The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4 2015 Page 2 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 NEWS Briefs By Joseph Domelowicz Jr. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick to honor local residents Everett High School Culinary Arts students — From left: Shannon Bernier, Madison Martorana, Ben Joseph, Jose Herrara, Charlie Evans, Megan Eugene, Antoinette Johnson, Raphael DeLima, Dinorah Mejia, and Porshya Perkins. (Missing from photo: Laura Baughman). EHS Culinary Arts students shine at Career Exploration Day Students in Everett High School’s Culinary Arts Department won team and individual honors at this year’s Career Exploration Day hosted by Future Chefs, a Boston-based organization that provides urban teenagers with employment and educational opportunities in the restaurant industry. This year, judges presented Everett’s Culinary Arts Team the “Best Menu Execution” award, while EHS student Madison Martorana received an individual award for “Best Attention to Detail.” Career Exploration Day is an annual Future Chefs youth event that brings together high school students and industry partners for a day of exploration, learning and fun. Students develop and cultivate relationships with peers from other communities and connect with industry professionals who know what it takes to succeed in the food industry. In addition, students present a food-based project they developed within their own culinary arts departments. In doing so, the participants engage in a healthy com- EHS Culinary Arts Student Madison Martorana proudly displays the award she received for “Best Attention to Detail.” petition that allows them to showcase their developing skills. This year’s competition focused on a fast food re-design project. Students from Everett, Quincy, Boston, and Somerville worked in teams to give a healthy spin to their favorite fast food item, while also maintaining the item’s cost-effectiveness. The EHS students worked well as a team to prepare their three dishes. The Entrée Team included Charles Evans, Anthony Le, Raphael DeLima, Ben Joseph, and Megan Eugene. They prepared cellophane noodles, with julienne Shitake mushrooms, Bok Choy, baby leeks, and carrots tossed with Asian sesame dressing. These were served with marinated Asian flank that was sliced thin and rolled around some of the same vegetables that were in the noodle dish. The appetizer team included Antoinette Johnson, Jose Herrara, and Porshya Perkins. They prepared Coconut Chicken served with three different dipping sauces — sweet and spicy cucumber, sweet chili, and Asian soybased. The dessert team included Madison Martorana, Dinorah Mejia, Shannon Bernier, and Laura Baughman. They served three mini tres leche cupcakes each finished with a different topping — Italian meringue, raspberry glaze, and raspberry whipped cream. Judges included representatives from Whole Foods Market, Cambridge Meat Packing Company, and the Hungry Mother Restaurant. Mayor DeMaria continues to support English works campaign A partnership consisting of the Everett Chamber of Commerce, Revere Chamber of Commerce, Malden Chamber of Commerce, The Metro North Regional Employment Board and English for New Bostonians’ English Works Campaign is hosting a free information session for businesses in Everett, Malden, Revere, and surrounding areas on the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Program on Tuesday, March 10th. The Workforce Training Fund Program is a pool of money that, according to the Massachusetts Department of Labor’s website, “provide[s] resources to Massachusetts businesses and workers to train current and newly hired employees.” Any business that pays into the Commonwealth’s Unemployment Insurance system is eligible to receive Workforce Training Fund dollars to train their incumbent workers, and those eligible are especially encour- aged to attend. “This forum will provide an opportunity for our local businesses to learn more about the Workforce Training Fund Program and about how they may provide a valuable service to their employees,” states Mayor Carlo DeMaria, “In order for us to truly be leaders in both government and industry, we have to have a strong workforce. The English Works campaign allows us the ability to teach English and continue to develop an already talented workforce.” Participants in the forum will also discuss eligibility requirements for those who wish to apply for WTFP monies, as well as application pointers and tips. Grants from the Workforce Training Fund Program have been used to train workers in a wide variety of needs, including English language training, new manufacturing production methods, supervisory and leadership skills, and many other topics. First Baptist Church 50 Church Street, Everett, MA Everett business, Whole Foods Market North Atlantic Kitchen recently received a joint recognition award with their partner Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) for offering English as a Second Language classes to their employees. Whole Foods leadership and educators invested in their employees by using a contextualized curriculum that both helped the employees to perform better in their current positions, and prepares them for future leadership positions and job opportunities in the Whole Foods Market stores. The free forum will be held on Tuesday, March 10th at the Malden YMCA at 99 Dartmouth St., Malden, and will run from 8:00 to 10:00 am. Interested parties should contact Fernando Martinez at (617) 982-6864 or [email protected]. THINK OF IT AS AN OWNER’S MANUAL FOR YOUR MONEY. Pastor Larry Russi In Pursuit of Spiritual Excellence Philippians 1:10 PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Sunday Morning Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Service at 7:00 p.m. Hearts and Hands Ministry GENTLY USED ITEMS FOR THOSE IN NEED Call 781-929-1053 The free Consumer Action Handbook. It’s in print and online at Order your free copy online at or write to Handbook, Pueblo, CO 81009. Black Black The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will honor five of Everett’s finest civic and business leaders at their annual dinner on March 15th at 6 p.m. at Anthony’s of Malden, 105 Canal Street. Peg Connolly, Paul Calderwood, Marjorie White, John Hanlon and Salvy Sacro all will be recognized for their various contributions to the city. Connolly’s service to the people of Everett as a volunteer; Calderwood served the people of Everett as a firefighter and Deputy Fire Chief; White was recently named President of the Everett Cooperative Bank but has served in a number of roles during her 40 year career at the bank, Hanlon is arguably “Mr. Everett,” A former Mayor, City Clerk, Alderman and present City Councilor, Sacro has provided affordable housing in Everett for decades. Sal’s development of Glendale Court, Sacro Plaza and the Whitney-Lorenti House has allowed a large number of Everett residents to remain in the city that they loved. Tickets are $30/each and include dinner and laughs! For tickets contact one of our Committee members: John Burley, Atty. Richard O’Neil, Joseph McGonagle, Joseph Curnane, Michael Matarazzo, David Rodrigues, Mi- chael Marchese, John Hanlon, Frank Parker, Rosemary Catterson, Michael McLaughlin, Michael Mangan, Patti Cheever, Al Lattanzi or by calling 617-953-4631. You can also buy tickets in person at Everett Supply Company 403 Main St, Everett, MA. Upcoming events in the Everett Schools Thursday, March 5, Cultural Health Fair at Everett High School from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, Hispanic Honor Society Induction at the Foresteire Center for Performing Arts at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 19, John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Dinner at EHS Cafeteria at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 25, National Honor Society Induction at the Foresteire Center for Performing Arts at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, Winter Classic Concert with the EHS Band at the Foresteire Center for Performing Arts and including the EHS Concert Band, Jazz Band, Show Choir, Rock Band and Vocal Ensemble at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 24, 25 and 26 will be delayed entry for the 9th, 11th and 12th grades at EHS, school starts at 11 a.m. for those classes. City of Everett selected as finalist for RWJF Culture of Health Prize Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett has been chosen as a finalist for the third annual RWJF Culture of Health Prize. As a finalist, Everett is one step further to the RWJF Culture of Health Prize, which honors communities whose efforts illustrate an enduring commitment toward building a Culture of Health for all residents. Selected from more than 340 communities across the country, Everett joins 14 other finalist communities. Winners will be announced this fall. “We are pleased to have advanced as a RWJF Culture of Health Prize finalist community. Our commitment to the health and wellness of our residents is being recognized on a national level,” stated Mayor DeMaria, “Our Health Department, the Everett Public Schools, the JCCHCE, Energize Everett, our Health and Wellness and Recreation Departments, as well as community organizations such as Tri-Cap, La Communidad, and Cambridge Health Alliance continue to have my un- yielding support and encouragement in order to provide our community with more services, more opportunities and more education for healthier and happier lifestyles. They certainly deserve this recognition.” To earn Prize finalist status, the City of Everett had to demonstrate how its efforts to improve health outcomes for residents reflect the six RWJF Culture of Health Prize criteria, which include: Defining health in the broadest possible terms. Committing to sustainable systems changes and policy-oriented long-term solutions. Cultivating a shared and deeply-held belief in the importance of equal opportunity for health. Harnessing the collective power of leaders, partners, and community members. Securing and making the most of available resources. Measuring and sharing progress and results. “The RWJF Culture of Health Prize finalists are transforming their commu- nities to make them healthier places to raise a family, provide jobs, and educate their children,” said Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, RWJF president and CEO. “These inspiring finalists are one step closer to being named 2015 Prize winners this fall.” The RWJF Culture of Health Prize is one pillar of the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. The Rankings show communities where they can improve; the Roadmaps show communities how to take action to expand opportunities for healthier choices, and the Prize honors communities that represent solutions-driven leadership at its finest. Together, these pillars serve as a platform for the Foundation’s vision to build a Culture of Health, now and for generations to come. Find out more at and www. Everett Community Health Partnership – Substance Abuse Coalition Attended CADCA’S National Leadership Forum Representatives from Everett Community Health Partnership – Substance Abuse Coalition (ECHP-SAC) joined more than 2,500 substance abuse prevention specialists and advocates from throughout the country for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America's (CADCA) 25th Annual National Leadership Forum, held Feb. 2-5, 2015 in the Washington D.C. area. “We are happy to be able to spend several days with other similar organizations from across the country, sharing our prevention skills and learning from others so Everett can continue to work to reduce substance use and abuse,” said Jean Granick, Director of ECHP-SAC. “We hope to come back reenergized with new strategies.” CADCA’s Forum covered a wide range of topics – everything from how to prevent prescription drug abuse and heroin use to how to create tobacco-free environments and develop policies to reduce underage and excessive drinking. The forum included a keynote address from Michael P. Botticelli, the new Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), and a panel of 4 former Directors of ONDCP. ECHP-SAC recently completed a comprehensive community health assessment covering a range of topics including leading health indicators, and introduced the public health concept of “social determinants of health.” ECHP-SAC’s poster presentation was titled, “Well-Being of Everett Community Health Assessment: Applying a Social Determinants of Health Lens to Support Coalition Sustainability.” This presentation covered the process of creating the Well-Being of Everett Community Health Assessment’s and its role in identifying priority areas for health improvement, including focused attention on youth and substance use prevention. ECHP-SAC staff also met with Senators Markey and Warren during Capitol Hill Day, on Wed., Feb. 4 during the CADCA Forum. “This was a great opportunity to thank our leaders in Congress for their support of funding community-based substance abuse prevention work,” said Jaime Lederer, Coordinator of ECHP-SAC. CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is the premier and largest training event for community-based substance abuse prevention professionals, coalition leaders and prevention and addiction researchers. The Forum is a four-day event packed with opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight substance abuse and hear from nationally-known prevention experts, federal administrators and concerned policymakers. For details about the more than 70 training sessions and speakers, visit: The Everett Community Health Partnership-Substance Abuse Coalition (ECHPSAC) is committed to bringing together and mobilizing the diverse community of Everett to address issues associated with substance use and abuse while promoting positive health and well-being, especially among our youth. Through a range of prevention efforts, the coalition uses multiple strategies in multiple settings to change the social norms on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. ECHPSAC receives funding from the Drug Free Communities grant for the City of Everett (through the Everett Community Health Partnership) and the Cambridge Health Alliance. Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Page 3 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 EVERETT OFFICIALS, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS TAKE PART IN READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY The Whittier School in Everett celebrated Dr. Seuss on Friday, Feb. 27, in honor of his birthday by having guests come in to read their favorite stories by the author. The school's hallways were covered in in characters from the classic stories and the children wore brightly colored clothing and hats to get in the spirit. Amongst the guest readers were Attorney General Maura Healey, State Treasurer Deb Goldberg, State Sen. Sal DiDomenico, State Rep. Joe McGonagle, Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Supt. Fred Foresteire, Channel 7 Reporter Kimberly Bookman, and Channel 5 Meteorologist Danielle Vollmar. PHOTOS BY KATY ROGERS In the hallway Attorney General Maura Healey discusses with State Rep. Joe McGonagle and School Committee Vice President Bernie D'Onofrio about how pleasant it was visiting the Whittier School. Supt. Fred Foresteire, Mayor Carlo DeMaria, and Principal Jason Brady, with Whittier teachers, are proud to present the Dr. Seuss festivities to Everett students each year. In the hallways, which were decorated in theme with Dr. Seuss stories, State Treasurer Deb Goldberg poses with eighth graders Adrianna Aquige-Plasencia, Anna Clara Thomaz, and Karla Flores. Principal Jason Brady, School Committee Vice President Bernie D'Onofrio, State Sen. Sal DiDomenico, and School Committee President Frank Parker were pleased to hold this event at Everett Public Schools. Mayor Carlo DeMaria reads the most famous Dr. Seuss book of all time to Ms. Staffieri's Kindergarteners: "The Cat In The Hat." Channel 5 Meteorologist Danielle Vollmar was excited to meet all of Mrs. K's 4th grade students. Everett and State officials were pleased to share a reading experience with Whittier students on Friday. EAST BOSTON HILTON GARDEN INN East Boston Hilton Garden Inn is now under construction at 415 William F. McClellan Highway (Rte 1A). This 6 acre parcel had long been vacant and was previously used by the United States Navy as a fuel storage depot. James Karam, President of Fall River based First Bristol Corporation, is developing the five-story, 178-unit hotel just 2.5 miles from Logan International Airport. Kimberly Bookman of Channel 7 was one of many special guests who were invited to read to Whittier School students on Friday. Once completed, the Hotel will include 1,800 square feet of meeting space and space for food & beverage services as well as a restaurant and retail space. Other amenities include a fitness center, business center, indoor pool, sundry shop, and airport shuttle service. The Hotel will provide ample parking with 320 spaces. The project is targeted for completion in the Summer of 2015. Total financing package from East Boston Savings Bank included: • $28.5 million in construction to permanent financing If you’re “Thinking BIG” Think East Boston Savings Bank. If you’re looking to finance a commercial real estate development, call Jonpaul today! Jonpaul Sallese Attorney General Maura Healey poses with Sen. Sal DiDomenico in Ms. Butler's colorful classroom. VP, Commercial Loan Officer Member FDIC Member DIF Black Cyan Magenta Yellow 978.977.8569 [email protected] Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Page 4 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Everett Independent Forum Independent President: Stephen Quigley LETTERS Editor Editor in Chief: Cary Shuman Sen. DiDomenico hosting annual DiDomenico Foundation St. Patrick’s Day Roast Help veterans Veterans Assisting Veterans is an organization that was formed by two Army Viet Nam Veterans in 2010, Bob Fairbain and I – DenSenator Sal DiDomenico will once again be hosting the An- nis Moschella. We met at the nual DiDomenico Foundation St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Mottolo Post VFW in Revere on March 6, 2015, beginning at 6:30 p.m., at the Bunker Hill where we decided to form an Knights of Columbus in Charlestown. In addition to a tradi- organization to help veterans tional Irish dinner, the festivities will include Irish music, step and veteran causes. After both surviving the dancers, comedy by Tony V, a bag pipe band, and the annual Viet Nam War, one tour for presentation of the Golden Shamrock Award to a community leader. Over 70 federal, state, and local elected officials are me and three tours for Bob, also expected to attend and several of them will try their favor- we saw how we were treated ite St. Patrick’s Day jokes. Political figures on the speaking when we returned and we will program include U.S. Senator Ed Markey, Congressman Mike not let this generation of vetCapuano, Governor Charlie Baker, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, erans be treated as we were. In Treasurer Deb Goldberg, Attorney General Maura Healey, Au- our mission statement of VAV ditor Suzanne Bump, and Senate President Stan Rosenberg. our goal is to raise money, This annual event has quickly become a popular St. Patrick's have volunteer directors and give 100% of our proceeds Day tradition in the Greater Boston community. For more information on the event, please call (617) 387- away. We receive no compen3327. Proceeds will go to the DiDomenico Foundation, which sation for our work. We have will fund educational scholarships for high school students, as formed an exceptional committee including, John Macwell as, youth activities throughout the Greater Boston area. Donald, U.S. Air Force Veteran Gulf War, Joe Marchardo, U.S. Navy Veteran Viet Nam Era, John Sarro, U.S. Navy CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Honors // Maher in Math, Anderson Velasquez-Bedoya in Science, Juliana Estabrook in Social Studies, Prima Prajapati in Technology, Jasmine Douglas in Art, Dana Lantion in Music, Brian Spencer in Health and Bryan Ruiz Ramos in Alternative Education. The February Students of the Month are: Slader Mon- tina in English, Paige Fialho in World Languages, Ginna Munroe in Math, Obed Posada in Science, Ysabella Nazareth in Social Studies, Madison Marturano in Art, Victoria Thistle in Music, Michelle Truong Nguyen in Health, Edwin Gonzalez Bonilla in Technology and Nicholas Saloman in Alternative Education. TEXAS ROADHOUSE HONORS EHS STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Two Everett High School (EHS) students who were driving forces in this year’s Kiwanis Club Can Drive were recognized as the Texas Roadhouse Students of the Month for December. Oritsemwensholayemi (Yemi) Okhihan and Kloey Cardillo were selected for their significant contributions to the food drive, which benefited needy families in the community by collecting canned goods during the holidays. Okhihan and Cardillo brought in the most donations among the EHS student body, totaling more than 100 cans of food. For their efforts, they were presented with gift certificates and framed awards courtesy of Texas Roadhouse General Manager Teresa Scoponi. They are pictured above with EHS Principal Erick Naumann and Andy the Armadillo. Everett Independent Published by the Independent Newspaper Group THE Phone: 617-387-9600 • Fax: 781-485-1403 E-Mail: [email protected] Directory Advertising & Marketing Director of Marketing Debra DiGregorio Assistant Marketing Directors Colm Bohill Maureen DiBella Senior Sales Associates Peter Sacco Kathleen Bright Legal Advertising Ellen Bertino Design Director Carol Alagero (classified) Business Accounts Executive Judy Russi Editorial Page Design, Copy Editing Scott Yates Maria Zahiri Kane DiMasso-Scott Reporting Staff Seth Daniel John Lynds Printer Concord Monitor (N.H.) Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Veteran Viet Nam Era, John Dyer, U.S. Army Veteran Viet Nam Era, Tony Palmisano and Bill Plante. We also have an extensive Honorary Committee. Since 2010 we’ve hosted a few successful events. A concert at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium in Lowell, Two black tie events, honoring the Medical Corps, and we are also involved in a program called Music Cures where entertainers donate their time to play music at the Jamaica Plain Veterans Hospital. We work with other veterans groups to raise awareness about the POW/MIA issues and help with chairs that are dedicated in their honor. There are over ninety-two thousand missing service members from all wars. Recently we purchased a $17,000 wheel chair (Trac Chair) for James Crosby of Winthrop, a severely injured Marine from the Iraq war. We’ve donated to Iron Stone Farm in North Andover, which offers horseback riding for injured veterans with PTSD and numerous other injuries. We’ve also donated to the American War Widows (AWP) who are a group of young women who have lost their husbands and children who have lost their fathers. And, Operation Thank You, an organization that visits nursing homes to host small parties for older veterans who are alone, AVBI, American veterans with brain injuries, We are currently donating to Veteran Homestead an organization that provides housing and treatment for veterans and NEADS- Canines for Combat Veterans, they provide service dogs for service members and Wounded Vet Motorcycle Run and numerous smaller veteran grassroots organizations. To date we’ve raised close to 175,000 thousand dollars and donated all of it. “Our motto is all in all out”. We are currently planning for 2015 events. In April at the Mottolo Post VFW we are hosting a fundraiser to raise money to purchase a lift for the Trac Chair to assist James Crosby load the wheel chair into his vehicle. (chair weighs 450 lbs) We are also hosting a concert at a Veterans Hospital in the summer, another black tie event in November and a POW/MIA Chair Dedication to be placed at Revere High School. Because of our current wars our returning veterans need a lot of help especially our severely injured. Our government doesn’t seem to do enough to help; the VA scandal is an example. Our organization and mission is to raise money and awareness to help Veterans and veteran issues. We appreciate anything you could do to help us promote our cause. Dennis Moschella President Veterans Assisting Veterans The community at large stands against hate By Rachid Moukhabir/Zarah Magazine One of the first speakers at a community forum in Chelsea on relations with the Muslim communities in Revere, Chelsea, Eastie and Everett, was a 10-year-old boy who summed up the hopes of everyone in the room. It silenced the standing-room only crowd. “I am an American,” he stated. “I really love both America and Islam. I wish one day when I turn on the TV, there will be no fights about Muslims and how our religion is.” On Friday, Feb. 27, Al-Huda Society hosted a community forum in Chelsea, with local law enforcement and faith leaders to condemn the threatening anti-Muslim notes that were found in Revere last week. The meeting was an opportunity to assess, identify and address the concerns of different members from the community. The panelists were: • Muhammad Ali-Salam, U.S. Department of Justice •Pastor father James Barry, Saint Mary’s Revere •Prof. Mohamed Brahimi, Moderator •Officer Sammy Mojica, Chelsea Police Community Liaison •Pastor Tim Bogertman, First Congregational Church of Revere •Shannon Erwin, Muslim Justice League The panelists made it clear to the audience that any discriminatory acts against Muslims or any other minority groups have to be reported to the police and other government agencies such PHOTO BY RACHID MOUKHABIR/ZARAH MAGAZINE The Al Huda Society, based in Chelsea but having members in Revere, Everett, Chelsea and East Boston, held a forum on relations between the community and the local Muslim community last Friday night in Chelsea. The panelists were (left to right) Muhammad Ali-Salam, Father James Barry of Our Lady of Grace (Chelsea)/Saint Mary’s (Revere), Prof. Mohamed Brahimi, Chelsea Officer Sammy Mojica, Pastor Tim Bogertman and Shannon Erwin. as the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). “These acts are against the law,” said Ali-Salam. “You must report them so they can be documented and investigated by law enforcement agencies." Officer Mojica stated, "We don’t know who these individuals are (in Revere) but I can guarantee you that the law enforcement community will get to the bottom of it and will bring these individuals to justice." In an earlier meeting in Revere, Mayor Dan Rizzo expressed his outrage in an official statement saying, “Revere has grown more and more diverse over time, and the heart and soul of our community beats as one”. At the same meeting with the mayor, Revere Police Chief Joe Cafarelli strongly condemned the signs saying they “will not be tolerated. Not on my watch.” He further stated that the investigation is ongoing and those responsible will be prosecuted to “the fullest extent of the law.” Rabbi Joseph Berman, Temple B'Nai Israel Revere, wrote a heartwarming email to the organizers of Friday’s event as it was described by the moderator. He stated in his letter that “an attack on your honor is also an attack on God. Therefore, it is an attack on our honor.” Professor Brahimi emphasized to the audience that the message is very clear across the board. “Your advocate does not have to be a Muslim,” he said. “We have people from across the spectrum of law enforcement and different religions telling you in clear words that they have your back and you don't have to find refuge on your own. You can find refuge with anyone within the community." Many participants expressed their concerns about the demonization of Muslims by U.S. mainstream media. Pastor Tim Bogertman of Revere’s First Congregational Church responded to their concerns by encouraging the participants to be more involved within the community and build relationships with local media agencies. He said to start inviting them to the Muslim community events and sending press releases to local newspapers to build upon that. Prof. Brahimi recognized the fledgling efforts of Zarah Magazine in trying to make inroads in the community. “Perhaps the Muslim and the Arab American community could support this media experience that has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and make it a strong media project to support the community needs,” he said. The full coverage of this event is available on Zarah magazine’s YouTube channel and it will be broadcast on some local TV stations. Capuano attends Netanyahu speech, but with reservations By Seth Daniel Everett Congressman Michael Capuano did attend the speech on Tuesday morning given to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but said he didn’t approve of the invitation offered by House Speaker John Boehner. “Speaker Boehner should not have issued an invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu, or to any foreign leader, with- out consulting the Department of State and the White House,” said Capuano on Tuesday after the speech. “The Prime Minister, however, was invited and accepted an invitation to address a joint session of Congress. As a supporter of Israel, I felt it was important to hear what he had to say.” Meanwhile, in the neighboring congressional district, Congresswoman Katherine Clark did not attend the speech Tuesday, saying she was deeply troubled by how the invita- tion came down. “At this point in history, with threats across the region and ongoing negotiations to stop Iran from ever developing a nuclear bomb, Israel needs our bi-partisan support,” she said. “That is why I am deeply troubled that Speaker Boehner invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak before Congress not to further strengthen our connection to Israel, but with the purpose of dividing us. This invitation came without consulting the President or State Department and with the false representation that it was a bi-partisan invitation. Speaker Boehner has poisoned a critical foreign policy discussion with partisan gamesmanship. I will continue my full throated support for Israel, but I will not be part of Speaker Boehner’s attempt to divide our Congress and country over one of our strongest allies.” Senator Ed Markey confirmed last week with the paper that he would be attending the speech. ett, co-champion of the Greater Boston League. Head coach John DiBiaso was pleased with his team’s overall effort and the poise it showed before a large crowd. “It was a great team win for us,” said DiBiaso. “Gary Clark and our freshman, Ghared Boyce came up big for us. It was a team win.” DiBiaso said his team responded well when English deadlocked the game in the fourth quarter, “We were able to respond when it became a tie game – we bounced right back. We didn’t get nervous. We kept scoring baskets.” Everett was set to play St. John’s Prep in the semifinals Tuesday night. The winner advances to the Division 1 North sectional finals Saturday. Hoop // CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 his skills in the third quarter as Everett went head-to-head with English in a fast-paced game. Clark also stood tall at the offensive end in the third quarter. Cassesus, McAfee, and Shawn Chappell also turned in key performances for Ever- Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Herald photographer Garfinkel wins Ramsdell Trophy for photo of Mayor DeMaria and wife By Marianne Salza While preparing to cover breaking news stories, Boston Herald photographer, Mark Garfinkel, grabs his two phones and camera batteries, and takes 10 minutes to dress in four layers of clothing to stay warm while shooting in frigid weather. He climbs into his car and turns on his police scanner to listen to the latest news reports. “The nice part of the job is you never know what you’re going to get. The adrenaline is out there,” said Garfinkel, who believes that his energetic lifestyle keeps him young. “The capturing of moments and the human touch is cool.” The Winthrop resident, who has worked in the field since 1987, was awarded 1st place in politics and the Ramsdell Trophy for spot news by the Boston Press Photographers Association (BPPA) 2014. One of the more heralded photographs of Garfinkel’s that won acclaim was of Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria and his wife, Stacy, celebrating the Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s vote to approve the Garfinkel’s award-winning photo of Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria and his wife, Stacy, celebrating last September after the MGC voted to approve a proposal put forth by Wynn Casino, to place a casino in Everett, beating out a proposed Revere casino. (Photo: Mark Garfinkel) proposal by the Wynn Casino. “He had this happy smirk,” remembered Garfinkel. “It was an interesting moment.” Other prize images include a mangled car crash in Brighton, a pigeon intercepting the view of National Guard fighter jets flying overhead, and a photograph of Boston fire Lieutenant Sean O’Brien and four other firemen carrying a severely injured colleague, PHOTO BY MARIANNE SALZA Mark Garfinkel, Boston Herald photojournalist and BPPA award winner. Michael Kennedy, who later lost his life to the nine-alarm Beacon Street fire. “It feels really good. I’m very proud,” Garfinkel said. “I felt that they [BPPA] were honoring a moment of humility. The men and women trying to save that poor man’s life brought me back to that alley.” During a recent Revere fire, Garfinkel strapped two cameras around himself, including a heavy 800mm lens for close-up, long distance shots. He walked 1/8 of a mile to neighboring stairs to capture a view of the back of the house. He trudged through waist-high snow to reach a chain-link fence that he climbed up and reached over to photograph the wall of fire. “It’s exciting to see rescuers and regular neighbors going that extra mile,” said Garfinkel. “It’s life-affirming.” View Mark Garfinkel’s award-winning photographs at www.BPPA/2014-contest. City of Everett presented with distinguished Budget Award Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. The GFOA has encouraged and recognized exemplary budgeting practices among governmental entities in the United States and Canada since 1984. The GFOA reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the City of Everett had to satisfy four nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all four categories, and the fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories, to receive the award. For budgets beginning in 2013, 1,424 participants received the award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America. The Government Finance Officers Association is a major professional association servicing the needs of more than 18,000 appointed and elected local, state, and provinciallevel government officials and other finance practitioners. It provides top quality publications, training programs, services, and products designed to enhance the skills and performance of those responsible for government finance policy and management. The GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. Looking to the future, Mayor DeMaria and his administration look to continue to be recognized as a leading community in public financial management by practice and policy development. As an administration it is the Mayor’s goal to enhance and promote quality government management for the benefit of the residents and businesses in the City of Everett. POLICE Log Monday, 2/16 Adam Teixeira, 31, 39 Wedgewood St., Everett, was arrested for larceny of a person, with aggravated assault and battery and with assault and battery on a family household member. Tuesday, 2/17 Tremayne Constantine, 18, 208 Linden St., Everett, was arrested with breaking and entering in the night with intent to commit a felony with larceny of property over $250, and with malicious destruction of property over $250. William Francis Haley, 32, 6 Christine Cir., Everett, was arrested with five arrest warrants. Jordan Reese, 19, 26A Waters Ave., Everett, was arrested with breaking and entering in the night with intent to commit a felony, with larceny of property over $250 and with wanton destruction of property over $250. Wednesday, 2/18 Jennifer McCusker, 34, 70 Library St., Chelsea, was arrested for an arrest warrant. Nelson Mejia, 21, 16 Gerrish St., Chelsea, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, leaving scene of property damage, speeding in posted area and with failure to stop for a mechanical signal. Thursday, 2/19 Don Gallucci, 58, 30 Daniels St., Malden, was arrested with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Christina Goodrich, 46, 42 Arlington St., Everett, was arrested for 2 warrants. Friday, 2/20 Jorge Delgado Medina, 18, 84 Bow St., Everett, was arrested with conspiracy to violate controlled substance Page 5 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 law, with trafficking in cocaine and with possession of a Class B drug with intent to distribute. Khang Nguyen Le, 31, 2 Moreland Pl., Everett, was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor. Derek Miller, 27, 961 Broadway, Everett was arrested for an arrest warrant. Saturday, 2/21 Kevin Hernandez, 21, 22 Parkland Ave., Lynn, was arrested for assault and battery on a police officer and with resisting arrest. Candelario Luis, 21, 123 Adams St., Lynn, was arrested for assault and battery on a police officer and with being a disorderly person. Luis Mercedes, 22, 15 Parkside Pl., Revere was arrested for being a disorderly person. Great effort by all in removing the snow By Katy Rogers Record breaking amounts of snow covered Everett streets this February leaving little room to displace it in neighborhoods throughout the city. As a result, it took greater efforts than usual from city workers to remove it and relocate it to empty lots, such as Florence Street Park, where the usual open baseball field enjoyed throughout the summer, is now covered in snow banks resembling small mountain ranges. City Services employees have been working diligently around the clock, night and day, during the last month to remove snow from main streets, schools, and municipal buildings that were otherwise unaccessible to the public because of the high snow banks. They are currently still working on side streets, skipping their lunch breaks to get the job done, specifically on two-way streets where cars have had no room to pull over. The city has been able to identify problem areas throughout the community by people expressing their concerns via phone calls and social media. Despite the weather being a burden, citizens remained positive and were very compliant when it came to moving their vehicles in hopes to do their part in the snow removal process so city workers could access roads and do the heavy lifting. Workers, including Ricky Griffin, Ray McCarthy, and Joe Ronan, were spotted clearing Englewood Ave. and Greenhalge Ave. this past Friday removing the snow and ice with heavy machinery filling truckloads to their brims. Frank Ultino and Chris Snook, employees of Unified Contracting Inc. of Everett were amongst local businesses that collaborated with the City Services Department by hauling away snow in their huge dump trucks. All of the men remained optimistic despite having to work harder than usual in these cold conditions pleased by the fact that Everett citizens' appreciation and cooperation made their job a little bit less stressful. Mayor Carlo DeMaria commended city departments Senior social set for march Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s Council on Aging has planned its next Senior Social for Wednesday, March 18th at 11:45AM at The Connolly Center. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this month’s social will feature a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner with all the fixings and a special treat of a St. Zeppole for dessert. Music and dancing will be provided by a spectacular performance from “The Swingers.” Tickets will be available March 9th - 13th at the Council on Aging Office, located in the Connolly Center, 90 Chelsea Street. For more information contact Dale at 617-394-2323, or Ida at 617-394-2260. THINK OF IT AS AN OWNER’S MANUAL FOR YOUR MONEY. The free Consumer Action Handbook. It’s in print and online at Order your free copy online at or write to Handbook, Pueblo, CO 81009. Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Frank Ultino and Chris Snook of Unifield Contracting Inc. stood by as their trucks were packed with snow to be hauled away. for their excellent work and during the snow emergencies, calling it “a true team effort.” The mayor said the Police, Fire, Emergency 911, Parking Enforcement and Code Enforcement Departments worked alongside the Department of Public Works Department during the snowstorms. The mayor also thanked the state for its assistance in providing safety precautions during the succession of snowstorms that struck the city throughout the month of February. Fortunately for all, spring is just around the corner and hopefully no more major snow storms will come to Everett in the near future. In the meantime, hats off to these men for doing such a good job in making Everett easier to navigate for everyone during these extreme conditions. Snow covered streets were cleared to the pavement for the convenience and safety of Everett residents. UMass Boston: A First-Choice University By J. Keith Motley, PhD, UMass Boston Chancellor The University of Massachusetts Boston accepted its first class of students 50 years ago. As Boston’s public university, UMass Boston’s mission has been to provide students from Boston and beyond with access to excellent higher education. The university has been so successful in fulfilling this mission that it has become a nationally recognized, student-centered urban public research university—the first choice for a growing number of students. Brianna Reyes made UMass Boston her first choice when she was pursuing her dream of becoming a teacher. She graduated last year and now teaches Latin at Chelsea High School. Brianna says one reason UMass Boston was her first choice was its Honors College. As an Honors College student, Brianna pursued a program of study that challenged her beyond her major and helped her prepare for a career in the classroom. While attending UMass Boston, Brianna also took full advantage of other opportunities on campus, from serving as a Beacon Ambassador, helping visitors get to know our campus, to becoming a member of the innovative Freshman Leadership Institute. Through the institute, Brianna connected with other students interested in leadership and was immersed in a creative curriculum that included participating in a community outreach day. “I found people at UMass Boston who challenged me to think deeper and inspired me to be better,” Brianna says. “I got to travel around the world— performing community service and doing exciting things I never thought I would.” UMass Boston has become the first choice for many students like Brianna. Whether it’s access to a high-value, world-class education; the brand-new Integrated Sciences Complex with its state-of-theart research, teaching, and training facilities; the opportunity to choose from 193 academic programs; the talented and dedicated faculty who help put the small-college feel in this major research university; our beautiful harbor location close to the cultural, educational, and social resources of Boston; or our diverse, vibrant, and multicultural community, there are plenty of reasons why UMass Boston should be your first choice. For more information, visit, email [email protected], or call 617.287.6000. The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Page 6 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 E H S EVERETT HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR OVERALL WINNERS GOLD MEDAL — OBED POSADA Engineering Saccharomyces Cerevisiae to Produce Essential Vitamins: Lycopene, Beta-Carotene and Zeaxanthin (GOLD, BIOLOGY CATEGORY) GOLD MEDAL — CHRISTOPHER BOUCHER What’s Dragging You Down? (GOLD, ENGINEERING CATEGORY) GOLD MEDAL — JACK CALASCIBETTA The Fight for Energy (GOLD, PHYSICS CATEGORY) SILVER MEDAL — EMILEE GUZMAN Amp P-Glo! (GOLD, CHEMISTRY CATEGORY) SILVER MEDAL — ANGOORI RANA Picture Science: Building a Cellphone Microscope (SILVER, ENGINEERING CATEGORY) BRONZE MEDAL — DEREK BARBOSA Mean Green Bean Machine (SILVER, BIOLOGY CATEGORY) BRONZE MEDAL — TIMOTHY EWING The Alternative Alternator (BRONZE, ENGINEERING CATEGORY) BRONZE MEDAL — CONOR RACHLIN Location, Location, Location (SILVER, PHYSICS CATEGORY) Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire and Emanuella Santos. MEDAL WINNERS BIOLOGY Bronze: Rafaela DeOliveira, Petri Dish on Wheels: Bacterial Spread Through Public Transportation Bronze: Doan My, Amanda Byrnes, and Kristi Ho, Radiation Variation Distinction: Nathalie Douyon and Lira Encarnacion, Measuring Biodiversity Distinction: Adrian Velasquez, The Finely Tuned Brain Distinction: Anthony Amico, Learning Differences Distinction: Michelle Oliveira, The Beauty Within Distinction: Tyra Bairos and Angel Huynh, Mario Kart Mayhem Distinction: Jennifer Chavez and Catherine Gerrard, Gibberelic Acid Effect on Plant Growth Michelle Oliveira. CHEMISTRY Silver: Janelle Christopher and Melissa Mendez, Zap That Zit Bronze: Marcus Fonseca, Rene Maldonado, and Andre Rivera, Peel to Repeal Distinction: Sydney Sands, Crest or Colgate: Protecting Your Enamel ENGINEERING Distinction: Sadiq Shiek, Heat Saver Distinction: Tracy To and Anderson Velasquez, London Bridge is Falling Down Distinction: Brendan Calderon and Jason Cardinale, Best Designs for RC Planes Distinction: David Gertz, Natural Power Mirelia Rodriquez and Lul Abdulahi. PHYSICS Bronze: Milena Campos and Helen Sosa, Tracking Beats Distinction: Tanisha Dor, Sara Wright and Quinton Hurd, Ferro Theory Distinction: Vincent Vu, Walchris Nicholas and Dorrell Dottin, Waterfall Cassandra Kysilovsky and Nicole Pesce. Gianna McDonald. Unglid Paul. Bruno Rodrigues and Samuel Godinho. Jose Cefalo. Melissa Mendez and Janelle Christopher. Timothy Ewing. Katheryne Rubio Lazo. Marcus Fonseca, Rene Maldonando, and Andrea Rivera. SPONSORS: Anthony Amico. Lucas Bermudez and Anthony Sousa. Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow DISTRIGAS GDF SUEZ • BNY MELLON • SCHNITZER NORTHEAST • KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Page 7 EHS SCIENCE FAIR EXHIBITIONS Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Forsteire, medal winner Derek Barbosa, School Committe Vice Chairman Joseph LaMonica, and School Committee member and community judge Robert Carreiro. Angoori Rana shows her project, 'Picture Science: Building a Cellphone Microscope,' to student judges My Duong and Evelyn Ambrosia Hermoza. Rana's project won silver medals in the engineering and overall categories. Carlos Alvarez. Matthew Stevens displays his project on the Rubik's Cube to two of his classmates. Laura GIlberti, Ajja Jeannot, and Jennifer Guerro. EHS students Kailey Powers and Samantha Uga with Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire. Rafaela DeOliveira. Science Fair participants are joined by School Committee member and community judge Robert Carreiro, Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire, and School Committee member and community judge Joseph LaMonica. Standing, from left: School Committee member Joseph LaMonica, Matt Laidlaw, School Committee Chairman Frank Parker, and School Committee member Richard Carreiro. Seated, from left: Meelynn Wong, Science Department Chairperson Noreen Colannino, Cheryl Smith, and Curriculum Director Janice Gauthier. Obed Posada won Gold medals in the overall and biology categories for his project on genetic engineering. Melena Campos and Helen Sosa. Black Cyan Cyan Magenta Magenta Yellow Yellow Black Jack MacLaughlin. The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Page 8 CHURCH News OBITUARIES Robert Edwin Melvin Emma ‘Tiny’ Constantine Former Everett Fire Chief Of Everett Robert Edwub Melvin passed away unexpectedly on February 27 at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington. He was 90 years old. Born and raised in Everett, Robert was the son of the late Walter E. and Edna M. (Glazebrook) Melvin. He attended Everett Public Schools and graduated from Everett High School, Class of 1942. He enlisted in the US Coast Guard on December 7, 1942 and served as a Seaman First Class during World War II. He was honorably discharged on May 11, 1946. Robert was a former Chief of the Everett Fire Department and an eight year volunteer at the Whidden Memorial Hospital in Everett. He enjoyed all types of music but especially Jazz, Big Bands and Swing. He was a great pool player and looked forward to his weekly pool playing and Line Dancing with friends. Robert was pre-deceased in 2012 by his wife, Evelyn L. Melvin, with whom he shared 66 years of marriage. He was the devoted father of Lorene I. Melvin and her husband, Edward Sokoloski of Arlington, Sandra J. Melvin and her partner, Glenn Gordon of Norfolk; the dear brother of Jack Melvin and his wife, Lorraine of Tucson, AZ.; brother-in-law of Marilyn Perkins of Everett and is also lovingly survived by many nieces and nephews and his beloved cat, Sheba. Funeral services and interment will be held at a later date, details to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The MSPCA - Angell Attn: Donations 350 S. Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02130. Funeral arrangements entrusted to the Carafa Family Funeral Home in Chelsea. Norma Elizabeth King Former airline stewardess and Girl Scout Organization retiree Norma Elizabeth King of Everett passed away on February 19. She had just celebrated her 80th birthday. She was a beloved daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, mentor, and friend to all those who knew her. She loved and supported young adults and children, reflected in many fond memories from her family members, but also reflected in her involvement through her community. The daughter of the late Abner and Myrtle (Martin) King, Norma was born and raised in Everett and it is where she lived most of her life. She graduated from Everett High School and then, pursuing her love to travel, started her career as a stewardess with Northeast Airlines, which later merged with Delta Airlines. She later worked and retired from the Patriots Trail Girl Scout Organization. Norma was a strong steward of the Lord. As a member of the Glendale United Methodist Church, she played organ and piano and sang with the choir. She attended many conferences and camps, first as a participant and later as a counselor. She was active in the fraternal organizations of the International Order of Rainbow and the Rebekah Lodge. Norma is survived by her sister, Joan Morrison and her husband, William of Washington State and the late John King; she was the aunt of Scott Morrison and Mark Morrison and their families in Washington, Laura (King) Koons, Jodilyn Neider and their families of Florida; cousin of Marilyn (Robbins) Tillinghast of Putney, VT, Glen Robbins of Malden, Gwen Robbins of Stoneham, Gary Robbins of Everett, Tayla Robbins of Everett and Joann Wood of Glen Falls, NY and is also lovingly survived by many special friends and relatives. Funeral Services will be conducted in the Carafa Family Funeral Home, 389 Washington Ave., on Friday, March 13 at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend. Visiting hours will be held in the Funeral Home on Thursday, March 12 from 4 to 8 p.m. Interment will be in Puritan Lawn Memorial Park in Peabody. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Norma’s name to the Glendale United Methodist Church, 151 Glendale St., Everett, MA 02149. Kenneth ‘Kenny’ Cavallaro Longtime partner in John Cerasuolo Company. Inc. Kenneth J. ‘Kenny’ Cavallaro of Middleton, formerly of Everett, died on February 23. Kenny was a longtime partner of John Cerasuolo Company, Inc. with his brother, Dominic, Jr. and his late father, Dominic, Sr. He was also a longtime Boston sports fan, especially of the Boston Celtics. He was the beloved husband of Deborah (LePore); father of Kenneth J. Jr. and his wife, Danielle of Merrimac, MA and Kara Rullo and her J.F. Ward Funeral Home Compassionate, Professional Service Offering Pre-Need Planning Independent & Locally Owned Est. 1929 Kevin S. Creel, Director 772 Broadway, Everett (Glendale Sq. Area) 387-3367 husband, Marcello of Middleton; brother of Dominic J. Cavallaro, Jr. of Revere. He is also survived by four grandchildren: Arianna, Miabella, Francesca and Massimo who referred to him as “Pops” and seven nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were by the Salvatore Rocco & Sons Funeral Home, Everett. Interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden. In lieu of flowers, donations in Kenny’s memory may be made to the charity of your choice. To place a memoriam in the Independent, please call 617-387-9600 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Emma M. “Tiny” (Flores) Constantine of Everett entered into rest on February 26 in the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. She was 86 years old. Emma was a devoted Downton Abbey watcher, cook, avid reader and crossword puzzle enthusiast. Born in Cambridge, Emma lived in Everett for many years. She was the beloved wife for more than 63 years of the late Robert W. Constantine; dear and devoted mother of Robert P. Constantine and his wife, Janice of Everett, Roberta T. Constantine and her husband, Michael Actor of Peabody, Bettyanne Woods of Weymouth and Paulette Gray of Everett; sister of Victor Flores of S. Boston and the late Peter Flores and Theresa Mesiti. She was the loving grandmother of Robbie, Courtney and Kaylan Constantine, Eddie and Geoffrey Woods and Lisa Gray and is also survived by several loving great-grandchildren and dear friends, Roberta Pellerin of Everett, Sissy Patterson of Minneapolis and Connie DeRosa of Stoneham Arrangements, by the Cafasso & Sons Funeral Home, 65 Clark St. (Corner of Main Street) Everett are to be determined at a later date. 617-387-3120. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Emma’s memory to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN, 38105 would be sincerely appreciated. Immaculate Conception Faith Community Immaculate Conception Parish News and Notes Our Parish Staff: Father Jerry Osterman, Pastor; Father Donatus Ezenneka, Pastoral Vicar Richard Randazzo, Pastoral Associate Philomene Pean, Pastoral Associate, Haitian Community Weekly Mass Schedule at Immaculate Conception is as follows: Saturday (Sunday Vigil) 4:00 pm, Sunday 7:00 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 11:00 am, and 5:30 pm. 12:15 pm Spanish Community 4:00 pm Haitian Community Masses are being held in the Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday from 7:45 AM to 6:30 pm in the Chapel. Each Thursdays’ adoration will conclude the the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 6:30 pm. All are invited to spend a few moments with Our Blessed Lord Church Breakfast – Our next monthly Church Breakfast is scheduled for every second Sunday in the lower Church Hall. Cost is $4.00 per person. Pancakes, scrambles eggs, sausage, toast, juice, coffee and tea is served. All you can eat. Please join us after Mass. New Ministry - At the back of the Church in the Vestibule area on Sundays following Masses, there is a team of volunteers who will answer your questions regarding our Church Ministries, etc. Please feel free to stop by and ask questions, schedule a Mass, register as a new Parishioner, etc. Bring a Book-Buy a Book We have a new Fundraiser Program in the back of the Church. It’s called Bring a Book-Buy a Book. All books are a dollar and any money collected will go towards our Stain Glass Fund. Brink a Book and Buy a Book and make a donation. Our selections are great and varied. Please stop by the table and see what we have. Thank you Immaculate Conception Parish 489 Broadway Everett, Mass 02149 Phone 617-389-5660 Glendale United Methodist Church News and Notes Exciting things are happening at Glendale. We are in the process of re-growing our church and invite you to come and visit us on a Sunday. In addition to the 3 NA and 1 AA group using our church for their important meetings, we are pleased to welcome Boy Scout Troop 814 to our church on Tuesday nights. Glendale is open to all and we welcome people of all faiths, nationalities and sexual preference. No one is ever turned away. If you are looking for a new home church, we would like you check us out and let us know what we can do to make church a better fit in your life. Sunday Service at 10:30 am From Sanctuary to Chapel: January 11, 2015 marked our first day worshipping in the Chapel. We will be holding services there through March 22, 2015. The move to this cozier space has been happening for the last few years to help us save on energy costs. We will return to the Sanctuary for Palm Sunday—March 29, 2015. Please enter through the driveway on Walnut Street. There is a 2-step entrance to the church and chapel. Bible Study: Consider joining us for Bible study on Sunday We meet in the Church Parlor off the Chapel from 9:30 to 10:00 AM. Sponsor the Bulletin! For a $5 donation, you can dedicate the Sunday bulletin to recognize family, friends, or special occasions. There is a sign-up sheet in the Pastor’s study. Feel free to choose your particular week(s) and leave a copy of your dedication in the mail bin that is on the Pastor’s door. Please contact the Pastor if you have any questions. Inclement Weather—Winter is so unpredictable in New En- gland and we strive to make the best decisions when the weather forecast raises concerns. If there is a need to postpone or cancel a worship service, we will strive to get the word out to everyone by Saturday before the worship service. However, please always use your best judgment to determine if it is safe to come to church. As soon as we make a decision that impacts our worship schedule, we’ll include the announcement on our website and on the telephone answering message. Mid-Week Prayer Call—We have set up a prayer conference call during the week to provide a way of offering prayers and concerns during this Lenten season. The hope is that this time of prayer will allow anyone (or everyone) to listen and to offer prayer concerns; prayers of joy, prayers for health, prayers in time of need, and prayers for each other. Email Pastor Dave for more information. [email protected] Boy Scout Troop 814 Meet in Cooper Hall on Tuesday evenings from 6-9 PM. NA Meetings—Mon. Bring Your Own Book 7:30; Wed. The Process, Men’s Group 7:30; Thurs. I Can’t—We Can, 8:00 AA Meeting—Saturday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. We are on the Internet Glendale United Methodist Church Pastor David Jackson 392 Ferry Street (across from Glendale Towers) Please enter the church by the driveway on Walnut Street 617-387-2916 PastorDavidJackson58@ Pastor’s Office Hours: Saturdays 10 AM to 2 PM. Other times by appointment. Black Cyan Magenta Yellow First Baptist Church News and Notes We are in the church season known as Lent. It is a period of self-denial and preparation. We deny ourselves certain things in order to get closer to God. Some Christians make a decision to fast—denying themselves food in order to spend more time with God and nourish their souls spiritually through prayer and the reading of God's Word. We also prepare for the Easter season by praying, meditating, and reflecting on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and His subsequent resurrection from the dead. The family and friends of First Baptist observed Ash Wednesday by having a day of prayer and fasting. We have decided to fast and pray every Wednesday. Last Wednesday our prayers and thoughts centered on World Hunger. This week we are focusing on World Peace and the end to terrorism. Please use wisdom and common sense if you decide to fast. Don't do anything that would be detrimental to your health. This Sunday I will begin a series of sermons on God and His covenant names that will continue until Palm Sunday. It is also Communion Sunday and I invite you to join with us. May our Lord richly bless you! As Christians we believe that Jesus (which means Sav- ior) and Christ (which means Messiah) and that he is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. He holds a special place in the hearts of Christians because of all that he has done for us. He is our Lord, Savior, healer, deliverer—He is everything to us. We invite you to join with us at 10:30 Sunday morning as we worship our Lord and Savior. May the Lord's richest blessings be yours during this wonderful time of the year and throughout the new year. “WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM” Pastor Larry Russi 781-640-5384 First Baptist Church 50 Church St. Everett, MA Sunday service 10:30 am Sunday evening service 6:00 pm Thursday evening service 7:00 pm E-Mail: ljrussi@gmail. com Pastor Russi's Facebook page: larry/[email protected] Pastor Russi's Twitter: Pastor Russi's Blog: Church Facebook Page: Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church News and Notes Greetings to all!!! We invite and welcome you to visit and reach out to us if you are in need of guidance and support. Come worship, sing and praise with us Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Childcare is available. We have adult, teen and children’s Sunday school at 9:00am. Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm we have our Hour of Power bible teaching with prayer and fellowship as the Spirit leads. Monthly: The third Monday evening of each month our ministry Let My People Go opens its doors to minister and help anyone held in bondage by the many challenges in life. We hope to be able to provide you with the resources needed to help you find peace and joy in your life. Doors open at 6pm for cof- fee and fellowship. At 6:30pm the meeting starts and closes at 8pm. We have music, introductions and speaker followed by a lively discussion about challenges you may be facing and try to work with you to get the help you may need. The 2nd Saturday of each month at 6pm we have a free movie night with free refreshments for the entire family. Faith Foundation Haiti is continuing to accept donations for the school they're building. Donations may be sent to 12 Winthrop Road, Everett, MA. 02149. For information please call Jacsonn Jean, founder, at Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church. 617-387-7458. Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church Pastor Bob MacDonald 701 Broadway (Glendale Square) Everett, MA 02149 617-387-7458 Freedom In Christ Gospel Outreach News and Notes Greetings from the desk of Pastor Larry at Freedom In Christ. Revival is a word we often use but don't always understand. I believe if we want revival in our churches then we need to yield control to the Holy Spirit. For too long we have looked for revival with limited success because we did it our way. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. If we let the Spirit of God take over we will see those great things that only God can do. Revival is not only needed in the churches and in the body of Christ, it is also needed in each individual. If each of us seeks out revival for our own souls, just imagine the results. Revival, seek it, desire it, pray for it and see what God will do in us and in His body of believers! On Thursday nights, in particular, we have been having revival services because we see the deep need in our own lives and in the church of Jesus Christ, everywhere. Why not join us some Thursday night at 7:00 pm for singing, preaching and praying, all geared toward surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and asking the Holy Spirit to take control. If you are regularly gath- ering with other believers at a meeting house or church building where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, Praise the Lord! If you are not though let me extend an invitation to join us here at Freedom In Christ for any of our services or consider attending another Bible believing, bible preaching church and see what you may be missing. Our services are: Sunday School at 10:00 am Sunday Worship at 11:00 am Tuesday Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study at 6:00 pm Thursday Revival Service at 7:00 pm If you want to join a Saturday outreach give us a call to find out time and meeting location! If you want to find out more about Jesus feel free to give a call anytime at 617-319-2449. Freedom In Christ Gospel Outreach 49 Union St, Everett Pastor Larry DiZazzo 617-319-2449 www.freedominchristeverett. org pastorlarrydizazzo@gmail. com facebook - Freedom In Christ youtube - Pastor Larry DiZazzo Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Page 9 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 ING1 TOBY Back row: Leigh Thomason, Tamara Murphy, Brittany Puleo, Diane McNeil Murano, and Orlmitch Delia. Front row: Nicole Bortnik, Caitlin Ahern, Timothy Ciampi Dugan, Jaxon Gagne, Jordan Verna, Ava Thompkins, Toby, Victoria Hansen, and Keano Neal. THE THERAPY DOG VISITS THE DEVENS SCHOOL FOR THE 200th TIME Jordan Verna, Ava Thompkins, and Victoria Hansen. Caitlin Ahern, Ava Thompkins, and Diane McNeil Murano. Toby and Diane McNeil Murano. Toby the Therapy Dog recently marked his 200th visit to the Devens School, a weekly tradition that started in October of 2013 and has brought countless hours of enjoyment to young students. Toby is one of 24,750 dogs registered through Therapy Dogs International, a nonprofit organization that organizes canine visits to hospitals, nursing homes, school and similar venues. The underlying theory of Therapy Dogs International is that friendly canines can reduce stress and make people happier. Toby’s owner, Diane McNeil Murano, was inspired to volunteer two years ago, in the wake of the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Diane was determined to share Toby and his gift for compassion with those in need. The children affected by this tragedy were having a difficult time conveying to their parents and school officials the horror they had witnessed. Therapy dogs helped the children open up and vocalize their experiences and fears. The level of comfort that therapy dogs brought to the children allowed school counselors to help students better manage and cope with the horrific trauma they experienced. Diane recalls, “At this point, I wanted to share Toby with those who needed comfort and love.” The students of the Devens School look forward to seeing Toby every week for one hour. The students are learning important skills such as how to listen and be attentive to Toby’s needs. They are also learning how to give and receive affection as well as teaching Toby tricks and rewarding him. Some students who have had no exposure to animals are changing their perceptions about animals and confronting any anxieties they have about new situations in a therapeutic setting. More importantly, therapy dogs like Toby help to lower anxiety and stress and provide unconditional love for the students of the Devens School. Diane and Toby also visit the Keverian School, the Madeline English School, Spaulding Rehabilitation, Atria Assisted Living in Malden, and Elmhurst Rehabilitation in Melrose. Black Black Cyan Cyan Magenta Magenta Yellow Yellow Diane McNeil Murano, Caitlin Ahern, and Orlmitch Delia. Caitlin Ahern, and Jonathan Thayer. The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Page 10 Getting Out By Sheila Barth [email protected] Merrimack Repertory Theatre House Executive Director Elizabeth Kegley excitedly announced to theatergoers how fortunate we are to attend the world premiere production of Nick Gandiello’s two-hour, twoact family drama, “Oceanside”. Gandiello is an upcoming, talented, young playwright who’s leaving his mark on stages nationally, so our seeing his newest full-fledged play is very special. Being first isn’t always best, though. Sometimes, it means sitting through a play that has wonderful promise and potential, but needs more work. That’s the case with “Oceanside”. Popular Boston-based director Melia Bensussen has gathered a remarkable cast and stage specialists, but even they can’t arouse pathos, sympathy, or trepidation in us. The characters Shot C ontinued from regulations, but there is also free choice and religious considerations. As a society, we do recognize there is tension here - that tension between free choice versus what’s best for the group. That’s what we’re going to wrestle with when it comes to vaccinations in the next few years in our country. We really need more guidance from the federal government. At the same time, where does the individual’s choice infringe and put the collective population in danger? That’s the very heart of this issue.” Such questions are, indeed, at the center of the debate. Vaccination rates began to sink in the 1990s when a study in the United Kingdom pur- undergo change, but we feel disconnected to them because they aren’t developed enough. Gandiello’s story involves a “blended family,” a couple who’s married a second time, her former husband, and their unseen offspring - especially her daughter. Gandiello’s point is, how well do we know our parents and/or children? Unfortunately, we don’t gain much insight here. For two hours, two acts, separated by a 15-20 minute intermission, theatergoers become voyeurs to a nebulous situation involving Gwen, a divorcee, (Carolyn Baeumler) who married up and should be enjoying the finer life with her patient, refined husband, Nick, (Allyn Burrows) a Long Island, NY superintendent of schools, living in his posh Oceanside, Long Island, NY home. Gwen’s former ne’er-do-well husband, Tommy, (Joey Collins) a colorful foil to Nick, has texted Gwen a mes- ‘Oceanside’ sage, saying he’s coming to the happy couple’s seaside haven. He arrives, raucously, drunk as a skunk, so it takes awhile before he sobers up and spouts his reason for coming. He fears their daughter Ginnie, a 21-year-old college art student, is missing. He’s panicky, distraught.Gwen is in utter disbelief. Calling Tommy a drama queen, Gwen says they raised Ginnie to be a free spirit, so Gwen surmises Ginnie probably took off somewhere, as she’s done in the past. After questioning Tommy more, she calls Ginnie’s friends,who aren’t aware of Ginnie’s whereabouts, either, so Gwen becomes alarmed. While Tommy sloshes down bottles of beer and replaces light bulbs at Gwen and Nick’s, they decide to call in the police. And what a dynamic duo the two detectives aren’t! Both of these marvelous actors are greatly hampered by their roles. Low-key, Erin, the female de- tective, (Caroline Lawton) doesn’t talk. She irritatingly just stands there, listening. Male detective John (Allan Mayo) is kindly, understanding, conversational. It isn’t until much later we realize there’s much to worry about. But we don’t have a solution, either. Tommy’s been holding back sordid information about Ginnie, and tells Gwen she doesn’t know their daughter as well as she thinks. Despite his concern, Nick remains calm, collected, a soothing referee between Tommy and Gwen. Nick is so refined and educated, we wonder what possessed him to marry Gwen, who comes with a lot of emotional baggage. Gwen, whose education ended at high school, is high-strung, a recovered alcoholic. He loves her because she makes him laugh, he says. Besides working as a responsible, respected member of his community, Nick has two grown children. Son Ben, attends Cornell graduate school, and daughter Rachel, who also attends college. Yes, everybody gets along nicely, despite their glaring societal differences. Yes, Nick’s kids love Gwen, he says, because she makes Nick happy. Allegedly, Ben and Rachel came to Oceanside for Easter, but we neither see nor hear them. Gwen hung Ginnie’s faceless portrait she painted, perhaps of herself. Meanwhile, Tommy eventually reveals some disturbing facts about Ginnie. Gwen is conflicted. She’s be- gun drinking again. Tommy has taken off, to Bufffalo. Should Gwen go after him? What about Nick? Uh, where’s the real worry here? Gandiello originally wrote “Oceanside” straight from graduate school, the New School for Drama. He revised it several times and held staged readings. He grew up near Oceanside, Long Island, so he‘s aware of that community’s dynamics. He should return to the drawing board, give his characters more substance, and the audience more to identify with and care about. tion campaign and people who are against using vaccinations that’s been going on for while. That has never stopped since the late 1990s.” Now, with a measles outbreak at hand, Libaridian said that pediatricians are thinking about what these diseases are and how to spot and treat early. “We’re definitely watching it as it moves eastward,” she said. “A lot of us have never seen measles because it was eliminated through vaccinations. We have to brush up on it. It could easily get here. It takes just one person. We’re not on red alert, but we’re watching it.” One thing that worries pediatricians and school officials is what is called the vaccination threshold. That term refers to an idea that if a certain percentage of the overall community is vaccinated, then that protects those who are not vaccinated. Libaridian said it’s become known as the “herd community.” “There is something known as the herd community,” she said. “What that means is that we don’t have to vaccinate every single person, but there is a minimum threshold of the community you need vaccinated because those who are vaccinated end up protected those who aren’t…By everyone else getting vaccinated, it’s around an 88 to 94 percent threshold for measles, it protects the entire community. When the vaccination rate numbers dip below that minimum threshold, that’s the thing we worry about.” She said that’s where the late-night stoplight analogy comes into play. “The best prevention for measles is vaccination,” he said. “When we vaccinate ourselves and others, it’s helping the community. The things we do don’t always have a benefit for just ourselves. It is like stopping at a red light when no one is around. We do that because it is a simple rule for safety and if people didn’t stop, it would make things more dangerous. The more people who choose not to obey a simple rule, the more dangerous they are for everyone." In Everett, Revere, and Chelsea, vaccination rates from a state Department of Public Health (DPH) annual survey of kindergarten students for last year, 2013-2014, are very high – which is good news for doctors and school officials. In Everett, most elementary schools are in the high-80s or mid-90s in rates for kindergartners. Everett Supt. Fred Foresteire said the success in Everett comes from a partnership with Everett’s Board of Health. The Webster School proved to have the best numbers, with nearly every vaccination at 100 percent. St. Anthony’s Elementary, a private parochial school, did have every vaccination at 100 percent. Other Everett public schools ranged in the 90s. Only one school, the Keverian, had somewhat lower rates, though those rates were in the very acceptable range of around 80 percent. “Our rates are a combination of the Board of Health and the way we enroll our students,” he said. “No one gets enrolled in the Everett Public Schools without verifying things with our Parent Information Center (PIC). The medical records are part of that process. Every student’s medical records get checked by the nurse at the Board of Health. “It’s critical we stay on top of this,” the continued. “I think it’s the right thing. It protects everybody - the children and everyone else. We’re growing so fast in Everett and people are coming from all over the world and it’s just critical we make sure everyone is vaccinated.” Revere proved to have the most outstanding rates around, with nearly every school at 100 percent for all vaccines monitored - which includes vaccinations for diphtheria, chickenpox, polio, hepatitis B, measles and others. Only one school in Revere, the Garfield School, had lower rates, and that was because there were a few families that requested exemptions for religious reasons. Still, the rates for that school were in the high 90s. “For the most part, that’s due to our Parent Information Center (PIC) and the fact that we have a nurse there a lot,” said Revere Supt. Paul Dakin. “She’s a great benefit for some parents who don’t have their kids immunized. Immunizations now are very controversial topics. In some ways, it’s coming down to a moral decision as well as a health decision. If I were doing it all over with my kids, I can’t see not immunizing. The instruction going on with our nurses and our parents is valuable for us.” Chelsea Supt. Bourque said her district’s rates are also the product of a partnership - Chelsea’s being with the Mass General Hospital’s large clinic in Chelsea. “I really do think the reason we’re so high on vaccination rates is due to our partnership with MGH,” she said. “Having MGH right here in Chelsea and the MGH Clinic in Chelsea High School helps as well.” In Boston, many of its schools showed in the DPH survey to be far below the state averages and much lower than the believed thresholds for healthy “herd community” protections. In Charlestown and the North End, for example, some rates were in the 60 percent range, and many were in the 70s. However, a spokesperson for the Boston Public Schools (BPS) explained that actual rates are much higher. She said the rates for 20132014 appear low because the district eliminated the job of the person who was charged with entering vaccination data. Without that job being filled, said the spokesperson, only part of the data was entered, resulting in what appears to be very low rates. “For sure, that’s a large part of the pie,” said Denise Snyder of BPS. “We know we’re struggling to get the data into a database. I would say, for sure, we’re getting more students vaccinated than we have reported in our data.” Snyder said Boston schools do mandate vaccinations at the time of registration. Libaridian said parents need to get complete information before making the decision not to vaccinate. She said she welcomes questions from her patients about vaccinating their children. She said she respects those who choose not to do so, and just asks that anyone considering such a decision consult their pediatrician. “There’s so much misinformation in the media that it can be very overwhelming for parents,” she said. “You get all kinds of information that isn’t correct. You also get celebrities saying things that aren’t true and what they’re saying is actually dangerous.” Meanwhile, she said that she always makes a case for vaccination and believes that parents should believe in their safety. “Vaccinations are very, very safe and effective,” she said. “Diseases we know are out there and this protects from serious illness and death. Measles can cause death…The risks are next to none. The risk of death for measles is 1-3 per 1,000. Why not prevent it? Even for other illnesses. I grew up in a time when kids got chickenpox. Kids don’t get chickenpox anymore because of the vaccine. It doesn’t have to happen." DOWN 1 Cul-de-__ 2 Swiss canton 3 Tilly or Ryan 4 Med. school subject 5 Go on a spree 6 Wildlife preserves 7 Perfect prose? 8 Longing 9 Spire holder 10 Military forces 11 Israeli seaport 12 Helpers: abbr. 13 Immerse in liquid BOX OFFICE World premiere production of two-hour, two-act family drama, written by Nick Gandiello, appearing through March 8 at Merrimack Repertory Theatre’s Nancy L. Donahue Theatre, 50 E. Merrimack St., Lowell. The play contains adult content. Performances:Thursday at 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2,7 p.m. Tickets:$20-$60; senior, student, group, military discounts.Visit or call 978-654-4678. Page 1 ported to link vaccinations with autism. The study was highly publicized and caused many parents in Europe and the United States to re-think vaccinating their children, resulting in scores and scores of children not getting the usual childhood vaccinations for diseases like the measles, diphtheria and polio. “That study has been completely debunked,” said Dr. Lorky Libaridian, a pediatrician at a Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) practice in Revere and an instructor at Harvard Medical School. “There have been tests after tests that have been conducted and that have proven there is no link. That said, there’s been an anti-vaccina- Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Poisonous shrub 6 Church seats 10 “Pequod” captain 14 Fight site 15 Mine entrance 16 Tabula __ 17 Stogie or cheroot 18 Stand 19 Perfume cloud 20 Evaded justice 23 Homburg or fedora 26 High times 27 Make happy 28 Relaxed 30 Merchant’s figures 32 Evaded justice 34 False front 37 Cap or pad starter 38 __ Paulo, Brazil 39 Taj Mahal locale 40 Get the picture 41 Evaded justice 45 Song of praise 46 Set an arbitrary punishment 47 1998 Masters winner 50 Priest’s robe 51 Ate starter? 52 Evaded justice 56 Political cartoonist 57 Assam and pekoe 58 Detection device 62 Needle case 63 Christiania today 64 Pear-shaped fruit 65 Coloring agents 66 Halt 67 Of bygone times Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 21 Paper page 22 Fido rider? 23 Pulp writers 24 Expiate 25 Conical dwelling 29 Barbary denizen 30 Progeny 31 Plenty 33 On the briny 34 Greek marketplace 35 “Operator” singer 36 Slender candle 39 Star pitcher 41 Gambling game 42 Simple shelters 43 Corridor 44 Trade restraint 45 Smith and Page 47 Possessed 48 Heavily fleshed 49 Follow as a consequence 50 Greek fable writer 53 Examination 54 Saint’s aura 55 Long-handled hammer 59 Pop 60 5th or Park 61 Fled BUYER 1 Bono, Joseph T Blessed&Partners Paint Rodriguez, Javier Gill, Sukhjinder Always There For You Real Estate Transfers BUYER 2 Kaur, Gurjinder SELLER 1 Rawlinson, Kenneth J Martinez, Rosa A Devereaux, Donald O Pinho, Mauro A SELLER 2 ADDRESS Rawlinson, Rosemarie T 136 Bow St 557 Broadway #1R Devereaux, Marie T 17 Prospect St Depinho, Mauro A 74 Vernal St CITY Everett Everett Everett Everett PRICE $280,000 $95,000 $335,000 $465,000 ERA MillEnniuM ERA MILLENNIUM ERA MillEnniuM Always AlwaysThere ThereFor ForYou You SEllERS CAll tOdAy SELLERSCAll CALLtOdAy TODAY SEllERS FOR A FREE HOME FORAAFREE FREEHOME HOME FOR MARkEt AnAlySiS. MARKETAnAlySiS. ANALYSIS. MARkEt CALLtOdAy! TODAY! CAll tOdAy! CAll St., EvEREtt 617-389-1101 • 617-784-7500 291FERRy FERRY ST., EVERETT 617-389-1101 • 617-784-7500 291 FERRy St.,291 EvEREtt 617-389-1101 • 617-784-7500 Pasquale (Pat) Roberto, Pasquale(Pat) (Pat)Roberto, Roberto, Pasquale Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Broker/Owner Broker/Owner Broker/Owner Page 11 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 • Revere • Everett • Winthrop • Lynn • East Boston • Chelsea • Charlestown Independent Newspaper Group Lynn rEvErE EvErEtt ChELsEa Winthrop CharLEstoWn East Boston CONDO SHARE WINTHROP: Share a condo on Seal Harbor, 2 Bedroom , 2 Bath ( 1 bedroom & Bathroom for you ) + parking space $900.00 per month Utilities & cable included 24 hr Concierge Call 617- 331-0517 • 123 APTS. FOR RENT REVERE: 4 room, 2BR, Washer/Dryer hookup, Lg. Patio, Driveway/1car, No utilities. $1,200 1st and last month. (781) 289-8591 -----------------------------CHELSEA :Pratville I Bedroom , Livingroom Kitchen & Bathroom, 2nd Floor,Hardwood, New Heat & Hot water system, ample Parking $1300 per month. 781-645-2062 ----------------------- Classified Call: 781-485-0588 Fax: 781-485-1403 Winthrop: One bedroom 2nd floor, porch, wall to wall, ht & hot water included, on bus line. $875 per Month. Call evenings 617-846-5106. NEED TO VISIT A LOVED ONE IN PRISON ? Family Connections: Offers Round Trips to Correctional Facilities, Call to schedule your visit 24 hours in advance. Call 617-500- 0717 or 617-749-7693. Linda www.familyconnections. co EVERETT: Commercial/ Industrial building for lease. Office 2,500 SF. Garage/Warehouse 3,000 SF. 4 Loading docks & 60,000 SF Parking lot. Call (617) 884-0168 ……………… CHELSEA: Industrial/ Office/Food Processing/ Warehouse building for lease 65,000 SF freezer / cooler. Call (617) 884-0168 • 137 OFFICE/ COMM’L RENTALS REVERE: Off Broadway. Professional office space. On public transportation. Call for details. 978-590-8810 ----------------------REVERE: Broadway(2) offices/business, street level, 750 sq ft. $1200 unheated, includes parking. Second floor office $450 includes all utilities. 781-286-1250. ---------------------REVERE : Shirley Ave, Remodled1350 Sq Ft Store. Call 781-258-8720 or 781-321-6450. • 272 GENERA L HELP WANTED TRANSPORTATION COMM’L/ WAREHOUSE SPACE Sales • Rentals Land • Commercial RECRuItmENt Professional • Medical General • Services More Than 100,000 Readers Each Week 7 Communities • 123 APTS. FOR RENT REaL EstatE MOVING SALE Saturday & Sunday March 14 + 15 11am-4pm 11 Marshview Terraace Revere, MA Living Rooms, Dining Room, Framed Art, Home Decor Large Cherrywood Office Desk 3 Barstools & More REVERE : Drivers Wanted , All Shifts - Clean Driving Record, Reliable, Responsible, Respectful. Call Ricky at 781-913-6613 -----------------------------Winthrop Medical Office Seeking Full Time Receptionist. Looking for reliable team member who is self motivated and able to multi-task. Previous office experience and car a must. Bi-Lingual Spanish a plus. Please Email your resume to: com -------DEADLINES: For classified line ads, deadlines are Monday by 4 p.m. Call 781-4850588 or fax the ad to 781-485-1403 ---- LEGAL NOTICE Last year, it hurt too much to stand. Today, she carries a nation on her shoulders. LABORERS NEEDED At her clinic in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Dr. Olabisi Claudius-Cole treated patients of all ages with any condition, and would often take no payment in return. When arthritic hips and knees kept her from the rigors of daily patient care, a disaster loomed. Dr. Claudius-Cole’s sister led her to an American orthopaedic specialist, who had just heard rocker/activist Bono issue his mandate for caring people everywhere to step up and make a difference. As he listened to Dr. Claudius-Cole, he saw his own chance to do just that. Donating his own surgical services, he helped mobilize an entire medical team to get Dr. Claudius-Cole back on her feet. He even arranged free hip and knee implants. Today, Dr. Claudius-Cole is fully recovered, and back at her vital healing practice in West Africa. Her story truly brings new meaning to the term “pro-Bono.” We share it here because it sends two of the most contagious messages we know. Don’t give up, and remember to give back. Holbrook company looking for pallet bldrs. Full Time, yr round, good pay,OT, Vacation & holidays. 781-767-9001 or in person 2 Kleen Way, Holbrook • 106 LAND FOR SALE Revere - Land for Sale By Owner 5,725 sq ft Last Lot on Dead End st., West Revere $165,000.00 Call 781-656-4206 Celebrating Human Healing To Place Your Ad Call 617-387-9600 FOR RFP City of Everett Request for Proposals Under the rules of M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 44A1/2 the Chief Procurement Officer of the City of Everett hereby requests sealed bids for: Owners’ Project Manager for the Cafeteria and Kitchen Renovation and Other Related Work at the Parlin Elementary School Responses are due on March 19, 2015, at 2:00 p m in the Purchasing Department, 484 Broadway, Room 34, Everett, MA 02149. The Request for Proposals shall be available in the Purchasing Department or by emailing a request to [email protected], beginning immediately. All responses must be received in separate, sealed envelopes, property marked “PRICE” and “NON-PRICE” proposals prior to the deadline. • Auto Sales • Yard Sales • Miscellaneous The Awarding Authority will consider only responsive proposals from responsible OPM’s. A responsive proposal is one that complies fully with all Minimum Criteria and all submission requirements as stated in the Request for Proposals (RFP). Any proposal that does not comply with all submission requirements and all minimum criteria will be rejected as non-responsive. An interview may be conducted with any proposer who is deemed Highly Advantageous or Advantageous during the evaluation of the proposals. The City of Everett reserves the right to reject any or all proposals when it deems it to be in the best interest of the City. Proposals will be accepted publicly, in the presence of one or more witnesses at the time stated below. The contents of proposals shall remain confidential and shall not be disclosed to competing Proposers until the completion of the evaluation, or until the maximum time for acceptance, as stated below. At the acceptance of proposals, the Chief Procurement Office shall prepare a register of proposals for public inspection. The City of Everett reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informality if it is deemed in the best interests of t he City. The Purchasing Agent may also waive minor informalities or allow the proposer to correct them. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP or otherwise provide additional information, an addendum will be issued to all prospective proposers who receive copies of the original request. Each proposal submitted in response to the RFP is subject to all the contract terms set forth and any contract award will incorporate all of these contract terms. 3/4 EV PLEASE RECYCLE The Independent Newspaper Group fights against housing discrimination. If you believe you have been discriminated against in your effort to buy a home or to rent an apartment, we urge you to call the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston at 617-399-0491. EVERETT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY Appliance Repair Construction Carpentry Cleaning Appliance Repair Service ac/refrigeration Paulo Santos Construction ALEX’S WOODWORKING FIRST CLASS CLEANING & HANDYMAN’S PRO Glenn Brown Prompt and honest service of all major appliances 781-990-3411 • Carpet Upholstery Cleaning Spartan Cleaning ServiCe Since 1978 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Satisfaction Guaranteed Call 617-567-2926 Removes Dirt • Cleans • Deodorizes Complete Office Cleaning Ray’s Landscaping Interior/Exterior Commercial/Residential Fully Insured Quality Work Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 781-241-2454 781-420-2356 Mowing • Edging • Weeding Bushes, Shrubs Cleaning: Trash & Leaves New Lawn, Patio, Concrete Brick Work Ray: 781-526-1181 Free Estimates 1 col. x 1 inch $60.00 For 3 months ($5 per week) Nick D’Agostino Professional Painter Cell: 617-270-3178 Fully Insured Free Estimates Spring Clean Ups CLOVERS LAWN CARE • New Lawns Installed • Trees and Branches • Mulch & Hedges • Mowing & Fertilizing • Junk Removal FREE ESTIMATES Call Kevin Governor’s Garden Landscaping 617-884-2143 [email protected] FALL CLEAN UPS Mowing & Trimming Mulch & Hedges Planting and Maintenance Free Estimates & Insured Best Rates in Town Call for removals and clean outs. 617-872-4831 Concrete Pours, Chimneys, Stairs, Walls, Cutting & Pointing • Restoration Cleaning Fully Insured • No Job Too Small Dennis Morelli 781-632-8812 AUGUSTA PLASTERING D.J. MECHANICAL Jim 617-567-5927 Free Estimates 1 col. x 1 inch $60.00 For 3 Months ($5 Per Week) Please Recycle This Paper Fully Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • Service Calls 617-784-4521 Fax: 617-874-8008 Anthony “All Types of Masonry ” Pointing Licensed & Insured Free Estimates (617) 884-0168 Snow Removal STELLAR NEW ENGLAND Plumbing & Heating 1 col. x 2 inches $120.00 For 3 Months ($10 Per Week) O’NEIL’S HOME IMPROVEMENT ✧ Free Estimates ✧ Replacement Windows ✧ Plastering ✧ Painting ✧ Small Carpentry ✧ Odd Jobs ✧ No Job Too Small 617-680-6215 617-294-3065 24 Hrs. • Licensed & Insured Hanton Home Repairs • Handyman • Windows • Painting • Decks 617-372-3308 Moving MORELLI MASONRY & TILE Brownstone All Types of Masonry Repair, Ceramic Tile, Construction Plumbing/Heating Interior/Exterior 978-652-8383 Masonry Plastering • Blueboard • Plastering Heavy Duty Cleaning Top to Bottom • Junk Removal • Post Construction Move In… Move Out - Painting 25%OFF Windows, Doors, Kitchen & Bath, Decks & Patios NO JOB TOO SMALL!!! Alex Turco - Owner Revere, Massachusetts 781-808-6054 [email protected] Landscaping Painting John J. Recca Painting Renovations, Carpentry, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Painting, Maintenance, Repairs, Flooring, Tile Fully Insured ~ FREE Estimates Home Improvement SNOW & ICE MANAGEMENT COMMERCIAL PLOWING SALTING & SNOW REMOVAL 857-205-2873 [email protected] Ronnie Z. Leave Your Moving To Us Whether It Be One Piece or More! 10% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, VETERANS & DISABLED Call Ronnie 781-321-2499 For A Free Estimate Rubbish Removal RMF RUBBISH REMOVAL Free Estimates • Affordable • Scrap Metal - Free Pick Up Clean-ups/Clean-outs • No job too big or too small Call Santos Rivas 617-569-5687 • WWW.MOVERSINACTION.COM To advertise in our Service Directory Please call 781-485-0588 ext. 110 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow 1 col. x 2 inches $120.00 For 3 Months ($10 Per Week) 1 col. x 2 inches $120.00 For 3 Months ($10 Per Week) The Everett Independent • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Page 12 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 EHS BOYS BASKETBALL OVER LYNN ENGLISH 79-77 IN QUARTERFINALS The Everett High Crimson Tide boys basketball team faced Lynn English on Friday night, Feb. 27, in the Division 1 North Quarterfinal. Everett came in looking to win two out of three against Lynn for this season, and did so in a thrilling game that came down to the wire – though Everett prevailed by a score of 79-77. Everett was set to play St. John’s Prep in Beverly on Tuesday night, after Independent deadlines, in the North Semifinal game. PHOTOS BY JOE PREZIOSO Everett’s Jonathan Casseus surveys the scene. English’s Jeam Castillo and Everett’s Devontae Davis (1) fight for the ball. Coach John DiBiaso gives the team direction during a time out. Everett’s Jordan McAfee goes for a rebound. With seconds left, the Everett players on the sidelines watch their teammates and wait for the victory. EHS Roundup 0:01 separated EHS hockey team from tourney When the Everett High hockey team took to the ice against Greater Boston League rival Somerville last Wednesday at Allied Veterans Rink in the consolation game of the Mulloy Tournament, which also was the last game of the season, the Everett skaters knew that they needed a tie in order to finish with a .500 record and thereby qualify for the post-season state tournament, Everett had beaten Somerville, 1-0, in their meeting two weeks earlier, and for 44:52 of the 45:00 minute contest last Wednesday, the Crimson Tide appeared poised to defeat the Highlanders once again and punch their ticket for a Journey to the Tourney. The Everett squad had hustled and fought for every puck and had played nearly error-free hockey to hold a 2-1 lead with only eight ticks left on the clock, with J.J. McLaughlin and James Liberge scoring the goals for the Crimson Tide. However, Somerville, enjoying a 6-on-3 advantage, lit the lamp with 0:08 to play to notch the equalizer. Still, a tie would be as good as a win for the Crimson Tide, and with the face-off coming at center ice after the Somerville goal, a trip to the tourney seemed all but assured. But that's when the Crimson Tide would learn the truth of Yogi Berra’s famous sports axiom, “It’s never over ’til it’s over.” With Somerville keeping its goaltender on the bench to maintain a 6-on-4 advantage, the Highlanders won the faceoff and scored the winning goal with just 0:01 remaining to win the game and shatter Everett’s post-season dreams. “It was one of the craziest games I’ve ever been a part of,” said EHS head coach Jason Lawrence afterwards. “We had given 100 percent all over the ice for the entire game and for all but eight seconds, all of our hard work had paid off. But in the end, Somerville got the breaks and did what it had to do to win the game.” Despite the loss, Lawrence said his team had much to be proud of this season. “We had a good season,” said the coach, first division of the Merrimack County/Dual League and is re- The Everett cheerleaders were on site to support their team. garded as one of the top girls’ teams in the state (they recently were ranked 11th in Mass. in the Boston Globe poll), came into the tourney with a 17-3 record and was seeded third in the D-1 North. The Lady Crimson Tide, who put together a four-game winning 2015 SOFTBALL TRYOUTS streak in the latter quarter of the season to qualify for the Revere Youth Baseball and Softball League tourney, were the 13th seed Held at TeamWorks– 321 Charger Street (rear entrance). Revere Lady Crimson Tide in the D-1 North with a 12-8 mark. fall in tourney to Billerica subsequently has Major League Softball Sr. League Softball Billerica advanced to the D-1 North The Everett High girls bas- semifinal after easily defeatSaturday, March 7th, 8-10AM Saturday, March 7th, 8-10AM ketball team fell by a score ing Revere, the Northeastern For Ages 9-12 For Ages 13-16 of 54-24 to Billerica in the Coinference champion, 44-35, st, opening round of the MIAA in the quarters. Billerica will Must be 9 on Jan 1 , 2015 Must be 13 on Jan 1st, 2015 Division 1 North Sectional of face Beverly, the runner-up to the girls’ state basketball tour- Revere, in the semis and rates nament last week in Billerica. as strong favorite to reach the • You must attend a major league tryout to be eligible for a Billerica, which plays in the D-1 North finals. Major League roster whose squad finished at 9-101. “Obviously, it was our goal to reach the state tournament, but the team played hard all year and gave it their all every week, which as a coach is all that you can ask.” Everett’s selections to the GBL all-star team were expected to be announced last night after the meeting of league coaches. WRINKLE SOLUTION Instantly gives aging skin a temporary lift. Within minutes, lines and wrinkles are smoothed away. This instant gratification formula absorbs quickly and significantly tightens the look of your skin’s surface, making it appear lifted and smoother, while increasing your skin’s hydration and moisture retention. $49.99 Before For additional Information please go to: or Email [email protected] After Sheldon J. Sevinor, MD Plastic Surgeon 36 Years Experience The Copley Plaza West Medical Building 138 St. James Ave, Boston, MA 617-262-3535 496 Lynnfield Street, Lynn, MA 781-592-3632 email: [email protected] “Seeing Is Believing” • WWW.BOBSAUTOBODY.COM Conveniently located On The Blue Line • PICK-UP & DELIVERY SAFE DEPENDABLE QUALITY REPAIRS with a lifetime Guarantee Licensed • Bonded • Insured Bob Bolognese Owner *Registration Fee $130 paid at tryout for Major League *Registration Fee $150 paid at tryout for Senior League Registered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Reg. #3053 1456 NORTH SHORE RD., REVERE • 781-289-1300 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow St. Patrick’s Day is an Enchanted Time... a day to begin transforming Winter’s Dreams into Summer’s Magic Join us in celebrating the Irish Magic Advertise your celebration in Revere East Boston Chelsea Lynn Everett Winthrop 2 1-1 y 1 ch da Mar ine Frith dl Dea arch 6 M 2x4 $75 per paper Contact your representative 781-485-0588
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