Tuesday, 3 March 2015 Evolution – Mobile Hungary – Search engine marketing day 3–4 March 2015 A Hall Rephrasing the social presence. The market role of social sites. 9.20–9.35 Presentation 9.40–10.10 Forum 10.15–10.25 Presentation 10.30–10.40 Presentation 10.40–10.50 Presentation 10.55–11.05 Presentation 11.10–11.20 Presentation 11.20–11.30 Presentation 11.35–11.45 Presentation Everybody lives in a society. Some societies are our choices, some are not. But both can be moderated. The magical overrating, handling, control of the herd instinct, and what happens when all this gets out of control. Presented by: György Péter (ELTE) Rephrasing the social presence from a business point of view. What should you use when and where should you use it and what for? Strategic tools on social sites: presence, generating awareness, control, profiting. How does content depend from the goal? Where in the fields of content production and commerce can social sites present an additional value that is measurable from a business point of view as well? Participants: Hammer Ferenc (ELTE), Joanelli Tamás (Besocial), Szabó Z (Index), Töltésy Dávid (Magyar Instagram Közösség), Tokodi Gergő (MeC) Vezeti: Pohly Ferenc What to look for and what to do? Social media using habits. Presented by: Győri Adél (Millward Brown) Vehemency of societies. Measurability of social activity. Presented by: Szekeres Péter (Neticle) Examining the ROI and conversion measurement in social media. Persuading the boss and the costumer in light of the conversion and the ROI. Presented by: Ofczianka Balázs (Quaestor) Why is Facebook changing in every minute. How can this be traced – how to avoid turning into a stranded muddler from a professional. Presented by: Gémes Ádám (BrandLift) Without a strategy, we are just fumbling in the social space as well. Because defining the goal is not equal to establishing a strategic plan. Presented by: Ölveczky Tamás (BeSocial) Not all is free that looks to be. How much the efficient social presence costs? Social media budget planning, practical pieces of advice. Presented by: Kecskés Viktória (Intren) To astound and be creative in social presence occurrences. Presented by: Gere Lajos (Gondoltad volna) B Hall 9.30–9.45 Opening • Hotel Helia C Hall Only the results count. Performance based advertising tools. 9.45–10.00 Presentation 10.05–10.15 Presentation 10.15–10.25 Presentation 10.30–10.40 Presentation 10.40–10.50 Presentation 10.55–11.10 Presentation 11.10–11.20 Presentation 11.25–11.35 Presentation 11.35–11.45 Presentation Conversion Theory From the three-letter ones to the rendition of processes. Development and positioning of digital advertising tools in marketing communication processes. Presented by: Németh Norbert (Tchibo) Comparison of conversion indicators: classic indicators, banners, business, social media and DM campaigns, business/sales, RSS etc. Presented by: Szabó Edit (Citi) When performance-based approach meets the content marketing. There are campaigns where the quality of the contents is defined by how much lead they produce. The methodology of this will be the subject of the next presentation. 1. Insight Generation 2. Message Development 3. Content Development 4. Measurment points 5. Analisys and learning sharing. Presented by: Bánki Attila (Wunderman) 9.00–9.30 Presentation 9.35–9.50 Presentation 9.55–10.10 Presentation 10.20–11.10 Forum Performance based banner magic Presented by: Fodor László (Hasznaltauto.hu) Display CTR above 1% – paths to the working banner. How can we achieve high clickthrough rate in 2015. Presented by: Arany János (Ebola) Renaissance of display ads (and ad servers). Presented by: Ambruszter Géza (Gemius) 11.15–12.05 Forum Branding és konverzió – esettanulmányok Lengyelországból. Presented by: Marek Kemnitz (SocioMantic Labs.) Performance based advertising tools meet e-commerce – How the Bónusz Brigád achieved a growth of 330% on paid online channels (Case study) Presented by: Szabó László (Growww Digital) Information from data – Big Data applications in the advertising industry: programmatic buying and optimizing ad allocation and surface acquisition Technology and methodology, business oriented utilization. Presented by: Szutor Ferenc (Adverticum) New performance based advertising tools. Case study Presented by: Takács Borbála (Havas Digital) Advertisement pie 2014–2015 Reasons and consequences Announcement of the advertising sales of 2014 Announcers: Hivatal Péter and Urbán Zsolt Presented by: Hantosi Bálint (OOH), Kovács Krisztián (MEMe), Kovács Tibor (MLE), Novák Péter (IAB), Turi Árpád (RAME), Huszics György (DIMSz) The economycal role of advertising 2008–2014 Presented by: Sere Péter (PwC) The economycal role of advertising 2014–2015 Presented by: Tóth Orsolya (IMG) What would we do without advertising? If all participants would refrain from advertising, would there only be a decrease in the general level of consumption, or would the market shares work out differently as well? Participants: Horváth Magyary Nóra (K&H), Müller Zsolt András (HEBC), Szabó Edina (OMG), Urbán Zsolt (MRSZ), Várkonyi Balázs (Extreme Digital) Managed by: Kamasz Melinda (Figyelő) Trends and turbulances. Lets eveluate the sales data of 2014 together. What could be the reason behind the change in advertising sales? Deep rooted trends or superficial changes? Three questions regarding the current year to the representative of each segment. 1. Compared to 2014, in what direction do sales tend to move: up/down/stay in place? 2. What moves the market and the sales. 3. What should we do to increase advertising sales in our own segment. Participants: Hantosi Bálint (OOH), Kovács Krisztián (MEMe), Kovács Tibor (MLE), Novák Péter (IAB), Turi Árpád (RAME), Huszics György (DIMSz), Czagler Zsuzsa (Havas), Erős Attila (Fastbridge) Managed by: Simon Krisztián 2015: redistribution of the market? 12.05–12.15 Presentation How and why is the media map being redrawn, and by who? Has the redistribution of the market really started? And where does development come from? Presentation: Incze Kinga (Mrs.White) Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. (Aldous Huxley) D Hall H2H! Since we are working with people after all. HR and company management 9.00–9.20 Presentation 9.25–9.40 Presentation 9.40–9.55 Presentation 10.00–10.20 Presentation 10.25–10.45 Presentation 10.45–11.05 Presentation 11.10–11.25 Presentation The state ready for change and the chaos… The digital ecosystem fundamentally reshapes the world of work step by step. What kind of factors influence this process, and what will be its consequences? Will monitoring of the employees' mood become a possibility in the world of remote diagnostics and sensors entwining all aspects of life? But who is interested in the employee's mood? Hawking, please don't startle us Presented by: Baracskai Zoltán The three inflection points of the advancement of mankind. Presented by: Bojár Gábor (Graphisoft) How does technology change work environment and work performance. What should we learn and educate differently. How do expectations change? What will the workplace of future be like? Presented by: Klein Sándor Changes in the corporate culture and the employer employee relationship. The appearance of polarized workplaces results in the cooperation of colleagues with different cultures. Managing different generations in a workplace is a challenge in itself. Being a leader is not a state anymore, it is a profession. Presented by: Bokor Adrienn (IBM) Because I am ME! The intensification if individualism end emotion influencing and its effects on society and the world of work. The freedom of personal branding and transformation of leadership roles. The change in human relationships and the importance of emotional intelligence. Burning out, apathy, resignation and SCREAMING! Presented by: Sárvári György (NeoSys) Why should we be familiar with how the brain operates? And why is it important? So how does the brain work and what does this have to do with company management and and an HR worker's job? Presented by: Malchiner Maximillian Péter (YouAreMore!) How has the leading role and influence, rights and liability of the HR changed in the operation of the company organization? In what way has its everyday attitude towards employees changed? (from hiring to leaving) Strategist from "administration" colleague. Presented by: Bánkuti Erzsébet (Antenna Hungária) 11.50–12.05 Presentation 12.05–12.20 Presentation 12.25–12.40 Presentation 12.40–12.55 Presentation 13.00–13.15 Discussion 13.20–13.45 Discussion 13.50–14.05 Discussion 14.05–14.20 Presentation 14.25–14.40 Presentation 14.40–14.50 Presentation 14.55–15.20 Discussion 15.25–15.40 Presentation 15.40–15.50 Presentation A Hall The art of shocking Presented by: Sas István (advertisement psychologist) Loyalty, club systems and CRM in the social space. Why is it different to communicate with extant follower and a stranger whom you are trying to attain. Relatinship of the EDM and the social media. Presented by: Szigetvári József (Szallas.hu) Commerce and sales with the help of social media. Presented by: Koplányi Enikő (Reckitt Benckiser), Körmendy Zsolt (Shop.Builder) Company branding and product selling in the social media. Presented by: Tóth Fruzsina (Nestlé) Do we have everything if we have Facebook? Operating an online newspaper – exclusively on Facebook Discussion: Nyáry Krisztián Personal branding on social sites. Should we have more numerous or more influential followers? Discussion with Endrődi Balázs Poncius Discussion partner: Kamasz Melinda (Figyelő) I have become a star through Facebook. Under discussion Discussion partner: Kamasz Melinda (Figyelő) Those wonderful Twitter ads! Presented by: Timotej Gala (Httpool–Official Sales Partner for Twitter) Social media playbook – make game rules for ourselves regarding the social presence! Measurements and numbers on social sites. What can we measure and what can we read out from the numbers on social sites? Presented by: Vihari Balázs (Renault) 11.50–12.00 Presentation 12.00–12.20 Presentations 12.25–12.45 Presentation 12.50–13.05 Presentation 13.10–13.35 Practical presentation 13.40–13.50 Presentation 13.55–14.10 Presentation 14.10–14.30 Dual presentation Content marketing and social sites. The place of social media in an efficient communication startegy. Presented by: Szentváry-Lukács Kata (Ízes élet) The ideal videro channel Facebook or Youtube? When and which one to choose? Discussion between Bíró Pál (Google) and Lévai Richárd The discussion is moderated by: Kalmár Tibor (MTVA) Believers, followers, sharers. WOM and evangelism do not work without believers. But who will become a believer? What is the recipe for a good viral distribution. Presented by: Somogyi Zoltán (Political Capital) The power of links. How can you increase the number of your shares? What kind of goals can you achieve with them? What's the worth of this whole thing? How frequently should you post? What NOT to post EVER? Presented by: Balogh Ákos Gergely (Mandiner) 14.35–14.50 Presentation 14.50–15.00 Presentation 15.05–15.15 Presentation B Hall Trial and error? How can wew test the marketing channels in the interest of increasing cost efficiency. Presented by: Mester Tamás (Adatlabor) Performance campaign case study: Presented by I.: Dunai Zsolt (CIB) Presented by II.: Győri Alex (Intren) + client Practical steps of merging digital ad tools and providing technical background for these. Presented by: Tomasz Musial (SmartAdserver) 12.20–13.05 Forum 13.05–13.50 Forum Attribution models. What does concept mean? How does it relate to the digital advertising profession? The offline effect of online ads, digital channel sharing, sharing between screens. Presented by: Ihász Ingrid (MeC) Examination of attribution models in practice. (What was going on before last-click?) Presented and facilitated by: Nagy Barnabás (MT) Is result really the only thing that counts? On what timescale, with what risks and costs? Thoughts on the programmatic world, brand value, strategy and timing... Presented by: Baráth Péter (Vodafone) Programmatic meets performance. Presented by: Darázs Attila (Addict Interaktiv) Operation of stock market engines and the core of RTB. Commerce (which means the optimization of advertising and paying in terms of performance) is not the only thing the stock market and stock market engines are good for, they can also be used to influence the business/market activities of the competitors. Could the RTB, which is very similar to stock market systems, used in the same way? Presented by: Forster Péter (Concorde) Opposition presented by: Kerti Attila (Maximize) Stock market theory in practice Presented by: Szávuly Krisztián (Microsoft) The programmatic ecosystem. Who is on who's side? How does the advertiser bid, and how can the media owner sell? Presented by: Balatoni Emese (CentralMedia) Different approaches and buying strategies in the programmatic world. What do Private Deal, Open Auction, Programmatic Direct, Automated Guaranteed and the rest mean? Presented by: Erős Attila (Fastbridge) 13.55–14.05 Presentation 14.10–14.55 Forum 15.00–16.05 Forum discussion C Hall The probable trend of television incomes in 2015. Participants: Csikesz Erika (TV2 csoport), Lukács Csaba (ATMedia), Vidus Gabriella (R-Time), Hanák Tamás (Népszabadság), Novák Péter (IAB) The income stimulating solutions of digitalization. More and more television channels, thus more segments for that advertisement pie to be divided into. How can the additional possibilities presented by the digitalization make good the income? What kind of new possibilities and new cooperation form are possible between the content providers and the content distributors? (OTT, commerce, mobile, secondscreen) Participants: Kéry Ferenc (MKSz), RTL Klub repr., Koltai Péter (TV2), Schneider Henrik (AH) Managed by: Szűcs László Why don't advertisers plan with the online costs? Presented by: Szabó Edit (CiTi) Online advertisement market: it grows like it's shrinking. Advertiser, agency and media/content considerations on the digital market. How do online incomes change, and what effect does this have on the market. So is the inline advertisement market growing or shrinking at the moment? Participants: Ablonczy Ákos (Infinety), Novák Péter (IAB), Mezei Márk (Quaestor), Steff József (Centralmedia Csoport), Lengyel András (Ringier/AxelSpringer) Managed by: Máth András (Mediaworks) Magazine publishing 2015. Trend of the Hungarian publisher market. Participants: Király Mária (Ringier/AxelSpringer), Mihók Attila (MediaWorks), Varga Zoltán (CentralMedia), Opponent: Incze Kinga 11.25–12.00 Forum 12.05–12.30 Presentation 12.30–12.55 Presentation 13.00–13.30 Presentation 13.20–14.00 Presentation 14.05–14.20 Presentation 14.25–14.40 Presentation 14.40–14.55 Presentation 15.00–15.15 Presentation 15.15–15.35 Presentation 15.35–15.50 Presentation D Hall Where is the place of HR workers? Ideal place of HR roles in the hierarchy of a business. Administrators, developers of the organizational structure of the company, catalyzers of change? Participants: Molnár Andrea (MeC), Oláh Anikó Adrienn (Telekom), Vörös Ágnes (Basf) Managed by: Pohly Ferenc The company as a network of networks. Vertical, horizontal and tangential relationships. Build-up of the new type of internal networks and the role of network researching. Examination of affinity and exhibitions of human behavior. How are selecting and company structure effected by the determination process of the workforce indicators and by the tools used for it (Questions & Answers, Meta-communication). Presented by: Sági György (Gordio) Appearance of emotional strings in our market decisions. The meaning and influence of EQ Presented by: Hámori Balázs (Corvinus) EQ based talent management? Presented by: Csermely Péter Inspiration and motivation. Fondle them and make the compete but first understand what motivates them. Motivational tools for increasing human performance – the leader's toolset through the eyes of the conductor. Presented by: Hollerung Gábor (Budafoki Dohnányi Z.) Are we standing faster? The concept of time and the role of a knowledge based approach in the market competition. Everything has its time needs. Presentation: Bánhidi Brigitta You are never too old to learn – The enthusiastic recruit's and the burnt out colleaue's efficiency at solving tasks. What can we do for them? Presented by: Faragó Dániel What kind of colleagues will be in greater demand from now on? How is selection done ny Google and Apple? Presented by: Hajdu Zoltán (SmartStaff) Difital tools in the operation of a company and for solving HR tasks (not CRM). Presented by: Nagypál Judit (Microsoft) Workforce selection in the digital era How does technology help and where are its limits? Presentation: Soós István (HR App) Insourcing and outsourcing. The role of competence centers. What is worth outsourcing and what is worth keeping in-house or even to be insourced? Presented by: Marton Krisztina 15.55–16.05 Presentation 16.10–16.20 Presentation 16.20–16.30 Presentation 16.35–16.50 Discussion 16.50–17.05 Presentation 17.10–17.20 Presentation 17.20–17.30 Presentation 17.35–17.45 Presentation 17.45–17.55 Presentation 18.00–18.10 Presentation 18.10–19.10 Presentations + opponent A Hall #hashtag craze. What are hashtags good for, in which channels, what is it worth using for and for what not? What did it mean in the past, what does it mean today and what is the content behind it? Presented by: Farkas Lívia (urban-eve.hu) Each minute (!) 1000 Likes – the social media activity of X-factor – case study. Presented by: Tőrös Balázs (Fastbridge) The strategic tool: Using social media in PR. Presented by: Hanyecz Imre (Double Decker) Kittens and Coelho quotes – how you ruin your social media presence. Typical mistakes that we make during social communication and suggestions for avoiding them. Introduction: Szabó Z. (Index.hu) Discussion partner: Hanyecz Imre (Double Decker) Meta-communication: risk and opportunity. People often doesn't know what messages they send to others by meta-communication. In turn, those who can use meta-communications purposely will multiply their efficiency. Presented by: Szvetelszky Zsuzsanna Active follower from a passive one. Online support for increasing the offline activity. How can we make our digital society active? (Not just engagement rate increase on Facebook) How to grab and lift out our most important relationships from the online space and create an offline engagement. Presented by: Horváth Katalin (Vermis production) 15.15–15.35 Presentation 15.40–15.50 Presentation 15.50–16.10 Presentation 16.15–16.25 Presentation 16.25–16.40 Presentation 16.45–17.30 Presentations 17.20–17.35 Presentation 17.40–17.55 Presentation Social presence vs influencing – and buying capability. What is the real worth of a given society? Presented by: Dén Mátyás András (Opinion Leaders) Telekom Insta City Guide – The social city guide Presented by: Reszegi László (Dentsu Aegis) I have raised money for the projekt: Presented by: Sáling Gergő (Direct36) Role of social media in performance campaigns – for small and big. Presented by: Bognár Vera (MediaCom) New advertising tools on different social sites? Will the popular social surfaces survive the ad flood? Doesn't the many, and even creative and innovative, ads scare away the most coveted target groups from the social sites? Facebook: Szabó Ákos (ThinkDigital) LinkedIn: Bánki Tamás (drlinkedin) Twitter: Berényi Konrád (Onlinemarketing.hu) YouTube: Hernádi Gábor (Star Networks) Opponent: Farkas Donát Orbán (MediaCom) 17.55–18.05 Presentation 18.10–18.25 Presentation 18.30–18.45 Presentation 18.45–19.00 Presentation B Hall Progarammatic display ads. Presented by: Mariusz Pawelczyk (Sociomantic) 16.05–16.55 Forum Why could programmatic ads prove to be beneficial for the online media? Presented by: Sopov István (Adaptive) Practical programmatic – How did programmatic change media buying, and what does this means for business? Presented by: Piotr Marzec (Google–DoubleClick) What advantages do advertisers see in programmatic systems? (RealTime opt., transparency stb.) Presented by: Kurucz Gábor (GroupM) European practical experience about the programmatic Presented by: Martin van der Meijl (Netherlands) Programmatic/RTB case studies – e-commerce advertiser's RTB campaign Nagygyörgy Miklós – telko advertiser's RTB kampánya Presented by: Semsei Balázs (CADREON CEE) The workaday operation of RTB. Presented by: Bobály Mihály (JabJab) Probable trends for this year on the programmatic market in Hungary and in East-Central Europe. What is the probable "adaption way" in our homeland? How can the quantity and quality of the inventory change, what kind of advertisers agencies can appeAr? What are the limiting factors for market entry from a media/advertiser/agency point of view? Probable market size and speed of increase. Presented by: Németh Béla (MAGNA/Mediabrands) Data management with programming technology – Utilizing the full potential hidden in the advertisers' data Presented by: Jo Coombs (TURN) Cross-Platform targeting Presented by: Kovács Nándor (iProspect) Programmatic ads in the TV? Can the programmatic technique be used outside the digital world? (e.g advanced TV) Presented by: Nink László (Initiative) Traditional vs. programmatic media planning Advantages, disadvantages – which is ideal and when? How long can today's media planning survive? Manual targeting against algorithm based targeting? Presented by: Szeder Péter (Fastbridge) 16.55–17.45 Forum C Hall Challenges on the radio and public area advertisement market. Why will 2015 be better? Participants: Door Tamás (Juventus), Hantosi Bálint (OOH), Szilvay Balázs (HEROE), Vámos Attila (MKRSZ), Huszics György (DIMSz) Moderated by: Incze Kinga (Mrs.White) Tasks of associations (professional advocacy potential, certification, education, news, market protection). Participants: Aczél László (MAKSZ), Dunai András (MTE), Hinora Ferenc (MMSZ), Novák Péter (IAB), Ormós Zoltán (Szek.org), Urbán Zsolt (MRSZ) Moderated by: Halaska Gábor (Figyelő) 16.55–16.20 Presentation 16.20–16.35 Presentation 16.35–16.50 Presentation 16.50–17.10 Presentation D Hall Paelor game – What does HR use the gamification for? (to bring together, to test, as a problem solving and motivational tool etc.) Presentation: Vendler Balázs (Games for Business) Cast your watchful gaze upon the numbers! – Vantage points and indicators of tthe correct operation of a company. What to consider when placing measurement ponts? Determining the results and evaluating the measured results. Presented by: Kutasi Ágnes (Shell) Preserving the equilibrium for the sake of sustainability. Matching today's company management issues with the future strategy. Presented by: Grósz Judit (Microsoft) Changing direction without using brakes. The role of agility in corporate culture. Presented by: Tesco repr. Mobile Hungary and Search Engine Marketing day A Hall Everybody with everyone – the connected world IoT, sensors, OTT world 9.00–9.15 Opening 9.20–9.25 Introduction 9.30–9.45 Presentation 9.45–10.00 Presentation 10.05–10.20 Presentation 10.20–10.35 Presentation 10.40–10.55 Presentation 10.55–11.10 Presentation 11.10–11.20 Presentation 11.25–11.40 Presentation Internet of Things (IoT): hype or the beginning of the future? Wonderful M2M. How long does automation provide safety and when is human experience indispensable? Who decides when you need experience: man or a machine? Presented by: Papp László (Gartner) A nice new connected world. What are the driving factors of the adoption of mobile IOT and its market segments? Where is the reality of these here at home and what could be the reasons to fail? The smartphone is the best IoT tool, IoT is about mobility, but do we always need to speak about SIM cards Presented by: Dojcsák Dániel (IVSZ) The vehemence of gadgets. How is machineto-machine communication driven by broadband? What size of broadband is required for IoT applications? How do gadgets influence the business of mobile services? For example, premium services with expensive phones. Presented by: Beskid Vilmos (Ericsson) Is Cloud computing at its end? Fog Computing coming: real-time data analysis with the help of the Internet of Things. Presented by: Tóth Levente (Cisco) Mobile Internet of Things in healthcare. Presented by: Miletics Pál Connected cars: opportunities and risks. Presented by: Strausz György (General Motors) Smart city dilemmas: data control, the role of users, political society, publicity, the role of public space, the reform of the city. Presented by: Szemerey Samu (Design Terminál) Sensor economy. Google's top power in this field is stable, too. Who could be the challengers? Presented by: Szentiványi Gábor (ULX) I'm everywhere, it is me everywhere... selfie stick, GoPro… But what is Apple preparing with? Presented by: Szabó Ákos (Adaptive) Laissez faire and development dictatorship. Establishing the philosophy of business, planning its strategy and selection criteria of suppliers, short and long-term consequences, to establish our places and limitations. Take the lead but do not believe at your first success that you are infallible! Presented by: Magyar Gábor (HTE) B Hall Wednesday, 4 March 2015 You can reach anyone on mobile Mobile content and ads 9.00–9.15 Presentation 9.20–10.10 Presentation+ discussion 10.10–10.30 Discussion 10.35–10.45 Forum 10.50–11.00 Presentation 11.00–11.10 Presentation 11.15–11.30 Presentation 11.30–11.40 Presentation 11.45–12.05 Presentation 12.05–12.45 Presentations 12.50–13.00 Presentation Is there life beyond (smart) mobile? Provides experience, it is a personal device and the means for bi-directional connection. Personal messages, real-time contact, CRM... Opening: Pintér Róbert (eNet) Mobile market numbers, mobile consumption habits: who, when, what size of market and what is used? What is the size of market that the traders, advertisers, content producers and service providers can build on? Participants: Ambuszter Géza (Gemius), Klenovszky János (NRC), Pintér Róbert (eNet), Polyák Balázs (Google) Managed by: Kis Gergely (eNet) Mobility Hungary. Hova jutott a mobilitás? Résztvevők: Erdélyi Zsolt, Uj Péter Mobile advertisement: everything is different from what you are used to. But why? Presented by: Vértes János (Adverticum) How to look at mobile advertisements? Presented by: Lovas Tamás (MeC) The place of mobile ads in campaigns. To which parts of the sales chain and/or advertisement campaign can mobile ads be attached? Mobile in attribution models. Presented by: Bognár Vera (MediaCom) The operation of mobile ads in campaigns. Presented by: Erdélyi Laura (OLX) Tindering my home. The user experience of Tinder in other industries. Presented by: Szántó Péter The role of mobile in multi-channel client environment. The client environment has changed and the role of mobile was huge in this. How to provide personalized experience for the clients changing tools and channels? The presentation introduces 5 reasons why experts should use mobile programmatic marketing in their integrated cross-channel campaigns. Presented by: Jan Heumüller (Dataxu) Case studies - New mobile ad tools 1. – Brindza Gábor (Madhouse) 2. – Dalos Kovács Gabriella (T-Systems) 3. – Petényi Márk (mark.hu) 4. – Mérő Ádám (Mindshare) Brand building on mobile. Application fields, techniques, trade secrets. Presented by: Finsztner Henriett (Tesco) C Hall It's worth to be loyal The meeting of commerce and the digital world 9.00–9.15 Opening 9.20–9.35 Presentation 9.40–9.55 Presentation 9.55–10.10 Presentation 10.15–10.30 Presentation 10.30–10.45 Presentation 10.50–11.00 Presentation 11.05–11.20 Presentation 11.20–11.40 Presentation 11.40–11.50 Presentation The new participants of the sales chain. The adoption of the digital world and the growth of ecommerce brings a change of concepts in product sales. Performance based concept and conversion in social media and in the use of digital advertisement tools. Presented by: Csukás Zsuzsanna (Applause) E-commerce as a lifestyle. Online commerce has long been not just about webshops and webstores: many cannot imagine their lives without daily shopping, cinema tickets, child cloth, accomodation reservations and car rentals on the web. Presented by: Szigetvári József (CentralMedia) Sensual decisions: good experience, good shopping. Sales targets are people, who are determined by not just cool rationality but feelings, too... Presented by: Steigervald Krisztián (Emocionális Market.) Everybody is similar in a different way. Generations' characteristics in purchasing Presented by: Törőcsik Mária Those whom business is an experience with… Fun-making supporting purchases. How do you measure experience? Presented by: Pozvai Zsolt (Develor) Sales channel from a media channel? Spend on investment increasing well-measurable sales instead of advertisement costs. Presented by: Kovács Péter és Vadász Illés (Google) How to make payment an experience! Planning user experience, introducing multichannel marketing activity Presented by: Benyó Péter (Otp Mobil) Not too sexy a subject, however, you can make a lot of money. How to monetize long tail better? All owners of listing and e-commerce sites know that most of conversions come from long tail. The bigger a website, the more content is has, the more difficult to handle manually the changing bids and part of the conversions is lost. What are the sizes and why is it worth thinking in automations and how to do it? Presented by: Dunder Krisztián (GrowwDigital) Digital marketing – conversions – product sales Presented by: Juraj Sasko (Visibility – Szlovákia) Webshop's performance based marketing campaign brought a lot of new customers. Presented by: Csingár Zoltán (Crimtan) Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. (Aldous Huxley) D Hall Search engine marketing day 9.00–9.30 Presentation 9.35–10.00 Presentation 10.00–10.40 Presentation 10.40–11.05 Presentation 11.05–11.25 Presentation 11.25–11.45 Presentation 11.45–12.35 Presentation How do we make money in a few years time? How do search engines change in the big world? Is it really "voice search" that is the future of search engines? Let's look into the glass ball! Presented by: Jóföldi Endre (Precognox) The interaction of channels. In a campaign, the elements affect each other like the additives in a cake: if you leave anything out, it becomes inedible. What does this mean in reality? Let's see an example of what happens if we believe that leads only come from one location! Presented by: Geiger Tamás Google – 2015 innovations. Google is like the sea: changes continuously. This innovation is required to make increasingly innovative campaigns, but it is a challenge, too: we need to learn. What in 2015? We'll see! Presented by: Pogány Ákos (Google–Dublin) Mobilizing PPC. Does our target group use mobile? And we are not yet advertising to them? We tell you how to reach them and where! Presented by: Bali László (Klikkmánia) Adblockerek – bad for us, too? We are prone to believe that blocking ads only affects the display advertisement market. But is it really so? Where will this cause a problem to us in the future? Presented by: Kovács Kristóf (Online Projects) Retargeting: how not to do it! When you're nabbed by your partner because you use the same computer and an advertisement displays the Present that you bought for the person... Is it familiar? This is a bad retargeting campaign. How to avoid this? Presented by: Sütő Anna and Erőss Csaba (iProspect) Is the future owned by marketing engineers? Automated systems, analytics, interpreting measurements, planning campaigns are today more than traditional marketing tasks. You have to be an expert on statistic and mathematics beyond devices themselves. Is this the future? Will we need marketing engineers? Participants: Kovács Kristóf, Varga Zoltán (Klikkmánia), Bobály Mihály (Jabjab) Managed by: Berényi Konrád 11.40–11.55 Presentation A Hall How much space is there for new kings? What effect do digital monopolies have on mobile development and innovation? What could be the best business strategies in the markets of Google, Uber, Amazon, Ebay, Facebook etc? What are the most important competition dilemmas? Presented by: Ludányi Arnold (Colosseum) Case studies – domestic solutions working in practice – 12.00–12.20 2 presentations + opponent questions Agricultural IT – Smartvineyard – Árendás Csaba – Drones in agriculture (too) – Bustya Attila 12.45–13.10 Presentation + opponent Healthcare, fitness – G2Mglobal Advisory: Ficzere Andrea (Uzsoki), Bálint Botond 12.25–12.40 Presentation 13.10–13.35 Presentation 13.40–13.55 Presentation 13.55–14.10 Presentations 14.10–14.25 2 presentations + opponent 14.25–14.35 Presentation 14.35–14.50 Presentation 14.55–15.10 Presentation 15.10–15.25 Presentation 15.30–16.00 Forum M2M world – Király István (Vodafone) Transport – Vemoco: Gombár György – 30 km: Vöröss Levente SmartCity: From Szolnok to Nyíregyháza Presented by: Kulcsár Sándor (Magyar Telekom) Hungarian startups from the market of mobile IOT: 1. Oroján Sándor (Liber8) 2. Lipecz Ádám (Codie) Opponent: Turcsán Tamás MobilSharing Economy presentations: Let's turn it around? What business can we find, that we could carry overt to our sharing mobile industry. 1. Bodo Péter (ROUTE4U accessible) 2. Patonai Szabolcs (TAxiFy) What do you put your faith in? Google Glass vs Facebook Oculus Presented by: Under discussion Data generation on the mobile Presented by: Friss Tamás Mobile data warehouse building. Presented by: Pocsarovszky Károly (eNet) Legal dilemmas from the world of mobile law. Presented by: Dettrekői Zsuzsanna Startegic building – from an idea to getting rich. Can we know for certain where the mobile market and the mobile world is going? What tools and what applications does the market await? How the development and market entry of an application or business innovation should be thought over? When is it worthwhile to involve a resource? When do we have to solve it on our own? And how to guard against copying. Participants: Gerő Viktor (Conor Found), Nyíri József, Kádas Péter (Traction Tribe CEO), Bojár Gábor (Graphisoft) Managed by: Halaska Gábor (Figyelő) 13.00–13.30 Forum 13.30–14.10 Forum 14.10–14.25 Presentations 14.25–14.35 Presentation 14.40–15.00 Esettanulmányok 15.05–15.20 Presentation 15.25–15.35 Presentation 15.40–15.55 Presentation 16.00–16.15 Presentation B Hall Commercial services with content. Could content provision, advertisement and commerce be joined on mobile? If yes, what to pay attention to? Participants: Kis Ervin Egon, Zalai Ágnes (Nosalty), agency repr. Managed by: Turcsán Tamás Mobil Display 2015. Brand building and brand strategy on mobile. Participants: Ablonczy Ákos (Infinety), Szávuly Krisztián (Microsoft), Török Judit (MediaCom), Rácz István (Vodafone) Managed by: Halaska Gábor Publishers on mobile: spare action or strategy? What is the expected ROI? Where does development pay off? Central Media Group Mediaworks Ringier Axel Springer Mobility and video. Why is it good for the advertiser and the content owner? Presented by: Kalmár Tibor (MTVA) Mobile OTT in practice. Case studies. Who can make use of it: content owner, advertiser, event organiser. – Mobil mediation (ANGL) – Pataki Tamás (Itt-OTT) – Schneider Henrik (Antenna Hungária) Managed by: Turcsán Tamás The ABC of mobile advertisement creation. Goals, means and results. How to understand what the agency asks? How to know what are the most important questions we should ask. Presented by: Józsa Ferenc (ExtremNet) Mobile app development in everyday life. What to develop for and what not to develop for. Whether and how well do the costumers know what they want, is an experience gained during the mobile development project. Presented by: Kiss Gergely (Attreco) The relationship of responsiveness whit the outside world. What is the app vs. responsive debate about? Presented by: Kardos Gábor (444.hu) Archaic new media: New platforms, channels, content transformation possibilities and their monetization. Where is the money? Presented by: Dén Mátyás András (OpinionLeaders) 11.55–12.05 Presentation 12.10–12.25 Presentation 12.25–12.35 Presentation 12.40–12.55 Presentation 12.50–13.10 Presentation 13.10–13.25 Presentation 13.30–13.40 Presentation 13.40–13.55 Presentation 13.55–14.10 Presentation 14.15–14.30 Presentation 14.30–14.40 Presentation 14.40–14.55 Presentation 15.00–15.10 Presentation 15.10–15.20 Presentation C Hall Conscientious use of social media in sales. Can it be used for direct trading or do we use it differently? It is important to know at the beginning what our goals are. Presented by: Under discussion You can make much more money on Facebook than you might think. Facebook’s ad system is by far not perfect. It is almost incapable of enabling you to run large e-commerce campaigns based on ROI. This was recognized years ago by a Czech company and they started developing a professional tool, which helps to run ROI-targeted campaigns on Facebook. Presented by: Adam Zbiejczuk (ROIhunter) Automate social media in order to boost trading. Presented by: Damjanovich Nebojsa Brand building and sales in the digital space. Presented by: Béres Szilárd (MediaSales) PR-Marketing-Sales Presented by: Fülöp Zoltán Why is it important that you are referred to? The importance of evangelism and WOM. Presented by: Szvetelszky Zsuszanna Loyalty or addiction? – The games played forever. There are games that develop continuously and you can never put them, down (e.g. Smurf Village) Who begins to play with this can even spend money within the application. But why are we coming back? Do we get addicted or do we get used to it? What does this app mean for the developers? What will make people use their application regularly? Presented by: Fekete Zsombor (Levelup) Loyalty in the digital space. New generation of loyalty programs for webshops. Presented by: Kecsmár Attila (Antavo) Loyalty build-up and club system forming in practice. Presented by: Mége Tímea (Rewart) 12.35–12.50 Presentation 12.55–13.10 Presentation 13.15–13.45 Presentation 13.50–14.15 Presentation 14.15–14.40 Presentation 14.40–15.05 Presentation It pays off to be loyal. Presented by: Szabó Szergej (Pontolo.hu) Loyalty program in practice Presented by: Nyakas Ildikó (Intersport) Discussion partner: Pohly Ferenc Tell me, what the worth of a loyal buyer is? Is their transit between the online and offline loyalty? Presented by: Szőcs András (Tesco) 15.05–15.55 Forum Loyalty and its rationalization. What will be the counterpart of Google Analytics in the online commerce? Presented by: Berényi Konrád (Pontolo.hu) M-commerce: How does the mobile influence the electronic commerce? In what market regions or with what goods/services can it prevail the best? Recommender systems, online payment, ads etc. Presented by: Sipos András 16.00–16.10 Presentation D Hall Advertisement tax and foreign service providers. We like it or not: advertisement tax must be paid by media service providers. But what happens when they don't pay? What happens if we use a foreign service provider? How to pay taxes and what are the traps? Presented by: Under discussion Mobile-first=Mobile-SEO-first. We use mobiles. This is not new, and searching on mobile isn't either. In the cinema, on the street, in the shops, everywhere. But how to use this on our website? What to pay attention to so that they find us on mobile, too? Presented by: Varga Zoltán (Klikkmánia) Top SEO trends 2015. Always something new: search engine optimization is a world where change represents permanency. What are this year's "important things"? What to pay attention to in 2015? Presented by: Asztalos Levente (Klikkmánia) Duplicated content – the reality. We know we must not duplicate content. Or if we do, we have to manage it. But how real is this risk? When do you need to deal with it? Presented by: Andrási Gábor (iProspect) Link building – so what's going on exactly? For years link building was the weapon of mass destruction of SEO. Than Google slowly but steadily laid it off – but where are we now? Are links still important? If yes, how? Presented by: Lukács Krisztián What has content building yielded? As the efficiency of link building was losing its momentum, so was good content getting more and more important. Let's see what this can yield in practice! Presented by: Under invitation Do It Yourself SEO – Is this possible? Who could find it worthwhile; what requires attention? At what point becomes professional help necessary? A discussion of advisors and those who are awaiting advices. Participants: Varga Péter, Petényi Márk, Lukács Krisztián, Némethné Laura (Családinet) Managed by: under invitation How and what do youngsters search for? Results of a new research. Presented by: Bernschütz Mária 16.00–16.15 Presentation 16.15–16.40 Presentations and discussion 16.45–16.55 Presentation 17.00–18.00 Forum A Hall Online payment solutions: Does the world leave "bystanders" behind? There are so many trends for strategy, so many decision points that many people rather wait until it becomes clear whether a given technology works or not. However, in the meantime the really simple and useable solutions take over. Here in Hungary the online payment methods are complicated, disparate – and the users' distrustfulness does not abate... Presented by: Kovács Gábor (Explicio) Mobile payment solutions: Who are good at what? What does a given solution provide for the users, what is its market advantage, what makes it different from its competitors? Who can leave out the telecommunication companies or the bans? Presented by: Konkoly Thege Szabolcs (Buxa), Kecskés Ákos (Barion) Moderated by: Turcsán Tamás Who's the king? The owner or the tenant? The one who builds it or the one who builds over it? Who is responsible for the service? Thoughts on network neutrality and the alternatives (hitch-dwellers) Presented by: Under discussion Convergence 2.0 – future of mobile service providing. In the last decade the convergence of the IT, telecommunications and media sector has run its course. With the evolution of the digital ecosystem thanks to the near complete landline and mobile internet coverage, almost every provider can become a full-fledged provider regarding households, businesses or public offices. For how long can each participant integrate the value chain? Will power-companies, water companies, mobile companies, cable companies, ISPs, banks, Insurance companies and content providers compete for the users? Can the device be a public service? The device manufacturers' intentions for increasing the influence (influencing), and their probable result. Participants: Kis Gergely (eNet), Ludányi Arnold (Colosseum), Mester Máté (Explico), Sere Péter (PwC) 16.15–16.20 Presentation 16.20–16.50 Presentation 16.55–17.10 Presentation B Hall Measurement of the mobile world: tests, data, monitoring, control and optimization These functions, as in the traditional world of business as well, are essential for successes on the mobile market. Presented by: under discussion Serving and transparency of mobile ads and the possibilities for control in case of Google and "not Google" mobile ads. 1. Vértes János (Adverticum) 2. Vadász Illés (Google) Opponent: Darázs Attila (Addict Interaktív) Importance of testing. Goals, means and startegies. Presented by: Bányai Zsolt (apptalk.ninja) 17.10–17.25 Presentation Apps for analysis/user testing of UX Presented by: Bartha Gizella (TestBird) 17.45–18.00 Presentation App tracking: Get to know your downloaders! Google Analytics and other app tracking services also provide a measurement solution for tracking the download sources of a given mobile application. We are going to show how app tracking works, through a case study. Presented by: Kádi Gábor (catmoonproductions.com) 17.30–17.45 Presentation 15.25–15.40 Presentation 15.40–15.55 Presentation 15.55–16.10 Presentation 16.15–16.30 Presentation 16.35–16.50 Presentation Test results. Lean User Acquisition. That is, how to acquire 140 thousand users? Presented by: Nagy Dániel (Brickflow) 16.50–17.05 Presentation 17.05–17.20 Presentation 17.25–17.40 Presentation 17.40–17.55 Presentation C Hall From web commerece sites to mobile commerce. Presented by: Csontos Zoltán (exNetPincér) How can you increase the number of your buyers with mobile help? Presented by: Dobra Péter (OLX.hu) M-commerce in practice. Presented by: Menkó Nikolett (Tesco) 16.10–16.35 Presentation 16.35–17.05 Presentation New price comparers – for mobile as well Presented by: Petres Zoltán (Liligo) Real profit from big data – case studies Everyone was talking about big data in 2014. 2015 is the year when everyone wishes to harvest the "big data" crops. We will present four case studies where this have already happened. Why measure? When to measure? How to measure? And how will this turn into money? Presented by: Mester Tamás (Adatlabor) Data mining: Keep the good data, and throw back the rest! What decides whether a data is good or bad? Finding, collecting and evaluating useable data. Data integration into sales. When and what kind of data, with what goal, with what method and with what cost is worth using to support the sales. Presented by: Vajda Éva (WEBMA) Data forming training – What makes a data attractive? Shape the date about your company and yourself in a way that they will produce profit for you as well, and not just the one using them. Presented by: Jóföldi Endre (Precognox) Can we see into the future with the help of the net? The necessity of testing and its techniques. Goal identification, strategy building, choosing the means. Go! Presented by: Monda Eszter Everything costs money, though the amount is not irrelevant! We are doing tests, building databases, deploy marketing tools... But how can the pay-off, the ROI be calculated? Presented by: Barta Ákos (Intren) 17.05–17.25 Presentation 17.25–17.45 Presentation D Hall Is last-click dead? How to measure, where are the results coming from? What requires our attention? What traps are there if we use superficial data? More campaigns, more channels, who brought the lead? Presented by: Petényi Márk When do numbers lie? Is math necessary for the right decisions? When the last conversion is too expensive but you don't see it because you're looking at the average; when you forget about the correct attribution, and treat the individual campaign elements separately... Let's learn from the mistakes of others! Presented by: Bobály Mihály (Jabjab) The quality of leads. Lead, i.e. somebody who is already ours. But are they really? Leads management with Analytics: How to measure the quality of the leads after they have become leads on the website. Presented by: Under invitation Measurement of offline traffic. What we can achieve with the internet, the technology, is not possible outside the internet in many cases. Nevertheless, traffic and visitor analytics are important elsewhere as well, not just in webshops. Fortunately there is a solution for this already, a factual example will be shown in the presentation. Presented by: Kürti Jerry
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