See page 13 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine for all the people who live here March 2015 PRODUCED BY VOLUNTEERS AND DELIVERED FREE EVERY MONTH TO THE 400 HOUSEHOLDS IN THE PARISH OF COLNE ENGAINE COLNE ENGAINE PARISH MAGAZINE MARCH 2015 EDITORIAL THE PARISHES Editor: Michael Estcourt 2 Brickhouse Road, CO6 2HL Tel/Fax: 01787 220049 [email protected] All copy should be sent to Michael. Colne Engaine, Earls Colne and White Colne parishes are cared for by the Team Vicar and Team Curate. To arrange Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, other services or use of the Church contact: Advertising: Terry Hawthorn 6 High Croft, CO6 2HE. T: 01787 223140 [email protected] All advertising should be sent to Terry. Team Vicar: The Reverend Peter Allen St Andrew’s Rectory, 5 Shut Lane, Earls Colne T: 01787 220347 [email protected] Design: Juliet Townsend 14 Oddcroft, CO6 2ET. T: 01787 222459. [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Terry Rootsey Buntings Green Cottage, Halstead Road, Colne Engaine CO6 2JG. T: 07946 096331 [email protected] Team Curate: The Reverend Hugh Mothersole Curate Halstead Area Team, 10 Park Lane, Earls Colne CO6 2RJ T: 01787 222211 M: 07803 699268 [email protected] Church Warden: Mr Desmond Shine 4 Brickhouse Road CO6 2HL T: 01787 223378 [email protected] PCC Secretary: Mrs Rita Prior 21 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EX T: 01787 223867 [email protected] ADVERTISING Our monthly magazine (double issues in July/August and December/January) is delivered free of charge to all 400 households in Colne Engaine and Countess Cross. 1/4 Page 62 x 88mm £10 / £50 pa 1/2 Page 128 x 88mm £17 / £75 pa Full Page 128 x 180mm £20 or £100 pa Cheques payable to Colne Engaine PCC. TO OUR READERS Please remember to mention this magazine if you answer any of the advertisements. We welcome advertising in our magazine, the income from which helps to cover production costs. This does not imply any endorsement or approval of the products and services mentioned in the advertising. FOR THE APRIL ISSUE PLEASE PROVIDE SUBMISSIONS BY 4TH MARCH 2015 Please provide Editorial in Word and Advertising as .jpg file Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 3 WELCOME FROM THE EDITOR I have been asked by many people what is happening on June 20 th in the village this year. Words like “CONEO” and “Independence Day” have been bandied around and few people know what it is all about. Spike Townsend, Chairman of the War Memorial Committee, explains in more detail on page 33 the progress that is being made to raise funds for this community project. So I won’t steal his thunder other than to say that the “CONEO” will be the official currency in the village on June 20th and to ask you all to put June th 20 in your diaries so that as many of you as possible can enjoy the attractions coming to the village on that day. Something for everyone I am told. My thanks to Terry Hawthorn for standing in as Acting Editor during my absence in December. My son-in-law landed a job in Barbados and I couldn’t stay away. A great place with a character all of its own. If you are thinking of going there be warned that it is an expensive holiday resort. Grace Carey has been running our Toddlers Group on Wednesday mornings for three years and participating for eight years. Now her youngest son is starting school shortly she is looking for someone to take over from her. Grace explains more on page 32. So, volunteers please. You know you will love it. I am sure that all the Mums who have seen Grace’s commitment and efficiency would like to thank her for looking after their children on Wednesday mornings. Finally may I draw your attention to the fact that Bible Reading Fellowship has changed its name to “Seekers” so as to give it more relevance in today’s society. See page 5 for more details. Michael Estcourt, Editor T/F: 01787 220049 E: [email protected] FOUR COLNES MAGAZINE, MARCH 1915 Colne Engaine: Among the latest announced casualties in the war, occur the names of Pte Scott Fairbank, killed in action on January 26th. He formerly lived in this parish with his parents at Elm Hall; and also of Lieut. Louis Courtauld, RAMC, wounded, a nephew of Mr George Courtauld, JP, of Cut Hedge. The Roll of Honour in the Church Porch now contains 42 names from this parish. Contributed by Neville Bird 4 LETTER FROM THE REVEREND HUGH MOTHERSOLE I am not very observant: I can often walk past something and not notice it. Car keys may be on the table but when asked if I have seen them, I have to go looking for them: when asked to look for one thing, I often don’t notice another - my concentration is on what I have as a priority at that time. Peter last month talked about the Lent journey and our self-inspection being part of that journey; and in The Month for February Bishop Roger, in his Thought for Lent, talks about seeing the world in a new light. He quotes our former Archbishop, Rowan Williams, as saying that the journey in Lent is about recognising the tap on the shoulder from Jesus and turning around: ‘You are not looking at where it is really happening. If you turn around you would see that you really do belong. Turn around and you’d see that you are welcome. Look at me. Trust me. Believe me.’ My concern is that I don’t notice the tap on the shoulder. I may come to a crossroads on the journey and not recognise the path I need to travel - I may in fact miss the crossroads altogether if my concentration, my priorities, are on other things. Crossroads on our journey are important. In the book of Jeremiah: ‘This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk it, and you will find rest for your souls.’’ I miss the opportunity to travel the good way because I am not concentrating, I am not noticing the gentle tap on the shoulder - my priorities are on other things. Of course we have many things we need to do, but what are the really big things that are my priority - and where does God fit in this? A story that has been around for many years is about a talk given to young people joining a business by an older manager. The older manager walked into the room and placed a large glass jar on the table saying that this represented each day and that the jar would now be filled up as we fill each day. She picked up a bucket of large stones and fitted in the three or four that reached to the top of the jar so that no more would go in. She then asked the audience if they thought that the jar was full. They confidently said ‘yes’. She then picked up a bucket with gravel in it and poured that into the jar, filling in the spaces. She asked the audience again if they thought that the jar was full. They were much less confident. She then poured sand into the jar filling up more spaces. The audience were silent. She then poured water into the jar. The manager asked the audience what this demonstrated, and the reply was that it is always possible to squeeze more into a jar that seems to be full. She replied that this is true, but we all know that we can squeeze more in if we try. However, the real meaning is that if we don’t put the big stones in first, we will never get them in. If we don’t put our key priorities into the space that is our day, they won’t get the attention that they should - they will only fill in a few spare spaces. As we journey through life the challenge is to make sure that we fit God in as a priority so that, as we find ourselves at crossroads, we may ‘ask where the good way is, and walk it’. We will then be able to respond to the tap on the shoulder, to the gentle voice and be set free each day to walk with confidence with our Lord. Best wishes, Hugh Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 5 Lent Groups: Magnificent Jesus In this Lent study guide, Wendy Virgo explores the rich images in John's Gospel which reveal Jesus as the magnificent Saviour who meets all our needs. We follow Jesus' ministry as His encounters with ordinary people unfold new aspects of His character. The course books costs £5 and can be obtained from Peter or Hugh. Evening Group Mondays 7.30–9pm Earls Colne Baptist Church, Halstead Road. 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd March Contact Rev Peter Allen 01787 220347 or [email protected] Day Group Tuesdays 10–11.30am 10 Park Lane, Earls Colne 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th March Contact Rev Hugh Mothersole 01787 222211 or [email protected] Lent Soup & Bread Lunch Tuesdays 11.45 am The members of the Lent group are welcome to stay and do please join us even if you are not able to join the Lent group. There is no charge, but you may like to contribute to our collection for a Lent charity. To assist with catering, please let me know if you’d like to come, preferably by the Friday before – thank you. Hugh Prayers for the Parishes 9-9.30am Thursdays All Welcome March 5th & 19th Colne Engaine Church March 12th & 26th 5, Shut Lane The Bible Reading Fellowship group is now called Seekers. Why ‘Seekers’? Jesus said, “. . . Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive, and he who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks” (Luke 11:9-10). Seekers Whether we’ve been Christians for 50 years or five minutes, we’re all seeking to draw closer to God. An important way of doing this is through reading the Bible, discussing what we’ve read and then seeking to apply those insights in our everyday lives. The Christian life is a journey full of joys and sorrows, faith and doubt, peace and troubled times. Group members seek to support each other as they travel and as each person seeks God’s will for their lives. We’re all ‘seekers’ - no-one has all the answers! If you’d like to join us on our journey you’d be very welcome at our next meeting: Thursday 19th March ● 10am at 5 Swallow Field, Earls Colne Future meetings: 16th April at 12 Gardener’s Row, Coggeshall; 21st May at 19 Church Street, Colne Engaine. 6 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 7 SERVICES & READINGS IN MARCH 2015 Sunday 1st March Colne Engaine 8 am Holy Communion BCP Colne Engaine 10 am All Age Service Earls Colne 10 am Morning Worship White Colne 10.30 am Holy Communion BCP Earls Colne 5 pm Evening Prayers Readings Gen 17:1-7,15-16, Mark 8:31-38 th Sunday 8 March Earls Colne 8 am Holy Communion CW Colne Engaine 10 am Morning Worship Earls Colne 10 am All Age Service Readings 1 Cor 1:18-25, John 2:13-22 Sunday 15th March Colne Engaine 8 am Holy Communion BCP Colne Engaine 10 am Mothering Sunday Celebration Service Earls Colne 10 am Holy Communion White Colne 10.30 am Morning Worship Readings 1 Sam 1:20-28, Luke 2:33-35 Wednesday 22nd March Earls Colne 8 am Holy Communion CW Colne Engaine 10 am Holy Communion CW Earls Colne 10 am Morning Worship Readings Heb 5:5- 10, John 12:20-33 Sunday 29th March PALM SUNDAY JOINT SERVICE Colne Engaine 10 am Family Communion CW No other services on this day FROM THE REGISTERS Funerals th 15 January: Burial at Colne Engaine Nobby (Edward) Clarke 22nd January: Burial of Ashes at Earls Colne Charles Cordington PASTORAL CARE Would you or a friend like a visit from a member of our pastoral care team? Mrs. Ann Norris 01787 222015 Mrs. Beryl Amy 01787 223486 Mr. Terry Hawthorn 01787 223140 The Rev Hugh Mothersole 01787 222211 8 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 9 COLCHESTER AREA VOCATIONS DAY “My soul, my life, my all..” The word “vocation” simply means to be called or summoned. God has called each of us by name and therefore we each have a vocation. To be a follower of Jesus is a vocation to live distinctively for Him 24/7. It involves understanding who He has made us to be and what we believe He is calling us to do in His name. And it applies to every area of our lives – home, workplace, community, school and church! If you want to think more about how you are living distinctively for God then come to the Annual Colchester Area Vocations day on Saturday 21st March, 10:00 to 16:00 at the John Owen Barn at Fordham, near Colchester. The day offers input and information about vocation in the widest sense, and also vocation to more specific authorised and licensed ministries in the church. It will give you time and space to think and pray about your own direction in life, workshops, and an opportunity to meet and talk with fellow explorers. This year the day offers opportunities for young people to also explore what God has in store for them. You can register by email or post using the flyer available in church or at the Area webpage where you can also see a YouTube invite from Bishop Roger YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU We are looking for a Churchwarden to join our current Churchwarden, Des Shine. This is a voluntary role with responsibility for overseeing the maintenance of the church, the fabric of the church, all fixtures and fittings and the churchyard. AN AUDIENCE WITH... The Bishop of Colchester, The Right Reverend Roger Morris The role means you would become a member of the Parochial Church Council, reporting on the church (with the other churchwarden) at 6 meetings a year. Bishop Roger was ordained and consecrated Bishop of Colchester on 25th July 2014 at St Paul's Cathedral and was installed on 7th September 2014 at Chelmsford Cathedral. He joins us in The Colnes for an evening at which he will be sharing about his life and role, be open to questions, and generally available to meet and to chat with. Any expenses incurred undertaking this role will be covered. From 7.30pm onwards Tuesday 17th March 2015 If you are interested in helping in your community please contact Rita Prior, PCC Secretary, on 01787 223867. at The Five Bells Colne Engaine All Welcome 10 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 11 JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church has been busy learning about "Daniel & The Lions", they made some amazing masks as you can see! Please join us for the All Age Service in March when we will be having loads of fun. See you there! Alison McKeown & Ginny Jeggo NOTICE OF ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Parish of St Andrew’s Colne Engaine: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in the Courtauld Memorial Hall on 12th day of March 2015 at 7.45pm For the election of Parochial representatives of the laity as follows: To the Parochial Church, 4 (Four) Council representatives. For the appointment of Sidesmen and the Independent Examiner or Auditor. For the consideration of: A Report on changes in the roll since the annual parochial church meeting; An Annual Report of the proceedings of the parochial church council and the activities of the parish generally; The Financial Statements of the Council for the year ending on the 31st December immediately preceding the meeting audited or independently examined; A Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church or churches of the parish; A Report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod; and other matters of parochial or general Church interest. If you are interested in joining the PCC, are a member of the Church Electoral Roll or live in Colne Engaine and are interested in the church community then you are most welcome. 12 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 13 VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE VILLAGE JOINT CHURCHWARDEN, St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine We are looking for a Churchwarden to join our current Churchwarden, Des Shine. This is a voluntary role with responsibility for overseeing the maintenance of the church, the fabric of the church, all fixtures and fittings and the churchyard. The role means you would become a member of the Parochial Church Council, reporting on the church (with the other churchwarden) at 6 meetings a year. Any expenses incurred undertaking this role will be covered. If you are interested please contact Rita Prior, PCC Secretary, on 01787 223867. TREASURER, Colne Engaine Youth Club We are looking for a new Volunteer Treasurer as unfortunately Jane Lewis, our Treasurer since Summer 2013 , is not able to continue in the role. If you can use a spreadsheet you can do this job, which involves about 20 minutes a week to manage the club funds and report at 4 meetings a year. Jane is very happy to support the new volunteer until they’re comfortable and the club will pay for some training if desired. Please contact Juliet Townsend, Acting Chairman, on 07984 794004 [email protected] LEADER, Colne Engaine Toddler Group Due to an ever worsening back problem I sadly may have to give up running our local Toddlers Group. I’ve no idea how long the village has had this group but I’m pretty sure it’s a lot of years. 40? 50? I don’t know. It’s a wonderful place; children can have fun, learn, play and socialise, adults can form new friendships, get support from fellow parents and enjoy a slice of cake and a cuppa. I bet there are still many friendships in the village that were originally forged at the group. I know I have lots. It really is such a valuable place. It is an entirely voluntary role. There is an amount of lifting to set up all the tables, chairs and toys which I’m now finding I’m struggling with, so I’m looking for someone to take over from me. The group is held on a Wednesday and is set up at 9.30, open 10-12. We provide a craft table with some form of painting, colouring, sticking or creating project. At 11 we provide teas, coffees and some cake or biscuits for the adults. Drinks, biscuits and some fruit for the children. Then there’s some (hopefully shared) tidying up and washing up. Finally, the collective is usually very good at helping pack everything away at the end of the session. We get a wildly varying amount of families attending. At its quietest we may have just 4 or 5 adults and their children. At its busiest we’ve had 25! People come from Colne Engaine, Halstead, all the Colne’s, Pebmarsh, even Colchester outskirts. 2 other local groups have within the last couple of years closed so there is increased need locally for these types of groups. If you have a love of children, family support and for our village, and a few hours spare on a Wednesday morning I would love for you to consider helping out. In an ideal world it’s best if 2 people can jointly run the group, or a few on a rota basis. I myself have been attending the group regularly and helping out for 8 years and have been running it for nearly 3. My youngest son is due to start school later this year. For me it will be the end of an era and I’ll miss it. If you can help please do get in touch - I’d love to hear from you and I’d be so sad to see our group have to close. Please contact Grace Carey, Toddlers Leader, on 01787 220219 [email protected] 14 MOTHER, BABY & TODDLER GROUP in the Village Hall every Wednesday morning 10 – 12noon (term time only). £2 per family. Drinks and biscuits for the littlies. Fun, play, art and craft projects and friendly chatter. QUIZ NIGHT You are invited to a quiz night in aid of The Children’s Society! 14th March at 7.30pm Colne Engaine Village Hall Tickets cost £6 each, teams of 6. Please bring your own drinks and nibbles. Tickets are available from Rita Prior on 01787 223867. Tea, coffee, biscuits and the occasional cake for grown-ups. Contact: Grace Carey, 6 The Green 34 Brook Street, Colne Engaine, Colchester, Essex CO6 2TE Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 15 COLNE ENGAINE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Next meeting: Thursday 19th March Speaker: Peter Parker. His subject is “My Stroke - from wheelchair to wind surfing.” Competition: A walking stick Registered child minder in Colne Engaine Contact Jayne on 01787 221864 Email: [email protected] Member of NCMA - CRB checked Insured - Paediatric first aid trained Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in Colne Engaine Village Hall. The WI offers opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn, to widen their horizons and together influence local, national and international affairs. Visitors welcome. Olive Green 01787 222150 Dog Grooming Services All breeds of dog welcome Free Puppy Introductory Visits Collection and Delivery Service available Easy Free Parking Caring, Friendly and Professional Fully Insured Bathing, clipping, hand stripping, nails Loyalty scheme with discount offers available 01787 267888 Cooks Cottage, Twinstead Road, Pebmarsh CO9 2PB ***MICROCHIPPING NOW AVAILABLE*** 16 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 17 OUR PARISH COUNCILLORS Members of the Council work hard to make sure that Colne Engaine remains a beautiful and tranquil place to live. So if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact them. Members of the Council Chairman: Cllr. Darran Lingley Vice-Chair: Cllr. Patricia Taylor Members: Cllr. Alan Barnard Cllr. Richard Jones Cllr. Stuart Rust Cllr. Tim Everitt Cllr. Lucy Orrow 01787 224166 01787 224876 01787 224709 01787 220163 01787 224434 01787 223612 01787 224786 Roles & Responsibilities for the Members & Clerk ESSEX ASSOC OF LOCAL COUNCILS: CLLR TAYLOR & THE CLERK FESTIVAL COMMITTEE LIAISON: CLLR BARNARD FINANCIAL CONTROL: CLLRs BARNARD & EVERITT FOOTBALL CLUB LIAISON: CLLRs LINGLEY & RUST FOOTPATHS & TREE WARDEN: CLLRs TAYLOR & LINGLEY TOWNLAND TRUST: CLLRs LINGLEY & EVERITT FUNDING FOR VILLAGE PROJECTS: CLLR LINGLEY & THE CLERK RECREATION GROUND: CLLR LINGLEY PLANNING LIAISON: CLLRs TAYLOR & RUST VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE LIAISON: CLLR JONES VILLAGE SCHOOL COUNCIL LIAISON : CLLRs LINGLEY & JONES [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Clerk (part-time): Terry Rootsey 3 Box Mill Cottages, Box Mill Lane, Halstead CO9 2DR t: 07946 096331 [email protected] ALLOTMENTS: CLLRs BARNARD & EVERITT YOUTH CLUB: CLLR JONES WEBSITE: CLLRs JONES & ORROW Colne Engaine Parish Council meets at 8pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month, except August, in the Jubilee Annexe of the Village Hall. Public and press are welcome to attend and at the beginning of each meeting a 15 minute Public Session is held for non-members to address Council on items specified on the agenda. Please feel free to e-mail, telephone or post a note through the Parish Office post box about any items you would like added to the Agenda and/ or noticeboard, or anything you would like to report to the Parish Council. 18 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 19 NOTES FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL As I write these notes there is snow on the ground. I hope by the time you read them it is all gone and there are some signs of spring in our gardens. I summarise below some of the highlights from the January Parish Council meeting. The full minutes for the meeting can be seen on the website Mi Community Scheme District Councillor Gabrielle Spray addressed the meeting and updated members about the two schemes put forward by organisations in our village that had been passed to the next round. The project has £162,000 to distribute and there are applications going to the next round totalling £181,000 so clearly some schemes will not be successful. Planning Application: Erection of 3 bedroom house with attached garage for no. 23 Crossways. Some concerns were raised that the property was being “shoehorned” into a small space with narrow access. The matter was put to the vote and it was resolved that the Parish Council should offer no objections. Appeal to planning inspectorate re: refused planning application for change of use of land to site three yurts for use as tourist accommodation and erection of ancillary utility building at Nightingales Farm, Brickhouse Road CO6 2HJ. Members saw no new information or comment to support this Appeal and it was resolved that the Clerk should advise the appropriate authority of this and that the Parish Council stands by the representations made in its letters of 10 th January 2014 and 11th April 2014. Copies of which were forwarded to them in the pack of papers from Braintree District Council. 2015/16 BUDGET AND PRECEPT REQUEST The budget was approved and the Precept application was signed at the meeting by the presiding Chairman and the Responsible Financial Officer. Roll on summer. Regards to all, Terry Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Colne Engaine Parish Council 3 Box Mill Cottages, Box Mill Lane, Halstead CO9 2DR t: 07946 096331 [email protected] 20 Luxury top of the range mobile toilet trailers for hire. We cater for any wedding, party or event from 50 to 500 people Bespoke toilet trailers handmade to a superior finish with white porcelain sinks, oak trimmings, chrome fittings, hot water, flowers and music. They arrive sparkling clean and fully equipped with soft toilet tissue, hand towels, luxury soap, hand cream and a range of toiletries. All we need is a standard 13amp power supply. Call Ginny Jeggo now on 01787 220358 or 07792 424061 or [email protected] Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 21 ‘Mother’s Day, Sunday 15th March Please join us to celebrate Mothering Sunday with your loved ones! We will be offering a fabulous menu, please book your table as early as possible to avoid disappointment as it’s one of our busiest Sundays of the year! St Patrick’s Day, Tuesday 17th March We will be celebrating St Paddy’s Day in style at the Bells, there will be plenty of Guinness, Irish food & other beverages available! National Pie Week, 2nd – 6th March Please message us on Facebook with your favourite pie & our kitchen team will strive to have this on the menu during this week. You can be sure that our legendary Chicken & Ham pie will be making an appearance! Mill Lane, Colne Engaine, CO6 2HY · 01787 224166 · · @The_FiveBells 22 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 23 TAP, TAP, TAP Walking through the woods as February wears on there are definitely signs of spring to be seen – and heard. A sound that dominates is the rhythmic drumming of the Great spotted woodpecker, a fast repetitive burst, the pneumatic drill of the animal kingdom. If you hear it you can often pinpoint where the bird is; follow the sound and look for a tall dead tree- somewhere near the top you may see the little black and white bird, with red feathers on the bottom. The male also has a patch of red on the back of his neck. They are about the size of a blackbird and will usually be clinging in a very upright position to the tree. The Great spotted woodpecker also has a very distinctive flight pattern, dipping up and down as it flies, so you can spot it even if you can’t see the markings. Whilst flying it also often gives a loud “chick, chick, chick” call. The reason for the drilling on the dead trees is a display, aiming to attract members of the opposite sex. It is not just the males that drum, the females do too. Whilst the rapid drumming, that can be heard up to half a mile away, is nothing to do with finding food, the woodpeckers also use their strong bills to prise open dead wood and remove bark to find the insects below. Woodpeckers have very sticky tongues which they use to grab their food. They can also excavate their own holes in dead trees to nest and roost in, but like most creatures, if there’s a ready made nest they’ll save themselves the effort and take that! You will have noticed by now standing dead trees are crucial to the Great spots life cycle. There has been a tendency for people to over tidy our woodlands, for aesthetic and perceived safety considerations, but this is actually very damaging for many species. Decaying wood is a home for so many insects which form a really important part of the food chain. If they are left to decay they will also return their nutrients to the soil. Another species of woodpecker has become incredibly difficult to see. The Lesser spotted woodpecker is the Great spot’s little cousin, the same size as a sparrow. It has higher pitched sounding drum, which is now rarely heard. When I started birdwatching as a child there were places we knew we could go to see them, but no longer. There is some discussion that Lesser spots favoured Elm trees, so the epidemic of Dutch Elm disease hit them very hard. Their population has reduced by more than 60% since 1968. Look out for these striking birds this spring, I’ve seen Great spots down by the Colne below the church, and if you find a Lesser spot tell me where! Hannah Elkington 24 WALKING THE GREENS Some may like to walk the wastes of Greenland, but others take their exercise in the gentler landscape of valleys, woods and fields around Colne Engaine! In the winter you may not want to heave on heavy boots to traipse through mud, but it’s possible to enjoy a pleasant walk along the lanes, taking in some of the nine old greens. From The Green (Prior’s Green), walk through the church yard and down Station Road, or, if you prefer, cut through the Rec and skirt round the field (not officially a public footpath, but used as one). At Jubilee Corner, the junction with Elms Hall Road (and I would love to know at what Jubilee that was given its name), is the next green, Gallifants Green; Gallifants lived in Brook Farm in the 19th century. 1. Prior’s Green 2. Gallifants Green SAY IT WITH FLOWERS THIS EASTER The Lily Fund If you want to remember a special someone at Easter, perhaps you would like to donate £1.50 to The Lily Fund by depositing the money in the donations hole on the wall at the back of the church. I will be very happy to arrange these lovely flowers on Easter Saturday ready to celebrate the day on Easter Sunday. Mothering Sunday Posies Daffodils for the posies for Mothering Sunday will be organised at a later date, information will be at the back of the church soon. Janie Estcourt 01787 220049 Please support The Lily Fund Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 25 Follow Elms Hall Road along, almost parallel to the river; if you turn round as you reach the top of a gradual rise, you can enjoy an excellent view of the village, tumbling down the hillside from the church, with the pub tucked in behind. At the end of Elms Hall Road is still a significantly-sized green, Ansteys Green. 3. Ansteys Green Climb up Goldingtons Hill and cross the main road at Buntings Green (named after Richard Buntynge, 1523), now traversed by the road, and continue along with Knights Farm on your right hand side. When you come to a fork in the lane, take the left hand fork to arrive at a crossroads on Pebmarsh Road. There is now no sign here of Potmans Green (called Tolmans Green on a copy of a 19th century OS map we have), though when we moved here 30 years ago, there was still a scrap of grass at the Brickhouse Road side of the junction. Turn right down Pebmarsh Road to arrive at what must be the largest green in the village, Booses, named after the Bousers who were there in 1494. 4. Buntings Green You should be able to get back to the (village) Green within an hour but, as with all walks round Colne Engaine, how long it takes depends on how many people you stop to chat with. If you want a longer walk, you could do an extra loop up Over Hall Hill to Countess Green and then right to Lawshalls at the end of Mill Lane. If you’re counting, you’ll have reached eight greens. The ninth was Street Green, which used to be on Brook Street, at the site now occupied by Colne Heights. I have taken this information about the Greens from a wonderfully detailed booklet on Colne Engaine Village Church and Parish by Vernon Clarke, © 1986. Cate Gunn 5. Potmans Green 6. Booseys Green 26 POPPY BOOK CLUB The Poppy Book Club has been running for a number of years and meets approximately once every six weeks on a Wednesday evening, generally at the Five Bells. We all bring a choice of a book and vote as to which one we read then review at the next meeting. It is all very informal and we generally have a meal (optional), chat over the book and have a general gossip! If you would like to join us, we always look forward to welcoming new members. The next meeting will be on 4th March at 7pm (for meal) or 7.45pm for book review at The Five Bells. If you want to come prepared, the book we are currently reading is “All Cheeses Great & Small” by Alex James. For further information please contact Rita on 01787 223867. PEARTREE BED & BREAKFAST Jill & Chris warmly welcome you to their 17th Century cottage in Colne Engaine. 2 double bedrooms plus cosy sitting room and private facilities. Countryside views & walks. English or Continental breakfast. T: 01787 223348 M: 07919 200646 COLNES FOOTPATH ASSOCIATION March Walk: Sible Hedingham area Date/Time: Sunday 1st March 2pm Meet at: Car park behind the Co-op in Sible Hedingham Details: Andy & Astrid 01376 552028 EARLS COLNE LIBRARY Opens on Tuesday & Friday, 1-5pm and Thursday & Saturday: 9am-1pm. 38 High Street, Earls Colne. 01787 223565 MOBILE LIBRARY Thursdays: Mar 12th & 26th at the Primary School at 11am for half an hour. Fridays: Mar 13th & 27th on The Green at 11.55am then on Brook Street from 12.30-12.45pm. Don’t be caught without a good book! Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 27 COLNE ENGAINE DRAMATIC SOCIETY Watch this space for Colne Engaine Dramatic Society's next production which will be one of our popular 'Supper Evenings' in early June. For those new to these events we will be putting on a selection of short plays and then serving a lasagne supper during the interval. Prices and dates to be advised. GARAGE & SHED SECURITY Whilst most houses have adequate security, what is often neglected is the shed or garage. “Nothing much in there,” I hear you say, “just a garden spade and fork.” But these are perfect tools for a burglar to use to get in your house. Adds insult to injury when the tool used to break into your house is your own - so give it some attention. Garages and sheds by the nature of their construction and position, especially when away from the house, are always going to vulnerable. Quite often the supplied locks provide just the barest minimum security and are easily overcome, so always consider supplementing the existing locks with further locking systems both for the doors and items within. On garage doors this could be by adding locking bolts to both sides of the “up and over door” or a garage door defender in the ground in front of the door. If you have a side door, don’t forget this too. With sheds, coach-bolt and plate the padlock hasp sections to the frame and door, using a good quality “Close Shackle” padlock. Don’t forget the hinges - ensure they cannot be unscrewed. Consider using “Ground Anchors” or “Shed Shackles” to chain larger items to (again good quality padlock and chain); keep chains tight so that they are not in contact with a surface they can be struck against. Protect windows with a wire mesh and fit a curtain or white wash the windows to prevent prying eyes. Visibly security mark your property with your post code and house number - this reduces the value to the thief. You can even register serial numbers free of charge at . There are also a number of commercially available security marking systems available that are suitable for a wide range of products and others for specific products. It is also worth fitting a shed alarm to the shed or garage and adding security lighting. These are relatively inexpensive and available from most DIY/hardware stores. If siting a new shed where possible position it within sight of rooms in the house routinely occupied. Products that are fit for purpose can found by looking for the "Secured by Design" or "Sold Secure" logos, or on their websites or http:// . 28 FRIENDS AT COLNE ENGAINE SCHOOL (FACES) Well we’ve kicked off this year’s Fundraising with a great fun Coin Trail. Inspired by the learning topics this term the children created some huge images on the school hall floor, made out of hundreds and hundreds of coins. The younger children are currently learning all about the Tudors and so they worked on a huge crown. The older 2 classes’ topic is the ancient Egyptians. Their images were the words Colne Engaine School spelled out in hieroglyphics and some pyramids (hastily added as we had so many coins). An hour’s earnest counting later and we raised nearly £115! Not bad for lots of handfuls of loose change. We’ve also held a Clothes Aid collection for which we’re awaiting a total of the amount raised. This month we’re looking forward to the first disco of the year. You can also continue to help Colne Engaine School by doing your online shopping via Grace Carey FACES Secretary [email protected] T: 01787 220219 Oscar Lingley ready with his bags of coins Connie Macdonald and Caitlin Teasdale Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 29 COURTAULD MEMORIAL HALL & JUBILEE ANNEXE TRUSTEES: Chairman: Stuart Rust 01787 224434 [email protected] Treasurer: Ron Steele 01787 223852 [email protected] Lindsay Lane 01787 223073 [email protected] Geoff Marcoolyn 01787 222334 [email protected] Alistair McMillan 07720 847883 Secretary: Valerie Trew 01787 222956 [email protected] Hall Manager: Rachel Owen 07969 354393 [email protected] COURTAULD MEMORIAL HALL 1 Station Road, Colne Engaine FOR ALL YOUR SOCIAL NEEDS Receptions, Discos & Dances, Children’s Parties, Auctions, Exhibitions, Meetings AMPLE CAR PARKING For full details telephone 01787 223668 A POST CHRISTMAS POEM BY CEDRIC JANICUS Christmas is over with wrapping piled high One might consider a crisis is nigh But no, we are saved year upon year By the actions of persons who have not a peer. These are teams who clean up our streets They come early morning so not easy to meet, They collect all our rubbish and recycling debris So our streets and our gardens are a joy just to see. These are the teams in your road called the Dustmen Now Refuse Team is more normally their name Add to their number the Recycling Team And you have arrived at the crème de la crème. To these brave men we take off our hats Hold fast to our dogs and lock up our cats To say to them all, thank you so much For taking our rubbish with such stylist touch. 30 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 31 Do you want to share your love of Singing with others? The Kelvedon Singers, a Chamber Choir of between 20 and 25 voices based on the Essex/Suffolk borders is seeking to recruit new members. The Choir is conducted by Christopher Phelps, a renowned conductor, composer, arranger and ex head of conducting at the Colchester Institute. Rehearsals are accompanied by a professional pianist. The Choir sings at least three programmes a year, ranging from the liturgical canon, through baroque, classical and modern music to lighthearted arrangements of jazz, country, pop and songs from the shows. Performances take place in many different venues, including Churches, are frequently in aid of Charities, and most frequently in the Essex and Suffolk region. However, we regularly travel further afield and have sung many times in SW France, in Ely Cathedral, Wimborne Minster, at Snape Concert Hall, St Luke’s Church in Chelsea, the Menin Gate and many other exciting places. This year we will be deputizing for Liverpool Cathedral choir for the Sunday services on 24th May. We are particularly looking for tenors and basses, but would be happy to hear from all voices. We rehearse on Monday evenings in Coggeshall and would ask for reasonable sight-reading ability. We do not audition, but a period of ‘probation’ gives our director and new members a chance for mutual assessment. The choir hugely enjoys sharing their love of music, and having fun while we do. Come and join us. Please contact Celia Edey: [email protected] or 01376 561288 32 CEWM: COLNE ENGAINE WAR MEMORIAL: UPDATE We have a lot to update you on the month about the project, including some major events that we are planning. The month of March saw 3 Colne Engaine men killed in WW1. Betram Bixey was killed in France in 1917, Frank Wright was killed in Palestine in 1917, and George Boreham was killed in France in 1918. Later in the year we will have the 100th anniversary of Stanley Butcher, Killed in Gallipoli in 1915. It is around the events leading up to his death that we will running our first fund raising event. The Essex Jailbreak - 18th April 2015 This year, The Colne Engaine War Memorial Fund are again entering 2 teams to raise funds for our cause and the Essex Boys and Girls Clubs. This is an event that also helps fulfil our objective of helping young people. The aim is to get as far as possible in 15 hours without spending any money or breaking any laws. The objectives this year are: Team 1 - Darn the Dardenelles: To reach the Helles War Memorial on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey to lay a wreath under the name of L/Cpl Stanley Butcher, 5th Suffolk Regt, a Colne Engaine man who died in the campaign and is commemorated there. The 25th April 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the start of the Gallipoli Campaign and in accordance with our motto of remembrance and reconciliation we will also be laying wreaths at the Australian and New Zealand Cemetery at ANZAC cove and the main Turkish war memorial. The Team members are: Spike Townsend, Darran Lingley, Alison Jones and Gareth Jones. Team members will be dressed in WW1 costume. The 15 hour time limit is very tight and we can not afford anything to go wrong to succeed !! Team 2 - The Essex Pub Crawl This team will try and visit as many pubs and venues in Essex as possible in the time limit. They will be doing this in WW2 costume and will be aided by a WW2 truck. They will also be collecting in Chelmsford, Marks Tey and Stanway. The team members are: Duncan Clark, Jane Roach, Mike Estcourt, Nigel Warwick, Des Shine Neither team would be able to achieve either objective without the help of our sponsors and special friends who include: Adnams Brewery, The St Arnold Group, ISR(UK) Consultancy Ltd, MGH Garage, Mark Walsh, Betty The WW2 Truck, Popular Nursery Marks Tey, Sainsbury Stanway. If you would like to donate to this event and helps us support two worth causes please visit our page at: Thank you for helping us reach our target. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 33 Independence Day Quiz Night -19th June 2015, Marquee on Recreation Ground This event will raise money not just for CEWM, but also for FACES, St Andrews Church and the Festival Committee. Tickets will be £6pp and teams of up to 10 people are encouraged. Stephen Hector has agreed to be the Master of Ceremonies for us – so fun is guaranteed. Tickets will shortly be available from Pub, Shop or if you e-mail me [email protected]. Please help us raise a load of money in aid of these worthy village groups and charities. A licenced bar will be provided. SAVE THE DATE 20thJune 2015 Colne Engaine Independence Day Colne Engaine Independence Day -20th June 2015 This is our major fundraiser and involves a day of events, displays and a full 1940’s state banquet in the evening. We have already confirmed military vehicle displays, military reenactors, 1940’s dancing lessons, stalls and other activities. Each village household will be issued its own passport for free, with unrestricted travel to the UK, and we will have our own currency. We are encouraging villagers to raise money for their own charities on this day so if you want a stall (free of charge) please let us know asap. The day will culminate in a 250 person 1940’s dinner/dance banquet, which will include an auction of some unique items and an auction of promises for FACEs. Live music will be provided by Fox, Wiggle and Sass and 1940’s dancing lead by A2 Jive. We will also be announcing the Village Awards (more about this is later editions). Dinner/dance Banquet Tickets are priced at £25pp including meal and entertainment. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!! Save 10% on a table of 10 (£225 instead of £250) if purchased before 30 th May 2015. Tickets are available from The Pub, Shop or by contacting me direct. Book early to avoid disappointment. Lastly, if you would like to help us with this project, whether as a committee member, arranging events or You can make a permanent helping us on Independence Day (ever fancied manning investment in the new passport control checkpoints?), then please do not War Memorial. hesitate to contact me. This really is a community based £5 will purchase a brick project so your support and help is vital to us! at The Village Shop, Buy A Brick Spike Townsend, CEWM Chairman 07782 105287 [email protected] The Five Bells or contact Spike Townsend on 07782 105287 or [email protected] 34 CHRIS HAZELL CAR CARE PATIOS BRICKWORK FENCING DRIVEWAYS DRAINAGE FOUNDATIONS ALL DIGGER WORK WATER SERVICE POINT INSTALLATION & REPAIRS All aspects of groundworks and hard landscaping carried out to a very high standard with all work guaranteed. CONTACT: PAUL WHITTLE 01787829396 / 07773474325 [email protected] ALL MECHANICAL WORK TO ALL VEHICLES UNDERTAKEN 30 years experience Servicing MOT preparation and testing General Vehicle Repairs Collection and Delivery Service 07814 559583 / 01787 223348 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 35 Have you got an idea for a cover for this magazine? Send your design to the Editor and you may find yourself a cover star! The magazine is produced in Microsoft Publisher, so please submit designs or ideas as .jpg, .png or .pub format. ? 36 Earls Colne Tandoori Restaurant & Takeaway We welcome holders of the Gourmet Society Card and The Taste Card Free bottle of wine for a table of 4 (please mention when ordering) Free home delivery on take-away orders over £15 110 High Street, Earls Colne Tel: 01787 223380 / 222983 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 37 WHIST DRIVES In the Village Hall - 6.30 for a 7pm start on Friday March 27th. A light hearted game of whist, coffee interval & raffle. Everyone is welcome - we’re always looking for new faces. Profits to the Village Hall Improvements Fund. DO COME AND JOIN US Ring Frances Simmons on 222872 for more information. Future dates: April 24th. School hall available for evening or weekend lettings If there are any local groups looking for somewhere to meet our school hall is available from 4.30pm to 10pm each evening and also at weekends, term time only. Mon - Fri before 6:00pm £13 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) after 6:00pm £15.50 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) Sat & Sun £15.50 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) For more information please call Bev Coltart on 01787 222717 A.Birkin & Sons FUNERAL DIRECTORS In excess of 100 years of a caring service for bereaved families. Arrangements can be made in your own home, independent family firm, 24 hour service. Private Chapel of Rest Memorials & Pre-payment plans, Woodland Burials Market End, Coggeshall CO6 1NH Telephone: (01376) 561316 or 561779 Fax: (01376) 561011 38 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 39 MOTHERS UNION March Activities Firstly I must thank Carol Quinn, retiring from her post as Treasurer (for many years) for all the service she has given to our MU branch, keeping the books in order! Thank you so much, Carol. This is a busy month, beginning with the Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday 6th March. There will not be an official service that day; however, the church at Earls Colne will be open to all from 10am to 12 noon to everyone for prayer and fellowship to mark this special day. International Women’s Day falls on Sunday 8th March. Elizabeth Elliot, Christian author and evangelist” wrote, “The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman”. Read this in our Families Worldwide Prayer Diary, 29th March. We hold our Lent Communion this month in Earls Colne Church on Tuesday 10th March at 2pm and on this occasion we welcome a new member who will be introduced and admitted to our branch. We also remember Lady Day, 25th March, the Feast of the Annunciation. “Mary heard the word spoken in her inmost heart. Mary bore the word and held him in her arms.” Getting Together at Colne Place We will meet at 10.30am on Tuesday 17th March for coffee and fellowship at Colne Place. Please join us if you are able, all are welcome. Our get together in January was most successful, with a good number of residents joining us for a chat. We celebrate Mothering Sunday on Sunday 15th March. Make a Mother’s Day gifts may be given as an alternative tribute to mothers and grandmothers, to support ‘another mother’. Leaflets can be found at the back of the church. The collection from our Lent Communion Service on Tuesday 10th March will be donated to ‘Make a Mother’s Day’, so please give generously. Heavenly Father, You hold all possibilities in your hands and nothing is impossible with you. Make known your will for each one of us, though we may ask, “Who, me?” Take us as we are and accept all we have. Let it be with us according to your word Amen Beryl Amy 40 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 41 HALSTEAD & DISTRICT CHORAL SOCIETY SCHUBERT AND FRIENDS Schubert’s Mass in G along with works by Mendelssohn and Bruckner Saturday 21st March 2015 · 7.45 pm Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Halstead Tickets: £10 in advance from Frank Smith & Sons and Bromleys, both in Halstead High Street; and from Ziel in Earls Colne High Street; or £12 on the door. BARN DANCE Saturday, March 7th (6.45for 7pm) Queen’s Hall, Chipping Hill, Halstead Jacob’s Creek Ceilidh Band Tickets (including a Ploughman’s Supper): Adults £10, under-16s £5, under-3s free, Family Ticket [2 adults & 2 children] £25. Tickets available from: David Ainge (473002) or Sue Bennett (478759), Bromley’s, Halstead and Ziel’s, Earls Colne (or Beryl, Mina, Liz and Margaret at Earls Colne Church) Bring your own Drinks. PLEASE also invite your friends along - it's bound to be a great evening! Registered Charity No: 1072277 EARLS COLNE HERITAGE MUSEUM Current Exhibition: 1914 Centenary An exhibition to commemorate the start of World War 1 which includes the village as it was, recruitment, village hall hospital, losses, celebrating peace and the war memorial. Opening Times: Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays, 2-4pm. Admission free. The Old Water Tower, Massingham Drive, Earls Colne CO6 2SZ 42 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 43 COLNE ENGAINE PRIMARY SCHOOL Our KS1 children had a fabulous day out at Layer Marney Tower recently, as part of our learning all about Kings and Queens, especially King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. Our children looked amazing! They were dressed in fine Tudor outfits, as they immersed themselves in learning about what life might have been like for children at that time. These are some of the facts they discovered:Did you know that if you were over 7 years old you were a grown up and that you would have to work for nine or ten hours a day? (Otto) Did you know that ladies were sewn into their dresses and wore them for ages! Poor people only had one set of clothes! (Bella) These amazing drawings were the result of lots of ‘Growth Mindset’ learning where the artists worked hard to develop and refine their work – aren’t they fantastic? Well done Daisy and Finlay! Glass was really expensive so if people moved house they often took the window glass with them! (Lewis) If you wrap a cheese in stinging nettles and bury it 30cm under the ground, it will stay fresh for months! (George) Did you know that when I stayed at Layer Marney Tower, I hung my clothes in the privy, where the smell would scare the moths away! (Jack) 44 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 45 Remaining Club Nights this term are 7-9pm on 6th, 13th & 20th March. Contact: Juliet Townsend 07984 794004 [email protected] TUTOR GCSE KS4 MATHS BOOKKEEPING/ ACCOUNTANCY Tuition in your own home on a one-to-one basis. Many years experience. Reasonable rates. Accounting/Bookkeeping Service also offered. Contact Tony 01787 224589 SENIOR CITIZEN’S LUNCHES WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT TO LUNCH EVERY FORTNIGHT? Three ladies from Crossways Church Fellowship cook a 2-course meal for up to 40 people at Earls Colne Village Hall every other Tuesday at 12.30pm. Sometimes a professional pianist serenades the diners! Cost £3.50. Free transport is available. Next lunches: March 3rd and 17th 46 OPEN ALL WEEK 7am-7pm Plus late night opening on Fridays & Saturdays until 10pm Providing everything you need right here in the village NATIONAL LOTTERY TICKETS NOW ON SAL E FRESHLY BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES FRESH MILK, EGGS & DAIRY FRESH MEATS from The Rare Breed Meat Co. HOMEMADE CAKES BEERS, WINES, SPIRITS, INCLUDING LOCAL SPECIALITIES TINNED & FROZEN FOODS NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES CLEANING PRODUCTS, TOILETRIES, NAPPIES & OTHER HOUSEHOLD ESSENTIALS PLUS WE OFFER A DRY CLEANING SERVICE & LOCAL EVENTS & SERVICES NOTICE BOARD We’re a friendly, family business so just drop in and say hello to Richard, Wendy & Winnie the dog! Want to know if we’ve got something? Ring, email or tweet ahead and we’ll let you know... t: 01787 220163 m: 07977 636624 [email protected] 39 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EY Colne Engaine Village Shop @shopkeeperjones Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 47 Reg & Elsie’s Playmates of the Month Reg & Elsie are a bouncy ginger lurcher and a speedy slate greyhound who look after our designer. Nominate your pet as their playmate by sending a photo and details to [email protected] MARCH: Winnie Jones, the shop puppy. A 7 month old Patterdale Terrier, Winnie is lots of fun and a very good girl! At the moment she mainly likes playing with her toys and running around chasing Sam and Max!!! Her tiny poos are of course properly picked up by the Jones clan. MARQUIS ESTATES Property Sales and Lettings in Halstead and surrounding villages. All types of property continually sought for buyers and tenants. Competitive rates. A personal, professional, reliable service. Established 1990. Contact Jonathan White on 01787 476888 St Andrews Cottage, rear of 21, Head Street, Halstead CO9 2AU 48 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 49 Stephen Strelitz 50 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 51 52 Barry Thompson The Garage Door Man from Earls Colne Electric conversions New springs, locks and cables Replacement gear sets High standards, prompt attention and all work guaranteed Tel: 01787 223264 Mob: 07973 754935 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 53 THE GREAT BRITISH FISH & CHIP SUPPER—15TH MAY 2015 “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people rebuild lives after injury” Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2015 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. In 2015 we want to make the batter matter and raise £40,000 from everyone holding suppers. Last year we raised £20,000 from the suppers. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord injury. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. For more information or to request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email [email protected] or visit 54 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 55 WORD SEARCH Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good New Year. The answer to the word search in the December- January magazine was Jolly. This word search is based on St Patricks Day. I hope you all enjoy looking for the words. Bethany Salmon A I R S Y U G H S I T R K K W E Q L U V X E E D G N P K F S Z S C I R E L A N D D M P F G M K A D G I E T X Z R I A J R F G Z I Z D G W B O W Y T E Y H E P B N C C L O V E R R J J R I G R S T G D V D S F I J Q G R Z O T Q J G G V X T C G Y F I R V L F R L P R J F K P A Y S A H X C K V X C E Z Y C K H H A C O K C G S A I E I X K Z R A I N B O W I K Z Y N B B Y T N B X E U E G U J T Q O Y V S G T Q V T B Q E Z D P W B K T E E C P R L U C K T Y G P Words to find: Clover, Coins, Gold, Green, Ireland, Irish, Luck, Patrick, Rainbow, Saint 56 PUBLIC BUS COLNE VALLEY COMMUNITY BUS Colne Engaine to Colchester No.83 Mon, Weds, Thurs & Sat. From The Green. 9.17am arrives at Colchester Bus Station at 10.10am 1.22pm arrives at Colchester Bus Station at 2.15pm EVERY MONDAY TO BRAINTREE Colchester to Colne Engaine No. 83 Mon, Weds, Thurs & Sat From Town Centre, Head Street 12.18pm arrives at the Green at 1.20pm Saturdays 4.20pm arrives at the Green at 5.15pm. Colne Engaine to Halstead No. 329 Fridays only. From the Green; 11.03am arrives on High St at 11.23am and Butler Rd Car Park at 11.25am. Halstead to Colne Engaine No. 329 Fridays only. 2pm From Butler Rd Car Park and 2.02pm High St; Arrives at the Green at 2.22pm. Colne Engaine to Sudbury No. 323 Thursdays only. From Shellcroft or The Green; 9.35am (Shellcroft) or 9.36am (Green) arrives at Sudbury Bus Station 10.24am Sudbury to Colne Engaine No. 323 Thursdays only from Sudbury Bus Station; 1.30pm arrives at the Green at 2.18pm and Shellcroft at 2.19pm Full details of all the above timetables, including all stops, are available from The service stops in the villages and in Halstead and as long as it is safe to do so, the bus will stop along the route within the village when hailed. For help boarding or leaving the vehicle, or with shopping bags, just speak to the driver. The service is fully accessible, but please would passengers in wheelchairs phone ahead on 01376 557896. FARES, payable on the bus Adult £2 (single or return) 5-16yrs £1 (single or return) Under 5s Free Concessionary bus passes must be shown to receive free transport. Concessionary bus passes are available from Braintree District Council on 01376 551414. Timetable 11.10 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, Colchester Rd 11.13 White Colne, Village Green 11.14 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields 11.20 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies 11.23 Earls Colne, De Vere Road 11.26 Colne Engaine, The Green 11.31 Halstead, Market Hill 11.32 Halstead, Bridge Street 11.55 Braintree, Sainsburys 14.00 Braintree, Sainsburys 14.18 Halstead, Bridge Street 14.19 Halstead, Market Hill 14.24 Colne Engaine, The Green 14 27 Earls Colne, De Vere Road 14.30 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies 14.36 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields 14.37 White Colne, Village Green 14.40 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, Colchester Rd Does not operate on Bank Holidays. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine March 2015 / 57 LIST OF DEFIBRILLATOR OPERATIVES WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT A HEART ATTACK Should you suspect that a person you are with is suffering from a heart attack or they have stopped breathing for whatever reason, Call the Ambulance Service first on 999. When, and only when you have taken this step, you may call any of the trained defibrillator volunteers on this list who will attend with the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and assist you until the Ambulance Service arrive. Name First phone Second phone Darran Lingley 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 07715 991221 (Mob) Richard Jones 07813 746717 (Mob) 01787 220163 (Shop) 01787 223666 (Home) Brian Fleming 07967 949808 (Mob) 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 01787 222080 (Home) Barbara & Geoffery Marcoolyn 01787 222334 (Home) 07771 950735 (Mob) Jo Davidson 01787 223163 (Home) 07815 140568 (Mob) Suzie & Adrian Gasser 01787 224983 (Home) 07714 647696 (Mobile) PLEASE NOTE WE CAN ONLY ATTEND INCIDENTS WITHIN THE PARISH OF COLNE ENGAINE 24 Hour Call Out / All Work Guaranteed / Free Estimates & Advice OFFICE: 01787 475855 41 Broton Drive, Halstead, Essex CO9 3LB 58 EGYPTIAN DANCING With SUZANNA (As seen at the Colne Engaine Review.) Have fun and socialise whilst you learn the beautiful art of Egyptian Dance. Come along and join us at: Colne Engaine Village Hall, Station Road, Mondays from 7pm. £ 5 per class. Have Fun in a Supportive and Friendly atmosphere. Wear loose comfortable clothing, a sense of humour and a smile. For further information call Suzanna on: 07919 220807 59 USEFUL NUMBERS Church St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine 01787 220347 Councils Colne Engaine Parish Council 01787 220200 Braintree District Council 01376 552525 Colchester Borough Council 01206 282222 Doctors The Elizabeth Courtauld Surgery, Halstead 01787 475944 The Pump House Surgery, Earls Colne 01787 222022 Schools Colne Engaine C of E (Aided) Primary School 01787 222717 Honywood Community Science School, Coggeshall 01376 561231 The Ramsey School, Halstead 01787 472481 Police Halstead Police Station 0300 333 4444 Village Amenities Colne Engaine Village Hall 01787 223668 Colne Engaine Village Shop 01787 220163 Earls Colne Post Office 01787 222258 Village Groups Colne Engaine Village Archive 01787 222080 Youth Groups Colne Engaine Youth Club 07984 794004 1st Earls Colne Brownies 01787 224175 1st Earls Colne Girl Guides 01787 220065 1st Earls Colne Rainbows 01787 224913 If you are an officer of a club or group in Colne Engaine and would like to place information about the group’s activities and events in the magazine for free, please contact the Editor (p3). If you would like to advertise your business in the magazine please see the inside front cover for advertising rates. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accountancy Bed & Breakfast Bookkeeping Builder Car Care Carpet & Floor Fitting Chartered Surveyor Childminder Chimney Specialist Computer Services Dancing Dog Grooming Services Double Glazing Electrician Estate Agent Fencing Financial Services Fireplaces Funeral Directors Garage Door Man Garden Services Gas Fitter Groceries Groundworks Insurance Landscaping Luxury Toilets Newspapers Osteopathy Oven Cleaning Painting and Decorating Physiotherapy Plumber Property Services Pub Removals Restaurant School Hall Soft Furnishings Solicitors Swimming Pool Tutor Village Hall Wood Burners 28 26 28 22 34 52 49 15 20 14, 16,17 58 15 16 12 47, 49 18 42, 48 10 6, 8, 37 52 44, 48 34 46 34 40 34 20 46 34 38 36 38, 50 34, 53 57 21 54 36 37 42 42, 44, 52 47 45 29 10 COLNE ENGAINE VILLAGE DIARY: MARCH 2015 1 Sun Colne Footpath Association (p26) 8am + 10am 2 Mon Bellringing Practice, Egyptian Dancing (p58), Evening Lent Group (p5) 3 Tue 4 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p14), Poppy Book Club (p26) 5 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5) 6 Fri Mothers Union - World of Prayer (p39), Youth Club (p45) 7 Sat Halstead & District Choral Society Barn Dance (p41), Over 30s Disco in Village Hall 8 Sun International Women's Day (p39) 9 Mon Bellringing Practice, Egyptian Dancing (p58), Evening Lent Group (p5) 10 Tue 11 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p14) 12 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), Seekers (p5), Mobile Library (p26), Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Parish Council Meeting (p17) 13 Fri Youth Club (p45), Mobile Library (p26) 14 Sat Quiz Night (p14), Station Master Arms Race Night (p51) 15 Sun Mothering Sunday (p7), Mothers Day at the Five Bells (p24) 16 Mon Bellringing Practice, Egyptian Dancing (p58), Evening Lent Group (p5) 17 Tue 18 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p14) 19 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), Seekers (p5), WI Meeting (p39) 20 Fri Youth Club (p45) 21 Sat Colchester Area Vocations Day (p9), Halstead & District Choral Society (p41) 22 Sun 23 Mon Bellringing Practice, Egyptian Dancing (p58), Evening Lent Group (p5) 24 Tue 25 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p14) 26 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), Mobile Library (p26) 27 Fri Whist Drive (p37), Mobile Library (p26) 28 Sat Daytime Lent Group (p5), Senior Citizens Lunch (p45) 10am Daytime Lent Group (p5) 8am + 10am Daytime Lent Group (p5), An Audience with Bishop Roger (p9), St Patrick's Day at the Five Bells (p24), Mother's Union Getting Together (p39) 10am Daytime Lent Group (p5) DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 18th April Essex Jailbreak (p33) Friday 19th June Independence Day Quiz Night in the Marquee (p33) Saturday 20th June Colne Engaine Independence Day (p33)
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