february 2015 - CREC Schools

Arts Academy News
Learning Corridor
15 Vernon Street
Hartford, CT 06106
860-757-6300 phone
860-757-6382 fax
Colt Gateway
160-172 Huyshope Street
Hartford, CT 06106
860-757-6300 ext 3500
Jeff Ostroff
860-757- 6321
[email protected]
Kim Stroud
Director of the Arts
[email protected]
Diane Giarratona
Assistant Principal
860-757-6300 x3525
[email protected]
Frank Cardona
Dean of Students
860-757-6300 x3515
[email protected]
Andrea DeCarli
Assistant to Director
[email protected]
Janaelle Robles
Secretary/Colt Gateway
860-757-6300 x3553
[email protected]
Lynn Hoffman
Academic Advisor
[email protected]
Robert Sorensen &
Ashley Mazzoli
Guidance Counselors
[email protected]
860-757-6300 x3557
[email protected]
860-757-6300 x3556
Nurse’s Office
Rehearsal Hotline
860-757-6300 Option 5
Snow Phone
PFAA Web Site
Student Absences
860-757-6300 ext 3502
A Newsletter of the Greater Hartford
Academy of the Arts - Feb/March 2015
From the
Principal’s Window
Prinicpal Jeff Ostroff
How does one judge success? As a successful
magnet school for the Arts with two programs
on two campuses located in the South End of
Hartford with students from sixty-one different
towns, we have been given a unique opportunity to fulfill a very challenging but awesome
mission. This mission has been with us since
1985 … “to create a magnet public high school
to bring together people of diverse cultural heritage and develop in all students the knowledge,
skills and attitudes to reach their fullest artistic
and academic potential, to live productive lives
and to contribute to society as creative engaged
citizens.” So the big question is, “How are we
The Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)
our district, has given us very strong direction on
how to fulfill our mission as a successful public
school. We are asked to compete with some of
the finest schools in the state and in the nation
to distinguish ourselves as a truly successful
magnet. In order to do that we have common
rubrics and some very specific indicators to assess our progress. Here are some of the things
we are working on:
Gala &
Page 2
• Academic & Artistic success – encouraging
positive strong student engagement during
classes and labs, providing differentiated
learning for each student and assuring academic rigor that challenges each student at
their level and beyond.
• Culture & Climate – creating a learning
environment that is both motivating and engaging , assuring that we have warm, welcoming and positive interactions among students
and staff, modeling and reinforcing positive
student behavior (respect and responsibility).
• Operations – creating consistent routines
and transitions where staff is present to
assure a safe environment and assure that
students are effectively using their time productively throughout the day.
Along with these themes we have challenged
ourselves with our Wildly Important Goals
(WIGs) that I shared with you at the beginning of
Principal’s Window continued on page 2
Arts Infusion
Page 3
Principal’s Window continued from page 1
the year.
• One school –two campuses, two programs
• Effective communications to all families and students of
the 61 towns we serve on happenings, events, successes
and initiatives
• School Culture and Community where respect and
responsibility is paramount
So, how are we doing? We are doing well and getting better. If this
column seems like I am bragging… I am. The students and staff
who have worked so hard to improve deserve it.
Please continue to help us to improve by helping our students
succeed. They need you more than ever. And remember as always,
if you are happy, tell your friends, your family, your children (and
maybe our bosses). If you are not happy, please tell me and you
have my word that I will attempt to make it right for you and your
This year it was logical to add one more even though it is
implied with all we do.
• Academic and Artistic recognition and success targeted
for improvement and growth
Jeff Ostroff
Principal and the Arts Academy’s Biggest Fan
So how are we doing? Let the following list serve as indicators of success for the 2014-15 school year. Aside from the
major awards for our school the past 12 months, Hartford
Magazine Best of Hartford Magnet, MSA School of Distinction, ASN Most Outstanding Arts High School, there are
several recognitions that may go unnoticed.
• The Arts Academy was recently featured on NPR website
and in the Magnet Schools of America website/journal.
• We had five finalists for the National Arts Teacher Fellowships again this year.
• Our writing and media arts students have made news
working with the American School for Deaf, local CREC
schools on arts based community projects too many to
• One of our students won Lifetime TV’s Project Runway
Threads based on her work with the Theater Design and
Production Department.
• Three visual arts students received Gold, Silver and
Honorable mention recognition in this year’s Scholastic Art
• Our Jazz Choir and Jazz Ensemble are finalists at Berklee.
The Jazz Choir performed at Infinity Music Hall in Hartford
and the Rotary club. The Jazz Ensemble is one of three
National finalists at the prestigious Mingus Festival in New
• Our academic faculty has presented at the Magnet
Schools of America conference and to our colleagues in the
district on arts infusion in the academic classroom and effective reading strategies across disciplines.
• Performances in the Black Box and in the Theater for the
Performing Arts have had greater community attendance
than ever before.
• Our academic students have showed the greatest growth
in math and reading standardized testing from the Fall to
the Winter since we began the STAR assessments.
• The number of disciplinary referrals for 11th and 12th
grade students has decreased by 60%.
• Over 92% of our seniors have submitted applications to
four year colleges already.
• Seniors have been accepted to prestigious academic
and arts schools like Howard, Belmont (TN), Hampshire,
Tampa, Temple, U of Arts, Full Sail, Loyola (New Orleans),
Eastern, Western, Southern, Central, UCONN, UHART, New
Haven, Quinnipiac, Providence College, UVM, UMASS, Salve
Regina, Daytona State, Clark, Drexel, Columbia (Chicago),
Manhattan Marymount, Pace, Montclair State, Alabama
A&M, with more coming in each day.
• Our students have already received generous financial
aid packages from many of the schools because of their
30th Anniversary Gala & Concert
April 18, 2015
with Hartford Symphony Orchestra and Arts Academy students.
Join us in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Arts Academy with a show stopping Concert and Gala.
When Tony Award-nominated sisters Ann Hampton Callaway
and Liz Callaway perform together with the HSO and Arts
Academy students, they’ll turn sibling rivalry into singing
revelry with their great music, witty banter and heartwarming stories.
The reception will be held in the Autorino Great Hall and
the concert will be held in Mortensen Hall at The Bushnell
Center for the Performing Arts. Festivities begin at 7:30 pm.
All proceeds benefit the Arts Academy Endowment Fund.
Call the Arts Academy Box Office for concert tickets and Gala
reception information, 860-757-6388
Do you know someone who wants to come to the
Arts Academy?
Invite them to attend our PROSPECTIVE STUDENT OPEN
HOUSE on FEB. 21 at 10 AM, in the Main Theater at the
Learning Corridor. Families can come 30 minutes early to chat
with the department chairs. There is a school tour after the
formal presentation.
Arts Infusion
The collaboration of Academics and the Arts
Each year academic teachers and arts teachers collaborate together at the Arts
Academy to bring academics and arts together.
We call it ARTS INFUSION. Here are two of this year’s projects.
Caitlin Peters (Science) and Anita Balkun (Creative Writing/Media
Arts) teamed up on an Arts Infusion to investigate the problem of
ocean pollution. Working with Anita, the students created wreaths
from trash that washes up on the shores. The wreaths will be headed
to the Mystic Aquarium to bring eco-awareness to a wider audience.
Carrie Hess (English), John Gintoff and Francine Gintoff (Visual
Arts) managed to complete a very successful Infusion: using the
words and images of Martin Luther King, Jr to create a quilt.
National Honor Society vists Elder
care homes for the holidays
Jazz Choir Performs at Rotary Club
Jazz Choir performs for Hartford Rotary Club on Dec. 23. After the performance they received a surprise $500 donation.
Zoe Grinfeld (Theater Design
& Production) appeared on the
final episode of Project Runway
Threads on December 18 and
WON! Congrats to Zoe, her family
and her teachers!
Learn more about
Project Runway: Threads:
Saturday Arts Program
Members of the GHAA National Honor Society
took a field trip to visit residents of a nursing home
in South Windsor in order to spread some good
cheer to those in the Greater Hartford Community.
Resident Flo remarked that “It’s so nice to have you
all come and visit us.” while
Kitty added that “It really
means so much that you
all took time out of your
day to come and bring us
some holiday spirit.” All the
students agreed that it was
a wonderful day and were
glad to partake in an event
where they could give back
and make someone else’s
day. “It’s something really
special” said NHS member
Dakota, “Getting the chance to make someone’s
Holiday Season a little bit better.” The NHS is currently working on planning more community events
and hopes to visit the new friends met at the nursing
home again soon.
8-week program designed for students currently in 5th-12th
grade with a desire to develop their skills in Visual Arts,
Theater, dance, Voice, Creative Writing, Percussion and/or
Begins: Saturday, March 7th
Ends: Saturday, May 9th
Participants Share Day: Saturday, May 9, 2015
Application Deadline is MARCH 4, 2015.
Program info and application available at
Contact: Molly Shaughnessy, [email protected] or
Natasha Miles (860)-757-6341
Anita Antoinette (GHAA Alumni 2008) appeared on
The Voice. She worked alongside Gwen Stefani in
the second round. Anita recently came back to The
Academy for a visit. She talked with students and
performed for them. Congrats Anita!
Juniors took some time to have
breakfast together at Colt Cafe in
celebration of their achievement
of having the most growth on the
Star Assessment from Fall to Winter. A part of the celebration was
alsoproducing Holiday Cards for
local shelters. (See picture below.)
Congrats Juniors!!
in the community
Feb. 7 thru April 4
The new session of Saturday Academy starts
Feb. 7 and goes thru April 4 (no class on Feb.
14) for Grades 9, 10, 11
9 AM - 12:15 PM.
Areas Covered: ELA, Math, Science.
At Saturday Academy students have the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming CAPT
Science test and the SBA testing which all 10th
and 11th graders must pass by the time they
graduate from any Connecticut high school.
HOLIDAY CARDS - These are 11th grade students with who were most
improved in testing and giving back by creating greeting cards for local
For info contact Ms. Richards at hrichards@
Performances are an important part of the Arts Academy curriculum offering opportunities to work with
guest artists, and gain professional training and experience for our students. Performances are open to the
general public. Join us at these stellar performance events! Call 860-757-6388 for tickets or visit
Visual Arts Exhibition, Lobby Gallery, Free Admission
February 26 through March 27, 2015
Opening Reception: February 26
4:30 - 6:00 pm
VIOLET ENLIGHTENS: A Radio Drama in 3 Acts
Written by Rafael Oses. Directed by Brian Jennings
March 13 & 14, 20 & 21
7:30 pm, Black Box Theater
Part-creation myth and part-love story, Violet Enlightens: A Radio Drama in 3 Acts plays is a tale told
by an unreliable clock, in frame-by-frame, stop-action fashion, about the marriage of a violet to Old
King Cole, though Violet has no recollection of the supposed event. With a supporting cast featuring
Canada, The Alamo and a queen bee, this unique performance piece offers a multifaceted collaboration between poetry, music, projected imagery and movement to explore memory, narrative and
imagination, and how we know the things we think we know.
An original, site specific theatrical event devised and
directed by Michael Nowicki
March 20 & 21
7:30 pm, Colt Building, 160 Huyshope Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Beneath the Blue Onion Dome, Hartford’s most famous
landmark, sits the former Colt Firearms Manufacturing
Company factory. Join us for a theatrical event inside
of this old factory tracing the stories of the people that
have toiled and triumphed on this land for the last 400
years. From the time when Great Meadow was the sacred
grounds of the Pequot, through the factory’s development by Colonel Samuel Colt and to its present state, this
important story of Hartford is told through interactive and
immersive theater.
INTERMEZZO is a culminating, community event!
Each department hosts one, and it showcases the best
of student work to the general public, their family,
friends and peers. (All Intermezzos happen in the Main
Stage Theater unless otherwise noted and are FREE
MUSIC - MARCH 24 at 6:30 pm
DANCE - APRIL 1 at 6:30 pm
THEATER - MAY 20 at 6:30 pm, Black Box Theater.
Gala &
with Hartford Symphony Orchestra and
Arts Academy students
At The Bushnell Center for the Performing
APRIL 18, 2014 at 7:30 pm
Join us in celebrating the 30th Anniversary
of the Arts Academy with a show stopping
Concert and Gala!
When Tony Award-nominated sisters Ann
Hampton Callaway and Liz Callaway perform together with the HSO and Arts Academy students, they’ll turn sibling rivalry
into singing revelry with their great music,
witty banter and heartwarming stories.
All proceeds benefit the Arts Academy
Endowment Fund.
Call the Arts Academy Box Office for
concert tickets and Gala reception information, 860-757-6388
Yearbooks are produced by students in the Yearbook Class. The
Yearbook is an important part of the Academy, chronicling performances and activities. They are available for purchase by all
Arts Academy student and their families after May 15th. Seniors
who are paid up on their class dues receive a Yearbook for free.
More details in the spring!
Parents and alumni are encouraged to participate in a very
active Parents, Friends, and Alumni Association (PFAA). PFAA
meetings are held monthly at the Academy. PFAA members
work together to enhance the visibility of the Academy and
to plan special events that generate revenue for the school,
and to support the efforts of parents of artistically gifted
Class dues help the Academy fund non-budgeted school-wide
events, such as Peace Fest, Semi-Formal, Prom, etc.
Please pay the amount due this year, as well as any previous
years that are owed.
MONTHLY PFAA MEETINGS are 6:30-8:30 pm and are held at
either Learning Corridor or Colt Gateway.
For info email [email protected]
REMEMBER to keep your contact information current!
For information contact the Rachael Cisz, Student Activities.
Coordinator at [email protected]. (860) 757-6300 ext 3187.
Contact Ashlynn Abbott at [email protected] or call
860-757-6300 ext 3501
Arts Academy Calendar 2014-2015
February 13 & 14 - Academy Performance: Merging, 7:30 PM, Black Box Theater, Learning Corridor (visit the website for info,
February 16 & 17 - WinterBreak - NO SCHOOL
February 21 - Prospective Student Open House, 10:00 am, Learning Corridor
February 27 - RSCO Lottery application deadline
March 13, 14, 20 & 21 - Academy Performance Violet Enlightens: A Radio Drama in 3 Acts. 7:30 PM, Black Box Theater,
Learning Corridor (visit the website for info: www.crecschools.org/theater)
March 20 & 21 - Academy Performance Six Chambers 7:30 PM, Colt Building, 160 Huyshope Street (visit the website for info: www.crecschools.org/theater)
March 24 -Music Intermezzo, 6:30 PM, Main Stage Theater, Learning Corridor
March 26 - Musical Theater Intermezzo, 6:30 pm, Main Stage Theater, Learning Corridor
April 1 - Dance Intermezzo, 6:30 PM, Main Stage Theater, Learning Corrido
April 2 - End of Quarter 3.
April 3 - Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 13 thru 17 - Spring Recess NO SCHOOL
April 18 - Arts Academy 30th Anniversary Gala and Concert, 7:30 pm, Bushnell Center for the Arts. (Visit the website for info: www.crecschools.org/theater)
April 23 thru May 19 - Spring Into Arts: Visual Arts Exhibit - Opening Reception 4:30-6:30 PM, Theater Bldg Lobby,
Learning Corridor
Please Note: Accuracy and timeliness in this publication are important to us, but sometimes outside of our immediate control.
Events are subject to change. Some dates and events may have transpired upon receipt of this newsletter.