Blackwell PS Newsletter – Wednesday 4 March 2015 Phone: Fax: Email: Web: Blackwell Public School 58A Blackwell Avenue, St Clair NSW 2759. 02 9670 5080 02 9834 4368 [email protected] In this week’s edition… A note from the Principal Term 1 - Dates to remember ......................................... 1 Congratulations to our newly elected 2015 P&C Executive team. A note from the Principal/P&C AGM Report .................. 1 Principal's AGM Reportl ................................................. 2 President Karen Swadling A note from the Deputy Principal, P&C News ............... 3 Vice Presidents Michelle Griffiths Playgroup, School Photo Day, Office News ................... 4 Karen Parnell Upcoming events, School Uniform Library ..................... 5 Awards, Canteen, Coowarra Cottage News .................. 6 Treasurer Eleanor Drew Swimming Results.......................................................... 7 Secretary Jennie Binnie Stage Information ..................................................... 8-11 Fundraising Co-ordinator Karen Snape Term 1 .......................................................................... 14 I would also like to publically congratulate the 2014 team for their tireless work for the students, staff and parents of Blackwell. Our school is very grateful for their contributions to both us and Public Education. I have included both of the following reports from our AGM held Monday, 2nd March. Term 1 - Dates to remember Thursday March 5 Playgroup 9:10am-10:45am Kindy COLA Friday March 6 School Banking District Swimming Monday March 9 Tuesday March 10 Wednesday March 11 Friday March 13 Monday March 16 Tuesday March 17 Wednesday March 18 BLACKWELL P&C PRESIDENT’S REPORT AGM MARCH 2015 2014 has seen the P & C provide support to the school through various events that were held throughout the year. Yr 3-6 Assembly 2pm in Hall Water Safety Show Uniform Shop 8:30am-9:30am Some highlights for 2014 were our major fundraising events – Mother’s Day Stall, Father’s Day Stall, Easter Raffle, and our Christmas Raffle. Also we had a lot more parents attend our monthly meetings which was great to see. Hopefully this continues for 2015. School Banking K-2 Assembly 2pm Claymation Yr 4 SRC Long Neck Lagoon Claymation Yr 4 Uniform Shop 8:30am-9:30am Claymation Yr 4 With the Christmas Raffle for 2014 we saw a lot of local businesses support our school with donations of prizes. PlusFitness 24/7, Sam’s Pizza Down Under, Hair by Hailey, Featherdale Wildlife Park, Abel Schoolwear, Kylie Marie Photography, Cosmetic Hair and Beauty, Just Pets, MD Drums, Hogs Breath and Mr Andrew Keen. Thank you to all these local businesses who 1 without their support our Xmas raffle would not have been as successful as what it was. information about the running of our school, as well as, hear about parent concerns and or suggestions. We try to keep abreast of departmental policies and emerging concerns, as well as being proactive in local council and political issues. I would also like to give a special mention to Mrs Karen Snape. Her children attended Blackwell and now her grandchildren are attending Blackwell. Over many years this member of our school community has donated her time, many gifts and has been very generous in doing so. Thank you for all your help and it is greatly appreciated. We attempt to provide regular parent workshops prior to each meeting in the hope of addressing parent interests and or issues. Attendance at these was not particularly impressive but was enough to keep the format going. This year we will hold other workshops and hope that more parents take the opportunity to come along. Our first one has been to introduce our new Aboriginal aide who will commence work here in Term 2. Special invitations were sent home to all our Aboriginal families. I hope that this venture will produce some exciting new initiatives for our school. The role of the P & C is more than just fundraising. We provide support and input into decision making at the school, including choices for school photos, uniforms, teacher recruitment and general school management decisions. We ask that more parents attend our monthly meetings and become more involved with the P & C. It is a very rewarding and knowledgeable experience. Plus we would like more parents to become actively involved with helping out at our events throughout the year if possible. It works both ways. Ideally, Blackwell, as a large school, with over 600 students, should have a large parental representation at P&C meetings. This is essential if we are to respond to parent issues. Just how we attract new parents or encourage our silent majority continues to puzzle me. Thank you to the Executive Committee Vice President – Beverley Myburgh-Sisam, Vice President – Maria Marr, Secretary – Jenny Binnie, Treasurer – Eleanor Drew, Fundraising Co-Coordinator – Michelle Griffiths. Your support and efforts throughout the year are greatly appreciated. Thank you to the parent helpers who gave up their time to help out at our various fundraising events throughout the year. Recent parent / teacher evenings were not well attended either. Is this an indication of parent satisfaction or apathy? All we can do is listen and support our P&C as we continue to steer the school in a positive direction. To the outgoing executive I offer my sincere thanks and gratitude on the impressive efforts made on behalf of the wider school community. I would also like to thank the P&C members for their commitment to both Blackwell and Public Education. A special mention must be paid to our President, Karen Swaddling, for her diligence at keeping our parents well informed and her energy and patience when dealing with sensitive issues. As President of Blackwell P & C for 2014 it was a privilege to be associated with a great school, great teachers, great students and a great community. I am very proud of Blackwell Public School and everything it stands for. I will once again be putting my name up for President for 2015 and I will continue to be actively involved with the school and our P & C as President if re-elected. It is a great experience and one I enjoy and will continue to enjoy for many years to come. Another wonderful group of dedicated people - all working with a common purpose. Karen Swadling P&C President Thank you all, Kris Hudswell Principal’s Report for AGM PLPS –Personalised Learning Plans which every child completed and were sent home for parent responses to be completed and discussed at parent evenings need to be returned to class teachers ASAP. If these double sided sheets have been returned many thanks. You can improve our school!!! Would you like to see changes in the way Blackwell work? Would you like your voice to be heard? The Blackwell P&C is an effective way to make this happen. Scripture has commenced this week. Many thanks to those parents who updated information. Please notify us in writing if your child is attending the wrong group so records can be kept accurate. We could not form an ethic class, due to insufficient numbers, but have been able to form an Islamic group. Our P&C has regular, monthly meetings aimed at listening and offering suggestions on how best to improve our school. We aim to give accurate 2 We welcomed Mrs Tracie Harris this week at a very informal gathering of our Aboriginal families. It was great to sit and share a light meal and have a chance to chat about issues and ideas that we could use in the near future to support our students and school. Many thanks to all the parents that took timeout of busy home schedules to come along to the meeting. Thanks to Mrs Takami for organising our meal. There were no left overs for staff!!! Lingering around goodbyes only increases a child’s anxiety 2. Tell your child when you will be back –“When the teacher says it is time to go… after lunch… When the bus comes” 3. Tell your child to look up at the sky when he or she misses you and at that exact time you will be sending a kiss 4. It is perfectly normal for children to experience separation anxiety. If this phase continues in its acute stage for more than one month, see your doctor to see if intervention is needed. A note from the Deputy Principal As the weeks draw into mid term, many programs are getting underway. Each class teacher has introduced the class rules and is beginning to teach and discuss our school expectations in our Bounce Back Program. Judith Wilson Deputy Principal Kate Meredith is again back at Blackwell giving Speech therapy lessons each week. All Kindergarten students will be screened by our teachers so Kate can work with teachers next term to support students having difficulty in the speech areas. Kindergarten teachers may approach some parents if they feel there is a concern in this area. We will recommend Kate as we are developing a partnership with her. P&C News 2015 Annual P&C Easter Raffle The P & C are once again organising an Easter Raffle to be drawn at assembly on Monday, 30th March. We are asking our school community to help support this event by donating Easter eggs, baskets or anything Easter related for us to put together as prizes. Donations can be handed into our school office from today onwards. All donations big and small will be graciously accepted! Selective High School testing will take place on Thursday 12th March at 9am at St Marys Senior High. We have a number of students who have applied for this. A note will go home with these students giving details of the testing. Good luck on the day. Raffle tickets will go on sale from Monday, 16th March 2015 and be available at the front gate. Sales will be from 8:30am - 9:15am in the mornings and 2:30pm 3:15pm in the afternoon. We are also asking for volunteers to help with the ticket sales so if you can spare a little time in the mornings or afternoons then we would love to see you. Any help will be appreciated! Some more tips if your child says “I don’t want to go to school: For the kids 1. Think of a story you can tell your parents when you see them again 2. Hug yourself 3. Go play with kids who make you feel happy 4. Bring something from home to keep with you e.g. a picture 5. Look up at the sky – then catch the kiss Mum or Dad is sending you right now 6. Look at the clock and find the number when you will see your mum or dad again 7. Remember, sad feelings do not stay for long. Thankyou P & C fundraising committee P&C Election BBQ Fundraiser 2015 Date: Saturday, 28th March 2015 That time of the year where our local community needs to elect new local government members. Blackwell P & C will he holding a BBQ Fundraiser on the day to feed all the hungry voters! For the Parents 1. Set limits on goodbyes. Prepare the child briefly, stop talking about the departure. Be loving and confident: 2 kisses, 2 hugs.. then go! Duration of BBQ will be 7am to 4.30pm which includes setup and cleanup. We will be needing numerous helpers on the day to help cook, serve, setup and cleanup. A roster has been setup and if there are any 3 volunteers that could help throughout the day could you put your name down on the roster and the allocated timeframe you would like to help. The roster can be found on top of the P & C Suggestion box located in the office. Volunteer Helpers To assist us here at school with our volunteer helpers there is a new no cost On line Registration for volunteers- or phone 02 9826 7627 for assistance. Any time you can volunteer would be greatly appreciated. I would like to thank all our volunteers who regularly assist Blackwell in so many ways from Friday banking to library to classroom activities to individual students. It certainly strengthens our school. P & C Committee Playgroup At Blackwell we encourage our students to use Good manners, Good thinking and Good learning. th Next Playgroup this Thursday, 5 March and operate each fortnight from 9:10 – 10:30 All pre-schoolers and their parents are most welcome All you need is a hat and “Crunch and Sip.” School Photo Day News from the office School Photo Day – Coming soon! When: Tuesday 24th March 2015 Class Stationery Packs-2015 Cost for Class Stationery Packs for 2015 is $60 per student. These class packs will include all stationery to be used in the classroom, such as pens, pencils, rulers, glue sticks, document folders, markers and all exercise books. As well as these stationery items, payment of this amount will include costs to participate in computer and social skills programs throughout the year. Please ensure all children wear correct school uniform, with shirts tucked in, black shoes and no jewellery or nail polish. This will be our Class photo and individual photo day. Sports photos are taken later in the year. Envelopes and information about photo day will be coming home soon. It would be appreciated if payment could be sent to the school office, in a clearly marked envelope, as soon as possible. Students will be given their class packs following receipt of payment and all stationery items will be kept in the classrooms for use each day by the students. Invoices NAPLAN Term 1 invoices have been sent home, with a covering letter to all students outlining any outstanding monies owing. Please return any payments, together with the invoice, to the school office. These invoices will be returned with the receipt. Dear Parents and Carers The test dates for the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are as follows: Tuesday 12th May, 2015 – Language Conventions test Thank you for your co-operation in paying these invoices throughout the year. Tuesday 12th May, 2015 – Writing test Payment by cash, cheque or direct bank deposit. Bank: Westpac BSB: 032 001 Account No: 150 170 th Wednesday 13 May, 2015 – Reading test Thursday 14th May, 2015 – Numeracy test th Friday 15 May, 2015 – Catch-up day for students who missed a section of the test or were absent on a particular day. Skoolbag App Skoolbag is a mobile app that communicates directly to parent smartphones. It provides access to key school Thank you for your cooperation in sending your child to school on each of these days. 4 information via one single Communication Centre for both parents and students. District Swimming Students Where: Mt Druitt Pool th When: Friday, 6 March 2015 Cost: $5 per child Permission note and money to be handed to the office by this Thursday, 5th March 2015. How to Install Skoolbag on your Smartphone iPhone Users – Simply search for your school name in the App Store on your phone, PC or Mac, and install. Android Users – Simply search for your school name in the Google Play Store on your phone, PC or Mac, and install. STEPS Gala Day When: Thursday, 19th March 2015 Where: Cook & Banks St Clair & The Kingsway Werrington Notes are going out to students who are participating today. Please return permission note and money to the office by Friday, 13 March 2015. Couple of things to do if you Skoolbag App is not working: 1. Your app has been upgraded to the latest Version 3. So you have to make sure that your parents install the latest update to their devices. Re for Apple. the devices should also be updated to the latest OS 8 in case the users haven't done that too. 2. If the updates have taken place and the app is not opening properly, it is because the internet connection is not reliable on the device at the time. They need to: - Slide close the app with their thumb by holding down the button and then sliding the app closed. School Uniforms – Abel Schoolwear Shop Uniform shop open at Blackwell Public School Term 1 2015 Every Wednesday 8:30am – 9:30am or you can visit their shop at:- - Re-open the app when the device is on a reliable WiFi connection. Abel Schoolwear 44 Peachtree Road, Penrith PH: 4731 2388 Upcoming events Library news Yr 4 Claymation Workshop Where: At school When: 16th, 17th and 18th March 2015 Cost: $25 per student Library Routine: Borrow > Return weekly > Borrow. Keep books in a safe spot at home. Parents please send a note if books are lost or damaged. If this happens please send a contribution of $10 so the book can be replaced. Return permission note and payment by Friday, 6th March 2015. Library Timetable Yr 6 School Leavers Shirts and Jumpers Cost: $33 Polo Shirts $41 Jumpers Try on sizes in S3S classroom before and after school. Order and money to be returned to the school by Friday, 20th March 2015. Monday KR KS S3M KP SIM S1B S2K S1F SITC S1W S3B S3W S2M S2W S2C S2F S2L S3BV Tuesday KD S1L Wednesday SICR Stage 3 Excursion to Canberra When: 28th & 29th May 2015 Where: Canberra (War Memorial, Quest-a-con and Institute of Sport) Cost: $190 per student The cost can be paid by instalments. All monies and permission notes to be returned by Friday, 8th May 2015. Thursday KT Friday S1CH 5 S3S Canteen news Merit & Virtue Awards Please be aware of foreign coins being placed in the lunch orders or foreign coins given to the children to spend as they will not be accepted. Monday, 23rd February 2015 KD Slushies can be purchased on Fridays not to be ordered with lunch orders. KP Due to Health and Safety Regulations left over meals from home CAN NOT be reheated from the Canteen staff. KR KS KT School Banking S!B School Banking Day is FRIDAY morning S1CH Coowarra Cottage Before & After School Care S1CR Parking at the Cottage carpark. S1F Coowarra Cottage has asked that Blackwell parents please park in the designated parking spots as parents cars are taking up more than one space. S1L Principal Awards S1TC S1M Monday, 2nd March 2015 KD KP KR KS KT SIB SICH SICR S1F S1L S1M SITC S1W S2C S2F S2K S2L S2M S2W S3B S3BV S3M S3S S3W S1W Noah Lacey Sienna Valery Noah Ania Baljot Jonathan Travis Tahlia Cameron Charlotte Kiara Ella Madison Ella Tiana Lini Brianna Kevin Charlise Lilli-Rose Annalise Caitlyn Tahlie Nickolas Emily Yasmin Ethan Dzakirah Marco Bryson Kiara Zakariya Jared Nikhi Isabella Koby Layla Lily Ahmed Travis Daniel Efe Courtney Bryce Joshua Mia Sophia Jazz Brendan Teliah Micah Jade Willow Jack Jackson Monique Siyana Myleigh Jessica Menzie Matthew Chloe Kye Fatima Corey Chloe Kaitlin Cailin Dayne Chaeyse Mahalijah Lolita Lily Brandon Virtues: Tolerance Self-discipline Honesty Kindness Respect Patience Responsibility Swimming Results The following students on the next page will be representing Blackwell Public School at the District Swimming Carnival 2015 at Mt Druitt Pool this Friday, 6th March. 6 BOYS Blackwell Public School Swimming Results AGE GROUP EVENT GIRLS OPEN 100M Freestyle GIRLS 8 years 50m Freestyle BOYS 8 years 50m Freestyle GIRLS 9 years 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle BOYS 10 years 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle BOYS 12 years 50m Freestyle GIRLS Junior 50m Breastroke 1.JAKOB BOYS 2.COREY Junior 50m Breastroke 11 years 2.RYAN BOYS 1.LARA 11 years 2.AMBER Senior 2.JOSH 50m Breastroke Senior 2. MALAKAI GIRLS 1. SARAH Junior 2. SHALICE BOYS 1. JAMES Junior 2. JUSTIN GIRLS 11 years 2.AMBER 50m Backstroke 50m Backstroke Senior 50m Backstroke Senior 7 2. MONIQUE 1.MALAKAI 50m Backstroke 2.JACK 1. TYLA 50m Backstroke 2. SHALICE 1. JAMES 50m Backstroke 2.JUSTIN 1.GEORGIA 50m Butterfly 2.AMBER 1.JOSH 50m Butterfly 2.BAILEY 1.LISA 50m Butterfly 2.MONIQUE 1. DARCY 50m Butterfly 2. 1. KEIRA 50m Butterfly BOYS 2. LISA 2. JOSH 1.LISA GIRLS 2.COOPER 2.HAYLEY 1. MALAKAI BOYS 11 years 2.JUSTIN 1. GEORGIA BOYS 2.RACHAEL 2. SHAYLAH 1. JAMES GIRLS 1. ALEISA 50m Breastroke 50m Breastroke GIRLS 2.HAYLEY 1.JAYDEN GIRLS 11 years 2.SAVANNAH 1.GEORGIA BOYS Junior Junior 1. JACK GIRLS 12 years 1.LILY 1.LISA BOYS 11 years GIRLS 1.COOPER GIRLS 11 years 2.DARCY 1.KYLE GIRLS 10 years Senior 2. DARCY 1. KEIRA BOYS 2. GEORGIA 1.GEORGIA BOYS 9 years Senior 1.JAMES 100M Freestyle 50m Breastroke GIRLS RESULTS 1. LISA BOYS OPEN 11 years 1. JACK 2. 1.JAMES 50m Butterfly 2.JUSTIN Early Stage 1 Information KD – Mrs Deanne Witchard KR – Mrs Pauline Richmond KP – Mrs Paula Anderson/Mrs Michelle Mifsud KS – Miss Lauren Thomas Reading Eggs and Mathletics It is pleasing to note about 90% of Kindergarten students have paid for their stationary packs and have received their “Reading Eggs” and “Mathletics” logins and passwords. At Blackwell we Students have sat a reading test in class and have begun to use “Reading Eggs”encourage in the classroom withour their teacher. They are very excited to start using this program at home too. If you haven’t already paid can you please do so ASAP or speak to your classroom teacher. students to use Home Reading and Sight Word Lists Good manners, Home reading is well underway and students have been bringing home readers that Good thinking they have read in class. It is very important that you reread these (several times if possible ... to mum, to dad, to baby brother etc) and return the very next day. and Good Also daily sight word practise is vital. We have begun studying Sight Word List 2 in class (also available on the website) and students are continuallylearning. being assessed – they must be able to read these words easily (automatically, quickly and no sounding out) and also be able to read them in sentences. Introducing ... Miss Thomas (KS) Introducing ... Mrs Richmond (KR) I love making the most of everyday! I’m lucky enough to have had some wonderful experiences; climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, a helicopter ride, skydiving, bungee jumping and just recently swimming with sharks. I look forward to adding to that list! This is my fourth year at Blackwell PS. I was at my previous school for 18 years and before that I worked in Catholic Schools. I am a Reading Recovery trained teacher. I have been fortunate to have had a long, rewarding career in teaching and look forward to the coming years. I especially enjoy teaching Kindergarten and I just love watching them grow in their first year at school. I love reading, swimming in my pool, watching movies, eating lollies, and having pyjama days! I enjoy reading, drawing and doing puzzles. My great love is dancing – ballroom and rock & roll. I couldn’t be happier to be teaching Kindergarten this year and truly believe that I’ve found the right career for me. I believe that all children are treasure and think that there's nothing better when they leave school one day and look forward to returning the next. This is my third year on Kindergarten at Blackwell. I also love travelling, and my favourite country is Malta. I have been to Europe many times but never in the summer. I have done some crazy and exciting things in my life, such as abseiling, rock climbing and fire walking. I’ve flown a helicopter and who knows what’s next on the list??? 8 Stage 1 Information S1B – Mrs Rochelle Bellamy S1TC – Mrs Dyan Toldano/Mrs Jill Capuyan S1CH – Mrs Julie Crossman/Mrs Merryn Handley S1L – Miss Heather Lane S1CR – Mrs Rachel Cameron/Mrs Bev Reynolds S1W – Miss Kim Woods S1F – Mr Hani Farag S1M – Mrs Malinda Frazer Stage 1 Update We are well underway through term 1 already. How fast has it gone?! Pass the Poetry The students enjoyed watching this educational, yet entertaining performance last Thursday. There were many laughs and giggles during the performance and it was a worthwhile experience for the students to watch. Easter Easter is fast approaching. A note will be distributed in the coming weeks about the exciting events happening within Stage 1. Speaking and Listening Poetry Task Stage 1 students are learning about different types of poetry in class. Each class has a Speaking and Listening task, which their class teacher has spoken to them about. Notes have been distributed. Keep practising your poems at home. Belongings Just a reminder: all students’ hats, jumpers, bags, drink bottles and lunch boxes require labelling to ensure they are identified and don’t become lost property. At our school, we promote Sun Safety. Please ensure your child brings a hat to school each day. Also, the cooler weather is fast approaching, so please start packing a jumper or jacket for your child so they can stay warm. Book Packs Thank you to the families who have paid for their book packs. Please ensure payments are made as soon as possible. The cost is $60 and is payable to the office. Library Borrowing All students require a library bag to allow them to borrow each week. If you are uncertain of your child’s library day please check with their teacher. Toys Please limit the amount of toys your child brings to school to one per child. Preferably, small handheld toys. Thank you. Hello from Mrs Capuyan I have been at Blackwell Public School since 2007. I love the sense of community here and the value placed on lifelong learning, both for students and teachers. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have two beautiful children who keep us busy! I love dancing, reading, catching up with friends and family and eating good food!!! Hello from Mrs Toledano I have been working at Blackwell Public School since 2014. I enjoy coming to school the days that I work. I love seeing the children’s faces when they greet you throughout the day and when they hug you before they go home. The students, staff and the community are all awesome. I am married with two beautiful girls who I absolutely love and adore. I enjoy spending quality time with my family. 9 Stage 2 Information S2F – Mrs Fiona Cooke S2C – Ms Stephanie Coard S2L – Mrs Kathi Lockley S2K – Mrs Sharalynne Krensel S2W – Miss Judith Washburn S2M – Miss Fay Mantas Stage 2 students are to be commended for continuing to work well in their new classes. Our behaviour points system begins from Week 6 so it is important to remember to always use Good Thinking, Good Learning and Good Manners. PERSONALISED LEARNING PLANS AND CODE OF CONDUCT BOOKS During recent weeks students will have brought home Personalised Learning Plans and Code of Conduct Books. Please ensure that these are completed and returned to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. SPEAKING AND LISTENING HOMEWORK TASKS Stage 2 students are currently working on their speaking tasks. Their teachers have commented on the great effort that students are putting in to producing/ using visual aids as well as their most engaging voices, good posture and eye contact. If you have any questions about this task please see your child’s teacher as soon as possible. ASSEMBLY ITEM th S2C wish to invite parents and carers to the next 3-6 Assembly on Monday 9 March at 2pm. PARENT HELPERS Please see your child’s teacher about helping out in their classroom this year – we value your support and any contribution you can make, whether it is listening to children read or covering books, is appreciated. COMING EVENTS nd Week 6 – Monday, 2 March Combined Assembly th Friday, 6 District Swimming Carnival Week 7 Monday, 9th March 3-6 Assembly Week 8 Monday, 16th March K-2 Assembly Claymation Workshops for Year 4 ADVANCE NOTICE Stage 2 students will be involved in an activity in Week 10 that requires them to bring a shoe box and some bits and pieces of crafty items to decorate it. A note will be sent home soon. WHO’S WHO IN STAGE 2? Meet Mrs Krensel. Family: I am married with two children - Max is 21 and Jess is 19. We also have a Miniature Fox Terrier called Missy who loves to chase birds and lizards around our backyard. Career: My pathway to teaching has not been direct. I have had the opportunity to gather valuable life skills in nursing, administration and as a teacher’s aide before arriving at Blackwell as a qualified teacher. Interests: I enjoy reading, watching movies and travelling. I love being a teacher and strive to create a positive and supportive learning environment for all of my students. I feel very fortunate that I am able to guide students towards achieving their full potential. 10 Stage 3 Information S3B – Mrs Kellie Balloch S3M – Miss Malica Makragic S3BV – Mrs Rachel Bulluss/Miss Shannon Vos S3S – Mrs Denise Suffling S3W – Mr Rod Woolard Stage 3 have at least two exciting trips away this year for overnight camps. In the middle of next term we have our overnight excursion to Canberra, visiting the War Memorial, The Institute of Sport and Quest-a-Con. We have also planned an overnight stay at Dubbo Zoo for the end of the year. Notes for the Canberra excursion are going out today with the newsletter Our Public Speaking Competition starts it preparation this week with the topic "Persuade Us." Students have to deliver a 3 minute speech on a topic where they are trying to persuade their audience to think like them. Students will present to classes first in Week 8 and then 2 or 3 from each class will present in a final in Week 9. All Year 6 students should have received their High School Enrolment forms. The Year 6 teacher writes the name of your local high school. This is not determined by us but by your address. Please do not cross out this school and put in the school you would like your child to attend. Section C offers you an opportunity to select three other schools you would like your child to attend and space at the bottom to write your reasons. High Schools then look at those reasons and make decisions about enrolment. Non-government High Schools like Emmaus should not be included in section C. Those wishing to apply for selective schools need to contact the High school and find out about their audition or tryouts and enrolment procedures. Attention: Yr 6 Students - School Leavers Shirts and Jumpers for Purchase th Order forms and payment need to be returned to the school office by Friday, 20 March 2015. Prices: Polo Shirts $33 Jumpers $41 Sizing of garments will be available to try on in S3S classroom before and after school. 11 BLACKWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL DO NOT ENTER PARENTS AND CARERS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO ENTER THE SCHOOL CAR PARK EITHER BY CAR OR ON FOOT TO DROP OFF OR COLLECTSTUDENTS.PLEASE ACCESS THE SCHOOL GROUNDS THROUGH THE PEDESTRIAN GATETHIS IS A WORK, HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUE FOR THE SCHOOLTHE SCHOOL CAR PARK IS FOR SCHOOL STAFF ONLY AND FOR DISABLED PERSONS FOLLOWING A REQUEST TO THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 12 13 Blackwell Public School - Calendar 14
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