FIRST SUPPLEMENT DATED 3 MARCH 2015 TO THE EURO MEDIUM TERM NOTE PROGRAMME BASE PROSPECTUS DATED 2 OCTOBER 2014 OF GDF SUEZ (incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of France) as Issuer €25,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme This first supplement (the “First Supplement”) is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with, the Base Prospectus dated 2 October 2014 (the “Base Prospe ctus”) prepared in relation to the €25,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme of GDF SUEZ (the “ Programme”). The Base Prospectus as supplemented constitutes a base prospectus for the purpose of the Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 as amended by Directive 2010/73/EU (the “Prospe ctus Directive”). The Autorité des marchés financiers (the “ AMF”) has granted visa n°14-534 on 2 October 2014 to the Base Prospectus. Application has been made for approval of this First Supplement to the AMF in its capacity as competent authority pursuant to article 212-2 of its Règlement Général which implements the Prospectus Directive in France. This First Supplement constitutes a supplement to the Base Prospectus, and has been prepared for the purpose of article 16.1 of the Prospectus Directive and of article 212-25 of the AMF’s Règlement Général. T erms defined in the Base Prospectus have the same meaning when used in the First Supplement. This First Supplement has been prepared for the purposes of (i) incorporating by reference the English language audited consolidated financial statements of GDF SUEZ for the financial year ended 31 December 2014 and (ii) updating the “ Recent Developments” section of the Base Prospectus. Save as disclosed in this First Supplement, there has been no other significant new factor, material mistake or inaccuracy relating to information included in the Base Prospectus that could significantly and negatively affect the assessment of the Notes. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between (a) any statements in this First Supplement and (b) any other statement in, or incorporated in, the Base Prospectus, the statements in the First Supplement will prevail. In relation to any offer of Notes to the public, and provided that the conditions of article 16(2) of the Prospectus Directive are fulfilled, investors who have already agreed to purchase or subscribe for Notes to be issued under the Programme before this First Supplement is published, have the right according to article 16 (2) of the Prospectus Directive, to withdraw their acceptances within a time limit of two (2) working days after the publication of this First Supplement, i.e. until 6 March 2015. Copies of this First Supplement (a) will be available on the website of the AMF (, and (b) will be available on the website of the Issuer ( A printed copy of the First Supplement may also be obtained, free of charge, at the registered office of the Issuer during normal business hours. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................3 SUMMA RY OF THE PROGRAMME .............................................................................................................................4 RÉSUM É DU PROGRAMM E EN FRANÇAIS (SUMMA RY IN FRENCH OF THE PROGRAMM E) ...........7 DOCUM ENTS ON DISPLAY .........................................................................................................................................10 DOCUM ENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE................................................................................................11 DESCRIPTION OF GDF SUEZ ......................................................................................................................................17 RECENT DEVELOPM ENTS OF THE ISSUER .........................................................................................................18 GENERA L INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................44 PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE FIRST SUPPLEM ENT .................45 2 INTRODUCTION The eighth paragraph of the Introduction on page 3 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: “The consoli dated financi al statements of GDF S UEZ for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013 have been prepared in accordance wi th International Fi nancial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and endorsed by the European Union.” 3 SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME Paragraphs B.2, B.10, B.12, B.13, B.14 and B.15 of the section entitled “Summary of the Programme” on pages 10 to 16 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: Section B – Issuer “B.2 The domicile and legal form of the Issuer, the legislation under which the Issuer operates and its country of incorporation GDF SUEZ is incorporated in France and under the laws of France as a société anonyme (limited liab ility co mpany) with a board of d irectors subject to legal and regulatory provisions applicable to limited liab ility co mmercial co mpanies and any specific laws governing the Issuer and its bylaws. GDF SUEZ is subject in particu lar to law 46-628 of 8 April 1946 governing the nationalizat ion of electricity and gas, law 2003-8 of 3 January 2003 governing gas and electricity markets and energy public service, law 2004-803 of 9 August 2004 governing electricity and gas public service and electricity and gas companies, and law 20061537 of 7 December 2006 governing the energy sector. GDF SUEZ is reg istered at the Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Nanterre under reference nu mber 542 107 651. At 31 December 2014, the share capital of GDF SUEZ stood at €2,435,285,011 divided into 2,435,285,011 fully paid-up shares with a par value of €1 each. Its registered and principal office is located at 1, place Samuel de Champlain, 92400 Courbevoie, France. B.10 Qualifications in the auditors’ report The statutory auditors’ reports on the consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2014 do not contain qualifications. B.12 Selected financial information There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer or the Group nor significant change in the financial or trad ing position of the Issuer and the Group since 31 December 2014. • The following tables show the Group’s key figures related to the income statement and balance sheet (consolidated figures) as at 31 December 2014 and 2013. 4 B.13 Recent material events particular to the Issuer’s solvency B.14 Extent to which the Issuer is dependent upon other entities within the Group GDF SUEZ (formerly referred to as Gaz de France) is the ultimate hold ing company of the Group. Ho wever, GDF SUEZ operates its own business; it does not act as a simple hold ing company vis-à-vis its subsidiaries. At the end of 2014, the number of GDF SUEZ’s direct or indirect subsidiaries (controlling interest) was approximately 1,600. 5 B.15 Principal activities of the Issuer The Group is active throughout the entire energy value chain, in electricity and natural gas, upstream to downstream in: • purchasing, production and marketing of natural gas and electricity; • transmission, storage, distribution, management and development of major gas infrastructures; and • energy services. As at 31 December 2014, GDF SUEZ is organised at operational level into five business lines: • the Energy Europe business line; • the Energy International business line; • the Global Gas & LNG business line; • the Infrastructures business line; and • the Energy Services business line.” 6 RÉSUMÉ DU PROGRAMME EN FRANÇAIS (SUMMARY IN FRENCH OF THE PROGRAMME) Paragraphs B.2, B.10, B.12, B.13, B.14 and B.15 of the section entitled “Résumé du Programme en français (Summary in French of the Programme)” on pages 30 to 36 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: Section B – Émetteur “B.2 Le siège social et la forme juridique de l’Émetteur/la législation qui régit l’activité et le pays d’origine de l’Émetteur GDF SUEZ est régie par le droit français et constituée en France sous la forme d’une société anonyme à Conseil d’ad min istration soumise au x dispositions législatives et rég lementaires applicables au x sociétés commerciales de forme anonyme, sous réserve des lois spécifiques régissant GDF SUEZ, et à ses statuts. Les lois spécifiques régissant GDF SUEZ sont notamment la loi n° 46-628 du 8 avril 1946 sur la nationalisation de l’électricité et du gaz, la loi n° 2003-8 du 3 janvier 2003 relat ive au x marchés du gaz et de l’électricité et au service public de l’énergie, la lo i n° 2004-803 du 9 août 2004 relative au service public de l’électricité, du gaz et au x entreprises électriques et gazières, ainsi que la loi n° 2006-1537 du 7 décembre 2006 relative au secteur de l’énergie. GDF SUEZ est immatriculée au Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 542 107 651. Au 31 décembre 2014, le capital social de GDF SUEZ s’établit à 2 435 285 011 euros divisé en 2 435 285 011 actions entièrement libérées de 1 euro de nominal chacune. Son siège social admin istratif et statutaire est situé au 1, place Samuel de Champlain, 92400 Courbevoie, France. B.10 Réserves contenues dans le rapport des Commissaires aux comptes Les rapports des Commissaires aux co mptes sur les comptes consolidés des exercices clos les 31 décembre 2013 et 31 décembre 2014 ne contiennent pas de réserves. B.12 Informations financières sélectionnées Depuis le 31 décembre 2014, aucune détériorat ion significative n ’a affecté les perspectives de l’Emetteur ou du Groupe et aucun changement significatif de la situation financière ou commerciale de l’Emetteur et du Groupe n’est survenu. • Les tableau x ci-dessous font état des chiffres clés concernant le co mpte de résultat et le bilan du Groupe (données consolidées) aux 31 décembre 2014 et 2013. 7 8 B.13 Evénement récent propre à l’Emetteur présentant un intérêt significatif pour l’évaluation de sa solvabilité B.14 Degré de la dépendance de l’Émetteur à l’égard d’autres entités du Groupe GDF SUEZ (anciennement dénommée Gaz de France) est la société mère de tête du Groupe. Toutefois, GDF SUEZ exerce une activ ité économique propre ; elle ne joue pas vis-à-vis de ses filiales le rô le d’une simple holding. Le no mbre de filiales directes ou indirectes de GDF SUEZ (contrôle majoritaire) était d’environ 1 600 à fin 2014. B.15 Principales activités de l’Émetteur Le Groupe est présent sur l’ensemb le de la chaîne de valeur de l’énergie, en électricité et en gaz naturel, de l’amont à l’aval, notamment en : • achat, production et commercialisation de gaz naturel et d’électricité ; • transport, stockage, distribution, développement et explo itation de grandes infrastructures de gaz naturel ; et • fourniture de services énergétiques. Au 31 décembre 2014, GDF SUEZ est organisé, sur le p lan opérationnel, autour de 5 branches : • la branche Énergie Europe ; • la branche Energy International ; • la branche Global Gaz et GNL ; • la branche Infrastructures ; et • la branche Energie Services.” 9 DOCUMENTS ON DISPLAY The first paragraph of the section entitled “Documents on Display” on page 56 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: 1. For the period of 12 months follo wing the date of approval by the AMF of this Base Prospectus, the following documents will be available, during usual business hours on any weekday (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excepted), for inspection and, in the case of documents listed under (iv) to (x) collection free of charge, at the office of the Fiscal Agent and the Paying Agents: (i) the Agency Agreement; (ii) the form of Guarantee; (iii) the constitutive documents of GDF SUEZ; (iv) the 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document; (v) the 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document; (vi) the 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report; (vii) the 2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report; (viii) each Final Terms for Notes that are listed and admitted to trading on Euronext Paris or any other Regulated Market in the European Econo mic Area or listed on any other stock exchange (save that Final Terms relat ing to Notes which are (i) neither listed and admitted to trading on a Regulated Market in the European Economic Area in circu mstances where a prospectus is required to be published under the Prospectus Directive (ii) nor listed on any other stock exchange, will only be available for inspection by a holder o f such Notes and such holder must produce evidence satisfactory to the Issuer and the relevant Paying Agent as to its holding and identity); (ix) a copy of this Base Prospectus together with any supplement to this Base Prospectus or restated Base Prospectus and any document incorporated by reference; and (x) all reports, letters and other documents, balance sheets, valuations and statements by any expert any part of which is extracted or referred to in this Base Prospectus in respect of each issue of Notes. 10 DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The section entitled “Documents Incorporated by Reference” on pages 57 to 63 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: This Base Prospectus should be read and construed in conjunction with the following: (1) the 2014 consolidated financial statements of GDF SUEZ and the related management report in English language (the “2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report”); (2) the audit report relating to the audited consolidated financial statements of GDF SUEZ contained in the 2014 Annual Financial Report (the “2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report”); (3) the sections referred to in the table below which are ext racted fro m the 2013 Reg istration Docu ment of GDF SUEZ in English language which is the translation of the French language Document de Référence 2013 of GDF SUEZ wh ich was filed under no. D.14-0176 with the AMF on 20 March 2014. Such document is referred to in the Base Prospectus as the “2013 GDF S UEZ Registration Document”. Any reference in the Base Prospectus or in the information incorporated by reference to the 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document will be deemed to include those sections only; (4) the sections referred to in the table below which are ext racted fro m the 2012 Reg istration Docu ment of GDF SUEZ in English language which is the translation of the French language Document de Référence 2012 of GDF SUEZ wh ich was filed under no. D.13-0206 with the AMF on 22 March 2013. Such document is referred to in the Base Prospectus as the “2012 GDF S UEZ Registration Document”. Any reference in the Base Prospectus or in the information incorporated by reference to the 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document will be deemed to include those sections only; and (5) the terms and conditions included in the base prospectus referred to in the table below; save that any statement contained in this Base Prospectus or in a document wh ich is incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for the purpose of this Base Prospectus to the extent that a statement contained in any document which is subsequently incorporated by reference herein by way of a supplement prepared in accordance with article 16 of the Prospectus Directive mod ifies or supersedes such earlier statement (whether expressly, by implication or otherwise). Any statement so modified or superseded shall not, except as so modified or superseded, constitute a part of this Base Prospectus. Any reference in the Base Prospectus to the 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, the 2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report, the 2013 GDF SUEZ Reg istration Docu ment and the 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Docu ment shall be deemed to include only the sections mentioned in the table below. The cross-reference tables below set out the relevant page references for the information incorporated herein by reference: 11 ANNEX IV OF REGULATION EC 809/2004 AS AMENDED Annex IV Article No. Page /Re f No. Narrative 3 Se lected historical information 3.1 Selected historical financial information regarding the issuer, presented, for each financial year for the period covered by the historical financial information, and any subsequent interim financial period, in the same currency as the financial information. 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 9 to 13 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 9 to 14 T he selected historical information must provide key figures that summarise the financial condition of the issuer. 4 Risk Factors Prominent disclosure of risk factors that may affect the issuer’s ability to 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages fulfil its obligations under the securities to investors in a section headed 53 to 70 “ Risk Factors”. 5 Information about the Issuer 5.2 Inve stments: 5.2.1 A description of the principal investments made since the date of the last 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages published financial statements. 183 to 185 5.2.2 Information concerning the issuer’s principal future investments, on 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages which its management bodies have already made firm commitments. 6 to 7 and 14 to 45 5.2.3 Information regarding the anticipated sources of funds needed to fulfil 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages commitments referred to in item RDA4-5.2.2 6 to 7 and 194 6 Business Overview 6.1 Principal activities: 6.1.1 A description of the issuer’s principal activities stating the main 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, categories of products sold and/or services performed; and pages 1 to 20 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 4 to 7, 10 to 14 and 14 to 45 6.1.2 an indication of any significant new products and/or activities. 6.2 Principal markets: 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 14 to 45 A brief description of the principal markets in which the issuer 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages competes. 6 to 8 and 10 to 14 6.3 The basis for any statements made by the issuer regarding its 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages competitive position. 6 to 8, 10 to 14 and 14 to 45 10 Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies 10.1 Names, business addresses and functions in the issuer of the following 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages persons, and an indication of the principal activities performed by them 104 to 122 and 130 to 131 outside the issuer where these are significant with respect to that issuer: 10.2 (a) members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies; (b) partners with unlimited liability, in the case of a limited partnership with a share capital. Administrative, Management, and Supervisory bodies conflicts of interests Potential conflicts of interests between any duties to the issuing entity of 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 12 Annex IV Article No. Page /Re f No. Narrative the persons referred to in item 10.1 and their private interests and or 117 to 118 and 124 to 128 other duties must be clearly stated. In the event that there are no such conflicts, make a statement to that effect. 11 Board Practices 11.1 Details relating to the issuer’s audit committee, including the names of 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages committee members and a summary of the terms of reference under 120 to 122 which the committee operates. 11.2 A statement as to whether or not the issuer complies with its country’s of 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages incorporation corporate governance regime(s). In the event that the 119 to 120 issuer does not comply with such a regime a statement to that effect must be included together with an explanation regarding why the issuer does not comply with such regime. 12 Major Shareholders 12.1 To the extent known to the issuer, state whether the issuer is directly or 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages indirectly owned or controlled and by whom and describe the nature of 171 to 172 such control, and describe the measures in place to ensure that such control is not abused. 12.2 A description of any arrangements, known to the issuer, the operation of 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document page which may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of the 172 issuer. 13 Financial Information concerning the Issuer’s Assets and Liabilities, Financial Position and Profits and Losses 13.1 Historical Financial Information Audited historical financial information covering the latest 2 financial years (or such shorter period that the issuer has been in operation), and the audit report in respect of each year. Such financial information must be prepared according to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002, or if not applicable to a Member State’s national accounting standards for issuers from the Community. For third country issuers, such financial information must be prepared according to the international accounting standards adopted pursuant to the procedure of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 or to a third country’s national accounting standards equivalent to these standards. If such financial information is not equivalent to these standards, it must be presented in the form of restated financial statements. The most recent year’s historical financial information must be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the issuer’s next published annual financial statements having regard to accounting standards and policies and legislation applicable to such annual financial statements. If the issuer has been operating in its current sphere of economic activity for less than one year, the audited historical financial information covering that period must be prepared in accordance with the standards applicable to annual financial statements under the Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002, or if not applicable to a Member State’s national accounting standards where the issuer is an issuer from the Community. For third country issuers, the historical financial information must be prepared according to the international accounting standards adopted pursuant to the procedure of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 or to a third country’s national accounting standards equivalent to these standards. T his historical financial information must be audited. If the audited financial information is prepared according to national 13 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, pages 21 to 153 2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report, pages 1 to 4 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 186 to 190 and 195 to 317 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 207 to 330 Annex IV Article No. Page /Re f No. Narrative accounting standards, the financial information required under this heading must include at least: (a) balance sheet; 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, pages 24 to 25 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 198 to 199 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 210 to 211 (b) income statement; 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, page 22 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 187 and 196 to 197 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document page 209 (c) cash flow statement; and 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, page 28 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document page 202 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document page 215 (d) accounting policies and explanatory notes. 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report, pages 29 to 153 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 203 to 315 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 216 to 330 The historical annual financial information must be independently audited or reported on as to whether or not, for the purposes of the registration document, it gives a true and fair view, in accordance with auditing standards applicable in a Member State or an equivalent standard. 13.2 2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report, pages 1 to 4 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 316 to 317 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 329 to 330 Financial statements If the issuer prepares both own and consolidated financial statements, 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages include at least the consolidated financial statements in the registration 319 to 368 document. 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 331 to 377 13.3 Auditing of historical annual financial information 13.3.1 A statement that the historical financial information has been audited. If audit reports on the historical financial information have been refused by the statutory auditors or if they contain qualifications or disclaimers, such refusal or such qualifications or disclaimers must be reproduced in full and the reasons given. 2014 GDF SUEZ Audit Report, pages 1 to 4 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 316 to 317 and 367 to 368 2012 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages 329 to 330 and 377 13.3.2 An indication of other information in the registration document which Not Appplicable has been audited by the auditors. 13.3.3 Where financial data in the registration document is not extracted from Not Applicable the issuer's audited financial statements state the source of the data and state that the data is unaudited. 13.6 Le gal and arbitration proceedings Information on any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of 14 Annex IV Article No. Page /Re f No. Narrative which the issuer is aware), during a period covering at least the previous 63, 351 to 353 and 375 12 months which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant 2014 GDF SUEZ Annual Financial Report effects on the issuer and/or group’s financial position or profitability, or pages 147 to 152 provide an appropriate negative statement. 14 Additional Information 14.1 Share Capital 14.1.1 The amount of the issued capital, the number and classes of the shares of 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages which it is composed with details of their principal characteristics, the 160 to 170 part of the issued capital still to be paid up, with an indication of the number, or total nominal value, and the type of the shares not yet fully paid up, broken down where applicable according to the extent to which they have been paid up. 15 Mate rial Contracts A brief summary of all material contracts that are not entered into in the 2013 GDF SUEZ Registration Document pages ordinary course of the issuer’s business, which could result in any group 194, 217 to 224 member being under an obligation or entitlement that is material to the issuer’s ability to meet its obligation to security holders in respect of the securities being issued. 15 The table below sets out the relevant page references for the terms and conditions contained in the base prospectus of GDF SUEZ relating to the Programme: Te rms and Conditions Incorporate d by Re fe re nce Re fe re nce Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ filed with the AMF on 27 September 2013 Pages 64 to 95 Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ filed with the AMF on 12 September 2012 Pages 52 to 84 Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ filed with the AMF on 9 September 2011 Pages 44 to 72 Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ filed with the AMF on 10 May 2011 Pages 43 to 71 Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ filed with the AMF on 22 November 2010 and first supplement dated 8 March 2011 Pages 49 to 78 and page 13, respectively Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ and Electrabel filed with the AMF on 4 November 2009 and first supplement dated 1 September 2010 Pages 58 to 90 and page 25, respectively Base Prospectus of GDF SUEZ and Electrabel approved by the CSSF on 7 October 2008 Pages 47 to 79 Offering Circular of Gaz de France registered with the Commission des opérations de bourse on 17 October 2002 Pages 16 to 45 16 DESCRIPTION OF GDF SUEZ The subsection 2 entitled “Share Capital Structure of GDF S UEZ” of the section entitled “Description of GDF SUEZ” on page 106 of the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: “2 Share Capital Structure of GDF SUEZ Share capital At 31 December 2014, the share capital of GDF SUEZ stood at €2,435,285,011, divided into 2,435,285,011 fully paid-up shares with a par value of €1 each. Breakdown of share capital At 31 December 2014, the Issuer 44,829,797 shares in treasury stock. % of share capital % of voting rights (a) 33.3% 33.9% Employee shareholding 3.2% 3.2% Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL) 2.4% 2.4% CDC Group 1.9% 1.9% CNP Assurances 1.0% 1.0% Sofina 0.4% 0.4% Treasury stock 1.8% 0% Not significant Not significant 56.0 57.2% 100% 100% 31 December 2014 French State Management Public (a) Calculated based on the number of shares and voting rights outstanding at 31 December 2014. Under the terms of Act No.2004-803 o f 9 August 2004 as amended by Act No. 2006-1537 dated 7 December 2006, the French State must at all times hold more than one third of GDF SUEZ’s capital. The shares of the Issuer are listed on Euronext Paris Euro list market, (Co mpart ment A), under ISIN Code FR0010208488 – Ticker: GSZ. They are also listed on Euronext Brussels.” 17 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF THE ISSUER The section entitled “Recent Develop ments of the Issuer” on page 107 of the Base Prospectus shall be completed by the following press releases, available on the website of the Issuer ( The following recent developments have been published by GDF SUEZ: Press Release dated 21 October 2014 The Board of Directors of GDF SUEZ appoints Isabelle Kocher as Director, Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer The Board o f Directors of GDF SUEZ, chaired by Gérard Mestrallet, met on 21 October and received the unanimous recommendations made by the Nomination and Compensation Committee in preparation for the Group’s leadership t ransition. With the exception of a Director who d id not take part in the vote, the Board coopted unanimously Isabelle Kocher as a Director and Board Member and appointed her as Deputy CEO o f GDF SUEZ, replacing Jean-François Cirelli. These decisions will become effective on 12 November 2014. The Board of Directors and its Chairman also sought to emphasize the success of this rigorous and collective decision-making process, the goal of wh ich was to serenely and with anticipation prepare Gérard Mestrallet’s succession. Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and Ch ief Executive Officer of GDF SUEZ, also appointed Isabelle Kocher as Chief Operating Officer. The five business line Executive Vice Presidents will report to her as well as three divisions: Major Projects, Action Plan and Group Performance, and Research & Technologies. Gérard Mestrallet also appointed Dirk Beeuwsaert, Executive Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Electrabel, as Executive Vice President in charge of the Energy Eu rope business line. A new Ch ief Financial Officer will be appointed soon. The Board of Directors would like to thank Jean-François Cirelli for its key role since the merger between Gaz de France and Suez and his contribution to GDF SUEZ Group’s development, including the implementation of the new organization of the Energy Europe business line in a particularly difficult economic climate. Isabelle Kocher is a graduate fro m Ecole Normale Supérieure, one of the most prestigious Ivy League French school. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Physics. Isabelle Kocher is a Graduate fro m the Corps des Mines Engineering School. Isabelle Kocher initiates her industrial experience between 1991 and 1997 by beco ming Project Manager for the reorganisation of production workshops within the Société Eu ropéenne de Propulsion. She will jo in as well between 1992 and 1993 the mergers and acquisitions department of the Compagnie Financière de Rothschild 18 before becoming Director of the industrial inspection department at the Ile-de-France regional depart ment of industry, research and environment division. Fro m 1997 to 1999, Isabelle Kocher became Director of the postal and telecommun ication budgets, followed by the defense budget at the French Budget Department. She will then be pro moted as Industrial Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister of France. Isabelle Kocher joined the SUEZ Group in 2002, then GDF SUEZ, within which she holds, since 12 years, functional and operational positions. Between 2002 and 2005, Isabelle Kocher is Vice President in charge of the strategic overview of the SUEZ Group and the strategic monitoring of Suez Environnement. She will beco me in 2005, Senior Vice President in charge of Performance and Organizat ion programs before being promoted in 2007 Chief Operating Officer o f Lyonnaise des Eau x (subsidiary of Suez Environnement). In 2009 Isabelle Kocher becomes Managing Director of Lyonnaise des Eaux, as well as Executive Vice President in charge of the development of water activities in Europe within Suez Environnement. Since 2011, Isabelle Kocher is Chief Financial Officer of GDF SUEZ. She is a member of the board of Suez Environnement, International Power and AXA Group. Isabelle Kocher is married and has 5 children. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Pre ss contact: Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 19 Press Release dated 3 November 2014 GDF SUEZ signed a major cooperation MOU with Shenergy to promote cooperation in energy sector in Shanghai Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and CEO of GDF SUEZ, signed a cooperation agreement with Wu Jian xiong, CEO of Shenergy Group, to develop cooperation in energy sector, and joint exp loration and sharing of development opportunities in Shanghai. The scope of cooperation includes natural gas, energy services industry, power generation and related businesses, mainly covering liquefied natural gas, decentralized energy, gas to power generation, low emission energy application, and infrastructure projects. Both co mpanies aim at developing technical cooperation and communicat ion in natural gas transportation and distribution, including the organizat ion of staff trainings, learning missions, and enhance technical cooperation and communication in power generation. Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and CEO of GDF SUEZ stated, “This agreement illustrates the commitment and strengthening involvement of GDF SUEZ in sustainable growth in China. The Group’s long-term relationships in China have been marked by the 2011 cooperation agreement signed with China Investment Corporation (CIC), the 2012 partnership with PetroChina to develop six deep underground gas storage tanks, and the 2013 installation of a first floating LNG import terminal. The Group’s expertise and know-how in the gas value chain and in energy services is recognized by our partners in China, Beijing Gas Group with whom we signed a cooperation agreement last March, and today Shenergy Group.” Shenergy Group is a major investor and constructor of large energy infrastructures in Shanghai and the main supplier of electricity and gas energy to the city. It employs 12.000 people and has a revenue of some 5 billion Euros. GDF SUEZ presence in China GDF SUEZ has been present in China for over 40 years through the activities of its strategic partner SUEZ Environnement, wh ich serves 15 million customers through 33 joint ventures in approximately t wenty cities. Managed revenues generated by SUEZ Environnement reached €1.3 billion in 2012. In 2008, GDF SUEZ opened a representative office in China and all of its energy business lines developed relationships with Chinese partners for projects in China and other countries. In electrical power, GDF SUEZ supports joint carbon emissions reduction projects (Clean Development Mechanisms–CDM), while its engineering teams assist in the development of the Taishan EPR and support the development of hydroelectric projects in other countries with Chinese partners. 20 In natural gas, GDF SUEZ signed a world wide partnership in 2011 with the Chinese sovereign fund CIC granting the latter a 30% share in GDF SUEZ explo ration and production activities. The Group sold 2.3 million metric tons of LNG to the Ch ina Nat ional Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), with deliveries beginning in 2013, and installed the first floating regasification terminal in China. In 2012, GDF SUEZ also began a cooperation agreement with PetroChina to explore the upstream gas potential in Qatar, then extended the agreement to gas storage in China in 2013 (develop ment support for six sites). The Group currently assists Shanghai Gas Group, a unit of Shenergy Group, for the expansion of one of its LNG terminals. In energy services, follo wing the launch in 2009 of a trigeneration project in western China with Chongqing Gas, the Group signed a partnership agreement in 2011 with the TIFI Group in Tianjin to develop an urban cooling network in the heart of the new Yu jiapu financial district in the coastal area of Tianjin-Binhai. In late 2013, the Group opened its first energy services company, Cofely-Gient, in Chongqing. In March 2014, GDF SUEZ signed a major cooperation agreement with Beijing Enterprise Group to develop energy projects in Beijing and other parts of China and promote the development of sustainable urban eco-districts. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services.GDF SUEZ employs 147,200 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81,3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris, Brussels and Luxembourg stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stor Relations contact: T el: +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail: [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France: +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium: +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail: [email protected] @gdfsuez 21 Press Release dated 7 November 2014 GDF SUEZ and Chubu Electric enter into a Medium Term LNG Sales Agreement GDF SUEZ announces the signature of a Heads of Agreement providing for the sale of LNG to Chubu Electric of Japan (Chubu). Under the terms of the agreement, GDF SUEZ will deliver 20 cargoes (around 1.2 million tons) of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Chubu for a 27-month period starting in the 1st quarter of 2015. LNG will be sourced from GDF SUEZ global supply portfolio. Jean-Marie Dauger, executive Vice-President of GDF SUEZ, in charge of the Global Gas & LNG business line, said: “This sales agreement shows once again GDF SUEZ co mmit ment to develop its sales in Asia, a region with growing LNG needs. LNG is playing a critical role in Japan’s energy mix. As a safe and reliab le supplier, we are happy to reach such agreement with Chubu Electric, a significant and experienced player in the field of LNG in Japan”. Japan imported in 2013 around 88 million tons of LNG wh ich represents 37.5% of the world LNG consumption. In the next decade Japan is expected to remain one of the major gas importers. Since 1st January 2012, the GDF SUEZ Group has delivered mo re than 6.6 million tons of LNG to Asian countries with respect to its mediu m and long term agreements. Chubu Electric Po wer Co., Inc. is Japan's third-largest electric power co mpany in power generation capacity, electric energy sold, operating revenues, and total assets. Chubu Energy division is engaged in the provision of gas and integrated energy including cogeneration system, as well as the storage, delivery and regasificat ion of LNG. Chubu Electric Power serves an area of nearly 39,000 square kilo meters in five prefectures of central Japan, ho me to some 16 million people. The Chubu region is known as one of Japan’s lead ing manufacturing reg ions, and many world-class Japanese industries, including manufacturers of automobiles, mach ine tools, electric co mponents, aircraft , and new materials, are centered here. GDF SUEZ is a global LNG p layer and the main LNG importer in Europe. GDF SUEZ has the third largest LNG supply portfolio in the world, supplied fro m six d ifferent countries, and representing 16 mtpa. It controls a large fleet of 14 LNG carriers under mid and long term charter agreements. The fleet is permanently optimized to satisfy GDF SUEZ long term co mmit ments and short term opportunities. GDF SUEZ LNG is present in Asia through its premises in Singapore which support the development of its marketing activ ities in the region. The Group has also a significant presence in regasification terminals around the world, wh ich gives a permanent access to downstream markets. 22 About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 23 Press Release dated 14 November 2014 Official opening of the Stublach gas storage facility, a key asset to meet UK gas market needs Lord Deighton KBE, the Treasury Minister, and Jean-Claude Depail, Executive Vice-President in charge of the Infrastructures Business Line of GDF SUEZ, have today opened the Stublach Gas Storage Facility in Cheshire (United Kingdom), representing an investment of £500 million by GDF SUEZ subsidiary Storengy. The Stublach site has so far co mmissioned two salt caverns, wh ich represent a capacity of 40 million cubic metres now availab le to the UK gas market. A further three caverns will be available by the end of December 2014, bringing capacity to 100 million cubic met res. The site will eventually have up to 20 caverns with a total capacity of 400 million cubic metres. With a current 6% gas storage ratio (storage capacity/gas consumption), the UK is well belo w the Eu ropean Union average (22%). As the UK becomes more dependent on gas imports and the likelihood of an increasingly flexib le demand, new storage sites will play an important role to meet the needs of the gas market, and by 2020 Stublach will be the largest UK onshore underground gas storage facility. Opening the site today, Lord Deighton KBE, the Treasury Minister, said “Energy security is central to the government’s long-term economic plan, and we are focusing on investing in infrastructure to achieve this. Sites like Storengy at Stublach play a crucial ro le in our energy security strategy, allo wing gas suppliers and others the flexibility to store gas safely in preparation for when demand is high, or when other supplies are restricted. “I am delighted to open the site today. This site has been constructed to the highest safety and hygiene standards, with no public investment required. It demonstrates a real vote of confidence in the UK econo my by GDF SUEZ, another example of companies confirming that the UK has created the right environment for investment.” Jean Claude Depail, Executive Vice-President of GDF SUEZ in charge of the Infrastructures, added “Stublach is the first investment in the UK for our gas storage business, follo wing many years of operation in France and Germany. I am delighted that the project has just achieved a major milestone and the first salt caverns are now full of gas and already contributing to the security of supply of natural gas across the UK.” Notes: Storengy is a subsidiary of GDF SUEZ. Its business is based on recognised expertise in the design and operation of complex industrial sites and specialist expertise in underground modelling. Storengy is one of the few operators in 24 the world to comb ine skills as varied as market analysis, subsurface sciences, drilling and complet ion techniques, underground reservoir engineering, operation of surface industrial facilities and industrial safety. With a total storage capacity of 12.5 billion cubic metres, Storengy is the largest operator of natural gas storage in Europe. It currently operates 22 storage facilit ies across France, Germany and the UK and is also represented in Canada and China. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 25 Press Release dated 28 November 2014 GDF SUEZ via Cofely acquires Keppel FMO in Singapore GDF SUEZ, via its subsidiary Cofely South East Asia, announced today the purchase of Keppel FMO, a subsidiary of Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Private Ltd. Keppel FMO (“KFM O”) is one of the strongest providers of integrated facilities management (FM), property management, operation and maintenance, and FM consultancy services in Singapore, operating across a wide spectrum of industries and markets, including airport, rail, healthcare, education, government, mission-critical commercial facilities. Keppel FM O emp loys around 1,000 people and generates annual revenues of around 55 million Euros. Cofely South East Asia offers a unique combination of service expertise, fro m the design, imp lementation and management of energy and utility solutions, to the operational delivery of integrated facilities management. This acquisition is in line with GDF SUEZ strategy to develop, through its primary brand Cofely, its European leading position in energy services on an international scale. In Singapore, the acquisition, co mbined with Cofely’s Singaporean operations, will g ive Cofely a strong position in this sector and will enable GDF SUEZ Energy Services to expand its environmental and energy efficient solutions in South East Asia. Jérô me Tolot, Executive Vice-President of GDF SUEZ, in charge of the Energy Services Business Line, also added: “This acquisition builds on Cofely ’s European leading position in energy efficient solutions to equip us with additional capabilities for the delivery o f integrated facilities management services. Cofely has the ambit ion to double its revenues outside Europe within the next 5 years and South East Asia is one of the main regions we want to invest in.” About Cofely GDF SUEZ Cofely GDF SUEZ is a global player in energy efficiency, multi-technical services and outsourcing for companies and communities. Our experts design, develop and manage tailored, smart and sustainable solutions for our customers’ benefit. From the world’s highest building to the most visited museum, from green data centres to zero-carbon factories - we help organisations run their facilities more efficiently. With 90,000 employees in nearly 40 countries, Cofely generated revenues of 14.7 billion Euros in 2013. Cofely is the leading brand of GDF SUEZ Energy Services, one of the five business lines of GDF SUEZ Group. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 26 Press Release dated 28 November 2014 GDF SUEZ wins power contracts for 535 MW in Brazil New Energy Auction GDF SUEZ, through its subsidiary Tractebel Energia, has been successful in securing Power Purchase Agreements for 3 pro jects in the New Energy Auction that took place in Brazil on Friday, 28 November. The thermal, wind and biomass power projects that succeeded in the auction represent a total capacity of 535 MW. The Group will build the 340 MW Pampa Sul thermal power p lant, located in the South of Brazil. The plant will be fuelled by mineral coal mined fro m local reserves and will use Circulating Fluid ized Bed (CFB) technology. The energy fro m the p lant will be sold through a 25-year Po wer Purchase Agreement. The plant is expected to enter commercial operation in 2019. Tractebel Energ ia will invest approximately BRL 1.8 b illion (570 million Euro) in the construction of the plant, which has a potential to increase its installed capacity to 680 MW in the future. GDF SUEZ will also build 330 MW of the Campo Largo wind complex, located in the Northeast of Brazil. 180 MW will be sold through a 20-year Po wer Purchase Agreement. An additional 150 MW will be constructed for energy sales into the free market. Co mmercial operation is expected in 2019 with an estimated total investment of BRL 1.7 billion (540 million Euro). In addition, GDF SUEZ will expand the existing 65.5 MW Ferrari sugarcane biomass plant by 15 MW. The power fro m this extension will be sold through a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement. Tractebel Energia will invest circa BRL 85 million (27 million Euro) to expand and modernize the plant. Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and CEO of GDF SUEZ co mmented “These projects represent a good strategic fit fo r Brazil and are in line with GDF SUEZ strategy. The Pampa Sul thermal Power Plant will contribute to the security of supply in Brazil, part icularly in times of drought when hydropower generation can be reduced. The Campo Largo and Ferrari projects will further diversify the Group’s power portfolio”. GDF SUEZ, a major energy player in Brazil GDF SUEZ, through its 68.7% subsidiary Tractebel Energ ia, is the largest independent power producer in Brazil, representing approximately 7% o f the country’s total installed power generation capacity. 87% of the 8,750 MW capacity is from renewable resources. GDF SUEZ is currently also constructing Jirau, a major 3,750 MW hydropower plant located on the Madeira river, in the State of Rondonia. The pro ject, which will produce clean and renewable energy to meet the electricity demand of 10 million Brazilian households, was registered with the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanis m. The Group is also present in energy related services and has been supplying the Brazilian market with LNG since 2012. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 27 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 28 Press Release dated 12 December 2014 GDF Suez senior executive remuneration in 2015 GDF Suez is happy to explain its senior executives’ remuneration for 2015 in the wake of the misinfo rmation spread by the CGT trade union. During a meet ing held on 10 December2014, the Board decided to set the remuneration of Gérard Mestrallet, the GDF Suez Chairman and CEO, for the year 2015 as follows: - A fixed remuneration that remains unchanged at €1,400,000 - A target variable remuneration of €476,000 - The awarding of 150,000 performance units. Gérard Mestrallet has decided to waive €1,344,000 of his variable remuneration. The Group reiterates that since 2010, Gérard Mestrallet’s remuneration (fixed and bonuses) has been cut by 43.4%. As regards Isabelle Kocher, the GDF Suez Executive Vice-President and COO, the Board decided to set her remuneration for the year 2015 as follows: - Fixed remuneration of €900,000 - A target variable remuneration of €681,500 - The awarding of 61,121 performance units. Isabelle Kocher has decided to waive €418,500 of her variable remuneration and 38,879 performance units. The Board therefore voted in favour of these amounts after the waivers. Performance units are of purely theoretical value, and will not in fact become definite until March 2018, and then only if predetermined performance conditions are met. GDF Suez is reserving the option to take legal act ion against this circulat ion of inaccurate and misleading information in respect of a listed company, motivated by a wish to harm the company and its senior executives. About GDF SUEZ (A) GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 29 Press Release dated 16 December 2014 GDF SUEZ to build new power plant and transmission line following successful energy auction in Chile GDF SUEZ, through its subsidiary E-CL, has been successful in the recent energy auction in Chile. The Group will deliver 5,040 GWh per year to the distribution co mpanies of the SIC (Chile’s central electricity system) fro m 2018 for a period of 15 years. The energy will be provided fro m E-CL’s diversified portfolio of new and existing facilities, including LNG supply from GDF SUEZ. The auction results are a significant develop ment for the Group in Ch ile and will lead to the construction of the 375 MW IEM thermal power p lant and an associated port, as well as a transmission line (TEN) that will connect the Mejillones and Copiapó cities. Gerard Mestrallet, CEO and President of GDF SUEZ co mmented : “This success, following the energy auction result in Brazil in November, is a new step for GDF SUEZ to achieve its ambition to be the leading private power producer on the continent within three years. This project allows E-CL to co mmercialize energy in SING and SIC markets, to diversify its client portfolio and to contribute to an overall more efficient power market in Chile.” IEM will be located in Mejillones, in the Northern system and represents an investment of approximately US$ 1,000 million. Environ mental permits for the plant have been obtained and an EPC contractor appointed. The plant is expected to start operation in 2018. The energy from this plant will be delivered to the SIC v ia the 600 km TEN t ransmission line, which has the potential to interconnect the two main electrical systems in Chile, as well as enable further deploy ment of nonconventional renewable sources. The total investment in the transmission line is estimated at US $700 million. GDF SUEZ in Chile GDF SUEZ is present in Ch ile through E-CL, the principal electricity generator on Ch ile’s Northern Electricity Grid (SING), with an installed capacity of 2,016 MW. GDF SUEZ also holds 63% in the Mejillones LNG terminal which became commercially operat ional in April 2010. In Chile’s Central Power Grid (“SIC”), the Group owns and operates the Monte Redondo wind farm. The Laja 1 hydroelectric project, a “run-of-the-river” p lant, is currently under construction. Solgas (100% GDF SUEZ) is a company dedicated to purchasing, selling and distributing gas to industrial and corporate clients. GDF SUEZ is also present in energy services through its subsidiaries Cofely and Tractebel Engineering. 30 About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 31 Press Release dated 6 January 2015 GDF SUEZ 100 MW solar project in South Africa awarded Preferred Bidder GDF SUEZ is pleased to announce that the Kathu Solar Park project in South Africa, o wned by a GDF SUEZ led consortium with South African partners, has been nominated ‘preferred bidder’ by the South African Depart ment of Energy (DOE). Kathu Solar Park is a 100 MW greenfield Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project with parabolic trough technology and equipped with a molten salt storage system that allows 4.5 hours of thermal energy storage. It is situated in the Northern Cape Province, 600 km south-west of the capital Pretoria. The consortium, which is led by GDF SUEZ (appro ximately 49%) includes a group of South African investors comprising SIOC Co mmun ity Development Trust, Investec Bank, Lereko Metier and Public Investment Corporation. Kathu Solar Park was awarded preferred b idder in the third round of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) led by the DOE. The preferred bidders will be invited to enter into a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Eskom first producer and supplier of electricity in South Africa. Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and CEO of GDF SUEZ co mmented: “ GDF SUEZ is proud to be part of the REIPPP Programme. Kathu Solar Park strengthens our contribution to South Africa’s objective o f establishing sustainable energy generation and promoting local economic development. The project is in line with our Group’s effort to become a leader in the transition to clean energy.” In 2012, GDF SUEZ was awarded the West Coast 1 wind energy project under the second REIPPP round. The 94 MW wind farm started construction in June 2013 and recently produced its first electricity in test phase, ahead of schedule. Twelve of its forty-seven 2 MW wind turb ines have been erected to date. Co mmercial operation is expected in mid-2015. In Africa, GDF SUEZ has interests in four assets under construction with a gross capacity of 2,485 MW: the 94 MW West Coast 1 wind farm and the 670 MW Avon & 335 MW Dedisa peaking plants in South Africa; and the 2x693 MW Safi thermal pro ject in Morocco. Recently the Group started full co mmercial operation of the 301 MW Tarfaya wind farm in Morocco. GDF SUEZ has 18,000 MW renewable generation capacity worldwide. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 32 Press Release dated 3 February 2015 GDF SUEZ signs a cooperation agreement with theTunisian Company of Electricity and Gas GDF SUEZ has signed a memorandum o f understanding with the Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz (Tunisian Co mpany of Electricity and Gas – STEG) to develop cooperation between the two groups. The agreement, signed by Jean-Claude Depail, GDF SUEZ Executive Vice President in charge of the Infrastructures business line, and Rachid Ben Daly Hassen, Chairman and CEO of STEG, aims to renew the cooperative relationship which led to several programmes in the 1990s. The first of the exchanges planned for 2015 will focus on providing training to STEG emp loyees on the gas supply chain, technical aspects of gas facilit ies, and safety. This will be supplemented with technical support services in gas transport and distribution. The agreement also provides for GDF SUEZ to g ive STEG further support in the form of strategic reflect ion on the developing energy mix in Tunisia. GDF SUEZ is delighted to have renewed its cooperation with Tunisia, a country which is experiencing growing energy demands and which is looking to guarantee the security of its supply. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 33 Press Release dated 3 February 2015 GDF SUEZ makes an investment in Tendril to better address European demand for consumer-centric ESM software and analytics Paris and B oul der (CO) – February 3, 2015 – GDF SUEZ, a g lobal energy independent producer and Tendril, a leading U.S. p rovider o f Energy Services Management (ESM) solutions, announce today the signature of a partnership to better serve European electricity users. Under the terms of the agreement, GDF SUEZ, through its investment fund GDF SUEZ New Ventures targeting innovative startups, invests 7,2 mio$ in Tendril. “We have been planning our entry into the European market for a long time,” said Adrian Tuck, CEO of Tendril. “We knew our proven, enterprise-class software platform could be customized to meet the diverse needs of the European market. Our challenge was finding a forward-thinking utility partner to help us build winning solutions and support our market entry as a lighthouse partner. We have found that partner in GDF SUEZ.” Tendril’s ESM Platfo rm already delivers highly personalized energy services to millions of customers in the U.S. Developed over the past 10 years and honed through millions of customer interactions, the Tendril ESM Platform is the only flexib le, scalable, enterprise-class software platform that serves as the connective tissue between the providers and consumers of energy. The goal o f this partnership is to enable European customers to have access to Tendril’s customized ESM solution. In turn, Tendril will benefit fro m GDF SUEZ’s large customer base and should contribute to addressing the pressing issue of energy transition in Europe. “This new investment by GDF S UEZ New Ventures is a very significant step for GDF SUEZ” said Gérard Mestrallet, CEO of GDF SUEZ. “Following our first investment in the Belgian startup Powerdale specialized in smart mobility in August 2014, we are now striking a deal in the field of smart energy, another priority development area for our Group. ESM solutions developed by Tendril will enable us to better understand the individual needs of each of our customers. We will deliver tailored products and services that establish a truly personal and engaging energy experience for millions of customers.” About GDF SUEZ New Ventures GDF SUEZ New Ventures fund aims at taking minority equity positions in companies that share its strategic business orientation and have reached the pre-production development stage. Created in 2014, the €100 million fund has identified the following priority sectors: - Energy control and load management, - Municipalities, regions and mobility, - Home comfort, - Decentralized power production and storage. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s majo r energy and environ mental challenges: meet ing energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly 34 efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cit ies and businesses by relying on d iversified gas-supply sources, flexib le and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 b illion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CA C 40, BEL 20, DJ Eu ro Sto xx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eu rotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eu rozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). About Tendril Tendril is defining data-driven Energy Services Management (ESM) for the evolving energy market. Our open, cloud-based software platform provides the infrastructure, analytics and understanding required to deliver personalized energy services. This targeted approach drives new business opportunities, delights consumers and has led to some of the industry’s highest engagement and satisfaction rates. For more in formation, p lease visit GDF SUEZ Tendril Press contact: Tel. France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 Tel. Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] Media Contact Tendril Kristen (Leon) Walker 415.613.8320 [email protected] Investors relations contact: Tel. France : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] @Tendril @gdfsuez 35 Press Release dated 18 February 2015 GDF SUEZ wins an important liquefied natural gas supply contract with the Lactalis Group - Overall transport, storage, supply and LNG regasification offer for industrial groups not connected to the natural gas network 20% reduction in CO2 emissions thanks to the fuel oil to natural gas conversion and over 90% reduction in emissions of particles, nitrogen oxides and sulphur Up to 25% savings on the energy bill of the industrial site A long term energy project LNGenerat ion, the subsidiary of GDF SUEZ dedicated to transported LNG, has announced the signing of a contract with Lactalis over 18 months and relat ing to the supply of the Bouvron-based cheese company with liquefied natural gas. Th is industrial site is significant for the Lactalis group in France and is very important for the local econo mic fabric. Selected after a call-to-tender, LNGenerat ion is offering an overall energy solution combin ing transport, storage, regasification and supply in LNG for the Bouvron site, which is still not connected to the natural gas network and has been consuming heavy fuel oil. LNGenerat ion has thus been able to meet one of the main expectations expressed by Lactalis, namely having shortterm access to a mo re co mpetit ive and economical source of energy, prior to a connection to the natural gas network, a project currently being studied and envisaged for within the next two years. A turn-key solution In under six months, LNGenerat ion has put in place an LNG storage and regasification unit on the site of its client. LNG is transported by tankertrucks fro m the Elengy terminal (GDF SUEZ group) of Montoir-deBretagne, which is about forty kilo metres away, to the industrial site where it is stored. As it is needed, LNGeneration vaporises it and delivers it to Lactalis in gaseous and odourised form, like natural gas from the network. The installation is equipped with sensors which order resupply automatically. "We chose LNGeneration after a particularly competitive call-to-tender. Their bid, which was very competitive, fulfils our desire to optimise our energy and environmental balance. LNGeneration autonomously operates the LNG installations to supply natural gas to our production line as we need it", says Gérald Delporte, director of the Bouvron-based cheese company. "With LNGeneration, GDF SUEZ accelerates its development in France in new uses for liquefied natural gas, helping industrial groups to be more competitive. With complete expertise in the gas chain and a position of first importer of LN G in Europe, the Group aims to become the leader on the transported LNG market in France", says Dirk Beeu wsaert, GDF Fuel oil LNG CO2 NOx Fine particles Sulphur oxide Comparison of emissions from heavy fuel oil and LNG (liquefied natural gas). Source: © Det Norske Veritas AS 36 SUEZ Executive Vice President, in charge of the Energy Europe business line. Appendix - Plan of the installations VAPORISERS CONTROL SYSTEM UNLOADING AREA PRESSURE REDUCING STATION Unloading area: stabilised and tarmacked area which receives the tanker trucks when they unload LNG. Reservoir: cryogenic vat for storing LNG (18m high - 35 tonnes empty - 85 tonnes full). Control system: automated relay which enables the remote management and supervision of the installation, orders resupplies and detects any potential malfunctions. Vaporisers: coils through which the LNG passes from the liquid to gaseous state on contact with the ambient air (complemented where necessary by an electric heater). Pressure reducing stati on: odourisation of the natural gas and regulation of its pressure prior to entry into the Lactalis private network. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 147,400 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €81.3 billion in 2013. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20). Inve stors relations contact: T el : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 E-Mail : [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium : +32 2 510 76 70 E-Mail : [email protected] @gdfsuez 37 Press Release dated 26 February 2015 2014 annual results: all financial targets achieved • Current operating income 1 show strong organic growth of + 8.2% , excluding weather effect in France and gas tariff recoup booked in 2013 • Dividend of EUR 1 per share with respect to fiscal year 2014, payable in cash 2 The Group reaches its objecti ves at average weather in France thanks to (a) its geographic di versity, (b) its well balanced portfolio between regulated/contracted acti vities and merchant acti vi ties and (c) the synergies and performance gains realized in the context of the Perform 2015 plan, des pite unfavorable exogenous events (drought in Brazil and temporary outage of three nuclear units). 31/12/2014 (in €bn) Revenues Ebitda Current Operating Income 1 Net recurring income, Group share 3 Net income, Group share Cash Flow from Operations (CFFO) Net debt/Ebitda 74.7 12.1 7.2 3.1 2.4 7.9 2.3 x 31/12/2014 at average weather Indications & guidance 2014* 75.9 12.5 7.5 3.4 12.3-13.3 7.2-8.2 3.1-3.5 Gross Variation vs 2013 - 6.6 % - 6.7 % - 6.6 % - 9.4 % Variation excluding weather & tariff** vs 2013 - 4.4 % + 2.4 % + 8.2 % + 5.7 % 2013 figures pro forma with equity consolidation of Suez Environnement as of January 1t, 2013 and restated under IFRS 10-11 *guidance on net recurring income has been adjusted on June 12th , 2014, following the extended outage of Doel 3 and Tihange 2 ** organic variation (Revenues, Ebitda, COI) / gross (net recurring income, Group share) adjusted for weather effect in France and gas tariff recoup booked in 2013 2015 financial targets 4 : a resilient net recurring income despite the drop in oil / gas price thanks to the implementation of a targeted “Quick Reaction Plan” Given the recent major d rop in o il and gas price, which has a significant impact, in the short term, on the Group’s businesses (estimated at around EUR - 900 million on Ebitda 2015 and EUR - 350 million on Net recurring income, Group share, based on forward prices as of December 31st , 2014), the Group has decided to launch a quick operational reaction plan in addit ion to Perform 2015, focused on targeted reductions in opex (EUR 250 million impact on Ebitda 2015) co mbined with a shift of some growth capex (EUR 2 b illion over 20152016). This plan enables the Group to announce for 2015 a Net recurring income, Group share3 between EUR 3.0 and 3.3 billion, at average weather in France, in line with the figure published for 2014. This guidance is based on estimates for Eb itda and current operating income1 of, respectively, EUR 11.7 to 12.3 billion and EUR 6.8 to 7.4 billion. In addition, given its mediu m term growth perspectives and cash generation for 2015-2016, the Group reaffirms its capital allocation policy for the period 2014-2016 as follows: • net capex 5 between EUR 6 and 7 billion per year on average, • net debt/Ebitda ratio below or equal to 2.5x and « A » category credit rating, • and a stable di vi dend policy with a pay-out ratio 6 of 65-75 % and a minimu m of EUR 1 per share, payable in cash. 1 2 3 after share in net income of entities accounted for using the equity method including interim dividend of €0.50/share paid in October 2014. Subject to approval at the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 28, 2015 excluding restructuring costs, MtM, impairment, disposals, other non-recurring items and associated tax impact and nuclear contribution in Belgium 4 targets assume av erage weather conditions in France, f ull pass through of supply costs in French regulated gas tarif f s, restart of Doel 3 and st Tihange 2 as of July 1 , 2015, no signif icant regulatory and macro-economic changes, commodity price assumptions based on market conditions as st of December 31 , 2014 f or the non-hedged part of the production, and av erage f oreign exchange rates as f ollows f or 2015 : €/$ : 1.22, €/BRL : 3.23 5 net capex = gross capex – disposals (cash and net debt impact) 6 based on net recurring income, Group share 38 During the full year results presentation, Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GDF SUEZ, stated: “In a very challenging context, the robustness of our business model and financial structure enabled us to reach all our financial targets for 2014. These good results are a testimony o f the resilience of GDF SUEZ. We were the first last year to take drastic measures with large asset impairments, taking into account the dramatic change of the energy landscape. We have also redefined our strategy in a clear manner: to be leader in the energy transition in Europe and to be the benchmark energy player in fast growing markets. Thanks to these new orientations, GDF SUEZ has pursued its development in Europe in renewable energies and services, and in all its businesses at the international level. The capital allocation policy for 2014-2016 enables the Group to implement its growth strategy, to pursue its selective and profitable development model and to maintain an attractive dividend policy. We have measured the impact of the recent drop in oil and gas price and have quickly implemented an operational reaction plan. In order to face the continuously evolving energy landscape, our main challenge is to accelerate the transformation of GDF SUEZ. This is also the reason why we have adapted well in advance the governance of our company.” Analysis of financial data Revenues of EUR 74.7 billion Revenues of EUR 74,686 million are in decrease of -6.6% (gross) compared to 2013 and in organic decrease of 7.2%. This decrease is mainly due to the impact of climat ic conditions on sales of natural gas in France (2014 was particularly mild) and lower electricity market prices in Europe. Adjusted for weather impact in France as well as the gas tariff recoup booked in 2013, wh ich had a year-on-year total impact of close to EUR 2.3 b illion, the organic decrease is limited to -4.4%. Ebitda of EUR 12.1 billion Group Ebitda, which amounted to EUR 12,138 million, was down -6.7% (gross) and -4.2% (o rganic decrease). Adjusted for weather impact in France and the gas tariff recoup booked in 2013, which had a year-on-year total impact of EUR 815 million, Ebitda was up by +2.4% on an organic basis. This indicator was boosted by the positive impact of the co mmissioning of new assets, a strong operational performance, the positive results of the Perform 2015 plan and the improvement in net additions to provisions, which were part ially offset by outages at three nuclear power p lants in Belgiu m, the fall in electricity market prices in Europe, and particu larly adverse hydrological conditions in Brazil. Eb itda for the Energy International business line is up +1.4% on an organic basis, to EUR 3,716 million, impacted by severe hydrological conditions in Brazil (which had a fu ll-year negative impact of around EUR 0.2 billion), compensated by improved performances in the United States, in Thailand, in Chile, in Peru, in the United Kingdom and in Pakistan. Eb itda for the Energ y Europe business line is down -29.2% on an organic basis, to EUR 2,020 million, due to exceptionally unfavorable weather conditions, the partial unavailability of three nuclear units in Belgiu m (Doel 3, Doel 4 and Tihange 2), the fall in prices on the electricity market and the gas tariff recoup in France booked in 2013. Adjusted for weather impact in France and the gas tariff recoup booked in 2013, the organic decrease in Ebitda is limited to -11.5%. Eb itda for the Gl obal Gas & LNG business line reached EUR 2,225 million, with an organic increase of +10.9% compared to end December 2013, main ly due to the rise in total hydrocarbon production following the commissioning of new fields and the strong LNG act ivity in Eu rope and Asia, partially offset by the fall in sales prices for Exploration-Production. Eb itda for the Infrastructures business line came to EUR 3,274 million reflecting an organic decrease of -1,7% compared with 2013, mainly due to the milder weather in France, which limit the positive impacts of tariffs increases and of the development in sales of transmission and storage capacities in Europe. Adjusted for weather impact in France, Ebitda is up +6.8% on an organic basis. 39 Energy Services business line Ebitda amounted to EUR 1,127 million, up by +8.2 % (gross) notably due to acquisitions made in the United Kingdom (Balfour Beatty Workplace and Lend lease) and in the United States (Ecova) and is up +3.2% on an organic basis. In addition, all business lines contributed to the progress of Perform 2015 performance plan, which has reached its target on net recurring income one year in advance. Net recurring income at EUR 3.1 billion Net recurring inco me, Group share, at EUR 3.1 billion, is in decrease by EUR 0.3 b illion compared to December 31st , 2013. The decline in current operating inco me after share in net inco me o f entit ies accounted for using the equity method was largely offset by lower recurring financial expenses thanks to active debt management and also by lower recurring tax expenses. Net debt at EUR 27.5 billion Net debt reached EUR 27.5 b illion at the end of December 2014, down by EUR 1.3 billion compared to end December 2013, reflecting the following items: (i) cash generated from operations before income tax and working capital requirements for the year (EUR 11.8 billion) and the issue of hybrid notes by GDF SUEZ SA at the beginning of June (EUR 2 billion) (ii) decreased by the change in working capital requirements (EUR 1.2 billion), net capex 1 carried out by the Group (EUR 3.9 billion) as well as dividends paid to GDF SUEZ SA shareholders (EUR 2.8 billion) and to minority shareholders of certain subsidiaries (EUR 0.8 b illion). The change in working capital requirements is penalized to the extent of EUR -1.2 billion by the impact of co mmodity price evolution on margin calls, expected to be temporary and to reverse at the expiry of transactions between 2015 and 2016. Net debt/Ebitda ratio is 2.3x, still below the target ≤ 2.5x. In May, GDF SUEZ successfully issued a EUR 2.5 billion green bond representing the largest amount ever issued on this market at an average coupon of 1.895% for a 9.1 years average duration. GDF SUEZ also issued a new hybrid bond for a total amount of EUR 2 billion with 2 tranches at an average coupon of 3.4%. At the end of December 2014, the Group posted a high level of liqui dity of EUR 17.0 billion, EUR 8.9 billion of which was held in cash, and the average cost of gross debt is in decrease for the 3rd year in a row, at 3.14%. In April 2014, Moody’s rating agency confirmed the A1 rating of GDF SUEZ with a stable outlook. On July 30th 2014, S&P confirmed the A long term rating and revised the outlook fro m negative to stable. 1 net capex = gross capex – disposals (cash and net debt impact) 40 Implementati on of the Group’s strategy In 2014, GDF SUEZ continued implementing its strategy: To be the benchmark energy player in fast growing markets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Start of construction of the Cameron LNG project in the US, in which GDF SUEZ holds a 16.6% stake and 4 million tons per annum (mtpa) of liquefaction capacity; Signing of two 20-year LNG sales contract from Cameron LNG project: one with the Taiwanese company CPC for 0.8 mtpa and the other for 0.3 mtpa with the Japanese utility company Tohoku; In Oman, inauguration of the Sohar 2 and Barka 3 power plants with a total installed capacity of 1,488 MW; In Abu Dhabi, financial close of the Mirfa project (1,600 MW); In Morocco, financial close of the Safi IPP project (1,400 MW) and co mmissioning of the largest wind farm in Africa : Tarfaya (300 MW); In South Africa, the Kathu concentrated solar project (100 MW) has been nominated preferred bidder; In Mexico, start of construction of the Ramones phase II South pipeline (291 km); In Brazil, co mmercial operation of 24x75 MW of hydro turbines at Jirau and of 115 MW of wind at Trairi and new power purchase agreements (535 MW) for three thermal, wind and biomass projects; In Uruguay, chartering of the world ’s largest floating storage and regasificat ion terminal in connection with the GNL del Plata project; In Chile, award of the auction for the construction of a new plant (375 MW) and of a power transmission line (TEN) that will connect the Mejillones and Copiapó cities; In Pakistan, inauguration of the 375 MW Uch II gas fired power plant; In China, signing of a major cooperation agreement with Beijing Enterprise Group to develop energy projects in China and pro mote develop ment of sustainable urban eco-districts and with Shenergy to develop energy projects in Shanghai. Creat ion of a jo int venture with SCEI DES fo r the develop ment of distributed energy projects in Sichuan, including a Tri-generation project (power, heating, cooling); In Singapore, acquisition of SMP Pte, a company specialized in energy efficiency for data centers, and of Keppel FMO, one of the strongest providers of global facility management and property management; In Japan, signing of LNG sales contract with Chubu Electric of Japan (Chubu) representing ca. 1.2 mtpa for a duration of 27 months, starting the first quarter of 2015; In Indonesia, signature of a cooperation agreement protocol related to a feasibility study for an on-shore LNG terminal; Commissioning of Amstel (Netherlands), H-North and Gudrun (Norway) E&P fields; Signature of an agreement with NYK and Mitsubishi to develop LNG as marine fuel worldwi de. To be leader in the energy transition in Europe • In France, GDF SUEZ, EDP Renewables and Neoen Marine consortium associated to AREVA has been awarded projects to install and operate 2x500 MW offshore wind farms in the Tréport and the Isles of Yeu and Noirmoutier areas. GDF SUEZ has also been selected as the winner of the Call for Expression of Interest for its tidal power farm project in Raz Blanchard; • In France, GDF SUEZ has been selected for 10 photovoltaic solar projects totalling 53.35 MWc and has inaugurated the Besse-sur-Issole photovoltaic facility (13.9 peak MW); In France, start of construction of the first geothermal marine plant in the Euromed district in Marseille; Launch of GDF S UEZ New Ventures, an investment fund dedicated to innovative startups: investments in Po werdale, a young Belgian co mpany specialized in energy monitoring and electrical mobility and in Tendril, one of the leading providers of Energy Services Management solutions in the US; • • 41 • In the United Kingdom, acquisition of a wind energy developer West Coast Energ y, of Lend Lease’s facility management assets and inauguration of the Stublach gas storage site; Acquisition of the US company Ecova, specialized in smart management of energy; Acquisition of Lahmeyer, leading international consultancy engineering company specialized in energy and water infrastructures; Contract awarded for the manufacturing of the future Gazpar smart meters; Pro mising development of bi omethane injection in the French natural gas grid with, as of today, already 5 sites connected; In France, contract awarded by UGAP (Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics) for a common purchase contract of natural gas with 1,800 public ad ministrations and local authorities (4.4 b illion kWh of natural gas per year for two years). • • • • • Upcoming events • • • April 27 th, 2015: April 28 th, 2015: May 5 th, 2015: • July 30 th, 2015: Publication of 1st quarter 2015 financial information Annual Shareholders Meeting Payment of the dividend balance (EUR 0.50 per share) for fiscal year 2014. The ex-dividend date is set for April 30th , 2015. Publication of 1st half 2015 results The presentation of 2014 results and the 2014 annual financial report, including the management report, consolidated financial statements and notes, are available on our website: The Group’s consolidated accounts and the parent company financial statements for GDF SUEZ SA as of December 31st , 2014 were approved by the Board of Directors on February 25th , 2015. The Group’s statutory auditors have performed their audit of these accounts. The relevant audit report is currently being issued. Board of directors has decided to submit to Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 28, 2015 a resolution aiming to maintain the “one share-one vote” principle, as permitted by Florange law dated March 29, 2014 which establishes double voting rights except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Association. The French State, first shareholder of GDF SUEZ, has notified its intention not to vote in favor of this resolution. The complete notice of this Meeting, draft resolutions and board of directors’ report will be published in the second half of March. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT FY2014 RESULTS, YOU WILL FIND ON 2014 financial Presentation Appendices Press Release Recorded conference audiocast Important notice 42 Conference call transcript Financial report Analyst pack The figures presented here are those customarily used and communicated to the markets by GDF SUEZ. This message includes forward-looking information and statements. Such statements include financial projections and estimates, the assumptions on which they are based as well as statements about projects, objectives and expectations regarding future operations, profits, or services, or future performance. Although GDF SUEZ management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of GDF SUEZ securities should be aware that such forward-looking information and statements are subject to many risks and uncertainties that are generally difficult to predict and beyond the control of GDF SUEZ, and may cause results and developments to differ significantly from those expressed, implied or predicted in the forward-looking statements or information. Such risks include those explained or identified in the public documents filed by GDF SUEZ with the French Financial Market Authority (AMF), including those listed in the “Risk Factors” section of the GDF SUEZ reference document filed with the AMF on March 20th, 2014 (under number D.14-0176). Investors and holders of GDF SUEZ securities should note that if some or all of these risks are realized they may have a significant unfavorable impact on GDF SUEZ. About GDF SUEZ GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services. GDF SUEZ employs 152,900 people worldwide and achieved revenues of EUR 74.7 billion in 2014. The Group is listed on the Paris, Brussels and Luxembourg stock exchanges and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe, ASPI Eurozone, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120, Vigeo World 120, Vigeo Europe 120 and Vigeo France 20. Inve stor Relations contact: T el: +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29 Email: [email protected] Pre ss contact: T el France: +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35 T el Belgium: +32 2 510 76 70 Email: [email protected] @gdfsuez 43 GENERAL INFORMATION Paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (8) of the section entitled “General Information” on pages 167 and 168 o f the Base Prospectus shall be replaced by the following: “(2) Consents, Approvals and authorisations The Issuer has obtained all necessary corporate and other consents, approvals and authorisations in the Republic of France, in connection with the establishment and update of the Programme. Any issue of Notes by the Issuer under the Programme (to the extent they constitute obligations) will be authorised by a resolution of its Conseil d’Administration which may delegate its powers within one year fro m the date of such authorisation to one or more of its members, its Directeur Général or, with the approval of the latter, one or more Directeurs Généraux Délégués. For this purpose, the Conseil d’Administration of the Issuer has, on 10 December 2014, delegated its powers to issue up to €10 b illion of notes to the Président-Directeur Général and to the Directeur Général Délégué. All other securities issued under the Programme by the Issuer, to the extent they do not constitute obligations, will fall within the general powers of the Président-Directeur Général of the Issuer (or, should the Issuer decide to appoint a separate Président and a separate Directeur Général or a Directeur Général Délégué, the Directeur Général or the Directeur Général Délégué) or any other authorised official acting by delegation. (3) Trend information There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer or the Group since 31 December 2014. (4) No significant change in the Issuer’s financial or trading position There has been no significant change in the financial or trading position of the Issuer and the Group since 31 December 2014. (8) Auditors Mazars, Ernst & Young et Autres and Deloitte & Associés (all entit ies regulated by the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes and duly authorised as Commissaires aux co mptes) have audited and rendered audit reports on the consolidated financial statements of the Issuer for the years ended 31 December 2013 and 2014. The French auditors carry out their duties in accordance with the principles of Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes and are members of the CNCC professional body.” 44 PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT I hereby certify, after having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, that the information contained in this First Supplement is, to the best of my knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import. The consolidated financial statements of the Issuer for the financial year ended 31 December 2014, were reviewed by the statutory auditors who issued and audit report. This report contains the follo wing emphasis of matter: “Without qualifying the conclusion expressed above, we draw your attention to note 2 "Impact of applying the new consolidation standards to the comparative 2013 financial statements" in the consolidated financial statements which describes the impact of new standards and amendments on the consolidation as well as the changes in presentation in the income statement of share in net income of the entities accounted for using the equity method”. GDF SUEZ 1, place Samuel de Champlain 92400 Courbevoie France Duly represented by: Grégoire de Thier Senior Financial Advisor authorised signatory, pursuant to the power of attorney dated 29 September 2014 on 3 March 2015 Autorité des marchés financiers In accordance with Articles L.412-1 and L.621-8 o f the French Code monétaire et financier and with the General Regulations (Réglement Général) of the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”), in part icular Articles 212-31 to 212-33, the AMF has granted to this First Supplement the visa no. 15-073 on 3 March 2015. This document may only be used for the purposes of a financial transaction if co mpleted by Final Terms. It was prepared by the Issuer and its signatories assume responsibility for it. In accordance with Article L.621-8-1-I of the French Code monétaire et financier, the visa was granted follo wing an examination by the AMF of “whether the document is complete and comprehensible, and whether the informat ion it contains is coherent”. It does not imp ly that the AMF has verified the accounting and financial data set out in it. This visa has been granted subject to the publication of Final Terms in accordance with Article 212-32 of the AMF's General Regulations, setting out the terms of the securities being issued. 45
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