social Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Academic Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Leadership and International Entrepreneurship. She was twice awarded the “UNESCO Chair of Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management”, 2005 at Westfälische Hochschule and 2010 at the Wuppertal University. Among her commitments are the visiting professorship at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Bucharest, Romania, the EFER and the World Economic Forum for Education and Entrepreneurship. Mr Holm Keller Vice President of Leuphana University, Lüneburg Holm Keller is Executive Vice President for Strategic Development and Administration at Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany. His responsibilities include the University’s 100 million Euro Innovation Incubator, the 80 million Euro Campus Development Project with architect Daniel Libeskind, as well as organizational partnerships with Germany’s Federal Labor Agency and the operation of Lower Saxony’s Artists Development Program. Mr Keller also teaches in Leuphana’s freshmen program and at St. Gallen University. Prior to his role at the Leuphana University, Mr Keller was based in Shanghai as President, Corporate Development Asia for Bertelsmann’s DirectGroup, and in Munich and Vienna as an Associate Principal for McKinsey & Company. Holm Keller has previously worked as a producer for several European television companies, and as an opera dramaturge for director Robert Wilson at most major opera houses around the world. He has also worked as a composer and a radio journalist. He studied theatre at the University of Vienna and later completed a Master of Public Administration at the Harvard Kennedy School. Mr Keller has published articles on architecture, theatre, leadership and university development. Dr Shai Vyakarnam University of Cambridge, founder of the Center for Entrepreneurial Learning Dr Vyakarnam worked in industry for several years before completing his MBA and PhD at Cranfield. He has combined academic, practitioner and policy interests to provide advice to governments and on the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems, technology commercialisation and entrepreneurship education. He has mentored entrepreneurs and held non-executive directorships of small firms in addition to developing growth programmes for SMEs over several years. From 2003 to 2015 he focused on the development of practitioner-led education for entrepreneurship at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning. Dr Vyakarnam is presently Co-Founder and Director of AcceleratorIndia. He is Chaiman of KisanHub and on the Advisory Board of Smart Vineyards, both in the agritech sector. Dr. Vyakarnam is Trustee of The GEN Initiative. He is Senior Member of Darwin College and Resident Senior Member of Wolfson College. 7 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 7 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Ms Tanja Verho CEO Kolmas Persoona Ms. Tanja Verho is a doer and a dreamer from Kolmas Persoona Oy, which is a service design agency from Finland. She works as a senior service designer and is passionate about learning, coaching and developing services with customers. Kolmas Persoona is on a mission to re-design Finland. They’re aiming to secure the country’s position as one of the best places to live – also in the future. The big vision inspires Tanja and her colleagues to work in several fields, eg. education, well-being and media. Tanja Verho is one of the three owners of Kolmas Persoona. She is also a co-owner in Sivupersoona Oy, which provides interpreting services for the deaf, deaf-blinds, hard of hearing and people with other communication disabilities. Tanja is an MBA, a qualified sign language interpreter and an active alumna in Tampere University of Applied Sciences. On her personal journey of continuous development, this open-minded lady is fueled by tasty food and inspiring laugh-filled moments. She challenges us to always keep in mind the famous proverb: “The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.” UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION – ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOP 1.2: University Leadership for Entrepreneurship Moderator: David B. Audretsch Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs David Audretsch is a Distinguished Professor and Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he is also serves as Director of the Institute for Development Strategies. He also is an Honorary Professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. Audretsch’s research has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, government policy, innovation, economic development and global competitiveness. His books include Everything in its Place: The Strategic Management of Cities, Regions and States with Oxford University Press in 2015 and The Handbook of Local Competitiveness, also with Oxford University Press in 2015. He is co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal. He was awarded the 2001 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research. In 2008 he received an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Augsburg, and in September, 2010 he received an honorary doctorate degree from Jonköping University. In 2011 he was awarded the Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal. He is a member of the Advisory Board to a number of international research and policy institutes, including Chair of the the Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (German Institute for Economic Analysis Berlin), Chair of the Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Foundation for the Promotion of German Science), New York Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, and the Jackstädt Centre for Entrepreneurship in Wuppertal, Germany. Ms Ann Horan CEO, DCU Ryan academy Ann Horan recently retired from her most recent role as Chief Executive of the DCU Ryan Academy. The Academy is a partnership between Dublin City University and the family of the late Tony Ryan, founder of Ryanair. The Ryan Academy’s aim is to promote entrepreneurs and innovation in Ireland and they run a number of programmes designed to support individual entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurial ventures. This role was a new departure for Ann, who spent most of her career in banking. In 2005, Ann left her then role as Managing Director of Bank of Ireland Finance to “do something different”. Ann is an accountant with a Masters in Finance from DCU. Ann’s past roles and directorships included Vice President of the Institute of Bankers, member of the DCU Educational Trust and Governing Authority and immediate past President of the International Women’s Forum – Ireland. She is currently a Director of the Health Products Regulatory Authority and Deputy President of the South Dublin Chamber of Commerce. 8 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 8 02/03/15 12:53 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Professor Asta Pundziene KTU Vice Rector for Research Asta Pundziene is Vice-Rector for Research and Professor at Kaunas University of Technology. Asta gained her doctorate in Social Sciences (organizational psychology) at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. Since 1997, she has developed her academic competence at Amsterdam Free University, The Netherlands; Uppsala University, Sweden; Heidelberg University, Germany and Sheffield University, UK; Harvard Business School, USA; Stanford Technology Ventures Program, USA, etc. She began her career at Vytautas Magnus University in 1993 as Administrator of the Pedagogical studies programmes becoming Project Manager in the Centre for Vocational Education and Research at the same university in 1996. From 1999 to 2003 she was Vice-Director of the Centre for Vocational Education and Research at Vytautas Magnus University and from 2003 till 2004, National Seconded Expert (END) at the European Training Foundation (ETF) in Turin, Italy. 2004 – 2011 she was employed by ISM University of Management and Economics as program Director and later as Dean of the Research and Doctoral studies. In 2005 Asta Pundziene became an Editor of the Baltic Journal of Management http://www.emeraldinsight. com/bjm.htm. She has published more than 25 research papers and participated in a number of international and national research and development projects. Her area of interest covers change management including reform of Higher Education system, entrepreneurship and strategic management. Mr Emanuel von Bodman Senior Project Manager, F.A.Z. Media Group / FRANKFURT BUSINESS MEDIA, Frankfurt a.M. Emanuel von Bodman is Senior Project Manager at FRANKFURT BUSINESS MEDIA GmbH (FBM) in Frankfurt / Germany. FBM is a 100% subsidiary of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH; it is the cross-media specialist publisher of F.A.Z. Group in the fields of Economy and Finance. His field of activity in FBM within the division Company / Events lies at the interface of the communities Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) and Start-up/Entrepreneurship. He is responsible for the strategic management of the innovation forum “IT Transfer (Kompass)” and works on programs like “Gründerflirt” and “Gründen-Fördern-Wachsen”. He further guides co-operations with external partners in business and politics, and supports the development and extension of formats and projects in the field of ICT and Start-up/Entrepreneurship. Prior to his work at FBM, Emanuel von Bodman was involved in the conceptional design and realization of the initiative “Germany - Land of Ideas” and worked for Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and Deutsche Bank AG. Professor Janos Vecsenyi Executive Director, European Forum for Entrepreneurship Research (EFER) During his carrier Professor Vecsenyi has been teaching at Corvinus University since 1978 and at the Budapest University of Technology And Economics from 2011. His major courses include Entrepreneurship, Starting and managing new ventures, Launching innovative new ventures. He served as program director and professor of the first MBA program in Hungary at the International Manager Center, now CEU Business School. He was a visiting professor at University of Tulsa (USA), at INSEAD (France) and lectured among others at Harvard Business School, UCLA, UT Austin, Dallas, Tulane, University of Melbourne, London School of Economics, Czech Management Center (Prague), VNIISI, Moscow, Erasmus University (Rotterdam). Mr. Vecsenyi extensively consulted major Hungarian firms. Up to 2010 he was working as Learning and Development Leader at GE Capital, Budapest Bank more than a decade. Professor Vecsenyi is a graduate of Budapest Technical University where he earned his degrees in mechanical and industrial engineering. He also holds a Ph. D from Budapest University of Economic Sciences, now Corvinus University. Dr. Vecsenyi recently published three books on entrepreneurship: Starting and managing new ventures (2009, 2011, 2013); Entrepreneurship. From an idea to restarting (2002); Entrepreneurial organizations and strategies (1999). Professor Vecsenyi developed an online start-up support tool: www. startmybusiness123.com. 9 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 9 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - PROMOTING CHANGE AND IMPACT WORKSHOP 2.1: HEInnovate and Institutional Change Moderator: Professor Paul Hannon Director of LEAD Wales and Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Swansea University Paul is a graduate entrepreneur who has shaped enterprise and entrepreneurship education, small business support and development in the UK and overseas during the past 40 years as a CEO, Government Adviser, Director/Head of an Academic Unit, Professor and Company founder/owner. Paul offers a unique expertise drawn from his experiences and roles in three key stakeholder environments relating to enterprise and entrepreneurship: academia; business and enterprise support; local and national government. Paul is driven to enhancing the opportunities for enterprise and entrepreneurship within the context of education and has consistently demonstrated his capacity to tackle challenges and exploit new opportunities; shape ways of thinking; and deliver effective solutions in challenging environments. Paul has worked with governments, global and national agencies, universities and colleges, business and industry partners and professional bodies in the UK, across Europe, in China, Africa, the Middle East, Malaysia, India, Australia and America. Paul is a graduate of Swansea University. Mr Flemming Bridal Rasmussen Director, Strategy & Human Resources, VIA University College I’m committed to the creation and facilitation of strategy development and change processes that optimize the use of human resources and strengthen organizational learning and performance. I have proven leadership skills involving managing, developing and motivating teams to achieve their objectives. My experience includes projects covering strategy and leadership development, organizational change and development and capacity building in regard to performance management, monitoring and evaluation. Mr Patrick O’Donnell Team Member, Technical University of Dublin Pat O’Donnell, a Chartered Engineer with over ten years of project-management experience on large infrastructural rail projects, was a founding academic staff member of the Institute of Technology Tallaght (ITT) in 1992. During ten years as a lecturer, he led a series of substantial R&D projects involving industrial partners with significant commercial success. As Industrial Liaison Manager of ITT throughout the 2000’s he led strong growth in applied research activity and the development of the highly successful Synergy Business Incubation Centre on campus, along with the Synergy suite of enterprise development programmes. As Head of the School of Engineering from March 2011, he played a role in the development of the TU4Dublin initiative - the proposed merger in September 2015 of ITT with two other Dublin HEIs - Dublin Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Blanchardstown – with a view to seek designation as one of the first Technological Universities in Ireland. Since February 2014, he has led on two Foundation Themes for the new institution – entitled “Dublin’s Globally Engaged University” and “The Enterprising University” – with the aim of creating an engaged, internationalised and entrepreneurial technological university. 10 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 10 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Professor Rosario Gamboa President, Politecnico do Porto Rosário Gambôa is the president of Porto Polytechnic, in Porto, Portugal. She has a PhD in Philosophy and a strong academic career, as lecturer, researcher and at management duties. She was president of Porto Polytechnic’s School of Education from 2001 to 2006. Rosário was responsible for the Bologna process implementation in Porto Polytechnic and she managed Porto Polytechnic’s international programs between 2006 and 2008. She has a strong scientific activity, namely in the fields of Education and Pedagogy. Mr Rui Coutinho Entrepreneurship Coordinator, Porto Design Factory Firestarter and Manager Rui Adérito Coutinho is a strategist, consultant, lecturer, researcher, mentor and entrepreneur from Portugal. He was born in 1977 an has a degree in International Relations from the University Lusíada of Porto and the title of Specialist in the Area of Organizational Communication at Porto Polytechnic. He is a PhD researcher at Universidade do Minho (Portugal) in the area of Strategic Communication. Rui is Senior Advisor to the President of Porto Polytechnic in the areas of entrepreneurship and communication, responsible for coordinating the IPP Entrepreneur 2020 programme and managing Porto Design Factory. He is an Invited Lecturer of Corporate Communication at the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto Polytechnic and an Invited Lecturer of Communication and Marketing at the School of Industrial Studies and Management of Porto Polytechnic. He is also an Invited Lecturer of Customer Development and Value Proposition at the Estonia Business School. He has mentored start-ups across Europe, and he is a member of Campus Tel-Aviv and the National Network of Mentors in Portugal. UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - PROMOTING CHANGE AND IMPACT WORKSHOP 2.2: Educating Talents – Recruiting Talents: are HEIs and Companies in Sync? Moderator: Ben Butters Director EUROCHAMBERS Ben Butters has been the EU Affairs Director for EUROCHAMBRES, the European association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, since 2008. As such, he covers a wide range of policy issues at EU level that are of relevance to Chambers and the European business community, including education & training, finance, energy, the internal market, enterprise and regulatory reform. Ben has degrees in Business and in European Politics. He worked in international publishing before moving to Brussels, where he subsequently gained experience in the European Commission, the European Parliament and as a project manager for a European innovation network. Immediately prior to joining EUROCHAMBRES, Ben was the founding director of a company delivering EU advocacy services to UK business organisations. 11 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 11 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Mr Ketan Makwana CEO and Lead Disruptor, Enterprise Lab Ketan Makwana is a renowned international speaker and serial entrepreneur who has started, scaled and sold multiple businesses. In a response to the emerging skills gap between education to employment and enterprise Ketan launched Enterprise Lab in 2011 which is now operating in 11 countries training 100,000 people a year. In 2012 Ketan founded and delivered Youth Enterprise Live backed by the Prime Minister and the UK’s largest event focussed on Education, Employment and Enterprise for 15-30 year olds… leading on from this took a position as Special Advisor to the Prime Minster on Youth Policy. Ketan is the Head of Operations at Rockstar Startup & Rockstar Hubs UK’s leading funding and mentoring organisation that has delivered millions in funding and supported over 3000 start up businesses in the UK. Ketan is an advisor to UK Government on youth and enterprise policies, works with International Governments & Ministries on Enterprise Eco-System Development and sits on many advisory boards and panels… further work includes ambassador for UKTI and Foreign & Commonwealth Offices related to Enterprise development in countries across the globe. Mr Georgi Vasilev HR Business Partner, Vodafone Germany Global HR Business Partner with over 15 years of international experience at both strategic and operational level. Studied business administration and holds a MSc Degree in Organisational Development. First experience was in commercial role in shoe & leather trading for a German company based out of Sofia, Bulgaria (1997-2001). In 2001 relocated to Bonn, Germany, to take up a role with the Federal Employment Services Agency with focus on IT specialists coming to German labour market. In 2002 joined Vodafone Group and worked across corporate head office in UK and Germany in the fields of Learning and Management Development and HR Business Partnering for business units of more than 700 staff across more than 20 countries. In 2009 relocated to Luxembourg to Vodafone Procurement Company to lead the development and implementation of a people strategy to enable ramp-up business plan, and attract, develop and retain top talent in a greenfield environment. Since 2012 HR Business Partner for over 1800 employees across different commercial and sales functions at Vodafone Germany. Ms Mia Deubner Senior-HR Consultant., WU ZBP Career Centers, Career, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Mia Deubner developed an interest for the field of Human Resources during her studies of International Business at the University of Vienna. She accumulated seven years of work experience in recruiting and human resources development upon graduation, e.g. at an Austrian publishing house and at an international consulting company. Her wide range of knowledge covers topics from personnel marketing to labour legislation. She completed extra occupational training in labour legislation, coaching and trainer education. Since April 2011 Mia Deubner has been working as an HR-Consultant at the WU ZBP Career Center. The ZBP serves as an interface between universities of economic sciences and the labour market. In her role as an HR-Consultant Mia Deubner supports students, graduates and young professionals during their application process and provides recruiting services to companies. Mr Martin Grau Head of Resourcing, Česká spořitelna, a.s Martin Grau is leading recruitment team of Česká spořitelna financial group - Česká spořitelna is the market leading Czech bank with 190 years of history, currently employing 10.000 employees. Martin started his career in Trainee program of UniCredit Bank and spent first years of his career in retail banking sales area, where he was working as a personal banker, retail sales specialist and retail sales support manger. After this experience he joined Česká spořitelna to start next stage of his career in HR. Initially he was responsible for L&D support team, than he was focusing on HR projects management and methodology. One of these assignments was to work on reshaping of recruitment function in Česká spořitelna, and after creation of a new concept of recruitment he was asked to lead and transform the recruitment process as a head of recruitment. Currently Martin is working on implementation of strategical way of “in-house” talent acquisition, fully leveraging on new trends and technologies. Part of his current duties is to develop employer brand and EVP focused on various segments of professionals and graduates. 12 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 12 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - PEOPLE AND INNOVATION WORKSHOP 3.1: Innovative Pedagogies and Learning Experiences Moderator: Mr Mikkel Trym Climate-KIC, Education Mikkel Trym is the Business Developer for Climate-KIC education. Climate-KIC is part of the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) whose mission is to increase sustainable growth. Climate-KIC integrates education, entrepreneurship and innovation resulting in connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into economically viable products and services that help to mitigate climate change. Climate-KIC has established the first Education Programme with the aim of creating the next generation of climate-change entrepreneurs from master’s to PhD and executive levels. Mikkel plays here a key role in developing Climate-KIC educational activities, initiating the development of novel educational services/products including the Climate-KIC Business School and Online Education. Previously, Mikkel Trym was the co-founder and managing director of Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab (CIEL). CIEL is a novel ‘entrepreneurial university’ alliance between the three major universities in the Copenhagen area; University of Copenhagen (UCPH), the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Copenhagen Business School (CBS). The CIEL alliance demonstrates a new model for collaboration combining the perspectives of each of the three universities to produce unique solutions with substantial societal impacts. In particular, this is relevant in I&E-educations in which CIEL works across educational disciplines, with industrial partners to find solutions to complex challenges. This cross-disciplinary approach is highly motivating for both students and researchers and produces new and often surprising solutions for industry and society at large. Overall, CIEL has proven an efficient model for creating high-level sustainable and embedded initiatives across department that effectually are fostering an entrepreneurial skill- and mindset among students and staff. For more information: www.ciel-lab.dk. In 2007 Mikkel co-funded Katapult student incubator at Copenhagen University (www.katapult.ku.dk), and in 2009 he played a key role in founding and developing the NextGEN project (www.nxtgen.dk/en/). Mikkel holds a MSc. in facilitation processes from Edinburgh University, and a MSc. in Rural Development from Copenhagen University. Mikkel has also completed the executive NCEE Entrepreneurial University Leaders Programme, at Oxford University. Mr Ville Kairamo Co-Founder and Head of Demola Ville Kairamo is Co-founder and Head of Demola Network. Demola is an award-winning co-creation platform for talented students, businesses and universities and currently Demola operates in Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia and Mexico. Previously he has been developing national start-up programmes and regional innovation factories in Finland. Ville also received the Baltic Sea Region Innovation award in 2012 and the Nokia Foundation award in 2013 for achievements in facilitating university, industry and regional innovation cooperation around Europe. Professor Andrew Penaluna Research Director Centre of Creative Entrepreneurship, University of Wales Trinity Saint David A former designer and educator with over 35 years teaching experience, Andy Penaluna is Director of the International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship at University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Andy conceptualized and chaired the UK’s Quality Assurance Agency’s Graduate Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Group, putting together unique expert guidance for the UK University sector. This has been recently been applauded as ‘standing out’ by the European Commission’s Thematic Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education. As an expert at the United Nations in Geneva, he has also contributed to an international policy toolkit and supervised ‘for innovation’ curriculum development for 36 developing countries. Andy also led teaching and learning modalities for 8 countries in South East Europe (SEECEL), and led debates at the OECD (OECD360) on developing entrepreneurial schools and colleges. In October 2014 the UK sector skills organization responsible for small business mentoring ‘SFEDI’ awarded Andy their prestigious enterprise educator award in the House of Lords at Westminster. Andy attributes the success of his work to one important premise, that of continually listening to his past students - so as to ensure ‘fit for purpose’ education. 13 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 13 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Dr Ivar Björkman Executive Director, OpenLab Stockholm Openlab is a creative centre that provides opportunities for finding solutions to challenges in society. In cooperation with our partners and other actors, we create proposals for innovative solutions for the Stockholm region. We do this across the lines between different disciplines and professions.The partners are the City of Stockholm, Stockholm County Council, Stockholm County Administrative Board, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Södertörn University. They have joined forces within OPENLAB to help place Stockholm at the forefront of knowledge development to find solutions to meet the challenges of the growing and sustainable city. UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - PEOPLE AND INNOVATION WORKSHOP 3.2: The Contribution of HE to Innovation Moderator: Professor Manfred Horvat Vienna University of Technology Manfred Horvat, born in 1941 in Vienna, is independent expert for international research and technology policies, programmes and instruments and their evaluation and impact assessment. He is honorary professor at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), and Senior Advisor of CESAER, the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research since 2008. As first director for International Research and Technology Cooperation of BIT and in the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Austria, Manfred Horvat was responsible for the operational implementation of the EU Framework Programme in Austria from 1993 to 2006. Since the beginning of 1990s, he has been member of several programme committees for European education and RTD programmes and acted as expert for STI policies and programmes advising governments and international bodies. He served as member and chairman of many expert panels appointed by the European Commission for the evaluation and impact assessment of EU programmes and instruments e.g. for the “ERA-NET Evaluation”, the “FP7 COST Mid-term Evaluation” and “The Future of Networks of Excellence”. he provided also advice for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Currently he chairs the Horizon 2020 Advisory Group for International Cooperation and is member of the Advisory Groups for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and for Spreading of Excellence and Widening Participation. For more information, see: http://www.manfredhorvat.at/ Mr Kees Eijkel Director, Kennispark Twente & Innovate & Accelerate Kees Eijkel is president of Kennispark Twente, the ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation in and around the University of Twente and Saxion University, in cooperation with the province of Overijssel, the Twente Region and the city of Enschede. As managing director of the University Holding, Kees manages the university’s participations. He has actively supported many new start-up firms. He holds a number of executive and non-executive positions in foundations and companies involved in innovation. He is board member and past president of the international foundation for commercialization of emerging technologies MANCEF. Before Kennispark, Kees was technical-commercial director of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. He holds an M.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Amsterdam and a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from the University of Twente. 14 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 14 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Mr Nikolas Tailleu Student entrepreneur and founder of Layered Prints and makerbee My name is Nikolas Taillieu and I was born in Bruges, Belgium on January 3rd, 1990. After completing my high school studies in which I majored in Ancient Greek and Math, I chose to continue my studies at Ghent University. Later this year, I will graduate as a Master of Science in Computer Sciences with a major in Software Engineering. One of the courses in my curriculum was called ‘Software Architecture’, in which I proposed to develop my own piece of software: a website where people could buy 3D printable objects. I was granted that right and over the course of a year, we iterated over several prototypes. With my team, I also participated in the ING Start Academy, a nationwide competition for young entrepreneurs in which we took home the prize for ‘Most Innovative Idea’ and ended up as second-runner up in the general competition. Meanwhile, Ghent University also officially granted me the status of ‘student-entrepreneur’. After participating in another entrepreneurial course, called ‘Dare to Start’ – we remodelled our idea and took it to an incubator (iMinds). One round of funding later, I have officially established Layered Prints Comm. V. Our company develops software for the 3D printing industry and hosts workshops and lectures about 3D printing. Dr Thomas Osburg Director, Europe Corporate Affairs, Intel Dr. Thomas H. Osburg is Director Europe Corporate Affairs and Innovation at Intel Corp. He is responsible for the strategic planning, management and communication of all Social Innovation and CSR programs across Europe. Thomas is on the Board of Directors for CSR Europe and ABIS (Academy of Business in Society); he was appointed into the Scientific MBA Committee at the University of Geneva and co-leads the Academic Board for Executive Education “Innovation Management” at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI). Prior to working for Intel, Thomas was Director Education at Texas Instruments for the Pacific Markets and thus managing the expansion of CSR and Educational programs into China, South East Asia, Australia and South America. He held several Management positions in the areas of International Management and Marketing at Texas Instruments and Autodesk, living in France, the U.S. and Germany. Thomas holds a Ph.D. (Dr.rer.pol.) degree in Marketing, Business Administration and Economics from the University of Hannover (Germany). UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - SPOTLIGHT ON…. WORKSHOP 4.1: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Moderator: Dr Keith Hermann Director of Employability, University of Surrey Keith Herrmann is Director of Employability at the University of Surrey which is ranked 6th in the UK on the 2015 Guardian University League Table. At Surrey he is responsible for leading on employability, careers and the university’s renowned student placement programme. Prior to joining Surrey he was Director at Higher Ed Research, an independent research consultancy specialising in higher education. Keith was previously Deputy Chief Executive at the Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) where he was involved in research on entrepreneurship education, leadership in higher education, innovation policy, university-business collaboration, employability, career guidance and STEM education. Keith worked previously at Durham University Business School as Director of Programmes for Small Enterprise Development where he specialised in entrepreneurship education, economic policy research, management development, leadership and knowledge transfer programmes with business. He has also worked internationally on the impact of regulation and government policy on business. Keith is passionate about education, and pro bono convenes the Careers Alliance, a strategic leadership network of 25 national organisations with an interest in career guidance, including employer bodies, trade unions and education and skills organisations. 15 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 15 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Ms Ellen Shipley UnLtd programme Ellen Shipley has worked in social entrepreneurship for 9 years, following a career as a Lecturer in Further Education. Ellen is currently a Partnership and Support Manager with UnLtd, (The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs). As part of the Social Entrepreneurship in Education (SEE Change) Team, they have provided support to 59 Universities across England; embedding a culture of social entrepreneurship within these institutes, and developing an eco-system of support for University students, staff and graduates. Work has progressed to the development of Clusters, comprising Universities; Colleges, support agencies and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), in a quest to widen the eco-system of support beyond these Institutes. Innovation Partnerships are being piloted, as well as capacity building of a number of Universities to support high potential social entrepreneurs to scale and grow. Ellen is leading on two initiatives; the development of a Knowledge and Learning Network and a Graduate Programme. International interest for the Team’s work in education has also led her to Thailand and Canada this year, providing training, development and consultancy. Ms Karen Race Deputy Director Department of Academic Enterprise Teeside University Karen Race, Deputy Director of Academic Enterprise at Teesside University, has worked at the university-business interface for some 14 years. She has designed, won funding for and implemented a wide range of project activity and also been responsible for setting up the business engagement infrastructure at Teesside. She has been driving forward the University’s social enterprise strategy for 4 years and taken it from strength to strength. Teesside University now has a community of staff and students who are aware and enthusiastic about social enterprise, a track record of starting social enterprises and relationships with key national organisations such as UnLtd. Karen will talk about how this has been achieved and reflect on the differences between engaging students into enterprise per se and social enterprise and on the implications for their employability. Karen is a member of the Institute of Economic Development, reflecting her career prior to joining the HE sector. Mr Carl-Eric Anspach “éco-conseillers” at Local (cr)Eaters 54 ans, lives in Bruxelles. Graduates from Gembloux faculties, as bioengineer. He worked as business development manager in food industry and commodities. He’s now “éco-conseiller” since 2014. What is éco-conseiller? It’s a kind of environmental/sustainable development adviser (he’s not an expert in specific areas but he used to work with a network of experts). So, all the environmental thematics (sustainable food, waste, energy, biodiversity greenbuilding...) can be treated by him. He’s a kind of coach, an adviser who implements change’s strategies in organizations (entreprise, public sector and institutions, municipalities, associations, NGO...). He promotes a sustainable society with democratic and participative governance as a principle. Mr Raphaël Lemmens “éco-conseillers” at Local (cr)Eaters 29 ans, lives in Bruxelles. Graduates from communication and adverstising school. He worked for 3 years as a marketing assistant. He’s now “éco-conseiller” since 2014. What is éco-conseiller? It’s a kind of environmental/sustainable development adviser (he’s not an expert in specific areas but he used to work with a network of experts). So, all the environmental thematics (sustainable food, waste, energy, biodiversity greenbuilding...) can be treated by him. He’s a kind of coach, an adviser who implements change’s strategies in organizations (entreprise, public sector and institutions, municipalities, associations, NGO...). He promotes a sustainable society with democratic and participative governance as a principle. 16 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 16 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Dr Ioannis Nasioulas Scientific Director, Social Economy Institute, Thessaloniki Ioannis Nasioulas is Scientific Director of the Social Economy Institute in Thessaloniki, GREECE. He is Doctor of Sociology at the University of the Aegean, under Scholarship of the Propondis Charitable Foundation, with research focus on Social Economy, Social Enterprises and Impact Measurement of Social Investments. He is member of the European Policy Strategy Centre (EPSC) Visitor’s Programme expert group; member of the European Commission’s Group of Experts on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES) and Sub Group on “Social Impact Measurement”, forming part of the “Social Business Initiative” for the development of Social Economy and Social Enterprises in the EU. Ioannis Nasioulas is also Expert to DG “Enlargement” TAIEX, facilitating the transfer of the aquis communautaire to EU candidate and connected countries. He is Evaluator for research and development projects funded by the European Union’s “HORIZON 2020” programme and by international public and private authorities. UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COOPERATION - SPOTLIGHT ON…. WORKSHOP 4.2: HE and Innovation in Regions and Cities Moderator: Mr Richard Tuffs Director, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) Richard Tuffs has been director of the ERRIN network since October 2010. ERRIN is a Brussels-based platform of regions that promotes the regional dimension of the European research and innovation agenda. ERRIN supports European project and raising the profile of its member regions in Brussels. Following a university career, Richard has been working in the regional dimension of European policy in territorial cohesion and research for many years and worked for the Kent and the West Midlands offices in Brussels before joining ERRIN. Richard has been in involved in numerous EU projects such as science cities and communication, Future Internet, Smart Specialisation, smart cities and eco-innovation. He is a member of the Smart Specialisation Mirror Group established by the European Commission and was the rapporteur for the European Commission expert group on the Capital of Innovation prize launched in 2013. Richard is also on the European Commission’s External Advisory Group for Science With and For Society. He is often invited to moderate and present at conferences on European research and innovation topics. Richard has a degree in geography and social sciences and master’s degrees in town planning, applied linguistics and business administration. His career spans town planning, applied linguistics, language and management training, university lecturing and research and education administration. Pofessor Ivan Svetlik Rector, University of Ljubljana Ivan Svetlik, born 1950, is Rector and professor of Human Resources and Social Policy at Ljubljana University, Slovenia. He was vice rector of the University of Ljubljana (2005-2008), minister of labour, family and social affairs of Slovenia (2008-2012) and was a member of the editorial committee of the European Journal on Vocational Training edited by CEDEFOP. He has been involved in the country’s labour market, social security, education and training reforms and in consulting in these fields in the Balkan countries and in HRM in companies. His main research topics and interests are: work, employment, education, human resources, social security, quality of life. He has co-operated in international networks and institutions, such as ITF, CEDEFOP and CRANET network on human resource management research. He published over 400 articles, book chapters and books. 17 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 17 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Petr Chládek Regional Government of South Moravia Petr Chládek graduated from biology and geography with specialisation of regional innovation systems (Charles University in Prague, CZ). He has got nine years of professional experience in the regional innovation policy field. He participated on facilitation of a bioinformatics cluster, acted as a country correspondent of Erawatch project, last seven years he has been responsible for managing Regional Innovation Strategy for South Moravia. He has also participated on several international research projects e.g.: “Constructing Regional Advantage: Towards State- Of-The-Art Regional Innovation System Policies In Europe“, “Identification of Spatially Relevant Aspects of the Information Society” or „International Comparison of Urban Technology and Innovation Policies“. Professor Martin Bareš MD, Ph.D., deputy rector and vice-rector for development at Masaryk University, Brno At Masaryk University, he is responsible for strategic projects funded from ERDF, technology transfer and cooperation with regional government. Professional background: consultant in neurology (since 1999), movement disorders specialist, clinical neurophysiologist. Since 2009 full professor of neurology at the 1st Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno. Principal investigator at Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University (since 2011). His research is focused on movement disorders, including Parkinson´s disease, dystonia, essential tremor and spasticity. Martin Bare is an active member of several societies (Chair of the Czech Movement Disorders Society; Member of Executive Committee of the Czech Society for Clinical Neurophysiology; Member of the editorial board of Clinical Neurophysiology Journal, Society for Neuroscience, Movement Disorders Society, Society for the Research on the Cerebellum. Mr Jas Bains MBE, Executive Director Accord Group Jas Bains is Chief Executive of Ashrammoseley and in 2011 was awarded an MBE for his outstanding services to housing and community cohesion. Under Jas’s stewardship, Ashrammoseley has successfully configured from a specialist BME housing provider, to a mainstream community cohesion catalyst within housing and neighbourhood development, which has won three national awards. Jas is the Accord Group lead for socio-economic regeneration overseeing work to create jobs, skills and enterprise for local communities. He was previously a Board Member of Advantage West Midlands and is currently a committee member of two nationally influential social research organisations - Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Centre for Social Justice. Jas also co-founded socialbreakfast.org in 2009. Ms Janette Gilder Director, Research and External Engagement, University of Wolverhampton Jan has worked in the University since 2003. In this time she has used her business development experience to ensure the University opportunity is made available to support regeneration and economic growth. Jan has experience of working in partnership with private and public sector organisations and between 2003 and 2010 instigated the development and delivery (to closure) of £50M worth of University projects to improve the competitiveness of local business courtesy the European Union. The University of Wolverhampton is proud of its achievements within the region taking advantage of Jan’s position to lead on Black Country Smart Specialisation plans and, regional Innovation policy associated with European Structural Funds in conjunction with Local Enterprise Partnerships. 18 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 18 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — PLENARY 6th March Ms Rebecca Allinson Director, Technopolis Ltd Rebecca Allinson is a Director at Technopolis and is responsible for projects/work in the field of European and UK public policy, specifically related to the Higher Education, Research, Information Society and Enterprise Policy This includes research, project management and evaluation. Rebecca has both evaluated and taught evaluation theory and practice. Rebecca is also the Principal of the group-wide thematic area of higher education in Technopolis. Rebecca’s work in the last few years has concentrated on issues of Higher Education reforms and the interplay between education, research and innovation. PANEL DISCUSSION - University-Business Cooperation in Easternpartnership countries Moderator: Mr Harald Hartung Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Education and Cuture At the European Commission in DG for Education and Culture, Mr Hartung has held management positions as head of unit in the fields of international co-operation and programmes, the Jean Monnet programme, multilingualism, culture, citizenship and new technologies in the audiovisual sector. From 1996 to 1999 he worked as Counsellor for industrial affairs at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU. From 1994 to 1996 he was a national expert at the European Commission in DG XXIII in charge of the Euro Info Centres for Small and Medium-Sized Companies in the EFTA countries and Germany. From 1992 to 1994 he co-ordinated the free movement of goods on the EFTA EEA part in the EFTA secretariat. 1988 he set up the representation of the Federation of Austrian Industrialists to the European Employers organisation UNICE and to the EU institutions. He headed this office until 1992. Mr Hartung started his professional carrier in 1986 as an expert in the department of international trade and international monetary policy at the Federation of Austrian Industrialists in Vienna. For over 12 years, he regularly contributed to the biggest Austrian monthly economic magazine “Gewinn” as “our man in Brussels”. Mr Hartung holds a master degree in history from the University of Vienna and a post graduate diploma in International Law and International Economics from the Law faculty of the University of Vienna. Ms Maryna Saprykina CEO, Centre of CSR Development Maryna has been CEO for CSR Ukraine for 5 years. CSR Ukraine, a national partner of CSR Europe, is a non-governmental organization with 40 companies-members. The organization activity focuses on 4 key topics including education (others are CSR in conflict times, CSR in public agencies and brand of Ukraine). Under education priority Maryna has founded the B2U (Business-Universities) Laboratory, initiated Ukrainian Forum “Business and Universities” (2013, 2014), has been co-author of research “Quality in Higher Education: Role of Partnerships” (2013) and a consultant of “Employer Branding: How to attract Generation Y” (2014). Currently is working on uniting businesses and other stakeholders around the issue of Ukrainian education development. An experienced certified CSR Consultant, an author of 2 CSR text-books and more than 20 CSR-focused publications, MBA candidate (University of Sheffield). 19 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 19 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Professor Irina Zolotaryova Head of Information Systems Department, Kharkiv National University of Economics Iryna ZOLOTARYOVA, Professor, Head of Information Systems Department of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Ukraine), Member of the National Methodical Commission in Computer Science and Information Systems, Member of the Ukrainian Higher Education Reform Experts Team, Head of Ukrainian-French Master Double Diploma Program MBA “Business Informatics” with University Lyon-2 (from 2005); Head of Ukrainian-French Master Double Diploma Program MBA “The creation of new innovative companies” with University Montpellier-2 (from 2014); PC Coordinator of TEMPUS Project “Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion (SUCSID)”; Member of the Association “IT Ukraine”; Coordinator of the Center of Innovation Knowledge of World Bank in KhNUE. Mr Diego Pavía Chief Executive Officer, KIC InnoEnergy Diego Pavía, born 1963, studied electrical engineering and specialized in electronics and automation at the Polytechnical University of Madrid. For four years Diego was heading the Energy and Utilities Global Business Unit for Schlumberger, with worldwide span and more than 600M$ of turnover. From 2002 till 2010 Diego was CEO of Atos Origin, a leading international IT service provider, where he was responsible for Spain and South America, about 9000 employees, and an annual turnover of EUR 450 million. From 2006 to 2010, Diego also chaired the Spanish Consultancy Association (AEC), in which all leading consulting companies in Spain are represented. Since 2010 Diego is CEO of KIC InnoEnergy, the leading engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable energy in Europe, with a business plan in 2015 with an ambition of 385M€. Along his life Diego has been involved in the creation of 7 start-ups. Professor Per Michael Johansen Rector, Aalborg University Per Michael Johansen is Rector (President) at Aalborg University, Denmark, since May 2014. Professor Johansen has extensive experience in research, education, administration and management. Prior to his current position, Professor Johansen was dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark. He holds a Master of Science in Engineering, is professor of Physics and holds a DSc in Physics. His research specialties are physical optics, materials, lasers and non-linear optics. Per Michael Johansen conducted his engineering studies and completed his master and PhD degrees from Aalborg University. He worked for 15 years at Risø National Laboratory as senior scientist, Head of Research programme and a research professor. In 2005 he was appointed president of Svendborg International Maritime Academy, a merger between a school of marine engineering and a school of navigation. 20 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 20 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — ROUND TABLE: University-Business Cooperation for Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness: “Supporting Institutional Change” Moderator: Mr Paul Hofheinz President and Executive Director, The Lisbon Council asbl Paul Hofheinz is president of the Lisbon Council, an independent, non-partisan think tank based in Brussels, Belgium, which he co-founded in 2003. He also serves as executive director. After a distinguished career in journalism, Mr. Hofheinz co-founded the Lisbon Council, where he researches, supervises research and hosts events on topics ranging from innovation, knowledge-economy, human capital and financial-market reform to economic development and European politics. He frequently appears on CNBC, Bloomberg and BBC, and has written for or been quoted in more than four dozen leading newspapers and academic journals. Mr. Hofheinz also oversees daily management of the Lisbon Council, where he is in charge of the organisation’s growth and expansion. In 2011, he served as advisor to the Polish government, providing strategic input into the country’s first-ever European Union Presidency in the second half of 2011. Before leaving journalism, Mr. Hofheinz worked as a writer and editor at The Wall Street Journal, covering such diverse topics as European integration, financial-market regulation, emerging markets and Russian politics. In 1998-1999, he was managing editor of Central European Economic Review, published by The Wall Street Journal Europe. Prior to that, Mr. Hofheinz served as associate editor of Fortune, America’s leading business magazine, including stints as bureau chief in Bonn and Moscow. He began his journalism career in London as a reporter for Time magazine. Mr. Hofheinz holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Russian politics from London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in history from Yale, where he received the prestigious John Addison Porter and Dean Henry P. Wright prizes upon graduation. In 1992, he received the Olive Branch Award from New York University’s Center for War, Peace and Media Studies for a three-part series of articles in Fortune on the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. He speaks fluent English, French and Russian. Professor Helen Dannetun Vice-Chancellor of Linköping University, President of European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) Dr Helen Dannetun is professor of physics and vice-chancellor at Linköping University. She acquired her MSc in applied physics and electrical engineering at Linköping University in 1980 and her doctorate, with a dissertation on catalytic reactions on metallic surfaces, in 1987. Following the completion of her doctorate, Dr. Dannetun continued her academic career: Postdoctoral research fellow 1988; Senior lecturer 1994; Professor of physics 2002; Head of the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) 2000-2003; Dean of the Institute of Technology 2004-2011; Vice-chancellor of Linköping University 2011- present. Dr Helen Dannetun has been a member of the Swedish Technology Delegation and the Swedish Government’s Research Policy Advisory Board. She is chair of the Association of Swedish Higher Education and speaker of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities. In 1994 the students at the Institute of Technology awarded her the ‘Golden Carrot’ for excellence in teaching. Ms Elisabeth Gehrke Chairperson of the European Students’ Union Elisabeth Gehrke is currently Chairperson of the European Students’ Union. Elisabeth is originally from Sweden where she studied Gender Studies at Lund University. She has held both local and national mandates, including being vice-chair of the Lund university student union association and the National Unions of students in Sweden. She has been on all levels of governance at Lund university, including being an integrated member of the University leadership during her local mandate and a member of the Lund university board for two years. On behalf of ESU she co-chairs the BFUG working group on Social Dimension and Life-long learning. She is also a member of the Council of Europe Expert Group on Higher Education. The European Students’ Union (ESU) is the umbrella organisation of 47 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 39 countries. The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the the interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies. Through its members, ESU represents over 15 million students in Europe. 21 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 21 02/03/15 12:54 — 6 th University-Business Forum — Mr Henrik Klitgaard Vice-President, UCB Henrik Klitgaard, PhD, is currently Vice President, UCB Fellow, Neurosciences Therapeutic Area and is located in Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium. He received a PhD in Human Physiology in 1989 at the August Krogh Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. During his university career, Dr. Klitgaard worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and at Harvard University, Boston, Mass. Dr. Klitgaard has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers, 15 reviews and book chapters, and is a frequent speaker at neuroscience and epilepsy science meetings. His memberships and accolades include a position on the U.S. National Institute of Health’s epilepsy advisory committee, membership on the Neurobiology Committees of both the International League Against Epilepsy and American Epilepsy Society, and a seat on the Scientific Advisory Committee for CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy). In 2013 he was the recipient of the Accelerator Award of the Epilepsy Therapy Project and Epilepsy Foundation for his contribution to the advancement of therapies for the treatment of epilepsy. For nearly 25 years, Dr. Klitgaard has conducted antiepileptic drug (AED) discovery in the pharmaceutical industry. He has contributed numerous publications on basic and applied aspects of epilepsy research and has frequently been an invited speaker at epilepsy congresses and meetings. During his career in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Klitgaard has been involved in the discovery and development of AEDs at both Novo Nordisk A/S and at UCB. He is also currently involved in the development of several clinical and preclinical AED candidates. Professor Dainius Pavalkis Minister of Education and Science, Lithuania Dainius Pavalkis was born on 5 May 1960 in Kaunas; both his parents were engineers. He graduated from Kaunas Saulės Secondary School in 1978. In 1984 he graduated from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences [former Kaunas Medical Institute] with the qualification of medical doctor. He continued his studies at the clinical residency programme and later completed post-graduate studies. Since 13 December 2012 Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. Prof. D. Pavalkis has been an intern on more than 50 occasions since 1995 at the best-known clinics in the UK, USA, Austria, Italy, Germany, etc. He has published over 280 scientific papers, and is a co-author of two textbooks. He has supervised or advised doctoral students on their dissertations. He has given over 70 presentations and lectures at international events; he has been a guest lecturer on more than 30 occasions. Prof. Pavalkis has been a visiting professor at universities in Athens, London, and Prague. He is a member of various international medical organisations. He is also a member of the editorial boards of Lithuanian and foreign medical journals. He is a member of the Labour Party. Mr Xavier Prats Monné Director General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture Xavier Prats Monné is the Director-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. Since 2011 as Deputy Director-General, he has been responsible for EU policies in the field of education and training, and for the EU education programmes for 2014-2020 period, including Erasmus+ and Marie Sklodowska Curie. Since August 2014, as Director-General, he is also responsible for EU policies in the field of culture, youth and sport, and for the Creative Europe programme. He represents the European Commission on the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). From 2007 to 2010 he served as Director for employment policy, and as one of the five founding members of the EU Impact Assessment Board, reporting to the President of the European Commission. He completed his primary and secondary education at the Istituto Massimo of Rome, Italy. He holds degrees in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain); in Development Cooperation from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM; Paris, France); and in European Studies from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium), where he graduated first of the Class of 198182 and served as assistant professor. He is from Spain, fluent in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Catalan. Mr Marc Hansen State Secretary for Higher Education and Research, Luxemburg, (incoming EU presidency, Jul-Dec 2015) Marc Hansen was appointed Secretary of State of Education, Children and Youth, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research on 28 March 2014 in the coalition government formed by the Democratic Party (DP), the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP) and the Green Party (“déi gréng”). Marc Hansen started his professional career with DNR (Den Neie Radio). He worked at RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg and RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg from 1995 to 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he served as a parliamentary attaché. From 2011 to 2014, Marc Hansen was the chief executive offi cer and managing director of Éditions Lëtzebuerger Journal. He is also the cofounder of several innovative start-ups in the information technology sector. 22 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 22 02/03/15 12:54 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 23 02/03/15 12:54 2015_EDUC busforum6-speakers.indd 24 02/03/15 12:54
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