Special Guest Vesna Grubacevic of QT Transformation Will present: How to Master the Art of Self Promotion Meet Likeminded Women and network: As women in business you know your business best but have you mastered the art of promoting yourself with confidence and flair? Come along and experience the tips of the trade from guest Vesna Grubacevic of QT Transformation www.qtransformation.com To register or find out more please call Marian on 9581 4786. Childcare provided courtesy of Juggles, Cheltenham. Should you require this great service, please reserve your place without delay. Date: Tuesday 16 September 2008 Time: 1.15 pm – 2.45 pm Venue: City of Kingston Come along to the meeting and focus on 1230 Nepean Highway building new business alliances with Cheltenham 3192 likeminded business women and participate in a networking activity. The timing of the event is scheduled to fit in Cost: $20.00 – bookings essential before the school pickup between 1.15pm – 2.45pm. Visit our website www.kingstonbusiness.com.au for other exciting events Please complete and send to: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UNIT CITY OF KINGSTON PO BOX 1000 MENTONE VIC 3194 Ground Floor Parking Only OR FAX TO 9581 4662 PLEASE RETURN BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS – WEDNESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER 2008 YES! I WILL BE ATTENDING KINGSTON BUSINESS WOMEN’S NETWORK – TUESDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2008 PLACE: CITY OF KINGSTON, 1230 NEPEAN HIGHWAY, CHELTENHAM TIME: 1.15 – 2.45PM COST: $20.00 PER PERSON Business: Name: Type of Business: Address: Suburb: Postcode: Phone: Facsimile: Web: Email: Do you require a complimentary childcare place? YES NO PLEASE CIRCLE: Payment (circle): Amount? Cheque VISA $ MasterCard Bankcard AMEX Cheques to be made payable to “City of Kingston” Credit Card No.: / Expiry: / / / Name on Card: Signature: TAX INVOICE Kingston City Council A.B.N. 80 640 377 247 Internal Use Only: 1110000189 (GST Code 01) Personal information collected by Council is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 1989. The personal information will be held securely and used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required or permitted by legislation. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council's Privacy Officer. A full copy of our Privacy Policy may be obtained from the Kingston website: http://www.kingston.vic.gov.au or from one of our Customer Service Centres.
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