SINGAPORE DENTAL COUNCIL 3 March 2015 16 College Road, #01-01, College of Medicine Building Singapore 169854 Email: [email protected] Tel: (65) 6355 2400/01 Fax: 6253 3185 Unique Entity Number (UEN): T08GB0050C 3 March 2015 Dear DR NOTICE OF ELECTION 2015: 16 March 2015 (0800hrs) to 22 March 2015 (2000hrs) In this personalised follow-up circular, we enclose your Dental Council Registration (DCR) Number and Voter's Identification (VID) Number: DCR No VID No : : In the voting system, candidates are identified by a 2-digit code number. If you wish to cast a blank vote, the system will require you to register this intention by keying in “00” as the code. Here is the complete list of candidates: Name of candidate The “nameless” candidate, ie, to cast blank vote Choo Keang Hai Aw Kian Li Andrew Anshad Ansari Ang Ee Peng Raymond Thean Tsin Piao Soh George Yi-Wei Ho Kee Hai Oliver Hennedige Tay Li Chye Code No 00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A detailed voting worksheet is enclosed for your information. Page 1 of 4 After you have successfully voted, please note the 4-digit Voting Confirmation Number before you hang up. Voting is compulsory1. Failure to vote could result in you being denied the privilege of renewing your practising licence unless you pay a fine of $500 to the Singapore Dental Council. Please note the polling period is from 16 March 2015 (0800hrs) to 22 March 2015 (2000hrs). We look forward to your participation in the Election. If you encounter any problem, please inform the staff at the Council's office: Mr Shawn Chua Ms Jerlynn Tan Ms Stella Goh Ms Norisah Ahmad 6355 2408 6355 2402 6355 2401 6355 2400 DR CHNG CHAI KIAT RETURNING OFFICER DENTAL COUNCIL ELECTION 2015 1 Dental Registration Act (Chapter 76) Compulsory voting 5. (1) Every fully registered dentist whose name appears in the first division of the Register of Dentists and who — (a) is resident in Singapore; and (b) has in force a practising certificate on the day of election of candidates as members of the Council referred to in section 3(2)(f), shall vote for the election of such members at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed. (2) Where a fully registered dentist whose name appears in the first division of the Register of Dentists is required to vote for the election of the members of the Council under subsection (1) and fails to do so, he shall not be entitled to apply for a practising certificate unless he — (a) satisfies the Registrar that he had a good and sufficient reason for not voting at the election; or (b) pays to the Council a penalty as prescribed by the Council. Page 2 of 4 Voting is compulsory SINGAPORE DENTAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2015 VOTING WORKSHEET IMPORTANT NOTES: You should vote only after the lines are open at 8.00 am on Monday, 16 March 2015 till 8.00 pm on Sunday, 22 March 2015. The sentences highlighted below indicate the automated voice response when you call the Voting Hotline. You should wait till the end of the voice message at each stage before keying in your response. Following each valid vote entered, you will be asked to confirm your vote (by pressing “1” thereafter). Once you cast a blank vote (“00”) at any stage during the voting process, you will be brought directly to Step 7. Your vote will only be considered cast when you press “1” at Step 7 as final confirmation of the candidates for whom you have voted. VOTING HOTLINE: 6602 0175 1. Welcome to the Singapore Dental Council Elections 2015 Voting Hotline. Please key in your 5-digit Dental Council Registration (DCR) Number (leave out any alphabet characters). 2. Please key in your 4-digit Voter Identification Number. (If your Voter Identification Number matches your Dental Council Registration Number, you will be allowed to proceed to vote.) 3. You have successfully logged in for voting. You may vote for a maximum of five (5) candidates. You will be asked five (5) times to select a candidate. Each time when you are prompted, please key in one candidate's code. When you are ready to vote, press the # key. If you do not wish to select a candidate, key in “00”. # (Each candidate's code can only be chosen once. If entered for the second time, you will be alerted and asked to key in your choice again.) Page 3 of 4 4. Please key in the 2-digit code of the 1st candidate you have selected: 5. You have selected __________ (name of the candidate will be read to you). To confirm, press “1”. To cancel and change the candidate selected, press “2”. 1 or 2 6. Please repeat Steps (4) and (5) until you have entered 5 candidates. 7. You have selected a total of __________ (the number will be read to you) candidates. They are __________ (the names of all the candidates you have selected will be read to you). To confirm your choice of candidates, please press “1”. To cancel all the candidates you have selected and start voting again, press “2”. 1 8. or 2 Your vote has been registered. Your Voting Confirmation Number is XXXX. Please write down this number as proof that you have cast your vote. To have your Voting Confirmation Number repeated, press the # key. To end the call, please put down the phone. Thank you for voting. # or Put down the telephone Remember to write down your Voting Confirmation Number given to you at the end of the voting. This Number is the only acceptable proof that you have cast your vote. You may wish to record your Voting Confirmation Number here: Page 4 of 4
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