Communications in History: Printed texts during historical events

Communications in History:
Printed texts during historical events
1436 •  Johannes Gutenberg develops first prin2ng from movable type (using metal) •  Ability to produce books was limited. •  Books available in masses. •  Literacy increased drama2cally. 1755 •  A Dic$onary of the English Language published by Samuel Johnson •  Admired for his wiHy defini2ons •  Preserved & Protected English language Influenced classical literature & con2nues to be used by writers, academics & publishers. 1906 •  The Jungle is published by Upton Sinclair •  Creates new federal food safety laws 1947 •  Publica2on of Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl
•  Significance: True authen2city •  Translated in more than 60 languages •  Became the world’s best-­‐known memoir of the Holocaust 1963 •  Publica2on of BeHy Freidan The Feminine Mys$que •  Sparked beginning of second-­‐wave feminism •  Directed women’s aHen2on to the broad social basis of their problems, s2rring many to poli2cal & social ac2vism. 1960s: Civil Rights Movement •  Inspira2on behind choosing this topic: The Help •  Another example– Publica2on of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – full of examples of racism •  S2ll used in high schools 1971 •  Michael S. Hart’s inven2on of electronic books or “eBooks” •  Founded Project Gutenberg– recognized as one of the earliest & longest las2ng online literary projects. 1980s-­‐Today •  20th Century “Digital Revolu2on” – decline of print books •  1981-­‐ IBM releases the first personal computer •  1990s-­‐ Blogosphere ; digital communi2es •  2010-­‐ Amazon announces sales of eBooks for Kindle & outnumbers sales of hardcover & paperbacks