AUBURN BANNER AERIE AUXILIARY VOL. 32 Tim Shaver…....……….Jr. Past President……....…..Connie Brown Michael Bruns………………..President………….………...Pam Lindsey MAILING ADDRESS March 2015 NO.3 MONTHLY PUBLICATION AUBURN AERIE #2298 Larry Lindsey…………...Vice President……..….Kathy Underwood Frank Lonergan.…………..Chaplain………...…...….Colleen Shilling Dick Kendo……...…………..Secretary…………………..Verna Murray 702 M St. S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 AUBURN AUXILIARY #2298 702 M St. S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 Ernie Robinson……………..Treasurer………………….….…Eve Smith PHONE - CLUB: (253)833-2298 AERIE: (253)735-3180 John Downs…………..…….Conductor…...…..…. AUXILIARY: (253) 397-4394 Chris Stevenson...……....Inside Guard………..……….Dottie Thoma Jack Maley………...……..Outside Guard………......Kim Humphreys Queen of Hearts Raffle is coming to the Auburn Eagles March 11th Bud Larson…………………….Trustees……………….….…Faye Founds Ron Snow Garry Stearns Barb McKinlay Joan Rhyner Jim Mattern NOTE: Sunday Music for the month of March will be: 8 Second Ride Music & Dancing Every Friday & Saturday 7:00 pm to 11:00pm Sunday from 5pm to 9pm & Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm Come & Join the FUN 4th Sunday will be RANGERS MARCH Bands MARCH 6th & 7th - North of 50 MARCH 13th & 14th - Billy Farmer MARCH 20th & 21st - DoubleBack MARCH 27th & 28th - Black Velvet Contact [email protected] for pricing. 12 MARCH MARCH 2nd Joint Meeting MARCH 8th District Meeting - SpanaPark MARCH 14th Put on your Irish shindig 5:30pm MARCH 15th Joint Memorial 2pm MARCH 18th Aerie & Aux Interviews Play BINGO! MARCH 23rd For as little as $13.00 Aux Initiation & Meeting Tuesdays & Fridays MARCH 25th 6:30pm to 9:30pm Aerie Initiation & Pot Luck Auxiliary BINGOWednesday 10:30am to 1:30pm If you would like to advertise with the AUBURN EAGLES. IMPORTANT DATES Club Hours: Monday—Thursday: 11:00am till Midnight Friday & Saturday: 11:00am till 2:00am Sunday: Noon till Midnight Kitchen & Dining Room Hours: Office Depot Discount Program Office Depot Discount Program: FOE members can still save big on Holiday shopping at Office Depot! Save up to 80% off of already great pricing online OR in stores. For in-store savings, don't forget to print off you Store Purchasing Card from the website. First time online shoppers can save an additional 15% off by entering coupon code 50591873 at checkout (some exclusions apply, see site for details). Visit! AERIE &AUXILIARY AERIE & AUXILIARY F.O.E. #2298 Monthly2298 SunshineMonthly Report F.O.E. Sunshine Report GET WELL Dorothy Maples Vince Manka Ron Snow Joan Rhyner Yetta Litavee THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Did you know that $650 funds a Special Olympic Athlete for an entire year? My initial goal for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics of WA was $2500. With AMAZING supporters like you, I was able to raise $6500!! That funds 9.5 Athletes for a full year!! It also made me the Top Law Enforcement Fundraiser at this year’s plunge. I completed the Super Plunge-diving in the Sound every 1/2 hour for 8 hours for a total of 21 plunges on Friday, Feb 6 & then 2 more on Feb 7 at the more public event. I sure hope you will continue to support me next year. My goal for the 2016 Super Plunge is $10,000!! I'll be starting fundraising again in the fall. If you, anyone you know, or a business willing to sponsor me, please let me know. Thank you again! FOE 2298 Auxiliary member, Kristi Bridgman WOUNDED WARRIORS SYMPATHY Donna Patterson Kerri O'Dell THINKING OF YOU Kathryn Hutton Their goal is to transition Warriors and their Families either back into duty or as a vital member of the community by giving them Dignity and Independence. As a 20 year Vet. I support Wounded Warriors and have been your chairman for the last 2 years. During this time our District (district #7) has joined Auburn’s Auxiliary and Aerie in our quest to help. In the past 2 years we have collected approx. $6,000. This money goes directly to the Wounded Warriors and not to administration and stays in Washington State at Lewis and McChord Base. Please help with your donations. Larry Lindsey Chairman—253-632-8247. Search for “Auburn Eagles Aerie 2298” or “F.O.E.2298” then save it to your favorites to keep up with ongoing events. WE’RE ON FACEBOOK GOD BLESS AND BE KIND TO ALL Sandi Barron & Colleen Shilling Did you know that you can get all this information and more on our NEW website? or WWW.AERIE2298.COM 2 WHAT IS PATRIOTISM? DID YOU KNOW It is the LOVE, SUPPORT AND DEDICATION to ONE’S COUNTRY. ALL ANIMALS DESERVE A LOVING HOME HOW DO WE DEMONSTRATE THIS? By Standing Behind the MEN and WOMEN in our MILITARY, Supporting our COUNTRY AND FLYING OUR FLAG WITH HONOR AND PRIDE. SUPPORT OUR March ALL MONEY COLLECTED GOES TO AVHS Jim Manka and I are CO-CHAIRING As YOUR STATE PATRITISOM CHAIRMEN. WORTHY STATE PRESIDENT KARMA KROGH’S GOAL Is $10,000 for the YEAR. WE WOULD LOVE TO NOT ONLY MEET, BUT GO OVER THAT GOAL. If EACH of the 94 AERIE’S in the STATE Gives a little over $100 we would make that Goal. SUPPORTED BY Have you moved lately or changed any of your contact information? PLEASE HELP US TO REACH SWP KARMA KROGH’S GOAL WITH DONATIONS. Also if you have a FLAG TO RETIRE, Jim and I will be Happy to take it. Let us know of any changes to your contact information so we can best stay in touch. THANK YOU, AUBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY AUBURN FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 702 M ST. S.E. Co-Chairs: Barb McKinlay For $10 a year we will mail a copy to your door. Just contact Aerie or Auxiliary Secretaries to subscribe. AUBURN EAGLE’S MEMORIAL NEXT DISTRICT #7 MEETING INFORMATION Contact Club Manager for availability of dates and times of requested function. Leave Name and contact information Non-member minimum $400 donation. F.O.E. member minimum $300 & Auburn F.O.E Members - $200 donation min. Auburn Eagles will “set up” and furnish coffee and cookies. Additional food may be furnished by friends and family Approved by Board of Trustees “Your Computer Slow? It Is! Call the Geeks, You Must! Auburn Valley Collision Inc. 3218 Auburn Way N Just Fix It, They Will!” Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: (253)939-7770 Fax: (253)736-0098 Yoda We NEED as many Auxiliary members as we can get to go, we have been having a Friendly competition with Puyallup they beat us in attendance in January and we beat them in February SOOOOO let’s do it again in March!!!!! District#7 Meeting Attendance Chairman- Pam Lindsey Here is a game Every newsletter will have the “where is Wally Game” Some where within the news letter is Wally try to find him if you can. Did you know you can download or view the monthly banner online? Just go to WWW.AUBURNEAGLES2298.COM or WWW.AERIE2298.COMand click on banner. Or check or or pick up a copy at the club. 10 Will be at Span-A-Park Sunday March 8thWear GREEN (253)217-4832 Wally can be sneaky, He may change color or size to try to blend in. HAPPY ST. PATRICT’S DAY!!! First off I want to say “Great Job” to Lou Putman on her French Dinner for Valentine’s Day and the whole successful Heart Ball . The money you made will be a huge amount to add to the Max Bear Heart Fund. Now on to St. Patty’s Day dinner coming March 14th the profit will be going to Wounded Warriors another very worthy charity, so let’s all have a good dinner and fun for the Wounded Warriors. May the road rise up to meet you at the Auburn Eagles 2298; May the wind be always at your back, so join us for an Irish Dinner; May the sun shine warm upon your face while you enjoy Corn Beef and Cabbage; And rains fall soft upon face as you enjoy the accompaniments of soda bread and potatoes; And until you we meet again if you don’t like Corn Beef and Cabbage, you can enjoy bangors and mash potatoes (an Irish sausage); May God hold you in the palm of His hand as you participate in the live auction supporting JBLM Wounded Warriors! We would love to see more faces at our Aerie, I know we are all busy, but please remember this is your Aerie so why not use it for your enjoyment. We exist for our members and our members should be proud to say “We belong to a Non-Profit organization with no middle man (our money goes straight to charity). The more of us that participate means more going to help others. We can take, say, $500 and turn in into $5,000 by applying for grants to Eagle headquarters at Grand, we earn money sometimes at the rate of $1 from those who can give, but we need our members to rekindle that fire in ourselves that says we want to be there for ourselves and for others, We Are “People Helping People”. Look forward as always to seeing you soon, Pam Lindsey ATTENTION ALL SISTERS: This is just a heads up, for it’s that time of year again when you can start think about wanting to be an officer. How YOU could help our Auxiliary be Bigger AND Better. THE EASTER BUNNY IS COMING!! The Kid’s Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 4th at 11:00 A.M. Bring a car load of Kids (12 and under), family and friends All Welcome! BRING some NEW ideas for us to try!! So please consider it, we would really appreciate YOUR help! We do need help with candy (no Peanuts or Peanut Butter Please) Please bring in by March 23rd we will also be needing lots of help on Wednesday March 25th at 7:30 P.M. stuffing eggs. Our nominations will start in April and our elections will be May 11th, 2015. Thank You, Nominating Committee: Contact Co-chairmen: Frank Lonergran and Colleen Shilling Sandi Barron 253-941-0116 , Connie Brown 206-931-5597 , Colleen Shilling 253-797-9755 4 HAPPY ST. PATTY’S DAY BINGO! COME JOIN THE FUN. Small, Safe, Heated and Relaxed Family Atmosphere. Meet Old Friends and make New Friends. We are like a Family. Come a little early to Chat with other Players and enjoy Coffee and Donuts ($1 ea.). Bring your Lunch for Your Day at Bingo! There are meat Raffles every week for different Charities, such as Wounded Warriors, Heart, Cancer, Auburn Valley Humane Society, etc. We like Tasting everyone’s Special Dish at Potlucks every other month on the 2nd Wednesday. Our next Potluck will be March 11th. Bingo is from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost is only $13.00 to play all games. (We play paper no machines.) Auburn Eagles (Dottie Thoma Manager) 702 M St. S.E., Auburn, Wa. Attention All Brothers and Sisters: We will be having our yearly Joint Celebration of life for our dear departed brothers and sisters of Auburn #2298 Please come join us……. Date: 8 Sunday March 15th 2015 Time: 2pm Potluck to follow Place: Auburn Eagles Chairmen Sandi Barron & Sharon Crain WHAT IS PATRIOTISM? It is the LOVE, SUPPORT AND DEDICATION to ONE’S COUNTRY. HOW DO WE DEMONSTRATE THIS? By Standing Behind the MEN and WOMEN in our MILITARY, Supporting our COUNTRY AND FLYING OUR FLAG WITH HONOR AND PRIDE. Feb Jim Manka and I are CO-CHAIRING As YOUR STATE PATRITISOM CHAIRMEN. WORTHY STATE PRESIDENT KARMA KROGH’S GOAL Is $10,000 for the YEAR. WE WOULD LOVE TO NOT ONLY MEET, BUT GO OVER THAT GOAL. If EACH of the 94 AERIE’S in the STATE Gives a little over $100 we would make that Goal. Have you moved lately or changed any of your contact information? PLEASE HELP US TO REACH SWP KARMA KROGH’S GOAL WITH DONATIONS. Also if you have a FLAG TO RETIRE, Jim and I will be Happy to take it. Let us know of any changes to your contact information so we can best stay in touch. THANK YOU, DID YOU KNOW ALL ANIMALS DESERVE A LOVING HOME SUPPORT OUR AUBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY ALL MONEY COLLECTED GOES TO AVHS For $10 a year we will mail a copy to your door. SUPPORTED BY Just contact Aerie or Auxiliary AUBURN FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Secretaries to subscribe. 702 M ST. S.E. AUBURN EAGLE’S MEMORIAL Co-Chairs: Barb McKinlay INFORMATION Contact Club Manager for availability of dates and times of requested function. Leave Name and contact information Non-member minimum $400 donation. F.O.E. member minimum $300 & Auburn F.O.E Members - $200 donation min. Auburn Eagles will “set up” and furnish coffee and cookies. Additional food may be furnished by friends and family Approved by Board of Trustees “Your Computer Slow? It Is! Call the Geeks, You Must! Auburn Valley Collision Inc. 3218 Auburn Way N Just Fix It, They Will!” Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: (253)939-7770 Fax: (253)736-0098 Yoda Every newsletter will have the “where is Wally Game” Some where within the news letter is Wally try to find him if you can. Did you know you can download or view the monthly banner online? Just go to WWW.AUBURNEAGLES2298.COM or WWW.AERIE2298.COMand click on banner. Or check or or pick up a copy at the club. 6 Here is a game (253)217-4832 Wally can be sneaky, He may change color or size to try to blend in. HAPPY ST. PATTY’S DAY BINGO! COME JOIN THE FUN. Small, Safe, Heated and Relaxed Family Atmosphere. Meet Old Friends and make New Friends. We are like a Family. Come a little early to Chat with other Players and enjoy Coffee and Donuts ($1 ea.). Bring your Lunch for Your Day at Bingo! There are meat Raffles every week for different Charities, such as Wounded Warriors, Heart, Cancer, Auburn Valley Humane Society, etc. We like Tasting everyone’s Special Dish at Potlucks every other month on the 2nd Wednesday. Our next Potluck will be March 11th. Bingo is from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost is only $13.00 to play all games. (We play paper no machines.) Auburn Eagles (Dottie Thoma Manager) 702 M St. S.E., Auburn, Wa. Attention All Brothers and Sisters: We will be having our yearly Joint Celebration of life for our dear departed brothers and sisters of Auburn #2298 Please come join us……. Date: 8 Sunday March 15th 2015 Time: 2pm Potluck to follow Place: Auburn Eagles Chairmen Sandi Barron & Sharon Crain HAPPY ST. PATRICT’S DAY!!! First off I want to say “Great Job” to Lou Putman on her French Dinner for Valentine’s Day and the whole successful Heart Ball . The money you made will be a huge amount to add to the Max Bear Heart Fund. Now on to St. Patty’s Day dinner coming March 14th the profit will be going to Wounded Warriors another very worthy charity, so let’s all have a good dinner and fun for the Wounded Warriors. May the road rise up to meet you at the Auburn Eagles 2298; May the wind be always at your back, so join us for an Irish Dinner; May the sun shine warm upon your face while you enjoy Corn Beef and Cabbage; And rains fall soft upon face as you enjoy the accompaniments of soda bread and potatoes; And until you we meet again if you don’t like Corn Beef and Cabbage, you can enjoy bangors and mash potatoes (an Irish sausage); May God hold you in the palm of His hand as you participate in the live auction supporting JBLM Wounded Warriors! We would love to see more faces at our Aerie, I know we are all busy, but please remember this is your Aerie so why not use it for your enjoyment. We exist for our members and our members should be proud to say “We belong to a Non-Profit organization with no middle man (our money goes straight to charity). The more of us that participate means more going to help others. We can take, say, $500 and turn in into $5,000 by applying for grants to Eagle headquarters at Grand, we earn money sometimes at the rate of $1 from those who can give, but we need our members to rekindle that fire in ourselves that says we want to be there for ourselves and for others, We Are “People Helping People”. Look forward as always to seeing you soon, Pam Lindsey ATTENTION ALL SISTERS: This is just a heads up, for it’s that time of year again when you can start think about wanting to be an officer. How YOU could help our Auxiliary be Bigger AND Better. THE EASTER BUNNY IS COMING!! The Kid’s Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 4th at 11:00 A.M. Bring a car load of Kids (12 and under), family and friends All Welcome! BRING some NEW ideas for us to try!! So please consider it, we would really appreciate YOUR help! We do need help with candy (no Peanuts or Peanut Butter Please) Please bring in by March 23rd we will also be needing lots of help on Wednesday March 25th at 7:30 P.M. stuffing eggs. Our nominations will start in April and our elections will be May 11th, 2015. Thank You, Nominating Committee: Contact Co-chairmen: Frank Lonergran and Colleen Shilling Sandi Barron 253-941-0116 , Connie Brown 206-931-5597 , Colleen Shilling 253-797-9755 4 Proposed Changes to the Auburn Eagles BYLAWS 6 Proposed Changes to the Auburn Eagles BYLAWS 6 AUBURN BANNER AERIE AUXILIARY VOL. 32 Tim Shaver…....……….Jr. Past President……....…..Connie Brown Michael Bruns………………..President………….………...Pam Lindsey MAILING ADDRESS February 2015 NO.2 MONTHLY PUBLICATION AUBURN AERIE #2298 Larry Lindsey…………...Vice President……..….Kathy Underwood Frank Lonergan.…………..Chaplain………...…...….Colleen Shilling 702 M St. S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 AUBURN AUXILIARY #2298 702 M St. S.E. Dick Kendo……...…………..Secretary…………………..Verna Murray Auburn, WA 98002 Ernie Robinson……………..Treasurer………………….….…Eve Smith PHONE - CLUB: (253)833-2298 AERIE: (253)735-3180 John Downs…………..…….Conductor…...…..…. AUXILIARY: (253) 397-4394 Chris Stevenson...……....Inside Guard………..……….Dottie Thoma Jack Maley………...……..Outside Guard………......Kim Humphreys Bud Larson…………………….Trustees……………….….…Faye Founds Ron Snow Garry Stearns Barb McKinlay NOTE: Sunday Music for the month of February will be: Joan Rhyner Jim Mattern Wally Barron Music & Dancing Every Friday & Saturday 7:00 pm to 11:00pm Sunday from 5pm to 9pm & Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm Come & Join the FUN 8 Second Ride FEBRUARY Bands FEB 6th & 7th - Jack LeDuc FEB 13th & 14th - Rangers FEB 20th & 21st - DoubleBack FEB 27th & 28th - Rock & Roll Magic Play BINGO! For as little as $13.00 Tuesdays & Fridays 6:30pm to 9:30pm Auxiliary BINGOWednesday 10:30am to 1:30pm If you would like to advertise with the AUBURN EAGLES. Contact [email protected] for pricing. 8 FEBRUARY IMPORTANT DATES FEB 2nd Joint Meeting FEB 8th District Meeting - Mt. Rainer FEB 14th Heart Ball 5-6:30p FEB 18th Aerie & Aux Interviews FEB 23rd Aux Initiation & Meeting FEB 25th Aerie Initiation & Pot Luck Club Hours: Monday—Thursday: 11:00am till Midnight Friday & Saturday: 11:00am till 2:00am Sunday: Noon till Midnight Kitchen & Dining Room Hours: AERIE &AUXILIARY AERIE & AUXILIARY F.O.E. #2298 Monthly2298 SunshineMonthly Report F.O.E. Sunshine Report GET WELL Dorothy Maples Vince Manka Ron Snow Joan Rhyner Yetta Litavee SYMPATHY Donna Patterson Kerri O'Dell THINKING OF YOU Kathryn Hutton GOD BLESS AND BE KIND TO ALL Sandi Barron & Colleen Shilling Office Depot Discount Program Office Depot Discount Program: FOE members can still save big on Holiday shopping at Office Depot! Save up to 80% off of already great pricing online OR in stores. For in-store savings, don't forget to print off you Store Purchasing Card from the website. First time online shoppers can save an additional 15% off by entering coupon code 50591873 at checkout (some exclusions apply, see site for details). Visit! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Did you know that $650 funds a Special Olympic Athlete for an entire year? My initial goal for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics of WA was $2500. With AMAZING supporters like you, I was able to raise $6500!! That funds 9.5 Athletes for a full year!! It also made me the Top Law Enforcement Fundraiser at this year’s plunge. I completed the Super Plunge-diving in the Sound every 1/2 hour for 8 hours for a total of 21 plunges on Friday, Feb 6 & then 2 more on Feb 7 at the more public event. I sure hope you will continue to support me next year. My goal for the 2016 Super Plunge is $10,000!! I'll be starting fundraising again in the fall. If you, anyone you know, or a business willing to sponsor me, please let me know. Thank you again! FOE 2298 Auxiliary member, Kristi Bridgman WOUNDED WARRIORS Their goal is to transition Warriors and their Families either back into duty or as a vital member of the community by giving them Dignity and Independence. As a 20 year Vet. I support Wounded Warriors and have been your chairman for the last 2 years. During this time our District (district #7) has joined Auburn’s Auxiliary and Aerie in our quest to help. In the past 2 years we have collected approx. $6,000. This money goes directly to the Wounded Warriors and not to administration and stays in Washington State at Lewis and McChord Base. Please help with your donations. Larry Lindsey Chairman—253-632-8247. Search for WE’RE ON FACEBOOK “Auburn Eagles Aerie 2298” or “F.O.E.2298” then save it to your favorites to keep up with ongoing events. 2 Did you know that you can get all this information and more on our NEW website? or WWW.AERIE2298.COM
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