NTF Second Round Portfolio Organisation Name Project Title Primary Focus Funds Awarded Project Description (as provided by organisation) 2gether NHS Foundation Trust Digital transcription and Speech Recognition Project Digital capture at PoC Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Mobile access to digital care records Mobile access £160K The project aim is to enable clinical staff, delivering specialist palliative end-of-life care in a community setting, to retrieve and update patient data at the point-ofcare using hand-held devices, such as a mobile-phone or tablet. Patient data will be uploaded to SystmOne immediately or as the device reaches an area of connectivity, allowing immediate updating of records and communication with other clinicians across the health system. Impact on practice will be to increase the availability of clinical information and increase the time clinicians have to spend with patients, both of which will lead to improved patient care. Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Vital Signs Project Digitally enabled obs £681K This project is the implementation of an electronic track and trigger system throughout the organisation in all adult inpatient areas. Nursing and other clinical teams will be issued with mobile handheld technology to provide the means to record electronically nursing observations and other critical metrics. Amongst a range of other benefits, this will facilitate the provision of immediate escalation of deteriorating patients to clinical teams with auditable response times and automated further escalation in the event of non-response or unavailability of clinicians. £1000K The project will involve the purchase and deployment of digital transcription and speech recognition software and associated hardware across the nursing workforce. This is a key component of the Trusts overall Electronic Patient Record and Transformation strategy and will complement the investment in a new EPR which will go-live in May 2015 and further investment in infrastructure, mobile devices and staff training. The overall strategy is aimed at equipping our nursing workforce with the capability to work in a truly mobile manner, capture data at the point of service user contact and reduce the current “data input burden” on staff. NTF Second Round Portfolio Barnsley Hospital NHS FT Intelligent medicine cabinets for safer clinical interventions Safer clinical interventions Basildon And Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Electronic Noting and Observations at the point of care Digital capture at PoC Bedford Hospital NHS Trust Point of Care (vital signs and risk assessments) Digitally enabled obs £352K To implement a ‘best of class’ medicine management system to manage medicines’ and controlled drugs, building on the work done in the Emergency and Admissions Departments. The project will ensure safer clinical interventions enforcing the 5 rights of administration. Systems will be installed in ITU, Theatres and 9 Medical Wards. Nurses’ access medication by fingerprint; selecting their patient; selecting the required medicine(s); the intended dose; interacting with any clinical/ allergy / expiry alerts and following a guiding light to the item. The project will save nurse time, provide an audit trail of every transaction and integrate with our IT systems. £1000K A point-of-care solution for electronically capturing observations and notes with automated escalation and automated calculation of scores (Risk & Vital Signs assessments, Waterlow, MUST, NEWS) thereby reducing manual error and potential risk of harm. This will allow clinical staff to respond more rapidly and appropriately, enhancing speed and appropriateness of response, reducing risk of patient harm. Currently, observations are recorded manually in ‘booklets’ reducing nurse efficiency. Administrative costs are also high as booklets have to be dismantled and scanned into the Trust’s Electronic Medical Record system . £905K Providing nurses with a bedside tool (‘Point of Care’) to record vital signs data and risk assessments electronically using handheld mobile devices. ‘Point of Care’ software is configured to analyse data from observations and calculate patient risk scores which is transferred automatically to our clinical systems providing ‘Patient Status at a Glance’ dashboard on electronic whiteboards. This electronic track and trigger system will detect deteriorating patients based on National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and escalate these patients in real time to the right clinician with the skills to respond to the patient in line with recommendations from NICE guideline CG50. NTF Second Round Portfolio Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Mobile Working Mobile for Community access Nurses £500K This project is the crucial enabler to provide our nursing staff working in the community with remote access to our digital care records and other digital innovations we have invested in (e.g. electronic document transfer, the ability to send letters remotely). At present we cannot progress towards fully electronic care records as nurses cannot access them at the point at which they are performing their duties and are using paper documentation. We will equip all community nursing staff with laptops/tablets enabling them to access real time digital care records through our service-user administration system (RiO). Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation Trust E-Rostering of Nursing and Midwifery Staffing Smart workforce deployment £259K To improve the outcomes of patient care by ensuring safe staffing levels amongst nursing and midwifery teams. This will be achieved through the implementation of an E-Rostering system. Implementation will occur across all acute inpatient and outpatient departments in Maternity, Gynaecology and Neonates. It will span across the community setting including; Community Midwifery, Home Birth and Neonatal Transport teams. Proven to transform current practices and to deliver many benefits, the system will enable: Increased compliance against nursing and midwifery staffing standards; Efficient and effective matching of clinical skills/competence against patient acuity; Reduction in the time clinical staff spend completing rotas and pay related documentation; Reduction in the utilisation/expenditure of bank and agency staff. Mobile access £488K BCH are implementing mobile working with all our community and specialist nursing teams, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. Our project extends this, achieving full integration and interoperability between community and GP records by nurses remotely inputting all information into the GP patient record, and with access to a shared view on their tablets of other local health and social care providers’ patient information. This enables real time information for GPs and community staff, improves clinical decision making, reduces time spent returning to bases and reduces opportunities for error, with the ultimate objective of improving patient outcomes and experience. Bristol Community Mobile Health (BCH) CIC Working: Releasing More Time to Care NTF Second Round Portfolio Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust Enabling Excellence through the eNurse Project Mobile access £713K Enabling Excellence through the eNurse Project is a collaborative project in the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust. The project focuses on making our workforce more agile through the use of tablet devices and the iNurse application to monitor and manage physical health for our service users. Under the project we also want to improve access and interoperability of health care records with our primary care partners through a portal and bringing in a feed from our pathology labs in the acute sector to our existing electronic patient record system. Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust Mobilising Health in Manchester Mobile access £289K This project requests funds to give every community nurse and midwife a mobile device to access the Trust Electronic Patient Record. This will enable key front-line clinical teams to spend more time engaged in direct patient care, giving them access to patient records and relevant clinical information. Having contemporaneous and historic information about their patients will realise many benefits including: reducing time spent in busy city traffic; returning to base centres; reducing the burden of having to make duplicate entries into care records; enabling informed decision making by having access to pathology and other results and clinical correspondence; reducing telephone queries.. Mobile access £967K This project will provide digital solutions to enhance clinical care in community and community maternity settings. Mobile technology including digital pens, laptops and tablets will improve the timeliness and quality of data capture and provide visibility of the whole patient record enabling greater coordination of care. The current duplication of documentation whilst in the patient home / clinic and again at staff bases leads to inefficient use of staff time. This will be significantly reduced allowing increased patient contact and productivity; in addition using mobile solutions will enable improved communication between and with community based staff. Croydon Health Improving Services NHS Trust Clinical Care (CHS) through Mobile Solutions. NTF Second Round Portfolio Devon Partnership Video NHS Trust Consultations for Nursing Staff Remote F2F £204K We will be purchasing a secure, flexible, cloud-based videoconferencing solution that can be accessed by both nursing staff and service users on smartphones, tablets and PCs. We already have tablets for our staff but will also create ten dedicated videoconferencing rooms to provide a proper therapeutic environment for consultations. We recognise that access to technology may be an issue and will purchase 100 tablets which can be secured and loaned to people for the duration of their involvement in ‘e-mental health’ services. Our nurses and our patients have been asking for this facility to deliver safer and more convenient services. Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Paperless Nurse Assessments – with positive patient ID Digitally enabled obs £277K Providing hardware and software to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the nursing process across the Trust, mostly on acute wards, but also in patient’s home (as a part of the ‘Acute Hospital at Home’ initiative.) Enhancing the Trust’s use of the existing VitalPAC solution by: Provision of additional nursing assessments (specifically malnutrition universal screening (MUST) and Fluid Balance); Utilising the Electronic Discharge System (EDS) functionality in VitalPAC to replace the existing in-house system to ensure semi-automated production of discharge summaries for the Trust (integrating information from observations and nursing assessments); Additional devices (extending access to systems at the bed side for nursing staff); and Barcode readers (confirming to GS1 standards). East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Electronic Observations (E-obs) Digitally enabled obs £768K Use of MioCare devices to implement an open source electronic observations solution. The renal unit were successful in receiving funds from the first round of the Nursing Technology Fund to implement an open source electronic observations solution for safer patient care. We now wish to extend the roll out to all clinical areas including the emergency department, theatre recovery, ambulatory care, acute cardiac unit, day case areas, maternity and paediatrics. Since introduction into the renal service, 15000 electronic observations have been successfully performed allowing for paperless working and safer patient care. The organisation intends to scale up the benefits--smarter nursing deployment and improved patient outcomes, across all clinical areas, fitting with the wider IM&T strategy of digital maturity by 2017. NTF Second Round Portfolio Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust Electronic Early Warning System Digitally enabled obs £309K This is phase 2 of an innovative project to implement an electronic track and trigger system in all adult inpatient areas by June 2015, including renal and surgery. Nursing and clinical teams are issued with mobile hand held technology to provide electronic capture of nursing observations and other critical metrics. Amongst a range of other benefits this facilitates the provision of immediate escalation of deteriorating patients to clinical teams with auditable response times and automated further escalation in the event of non-response or unavailability of clinicians. The successful stage 1 implementation increased patient safety by automating escalation and appropriate actions. Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Smart eRostering Implementation workforce and integration deployment with ESR £251K The Trust need to install an eRostering solution which will support its workforce, aligning staffing levels to patient demand. To be implemented across all care settings where staff are expected to work a 24/7 shift pattern. We already have the technical infrastructure to support this. An internal working group has commenced identifying current practice to minimise the impact for staff. Impact on clinical workflows and practice will be positive as the system will drive efficiencies in staff rostering ensuring ward areas are managed at safe staffing levels maintaining quality of care for patients, whilst eliminating paper flows. Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Ward Based Patient Information and Real-time Metrics Displays Nursing dashboards £204K This will provide patients and their visitors with information to inform their experience of the clinical setting. In a visible accessible format they will see realtime digital nursing dashboards of staffing levels data, care quality and outcomes metrics for their ward, clinical audit data, as well as pictures of those staff looking after them in wards and outpatient settings. MDT groups use the displays for board rounds using real-time ward activity data. The solution will provide clinical-setting specific metrics, providing confidence to the public regarding the quality and standard of care/treatment expected in the ward. NTF Second Round Portfolio Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Networked Vital Signs and MEWS Reporting and Escalation Digital capture at PoC £1000K This project aims to improve accuracy of recording of patient data, improve safety and clinical effectiveness through the implementation of wirelessly connected Vital Signs Monitors which will: Improve accuracy of data recording; Enhance the safety of our patients; Increase the efficiency of staff; Reduce or eliminate transcription errors from patient records; Improve early detection of deterioration of patients condition and facilitate timely intervention; Increase nurse time to care for patients. The project enhances the Trust’s embedded use of the Modified Early Warning system (MEWS) for enabling the early recognition of the deteriorating patient. Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Powered Clinical Trolleys for Drug Rounds Digital capture at PoC £512K This project will deliver a versatile powered clinical trolley solution which will enable nurses in the acute setting to document clinical information about medicines they have or have not administered to patients during drug rounds, data that will be stored in the patients’ electronic medical record (EPR). The solution will store medicines securely in a highly portable trolley with a PC (and power supply) connected to the Trust wireless network to enable direct recording in the EPR system. The solution will be implemented in all clinical areas that currently use drug trolleys to store and administer medicines. Humber NHS Foundation Trust Mobile Working Mobile access £493K The primary technology enabled capability of this project is mobile access to digital care records across the community by clinicians in multiple care settings. The project outcomes will transform community services and result in: More time to improve patient care; Improving the health and wellbeing of communities served; Preventing high dependency, hospital admission and re-admission. The primary impact will be: Clinical - % of patients seen with evidence of a care plan completed and stored on EPR system; Staff:- % responding positively to “I am confident about doing my job to a standard I am happy with”. NTF Second Round Portfolio Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Releasing nursing time while providing safer care Digitally enabled obs £1000K This project will enable nurses/midwives to capture observations at the bedside in real time as part of early detection of patients at risk through the use of dashboards and alerting. The solution is based on Cerner CareAware VitalsLinks, which connects mobile vital sign monitors to the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) enabling the patients’ observations into the EPR and calculate NEWS. The bid is to fund the purchase of the VitalsLinks monitoring devices and associated software/hardware to support calculation of NEWS. This allows early alerting and detection of patients at risk of deterioration through integrated handover pages with sepsis alerting. James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust James Paget eRostering Project Smart workforce deployment £282K The project will deliver an on-line real-time ‘Ward to Board’ nursing deployment capability across the Trust. It will enable efficient and clear roster allocation and monitoring assurance to both our Nurses and Patients. Benefits will include: Nurses with the right skills to the right location; Ward staffing levels that are safe and comply with National and Professional guidance; Real time active management; An improved working environment for all; Information that is integrated with finance and HR reporting, linking information from ‘Ward to Board’; A reduction in temporary staffing utilisation; Robust governance. Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Paperless Nurse Observations and Early Warning Score System Digitally enabled obs £837K Currently vital signs are recorded on paper and the observations are transcribed onto a chart to manually calculate the Early Warning Score (EWS). Nursing staff are required to raise an alert based on vital signs being outside the normal range. This scheme enables nurses and midwives at Kingston Hospital to take and record patient’s vital signs observations at the patient’s bedside and in real time. The solution will provide an alert mechanism for medical and critical care teams to respond to alerts regarding deteriorating patients allowing for swift intervention and treatment. NTF Second Round Portfolio Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Inpatient Transformation - Improving Patient Safety & Productivity Digitally enabled obs £992K We are proposing to extend our existing partnership with Nervecentre - integrating clinical applications to mobile technology within Mental Health and Offender Health Services. The project will utilise Nervecentre solutions along with mobile devices to provide a single platform for inpatient services that can deliver e-observations, handover, task management and clinical assessments. This will also allow governance and escalation management as per our standard operating procedures. We strongly believe this IT Enabled change project will significantly improve patient safety and productivity within the Trust by enabling clinicians to communicate, share data, and leverage the resources within the Trust. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Enhancing patient safety through electronic vital sign recording. Digitally enabled obs £946K Improving patient safety and making nursing processes more efficient are key to delivering our aim of excellent care with compassion. This project entails the implementation of equipment which is software compatible with our current electronic patient record (EPR) and consequently can upload information from the bedside directly into our EPR in real time. Development of our existing software to initiate automatic referrals to the parent team and critical care outreach would be another key feature of this project. The transition from paper vital signs documentation to electronic patient record and automatic escalation creates a robust mechanism to enhance patient safety. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Technology Advances Nursing Care in Community Hospitals Digitally enabled obs £994K 85% of patients admitted to community hospitals are transferred from the local acute Trust. This project will digitally connect nurses in both organisations by utilising the same software programme. This innovative way of working will ensure that the patients’ journey is enhanced through the sharing of the previously recorded vital signs and risk assessments thus allowing the receiving nurse to build upon the information previously obtained. By continuing to collect vital signs and risk assessments electronically at the bedside it will impact on safer care and productivity gains whilst meeting the needs of patients as highlighted by National Voices. NTF Second Round Portfolio Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Digitally enabled observation management system Digitally enabled obs £209K This project would enable Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital (LHCH) to have an appropriate, digitally enabled observation management system. This project aims to improve the capture, charting, integration, implementation, interpretation and analysis of observations across the wards and clinical areas. This project also has the provision of analytical support in the background to improve decision support regarding subsequent care and treatment. Worldwide, thousands of avoidable inhospital deaths occur due to inadequate vital signs monitoring and a failure to recognise and respond to deterioration (NPSA, 2007). Nationally, 23,000 people suffer preventable cardiac arrest in hospital. Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Vital Signs and Handover Digitally enabled obs £670K The implementation of an electronic observation and handover solution across the Trust supports this strategy of reducing the use of paper while directly delivering clinical efficiencies and improve the Trusts patients’ experience of care in the hospitals. Currently vital signs are charted on paper. The nurse then uses a paper based tool to calculate the EWS. This process is slow, dependent upon the nurse recognising deterioration in the patient and informing the clinician enabling prompt treatment. The solution will aid collection of vital signs data, automatically calculate the EWS, provide automated alerts, and provide information in real-time to any clinician. Marie Curie Cancer Care The Connected Nursing Project Mobile access £1000K The Marie Curie Nursing Service (MCNS) has around 2,000 nurses in the UK, delivering palliative care to 31,800 (2013) patients in their homes. Currently 70% of this care are visits delivered by one or two nurses overnight with one patient and is co-ordinated by The Marie Curie Referral Centre using a Customer Relationship / Patient Information system called Patient Connect. The remaining (and quickly growing) 30% of the care is for visits involving one or two nurses caring for multiple patients, day and night, in one shift and is co-ordinated by local regional teams using white-boards, spread-sheets and other manual methods. Information about patients and visits is communicated to all nurses via telephone. This is recorded on paper by the nurse. The Connected Nursing project will deliver, for the MCNS for the first time: mobile access to digital care records; digital capture of clinical data at point of care; capture digital images for nursing care; and, enable smarter workforce deployment through the use of resource scheduling software. NTF Second Round Portfolio Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Paperless Nurse Observations (Collecting and Recording Vital Signs data electronically) Digitally enabled obs £646K This project focusses on the introduction of mobile vital signs monitors (Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitors) that will connect directly to the Trust’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system (Cerner Millennium). This will enable healthcare staff to capture vital signs and Early Warning Scores (EWS) at the bedside in real-time. Further to this will be the elimination the current paper process of recording vital signs, which is slow and has a risk to patient safety due to transcriptions errors. NAViGO Health and Social Care CIC Development of a Multifunction Mobile Application to enhance Record Keeping, Access and Promotion of Self-Care Within a Whole Mental Health Service Mobile access £472K Application to work with EPR offering: Mobile Access; Capture of clinical data at point of care; Mobile Observations; Service User ‘kiosk’ for IAPT. Relevant Capabilities: Mobile Access/observations; Digital capture of clinical data at point of care; Support for Self-care. Care Settings/Clinical Workflows; Community; Acute; Mental Health; Memory Services; Specialist Services (in-service user / acute / crisis / home support). Impact: More efficient / effective / consistent / safer patient care; Real-time recording; Instant access to health records; Increased face-to-face visits (1 per day); Improved communication / outcome capture; Reduced scanning/admin (2 hours/1 day per week respectively); Reduced travel / printing / archiving storage costs; Increased clinical time (1 day per week); Increased staff development; Improved Service User experience. North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust Integrated Maternity Care Mobile access £278K The implementation of the Euroking E3 Maternity system across acute and community settings. This will deliver the following capabilities as outlined in the prospectus: Mobile access to digital care records across the community; Digital capture of clinical data at point-of-care; Safer Clinical Interventions. The implementation of a hospital-based and mobile solution for ante and post natal care in both the patients’ homes and community settings will provide North Cumbria with a single integrated maternity care record for the first time. NTF Second Round Portfolio North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust Mobile Devices for Community Mobile access £430K This project will aim to deploy and utilise the mobile devices within the Trusts Community Services which will help improve electronic recording and enable the further integration of digital records within our local health community. The use of mobile kit will provide efficiencies and quality improvement in community nursing delivering benefits for both staff and patients. If successful, the Mobile Devices project will enable real time use of the electronic patient record at the point of care and remove the need to return to base to follow up administrative work which subsequently detracts from time spent delivering care to the patient. Northamptonshire Mobile Healthcare NHS Connectivity for Foundation Trust Nursing Staff Mobile access £862K This project is to provide Dell tablets with integrated connectivity to all community teams to enable mobile access to care records and data capture at point of care. The technology will be provided to our children’s Universal and Specialist services, child and adolescent mental health community teams, adult services, Community (District) Nursing and Intermediate Care team, community adult mental health teams holding community clinics and / or seeing patients at home. Mobile technology will enable our teams to: provide higher quality care travel less and have more patient contact; Share images/ information with specialist colleagues for treatment advice. Digitally enabled obs £449K This project aims to provide digital observations management with mobile electronic workflow for handover and hospital and night processes. The project will encapsulate: Electronic capture of vital signs, and associated decision support for nurses; Automated, cascading alerts to doctors of deteriorating patients to ensure a rapid response; Mobile capture of patient information for nurse handover; Automatic allocation of requests from nurses to doctors during out-of-hours; Trust wide visibility of the sickest patients by EWS score which helps plan resources to these areas and placement of patients from Critical Care; Supports Acuity by giving real time visibility of patient information, assessments and Current EWS including Trends anywhere in the hospital, to matrons, operational staff. Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Digital observations management, nursing handover and Hospital at Night NTF Second Round Portfolio Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS FT Ward Based Medicines Automation for Safer Drug Administration Safer clinical interventions £640K To implement a state of the art ward based automated medicines management system. The system will manage all medicines and controlled drugs to save nursing time, improve patient care, inform clinical decisions, ensure the five rights of administration and increase patient safety. The overarching effect will be the delivery of safer clinical interventions and a reduction in patient safety incidents involving medicines administration and medicines management. The combination of automated storage cabinets and intelligent trolleys will minimise the risk of misselection and mis-administration of medicines as well as releasing significant nursing resource to deliver more direct patient care. Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Improving Care Delivery and Care Outcomes: Phase 2 Safer clinical interventions £578K The Trust was awarded £921,000 as part of the first round of Nursing Technology Funding. This was used to provision nurses with 2,000 iPads. The Improving Care Delivery and Care Outcomes: Phase 2 project will build on the success to date by implementing native iOS apps for the Trust’s new Electronic Health Record (EHR). The apps will provide nurses with access to clinical information at the point of care delivery (community / inpatient). Nurses will not only be able to access EHR information, but will be able to update the EHR in a more timely / efficient manner. Peace Hospice Care Delivering better patient services through integrated information systems Safer clinical interventions £175K To improve the quality of our care by enabling our nurses to use integrated information systems and new hardware. With a new clinical software system we will be able to share digital care records with Hertfordshire Community Trust, district nurses, palliative care teams and many of the local GPs. Along with new hardware this will: give our community based nurses mobile access to electronic patient records; allow digital capture of clinical data at point-of-care; allow for safer interventions and reduce risk by providing our nurses with the most relevant and up-to-date clinical records; give our nurses increased clinical facing time. NTF Second Round Portfolio Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Remote consultation Remote F2F £53K This project will implement remote video-conferencing capability in order to deliver two key objectives. Firstly, to enhance patient choice, convenience and experience by enabling (where safe to do so) patient access to their clinical consultation through video technology from their own home, and from nursing/residential care home settings. Secondly, to speed up communications between care givers, and offer a visual as well as verbal exchange, enabling rapid assessment and second opinions via video-conferencing at the point of patient contact, be that in a clinical, community or domiciliary setting. Overall aims are to enhance quality, productivity and prevention through this innovation. Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust eObservations System Digitally enabled obs £894K Procurement and Implementation of e-observations software that will enable nurses to record clinical observations and data on hand held devices at the bedside and analyse the vital sign data instantly. The captured information will be used to assist the decision making process for timely escalation to medical teams including the Critical Care Outreach Team and improve the quality of handover information between nursing and clinical teams. This project forms part of the Trust’s IM&T strategy linking in with the Trust’s aim to be paperlite by 2017. The implementation and rollout delivery phase for the project has been planned for Q3 and Q4 2015/16. The software will also provide clinical handover capabilities between nursing shifts improving the governance process. In addition implementation will support adherence to the Keogh standards for urgent care. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Sister eAssistant Nursing dashboards £270K The Sister eAssistant project will provide Nursing Sisters with dedicated mobile technology to release supervisory time for patient care. It will provide anytime, anywhere oversight of patients’ clinical status and bed capacity on an hourly basis. Bed capacity will be displayed throughout Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). Sister eAssistant will improve patient safety by extra vigilance and escalation, reduce ward based administration, reduce nursing care interruptions, release Operation Centre staff to manage the hospital and increase Research Sister time to recruit patients to clinical trials. It is estimated to increase nursing time to care by 93,300 hours (12,440 days). NTF Second Round Portfolio Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust Vital Signs Monitoring with Real-time Digital Nursing Dashboards Digitally enabled obs £769K We are seeking to improve patient safety by bedside capture of vital signs electronically, using mobile devices connected to our existing WiFi network. The system will generate risk scores and trigger patient deterioration alerts displayed on wall mounted touch sensitive real-time digital nursing dashboards and will be accessible from PCs and mobile devices to all clinical staff via our clinical portal. The information will also be used by senior nursing staff to make more informed staff deployment decisions. We bid for this in NTF round -1 and scored highly but were unsuccessful and are hoping for better results this time. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Automated drug management for safer clinical interventions Safer clinical interventions £77K To implement a ‘best of class’ medicine management system to manage all medicines and controlled drugs and ensure safer clinical interventions by avoiding wrong patient, wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong time. The systems will be installed in one medical ward linking with systems within the Pharmacy and EPR systems. Nurses access the medication they require by scanning their fingerprint; selecting their patient; the required medicine(s); the intended dose; interacting with any clinical/ allergy / expiry alerts and following a guiding light to the item. This will deliver better quality data and reduce the effort in recording or duplicating it. Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Paperless realtime patient status, releasing time to care Nursing dashboards £559K Procurement and implementation of a real-time, nursing-focussed electronic whiteboard solution, with the added benefit of a daily Clinical Utilisation Review tool (CUR). Our aim is to increase / release time to care whilst reducing length of stay, support patient handover and improve patient flow by ensuring patients are treated in the most appropriate clinical setting. NTF Second Round Portfolio Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Virtual Nurses Stations Smart workforce deployment £391K The Trust is building a new wing to provide improved clinical facilities. The architectural design has been influenced by technological developments and the operational planning process will ensure these technologies are utilised to support and enhance nursing care. A central aspect of this on the acute wards is the design of virtual nurses stations rather than a single geographical location. This enables nurses to have instant access to communications, patient calls, alarm notifications and access control. The benefit of this is to increase direct patient care time, despite an increase in single bedrooms, without an increase in nursing staff numbers. South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Inpatient Digital Digitally Observations enabled obs £1000K To implement the electronic recording of Physical and Mental Health observations across SLAM’s (52) inpatient Wards and 4 Home Treatment Teams. In a Mental Health setting, the term ‘Observations’ encompasses the routine engagement of patients during daily activities and their interaction with staff and other patients as part of the care process and to inform ongoing treatment and interventions. This project is an opportunity to bring these mental health observations into the mainstream of electronic inpatient care, which together with the integration of digital Physical Health recording will enable greater nursing efficiencies, patient safety and real-time use of clinical data. South Tyneside Hospital NHS Trust Safer Medicines Management for Nurses Safer clinical interventions £159K To implement a ‘best of class’ medicine management system, integrated with PAS and Ascribe, to manage medicines’ and controlled drugs in the Emergency Department and our Admissions Unit. Ensuring safer clinical interventions with medicines by supporting the 5 rights of administration. Nurses’ access medication by fingerprint scan; selecting their patient; selecting the required medicine(s); the intended dose; interacting with any clinical/ allergy / expiry alerts and following a guiding light to the item. The project will save nurse time, increase patient safety, provide an audit trail of every transaction and fully integrate with our IT systems. NTF Second Round Portfolio Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Nursing observation, handover and escalation system Digitally enabled obs £975K This project is part of the on-going hospital Information and Technology strategy, which sets out a vision of moving towards a digitalised patient health care record. It will give the nursing workforce the tools by which to enter vital signs data electronically using mobile devices and allow timely escalation. The project recognises that paper based processes are not sustainable and by using this electronic system there will be significant improvements in patient care and outcomes which will also enhance clinical workflows, staff and patient experience. St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice Shared Electronic Care Plan for Palliative Patients Mobile access £332K Introduction of an individualised electronic palliative/end of life care plan as a means of sharing decisions made between the clinician and patient at point of care delivery, across service boundaries regardless of care provider and the time of day or night. Putting the patient wishes at the centre of their care and help to create an environment where clinicians (regardless of employer) can work together easily. The care plan is remotely available to the clinician, to inform decision making, ensuring care coordination and choices are considered (wherever and whenever that maybe), resulting in an improved quality patient experience. St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust Electronic whiteboard for resource management and operational efficiency Nursing dashboards £449K An integrated whiteboard solution will support length of stay management and provide the ability to view the current status of all beds and additional information to support the bed manager in controlling the flow of supply and demand. The additional functionality will provide a plethora of both demographic and clinical data to inform the clinician and enhance the decision making process, a medications timeline showing past, present and future medications and an events timeline giving access to clinical results: the solution spans across all inpatient locations in the hospital. NTF Second Round Portfolio St Luke’s Hospice Community Palliative Care Enhanced Data and Communication Digital capture at PoC £249K The project will equip Community Palliative Care Nurses with mobile devices, improving communication and collection of patient and carer data linked to an online dashboard. Capabilities include: mobile access to digital care records, capturing clinical data and observations at point of care, real-time digital nursing dashboards, safer clinical interventions and smart workforce deployment. Clinical workflows will be enhanced through electronic assessments; care planning, delegated specialist care and audit. Expected impacts include faster and better informed decision-making, increased quality, accuracy and efficiency in recording and managing data. Improvements in risk profiling, patient safety and patient/carer experiences. Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Mental Capacity Act Assessment App Digital capture at PoC £85K The mobile app will support community-based learning disability (LD) nurses to complete Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) assessments more efficiently. The app will guide nurses through a digital pathway to ensure that they follow best practice when an important decision has to be made concerning a patient’s care. Nurses will use the app to record the text of what was said and the outcome, producing a pdf report as evidence to attach to the patient’s clinical record. This bespoke development has potential across the NHS in other areas where mental capacity is an issue, such as dementia. The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust Release of mobile technology to support an EPR record Digital capture at PoC £1000K The project delivers point of care hardware and software solutions that can maximise the effectiveness of the Trust’s EPR system in the Nursing community. Bedside devices will allow nurses to use EWS observation tools that identify the deteriorating patient and assist Nursing teams in decision making processes for escalation to medical teams and the critical care outreach team. This will include alerts activities to support early intervention that enhances patient care. Large interactive screens in the MDT areas will support the electronic tracking of patients replacing existing whiteboards. Disconnected electronic working solutions will be available for community midwives. NTF Second Round Portfolio The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Electronic Patient Status at a Glance Digital capture at PoC £168K Nurse led access to data in real time permitting nurses to stay with patients at the bedside enabling capture of clinical data at point of care. Provides the provision of tablet computing equipment to every bed bay within the hospital, linking back to both large screen, providing ability for nursing staff to update and view information in real time via a custom written local application, providing both clinical and management dashboard information, releasing front line nursing staff and enabling them to provide “time to care” by removing duplication of data entry. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Safer blood transfusion through electronic solutions Safer clinical interventions £673K To implement an electronic IT solution for blood transfusion that would increase patient safety by ensuring right blood to right patient at all steps in the transfusion process: sample taking, collection of blood components and administration. The system would enable positive patient identification through the use of bar-coded wristbands and clinical staff using a hand held scanning device to electronically confirm the patient’s details. The system also electronically records the location on blood components and the member of staff involved in the transfusion. The handheld devices support mobile websites so guidelines would be available at the bedside. University Hospital of North Midlands Digitally Enhanced nurse led care coordination Digital capture at PoC £219K In an increasingly complex and demanding acute inpatient environment, care coordination for medical review out of standard working hours is done using a paging system. This results in variation of practice and difficulty to quantify demands of the on-call team versus clinical status of patients across a large acute trust. This project aims to address these issues by implementing: Digital SBAR tool for nurses to make requests at the patient’s bedside generating a triaged RAG rated status; Senior Nurse practitioner coordination of requests via mobile hand held devices to ensure timely review based on RAG rated clinical status. NTF Second Round Portfolio University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Electronic Patient Acuity Monitoring System Digitally enabled obs £870K This project aims to further improve patient safety in the hospital, and to reduce mortality numbers, following the procurement and implementation of an Electronic Patient Acuity Monitoring System (ePAMS). Using mobile devices across 57 wards, 3,000 nurses and midwives will replace paper with technology to capture observations. An automated Modified Early Warning Score will activate alerts and tasks to rescue patients from possible deterioration. The project aligns with three capabilities: Digital enabled observations management; Digital capture of clinical data at point of care; Safer clinical interventions. University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust Comprehensive Nursing Digital Record Digital capture at PoC £987K The project will provide hand held devices for every nurse, and additional mobile computers to support the implementation of a comprehensive nursing digital record incorporating electronic nursing assessments, care plans and handover documentation. Electronically capture and display of vital signs and physiological observations with proactive alerting and early warning score (EWS) escalation to named clinicians is also supported. This integrates with the hospital EPR and existing nursing electronic whiteboard, creating a single patient record, promoting harm free care. This will improve staff efficiency through standardised documentation and enhance patient safety through real time escalated EWS and safe handovers, supporting the right clinical care for the right patient at the right time. Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Vital Signs Monitoring Digitally enabled obs £677K This innovative project is the implementation of an electronic track and trigger system throughout the organisation in defined adult inpatient areas. Nursing and other clinical teams will be issued with mobile hand held technology to provide electronic capture of nursing observations and other critical metrics. Amongst a range of other benefits, this will facilitate the provision of immediate escalation of deteriorating patients to clinical teams with auditable response times and automated further escalation in the event of non-response or unavailability of clinicians. NTF Second Round Portfolio Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Mobile Midwife Mobile access £179K We aim to make all of our Midwives mobile and paper free. We intend to issue our 21 Community Midwives with a 3G enabled Windows tablet PC. We will also issue our hospital based Midwives with a similar device that will access our new wireless network. This project is part of a wider programme of work that is taking the Trust toward paperless working by 2018 and an EPR in 2015 enabled by, mobile working through individuals’ access to information provided by tablets. The vision and journey is described in the Trust’s IT Strategy that spans the next four years Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust Mobile Solution for a Mobile Nursing Workforce Digital capture at PoC £904K The Integrated Community Nursing teams undertake 400,000 contacts per year in the patients’ own homes. Currently this is undertaken without access to live data and staff returning to base each day to record and report patients seen and interventions undertaken. This project aims to provide members of the integrated nursing teams with mobile tablet devices, allowing them to accept allocation of, view, amend and add appointments, to review patient history and record the outcome at the point of care delivery. This will enable staff to deliver safe, personalised care efficiently and contemporaneously with the recording of delivery of that care.
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