March 2015 Volume 2 Newsletter From the Principal MARCH: Dear all The year is now well underway with the focus well and truly on teaching and learning. It has been wonderful to see some of the rich learning experiences recently in our classrooms making a difference to our students. Also over recent weeks, there has been some significant school events that brought the whole school community together, and undoubtedly left a positive impact on all of us. Firstly, thanks and well done to Terry Mahoney and the HPE staff for recently coordinating a successful swimming carnival at the Cleveland pool. The day was certainly a colourful and enjoyable one with school and house spirit well and truly alive. Following on from this event, we had many students represent our school with pride and commitment at the District Carnival. Secondly thank you to Karen Conningham and Kim Paulson for coordinating a special leadership and acknowledgment of Quandamooka Country and Indigenous art work ceremony a few weeks ago. This ceremony exemplified the importance of inclusiveness and leadership, for any organisation to be highly effective and successful. Finally, thank you to Samantha Carr and Grant Stephensen for their organisation of, and commitment to our youngsters at the year 8 camp that took place at the Sunshine Coast this week. Together with a great team of teachers, our students had a wonderful time and have brought back some fabulous memories, learning experiences and newly built friendships. All of these events take an enormous amount of work behind the scenes to ensure both staff and students have a memorable experience – so thank you to everyone involved in all activities over the past month. On the school community front, I would like to thank all parents of our new year 7 and 8 students who took up the invitation to attend afternoon tea a few weeks ago to meet the teachers and leadership team that work closely with each student. This was an opportunity for us as a staff to connect with our new parents and provide them with first hand insight to whole school and individual department expectations, so that we can forge positive relationships and work together. The feedback from parents was positive and I look forward to more events like this in future months with parents of other year levels. In this issue From the Principal Reading chart WPSHS Policies Reading at Wello Junior Secondary Literacy and Numeracy Senior Schooling News Welcome Yr 7s Successful 7s From the Guidance Officer Sport Update Social Media at WPSHS Dance Troupe Yr10 Art Excursion Talent Quest Encore News Literacy at home Titans 4 Tomorrow Girls Academy Finally, last week I had the opportunity to attend the State Principals’ Conference at the Brisbane Convention Centre. These conferences traditionally operate every two years and bring together primary and secondary principals across the state to provide valuable professional learning that contributes to the effective functioning of schools. The theme this year was 'A great school has a great school down the road - Collaborate, Innovate, Elevate'. This fits in nicely with our current agenda to elevate Wellington Point State High school in status through innovation, a high expectations culture and working closely with our feeder primary schools. The research provided at this conference will contribute to our discussions on how as a school we can continue to improve to ensure growth and provide quality education to our students. BASE Canteen News Adverts (pgs 11/12) Sue Dalton Principal School Camps Yr7—25th to 27th Immunisation Yr 8 & 10 (round 1) - 9th Talent Quest Evening—11th Sport Cross Country—13th Schools’ Touch League—30th Inter School Sport Summer Jnr—Tuesdays Summer Snr—Wednesdays Summer Yr7—Thursdays Excursion Yr11 Aerospace—12th Encore Art—18th Exams Yr11 block exams— 20, 23, 24 Yr12 block exams—23,24 Term break 3-19 April APRIL (from 20th): Sport Cross-Country Carnival—24th Inter School Sport Summer Jnr—Tuesdays Summer Snr—Wednesdays Summer Yr7—Thursdays Rehearsals Encore actors @ RPAC 21-24th Assembly ANZAC Assembly OTHER: P&C - AGM—10th March Newsletter # 3— 1 April For up-to-date calendar information go to > Calendar and news > Events calendar Badgen Road Wellington Point QLD 4160 Ph: (07) 3820 4222 Fx: (07) 3820 4200 Student Absences: (07) 3820 4266 [email protected] Office hours: 8am—4pm 2 WPSHS POLICIES UNIFORM POLICY It is mandatory that all students Wellingto n State wear Po int High the at School approved uniform as per the uniform code. CODE OF BEHAVIOUR Work with pride Punctuality Social courtesy Honesty and trust Self discipline ATTENDANCE Student attendance is imperative to enable them the very best opportunity to learn, continually improve and achieve. It is attendance and commitment, that also enables positive relationships with school staff to be formed, that further enhances student performance. Rachel Gilberd —HOD Reading What’s happening around Reading at Wello? Every Child a Reader is a foundation belief at WPSHS. To promote positive reading behaviour, this year we have introduced a fortnightly Reading Focus; you may have noticed it flashing on our sign on Birkdale Road. The focus is also in the student notices every day and explicitly taught in all subject areas when reading a new text. Our WPSHS Reading Strategies are based around the research and work of respected literacy expert, Sheena Cameron. The processes good readers go through have been categorised into “Before Reading, During Reading and After Reading” strategies. This fortnight our focus is on the “Before Reading” process of “Set a Purpose”. There are sentence starters and questions associated with each strategy, for readers to use as a prompt. A copy of the table has been included opposite so you can also use this tool at home when reading with your child. See table on page 2 Junior Secondary—Literacy and Numeracy —Mrs Fiona Intelisano, HOD Junior Secondary “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Sir Richard Steele In line with our core priorities of high expectations and excellent teaching and learning, the Junior Secondary school has put some amazing strategies and programs in place to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of our students. Reading CAFÉ, Cars and Stars, Focus Literacy Intervention, Numeracy skill sessions and focused reading lessons are some of our enhancement programs running in Term 1. Staff, along with focused Literacy and Numeracy coaches will work on tracking student data, identifying skill gaps and designing targeted strategic plans for improvement. Student target groups have been selected from all abilities and classes to assist with the tracking and monitoring process. Take the opportunity to get involved with your student’s learning, and encourage them to work on the literacy and numeracy tasks, booklets, and activities that will come their way. Senior Schooling News —Ms Kim Herholdt, HOD Senior Schooling Welcome to all the new Seniors and to our new Year 12 cohort!! We have hit the ground running and have already participated in 2 days of the QCS Skilling and Practice Test. This was very successful with a 100% attendance for both days and it was the day after the Year 12 activities at Kindilan, so well done Year 12s for a great start to your focus and dedication for 2015!! Our first CTSC Certificate I Construction course has begun with 14 to 15 new contenders learning the basics of carpentry and construction with an Industrybased instructor working on projects around their school. School based traineeships and apprenticeships are always on the go and are opportunities for our students to acquire a Certificate III and have practical working experience with an employer as well as being paid for the work they do. It is also an opportunity for any parent/employers who are looking to train young people into their business and there are Government incentives available to assist and encourage that involvement. 3 Welcome Year 7s to Wellington Point State High School —Ms Penny Westcott, HOD IT/eLearning We have introduced a new subject, Digital Literacy, this year especially for our Year 7 students. They have two lessons per week for one semester in a computer lab. By the end of the year all students will have completed the subject. Students have just completed their first piece of assessment on Computer Basics. During the semester, students will expect to cover the use of computers on a network, the Internet and Webmail, cyberbullying, digital citizenship, as well as learning necessary skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. These skills should give them an adequate foundation to cope with the demands of their other subjects. If you have any queries about the subject, please feel free to contact the Head of Department, eLearning, Ms Penny Westcott on 3820 4213. R to L: Stephanie Marston, Lucy Gillies L to R: Shaun Sharma, Richard Verhoeve, Alex Ye, Ethan Nielsen Successful 7s —Ms Lisa James (Yr7 Coordinator) and Ms Jan Drury (Guidance Officer) Resilience is the ability to cope in times of stress or hardship. In order to set up our wonderful Year 7 students with the skills to be as successful as possible, we will be looking to build their resilience. We all want what is best for our children/students, though sometimes in our endeavour to help them, we take control of a situation, and make decisions, that are not always in their best interest. Michael Grose (Parenting Educator) talks of 7 resilience robbers that reduce a child’s development of resilience. Each newsletter, we will look at a different ‘ROBBER’ that you can discuss at home. The year 7 teachers at school will try to reinforce the same ideas. Together, we will look to build resilience and give all the students the best chance at success. ROBBER 1- Fight all their battles for them This should be the last resort not the first option. We want our children to have strategies that will help them manage difficult situations. Solution: Give kids the skills and opportunity to develop their own resourcefulness. Remember there are always two sides to a story. Be the consultant not the problem-solver. 4 From the Guidance Officer —Ms Jan Drury (Guidance Officer and SWPBS Coach) Tax File Numbers A tax file number (TFN) is a unique nine digit number that the Australian Tax Office assigns to individuals and organisations for tax purposes. Students will need a tax file number for full or part-time work (including apprenticeship/traineeships), as well as for TAFE or uni studies. The Australian Tax Office decided last year that schools will no longer facilitate the Secondary Schools Tax File Number Program. To get a tax file number now, students need to apply online with the Australian Tax Office and then need to have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post Office. For more information on how to get a TFN see For info on proof of identity documentation see: Students of any age can apply for a tax file number, however most wait until they are at least 13 years of age. This is when you can sign the form yourself, and not have to get a parent to sign your form for you. See: anchor=whoshouldsignyourapp#whoshouldsignyourapp It is never a good idea to leave this application to the last minute. All students in grades 10-12 should already have a tax file number – if you haven’t got one, get on to it! I would expect the grade 9s to be applying this year. Is your son/daughter an Australian citizen? Australian citizens are able to access HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP programs to assist with the costs of future study at university and TAFE. Students who are not Australian citizens may be faced with upfront fees for university studies. More information on the requirements of these programs can be found at . New Zealand citizens were hoping for a legislation change that would allow them to access HECS-HELP in 2015. This has not yet occurred. For further information see: Non-Australian citizens may also face higher costs for TAFE studies. Please contact the individual TAFE colleges to ascertain this, prior to application. See: TAFE Brisbane - ; TAFE Skillstech– Queensland Certificate of Education Students in grades 11 and 12 have been reminded of the requirements for achieving their QCE by the end of yr12 over the last two weeks. The main points are that students must pass all subjects and have limited subject changes. All students have been emailed this presentation. If parents wish to view this, students should be able to access their student email accounts from home. School-wide Positive Behaviour Support – SWPBS Wellington Point SHS has been actively implementing the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support strategy since 2011. SWPBS promotes and maximizes academic achievement and behavioural competence. It is a systematic approach for implementing proactive school-wide discipline and is currently being implemented in many schools around Australia. The purpose of SWPBS is to improve school climate and prevent student problem behaviours across all school settings. Essential elements of SWPBS include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Building a culture within the whole school that will serve as a foundation for both social and academic success, Emphasizing early identification and prevention of problem behaviour, Directly teaching appropriate social skills to all students, and modifying or rearranging the school context when behaviour, Using a three-tiered continuum of behaviour support practices in order to prevent problem behaviour, and Actively using data for decision-making. necessary to prevent problem SWPBS focuses on achieving social and academic achievement outcomes by establishing data, systems, and practices. All students receive the support they need for success based on a continuum of need and intensity. Each week, Wellington Point SHS staff deliver a SWPBS lesson targeting a particular behaviour (you will see the SWPBS focus of the week on our school noticeboards regularly). Staff then reinforce and reward this behaviour over the next few days. Students are able to collect SWOOP rewards from staff for demonstrating behaviours linked to our 3 school rules – Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner. Individual students and Welfare Classes vie for as many Swoops as they can. We hold regular rewards assemblies where students who have accumulated Swoops go into a draw for some great prizes like ITunes cards, movie vouchers, theme park tickets and pizza parties. We also hold Orange Rewards Days where students can participate in fun activities and earn double Swoops. The SWPBS strategy at WPSHS continues to yield positive results. Students and staff have enthusiastically embraced the positive approach to student behaviour change and the rewards system has proven to be extremely popular. We also have Ollie the Osprey, our school mascot, helping with the rewards program! 5 Sport update —Mr Terry Mahoney The Big Splash Kick starting the calendar year of sport at Wellington Point SHS was the Interhouse swimming carnival which proved to be a great success. “The Big Splash” is a combination of fun and serious events aimed at getting as many students as possible into the spirit of the day. The new year 7s and 8s were thrown into the deep end of mass novelty events, competitive racing and house competitions. I would like to congratulate the new champions in the pool –Hume House who won the carnival from a gallant reigning champion in Cunningham. This was one of the closest competitions in years with Hume gaining the upper hand by only 5 points. Final results Hume -1021 Cunningham-1016 Leichardt-933 Bass-822 I would like to acknowledge the House Student and Teacher Leaders who worked tirelessly on mass participation by all members of their house. Similarly, the ‘gun’ swimmers of the day, our Age Champions deserve mention and they will make up the bulk of our team moving on to the interschool Bayside competition. Age Champions: Year 12 Boys –Brayden Collie and Girls –Kalesha Thomas Year 13 Boys-Dom Scocchera and Girls- Savannah Freeman Year 14 Boys- Caleb Watson and Girls-Renee Rivers Year 15 Boys- Jason Hutchins and Girls- Gerogia Williams/Susannah Thompson Year 16 Boys-Kane Brady and Girls –Rebecca Hannan Open Boys-Tyler Denning and Girls- Amelia Smith Overall with the shortened school day, a late bus and rain we completed the House dash, talent quests, water volleyball competitions and swimming races. This was a massive feat achieved only because of the organisation of the wonderful staff at Wellington Point State High School. Thank you to all involved. All students who qualified for Bayside were informed of this on the day. With only four days to the next Representative carnival I would like to thank all the parents for being so vigilant in returning the information for the team to be organised. Bayside Swimming Championships As mentioned, our team to represent WPSHS at the Bayside Swimming Championships, set off for Chandler at 7.00am on Thursday Feb 19. Traditionally, we recognise two members as captains to lead the team into battle and this year the successful students were Kane Brady and Rebecca Hannan. Both did a fantastic job in fulfilling this role. This year in Sport the Bayside region has been restructured to be one of the largest regions in the State. Now comprising of twelve schools and extending from Wynnum to Victoria Point the competition and standard are extremely high. With the inclusion of the year 7 students the organisation of this event and in fact all sport will be a challenge for all organisers in 2015. Congratulations to Mike Hale –Redlands College who convened the swimming this year. Considering this, I would like to congratulate the following students from Wellington Point who qualified for the Met East swimming trials on Tuesday March 3rd. Kane Brady – Age Champion- 6 events Dom Soccerha- 4 Events Stuart Williams-2 events Jason Hutchins- 2 events Rebecca Hannan-1 event Overall, the students of Wellington Point performed to the best of their ability and we had 35 improved times from our carnival day. All events were filled and all swimmers were happy to jump in and do their best. In particular, one student, (Year 7) Ara Dugandzic (who was sick on our own swim day) filled in for an absent swimmer in the Open Girls Breaststroke race. She was very nervous but some of the team including Paige McClennan convinced her that it wasn’t as scary as she thought when you compete against students 5 years older. She gave it a go!! She won the B division event and finished 5th in the overall times for that event. That’s the ‘Wello Spirit’ Ara! Overall, the team finished 7th and I am very happy with the results and especially impressed with how the students represented themselves and their school. I look forward to reporting on the success of these swimmers in the Met East Championships. ‘Run for your Life’ - Cross Country 2015 It’s now your turn land ‘animals’. Dust off your runners and get ready for the upcoming school cross country on March 13. Students can wear their sports uniform all day on the 13th. The course is being prepared (4 km for everyone) and some PE classes have already started to get the students ready for this event. Training practice will begin with the ESAP students on some mornings for anyone who would like to start now. HPE week Week 7 from the 9th-13th March we will be celebrating Health and Physical Education, culminating in the Interhouse Cross Country on Friday. Activities and challenges will be run throughout the week. Some of these activities will be run by students in Yr 12 Health Education and part of their Action Research Project into improving physical activity levels in the school community. 6 ESAP The ESAP students have been training hard already this year, and we can’t wait to see how they perform in the Interhouse Cross Country next week. The highest beep test result so far this year was by Callum Jackson in Yr 11, with 13.2, which puts him in the top 5% of Australian students. Callum Jackson, Yr11 WELLINGTON POINT STATE HIGH SCHOOL Wello Point Shs @WellingtonPtSHS Wellington Point Social media is for communicating information only (it is not an interactive communication site) 7 Performing Arts—Ms Jaye McElhinney, HOD Performing Arts Dance Troupe We have experienced some exciting first few weeks back in the Dance Department at Wellington Point SHS. The Junior Hip Hop Team auditions involved an outstanding 80 students and the successful applicants joining the large team have commenced rehearsals every Thursday from 2:50 -4:50pm for the upcoming eisteddfods. The team consists of students from year levels from years 7-10 and already they have demonstrated their dedication, enthusiasm and talent in the rehearsal process. Along with the Junior Team, the Senior Contemporary, Musical Theatre and Jazz Teams are well underway. During week 5, the Year 11 dance students along with some invited students from year 10 participated in an amazing (yet very challenging) Hip Hop workshop with MnB Entertainment’s Bessy, Shaheem and Latrice Kabamba. The seniors will be using this piece as a Performance task for class assessment. We have a very promising year of Dance ahead of us at WPSHS. Year 11 Hip Hop Team Workshop Junior Hip Hop Team rehearsal Year 10 Art Excursion—Ms Tamara Beale (Visual Art Teacher) On Monday, 16th February, the Year 10 Art students attended a day of drawing workshops at Old Government House and the Queensland Museum. Students arrived at QUT- Garden’s Point to find ‘O Week’ in full swing, giving them a great glimpse of university life. The Education Director of the QUT gallery took students on a tour of the William Robinson exhibition and then directed a drawing workshop in Old Government House focussing on perspective drawing. Students then undertook a number of drawing tasks at the Queensland Museum where the permanent collection offered some unusual and interesting subject matter. The day was a great success and students received compliments on their behaviour and participation from members of the public and our bus driver. Mr Maass and I were extremely proud of the success of the group and look forward to extending the drawings into major artworks. 8 Encore News Encore, our excellence program in Performing and Visual Arts launched on Monday 2nd February and we have all been very busy ever since. Out senior Encore actors are working with DeBase Theatre Company and other schools in the Redlands on the Redlands Combined Schools Drama Project, to create a performance to commemorate 100 years of ANZAC. They’ll perform at the Redlands Performing Arts Centre on April 23 rd and 24th. Our junior Encore actors, led by Ms West and Miss Townshend have prepared an hilarious skit for our Talent Quest on Wednesday 11th March. Our Encore dancers and singers have joined forces for a project in Musical Theatre and choral-ography. They are working on songs from Wicked and Rent in preparation for some competitions next term. This semester our Visual Artists will create self-portraits and have been exploring and experimenting with some amazing works, techniques and styles to hone their skills before commencing their own art works. They will also venture into the city on Wednesday 18 th March to visit a gallery and participate in a workshop at Eckersley’s Art Supplies. The highlight this term has definitely been our trip to the Queensland Performing Arts Centre to see Wicked The Musical. This was an excellent experience for our students, some of whom had never attended live theatre before. The performances, costumes, set design, lighting, sound and professionalism of the technical crew were outstanding and we were extremely lucky to meet with two of the show’s dancers, Danielle and Igor, after the show. These two young, lovely and talented members of show biz enlightened us all on the life of a performer, while they’re training, auditioning and working in the industry. It was inspiring and intriguing to see the show from their unique perspective. 9 Literacy at home—Ms Carolyn Burke HOD English and LOTE As you know, improving children’s literacy is vital to their overall success as students in high school. All students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are participating in the CAFÉ (comprehension, accuracy, fluency and extending vocabulary) during their English lessons. These lessons allow students to work in small groups with their teachers and teacher aides to improve their reading in these four key areas. There are also three simple ways we can help students improve their literacy outside of school: 1. Allow your child to select something they wish to read. Research shows students are likely “to read more, understand more and continue reading if they have the opportunity to choose what they read” (Allington and Gabriel, 2012). 2. Encourage your child to write something personally meaningful. Literate adults rarely write using a prompt. Rather we write for a purpose within a variety of contexts. Encouraging young people to write something meaningful allows them to use their reading skills in a different way. When students are able to concentrate on crafting written work they care about, they share their thoughts and opinions. While young people should always be encouraged to write with accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar, personal writing allows them to concentrate on their ideas without worrying about ‘losing grades’ or dreading the idea of red pen covering their hard work. 3. Model reading texts which you find meaningful, and discuss your thoughts about your reading with your child. Listening to an adult model fluent reading, increases students' own fluency and comprehension skills (Trelease, 2001cited in Allington and Gabriel, 2012), as well as expanding their vocabulary, background knowledge, sense of story, awareness of genre and text structure, and comprehension of the texts read (Wu & Samuels, 2004 cited in Allington and Gabriel, 2012). While it is not expected that parents will continue to read stories to their children when they become teenagers, developing the habit of sharing texts that interest you is an opportunity to expose your young people to a wider variety of texts including news articles, magazine articles, biographies, car manuals and many others. Reading an excerpt from something that you enjoy and discussing your opinions with your child allows them to see how reading is useful in many contexts. Your children’s English teachers are looking forward to helping our students improve their literacy and experience success at Wellington Point State High School. Titans 4 Tomorrow Girls Academy —Natashya Kitchener Liaison Officer [email protected] Hi to all our new and existing Titans Academy girls and their families. Welcome to a new year at Wellington Point State High School. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Natashya Kitchener and I work as the Titans 4 Tomorrow Girls Academy Liaison Officer. This is an Indigenous girls’ program aimed at supporting their current schooling and future successes. I will be working out of C3 which is located near the tuckshop and will be available every Thursday and Friday from 8:00-4:00pm. The only exception to these days will be when the Titans Academy holds their Thursday workshops. And the first workshop for the year is Thursday 2nd April from 8:40-11:40am. It is a reminder that enrolment forms are a necessary part of the Academy. While you will not be excluded from workshops if your paperwork is incomplete, it assists the process in organising and finalising the Academy participants. These forms can be left at C3 even when I’m not at school. Part of my job will be to attend classes for in-class support. On most occasions that's where I will be however if you have any questions or queries please contact me on Ext 283 or via email. I am totally looking forward to attending my first workshop for the Titans for the year and hope to see all the girls there. International Women’s Day breakfast —Amanda Crowe—Year 10 co-ordinator Three Year 10s - Eliza Connell, Sarah Shelper and Chloe Canard as well as Olivia Williams in Year 12 attended the International Women’s Day breakfast at Alexandra Hills Hotel as representatives of WPSHS (it started at 6:30am so I was impressed with their commitment). The girls were excellent representatives and it was a great morning. 10 COMMUNICATION DURING SCHOOL HOURS To minimise interruptions during lesson time, communication with students and teachers will only take place during the following breaks: Morning Tea 10:00-10:30am Lunch 12:50-1:30pm Office staff will not make announcements or phone calls to staff rooms outside of these hours. PAYMENT WINDOW Hours of operation are: 8:30-1:30 Monday to Thursday. Preferred payment method is EFT and the bank details are: BSB 064-138, A/C 00090537 Description: Student Name and event PROCESS FOR COLLECTING YOUR CHILD DURING SCHOOL HOURS: A friendly reminder to parents and guardians - if you wish to collect your child early from school for an appointment please write your student a note to hand in at Student Services – this will save you waiting whilst we check timetables and walk to classes to advise students that they need to leave, thank you. Base is a free tutoring service that is offered to all students in the library every Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm – 4pm. This is a free service and teachers and senior academic leaders are on hand to provide support, guidance and mentoring of students who are:- a) Researching concepts, issues or events for assignments b) working to improve literacy, numeracy and thinking skills c) completing homework activities and/or d) require access computer programs or the internet Students don’t have to sign up to attend—just turn up on the day. 11 Canteen news PRE-ORDER COUNTER WELLINGTON POINT STATE HIGH SCHOOL No need to line up for your food. Go to the pre-order counter at the canteen before school starts in the morning to pre-order and pay for your food. If you have special dietary requirements these can also be accommodated. At lunch time you pick up your order at the window around the corner (window before the Uniform shop). Our next meeting which happens to be our Annual General Meeting/General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2015. It starts at 6.30 pm and is being held in the Conference Room, Administration Building. Your input and ideas are important to us so please come along and get involved in supporting our school. UNIFORMS OPENING HOURS 8:00am-12:30pm MON-FRI We stock uniforms in sizes 8-28 If you have students outside this range, please place the order for their uniform by July/August of the previous year (i.e. for 2016 please order July/August this year). If you can spare one day a month (especially either Tuesday or Wednesday) between the hours of 9am and 2pm We’d love you to join our friendly tuckshop staff in preparing and serving food to our lovely friendly polite students. Even an hour or two would be very much appreciated. Please ring Chris on 3820 4225 12 13 Bulimba Women’s Hockey Club are seeking PLAYERS/COACHES for 2015 Hockey Season Aged from 5 years for..... Senior, Junior and Masters Turf Teams Senior and Junior Grass Teams Modified Teams Training held at State Hockey Centre, Lytton Road, Morningside For further details please contact: Kay Beirne - 0409621033 or Gaye Swaffield - 0408339891 14
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