No 18 GREATER KINGSTON SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION INC. 2015 Edition WELCOME TO THE 2015 SOFTBALL SEASON The Greater Kingston Softball Association (GKSA) has been serving the youth of Kingston for many years, providing a safe and fun way for all ages to enjoy this great sport. Many players start playing at the “T-Ball” level and continue to play summer after summer up to the Jr. Ladies and Jr. Men’s divisions. Our volunteers are hard at work year round to try to bring the best softball experience possible to our children. We are always available for suggestions or ideas. Please feel free to contact either myself or any other member throughout the season. If you should wish to become involved at a great level with the association, simply contact any member of the executive. You can visit our website at throughout the season to check on schedules, standings, diamond locations and contact information. I can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone: 613-331-5244. The registration deadline is April 11th. If your registration is received after that date, your child MAY be placed on a waiting list, and team and coaching requests MAY NOT be possible. To avoid any disappointment, register early! Enjoy your season and above all HAVE FUN!!! Kyra Funk, President, GKSA T-BALL - IT'S A BLAST! We at GKSA are looking forward to this summer’s T-Ball season. We have continued to see this division grow. As a result I will be increasing this division to 10 teams this season, also, hoping to reduce the amount of players on each team. As always I am looking for coaches and co-coaches. I do have some experienced coaches that I am welcoming back this season as their children are not moving up a division and their experience on the field will be a valuable asset to our rookie coaches. If you feel you cannot commit to being at every game either for work or other reasons maybe co-coaching is the answer! At this level, parents are generally at the diamond anyways and it doesn’t just have to be parents who coach, Grandparents are welcome too! Please feel free to contact me. Brenda Harmsen, T-Ball Convener: [email protected] PLAY BINGO AND SUPPORT THE LEAGUE! Bingo funds help keep the fees for players at an affordable level while providing the much needed equipment and uniforms for all of the teams that play under our GKSA banner. The bingos are run by Paul Webster and his trusty group of volunteers and will provide a large amount of the monies needed for the organization. Please visit the Treasure Chest Bingo located at 1600 Bath Road. WAITING LIST The number of teams in each division will be calculated at our meeting after the last registration on April 11th. Please make sure that your registration form reaches us by then to avoid having your child’s name go on a waiting list. 1 GREATER KINGSTON SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION INC. REGISTRATION OUTLETS To register, please fill out the enclosed application(s), include payment and return as follows: By Mail: Box 22091, Kingston K7M 8S5 In Person: a) Portsmouth Olympic Harbour - Saturday, March 28, 10am-4pm or ... b) Bayridge Public School (Hudson Dr) - Saturday, April 11, 9am-1pm Drop Off: Glenburnie Grocery (payment by cheque only - extra applications will be available) Cheques: Payable to G.K.S.A. Inc. N.S.F. Non-sufficient funds will be subject to a $25.00 handling charge. Waiver: Please ensure the date of birth and telephone numbers are correct and sign the waiver form on the reverse side. With maximum 12 players per team any late registrants will be placed on the first available team where there is room or will be put on a waiting list if there is no space available. Division T-Ball (Co-ed) Jr. Mite (Co-ed) Mite (Co-ed) Squirt (Girls) Squirt (Boys) Novice (Girls) Peewee (Boys) Bantam Midget/Junior Select Rep Age 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 11-12 13-14 13-14 15-17 18-27 Birth Year 2010-2009 2008-2007 2006-2005 2004-2003 2004-2003 2002-2001 2002-2001 2000-1998 1997-1988 Game Night Monday Thursday Wednesday** Thursday** Thursday** Wednesday** Thursday** Cost $35.00* $75.00* $75.00* $75.00 $75.00 $100.00*** $100.00*** $115.00*** $115.00*** $100 + expenses $250 + expenses Notes: *Family rate is $125 for T-Ball, Jr. Mite or Mite divisions only. **Game night will vary if the division plays intercommunity. ***Novice/Peewee and above - a reduction of $10.00 for any player wishing to use their intact black ball pants from the previous year. SEASON DURATION: May – August, 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONVENERS: Below, please find a list of all divisions, conveners and their contact information. T-Ball Jr. Mite Mite Squirt Girls Squirt Boys Novice Girls Peewee Boys Bantam Girls Bantam Boys Jr. Ladies Midget/Jr. Men Select Brenda Harmsen Jennifer Joubert Co-convener vacant Bob Hatcher Paul Murray Paul Murray Vacant Phil Tomsett Bob Hatcher Phil Tomsett Vacant Phil Tomsett Kelly Moore 613-389-7280 613-217-5663 [email protected] [email protected] 613-547-6936 613-389-7956 613-389-7956 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 613-389-6371 613-547-6936 613-389-6371 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 613-389-6371 613-449-3784 [email protected] [email protected] 2 GREATER KINGSTON SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION INC. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Kyra Funk Kelly Moore Jon Swaine Paul Webster President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President 613-331-5244 613-449-3784 613-572-0926 613-542-7247 Past-President Secretary Treasurer Mike Snelgrove Brenda Harmsen Dennis Linton 613-572-2127 613-389-7280 613-389-7861 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Diamond Scheduler Jon Swaine 613-572-0926 Sponsorship Diane Linton 613-389-7861 Registrar Sharon Sullivan 613-389-9474 Webmasters Jon Swaine Bob Hatcher 613-572-0926 613-547-6936 Umpire-in-Chief Equipment Managers [email protected] [email protected] Jim Peters 613-546-3637 Mike Snelgrove 613-572-2127 Bryan Beaubien 613-634-8010 613-985-2418 Ball Phone Line 613-530-4930 COACHES MEETING: - Saturday, May 2 – location TBA - T-Ball, Jr. Mite and Mite 9:00 a.m. and all other levels 10:15 a.m. - All team coaches/representatives are required to attend this meeting. EQUIPMENT PICK-UP: - Saturday, May 2 at Kingston U-Lock Storage, 685 Development Drive, Locker #G23-G24 ON-LINE BOOKING OF DIAMONDS FOR COACHES WILL CONTINUE For the upcoming 2015 Ball season, we will continue to use our website for coaches to view their scheduled games and practices. Also this online schedule will help maximize our use of the diamonds allocated by the City. Coaches will be able to see unused diamond times and book rain-out games. Then they can arrange for umpires and a diamond liner. In addition, coaches will notify us in advance when they will not be using their scheduled games or practices by unbooking that diamond time which will free up that diamond for other teams. This will save numerous phone calls and ensure that diamonds get used. UMPIRING We are looking to improve our umpire base with young and adult candidates. Anyone interested in becoming an umpire is asked to please contact Umpire Gerry Tummillo at [email protected] or 613-634-5515. SPONSORSHIP - FROM 2014 SEASON Our gratitude goes out to the following sponsors from the 2014 season. We can’t even begin a season without your help. Thank you for being there for our kids. We would like to encourage all parents to please support our sponsors whenever possible, as they support us when we need them. Anyone wishing to sponsor his or her child’s team can contact Diane Linton at 613-389-7861 or 613-530-4930 (ball line). Sponsorship fees remain unchanged at $350 (1 color logo), $375 (2 color logo), $400 (3 color logo). A standing ovation in thanks to all the sponsors for your past patronage, as we are nothing without you!!! Aba Sports Dr. John Todd Kingston Dodge McDonald’s Restaurant Primetime Custom Tim Horton’s (Agnew Food Serv.) Alliance Wireless Communication Glenburnie Grocery Larochelle Drywall Parade of Paints Queen’s University Winmar General Contractors 3 Don Wyld Realtor Harmsen Construction Lennox Fencing Play It Again Sports Specialty Trophies GREATER KINGSTON SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION INC. SELECT PROGRAM Select players participate in competitive tournament play in addition to playing on their House League teams. The program is designed to provide house league players with an opportunity for more challenging play without the time commitment needed to play on a full-time representative team. The Greater Kingston Softball Association intends to develop select teams at each division where interest is shown. Select teams will have additional practice time and participate in out-of-town tournaments as well as provincial championships. If you are interested in participating in the select program, or if you are interested in coaching this exciting development opportunity please make a note on your registration form or call Kelly Moore at 613-449-3784 ([email protected]) for more information. GIRLS SQUIRT REP SOFTBALL TEAM Last year, the Kingston Kobras U12 Squirt Girls Rep Team had a very successful year at the provincial level, finishing in the middle of the pack as a young team. This year, we are a year older and a year wiser and we’re looking forward to an even better result on the field. More importantly, the girls learned a lot of lessons about friendship, sportsmanship, competition and fair play and we can’t wait to get together for more fun this season. The U12 Girls Rep Team is a committed traveling team that usually practices twice per week, plays a game per week and enters into five tournaments – including the “World Series of Softball” in Mississauga, and the Provincial Championships in Windsor in the middle of August. They always compete hard and have lots of fun while doing so. Our coaching team is highly experienced and enthusiastic and work closely with the girls to improve their skills and make the team as competitive as possible. Keep an eye on the GKSA website or facebook page to follow how these girls are doing throughout the season! For more information, contact Jon Swaine at [email protected]. PITCHING CLINIC Once again GKSA is hosting a pitching development program called CANpitch. This being our 4th year running, it has been an overwhelming success! It is a 6-week course, one hour per week, beginning Thursday, April 2, 2015. We will run two sessions a night (6:30 and 7:30 p.m.), with the experienced children in the later time slot. Participants must provide their own catcher. It will be held at Bayridge Public School on Hudson Drive. Cost is $90.40 taxes included per applicant – these fees go directly to Softball Ontario. Instruction is provided by an Ontario regional pitching instructor with Softball Canada’s CANpitch program. The program provides each participant with proper instruction on grip, wrist snap, arm rotation and stride. Also emphasis is placed on smooth, rhythmic wrist and arm action. Anyone can learn the basic fundamental skills of windmill pitching! There is no specific minimum or maximum age to participate in the CANpitch clinics. Please visit the GKSA website for more information on CANpitch: There is limited enrolment and last year it was quickly filled – late registrants may be wait listed. Please contact Brenda Harmsen at [email protected]. 4
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