PUBLIC NOTICE City of Dumont OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS DUMONT CITY COUNCIL UNAPPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2015 The Dumont City Council met in special session Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dumont City Hall with Mayor Edwin L. Mouw presiding. Present were Council Members Brenda Baldwin, Reid Menken, Jan Reysack and David Shear. Chris Showalter was absent. There were no visitors. The Clerk went through the proposed budget numbers for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 with the Council. The Clerk will prepare the budget for submission with the numbers presented. Shear moved to adjourn. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. ATTEST: Edwin L. Mouw, Mayor Rhonda L. Schmidt, Attest Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE Ryken Engineering NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY OWNED TANGIBLE OR REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Ackley, Iowa, at Ryken Engineering; 739 Park Avenue; Ackley, Iowa; 50601 until Noon, on the 10th day of March, 2015 for the following materials salvaged from the demolition of a city owned building that was approximately 100 years old: Bid Package #1 consists of Wood Lumber of an unknown species. There are approximately the following number of boards of the following approximate dimensions: • 26 boards are 3 inches thick x 13½ inches wide x 34 feet long • 28 boards are 1½ inches thick x 9½ inches wide x 36 feet long • 9 boards are 1½ inches thick x 9½ inches wide x 24 feet long • 30 boards are of variable thickness, width, and length Bid Package #2 consists of metal H and I beams. There are the following number of beams of the following approximate dimensions: • 2 beams (bolted together as one unit) are 16 inches x 34½ feet • 2 beams (bolted together as one unit) are 16 inches x 37½ feet • 2 beams are 8 inches x 13½ feet • 4 beams are 12 inches x 16 feet • 2 beams are 8 inches x 8 feet Bid Package #3 consists of mechanical parts to a freight elevator. There are the following components: • Motor • Gear Box • Drive Wheel • Pulley • Counterweight • Misc Bid Package #4 consists of 2 metal framed sliding windows (one has broken glass). Their approximate dimensions are 5 feet x 5 feet Bid Package #5 consists of a concrete block embossed "GARAGE". It is approximately 6 feet long. Bids received will be opened and tabulated in City Hall by the City Clerk and Project Engineer at 1:15 p.m. on the 10th day of March 2015 at Ackley City Hall. Once opened and tabulated, any of the top three bidders for each bid package who are present will be allowed to verbally raise their bid for that individual package only. The bids will be presented to the City Council and considered at its meeting to be held at 7:00 PM on the 10th day of March, 2015, or at such later time and place as may then be fixed. All bids must be filed on or before the Noon deadline previously stated. All bids shall be made on forms furnished by the City, and must be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope and plainly identified. Each bid shall be accompanied by a letter certifying that the items purchased shall be reused and not be disposed of in a landfill along with what the purpose of reuse is. No bidder may withdraw a bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities. The Council reserves the right to defer acceptance of any bid for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after the date bids are to be received. If accepted, one (1) bid will be accepted for each bid package. Successful bidder shall not remove any items contained within their bid package until the City has received payment in full for that particular bid package. However, successful bidder shall remove all items contained within their bid package by April 1, 2015. Any items not removed by April 1, 2015 shall be forfeited to the City for their use or resale. Bidder is responsible for loading all items at their own cost and expense. Once the bids are approved by the City Council, the items shall immediately become the property of the successful bidder. The City shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any items after this time. Items may be inspected Monday through Friday during normal business hours by contacting Ryken Engineering, 739 Park Avenue, Ackley, Iowa 50601; phone 641-847-3273. Copies of photographs and bid forms may be obtained by contacting Ryken Engineering, 739 Park Avenue, Ackley, Iowa 50601; phone 641-847-3273. Published upon order of the City Council of Ackley, Iowa. Cyndee Roskens, City Clerk Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICES HAMPTON CHRONICLE • SECTION A PUBLIC NOTICE Mott Terrace Hill Sanitary Sewer Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE City of Hampton OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS HAMPTON CITY COUNCIL UNAPPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2015 The Hampton City Council Regular Session was called to order at City Council Chambers by Mayor Brook Boehmler at 6:00 p.m. Council members in attendance were Meghan Freie, James Davies, Dyanne Pralle, Jay Hickman and Richard Lukensmeyer. Steve Harms was absent. Mayor Boehmler invited those present to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. Mayor Boehmler called for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion by Lukensmeyer. Second by Pralle. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Boehmler gave the report from the Council Workshop of February 23, 2015. Public Comment: Mayor Boehmler invited those wishing to make public comment to address the Council. Old Business: None. New Business: Mayor Boehmler called on applicant for new liquor license for Hacienda Vieja Family Mexican Restaurant, 115 1st Street NW, Hampton, Iowa, to address the Council. Motion by Davies, seconded by Lukensmeyer, to approve the new application for liquor licensing, submitted by Hacienda Vieja Family Mexican Restaurant, 115 1st Street NW, Hampton, Iowa. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Boehmler referred comment to WWTP project engineer Tom Madden of SEH to review details of two contractor pay requests submitted for work completed on the project. Motion by Freie, seconded by Pralle, to approve Pay Request #5 to King Construction in the amount of $103,724.08. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Lukensmeyer, to approve Pay Request #3 to Wapasha Construction in the amount of $90,406.75. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Boehmler called for a motion to approve new firefighters with the Hampton Fire Dept. Motion by Hickman, seconded by Freie, to approve adding the names of Destry Skjefte, Alex Felderman and Michael Behn to the roster of firefighters on the Hampton Fire Dept. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Boehmler referred comment to City Manager Dunt regarding the review of draft of Ordinance amendment to Chapter 69.12; Snow Emergency Regulations. Council consensus was to move forward with the first reading at the March 12th Regular Session. Mayor Boehmler called for a motion to approve claims. Motion by Pralle to approve claims, as recommended by Staff, totaling $115,439.76. Seconded by Freie. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Hickman to approve the Consent Agenda, including previous minutes as drafted from publication from the Thursday, February 12, 2015, Regular Session, scheduling a Special Session on Monday, March 9, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., at City Council Chambers for adoption of Fiscal Year 2016 Budget, with Council Work- shop immediately following the Special Session, and scheduled the next Regular Session for Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. Second by Lukensmeyer. Motion approved unanimously. Staff Reports given by Chief Bob Schaefer, Police Dept., noting some burglary cases have happened recently. Doug Tarr, Public Works Director, reviewed his report and advised persistent cold temps may pose a threat to some water service lines freezing, so it would be advisable for the public to test water temp at homes and businesses to avoid frozen lines. Ron Dunt, City Manager, who encouraged everyone to register for emergency alerts through, which will be another good communication tool for public safety information. Dunt also advised the City’s new website format is ready to go live. Council Reports given by Pralle, Freie and Davies. Motion to adjourn by Lukensmeyer at 6:45 p.m. Second by Hickman. Motion approved unanimously. Adjournment 6:45 p.m. Attest: Ron Dunt, City Manager Mayor Brook S. Boehmler City of Hampton Financial Report Claims for Approval Advanced Systems Inc, Equip Maint ...$202.59 Advanced Tech Solutions, Misc Contract .......... ...........................................................$262.50 AgSource Laboratories, Lab Testing .....$73.50 American Marking Inc, Operating Supply .......... .............................................................$27.00 Americinn of Hampton, PR ....................$79.90 Aramark Uniform Services, Bldg Maint..$33.58 Bodecker, Shonda, Shelter Refund .....$100.00 Bound to Stay Bound Books, Books....$621.12 Butson Snow Removal, Snow Removal ............ ...........................................................$840.00 Campbell, Don, Refund .........................$25.00 Center Point Large Print, Books ............$83.28 Central Iowa Distributing, Operating Supply...... ...........................................................$313.10 Centurylink, Phone ................................$53.92 Courier, Periodicals .............................$287.77 Culligan Water, Bldg Maint ....................$27.95 D&L Sanitation Inc, Waste Disposal ......$66.00 ERA, Lab Testing .................................$328.83 Fareway Stores Inc, Reading Prog/Opn House .............................................................$29.21 Fastenal Co, Maint/Supply ..................$164.49 Ferris, Jeffrey, Training ..........................$35.00 Franklin Co Recorder, Recording Fees ...$7.00 Franklin REC, Utilities..........................$628.87 Git-N-Go Convenience Stores, Fuel ....$211.40 Globe Gazette, Periodicals ..................$351.00 Globe Gazette, Operating Supply........$296.40 Guideposts, Books ................................$17.74 Hampton Chronicle, Operating Supply ..$51.00 Hampton Hardware, Bldg Maint Supply ............ .............................................................$15.99 Heiman Fire Equip, Equip Maint ............$66.00 Helmke, Alison, Shelter Refund ...........$100.00 IA Dept of Public Health, Prof Fees .....$105.00 IAMU, Training .....................................$679.23 Ingram Library Services, Books & AV Materials ........................................................$1,402.33 Interstate Motor Trucks Inc, Veh Maint ..$48.72 Iowa Communications Network, Telephone ...... .............................................................$26.06 Iowa Library Services, Prof Fees.........$120.00 Leaf, Office Supply ................................$86.70 Library Journal, Periodicals .................$129.99 Mastercard, Av/Books/Postage ...........$406.74 Mastercard, Postage/Training/Tools/Maint ........ ........................................................$1,096.79 Meredith Books, Books..........................$25.95 MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities ........$506.95 Mid-American Research Chemical, Equip Maint ..................................................$144.90 Murphy’s Htg & Plmbg, Bldg Maint Supply ........ .............................................................$77.27 Mustard Seed, The, Books ....................$13.93 Naber, Eugene, Refund .........................$25.00 Office Depot, Office Supply .................$110.09 Overhead Door of Mason City, Bldg Maint ........ ...........................................................$166.00 Petroblend Corp, Tree Removal ..........$104.60 RCSI, Utilities ........................................$33.90 Redneck Inc, Radios ...............................$7.71 School Library Journal, Periodicals .....$129.99 Schumacher Elevator Co, Elevator Maint.......... ...........................................................$423.45 Schumann Aviation, Contract Fees ..$2,601.00 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc, Engineering ........ ......................................................$12,059.89 Simmering-Cory Inc, Prof Fees ........$3,173.00 Spud’s Body & Paint, Veh Maint ..........$150.00 Staley, Chantel, Shelter Refund ..........$100.00 Staples Credit Plan, Office Supply ........$24.68 Steven E Pearson CPA, Prof Fees ........$65.00 Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ............... ........................................................$1,009.79 Tri-Tech Inc, Operating Supply ............$112.27 Tyler Technologies Inc, Training ..........$125.00 Unumprovident Corp, Disability Ins .....$741.18 USA Today, Periodicals .......................$297.80 Van Wert, Brenda, Prof Fees .................$43.27 Vessco Inc, Captl Equip....................$1,534.94 Wellmark BCBS, Health Ins............$23,188.86 Wickwire, Nicole, Janitor .....................$300.00 Witte, Michael, Shelter Refund ............$100.00 PAYROLL CLAIMS, Payroll Expense [02/02/15 - 02/15/15] .....................................$58,541.64 TOTAL ..........................................$115,439.76 FUND TOTALS GENERAL ......................................$27,783.75 GENERAL - L.O.S.T./POOL ................$105.00 LIBRARY ........................................$10,639.98 ROAD USE .......................................$7,567.83 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .................$23,300.84 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT..........$3,173.00 CAPITAL PROJECT - WWTP.........$12,059.89 WATER OPERATING .....................$18,749.43 SEWER ..........................................$12,060.04 TOTAL ..........................................$115,439.76 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE Board of Supervisors PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Petition OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UNAPPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2015 Be it duly noted these minutes of 2/23/15 are UNOFFICIAL minutes. The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30AM with Board members Michael Nolte-Chairman, Corey Eberling and Gary McVicker present. Motion by Eberling, seconded by McVicker, approves the agenda as submitted with the addition of: 1) Transfer of funds from Farm to Market account to the IDOT for Project #BRS-C035(72)-60-35 box culvert on S25 and Project STP-S-C035(73)-5E35 S13 from Hwy 3 to Meservey. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves the minutes of 2/17/14. All ayes. Motion carried. Public comment: Gabe Johanns-IT Director and Micah Cutler-GIS met to ask questions on the hiring process of a full-time GIS Coordinator for Franklin County. Committee Updates: Statewide Supervisor’s meeting update; DD #48 update-waiting for NRCS wetland determination; DECAT/Empowerment juvenile concerns in Franklin County; Farm Bureau meeting 9:00 AM Jay Waddingham-County Engineer updated the Board on a few proposed projects for the five year plan. Motion by Eberling, seconded by McVicker, accepts the State’s transfer of funds from Farm to Market account to the IDOT for Project #BRS-C035(72)-60-35 box culvert on S25 and Project STP-S-C035(73)-5E35 S13 from Hwy 3 to Meservey All ayes. Motion carried. Gospel Hall update on the carpeting of the ramp, roof, handrails, and painting. No action taken. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Eberling, approves forty (40) 2014 Family Farm Applications and 5 Applications for disallowance as recommended by the Assessor and presented, contingent on state funding of the program. All ayes, motion carried. The Board acknowledged Manure Management Plan Renewals for: 1) Marton/Elk Run Heinz Finisher Farm, #57745, owner Elk Run Farms Inc, site located 1691 40th St, Ackley, Sec 27, Grant Township; 2) TD Farms LLP Site 1 Finisher Farm, #61852, owner TD Farms LLP, site located 1816 Indigo Ave, Latimer, Sec 5, Marion Township; 3) F038, #59319, owner Christensen Farms LLC, site located 1180 220th St, Sheffield, Sec 23, Richland Township; 4) Pals New Life, #62563, owner Richard A Pals, site located 305 170th St, Alexander, Sec 21, Scott Township; 5) Pletsch/Bud Finisher Farm, #58337, owner Iowa Select Farms LLP, site located 412 220th St, Alexander, Sec 22, Wisner Township. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, adjourns at 11:00 AM, until March 2, 2015. All ayes. Motion carried. ATTEST: Michael Nolte, Chairman Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board TO ELISEO RIVERA, JR. (OR) ALL PUTATIVE FATHERS OF A CHILD BORN ON THE 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 2014 IN THE STATE OF IOWA You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of court for Franklin County, a Petition For Termination Of Parental Rights in case number JVJV500443 which to a child born on the 5th day of March, 2014. Further details contact the clerk’s office. The Petitioner’s attorney is Brent J. Symens. You are notified that there will be a hearing on the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights before the Iowa District Court for Franklin County, at the Courthouse in Hampton, Iowa on the 6th day of April, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.. /s/ Debra Bausman CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, IA 50441 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on February 25 and March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE Corn Belt Power Cooperative STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION Corn Belt Power Cooperative, Humboldt, Iowa, is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda. gov. CORN BELT POWER COOPERATIVE Humboldt, Iowa Karen K. Berte, Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration BUTLER COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Allison, Iowa Craig Codner, Manager FRANKLIN RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Hampton, Iowa Francis Buckel, Manager MIDLAND POWER COOPERATIVE Jefferson, Iowa William McKim, Manager PRAIRIE ENERGY COOPERATIVE Clarion, Iowa Becky Bradburn, Manager PRAIRIE ENERGY COOPERATIVE Garner, Iowa Becky Bradburn, Manager Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. 13 PUBLIC NOTICE Probate NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE NO. ESPR500912 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALVIN WALLACE MENSING, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Alvin Wallace Mensing, Deceased, who died on or about February 1, 2015. You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of February, 2015, the last will and testament of Alvin Wallace Mensing, deceased, bearing the date of the 12th day of October, 1995, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Todd Alan Mensing was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is therefore after forever barred. Dated this 12th day of February, 2015. Todd Alan Mensing 211 Taft Street Coulter, IA 50431 Executor of Estate G.A. Cady III, ICIS PIN No: AT0001386 Hobson, Cady & Cady, PLC Attorney for Executor 9 First Street, SW PO Box 456 Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-2555 Date of second publication 4th day of March, 2015. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on February 25 and March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE Franklin General Hospital Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE City of Dumont OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS DUMONT CITY COUNCIL UNAPPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2015 The Dumont City Council met in regular session Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dumont City Hall with Mayor Pro-Tem David Shear presiding in the absence of Mayor Mouw (who will be attending after his Butler Co. Emergency Management and Butler Co. E9-1-1 Service Board meetings). Present were Council Members Brenda Baldwin, Reid Menken, Jan Reysack, David Shear and Chris Showalter. There were no visitors. In time for public comment, the Council touched on a complaint concerning cars parking on residential lawns. Currently, there is nothing in the Dumont City Code restricting this parking. At this time, Mayor Edwin L. Mouw arrived. Showalter moved to approve the minutes from our January 8, 2015 meeting as published and the minutes from our February 5, 2015 budget workshop. Shear seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Menken moved to set the Public Hearing on our Fiscal Year 2015-2016 City Budget for Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. A motion was made by Showalter to approve the Kwik Star Liquor License #BC0013215. Shear seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Reysack presented Ordinance No. 266: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUMONT, IOWA, BY AMENDING PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO CIVIL CITATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT OFFICER BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Dumont, Iowa: SECTION 1. SECTIONS MODIFIED. Section 3.04 CIVIL CITATIONS and Section 145.01 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa, is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof: 3.04 CIVIL CITATIONS. The Mayor or his/her Designee authorized by the City to enforce this Code of Ordinances may issue a civil citation to a person who commits a municipal infraction. A copy of the citation may be served by personal service as provided in Rule of Civil Procedure 1.305, by certified mail addressed to the defendant at defendant’s last known mailing address, return receipt requested, or by publication in the manner as provided in Rule of Civil Procedure 1.310 and subject to the conditions of Rule of Civil Procedure 1.311. A copy of the citation shall be retained by the issuing officer, and the original citation shall be sent to the Clerk of the District Court. The Citation shall serve as notification that a civil offense has been committed and shall contain the following information: (Code of Iowa, Sec.364.22[4]) 1. The name and address of the defendant. 2. The name or description of the infraction attested to by the officer issuing the citation. 3. The location and time of the infraction. 4. The amount of civil penalty to be assessed or the alternative relief sought, or both. 5. The manner, location, and time in which the penalty may be paid. 6. The time and place of court appearance. 7. The penalty for failure to appear in court. 8. The legal description of the affected real property, if applicable. If the citation affects real property and charges a violation relating to the condition of the property, including a building code violation, a local housing regulation violation, a housing code violation, or a public health or safety violation, after filing the citation with the Clerk of the District Court, the City shall also file the citation in the office of the County Treasurer. 145.01 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The Mayor or his/her Designee is responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and moved to waive the second and third readings thereof. Menken seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Ordinance No. 266 adopted. The Ordinance will go into effect upon its publication in the Hampton Chronicle. The Clerk was instructed to send an inquiry to the owner of the former school building requesting an update on his future intentions for the building. Public Works Director, Dennis Burkett, gave an update on the City’s aging dump trucks, water main projects and the 2015-2016 projected street work. There are no new updates at this time involving the Dumont Historical Society. The Council does not wish to obtain a city website at this time. A motion was made by Showalter to approve the tax abatements for 517 Second Street, 917 W. Broadway Street, 408 Cedar Street and 402 First Street. Shear seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. The Council considered the legitimate complaints of a slaughtered animal hanging from a tree in open view within a residential area. The first reading of a new ordinance restricting this practice will be placed on our March 12, 2015 agenda. Baldwin moved to abate all the miscellaneous charges the City assessed to the property at 502 Third Street. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Mayor Mouw gave a brief overview on the meetings he has attended for the City. The Council discussed the seals surrounding the doors of the EMS building and the possibility of conducting an energy audit. The Clerk was instructed to check into the energy audit. Dennis Burkett asked permission to renovate the Park and Rec building by applying a fresh coat of paint and adding paneling to the bottom half of the walls. The Council all agreed to this project. As of today, we have not heard the result of the hearing on February 9, 2015 to declare 502 Third Street abandoned. The Council felt there would be a positive outcome. The City proved its case at the municipal infraction hearing regarding 615 Elm Street held January 3, 2015. The Defendant was assessed a civil penalty of $750.00 plus costs with an appeal bond set at $850.00. Menken moved to send a nuisance abatement letter to the property owner at 621 Main Street regarding their accumulating trash. They also need to remove and maintain BOTH sidewalks to the north and east of their home. Baldwin seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Showalter moved to pay the bills. Baldwin seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. The bills are as follows: EXPENDITURES GENERAL Baker & Taylor, books ............................340.76 Butler Co. Sheriff’s Office, 2nd quarter payment ..................................................4,475.00 Chief Supply Corporation, BCCFG-spanner universal.................................................44.36 Consumer Reports, magazine sponsorship-1 year ........................................................26.00 Dean’s Light Box, Inc., ..... flag pole light repair .............................................................196.64 Debra J. Eisentrager, Barkema grant-Lego’s .... .............................................................205.48 Dumont Implement Co., Inc., top link ......24.10 Dumont Telephone Company, phone/fax/internet ........................................................246.24 Iowa Office Supply, Inc., maintenance contract-copier .............................................15.80 IAMU, 2015-2016 water dues ................459.48 Iowa State University, education materials-Fire Dept. ....................................................187.00 IPERS, IPERS .......................................740.54 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA taxe ......... ..........................................................1,022.56 J & C Grocery, Christmas fundraiser .....194.65 Jodi L. Angstman, mileage ......................11.32 Matt Parrot/Storey Kenworthy, laser checks/utility bills ....................................................47.34 MidAmerican Energy, utilities .............2,436.90 Mid-America Publishing Corp. . publish 1/14/15 minutes ................................................105.89 Miller & Miller, P.C., legal services-trial, etc. ...... .............................................................908.00 Office Express, paper/sign/manila envelopes, . .............................................................107.48 Popular Science, magazine sponsorship-two years ......................................................14.00 Reader’s Digest, magazine renewal-one year .. ...............................................................17.98 U.S. Cellular, cell phone ..........................62.14 GENERAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ....11,889.66 GENERAL FUND SALARIES - JANUARY 2015 ..................................................3,903.75 TOTAL GENERAL ...........................15,793.41 ROAD USE TAX Airgas USA, LLC, cylinder rental .............25.95 Auto Parts, Inc., snow/ice supplies ..........90.64 Central Iowa Distributing, Inc., towel dispensers/towels ...............................................93.60 Dumont Implement Co., Inc., oil, misc. supplies ...............................................................65.70 Hansell Ag Repair, Inc., sharpen chain saws .... ...............................................................65.00 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA .....714.40 IPERS, IPERS .......................................412.73 Kwik Trip, Inc., fuel ................................132.32 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................313.92 Momar, Incorported, snow maintenance/supplies......................................................246.49 Phelps Implement, repair 3 pt. blade .....630.72 Titan Machinery, speaker.........................22.65 Uthe’s Corner Repair, 1986 and 1999 truck repair/axle shafts ..................................3,061.18 ROAD USE TAX ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ......... ..........................................................5,875.30 ROAD USE TAX SALARY - JANUARY 2015... ..........................................................2,016.51 TOTAL ROAD USE TAX ....................7,891.81 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Wellmark, insurance-payroll ..................947.10 WATER Brown Supply Co., flange gasket/hydrant pump/etc. .............................................193.00 Hampton Hardware, tubing, etc. ..............22.60 Hawkins, Inc., chlorine and phosphate ..147.19 Iowa One Call, locate ................................0.90 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA .....510.32 IPERS, IPERS .......................................251.42 Matt Parrot/Storey Kenworthy, laser checks/utility bills ..................................................172.98 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ..................59.11 Municipal Supply, Inc., water meter frost bottoms .......................................................74.27 Treasurer-State of Iowa, sales tax 4th qtr. 2014, ................................................1,250.00 Vivax-Metrotech, repair TX & calibrate ..274.36 Wellmark, group health..........................473.55 WATER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ........3,429.70 SEWER AgSource Laboratories, wastewater analysis.... .............................................................333.50 Dumont Post Office, 1-31-2015 utility billing...... ...............................................................99.96 Dumont Telephone Company, phone & UPS fees ......................................................109.46 IPERS, IPERS .......................................400.70 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA taxes ....... .............................................................789.72 Matt Parrot/Storey Kenworthy, laser checks/utility bills ..................................................172.98 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................630.60 SEWER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ........2,536.92 SEWER FUND SALARY - JANUARY 2015 ..... ..........................................................2,986.86 TOTAL SEWER FUND .......................5,523.78 LANDFILL/GARBAGE Butler Co. Solid Waste Comm., Disposal feeFeb. 2015 ..........................................2,070.25 Jendro Sanitation Services, January 2015 pickup/tags ..............................................1,889.08 Matt Parrot/Storey Kenworthy, laser checks/utility bills ..................................................172.98 LANDFILL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ...4,132.31 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE .......28,810.99 PAYROLL-JANUARY 2015................8,907.12 TOTAL ..............................................37,718.11 AMBULANCE EXPENDITURES - JANUARY 2015 ..................................................1,971.44 GRAND TOTAL ................................39,689.55 REVENUES GENERAL FUND Butler Co. Treasurer, general taxes ....1,354.28 Butler Co. Treasurer, insurance .............452.99 Butler Co. Treasurer, support of public library ... ...............................................................45.14 Mosquito Fund, utility billings.................610.00 Sales tax, utility billings..............................1.58 State of Iowa, local option ..................3,425.36 State of Iowa, liquor license...................390.00 Interest, savings accounts .........................5.18 Ambulance revenue, January 2015 ....2,698.84 Elaine Kiger/Diane Miller, Park & Rec rental ..... ...............................................................25.00 Dumont Wireless, cell tower-two months .......... .............................................................440.00 MidAmerican Energy, Fire Department donation .......................................................250.00 Kesley Electric, Fire Department donation ........ ..........................................................1,000.00 Dorla Ferch, cat license 2015 ....................3.00 State of Iowa, OA/ILL reimb. .................272.58 GENERAL FUND TOTAL ................ 10,973.95 DEBT SERVICE Butler Co. Treasurer, street repayment .. 439.68 SPECIAL REVENUE Butler Co. Treasurer, emergency levy .....45.14 Butler Co. Treasurer, employee benefits284.75 State of Iowa, Road Use Tax ..............5,722.48 SPECIAL REVENUE TOTAL ..........$ 6,052.37 WATER FUND Metered sales, utility billings ...............3,850.07 Over payments/credits, utility billings ....140.02 Tower maintenance, utility billings .........748.00 Penalties, utility billings............................15.00 Meter rent, utility billings ........................212.00 Sales tax, utility billings..........................376.35 Interest, savings ........................................0.38 WATER FUND TOTAL .......................5,341.82 SEWER FUND Metered sales, utility billings ...............3,777.81 Base rate, utility billings ......................2,663.23 Interest, savings ........................................3.50 SEWER FUND TOTAL .......................6,444.54 LANDFILL/GARBAGE Refuse fees, utility billings ..................4,544.02 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ...33,796.38 As the agenda was complete, Shear moved to adjourn. Showalter seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Edwin L. Mouw, Mayor Rhonda L. Schmidt, Attest WAGES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2014 WERE AS FOLLOWS: Jodi Angstman ..................................11,200.73 Brenda K. Baldwin .................................545.00 Shirley Bierman .......................................80.33 Joseph J. Brown ...............................27,915.03 Dennis Burkett ..................................46,929.52 Debra J. Eisentrager.........................13,819.65 Kenneth C. McKinney ............................181.28 Reid Menken .........................................385.00 Edwin L. Mouw ...................................1,315.00 Jeanne J. Reysack .............................1,086.50 Rhonda L. Schmidt ...........................28,329.60 David E. Shear ......................................455.00 Chris Showalter .....................................455.00 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on March 4, 2015.
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