Holy Family School 815 Stensrud Road SASKATOON SK S7W 0M9 Phone: 306-659-7850 www.gscs.sk.ca - click on our schools, select Holy Family Principal: Mrs. C. Tenaski Vice Principal: Mrs. C. Anning Superintendent: Mrs. J. Weninger Trustee Liaison: T. Hawkins, L. Lambert & W. Stus Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 Greetings From Your Admin Team: Words cannot express how excited we are to finally bring all of our students together under one roof and move into our new school. The staff has been working tirelessly to prepare for our first day together on Monday, March 9th. We can’t wait to see the students’ reactions when they get to finally see our new school for the first time on Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you so much for your support and patience during the last few months. Your calls and kind words have been appreciated! Special thanks to Christine and Wade Schmidt and Bill Johnson for helping us move on Monday. As we transition over the next few days please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns. Please note the following information: Transportation: The transportation services provided to students attending Holy Family will be changing on March 9th. All students who reside within 800 metres of the school will no longer be eligible to ride the bus. Families impacted by this change will have received an email on Friday, February 20 th. Students who reside 800m or more from the school will be contacted by a bus driver on either March 3rd or 4th. The driver will provide an updated bus stop time and location. Please contact First Student Transportation at 306-343-2125 if you don’t receive a phone call from a driver by March 5th. Student Tours: Students will have the opportunity to tour the school on Wednesday, March 4th and Thursday, March 5th. Students will be bussed to the school and will be accompanied by their teacher. Please refer to the following table for classroom times: Date Wed. Mar. 4 9:30am Wed. Mar. 4th 1pm Wed. Mar. 4th 1pm Thurs. Mar. 5th 9:30am Thurs. Mar. 5th 1pm th Classrooms KD & KP & 3B 1B & 2&3O 4B, 4&5L, 5&6M KD, 1H & 2W 6S & 7B Holy Family Open House: Please come tour our new school on Sunday, March 8th from 12 noon to 2 pm. This will be a great opportunity to take a few minutes to walk through the school and see everything it has to offer. We are asking that at this time students and their families attend only and we will provide opportunities for the larger community to tour at a later date. School Traffic and Parking: Please be aware of the 30km speed limit school zone in front of the school. Also there are no U-turns allowed in the school zone. There will be traffic police presence during the first few days to ensure students are safe when walking to and from school. In addition, additional staff have been put in place to help on the first day. There are a few parking restrictions to make you aware of. There is a parking inlet directly in front of the school. When the snow is completely cleared and lines are painted, you will notice angle parking. There will be a designated spot as well as 2 daycare spots closest to the main entrance. We ask that you do not park in these spots. The rest of spots are quick drop offs where you can park, drop off your child(ren) and proceed out. There will be a one way traffic flow entering on the north end of the building and proceeding south. There will be no parking on Stensrud Road directly in front of both schools since this area is reserved for busses. Parking will be available on the other side of Stensrud Road but we strongly encourage crossing at the corner of Willowgrove Blvd and Stensrud Rd. There will be ample parking in Willowgrove Square. Lastly, the staff parking lot, which is located on the North side of the school, is reserved for staff and daycare workers. Unfortunately there are no spaces available for parent parking. A map clarifying this information will be provided at the Open House. C. Tenaski C. Anning Principal Vice Principal Holy Family Kindergarten Information Night We are excited to host our Parent Kindergarten 2015-2016 Information Night at our new school at 815 Stensrud Road on Wednesday, March 18th at 7PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet our staff, see our new school and hear about the rich early learning program that will be offered. Babysitting will be available. DATES TO REMEMBER… ***Please refer to the March calendar which is included with this newsletter.*** Friday, March 6th Classes cancelled while staff setup the school for classes on Monday. Monday, March 9th First day of classes in our new building. Wednesday, March 11th 4PM GSCS Track Meet at the Saskatoon Field House Library News….Battle of the Books Congratulations to Emily H., Monique M., Logan R., Rachel U. and Alexis W. on representing Holy Family School at the Battle of the Books. This was our first year entering as Holy Family School and I was very proud of our students and their efforts! Mrs. Lorenz, Teacher-Librarian Thinking about Kindergarten for this fall? We are accepting registrations for Kindergarten 2015-2016! Children who will be five years old by January 31st, 2015 are eligible to start school in September 2015. We are a safe, friendly Catholic school that helps each of our students reach their full potential. At Holy Family School we nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to serve others, so they can make the world around them a better place. Call us at 306-659-7850. We are hosting our Kindergarten Information Night for parents on Wednesday, March 18th at 7PM in our new school at 815 Stensrud Road. Learn more about our school division at www.gscs.sk.ca. We are rooted in faith, growing in knowledge, reaching out to transform the world! Conferences and Progress Reports Holy Family staff is committed to supporting student learning throughout the year and communicate that learning to students and their parents. Although this communication is ongoing, there are three formal reporting periods that are scheduled throughout the year. The time for our second reporting period is nearing. The reporting process for this term will involve three aspects: 1) Our 3-way conferences have been set for Thursday, March 26th from 3:45PM to 8PM and all day on Friday, March 27th. There will be no regular classes for students on Friday, March 27th. The conference is intended to encourage students, parents/guardians and the teachers to openly communicate as equal partners. They also encourage the student to accept responsibility for their academic progress. 2) Portfolios will be sent out to provide evidence of your child(ren)’s growth. 3) Progress Reports will be sent home on April 2nd. These represent a summary of student performance during this second term. Parents/Guardians are invited to come into the school to sign up for the conference time which is most convenient for them. The sign-up sheets will be posted by the gym starting on Tuesday, March 17th until Wednesday, March 25th. The daycare doors are open between 7:30AM and 6PM. If you are unable to come by during the school day, please feel free to stop in on your way to work or on your way back home. School Clothing Order forms for school clothing, as well as samples, will be available during three way conferences. Hoodies, sweats and t-shirts will be available. Playground News… Thank you to everyone who has submitted recipes for the Holy Family School Playground Cookbook Fundraiser. We are extending the submission deadline until this coming Friday, March 6th. We are still in need of more recipes to make this a successful fundraiser so if you have not had a chance yet to enter yours, we encourage you to do so this week! The instructions are listed below: Online Cookbook Submission Instructions 1) Go to http://www.cookbookprinter.com/ and at the top right hand side of the page enter: Username: HolyFamilyPlayground (no spaces) Password: HolyFamilyPlayground 2) Once you have logged in you will come to Welcome to Your Online Cookbook. Select Add Recipe. ***When you click on Add Recipe you will see a link to View Recipe Abbreviations that will open in separate window. PLEASE READ this short page prior to submitting your recipe(s) so that all recipes have the same abbreviations and are easy to follow for our readers. 3) Enter the Recipe Title, Author Name, select a category for your recipe. You will also see a Recipe Notes section when you are adding a recipe. This section is optional and you may leave it blank or add a note about the recipe ie: "Family favorite" or "Picky eater approved". In order to help keep our costs down we will not include pictures with the recipes. 4) Next, click on Recipe Section 1 and enter in all ingredients and instructions for the recipe. There is an option to add separate sections for the recipe if needed. 5) Once you have proofed your recipe and ensured the correct spelling of the title and author name, click on Submit Recipe. After submitting your recipe, you can go back and modify/change your entries at a later time. Log In and select Modify Recipe to bring up all recipes that have been entered/started. Click on your recipe and modify as needed. Email Recipe Submissions Email your recipe including author name(s), recipe title(s) and recipe instructions to [email protected] If you have any questions about submissions or problems with the website please contact: Jill Rauckman [email protected] Krissy Simonson [email protected] Laura Johnston [email protected] NOTE: If you own a business and would like to have your business name listed in our cookbook as a sponsor, please contact us for sponsorship information. A special thanks is extended to those who attended our Steak Night last night. It was fun filled evening and an opportunity to raise funds for our playground. Thanks to Brandy Pederson and Brett Polanik for organizing this event. “Come Spend Time with Family” Sunday Mass Times 9AM, 11:30AM & 6:30PM 123 Nelson Road Office Hours: 9AM – 4:30PM Monday thru Friday Phone: 306-659-5800 www.holyfamilycathedral.ca Community News… The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation is pleased to invite you to the 15th annual ‘Swing into Spring’ Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday, April 30th, 2015 at Prairieland Park – Hall B. Once again, plans are well under way for a fabulous evening of fun, food, fashions, camaraderie and great prizes. Support school division employees as they step out of their traditional roles to walk the runway in the latest spring fashions. Please check the posters displayed at your school or your parish bulletin boards. Tickets are $70 each and are available through the Foundation office. Phone: 306-659-7003 Fax: 306-659-2013 Email: [email protected] Your presence helps us put faith in education. The Alice Turner Library will be holding board game nights for ages 12+ (including adults) every other Tuesday from 6:30-8:45PM. These sessions will be held every other week and are suitable for game players of any experience level. It may be a good activity for EAL learners as well. The Many Benefits of a Water Bottle in Class – Water lost each day through regular activities needs to be replaced. Not drinking enough fluid can cause dehydration leading effects such as loss of concentration, headaches and irritability. By the time a person is thirsty they are becoming dehydrated. Children rarely drink enough during break times at school and often forget to drink unless reminded. A water bottle within reach provides a great incentive to stay hydrated. In addition, some children find that using a water bottle helps with concentration. In the same way that some adults drink coffee or chew gum, these tools can help increase attention and alertness. Talk to your classroom teacher about rules for use in the classroom.
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