St Mary’s, St Benedict’s & St Oswald’s Newsletter Sunday 8th March 2015 Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Our Benedictine heritage Third Sunday of Lent Parish Priest: Fr John Devine website: St Benedict’s Church is open Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm for Private Prayer (Exc. Bank Holidays) St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s Buttermarket Street, Warrington. WA1 2NS Tel 01925 635664 [email protected] Rhodes Street, Warrington. WA2 7QE Tel 01925 630127 [email protected] Deacons: M Birchall & D Boyle Padgate Lane, Warrington. WA1 3LB Tel 01925 813248 [email protected] Deacons: T Kerrigan & M Oxley Mass Times for Sunday 8th March – Sunday 15th March 2015 7 St Mary’s 6.00pm Mass: Eileen Dolan Third Sunday of Lent Sunday 8 9 10 11 Thursday Friday 12 13 Saturday 14 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm 12.10pm 12.10pm 9.30am 12.10pm 12.10pm 9.00am 12.10pm 10 – 12 12.10pm 6.00pm 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm Mass: Christopher Wordsworth Mass: Paul Sturman (USA) Mass: Maureen Brelsford Mass: Parishioners Polish Mass Mass: Jim McCann (LD) Mass: John & Ellen Healy Mass: Evelyn Arman Mass: Matt Brennan (Anniv) Mass: George Mockler Mass: Christopher Smith Mass: Gaynor Smith (post of recovery) Confessions Mass: Private Intention Mass: John Corrigan (Sick) Mass: Ian Whelan Mass: Norman Wilson Mass: Ann-Marie Donlan & Tony Johnson Mass: Parishioners Polish Mass Third Sunday of Lent Monday Tuesday Wednesday St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Mary’s Saturday st (1 Mass of Sunday) st (1 Mass of Sunday) Sunday 15 St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s Fourth Sunday of Lent Fourth Sunday of Lent EUCHARISTIC SERVICES THIS WEEK (New Time) - St Benedict’s 9.30am Monday, Tuesday & Thursday St Oswald’s 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & 10.30am Saturday TODAYS SUNDAY READINGS: 1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 Gospel: John 2:13-25 COMMUNION ANTIPHON: The sparrow even finds a home, the swallow finds a nest wherein to place her young, near to your altars, Lord of hosts, my King, my God! How happy they who dwell in your house! For ever they are praising you. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 LET US REMEMBER IN PRAYER Baptism: Today we welcome Aaron James McKenna who is to be baptised at St Benedict’s today. Congratulations to his parents, family and friends. Our Sick: Baby Elijah, Baby Sofia, Amy Antrobus, June Archer, Angela Athey, Diane Avis, Luciano Bartolo, Christopher Browne, Wyn Byrom, Catherine Carne, Irene Casey, Josephine Clare, Joe Clarke, Patrick Cullen, Sue Disley, Emily Dunnico, Janet Gibson, Henry Harrison, Noah Horrigan, Peter Howl, Ged Hughes, James & Mary Keenan, Veronica Keenan, Lily Kelly, Agnes Leigh, Sheila Lightfoot, Margaret Little, Doreen Lloyd, Tiiana Majewska, Rebecca Marsden, Rose Marston, Conor Martin, Mary Massey, Mike Moffat, Jean Molphy, Albert & Joan Myatt, Judith McDowall, Celia McKay, Norma McKeon, Maureen O’Connor, Arthur Pinto, Elizabeth Rigby, Kate Rigby, Trevor Roberts, Margaret Russell-Cruise, Lena Sampson, Mary Seymour, David Sharples, Julie Shaw, Valery Smith, Martin Staddon, Antonia Stafford, Phil Taylor, Paul Thomas, Paul Vernon, Paul Walker, Victor Washby, Isolina Woods. Those to whom we take Communion at home: Beryl Campbell, Edie Crompton, Mr & Mrs Curley, Elaine Farrington, Thomas Ireland, Olga Kovuniak, Jim Malone, Jeff & Trina Mousdale, Dorothy McCarthy, Sally O’Connor, Barbara Preston, Catherine Rutter, Sandra Ann Smyth, Brenda Snelson, Kay Thompson and Sheila Toft. Our Elderly and in care: Jean Duncalf, Amy Dutton, Mrs Fairclough, Pat Gordon, Marney Hampson, Irene Monks, Aurelie Newton, Olive Williams, James Malone, Peppina Vella & Ann Wilson. All those who request our prayers: for all who have died recently; Marcel Bringau, Stanley Dykes, Wayne Lambourne, Rita Lappin, Nora Lingley, Winifred Marczak, George Mockler, Agnes Oliver and those whose anniversaries occur about this time, all who mourn. “COME & SEE” ST BENEDICT’S Tuesdays at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start in the Holy Family Chapel Following the Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Church's official route for those wishing to explore the faith of the Catholic Church, also for anyone who would like to deepen and explore their own faith further. If you prefer to talk to someone about it first please speak to Fr Devine on 630127 or contact Michele Walker on 07900 581784. A warm welcome awaits you. ST MARY’S OPEN CHURCH A reminder that the church is open for private prayer and reflection on weekdays throughout Lent between 10am – 3pm. There are still gaps on the rota for ‘watching’ over the coming weeks; if you can offer an hour of your time, please sign the rota at the back of church. Thank you. MEDITATION (St Benedict’s) Fridays at 6.45pm in the Holy Family Chapel SERVICE OF HEALING & ADORATION Monday 16th March, 7.30pm at St Oswald’s Led by Deacon Tony Kerrigan ORFORD CHURCHES TOGETHER 5 WEDNESDAYS OVER LENT A Course in five sessions Written by Paul Gooder At St Ann’s Church, Central Avenue The remaining courses: 11 March 18 March 25 March Each session begins with refreshments from 7.15pm and the course is from 7.45pm – 9.00pm LENTEN SERVICES Stations of the Cross Wednesdays at 7.00pm at St Oswald’s Thursdays at 7.00pm over Lent at St Benedict’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Afternoons 3.00-4.00pm at St Oswald’s LOURDES YOUTH EASTER HAMPER RAFFLE Tickets are on sale after each Mass for the next 3 weeks. The raffle will be drawn during the Easter Coffee Morning after the 11am Mass in the parish centre on Sunday 22nd March. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 ST BENEDICT’S CENTENARY PARISH OUTING MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL CRUISE Wednesday 17th June The coach will leave St Benedict’s at 8.30am sharp, boarding the Ferry at Pier Head, Liverpool at10.00am. Approximate arrival at Salford Quays at 4.00pm. The coach will pick up at Salford at 6.00pm allowing some time to explore, take a little refreshment and window shop before returning to Warrington. Please note that as per Mersey Ferries, tickets are non-refundable. St Benedict’s parish office needs to receive full payment by Monday 27th April. There are 3 places still available if anyone would still like to go. Please hand in your £5 deposit or full payment to St Benedict’s Parish Office or by hand. Please include a return telephone number. Thank you. DAY OF PRAYER FOR AWARENESS OF DEMENTIA Thursday 12th March With a special event at Cardinal Heenan House, Skelmersdale (please see the poster at the back of church for full details). Many of us will know someone who has or cares for a relative with this illness and we are invited to remember them and their special needs in our prayers. SVP PACKS FOR THE HOMELESS The SVP are distributing 10,000 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless this winter. They would be very grateful if you could sponsor packs at a suggested donation of £3 per pack. Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SWQ1 9EZ with cheques made to SVP or visit type ‘Vinnie Packs’ into the sponsor a friend box. Any queries email [email protected]. Thank you SYNOD OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Wednesday 18th March 7.15 – 8.15pm St Oswald’s Wednesday 25th March 7.15 – 8.15pm St Joseph’s There are to be two meetings to reflect and discuss the hopes, joys, challenges and concerns about family life. An opportunity to respond to the questions posed by the Bishops of England & Wales. For more information contact John Traynor 01925 714323. IS GOD CALLING YOU TO THE PRIESTHOOD? To support those discerning a vocation to the Priesthood or religious life. Sunday 8th March at St Charles’ Presbytery, Liverpool. You are invited to their monthly gathering; pray, share experiences, listen to teachings and benefit from meeting likeminded individuals. For more information contact Fr James Preston on 0151 727 2493 or email [email protected] ARCHBISHOP MALCOLM MCMAHON will be hosting an evening for men who are considering whether to serve as deacons and what the formation involves. Wives and priests are also welcome. 7.309.00pm Tuesday 31st March at St Teresa’s Social Club, Upholland WN8 0PY. SLOVAK / CZECH MASS (St Benedict’s) Saturday 28th March 11.00am. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Joseph Halkov. All Slovak & Czechs in Warrington and surrounding areas are most welcome to attend. The Bishop is hoping to stop and talk with you after the Mass. Refreshments will be available. COMMUNITY LIFE 200 CLUB WINNERS: No 176 Kitty Dolly ST BENEDICT’S SOUP LUNCH This Tuesday (10th) in the Sacristy at 1.00pm. Homemade soup (always veggie), bread roll and traditional pudding to warm you up. Meet and make friends, get out of the house. Only £2.50. Followed by a traditional raffle. Take away orders in by 11.00am. tel. 630127 LADIES GROUP (St Benedict’s) Would members of the Ladies Group please stay behind for a brief meeting in the Holy Family Chapel after Mass today to discuss the next scheduled gathering on 28 th March. Thank you. LUNCH CLUB St Benedict’s Club next Tuesday (17th) 12 noon – 2.30pm (£3). The regular monthly get-together for our older parishioners and friends; with lunch, music, a game of bingo, and great company. CABARET NIGHT 8.30pm every Sunday in St Benedict’s Social Centre – just £1.50 entrance for members, £2 for non-members. WARRINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT ‘Membra Jesu Nostri’ by Buxtehude along with other works by Biber and Shcutz on Sunday 22 March 7.30pm at St Mary’s. Tickets £10, OAP’s £7, students / unwaged £5. Under 16 – free. Available from St Mary’s or Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 GOSPEL REFLECTION Scripture Readings The Week Ahead Monday 2 Kings 5:1-15 Luke 4:24-30 Tuesday Daniel 3:25,34-43 Matthew 18:21-35 Wednesday Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9 Matthew 5:17-19 Thursday Friday Saturday Jeremiah 7:23-28 Luke 11:14-23 Hosea 14:2-10 Mark 12:28-34 Hosea 5:15—6:6 Luke 18:9-14 Sunday 2 Chron 36:14-16,19-23 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21 The Cleansing of the Temple (John 2:13-25) After spending a few minutes considering this Gospel, continue by reading Fr Henry Wansbrough’s reflection. According to John, this scene took place at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, on the first of Jesus’ four visits to Jerusalem. At each subsequent visit the Temple authorities lay in wait for Jesus, increasingly keen to eliminate him, but unable to do so till his Hour had come. The other gospels place both this incident and all other scenes of Jesus in Jerusalem as the final climax of Jesus’ ministry. Whichever is correct, the incident is the basic cause of Jesus’ arrest and his tortured death. By his action Jesus demonstrated that the worship carried out in the Temple had become vain in God’s eyes owing to its lack of integrity and mist be superseded. To the Temple authorities this was intolerable, and he must be removed. Again, Jesus demanded a complete reversal of standards. His puzzling saying about building the Temple anew in his body was at last understood by his disciples after his resurrection when they realised it meant the Temple that was his Body, the Church. The material building which had been the centre of worship was no longer important. Henceforth all worship would take place in any place, but within the Christian community. The community –or the Church– was now the place of sanctification and of prayer to God. What does it mean to you to be a member of Christ’s Body, the Church? Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB This reflection is taken from “The Wednesday Word” GIFT AID ENVELOPES This year’s offertory envelopes will be available shortly. St Oswald’s nos. 1-100 can now be collected from the Sacristy. All others will be available at the back of church in the coming weeks. ST OSWALD’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday Monday 9.00pm Quiz – Concert Room 2.00pm Sequence Dancing 7.30pm Line Dancing Tuesday 9.00pm Quiz – Lounge Wednesday 8.00pm Bingo NEWSLETTER DEADLINE PIETY SHOP For items to be included in the parish newsletter please ensure one of the parish offices receives them no later than Wednesday lunchtime. Thank you. Cards, rosaries, gifts etc. available after Mass at St Benedict’s and St Oswald’s ST BENEDICT’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday 8.30pm Cabaret: Darren Shaw Man with many voices Monday 6.00pm Rainbows Group 7.45pm Bingo Tuesday 7.30pm Line Dancing (Intermediate) Wednesday 7.00pm Drama Group (Rainbow Room Thursday 7.30pm Line Dancing (Beginners) Parish Finance – Thank you for your offerings for the 1st March St Mary’s St Benedict’s £644.83 (£159.60 Gift Aid + £199.50 W’kday) £252.70 (£64.50 Gift Aid) £332.96 (£161.42 Gift Aid) £109.01 CAFOD £30.00 in memory of Rita Lappin £91.97 Missionaries of Charity £84.00 Centenary Fund from Quiz St Oswald’s £446.21 (£214.03 Gift Aid) £325.03 CAFOD Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709
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