By: Emily Daley, Advocare Nutritional Advisor: – (509) 406-5515
Below you will learn how to lose a lot of weight and get energized! The secret to shrinkage through diet is
two-fold: Plants and Protein! Plants mean vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Eat everything that grows out
of the ground, and you’ll have permanent weight loss. The key is eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains
that are in their natural state. . . not processed.
Protein means stuff like poultry, seafood and more importantly, plant-based proteins that grow, like brown
rice etc. Protein is a body-fat incinerator with new fat-burning powers being revealed all the time. Let me tell
you why it works:
A little bit of body fat is designed for use when there’s a famine and food is scarce. But most of us are storing
way too much fat. We all have a gene that activates an enzyme called lipoproteinlipase (LPL). LPL is produced
by fat cells to store calories as fat. If there’s too much LPL hanging around, fat stockpiles in the body. What’s
really interesting is that LPL is activated by dietary fat!
The way to weaken LPL is to give your body very little dietary fat to work with! The secret is cutting back on
added fat in your diet. For example, have oatmeal with fresh berries instead of buttered toast. Try a plantbased bean burrito with salsa instead of a beef taco. These fat savings add up over the course of a day and
much more over weeks and months. Soon, these substitutions encourage unwanted pounds to vanish
effortlessly. Why? Because you’re not only cutting calories, you’re also putting LPL out of business. Thus, to
slow LPL, I will teach you how to base each meal around plant foods.
The plant sources you’ll be enjoying are “slow carbs and fruits.” “Slow” simply means they are lower on the
Glycemic Index (GI). The GI is a scale that ranks carbohydrates by the effect they have on your blood sugar
(glucose). Foods on the index are rated numerically, with glucose at 100. The higher the number assigned to a
food, the faster it converts to glucose. Foods with a rating of 70 or higher are considered high-glycemic index
foods; a rating of 50-69, moderate-glycemic index foods; and below 50, low-glycemic index foods. But you
won’t have to worry about numbers. Just understand that if a carbohydrate sends your blood sugar soaring
(high on the glycemic index), it sets off a hormonal reaction that can lead to weight gain, as well as hunger
pangs! Here is a closer look at what happens; after you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into glucose,
or blood sugar. Some carbs (those known as high-GI foods) are dismantled more quickly than others; this
causes a huge run-up in your blood glucose. Other carbs (low GI foods) are slow to break down. There’s no
glucose spike. Consequently, blood glucose stays relatively steady during the digestion process.
When glucose shoots upward in response to high-GI foods, so does the hormone insulin. Insulin is a fatforming hormone; it activates fat cell enzymes. These enzymes push fat from the bloodstream into fat cells
for storage and trigger your body to create more fat cells! High-GI foods promote fat storage; Low GI foods do
not. Choosing low-GI foods – or as we will call them “slow foods,” makes it possible to lose weight rapidly and
safely. Protein is the repairman in your body. It helps carry nutrients through your body, builds muscle,
burns fat and boosts your metabolism. You will find a list of protein options including plant-based proteins
like nuts, seeds and, brown rice.
The weight loss from eating these “slow foods” is pure FAT loss, not water or muscle loss! You will drop
countless inches and pounds! You’ll be eating light proteins, lots of fruits and veggies. Slow foods and veggies
supply short-range energy. They quickly metabolize from a food state to a usable fuel source. Light protein
provides midrange fuel (eggs, legumes, beans, peas, quinoa, brown rice, nuts, seeds, fish, seafood, chicken,
You’ll be eating many foods in their natural state, which is enzymatically rich and has lots of oxygen, which
your cells need, and lots of fibers sweeping out your colon.
The very first week you switch to this way of eating, you’ll feel a natural high. Your digestion will be so much
better. You’ll feel naturally lighter. Everything will begin to function on a higher level. You’ll be removing
toxins and fat will drip off your body!
This eating plan is designed to get you dropping weight fast. You’ll kick your fat-burning capacity into overdrive. This eating plan, combined with Advocare’s products are based on sound science to be on the bestknown “diet tricks” ever. On this program, you’ll enjoy a special “Veggie Soup,” a high-nutrient soup that is
extremely satisfying. You won’t get hungry or feel weak or sluggish. What’s more, your metabolism will stay
on “high” because of Advocare’s Products.
Soup is an incredible weight-loss tool, one that has been shown in research to help people lose significant
amounts of weight by controlling their caloric intake and hunger. The reasons: soup is a “low, energy-dense”
food, which means that it provides more food for fewer calories, so you ultimately feel fuller. Soup is high in
water too, which can help you feel satisfied on fewer calories.
As your body responds to this diet quickly, and you keep seeing results, you’ll stay motivated. Why eat this
special Vegetable Soup every day during the cleanse? Here’s a rundown of the key fat-burning ingredients in
the soup and how they work to help you drop pounds:
OLIVE OIL: revs up fat-burning and keeps your body from packing on fat pounds. Decreases appetite by stimulating certain nerves that tell your
brain you’re full.
GARLIC: strengthens immune system, your body develops muscle with the help of a strong and effective immune system.
ONION: helps create “good” bacteria in your digestive tract = better absorption of nutrients from food. Reduces chronic inflammation, which
causes muscle to break down so it can’t grow and develop.
SPINACH: has muscle building compounds, also contains a compound that fools our bodies into feeling full by slowing down digestion of fat and
giving us that “full” feeling. Also rich in a mineral that’s crucial; for making serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical helping you feel mentally “up”
and less likely to spin off your diet.
GINGER: turns up your body heat, boosting your metabolism, keeps blood-sugar stable and creates new muscle protein –both great attributes for
weight loss.
LENTILS: loaded with protein = fat burner! Loaded with fiber, giving you that “enough” feeling, and escorts fat out of the body.
POTATOES: contain resistant starch which encourages weight loss. It travels through your digestive system intact, stimulating fat-melting
enzymes, encouraging your liver to switch to a fat-burning state, preserves lean muscle mass, fires up your metabolism, boosts the activity of
“fullness” hormones in your body.
TOMATOES: oxidizes body fat, helps burn fat, ushers fat into cells where it is burned for fuel.
THE 10 DAY CLEANSE MENU TEMPLATE Make a large pot of this VEGGIE SOUP, and incorporate that into every day’s menus!
Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake – 3 flavors to choose from (Chocolate, Berry or Vanilla.) It can increase
your metabolism by 30%. The best way to prepare it is to use a blender; blend 1 cup water plus the packet of
Meal Replacement Powder, and some ice cubes to desired consistency.
Each & every ingredient in Shred Soup is serving a purpose: the ingredients burn fat, curb appetite, boost
immune system, tone muscle, reduce chronic inflammation that causes weight gain, releases “feel good” brain
chemicals, & stimulates fat-melting enzymes!
3 Tbs olive oil
2 cups chopped onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp fresh ginger
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried basil
4 pinches salt
1 cup chopped carrots
1 ½ cup chopped potatoes
6 large tomatoes chopped + 2 cans Mexican Style Stewed Tomatoes
6 cups vegetable broth
2 cups water
¼ cup lentils
1 can Kidney Beans
1 can drained corn or 1 cup frozen corn
1 cup finely chopped cabbage (optional)
Pepper to taste
In a pot, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Once it’s hot add the onions and garlic.
Once the onions are slightly transparent and tender, add the ginger and stir well for 1 minute.
Add in the cumin, dried basil, and salt, and cook for 2 minutes more, stirring constantly so it doesn’t burn.
Add in carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, broth, water, and lentils and bring it to a boil.
Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until the lentils and carrots are soft.
Add salt and pepper to taste, and serve hot.
Note: you may want to double, or even triple this recipe to make sure it lasts long enough. Add chopped
spinach leaves to each individual bowl as you are heating it up for lunch. That way, it will be slightly wilted as
you heat up your bowl of Shred Soup.
1 light protein (4oz. – palm sized): chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, or seafood; plant-based protein, such as
½ cup of beans, legumes, peas, or quinoa; or 1 handful of seeds or nuts; or 4 Tbs of hemp, rice, or pea protein
powder in a shake.
1 large bowl of veggie soup, steamed veggies, roasted veggies, or large salad with 2 Tbs low-calorie salad
dressing. Prepare the salad with a variety of dark leafy salad greens, and salad vegetables, such as onions,
cucumber, celery, broccoli or cauliflower, and tomatoes.
1. Weigh and Take measurements on day 1 and day 24 of your 24 Day Challenge: Neck, Right Arm, Chest,
Waist, Hips, Right Thigh, Right Calf. Start a “journal” to keep track of progress, successes, thoughts, etc
2. Look for at least one friend who will take the 24 Day Challenge with you, and will be in communication
with you every day! It will keep you accountable.
3. Prepare your 10 day menu for your cleanse, buy the food and also prepare the soup ahead of time.
Have vegetables pre-cut for salads and snacks.
4. Stick to the above food plan. . . it’s only for 10 days, while you’re on the cleanse. . . you can do it!
When you need a snack, ladle out some Veggie Soup. Or if you’re craving crunch, fill up on as many
crunchy vegetables as possible. (carrot sticks, celery sticks, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers,
sweet peppers, etc) Any raw vegetable will do!
5. Drink plenty of water. Have an ice-cold water bottle ready, drink before you eat. Dehydration causes
“false” hunger. Divide your weight by 2. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you
need each day. Get a jug that holds that amount of water, keep it handy with ice to keep it cold, and
drink it during the day until it’s gone! Your tissues and organs need water to function. If dehydrated,
your body can’t break down fat. With enough water, your blood flow slows down, which means your
body can’t obtain the nutrients and energy needs. Water your body!!!
6. Don’t eat after 8PM – after your “bedtime snack,” use mouthwash or brush your teeth to “end” your
eating for the night. BELOW, YOU WILL FIND MENU OPTIONS FOR DINNER (breakfast will be Meal
Replacement Shake & lunch will be Veggie Soup for all 10 days).
EXCELLENT SNACK CHOICES: Smoothies & Parfaits using Plain nonfat GREEK yogurt (Costco sells large cartons
of plain Greek yogurt, it’s much more affordable there. Use Greek yogurt because of its high protein content).
Smoothie Ingredient Template: ¾ cup plain Greek Yogurt, ¾ cup fresh or frozen fruit (choose from an orange,
banana, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, marionberries, all berries or peach), ¼ cup nondairy milk with 80 calories or less per serving, unsweetened (Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, or Rice Milk), 1-3
Stevia or Truvia sweetener packets (optional) and ice cubes. In a blender, blend until desired consistency.
Parfait Ingredient Template Chop ½ -1 cup fresh or frozen fruit & add 1-2 packets Stevia or Truvia to help make the fruit
“juicy.” Thaw the fruit a bit if frozen, with sweetener packets already sprinkled into the fruit. Layer Plain Greek Yogurt,
fruit, & raw oatmeal or nuts. Repeat layers. IF you need some crunch and carb; add some Kashi cereal, part of a
crumbled Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bar, or nuts.
Egg Dishes Scrambled, Boiled, “Fried” or any other way you enjoy eggs! You could add chopped Canadian
Bacon, Deli Turkey, salsa, corn, black beans, veggies etc.
LIGHT PROTEINS (TWO 4-OZ SERVINGS DAILY) – Protein sources include: dairy, plant-based, fish, meat, & poultry
Nonfat plain yogurt (preferable Greek yogurt)
Lowfat Cottage Cheese
Non-Dairy products: almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, Whey protein powder
Beans and legumes (black beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, lima, kidney beans, pinto beans, and so forth)
Brown rice
FISH & SHELLFISH (Omega 3’ fats increases your body’s ability to burn the fat that’s stored in fat cells. Take Omega
supplement for increased fat-loss!)
Canadian Bacon (2 slices)
Chicken breast
Chicken thighs
Lean pork chops
Ground turkey
Red meat: bottom round, eye of the round, round tip (sirloin tip), tenderloin, top loin, top round, top sirloin, lean
ground beef – don’t have it every day)
Serving Sizes: 1 Serving = palm-sized portion of chicken, turkey, fish; 21 slices Canadian Bacon; 2 turkey sausages or
links; 1 egg or 4 eggwhites; ½ cup tofu; 1 cup nondairy milks; ½ cup beans, legumes, plant-based proteins; ½ c quinua or
brown rice; ½ c lowfat cottage cheese; 6 ounces nonfat Greek yogurt; 4 Tbs protein powder; 1 handful nuts or seeds.
Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Bok choy, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, celery, Collard greens
Eggplant, Green Beans, Peas, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Radishes, Spaghetti sauce, Spinach, Squash, Tomatoes
Tomato juice, Water chestnuts, Zucchini
To ensure you have sufficient energy, you’ll need slow carbs, which keep insulin levels low for long-lasting energy.
Research studies confirm that when people eat slow-digesting carbs, such as fruit and whole grains, they have more
energy for workouts and can burn more fat.
Here’s a list of slow carb choices:
Beans (kidney, pinto, garbanzo, beans, and so forth
Sweet Potatoes
Squash, winter (acorn, butternut, hubbard , etc.)
Corn grits
Cream of wheat
Oat bran
Kashi-Go-Lean Cereals
Bran Buds
Bran Chex
Fiber One
Shredded Wheat
Wheat Bran (sprinkle 1-2 Tbs on other cereals)
Wheat Germ (sprinkle 1-2 Tbs on other cereals)
Brown Rice
Barley, pearl
Wild Rice
Bulgar wheat
Sprouted-grain (flourless) bread, found in the freezer section
NOODLES - Shirataki noodles (made from tofu, lo-carb)
SERVING SIZES: 1 serving = ½ c cooked grains; 1 cup cereal; 1 medium sweet potato; ½ cup squash; 1 cup Shirataki
noodles; 1 slice sprouted-grain bread
banana, under ripe
HEALTHY FATS – 1 Tbs of. . .
OIL CHOICES: Canola, Coconut, Olive, & Sesame oil
2 TBS of.. .
Low calorie salad dressings (80 calories per Tbs)
Reduced fat Mayo (50 calories per Tbs)
Vegetable cooking spray (use to spray on veggies & protein for a “fatty” flavor
Avocado (1/4 of the fruit)
Exact directions & menus for your Advocare Cleanse: I’ve also compiled a cookbook of over 200 healthy
recipes for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks! So if you’re not a fan of the below menus, refer to my
special cookbook specifically for my customers; you’re sure to find exactly what suits your fancy!
Emily Daley – (509) 406-5515 –
DAY 1 of Cleanse *NOTE – choose your most “sluggish” time of day for your Spark! Drink it on a “two-hour”
empty stomach for full effect.
Upon rising: cleanse fiber drink, 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water! (The Fiber Drink
gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is raised, which is necessary to burn fat!)
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Crunchy Almond-Crusted Chicken & Roasted Vegetables & Salad
Crunchy Almond-Crusted Chicken
• 5 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast
• 1 Tbsp cornstarch
• about 3 eggs, whisked
• 2 Tbsp finely chopped almonds
1. Sprinkle each side of the chicken breast with cornstarch. Dip it into the egg, then sprinkle with almonds.
2. Coat a small, nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Cook the chicken 5 minutes on
each side
Roasted Vegetables: Preheat oven to 400. In large bowl, toss 2 lbs vegetables with 1 Tbs olive oil and a packet of
Onion Soup Mix. Vegetable ideas  Carrots, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, sweet onion. Spread the vegetables in a baking
pan, keeping like vegetables together as they cook in the same amount of time. Roast, stirring occasionally until they
are fork-tender, about 20-40 minutes.
With dinner: 6 Omega Plex & drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that
you haven’t drank enough yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Advocare’s Rehydrate or water. Try brushing your teeth or using
mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
Bedtime: 3 Herbal Cleanse Tablets with water (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the intestines and colon)
DAY 2 of Cleanse
Upon rising: cleanse fiber drink (The Fiber Drink gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is
raised, which is necessary to burn fat!) + 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
With dinner: 6 Omega Plex & drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that
you haven’t drank enough yet today
Dinner: Pulled Pork Sandwich and Fresh Veggie Sticks
Pulled Pork Sandwich with Caramelized Onions
1 Tbs Olive oil
3 large onions, thinly sliced
1/3 cup raw cane sugar (see *Note)
4 cloves garlic minced
1 tsp pepper
½ tsp salt
1/3 cup vinegar
1 cup Heinz Chili sauce
1 ½ tsp minced chipotle chili in adobo sauce
3 pounds boneless pork shoulder or butt roast
1. Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook, stirring until they soften, 3-6 minutes.
Add sugar and continue to cook, until onions are golden brown, 6-8 minutes more. Add garlic, pepper
and salt, cook for 1 minute. Add vinegar and bring to a boil. Cook until moistly evaporated, about 1
minute. Remove from heat and stir in chili sauce and chipotle to taste.
2. Place pork in crockpot and cover with sauce. Cover and cook until pork falls apart, about 4 hrs on high
or 8 hours on low.
3. Transfer the port to cutting board and shred with two forks. Stir back into sauce. Serve on a whole
grain hamburger bun (or a sprouted bun)
*NOTE: Raw cane sugar (such as Sugar in the Raw) is steam-cleaned, course-grained and light brown in
color, with a slight molasses flavor. Find it in the natural food section of Fred Meyer or Rosaurs or at
natural-foods stores.
With dinner: 6 Omega Plex & drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that
you haven’t drank enough yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink herb tea, Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or
using mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the
intestines and colon)
DAY 3 of Cleanse
Upon rising: cleanse fiber drink (The Fiber Drink gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is
raised, which is necessary to burn fat!) + 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
With dinner: 6 Omega Plex & drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that
you haven’t drank enough yet today
Dinner: Chinese Chicken Salad
Chinese Chicken Salad
2 bags shredded cabbage, or 1 head of cabbage, shredded
1 c. sliced almonds
1 pkg raw Top Ramen Noodles, crushed into small pieces
Chopped green onion
2 cans chicken or 1 cup cooked, chopped chicken
To make dressing, whisk together the following ingredients: the packet of “seasoning” from the Top Ramon, ¾ c
Canola oil, 8-12 pkts Truvia sweetner, & 1 C seasoned rice vinegar
No eating after 8PM, just drink herb tea, Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or
using mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the
intestines and colon)
DAY 4 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins & carry them out of your system),
3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
With dinner: 6 Omega Plex & drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that
you haven’t drank enough yet today
Dinner: Chipotle Chicken Tacos: In a large Ziploc, mix ¼ c olive oil, 1 tsp cumin, 2 Tbs lime juice; add 4 chicken
breasts. Marinade at least 20 minutes. Remove chicken from marinade & pat dry before putting on grill. Grill 5-7
minutes per side or until done. Remove and dice a place in a bowl. For chipotle – combine ½ c mayo, ¼ c. sour cream, ½
Tbs minced garlic, 1 Tbs lime juice, 1 Tbs chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, minced. Mix thoroughly. Warm 8 Mission
Yellow Corn Tortillas. Warm tortillas. Fill with chicken, shredded cabbage, and shredded Mexican cheese. Top with
chipotle and garnish with sour cream & guacamole. Serve with. . .
Healthy Refried Beans: Put all below ingredients in crockpot. Cook on high for 8 hours, adding water as needed. After
cooking, strain & reserve liquid. Mash, adding liquid for desired consistency (like mashing potatoes). Freezes well!
1 Onion, Peeled & quartered
3 cups dry pinto beans
1 fresh jalapeno: pull out before mashing beans
2 Tbs minced garlic
4 tsp salt & ¼ tsp cumin
1 ¾ tsp black pepper
9 cups water
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the
intestines and colon)
DAY 5 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box, 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Chicken, Broccoli & Cashew Stir Fry over Brown Rice
• 3 c sm broccoli florets with short stems (about 1/2 lb crowns)
• 2 lg carrots, cut into thin diagonal slices (2 c)
• 5 oz soba noodles
• 1 Tbsp olive oil
• 1 Tbsp minced fresh ginger
• 3 lg cloves garlic, minced
• 2 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, sliced crosswise
• 1 Tbsp soy sauce
• 1 tsp sesame oil
• 3 med green onions, thinly sliced (about 1/2 c)
• 1/2 c chicken broth
• 1/2 c raw cashews (3 oz)
1. Bring large pot of water to a boil. Add broccoli, carrots, and noodles. Cover and cook until vegetables are crisp- tender, 3 to 5
minutes. Drain, transfer to medium bowl, and cover loosely with wax paper.
Chicken, Broccoli, and Cashew Stir-Fry Continued
2. Heat olive oil, ginger, and garlic in wok or large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring, until garlic starts to turn
golden, 1 to 2 minutes. Add chicken, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Stir-fry 4 to 5 minutes, or until cooked through. Add scallions and
stir-fry 1 minute.
3. Stir in noodles, veggies, and broth and heat through. Sprinkle each portion with 2 tablespoons of the cashews.
BROWN RICE: Bring 3 cups chicken broth to a boil. Add 1 ½ cups brown rice and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered,
for 45 minutes. Do NOT uncover! Take off heat and uncover for 5 more minutes. Fluff with a fork. Save the rest for Day 9.
With dinner: 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your weight (in ounces) that you
haven’t drank yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or using mouthwash at 8PM as a
trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the intestines and colon)
DAY 6 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins & carry them out of your system),
3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Turkey, Orange & Cashew Salad: (ONE SERVING) Place salad greens on plate. Toss together cubed
deli turkey, ½ of a can Mandarin Oranges drained, 3 Tbs light honey-mustard dressing, 1 Tbs. Sugar Free Orange
Marmalade, 2 Tbs chopped Cashews. Spoon over greens.
With dinner: Take 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your
weight (in ounces) that you haven’t drank yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or using
mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the
intestines and colon)
DAY 7 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins & carry them out of your system),
3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”), & at least 8oz water
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Chicken with a Kick, frozen peas, side salad w/lots of fresh veggies
4 raw boneless chicken breasts, chopped
1 can tomato sauce
1 can black beans, lightly drained
1 can sweet corn, drained
1 tsp hot sauce (Tabasco Chipotle Pepper Sauce)
Preheat oven to 375. In a bowl, combine all ingredients, mix well. Set aside. Lay a large piece of heavy duty cooking foil
on a baking sheet and spray with nonstick spray. Scoop mixture into the center of the foil. Fold and seal the top and
bottom edges of the foil, and then the side edges to create a well-sealed packet. Place baking sheet in the oven and
bake for 15-17 minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Allow packet to cool for a few minutes, and then cut to release
steam before opening it entirely.
With dinner: Take 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your
weight (in ounces) that you haven’t drank yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or using
mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
At bedtime, take Herbal Cleanse Tablets in your Cleanse Box (“S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the
intestines and colon)
DAY 8 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Drink Herbal Cleanse (The Fiber Drink gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is
raised, which is necessary to burn fat!) and take Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins
& carry them out of your system) & 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”)
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Hot Chicken Salad Casserole & Steamed Vegetables
Hot Chicken Salad Casserole: Preheat oven to 400. In bowl, stir together 3 cups cubed cooked chicken, 1 cup celery, 1 cup chopped
sweet red or yellow pepper, ¾ cup lowfat mozzarella cheese, 1 can lowfat cream of chicken soup, 1 6 oz. carton plain lowfat Greek
yogurt, ¼ cup sliced green onions, 1 Tbs lemon Juice and ¼ tsp pepper. Transfer to baking dish and top with ½ cup crushed
cornflakes mixed with ¼ cup sliced almonds. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
With dinner: Take 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your
weight (in ounces) that you haven’t drank yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or using
mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
DAY 9 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Drink Herbal Cleanse (The Fiber Drink gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is
raised, which is necessary to burn fat!) and take Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins
& carry them out of your system) & 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”)
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Dinner: Dijon Garlic Salmon, Brown Rice & a side salad with lots of “salad veggies,” like
celery/carrots/radishes/cucumber/tomatoes etc.
DIJON GARLIC SALMON: Combine 1 Tbs Dijon Mustard & 1 tsp minced garlic per salmon fillet. Spread over salmon and bake at 375
for 30 minutes. Brown Rice: (should have some leftover from earlier in the week). Bring 3 cups chicken broth to a boil. Add 1 ½
cups brown rice and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 45 minutes. Do NOT uncover! Take off heat and uncover
for 5 more minutes. Fluff with a fork.
With dinner: Take 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your
weight (in ounces) that you haven’t drank yet today
No eating after 8PM, just drink Rehyrdate (Advocare) or water. Try brushing your teeth or using
mouthwash at 8PM as a trigger to “tell yourself” you’re done eating.
DAY 10 of Cleanse
Upon rising: Drink Herbal Cleanse (The Fiber Drink gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer so your metabolism is
raised, which is necessary to burn fat!) and take Probiotic Packet in your Cleanse Box (Probiotics metabolize toxins
& carry them out of your system) & 3 catalyst (“Liposuction in a bottle”)
30 minutes later: Breakfast – Advocare’s Meal Replacement Shake
30 minutes before lunch: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
Lunch: Veggie Soup
30 minutes before dinner: 3 catalyst & at least 8oz water
DINNER: Nectarine Almond Serves 8: Combine 4 chopped Romaine Lettuce hearts (12 cups), 3 ripe nectarines (pitted
& sliced ¼ in thick slices), 1 small red onion, thinly sliced, 4 oz. crumbled Feta Cheese, & 1 C. slivered almonds in a large
salad bowl. In a small bowl, combine 2 Tbs red wine vinegar, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, salt & pepper whisk until salt is dissolved.
Slowly add ¼ c vegetable oil and ¼ c. olive oil, whisking constantly until blended and thickened. Just before serving, pour
dressing on salad, toss well. If you don’t care for nectarines, this salad works just as well with peaches, or strawberries.
With dinner: Take 6 Omegaplex and make sure to drink the remainder of water to equal half your
weight (in ounces) that you haven’t drank yet today. CONGRATULATIONS! LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE
DONE FOR YOUR BODY! Below is a description of what this 10 Day Cleanse has done for you!!!
Herbal Cleanse – Days 1 thru 10
Your liver, kidneys, and colon are your “toxin filters.” It’s kind of like the “lint trap” in your clothes dryer. When you clear your lint
trap off, the little holes in the “screen” of the lint trap are cleared so the heat can go through the lint trap and dry your clothes.
Metabolism is heat. That heat (metabolism) is more effective at metabolizing (burning) fat once your organs get cleansed.
The 3 Components of Herbal Cleanse Box
3. Fiber Drink: is like taking the “lint off the lint trap” after every load of laundry! It gently cleanses, allowing heat to transfer
so your metabolism is raised, which is necessary to burn fat!
4. Herbal Cleanse Tablets: is like an “S.O.S.” pad - more deeply cleansing the intestines and colon.
5. Probiotic: Probiotics are good bacteria, these are the highest quality on the market – formulated to survive through the
hostile environment of the low PH/high acidic stomach, so it can make it safely to the large & small intestines where it
needs to be to kill the bad bacteria. Probiotics metabolize toxins & carry them out of your system! Probiotics also
metabolize vitamins for your body!
Spark: Mental clarity, craving control, metabolizes fat, & energizes your day!
Catalyst - “Liposuction in a bottle” Preserves muscle mass and uses fat stores for energy, causing you to shrink! “Glue” for your
muscles. “Chisels” you out. Nicknamed – “Gutt-be-Gone, Butt-be-Gone!”
Now that you have cleaned your “fat-burning” organs, you are ready to seriously strip your body of fat in
Phase 2 of the 24 Day Challenge. Days 11-24 are the days to get excited about. You will be AMAZED at
how you feel on the MNS pack! It is “willpower in a box,” energy, appetite suppression and MORE!
 Apple with natural peanut butter
 Banana Nut VitaMuffin (in freezer section at Grocery store) & lowfat string cheese
 Boiled Egg & Lowfat String Cheese
 Brown Rice Cake with Natural Peanut Butter and sugar-free jam
 Broccoli & Boiled Egg Salad: Mix 1 cup broccoli florets with 1 Tbs sunflower seeds and 1 sliced boiled egg.
Dress with 2 Tbs lowfat Ranch dressing.
 Carrot & Tuna Salad: Combine 1 bag of pre-shredded carrots with 1 can drained tuna, 2 sliced green onions,
and lowfat or fat free mayo to moisten. Keep handy in fridge for your hunger attacks! Once you’ve put a
serving in a bowl, top with 2 Tbs crunchy Chinese Noodles!
 Celery Sticks with natural peanut butter
 Lowfat Cottage Cheese – add chopped fruit or use it as “dip” for vegetables by blending w/ dry Ranch seasoning.
 “Orange Julius” – in a blender, combine ½ cup plain nonfat Greek Yogurt, ½ cup coconut milk (choose a kind
with 80 calories or less), 2-3 packets of Truvia, 1 heaping Tbs Orange Juice Concentrate (frozen), 1 capful vanilla
extract, ice cubes to desired consistency.
 “Mini Wraps” Using a small, whole grain, or Carb Balance Tortilla, make wraps to store in the fridge for a quick
a. Roast Beef Wrap: Deli meat, Horseradish Sauce, Lettuce, Tomatoes
b. Pizza Wrap: 1 lowfat string cheese shredded, marinara sauce, Canadian Bacon & (optional pineapple)
c. Meat & Light Cream Cheese: Any lowfat deli meat, lettuce, other veggies, & lowfat cream cheese
d. BBQ Chicken Wrap: Chopped, cooked chicken mixed w/ equal parts low-sugar BBQ Sauce & light Ranch.
Heat & then add Lettuce
e. Scrambled Egg Wrap: 2 eggs scrambled with 2 Tbs. cheese & Salsa. Put eggs in Wheat or Carb Smart
Tortilla. Add lowfat sour cream if desired.
f. Natural Peanut Butter & Banana Wrap
g. Chicken Alfredo Wrap: mix lowfat alfredo sauce with chopped, cooked chicken. Heat through.
 PB & J – Toast a piece of sprouted bread (found in the freezer in the natural section of grocery stores). Add
natural peanut butter and sugar free jam. You could also do toast with tuna salad (using lowfat mayo).
 Peach Parfait: Layer 6 oz plain Greek yogurt, ¼ cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, ¼ tsp cinnamon mixed with 3
packets of Truvia. For added sweetness, let the fruit sit for 5-10 minutes with the cinnamon and “sugar” before
making the parfait.
 Scrambled eggs with Canadian Bacon: if you are home and have access to your stove, whisk two eggs with 1
Tbs water added. Scramble the eggs, and add 1 serving of chopped Canadian Bacon.
 Triple Berry Parfait: thaw ¾ cup of Costco’s frozen “triple berry mix” with 2 packets of Truvia mixed in to make
the fruit “juicy.” Mix it in 1 cup plain nonfat Greek Yogurt, and ¼ cup Kashi Go-Lean Crunchy Cereal.
 Turkey & Cabbage Roll: using 1 serving of Oscar Meyer’s Mesquite Deli Turkey, add shredded cabbage or
“broccoli slaw” down the center of the meat, then squirt mustard down the center. Roll and enjoy! You can get
creative with this: try different combos such as deli Roast Beef, lettuce & horseradish sauce. Another idea
would be deli ham, lettuce and Dijon mustard or lowfat chipotle mayo.
 Weight Control brand Oatmeal: My favorite is “Maple flavored” – top it with Fat Free ½ & ½
Yogurt Pops: Using a blender, blend 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 cup fruit (frozen berries is my favorite, or
orange juice concentrate). For added sweetness, add packets of Truvia to taste. Once well blended, place
mixture into several “popsicle molds” and freeze into “yogurt pops.”
Alfredo Pizza: Preheat oven to 425. Warm a Sara Lee Mr. Pita Whole Wheat Pita Bread in oven for 5 minutes; remove.
Spread 2 Tbs Classico Creamy Alfredo Sauce over Pita; top with grated mozzarella, canned chicken. Drop ricotta cheese
by the teaspoon evenly over pita. Season with salt and pepper. Bake 8-10 minutes or until cheese melts. Serve with
grated parmesan.
Asian Pork Stir Fry: In a small bowl, make sauce by combining 3 Tbs low sugar orange marmalade, 2 Tbs light teriyaki
sauce, 2 Tbs water, and 1 tsp ginger and ¼ - ½ tsp crushed red pepper or chili pepper paste (found in the refrigerated
section of produce isle). Set the sauce aside. Meanwhile, coat a wok or skillet. Preheat to medium-high heat. Add 2
cups broccoli florets, ½ small onion, cut into thin wedges, 2 carrots, cut into bite-sized strips. Cover and cook until
vegetables are crisp. Remove veggies from skillet. Add 2 tsp oil to skillet. Add 2 6-oz boneless pork top loin chops, cut
into thin bite-sized strips. Cook and stir over medium-high heat 3 to 5 minutes or until cooked through. Return veggies
to skillet along with sauce and 3 cups shredded cabbage. Cook and stir 1 to 2 minutes or until heated through and
cabbage is just wilted. Serve immediately over hot cooked whole grain spaghetti noodles. If desired, garnish with
sesame seeds.
Baked Eggs with Roasted Vegetables: Preheat oven to 425. Coat a 2 quart baking dish with spray. In a large bowl,
combine 24 oz. of yellow potatoes, such as Yukon Golds; cut into ½ inch pieces (about 4 cups), 1 small onion, cut into
thin wedges, 2 Tbs olive oil and ¼ tsp salt. Toss to coat. Spread vegetables in pan. Roast 10 minutes. Stir veggies; roast
5 minutes more or until veggies are tender and starting to brown. Remove from oven. Spread veggies in baking dish;
cool. Cover and chill overnight. Let chilled veggies stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile,
preheat oven to 375. Bake vegetables, uncovered for 5 minutes. Remove from oven; make six “wells” in the vegetables.
Break an egg into each well. Bake 5 – 10 minutes more or until egg whites are set and yolks are to desired consistency.
Sprinkle with pepper.
BBQ Chicken Pita (2 servings) Stir together 1 Tbsp barbecue sauce and 1/2 cup chopped precooked chicken; microwave
for 30 seconds or until hot. Cut a whole wheat pita in half and stuff each with chicken mixture. Top with 1 cup chopped
lettuce, and 1 Tbsp lowfat ranch dressing.
BBQ Chicken Pizza: Preheat oven to 425. Warm a Sara Lee Mr. Pita Whole Wheat Pita Bread in oven for 5 minutes;
remove. Spread 2 Tbs Scott’s low sugar Barbecue Sauce over pita; top with grated mozzarella, canned chicken, & diced
red onion. Bake 8-10 minutes. Garnish with cilantro (optional)
BBQ Chicken Quesadilla
1 Tbs BBQ sauce with about 45 calories per 2 Tbs serving
1 Wedge The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese
1 medium-large high-fiber flour tortilla
2 ounces cooked and shredded chicken breast (or canned chicken)
1 Tbs canned black beans, drained & rinsed
1 Tbs corn kernels, thawed from frozen
2 Tbs shredded Mexican-blend cheese
Optional dips: salsa, fat-free dressing, 1 Tbs chopped scallions and additional BBQ sauce.
In a small bowl, mix BBQ sauce and cheese wedge until blended. Lay tortilla flat and spread BBQ cheese mixture on one
half. Top mixture with remaining ingredients and set aside. Spray grill or grill pan, bring to medium-high heat. Place
the half-loaded tortilla flat on the grill and cook for 2 minutes. Using a spatula, carefully fold the plain half of the tortilla
over the filling and press down lightly to seal. Carefully flip and grill for 3 more minutes, or until both sides are crispy.
Once cool enough to handle, slice into wedges. If you like, dunk in salsa, ranch dressing, or additional BBQ sauce.
Bean ‘N Cheesy Soft Taco in an Egg Mug
¼ cup fat free refried beans
¼ tsp taco seasoning mix
¾ cup liquid egg substitute
Half a 6-inch corn tortilla, torn into bite-sized pieces
1 Tbs shredded cheddar cheese
1 Tbs salsa
In a small bowl, mix beans with taco seasoning. Set aside. Spray a large soup-mug. Add egg and microwave for 1
minute. Gently stir. Microwave for 30 seconds or until scramble is almost set. Gently stir in seasoned beans and tortilla
pieces. Sprinkle with lowfat cheese. Microwave for 20 seconds, or until scramble is just set. Top with salsa & a dollop
of light sour cream.
Blueberry Coffee Cake: spray a 2 quart baking pan. In a large bowl, stir together 1 tsp cinnamon, ¼ tsp salt, 1 tsp
baking soda, ¼ tsp ground ginger, 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour, ¾ cup cornmeal, and 1/3 cup sugar OR 1/3 cup Sugar
Substitute, such as Truvia or Stevia. In a separate bowl, whisk together 1 cup nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt, 3 lightly beaten
eggs, 1/3 cup canola oil, ¼ cup unsweetened applesauce, 1 Tbs butter flavoring (like Mrs. Dash). Add to flour mixture,
stirring just until combined. Spread half the batter into the prepared dish. Sprinkle with 1 cups frozen berries. Spread
remaining batter over top. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Set cake at room temperature while the oven preheats to
350, In a small bowl, toss 1 cup berries with ½ tsp cinnamon and 2 Tbs Brown Sugar Substitute. Sprinkle over batter.
Bake uncovered 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve warm. (optional – top
with a little whipped topping.
Breakfast Burrito (but great to eat for any meal!) - 2 eggs scrambled with 2 Tbs lowfat shredded cheese & Salsa. Put
eggs in Carb Smart Tortilla. Add sour cream if desired.
Broccoli & Parmesan Egg Scramble: Whisk together 2 eggs; set aside. Coat a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray and
sauté ¼ c. chopped broccoli florets 2 minutes; add eggs and scramble. Once eggs are cooked, sprinkle with 1 ½ Tbs.
grated Parmesan.
Brown Rice: Bring 3 cups chicken broth to a boil. Add 1 ½ cups brown rice and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer,
covered, for 45 minutes. Do NOT uncover! Take off heat and uncover for 5 more minutes. Fluff with a fork. Use as a
side dish with any piece of meat, fish or poultry. Or serve with “fried eggs.”
Broccoli & Parmesan Egg Scramble: Whisk together 2 eggs; set aside. Coat a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray and
sauté ¼ c. chopped broccoli florets 2 minutes; add eggs and scramble. Once eggs are cooked, sprinkle with 1 ½ Tbs.
grated Parmesan.
Brown Rice & Eggs: 3 Cups Chicken Broth + 1 ½ C. Brown Rice. Boil broth, lower heat, add rice. COVER and cook 45
minutes, NO stirring. DO NOT take lid off. Fry eggs is small amount of butter or nonstick cooking spray. Store leftover
rice for meals during week.
Buttermilk Oatcakes with Raspberry Compote: Whisk 2 cups well-shaken buttermilk and 1 egg in a bowl. Combine 1 ½
cups rolled oats, ½ cup whole wheat flour, 1 Tbs Truvia or Stevia, 1 tsp baking soda,1/2 tsp tsp cinnamon and ¼ tsp salt
in another bowl. Stir the dry mixture into the wet mixture and let stand for 15 minutes. The mixture will bubble slightly
as it sits. To prepare the Raspberry Compote: place 2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries (thawed), 2 Tbs maple syrup, or
to taste, and 1 tsp cinnamon in a small heavy saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat and cook, stirring
occasionally, until the berries are mostly broken down, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cover to keep warm.
Coat a griddle or large skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium heat. Using ¼ cup of batter for each, cook 3
outcakes at a time until bubbles dot the surface, 2-3 minutes. Flip and continue cooking until browned, 1-2 minutes
more, reducing heat if necessary to prevent overbrowning. Serve oatcakes with the compote and whipped topping.
Cheesy Egg Wrap: Skillet, medium heat: w/ Pam, cook 2 egg whites 1 min. Flip, then top with slice of Canadian Bacon,
slice lowfat Provolone; turn off heat. Top with 1 Carb Control tortilla. Let sit for 10 minutes, or until cheese melts. Flip
pan, holding tortilla like a lid. Roll tortilla and eat or wrap and store in the fridge for a quick meal.
Cheesy Tuna Muffinwich
1 whole grain English Muffin
Half a can albacore tuna packed in water, drained and flaked
1 wedge The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese
Split muffin into halves and lightly toast. In a small bowl, combine tuna with cheese, breaking the cheese wedge into
pieces as you add it. Mix thoroughly making sure cheese is evenly distributed. Evenly distribute cheesy tuna between
the toasty muffin halves, and enjoy your open-faced sandwich lunch.
Chef’s Salad: Serves 4: In a bowl, whisk ¼ c. cider vinegar, 1 ½ tsp honey, 1 tsp. Dijon mustard, salt & pepper. While
whisking constantly, drizzle in ½ c. olive oil until mixture is combined. Use this as a dressing to drizzle over your salad: 1
head romaine lettuce chopped, 1 c cherry tomatoes, 2 sliced carrots & radishes, 4 boiled eggs quartered, 6 oz. cubed
lowfat cheddar, 6 oz. lowfat cheese cubed, 8oz ham. Other ideas: Give it a Mexican Flair by using jack for the cheese
and tossing in avocado. For a touch of heat, add a pinch or two of chili powder to the vinaigrette.
Chicken a La Honey Mustard and Pecan: Stir together 2 Tbs light sour cream, 4 tsp honey mustard, and 1 Tbs chopped
pecans. Microwave and serve on 2 baked chicken breasts.
Chicken a La Raspberry: Stir together 1 cup thawed raspberries, 2 Tbs raspberry vinaigrette, ½ tsp lemon juice.
Microwave or serve cold on two baked chicken breasts.
Chicken-Avacado Sandwich
• 1 c mashed avocado about 1 med
• 1 Tbsp lime juice
• 1/2 tsp Tabasco, optional
• 1 c torn baby spinach
• 2 Cups grilled or roasted chicken breast
• 1 mango, peeled, pitted, and sliced (about 1 c)
• 4 small whole grain rolls OR whole grain bread (preferable Sprouted bread found in freezer, it’s “flourless,” so it keeps
your blood sugar low = maximum fat-burning!)
Combine avocado, lime juice in small bowl. Spread top and bottom halves of rolls with 2 tablespoons each of the
avocado-lime mixture. Layer 1/4 cup of the spinach, one-quarter of the chicken, and 1/4 cup of the mango on bottom
halves. Top with other halves of rolls.
Chicken Casserole: Preheat oven to 400. In a bowl, stir together 3 cups cubed cooked chicken breast, 1 cup sliced
celery, ¾ cup shredded lowfat cheese, 1 can lowfat cream of chicken soup, 6 ounces plain lowfat Greek Yogurt,
¼ cup sliced green onions, 1 Tbs lemon juice, and ¼ tsp pepper. Transfer to a baking dish. In a small bowl stir together
½ cup crushed cornflakes & ¼ cup sliced almonds. Sprinkle evenly over chicken mixture. Bake uncovered 30 minutes.
Chicken Crockpot Supper
4 potatoes cut into chunks
4 carrots, sliced
1 onion, chopped
4 cabbage wedges
1 can cream of mushroom soup
½ cup water
4 raw chicken breasts (if frozen, thaw in microwave, but don’t cook them)
Step 1: Layer vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onion, cabbage) in bottom of crockpot.
Step 2: In small bowl, mix together can of cream of chicken soup and the ½ cup water. Add 1 tsp. salt & ½ tsp. pepper
and mix.
Step 3: Spoon half of mixture over vegetables.
Step 4: Place raw chicken over soup and vegetables.
Step 5: Add remaining soup mixture.
Step 6: Cook on low for 7 – 8 hours.
Chicken Quesadilla: Using either a whole wheat tortilla, or a Carb Control Tortilla, spread some lowfat shredded
Mexican Style cheese, a little salsa, and grilled chicken strips (I use the frozen pre-cooked kind and just thaw a few strips
in the microwave). Fold in half and heat through in the microwave. Garnish with lowfat sour cream, shredded lettuce.
Chicken Romano: Preheat oven to 400. Coat a baking pan with nonstick spray; set aside. Place 4 boneless chicken
breast halves between two pieces of plastic wrap. Using the flat side of a meat mallet, pound chicken breasts until
about ½ inch thick. Remove plastic wrap and set aside. In a shallow dish beat together 1 eggwhite and 1 Tbs water. In
another dish, combine 1 ¼ cup crushed cornflakes and 2 Tbs grated cheese, 1/8 tsp pepper, and ½ tsp Italian seasoning.
Dip chicken one at a time, into egg mixture, letting excess drip off. Next dip chicken into cornflake mixture, turning to
coat. Place coated chicken in prepared baking dish. Bake 18 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. Meanwhile, cook
4 ounces multigrain spaghetti noodles. Add 1 1/3 cups tomato-base pasta sauce. Cook pasta sauce until heated
through. To serve, divide cooked spaghetti among 4 plates. Top with chicken and pasta sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan
or Romano Cheese.
Chicken with Cheesy Burrito Topper
Sauté or grill half a chicken breast (for one serving.) Top hot, cooked chicken breast with ¼ cup heated refried beans, ¼
cup shredded romaine lettuce, 1 Tbs lowfat shredded cheese, and 1 Tbs lowfat sour cream.
Chicken with Peanut Stir Fry Topper
Sauté or grill half a chicken breast (for one serving). In a small bowl combine 2 Tbs Chow Mein Noodles, 2 Tbs green
onion, 1 Tbs chopped, dry roasted peanuts, and 1 tsp soy sauce. Spoon topping over hot chicken breast.
Chicken with Italian Topper: Sauté or grill half a chicken breast (for one serving). In a small bowl, combine 2 Tbs
shredded fresh basil, 1 Tbs Parmesan cheese, 2 teaspoons pine nuts, 1 tsp olive oil, ½ tsp finely shredded lemon peel,
and 1 small garlic clove, minced. Spoon topping over hot chicken breast
Chili-Lime Chicken Tostadas with Pico de Gallo – Prepare marinated and roasted chicken using marinade:
combine 2 tsp finely shredded lime peel, ¼ cup lime juice, 2 Tbs agave nectar, 1 Tbs minced garlic, 2 tsp chili
powder. Place 2-4 chicken breasts in a gallon Ziploc with marinade. Marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 375. Drain chicken, discarding marinade. Arrange chicken in a baking pan. Roast 45 minutes
or until chicken is tender. When cool enough to handle, shred or cut into bite-size pieces. Transfer to an
airtight storage container to use for future meals. Prepare chipotle sauce: in a food processor combine11/2
cup plain fat free Greek yogurt, ½ cup light mayo, 4 canned chipotle chile peppers in adobo sauce, minced, 2
Tbs lime juice, 2 tsp agave nectar or honey. Combine . spoon into airtight storage container. Cover and seal.
Chill up to 3 days. Prepare Pico de Gallo: in a small bowl combine 1 cup chopped tomatoes; 2 Tbs chopped
onion, 2 Tbs fresh cilantro, 1 Tbs minced fresh jalapeno chili pepper, 1 Tbs lime juice, 2 cloves garlic, minced
and 1/8 tsp salt. To serve: preheat broiler. Shred 4 cups romaine lettuce, rinse and drain 1 can black beans,
place 4 corn tortillas on sprayed pan 4 inches from broiler to heat for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown,
turning once halfway through broiling time. Meanwhile, in a skillet, combine chicken, beans and ¼ cup
chicken broth. Cook, covered over medium-high heat until heated through, stirring often. Top each tortilla
with 1 cup shredded lettuce, one-fourth of the chicken-bean mixture, one-fourth of the Pico de Gallo, chipotle
sauce, and 1 Tbs lowfat shredded Mexican cheese
Chinese Chicken Salad
2 bags shredded cabbage, or 1 head of cabbage, shredded
1 c. sliced almonds
1 pkg raw Top Ramen Noodles, crushed into small pieces
Chopped green onion
2 cans chicken or 1 cup cooked, chopped chicken
To make dressing, whisk together the following ingredients: the packet of “seasoning” from the Top Ramon, ¾ c Canola
oil, 8-12 pkts Truvia sweetner, & 1 C seasoned rice vinegar
Creamy Chicken Pasta: In the morning, place 4 raw chicken breasts in the crockpot with enough chicken broth to cover
the chicken. (add a dash of salt, pepper & garlic). Cook on low all day until the chicken shreds with a fork. Combine 1
jar Marinara Sauce, 1/2 C Grated Parmesan, 4 Tbs. Lowfat Ranch. Add the crockpot-shredded chicken and 1 pkg of
cooked whole-grain pasta. Mix all together and serve with a Garden Salad and Peas.
Crockpot Mexican Chicken: Place the following ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 7 hours: 4 chicken
breasts, 1 small cabbage (quartered", 1 lb. bag mini carrots, 2 large cans Mexican flavored stewed tomatoes.
Enchilada Lasagna 4 servings
1 cup “crockpot Mexican chicken”
1-1/2 cups Reduced Fat Mexican Blend Four Cheese-Shredded
1 can Diced Tomatoes
1 cup Lowfat Cottage Cheese Blended to be smooth
1/2 cup Chopped Green Onions
2 tsp. Chili Powder
2 – Garlic Cloves
9 – Corn Tortillas
1 cup Old El Paso Medium Taco Sauce
1. If you haven’t already made the crockpot taco chicken, do so in the morning for tonight’s dinner.
2. Combine chicken with cheese (reserving 1/2 cup), tomatoes, cottage cheese, onions, chili powder, and garlic in a large
bowl, stirring well to mix.
3. Coat an 11" x 7" baking dish with cooking spray. Place three tortillas on bottom of pan, and top with one-half of
chicken mixture. Add three more tortillas, and top with remaining chicken mixture. Place three more tortillas on top,
pour taco sauce over top tortillas, and sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup cheese.
4. Bake at 375°F for 20 minutes.
English Muffin Pizzas: Spread Marinara over wheat English Muffin. Grate 2 lowfat Mozzarella String Cheeses over the
two halves of English Muffin. Add chopped Canadian Bacon or deli ham (& crushed Pineapple optional). Bake at 350 for
a few minutes, then finish by broiling.
Ham & Cheese Omelets: Whisk 2 eggs plus 2 eggwhites and 2 Tbs half & half (it doesn’t have sugar like milk does!)
spray pan liberally. Add egg mixture and swirl to coat the pan; leave and let the eggs “set up.” When the sides start to
pull away, add 2 slices diced ham or Canadian bacon and ¼ c. shredded cheese to half of the pan. Fold one side over
the other, creating a half moon, and remove from heat. (optional carb: toasted English Muffin or ½ C. mixed berries &
dollop of whip cream)
Fish Sticks: Cut fish filets (tilapia, sole, or other white mild fish) into rectangles about 3” by 1 ½ “. Mix 3 egg whites & 1
Tbs. water in a bowl. In another bowl, crunch up 1 C. Kashi High Fiber Cereal or cornmeal with ¼ tsp. garlic salt & 1 Tbs.
herb seasoning. Dip each fishstick in egg mixture, then dip into crumb mixture. Bake on sprayed pan for 5 minutes at
375. Then flip sticks over.
Fruity BBQ Chicken (2 servings)
12 ounces raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast, cubed
2 Tbs BBQ sauce with 45 Calories or less per serving
2 Tbs sugar-free apricot preserves
Cook chicken in sprayed skilled for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, combine sauce with preserves and mix well. Add saucepreserves mixture to the skillet and stir to coat. Continue to cook for 5 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked.
Fruity Fish Foil Packets
4 fillets raw tilapia, cod, or any mild white fish
1 cup mango salsa
½ cup sliced red onion
Preheat oven to 375. Lay a large piece of heavy-duty foil on a baking sheet and spray with nonstick spray. Place the fish
fillets side by side in the center. Top fish evenly with salsa and onion. Fold and seal together the top and bottom edges
of the foil, and then the side edges, to create a well-sealed packet. Place baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 15
minutes, until fish is cooked through. Allow packet to cool for a few minutes and then cut to release steam before
opening entirely.
Grilled Turkey & Cranberry Sandwich
4 tsp olive oil
8 slices Sprouted Bread (flourless – found in the freezer section = very low on Glycemic Index)
4 oz lowfat mozzarella cheese, sliced
8 slices deli turkey breast
½ c cranberry sauce, strained so it’s not runny
Heat 1 tsp oil in large nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Place 2 slices bread in pan and top with one-quarter of the
cheese and half of the turkey. Spread half of the sauce over turkey and top with another quarter of the cheese and slice
of bread. Cook until browned about 4 minutes. Remove from pan, add another teaspoon oil, and cook second side until
toasted, about 3 minutes. Repeat for remaining 2 sandwiches
Hawaiian Pizza: Preheat oven to 425. Warm a Sara Lee Mr. Pita Whole Wheat Pita Bread in oven for 5 minutes;
remove. Spread 2 Tbs Pasta Sauce over Pita; top with grated lowfat mozzarella & lowfat Monterey Jack cheese, diced
deli ham, & drained, canned pineapple. Bake for 8-10 minutes.
Healthy Refried Beans: Put all below ingredients in crockpot. Cook on high for 8 hours, adding water as needed. After
cooking, strain & reserve liquid. Mash, adding liquid for desired consistency (like mashing potatoes). Freezes well!
1 Onion, Peeled & quartered
3 cups dry pinto beans
1 fresh jalapeno: pull out before mashing beans
2 Tbs minced garlic
4 tsp salt & ¼ tsp cumin
1 ¾ tsp black pepper
9 cups water
Hearty Egg Scramble: Whisk 2 eggs +2 Tbs. water. Add chopped Canadian Bacon and scramble in skillet until eggs are
almost done. Add ¼ c low fat grated cheese, turn off heat, put on lid, and let sit until cheese melts.
Mexican Egg Scramble: 2 eggs, “a handful” of black beans and frozen or canned corn, and a little salsa. Combine and
cook. Top with a dollop of lowfat sour cream & a few “drops” of Tapatio - Optional. (Convenience Tip: Mix everything
together the night before, so in the a.m. all you have to do is cook it)
Mini Apple Empanadas: In a skillet, melt 2 tsp butter. Add 1 chopped apple; cook 6-8 minutes until tender. Remove
from heat and stir in ½ tsp cinnamon and ½ tsp vanilla. Lay out 4 Wonton wrappers on a work surface with a point
toward you. Spoon one-fourth of the apple mixture on the lower half of each wonton wrapper. Brush edges of wonton
wrapper with water. Workings carefully, fold the top point down to meet the bottom point, forming a triangle. Gently
press the edges together to seal. Coat an unheated skillet nonstick spray. Preheat over medium-high heat. Add
empanadas and cook 4-6 minutes or until golden brown, turning once halfway through cooking. Serve warm with a dash
of cinnamon and drizzled with sugar free caramel syrup.
Mustard Apricot Pork Chops Combine 1/3 C Light Apricot Preserves & 2 Tbs. Dijon Mustard in saucepan. Heat & stir
until preserves melt. Set aside. Place 4 (3/4 inch) Pork Chops on sprayed broiler pan. Broil 5 minutes. Brush chops with
half of the glaze and turn. Broil 5 minutes longer. Turn and brush with remaining glaze. Broil 2 minutes. Garnish with
green onions before serving. Serve with brown rice.
Parmesan Eggplant: Cut a peeled eggplant into ¼ inch slices. Dip in 4 beaten eggwhites + 4 Tbs. water. Then dip it into
Parmesan cheese, pressing the cheese into the eggplant. Bake on a sprayed baking dish. Bake 30 minutes at 400
degrees, turning eggplant over after 20 minutes. Cover with marinara sauce. Bake for 20 more minutes until sauce is
Peanut Butter Banana Wrap: Spread 2 Tbs Natural Peanut Butter on a "carb smart" tortilla, then put a banana in &
Pearl Barley Dish: bring 2 ½ c water to a boil, add 1 cup pearl barley and return to boil. Cover pot, and reduce heat to a
simmer for 40 minutes. Grains are done when water is absorbed; they are slightly chewy; and you can fluff them with a
fork. Add any of the following ingredients: raisins, chopped apple, celery, walnuts, and plain Greek Yogurt!
Pizza Wrap – Spread Marinara sauce over a whole wheat or Carb Control Tortilla. Then shred two lowfat mozzarella
string cheeses on top of the marinara sauce. Add (thawed) grilled chicken strips. Season with salt and pepper.
Microwave to heat through and melt the cheese. (Convenience Tip: Pre-cook, slice, and freeze your own chicken to
store for future wraps, it’s way more affordable than buying the “frozen pre-cooked chicken strips.” You can make
several of these “wraps” and freeze them for future quick lunches. Add whatever healthy fillings you want)
Quinoa Dish: Bring 2 cups water to a boil, add 2 ¾ cup quinoa and bring to a boil. Cover pot, and reduce heat to a
simmer for 12-15 minutes, until the water is absorbed. Add celery, orange sections, diced red onion, slivered almonds
and drizzle with olive oil.
Roast Beef Wrap
3 pieces Oscar Mayer Deli Thin Deli Style Roast Beef Lunchmeat
1 – Carb Smart Tortilla
3/4 cup Mixed Greens Salad
1/4 cup Chopped Red Tomatoes
1 Tbsp. Grey Poupon Country Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp. Crumbled Blue Cheese
Arrange beef slices down center of tortilla, then add remaining ingredients. Fold outside edges in, then roll.
Roasted Vegetables: Preheat oven to 400. In large bowl, toss 2 lbs vegetables with 1 Tbs olive oil, ¼ tsp salt & pepper,
1 Tbs herbs such as chives, parsley, thyme, basil. Vegetable ideas  Carrots, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, onion,
eggplant. Spread the vegetables in a baking pan, keeping like vegetables together as they cook in the same amount of
time. Roast, stirring occasionally until they are fork-tender, about 15-30 minutes. Serve with meat, fish, or poultry OR
add chopped chicken pieces to the mix, and roast with the vegetables.
Smoked Turkey Sandwich: Using 2 slices of 100% whole wheat bread or Sprouted Bread (in freezer section) spread
Dijon mustard and mayo on each slice. Stack the bottom slice of bread with sliced avocado, sliced smoked deli turkey,
sliced provolone, lettuce, and then top with other slice of bread.
Spicy Pecan Popcorn Chicken: Preheat oven to 450. Coat line a baking sheet with foil and spray. Combine ¾ cup
breadcrumbs (preferable whole wheat), ½ c pecan pieces, 2 Tbs chili powder, and ¼ tsp salt in a blender until pecans are
finely chopped and chili powder is mixed throughout. Transfer the mixture to a shallow dish. Whisk 1 egg white and 1
Tbs water in a another shallow dish. Add chicken and turn to coat. Then dredge in the pecan mixture, turning to coat
evenly. Place chicken in pan. Bake the chicken until no longer pink in the center, about 15 minutes.
Super Tangy Chicken Wrap: Warm a LaTortilla Factory Smart & Delicious Multigrain softwrap. Then layer lettuce,
chopped red onion, shredded cheddar cheese, drained black beans, and shredded Rotisserie chicken on one half of the
tortilla. Drizzle with low sugar Scott’s Barbeque Sauce
Saucy Pork Chops: Brown 6 Lean Pork Chops on both sides. Place in shallow casserole dish. Combine 1 C. unsweetened
applesauce, 1/4 C. Soy Sauce, 1/8 tsp. Onion Powder. Spoon evenly over Chops. Bake covered at 350 for 45 Minutes.
Remove cover and bake 15 minutes longer.
Sweet Sautéed Fish: Mix 3 TBS Orange Juice, 1/2 tsp. Paprika, & 2 Tbs Honey. Simmer 1 minute. Place 1 pound fish
fillets in a sprayed baking dish. Pour sauce over fillets. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Red Beans & Rice with “taco” chicken: In the morning, place 4-6 raw (can even be frozen) chicken breasts in your
crockpot. Pour enough chicken broth over breasts to cover. Add 1 to 2 packets of Lowry’s Chicken Taco Seasoning
Packets and cook on low all day, about 8 hours. Shred with a fork and store meat in the fridge to use throughout the
week for simple meals. In a large skillet, heat a little oil over medium heat. Add 1 medium chopped onion, 2 minced
garlic cloves; sauté until onions are tender. Stir into the skillet: 1 can kidney beans (drained and rinsed), 1 cup container
of Minute Ready to Serve Brown Rice cooked, ¼ cup chicken broth1/2 tsp cumin and a dash of chili powder. Heat
through. (4 servings)
Taco Salad – Prior to preparing this quick taco salad, you will want to have prepared the following “crockpot chicken” to
have on hand in your fridge for salad toppers: Place 4-6 raw chicken breasts in your crockpot. Pour enough chicken
broth over breasts to cover. Add 1 to 2 packets of Lowry’s Chicken Taco Seasoning Packets and cook on low all day,
about 8 hours. Shred with a fork and store meat in the fridge to use throughout the week for simple meals such as
quesadillas, salads, tacos etc. (just be sure to use either corn, whole wheat, or low carb tortillas). To make the Taco
Salad, start with a bed of romaine lettuce. Top with heated seasoned chicken. Then add chopped tomatoes, drained &
rinsed kidney beans, ¼ cup lowfat shredded cheese, 1- 2 Tbs lowfat sour cream and some salsa.
Turkey Avacado Wrap – prepare the below wrap:
3 slices Turkey Breast Lunchmeat
Whole Wheat Tortilla or Carb Smart Tortilla
1/4 cup Avocado-Sliced
2 Tbsp. Lowfat Mexican Blend Four Cheese-Shredded
Turkey & Cream Cheese Roll Up - Carb Smart tortillas, light garden vegetable cream cheese, thinly sliced oven-baked
turkey. Layer cream cheese & turkey on tortilla & roll
Turkey, Orange & Cashew Salad: (ONE SERVING) Place salad greens on plate. Toss together cubed deli turkey, ½ of a
can Mandarin Oranges drained, 3 Tbs light honey-mustard dressing, 1 Tbs. lite Orange Marmalade, 2 Tbs chopped
Cashews. Spoon over greens.
Zesty Bean Soup
Saute 1 clove garlic and one finely chopped onion in some vegetable oil. Add the below ingredients, and simmer.
½ c. diced ham
1 (28 oz) can undrained stewed Mexican Style tomatoes
1 (16 oz) each: kidney beans and pinto beans drained and rinsed
1 c. Picante Sauce
1 (8oz) tomato sauce
1 c. water
1 can olives, sliced
1 cube or tsp beef bullion cube
¾ tsp thyme leaves or ½ tsp ground thyme
Top with grated lowfat cheese, dollop of light sour cream, and 1 serving of crushed up tortilla chips
2 Calcium Plus: Since bones & teeth need far more than calcium alone, to stay strong & healthy, Calcium Plus
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1 ActoThermSR: Sustained released-action to aid in preventing a spike & drop-off of energy throughout the
1 ProBiotic Restore: Supports healthy immune & intestinal function, enhances weight management.
2 Calcium Plus: Since bones & teeth need far more than calcium alone, to stay strong & healthy, Calcium Plus
provides a balanced array of minerals combined with calcium & vitamins to be highly absorbable.
2 BioTherm: a unique weight management aid that helps your body convert fat into energy; converts food to
WITH A MEAL: Breakfast OR Lunch
3 Coreplex: 36 vitamins, minerals, & nutrients in a highly absorbable form for core nutrition.
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2 Metabolic Enhancers: Boosts the body’s energy system, suppresses appetite, burns calories more
1 ThermoT: Enhances metabolic rate, increases utilization of calories & fat oxidation.
1 ProBiotic Restore: Supports healthy immune & intestinal function, enhances weight management.
2 Metabolic Enhancers: Boosts the body’s energy system, suppresses appetite, burns calories more
1 ThermoT: Enhances metabolic rate, increases utilization of calories & fat oxidation.
WITH A MEAL: Breakfast OR Lunch
3 Coreplex: 36 vitamins, minerals, & nutrients in a highly absorbable form for core nutrition.
1 CitriState: Maximum appetite control by influencing several biological & chemical mechanism involving the
brain & central nervous systems.
1 Omegaplex: The “good” fats “wash away” the bad fats to help you lose weight.
2 Metabolic Enhancers: Boost the body’s energy system, appetite control, burn calories more effectively.
2 ThermoP: Increase energy, support metabolic efficiency, ignite body’s ability to boost energy.
1 Probiotic Restore: Supports healthy immune & intestinal function, enhances weight management.
2 Metabolic Enhancers: Boost the body’s energy system, appetite control, burn calories more effectively.
2 ThermoP: Increase energy, support metabolic efficiency, ignite body’s ability to boost energy.
3 Coreplex: 36 vitamins, minerals, & nutrients in a highly absorbable form for core nutrition.
1 Omegaplex: The “good” fats “wash away” the bad fats to help you lose weight.