S E E I N G Y O U R L I FE T H R O U G H T H E L E N S O F T H E G O S PE L S This Sunday’s Gospel: 1 In the Old Testament the privileged place of God’s presence was the Temple in Jerusalem. In the New Covenant, this was replaced by the person of Jesus. This is the symbolism of the action of Jesus in the Temple. Recall how Jesus has helped our relationship with God and give thanks for this. 2 But we are the Body of Christ. When have you been particularly aware of the sacredness of people (yourself or others)? 3 There are many ways in which people, the temples of God, are being profaned today. Where are you aware of the sacredness of the human person being violated? Who are the people seeking to cleanse the temple, by promoting respect for the dignity of every human person? Perhaps in ways you have done this. 4 We may also think of institutions as in some way temples of God’s presence. In this time when aspects of our institutions are crumbling we can perhaps identify with the Jews who were horrified at the suggestion that the Temple would be destroyed. What is it like for you living in a time when some of the things you have taken for granted are collapsing? Where do you look for hope in such circumstances? john byrne osa Alive in the Spirit – Are You Seeking a Peace & Joy the world can’t give? Are you questioning your faith, life, or your part within it? This 7 night programme may be for you! Starting with an information evening in the Day Care Centre Church Street Ardee on the 10th March & continuing every Tuesday from 24th March 5th May. Speakers include Archbishop Eamon Martin, Seamus Byrne (prayer ministry), John Pridmore ex- London Gangster and more. For Information contact Pat 086-8210522 Deacon John 086-8611531 th Light the Fire! St Patrick’s Day, 17 March. The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to a Candlelit Vigil on the Hill of Slane. Events begin at 5.00 pm. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Michael Smith at 5.30 pm, followed by Adoration of the Blessed sacrament with music led by the Franciscans of the Renewal. All are welcome! This is an outdoor event so please dress warmly and bring a chair if you need to sit. For more information or to volunteer please contact the Franciscan Sisters on 041 983 0441. ST PATRCIK’S DAY MASSES IN THE PARISH: TUESDAY 17th MARCH S t M i c h a e l ’s 9 a m & 1 1 . 3 0 a m S s P e t e r & P a u l ’s 1 0 . 0 0 a m A R C H DI O CE S E O F A R M A GH John 2:13-25 Be still and know that I am God” – Lenten Retreat Day for young women (18+) Saturday, 21st March 9 am – 7pm, Siena Monastery, The Twenties, Drogheda. Led by the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal and the Dominican Nuns of Siena Monastery. To book a place, or for more information, e-mail [email protected] of phone Franciscan Sisters on 041 9830441. Overnight accommodation is available at Siena Monastery-email Sr. Niamh at [email protected]. In the weekend after St Patrick's Day ADYC is organising a Youth Trip / Family Day out to Slemish Mountain – Sunday 22nd March, Come along enjoy a fun and spiritual Sunday. Meet new friends and youth groups. After the trek up there will be a short St. Patrick themed prayer service. Bus can be organised. Family friendly trip. For more information contact the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office: 028/048 37523084 or email [email protected] Clogherhead Credit Union Going to College? Improving your home? Changing your car? Special Occasion? Clogherhead Credit Union offers a competitive rate for loans. See our new website. www.clogherheadcu.ie Op en Dail y. P hone 041 982 2951 Clogherhead Parish St Michael Clogherhead Sts Peter & Paul Walshestown St Colmcille Pastoral Area Pastoral Council Mission Statement To build bridges, bring together and renew the parish community in a spirit of faith, trust and hope through loving service of God and our neighbour We b s i t e : w w w . c l o g h e r p a r i s h . h o m e s t e a d . c o m E-mail: [email protected] Vol 2 No 15 Sunday Cycle B T H I R D S U N D AY O F L E N T 08 Mar 2015 Psalter Week 3 WHAT AND WHY OF CONFESSION? People are encouraged to make a special effort in the holy season of Lent to celebrate the love and mercy of God. 1. Confession helps people feel shame for the wrong they have done and embraces them with God’s love so that they know they are forgiven and can go out strengthened in the battle to avoid sin in the future. 2. “But if a person, whether a layperson, priest or sister, goes to confession and converts, the Lord forgives. And when the Lord forgives, he forgets. This is important.” 3. The confessional is not a dry cleaners, a business of sorts that just washes out the stain of sin. 4. “…when the door starts closing a bit because of our weakness and sins, confession reopens it.” 5. “I can’t be baptized two or three or four times, but I can go to confession, and when I go to confession, I renew that grace of baptism,” 6. It’s not a torture chamber where you’ll be raked over the coals. 7. Confession is an encounter with Jesus whose “mercy motivates us to do better.” 8. It’s not a psychiatric session that neglects the question of sin or a mental email to God that avoids the face-to-face encounter with the Lord through the priest. 9. The sincere and humble admission of one’s weaknesses, of having “a sliver of Satan in my flesh,” shows that the power of salvation comes from God, not oneself.” 10. Confession “is going to praise God, because I — the sinner — have been saved by him,” who always waits and always forgives “with tenderness.” Pope Francis PS Say a prayer for the children of St Denis’ Callystown who are making the sacrament of First Penance on Wednesday at 7pm P a r i s h Co n t a c t D e t a i l s Fr. Martin McVeigh P.P. Parochial House 041 982 2438 Fr. William Murtagh P.E. A.P. 041 982 2224 Sacristans – St Michael’s: Maura Kearney 041 9822211 Ss Peter & Paul’s: May Caffrey 041 6852097 Parish Secretary – Ann McEvoy at Parochial House Tuesday 9.30-12.30 & Friday 2.30 – 5.30 pm 041 982 2438 or 087 648 6809 Parish Safeguarding Representative: Nora Molloy 086 894 9320 Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Ai d a n G o r d o n 0 0 4 4 7 8 4 1 1 0 1 6 8 7 We pray for our Mass Times Clogherhead — St Michael’s: Vigil (Saturday) 7.30pm Sunday 11.30am Walshestown — Ss Peter & Paul’s: Sunday 10.00am Weekday Masses St Michael’s: Mon Tue Thu & Fri 9am Confessions Wed 7pm Sat 7pm Adoration Friday 9.30 — 10.30 am Ca th ol i c S c h ool s : St Denis’ Callystown 041 982 2873 St Paul’s Walshestown 041 685 2285 deceased relatives, friends and ss M a i o n s benefactors, the names written on the Parish List of the Dead (placed at the Tabernacle), and those who died nt e t n I recently: Patricia Burke, Anthony Marry and Ita Kirwan St Michael, Clogherhead Vigil Next Sun Vigil James Byrne (McCooey Tce.) Errol & Anthony Dunne, Tom Joe Butterly, Pat Kelly Next Sunday Bill Humphrey Kevin McKeown Sunday Mon 9am Tue 9am Kirwan Family (Main St.), & Eliza & John Joe Shevlin, Special Intention Thurs 9am Fri 9am Sts Peter & Paul, Walshestown Sunday Gerry & Hazel Connor Next Sun Jimmy Corry The Legion of Mary meets Mondays at 7.30pm in the Sacristy. We encourage people to join us to find out if this is something you would like to be involved in. As well as active members we appeal to people who recite the Rosary daily to consider becoming Auxiliary Members-they A Finance Committee meeting will be held in don't attend meetings but offer prayer St. Michael’s Sacristy on Wednesday 11th March for the work of the Legion in the Parish. For further info ring Alice 085@ 8pm. All members are asked to attend. 7047071 or Margaret 086-8104011. Last weekend’s collection €1,171.45 (€805.45 in 109 envelopes and a total of PARISH PILGRIMAGE IN 2015 €366.00 on the plate). Grateful Thanks. MEDJORGE 30 Sept- 7 Oct Cost €639 Special Priests’ Collection t h i s Phone the Parish Office 041 982 2438 asap. we e k e n d 7 t h & 8 t h M a r c h . Drogheda River Rescue & Recovery Service Group Leader — Paul Johnstone Church Gate Collection weekend 14th & 15thMar PASTORAL AREA CONTACT NUMBERS St Brigid’s Day Centre would like to sincerely Fr Tom Daly PP 685 2110 thank all those who contributed to their recent Fr Bill Mulvihill PP 982 2839 Church Gate collection which raised €112.88. Fr Aidan Murphy PP 982 2121 Sunday Lenten Devotions S TAT I O N S O F T H E C R O S S t h i s Sunday at 7pm NOTE — in St. M i c h a e l ’s C h u r c h . Ad o r a t i o n in Adoration Chapel on Fri for one hour after the 9 am Mass Termonfechin Parish is holding a Parish Mission from 21st-28th March. The Mission begins @ 7pm Mass on Saturday 21st, Babies & children will be blessed at all Masses that weekend. An evening Service will be held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception every evening @ 7.30pm. There will be weekday morning Masses in the Church of the Immaculate Conception @ 7am & in the Church of the Assumption (Sandpit) @ 10am. A Mass for the Sick will take place on Saturday 28th @ 11am and the Mission will close with 7pm Mass on Saturday 28th with the Youth taking a lead role in this Mass. Everyone is welcome to come along. We welcome into God’s family in Baptism Laura Erin Clarke The opportunity to give blood will arise at the Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogheda from Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th March from 4.30pm-8pm and on Kilartry. Sunday 15th March The 24 Hours for the Lord initiative from 11.30am-3pm of Pope Francis begins on the evening of this Friday, 13 March and concludes with the Vigil Mass on Saturday, 14 March. I encourage parishioners to make a special effort to visit the Church and spend some time in the presence of God and avail of the Sacrament of Penance and experience God’s healing and grace. St Michael’s open this Saturday from 10am. Confessions at 7pm. DO THIS IN MEMORY Assistance available 086 - 0390612 or 041 9835914 Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life. O God we thank you for the witness of those among us who have chosen a vocation to the consecrated life. Continue to inspire some of our sons and daughters to serve you as religious sisters, brothers or priests. Show us your plans for the renewal of faith in Ireland and give us all the grace we need to help wake up the world to your love. Amen
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