1 Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School Bulldog News March 2015 R o g e r S . B e m i s , P r i n c i p a l Dear Students, Parents, and Friends of Kelly High School, As I write this we have just held our Open House for next year’s prospective new families. We do our utmost to provide an academic preparation, faith formation, and personal development experience second to none in a loving, caring, family surrounding. What I believe about Kelly H.S. was absolutely reinforced as I listened to senior students Caleb Payne and Samantha Penning speak about their Kelly experience, and to Mrs. DeMayo talk about the education and formation that she and other teachers strive to accomplish with our students. We are truly blessed with wonderful families and students as well as an outstanding staff of dedicated, hard-working, and compassionate adults. Mission Statement Established by Dominican Sisters in 1895, Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School is a diocesan, coeducational high school serving the Southeast Texas Community. Kelly High School offers cultural diversity, spiritual and personal development, and a strong college preparation in a loving and nurturing environment. Professional, caring and dedicated faculty and staff prepare students spiritually, academically, and morally for lives of leadership, faith, and service ----- Re-registration is underway for current students who will return next year. You should have received an e-mail with a link to the new, on-line re-registration site. Your link should take you to the actual record we have in the school computer showing name, address, phone, etc. You are then asked to review all the information, make any corrections or additions and re-submit it. Once you complete your part of the process, the school reviews and “accepts” it and your information then becomes the new record for next year. Many have already completed the process. If you have not completed your re-registration, please do so. There is a discount for reregistering before March 27. If you need assistance, please call our technology director, Mr. Hare at ext. #150. For incoming freshman and other new students, first apply for admission. Once accepted, you register. At this time, registration for new students is still done the “old-fashioned” way, which is to complete the form on paper and mail it in. Hopefully next year, we can make that on-line as well. Although it is early, there are indications that next year’s freshman class may be the largest in recent years! We have already tested about 105 incoming 9th graders and still have more. In 5 of the last 6 years, the actual incoming class exceeded the number we tested. As you know we are in the season of Lent. The Church asks us to pray, perform works of service and make donations (almsgiving). Although this is not unlike how we should always live our lives, during Lent we should focus more intensely on these acts so we grow in our understanding of the call God has made for us and to us. Spring Break is March 16-20. While I certainly wish everyone a wonderful and enjoyable break, I caution everyone about responsible behavior. Our culture seems to glorify the drunken, hard-partying spring break experience. Please do not engage in dangerous, reckless, or illegal behavior. It’s been a number of years since the Kelly community was hit with tragedy due to irresponsible behavior. Although no teenager, or adult for that matter, thinks they will be involved in a tragedy before it happens, somehow it always does. On Friday, March 6, Kelly HS will dismiss students at 12:20 to hold Teacher InService. We have trainers from Apple coming to provide an afternoon “refresher” course on using the iPad in classroom instruction. 2 On Monday, March 9, the English Dept. will hold its Pre-AP Placement test for incoming freshman from 3:305:30. If 8th graders coming to Kelly next year would like to be considered for placement into a Pre-AP English class, they must take this Placement Test. On Monday and Tuesday after Spring Break, Kelly H.S. will send its Academic Team to the State TAPPS Academic Meet. Students will compete in a number of events covering all academic areas, various speech and debate areas, and art categories. Then Thursday and Friday, the Band and Choir will compete in the State TAPPS Music Competition. Representatives from the Gift of Life will be at Kelly on Thursday, March 26 and then again on Friday, March 27 to discuss the dangers of and practices for early detection of cancer. On Thursday they will meet with senior girls to discuss breast cancer and on Friday with senior boys to discuss testicular cancer. March 30-April 3 is Holy Week. On April 1 we will hold our All-School Mass at 12:40 in the CC. All are invited. Thursday will be 12:20 dismissal. Friday is Good Friday and there will be no school. Easter is April 5 and we will not hold school on April 6th, Easter Monday. As we begin planning for next year, I ask for your help in finding and encouraging new families to consider Kelly H.S. Catholic Education is definitely an investment. I hope you have found it to be a worthwhile one and, I pray, in the long run you see its worth. WE certainly are not a perfect place, but I hope you agree with me, that we provide your child with a superior academic experience as well as help develop him or her into a well-rounded and grounded person. Please tell others of you experiences at Kelly and help us to reach as many as possible about the advantages of the Kelly experience. Yours in His service, Roger S. Bemis 3 Blessedarethepeacemakers,fortheywillbecalledchildrenofGod. (Matthew5:9) Peaceconcernsthehumanpersonasawhole,anditinvolvescompletecommitment.Itispeacewith GodthroughalifelivedaccordingtoHiswill.Itisinteriorpeacewithoneself,andexteriorpeace withourneighborsandallcreation.Theattainmentofpeacedependsaboveallonrecognizingthat weare,inGod,onehumanfamily.Peaceismorethanjusttheabsenceofcon lict,whetherthat’son thelargescaleofinternationalforeignrelationsorthemoremundanescaleofoureverydayrelationships.Inthebiblicalviewtheabsenceofcon lictisimportant,butsoisthepresenceofhuman lourishing.Peaceismorethanalackofhostility;itpresentsapositivevisionofalifewherehuman beingsliveastheywereintendedtolivewitheachother,underGod.Mostofuswillnothavetheopportunitytoin luencetheforeignpoliciesofin luentialgovernments(althoughsomemight).For mostofus,peacemakingwilloccurinthefairly“ordinary”contextsofeverydayeventsandrelationships.Formostofus,peacemakingwillinvolvedoingwhatgoodwecaninthecontextsGodhas placedus. Queriesforre lectionandsharing: 1.HavetherebeentimesinmylifeinwhichGod’slovehasbroughtmetoaplaceofinternalpeace? 2.InwhatwaysamIledtobeapeacemakerinmyhomelife?atschool?inmycommunity?inthe widerworld? Activitiestodoasanindividualorafamily: 1.Practicethe"FiveA's"whenresolvingcon lict.Thesesimplestepscanhelpleadtopeace. Admitwhatyoudidwrong.Includebothwrongdesiresandbadchoices. Apologizeforhowyourchoiceaffectedtheotherperson.Expressthesorrowyoufeel. Accepttheconsequencesforyourwrongdoingwithoutargumentorexcuses. Askforforgiveness. Alteryourchoiceinthefuture.Thinkoverandplanhowyouaregoingtoactdifferently nexttime. 4 2.Thinkbeforeyouspeak.Orbeforeyouact.Orbeforeyouconfrontsomeone. 3.FORGIVE!!Forgivenessisachoice,notafeeling. St.FrancisPrayer: Lord,makemeaninstrumentofYourpeace.Wherethereishatred,letmesowlove;wherethereisinjury,pardon;wherethereisdoubt,faith;wherethereisdespair,hope;wherethereisdarkness,light; wherethereissadness,joy.O,DivineMaster,grantthatImaynotsomuchseektobeconsoledasto console;tobeunderstoodastounderstand;tobelovedastolove;Foritisingivingthatwereceive;it isinpardoningthatwearepardoned;itisindyingthatwearebornagaintoeternallife.Amen Lenten Missionary Outreach to Guatemala The Dominican Sisters of Houston, Sr. Emily’s order, began ministering to the poor in Guatemala in 1966 at the request of the Holy Father. In 1984 they opened a school which now serves children from one of the poorest neighborhoods in Guatemala City. The neighborhood is plagued with drugs and violence, but against tremendous odds, the children at the mission school continue to succeed. The Dominican Sisters rely on the generosity of others to help ensure that the mission school will continue to educate these precious children spiritually and academically so that they may better their lives and those of their family. As part of our Lenten almsgiving this year, we want to support the mission in Guatemala by sponsoring one or more children in the school. 300 dollars pays the tuition for one child for one year. With your help, we can sponsor one or many more students. Donations will be collected in Theology classes throughout the season of Lent. Look for pictures of the children and more information on reaching our goals in a display near the Theology classrooms and on the school website. 5 March Counselor Connection We would like to thank all of the parents who have come to our spring counseling meetings to make plans for our students for next year. Naviance has been a great tool for us as we are assisting students with college planning beginning in freshman year. Here is a quick glance at how we are using Naviance at MKCHS: Freshman Year: Fall – Learning Style Assessment 2.0, Goals & Resume Spring – Review Goals & Continue Resume Sophomore Year: Fall – Update Goals, Continue Resume & Personality Style Inventory Spring – Review Goals & Continue Resume Junior Year: Fall – Goal Setting, Testing Plan & Career Interest Profiler Spring – Prospective Colleges List, Review Goals, Request Teacher Recommendation Letters & Resume Senior Year: Fall – Transcript Request & Transmittal, Acceptance/Waitlist/Declined, Scholarships & Actual Enrollment Spring Break is a great time to spend a few days taking a tour of a college campus and researching potential summer enrichment camps and scholarship opportunities within the Naviance database. If you have any questions about how to log-in to Naviance please contact your child’s counselor. Be sure to “like” our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on MKCHS counseling information and college news. We look forward to seeing you all on the upcoming Report Card night on March 26 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. We hope you all have a relaxing Spring Break! God Bless & Take Care, Mrs. Hillin & Mrs. Wulf 6 Choir News, including a trip to see Mickey Mouse! The Voice of Kelly High School will performed on Sunday, March 1, in Downtown Disney World, on the Waterside Stage, in a twenty-five minute concert of music prepared for Spring TAPPS competition. Together with the Kelly Band, in a similar concert setting, and twelve wonderful chaperones, they enjoyed three full days in Disney World. The trip represented eight months of intense planning and work, and kicks off a spring full of exciting music. Now, the choir will polish up their contest music in the hopes of bringing home the gold from TAPPS State Concert and Sight-reading Contest in Belton, March 27-28, while at the same time beginning preparations for this year’s pops spring concert. And speaking of … save the date! MAY 5! Come to the Randy Roane Theatre for a celebration of the music of the 80’s, performed by The Voice of Kelly High School. Watch for more exciting details!! Hook ‘em Paige! Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School hosted an athletic signing for Paige Hooper on Friday, February 6. Classmates, faculty and staff, coaches, friends and family joined Paige in excitement as she signed her NLI document to play soccer with The University of Texas. Paige’s athletic honors include the Presidents Cup Regional, State, and National Champion, being named VYPE Player to Watch, and serving as the Kelly Girls’ Soccer Team Captain this season. Her academic honors include TAPPS Academic All-State, National Honor Society President and is currently ranked number four in the 2014-2015 graduating class. Congratulations Paige! Kelly High School is proud of your academic, personal, and athletic accomplishments. 7 Kelly Dance Force Shines Kelly Dance Force traveled to Pearland High School February 21st to compete at the Crowd Pleasers Jr./Sr. Regional Showcase competition. KDF along with twenty-two other schools attended this competition. The team did absolutely amazing and their hard work and dedication definitely paid off. Our awards are as follows: ‐ ‐ Solos o Reagan Healey: Superior, Division I Rating o McKayla Herink: Superior, Division I Rating Duet o ‐ ‐ Brooke Terrill/Caroline Wied, Superior Division I Rating Small Ensembles o “Sister Christian” Ballet: Superior, Division I Rating and 1st place small ensemble over the entire competition o “Mrs. Carter” Hip Hop: Superior, Division I Rating Medium Ensemble “Every Rose” Lyrical: Superior, Division I rating 8 ‐ - Officer Lyrical, Ballet & Novelty o Super Sweepstakes (Superior, Division I Ratings and scores of 90 or above from all 3 judges) o Best in Class Lyrical, Ballet & Novelty o Choreography Award for Lyrical & Ballet o Outstanding Technique (only given to 3 teams at the competition) o Grand Champion Officer Group of the Classic Division Team Jazz, Pom, Military & Novelty Super Sweepstakes (Superior, Division I Ratings and scores of 90 or above from all 3 judges) o Best in Class Novelty o Choreography Award for Novelty o 1st Runner Up Jazz, Pom & Military o 2nd Runner Up in Classic Division o Academic Excellence Winner with a Team GPA of 3.9 out of 4.0!!!! In addition to the performances, the girls were 1st class when it came to their behavior, appearance and the good sportsmanship shown towards the other teams. The team deserved these awards as a reward for the time, effort and dedication put into the past 3 months and countless hours of practice. Last, but not least, KDF would like to thank everyone who came out to support them at both the dress rehearsal and competition. Next up: State Competition March 7th at Cypress Falls High School. MARK YOUR CALENDARS **KDF TEAM TRYOUTS ARE MARCH 23RD – 26TH** **KDF ANNUAL SPRING SHOW: FRIDAY, APRIL 10TH @ 6:30 P.M. @ THE JEFFERSON THEATRE** 9 Dear Parents, Through the generosity of the Kelly community, Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School is able to create a life-changing educational experience for our students year after year. Your investment in the Annual Fund validates our mission and is an affirmation that you support our values and want to be a part of our future. Be a part of Kelly’s future and consider making a tax-deductible gift to the 2014-2015 Annual Fund Campaign. Kelly Advancement Office 866-2351 ext 108 [email protected] Kelly Festival of Cultures On Wednesday, March 11, MKCHS will celebrate the 1st annual Kelly Festival of Cultures (KFC). The KFC is an event that embraces the different cultures that make up Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School. We are looking forward to this celebration becoming one of the most important annual events on our campus. In the face of cultural and societal differences, it’s important that we remember and celebrate our strengths and our values. The KFC will have the involvement of nearly every different community that represents Kelly High School. In addition, some of the clubs at MKCHS will also have booths at the KFC to showcase their talent. The festival will begin at 6:15 pm and booths will be set up in the cafeteria, courtyard and foyer. Admission is free and a good time is guaranteed. If you have any questions about this event, contact Robert Reid at (409)866-2351 ext. 127 or [email protected]. 10 Academic Challenge Team Kelly’s Academic Challenge Team defeated Hamshire-Fannett High School 190 to 175 in the first round of the Channel 6 Challenge. The match will be aired on KFDM Channel 6 on March 14. Team members participating in the first round were seniors Brent Johnston, David Reese, and Morgan Steward and junior Hayden Raps. Kelly's Academic Challenge Team competed in the quarterfinals of the Channel 6 Challenge on February 21 at the KFDM 6 Studios. The team of Brent Johnston, Gio Medina, and Hayden Raps took the lead in the first round and went on to defeat East Chambers High School 270 to 165. The match is scheduled to be aired on KFDM Channel 6 on May 3 at 12:00pm. The team advanced to the semi-finals. Congratulations! Kelly Mock Trial Advances to State Competition Each year, thousands of high school students from across the state participate in the Texas High School Mock Trial Competition. The program provides a great way for students to gain an “insider’s view” of our judicial system, plus, they gain confidence speaking in front of others. Each team must learn both sides of the case study (Prosecution/Plaintiff and Defense) and students must play the roles of both attorneys and witnesses in a 'mock' trial. Kelly High School competed in the Texas High School Mock Trial Regional Competition on Saturday, February 7, at the Jefferson County Courthouse. Kelly defeated Port Arthur Memorial High School and Vidor High School in preliminary rounds. Kelly then defeated West Brook High School in the championship round. Kelly remains undefeated champions of the region since at least 2009. Senior, Thomas Waddill, was named Best Advocate and received a $500 scholarship. Kelly High School Mock Trial coaches include the Honorable Marcia Crone, the Honorable Ron Clark, the Honorable Zack Hawthorn, Ryan Gertz, Mark Sparks, Stephen Green, Joanna Clark, drama coach, and Kelly High School sponsor Aaron Kelley. Kelly High School, along with the winners of the regional contests, will advance to the State Competition in Dallas, Texas on March 5-7, 2015. Good Luck! Pictured back left to right: Giovanni Medina, Munir Pavez, Bailey Braneff, Aman Panjwani, Thomas Waddill, Nicholas Shanning, Kyle McDaniel and Shanil Jasani. Jeffery Penning in front. 11 Kelly Girls’ and Boys’ Soccer Teams advanced to TAPPS Division I, District 3 Playoffs The Girls’ Soccer Team finished in third place in district. The first round game was not played due to a forfeit on behalf of their scheduled opponent. The girls advanced to the second round for the second straight season where they played against the powerful Dallas Ursuline team, who was fielding 10 seniors. Kelly scored first and held the lead through halftime, but fell to Ursuline 3-1. The Girls’ Team is graduating one senior, Paige Hooper, who is headed to play soccer at The University of Texas. The Boys’ Soccer Team did not win district for the first time in 7 years. They finished fourth and had a play-in game for playoffs. Their play-in opponent forfeited so the team had to play district rival St. Pius. St. Pius won 2-0. The Kelly Boys’ Soccer Team is graduating four seniors, Joe Broussard, Max Taylor, Ryan Kirschner, and Robert Breitenstein. Kelly Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball Teams Advanced to TAPPS 5A Super Regional Playoffs Congratulations to the Girls’ Varsity Basketball team for advancing to the TAPPS 5A Girls’ Regional Playoffs held at College Station High School. Kelly fell to Plano Prestonwood Christian Academy in the first round on Friday, February 27. Also, congratulations to the Boys’ Varsity Basketball team for advancing to the TAPPS 5A Boys’ Regional Playoffs held at A&M Consolidated High School in College Station. The Bulldogs fell to Plano Track off to a great start Medal winners at the Pirate Relays in Deweyville Thursday, Feb. 26; 1st place Armando Ledet Shot Put Greg Bowling JV800m dash Matthew Miller 2 ml run Reece Reid JV400m dash Paige Hooper 400m dash 2nd place Caroline Kirschner 800m dash Randle Coker 1600m run 4th place Dominque Marcel discus Elijah Keel JV Shop Put 5th place 200m dash Greg Bowling 1600m run Ximena Barrutia Ximena Barrutia, Paige Hooper, Kaylynn Tongue, Alex Babineaux 400m relay 12 Baseball February 26‐28 Junior Varsity: Ryan Smith threw a complete game for the win over Lumberton 8-4 on Thursday, then were shut out by PN-G by a score of 9-0. On Saturday, The Dogs defeated the host Nederland Bulldogs by a score of 6-4. They finished the Nederland Tournament with a 2-1 record. Varsity: Burbank picked up the win on Thursday and Proctor and Wingate combined for 6 hits which went for extra bases. The Varsity team swept the Vidor Tournament winning all Four games. Defeats of Silsbee, Vidor, Dayton, and Hardin Jefferson leave the Varsity group with a 5-0 record to start the season. Way to play ball, Kelly Bulldogs!! 13 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 2: Girls golf @Warren Tournament (Wildwood GC) 3: LifeShare Blood Drive @Kelly High School 4: Diocesan Middle School Science Fair (Centennial Complex) 4: Kelly Dance Force Informational Meeting (Cafeteria; 5:00 pm) 5: JV Baseball @West Brook Tournament (3/5-3/7) 5: Baseball @WO-S/Orangefield Tournament (3/5-3/7) 5: Track @Campbell Relays (Anahuac) 6: Early Dismissal Day (12:20 pm) 7: Softball @East Chambers (10:00 am) 7: Kelly Dance Force State Competition @Cypress Falls HS 9: English Pre-AP Placement Test (3:30-5:30) 10: JV Baseball vs. Bay Area Christian (Sr. Emily Field; 4:00 pm) 10: Baseball vs. Bay Area Christian (Sr. Emily Field; 6:30 pm) 10: Softball @High Island (4:30 pm) 11: Project Graduation Meeting (5:30 pm) 11: Kelly Festival of Cultures (6:15 pm-8:00 pm) 12: New Board Orientation (A/V room; 12:00 pm) 12: GreenFest Concert (Centennial Complex; 2:45 pm) 12: Boys Golf @Kelly/West Brook Tournament (Bayou Din GC) 12: Baseball @West Brook Tournament (3/12-3/14) 12: Track @Cardinal Relays (Bridge City) 13: end of 3rd quarter grading period 13: Softball vs. Sabine Pass (5:30 pm) 16-20: SPRING BREAK 20-21: State Debate, Persuasive & Oratory 23: State Academic Meet (3/23-3/24) 23: State Art Meet (3/23-3/24) 23: KDF Tryouts (Centennial Complex; 3:30-5:30) (3/23-3/26) 24: Penance Service 24: Board Meeting (A/V room; 5:30 pm) 24: Softball @IWA (Houston; 4:15 pm) 24: JV Baseball vs. Concordia (Sr. Emily Field; 4:30 pm) 24: Baseball vs. Concordia (Sr. Emily Field; 6:30 pm) 26: TAPPS State Music Meet (Belton) (3/26-3/28) 26: Report Card Night 26: JV Baseball @St. Thomas (Houston; 4:30 pm) 26: Baseball @St. Thomas (Houston; 7:00 pm) 26: Track @Battlin’ Bears Relays (LC-M High School) 27: Baseball @Episcopal (7:00 pm) 27: Softball @St. Agnes (Houston; 6:00 pm) 31: KDF Team Meeting (Cafeteria; 5:00 pm)
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