St Alban’s, St Joseph’s and St Peter’s Catholic Churches Three Rosminian Parishes United in One Faith 8th - 14th MARCH 2015 3rd SUNDAY of LENT (CYCLE B) THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “What matters about our penance is not that it should be long but that it should be from the heart.” (Blessed Antonio Rosmini) CAFOD LENT FAST DAY COLLECTION The collection took place last weekend and your contributions were, as ever, most generous. Many people have asked that we extend the collection period so we have decided that contributions will still be accepted for the next two weeks. Please place your donation in the envelopes (which should still be at the back of your church) and put them in with the usual collection. WALES AND THE MARCHES CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY Sean Cleary, a local historian will give a talk on “Bute, Llanisien and the Early Nineteenth Century Irish” at 3.00 pm on Sunday 8th March at St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College, Ty Gwyn Road. OSCAR ROMERO: A MARTYR’S LEGACY With the news that the beatification of the late Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador has been confirmed, this talk will be an opportunity to find out who he is and why he continues to inspire so many around the world. The talk, give by Julian Filochowski, chair of the Archbishop Romero Trust, takes place on Thursday 19th March, 7.00pm at St David’s Catholic College, Ty Gwyn Road. All welcome. ADORATION DURING LENT Should you wish to attend Adoration during Lent but are not able to go to your own church for some reason, you will find on your notice-board a list of dates and times when Adoration is held at various other churches nearby. All these churches will be happy to welcome you. WEEK OF PRAYER & AWARENESS FOR DEMENTIA: 12th - 19th March 2015 The Annual Archdiocesan Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick for Dementia sufferers and their carers, will be celebrated on Thursday, 19th March at 12 noon in All Hallows Church, Miskin, CF72 8PG. Please come together and pray for all who experience the effects of dementia. EASTER CONCERT: Faire is the Heaven: Music of the Cathedral Choral Tradition The Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral Choir will be giving a lunchtime concert on Tuesday 17th March at 1.00 pm in St David’s Hall. Tickets £5.75 from the box office, Phone 02920 878444.. PILGRIMAGE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST TERESA OF AVILA AND ST JOHN OF THE CROSS St Helen’s Church in Barry is organising a Pilgrimage to Avila, Segovia, Salamanca and Toledo in Spain taking take place from Wednesday 16th - Wednesday 23rd September 2015. The cost is £798, including return flights and half board accommodation. Interested? Contact Richard Cann on 01446 409 843. CATHOLIC SINGLES We are an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please telephone 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected]. We have raised over £50.000 for charities and parishes over the last fourteen years and if you would like to know more about this aspect, please contact us. ST ALBAN’S PARISH Cameron Street, Splott, Cardiff CF24 2NX Tel: 029 2046 3219 [email protected] ST JOSEPH’S PARISH New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff CF14 3BR Tel: 029 2041 1819 [email protected] ST PETER’S PARISH St Peter Street, Roath, Cardiff CF24 3BA Tel: 029 2048 3394 [email protected] St. Peter’s Hall Tel: 029 2049 4425 Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Registered Charity No 242380 Served by Rosminians SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES St Alban’s - Maggie Suller 07899 748377 St Joseph’s - Chris Mullane 07747 057163 St Peter’s - Theresa Hurley 029 2041 0092 PARISH TEAMS St Peter’s Fr Philip Scanlan, Fr. Michael McCarthy, Fr Jim McKnight & Rev. Robert James St Alban’s Fr. Saji Dominic, Fr Joe Mullen, St Joseph’s Fr Ambrose Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Deacon Mark Howe, Br Brian Butler ST ALBAN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2046 2915 ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 029 2062 1625 ST PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2049 7847 CORPUS CHRISTI HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2076 1893 ST ILLTYD’S HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2077 8174 ST DAVID’S CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM COLLEGE Tel: 029 2049 8555 St Alban’s Parish Notices St Joseph’s Parish Notices THURSDAYS DURING LENT We will have Adoration, Evening Prayer and Confessions between 7.00 - 8.00 pm up until the week before Holy Week. Please come along and experience the generosity of God’s love. PLEASE make a determined effort to maintain a dignified silence before and immediately after Mass STATIONS OF THE CROSS Each Friday during Lent at 7.00 pm (up to the week before Holy Week) we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross, all are welcome. AWAKENING 2015 As part of the Jesus Youth initiative, which is to complete 100 days of Eucharistic Adoration around the UK, Adoration will be held here at St Alban’s in the chapel on Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th and Monday 30th March from 9.00 am - 9,00 pm each day. Please support this initiative. PASSOVER MEAL The Passover Meal will be in the Hall on Tuesday, 31st March at 7.00 pm. Tickets, £10 each, are available from Tina. Please let her know if you plan to attend so we know how many meals to prepare. FREE FILM NIGHT The next free film night will be on Tuesday 10th March at 7.30pm. All are welcome. CALLING ALL TAX PAYERS The new tax year starts on 6th April and all parishioners are encouraged to seriously consider paying their offerings through the Gift Aid scheme. All Gift Aided offerings are topped up by 25% courtesy of the Tax Man. All you need to do is to sign a simple declaration form stating that you are a taxpayer and we will do the rest. CHURCH OPENING Now the Church Shop has been secured, we are able to open the Porch area for private prayer and meditation. This area will be open from Monday to Friday, 10.00 am - 3.00 pm, and is also protected by recorded CCTV. Special thanks to the two Peters and Patrick for the work they have carried out to make this possible. This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 6pm Legion of Mary CONFIRMATION 27th JUNE 2015 at 6pm Please keep in your prayers the eighteen young people who have expressed a wish to be Confirmed this year. The first Class will be on Saturday, 21st March from 4.00 pm - 5.30 pm. LENTEN LUNCH There will be a Lenten Lunch (soup, bread and cheese) during Lent details to follow. If you are able to help in any way, e.g. setting the tables, help in the kitchen, serving, etc., please speak to Fr. Ambrose or Deacon Mark. PARISH FEAST DAY - Thursday 19th March On the Feast of St. Joseph, Thursday, 19th March, Archbishop George will be coming to preside at the 7.00 pm Mass. It is planned to have a Novena to St. Joseph leading up to this date. Also, after the Mass there will be a shared table in the Meeting Room. Please keep this date in your diaries. Presbytery Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Presbytery Tuesday 7.00pm Divine Mercy Meeting Presbytery Thursday 7pm Evening Prayer, Adoration and Confessions Church Friday 7pm Stations of the Cross Church This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 7.30pm UCM Tuesday 7pm Parish Council Meeting Room Thursday 7.30pm Bible Study Meeting Room Lady Chapel St Peter’s Parish Notices POPE FRANCIS WRITES … “The Parish is the presence of the church in a given territory, a place for hearing God’s Word for growth in the Christian life; for dialogue, proclamation of the good News, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In all its activities, the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelisers. It is a community, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink and is a centre of constant missionary outreach.” With these words in mind, and following the recent Parish Council meeting, we shall be focussing in the next few weeks on the Gospel values of CARING and how we can respond as Parish Community to the diverse needs which mark so many lives today. Please look out for more details in the Newsletter. LENT Each Friday there will be Stations of the Cross at 6.30pm followed by a short talk on “Prayer in a busy life” and then Mass will follow immediately. As Confession is such an important part of our Lenten journey, we remind Parishioners that Confessions are heard after the 7.00 pm Mass on Fridays and also in the Church on Saturdays from 12.15 - 1.00 pm. There will also be a special Lenten Penitential Service on Tuesday 24th March at 7.00 pm in the Church. Due to the long reading of the Passion on Palm Sunday, please note that Masses on that weekend (March 28th/29th) will be at 7.00 pm on SATURDAY and at 9.30am and 11.00 am on Sunday. There will be NO 12.15pm Mass on Palm Sunday. CRAFT GROUP A small group of parishioners have been meeting as a Craft Group and making things for different charities, to sell at the back of the Church. We are looking for people to join us on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Presbytery. The next meeting is on Monday, 9th March at 7.30pm - please come along! GIFT AID & RESTORATION ENVELOPES Neville Allen will be at the back of the church to hand out the new Gift Aid boxes every Sunday from 8th - 29th March. If you are interested in joining the Gift Aid scheme, please speak to Neville. Restoration Envelopes for April are now ready for collection from the Church Shop. FIRST CONFESSIONS Next Saturday, 14th March, the first group of First Confessions will be celebrated at 11.00 am. Please pray that these children will always have a confident trust in God’s willingness to forgive our sins in this wonderful Sacrament. Pray also that their parents will also use this opportunity to make a fresh start. TAIZÉ SERVICE On Palm Sunday 29th March at 7.00 pm, there will be a Taizé Service in the Church. All very welcome. CHURCH SHOP Easter cards are now available. Also, a few diaries and liturgical calendars at greatly reduced prices. READING ROTAS for March are ready for collection from the Presbytery. We urgently need Readers for the 11am Mass. Please contact the Presbytery if you can help. Dates for your Diaries Sunday 8th March Wales & the Marches Catholic History Society Talk by Sean Cleary, 3.00 pm at St. David’s Sixth Form College. See front page for details. Wednesday 11th March Desert Day At Ty Croeso, Llantarnam Abbey. A day of total quiet! Soup and rolls provided. Cost £12.50. Contact 01633 867317. Tuesday 17th March Lunchtime Easter Concert with Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral Choir at St David’s Hall starting at 1.00 pm. See front page. Thursday 19th March Annual Archdiocesan Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick for Dementia sufferers and their carers at All Hallows Church, Miskin at 12 noon. The Feast of St. Joseph. Mass at 7.00 pm in St. Joseph’s Church, with Archbishop George presiding. Oscar Romero: A Martyr’s Legacy Talk at St David’s College starting at 7.00 pm. See front page for details. Tuesday 24th March Lenten Penitential Service at St. Peter’s Church at 7.00 pm. Wednesday 25th March A day led by PAPYRUS exploring suicide among young people. 10.00 am - 3.00 pm at the Pastoral Resource Centre. Tel 029 2036 5960. Sunday 29th March Taizé Service at St. Peter’s Church at 7.00 pm. Sat & Sun, 11th & 12th April ‘Healing Our Family Tree’ Seminar led by Fr. Jim Cogley on 11th and 12th April at the Ty Croeso Centre, Llantarnam Abbey, CWMBRAN, NP44 3YJ. Tel 01633 86217 or email [email protected] to book your place. DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER ITEMS: Wednesday afternoon By telephone or drop off a note to your presbytery email [email protected] Mass Times & Intentions SAT 7th & SUN 8th MARCH 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT St Alban’s 6.00 pm Terry O’Brien St Joseph’s 6.00 pm Joseph Miles/Sheila Curran St Joseph’s 9.15 am All Parishioners/Vincent Warren St Peter’s 9.30 am Peter Bishop St Alban’s 10.00 am DM Maunder Family St Joseph’s 11.00 am Christopher Whelan St Peter’s 11.00 am Gary Williams St Peter’s 12.15 pm Pauline Davies MON 9th MARCH - St. Frances of Rome, Religious St Peter’s 8.00 am Cyril & Bridget George St Joseph’s 9.15 am GE Elin. Ian RIP St Peter’s 9.30 am Alberto Benincasa St Peter’s 11.00 am Requiem for Sheila Curran St Joseph’s 11.00 am Funeral Service for Derek Brown St Alban’s 7.00 pm Blanche Rodrigues TUES 10th MARCH - Weekday, 3rd Week of Lent St Peter’s 8.00 am GE Ashleigh Calcina St Joseph’s 9.15 am Ian Hughes St. Peter’s 9.30 am Terry James St. Alban’s 9.30 am Dominic P. J. St Joseph’s 2.30 pm Funeral Service for John Sweeney WEDS 11th MARCH - Weekday, 3rd Week of Lent St Peter’s 8.00 am Peter Bishop St Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention/GE Ann Thomas St Peter’s 9.30 am Carmelina & Antonio Niro St Joseph’s 7.00 pm Altar Servers St Alban’s 7.00 pm Blandina Rodrigues Sacrament of Reconciliation St. Alban’s St Peter’s St Joseph’s St Alban’s St Peter’s St Joseph’s Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat 7 - 8 pm After evening Mass 12noon - 1pm 12noon - 12.30pm 12.15 - 1pm 5.45pm (before 6pm Mass) Adoration St Alban’s St Joseph’s St. Peter’s St. Alban’s St Alban’s Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday St Peter’s Mon - Fri St Peter’s Mon - Thurs 6 - 7 pm ( St Joseph’s Chapel) 9.40 am - 3.30 pm 10 am - 8 pm (St David’s Chapel) 7 - 8 pm (in the Church) 8.30 - 9.30am (St Joseph’s Rosary & Benediction Rosary daily after 8am Mass and before 7.00 pm Mass on Friday. Morning Prayer 9.15am (St David’s Chapel) Please keep in your prayers OUR RECENTLY DECEASED - R.I.P Sheila Curran, Maureen Daunt, Derek Brown, John Sweeney. ANNIVERSARIES St Albans: David Thomas, Jack O’Brien, Dorothy Powell, Patricia Cowley, Joan Noble, Kevin Trevett, John Harrington, Dorothy Ledsam, Charles Caruana, Ricky Ormonde, Lawrence Steer, Helena Hurley, Stanley Thomas Harding, Thomas Ryan. St. Joseph’s: Mary McCarthy, Rieni Traynor, Mary Hamilton, Michael Kilmartin, Kathleen Neville, Agnes Callus, Mark Greedy, Beatrice Nicholls, Edna Morgan, Geoff Brobin, Angela Laporta, Mary Jones, Michael Hinchley, John Breen, William Cavill, John Scully, Fr. Sid Mariott IC, Mary O’Keefe, Frederick Deacy, Ellen Burke, Marie Kent, Jose Bibey, Leslie Dixon, Edith Hurley. St Peter’s: Bridget George, Trevor Hobbs, Peter Bishop, Terry James. THURS 12th MARCH - Weekday, 3rd Week of Lent St. Peter’s 8.00 am Guy Millar St Joseph’s 9.15 am Jose Bibey St Peter’s 9.30 am Elizabeth Henley St. Alban’s 9.30 am Nora Pitarresi St. Joseph’s 7.00 pm Daniel & Christina Donovan FRI 13th MARCH - Weekday, 3rd Week of Lent St. Peter’s 8.00 am GE Fiona McPhee St Joseph’s 9.15 am Lorna Thomas St. Alban’s 9.30 am Private Intention St. Peter’s 7.00 pm GE Troy Family SAT 14th MARCH - Weekday, 3rd Week of Lent St Peter’s 8.00 am Chris Neale St. Joseph’s 9.15 am Sylvia Sagona St Alban’s 6.00 pm GE Pat Evans St Joseph’s 6.00 pm Honora Hurley & Ellen Mahoney BAPTISMS St. Alban’s:Metikla Rose - 12 noon on Sunday March 8th St. Peter’s:Anthony Basi - 3.30 pm on Sunday 8th March
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