St Mary’s, St Benedict’s & St Oswald’s Newsletter Sunday 1st February 2015 Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Our Benedictine heritage Fourth Sunday of the Year Parish Priest: Fr John Devine website: St Benedict’s Church is open Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm for Private Prayer (Exc. Bank Holidays) St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s Buttermarket Street, Warrington. WA1 2NS Tel 01925 635664 [email protected] Rhodes Street, Warrington. WA2 7QE Tel 01925 630127 [email protected] Deacons: M Birchall & D Boyle Padgate Lane, Warrington. WA1 3LB Tel 01925 813248 [email protected] Deacons: T Kerrigan & M Oxley Mass Times for Sunday 1st February – Sunday 8th February 2015 31 St Mary’s 6.00pm Mass: Leopoldo Baylen Fourth Sunday of the Year Sunday 1 2 3 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm 12.10pm 12.10pm 9.30am 12.10pm 12.10pm 12.45pm 9.00am 12.10pm 10 – 12 12.10pm 6.00pm 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm Mass: Austin & Kath Hardman Mass: Parishioners Mass: Nadine Davis Mass: John Robinson (LD) Polish Mass Mass: Anthony Cullen Mass: Marjorie Dirollo (LD) Mass: Thanksgiving - a successful op. Requiem Mass: Marcel Bringau Mass: Birdie Curley Funeral Service: Molly Beechall Mass:Thanksgiving-St Martin de Porres Mass: Peter Postlethwaite Confessions Mass: Private Intention Mass: Parishioners Mass: Mary Bates Mass: Arthur Brindle (Anniv) Mass: Carole Lawless Mass: Len Gilfedder (Anniv) Polish Mass Fourth Sunday of the Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Mary’s Saturday st (1 Mass of Sunday) st (1 Mass of Sunday) Sunday 8 St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s Feast of the Presentation of the Lord St Agatha (Virgin/Martyr) St Paul Miki & Companions (Martyrs) Memorial Fifth Sunday of the Year Fifth Sunday of the Year EUCHARISTIC SERVICES THIS WEEK (New Time) - St Benedict’s 9.30am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday St Oswald’s 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & 10.30am Saturday TODAYS SUNDAY READINGS: 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35 Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28 COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Memorial Let your face shine on your servant, and save me by your love. Lord, keep me from shame, for I have called to you. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 LET US REMEMBER IN PRAYER Our Sick: Baby Elijah, Baby Sofia, Amy Antrobus, June Archer, Angela Athey, Diane Avis, Luciano Bartolo, Christopher Browne, Wyn Byrom, Catherine Carne, Irene Casey, Josephine Clare, Joe Clarke, Patrick Cullen, Sue Disley, Emily Dunnico, Janet Gibson, Henry Harrison, Noah Horrigan, Peter Howl, James & Mary Keenan, Veronica Keenan, Lily Kelly, Agnes Leigh, Sheila Lightfoot, Margaret Little, Doreen Lloyd, Tiiana Majewska, Rebecca Marsden, Rose Marston, Conor Martin, Mary Massey, George Mockler, Mike Moffat, Jean Molphy, Albert & Joan Myatt, Judith McDowall, Celia McKay, Norma McKeon, Maureen O’Connor, Arthur Pinto, Elizabeth Rigby, Kate Rigby, Trevor Roberts, Margaret Russell-Cruise, Lena Sampson, Mary Seymour, David Sharples, Julie Shaw, Valery Smith, Mark Stacey, Martin Staddon, Antonia Stafford, Phil Taylor, Paul Thomas, Paul Vernon, Paul Walker, Victor Washby, Isolina Woods. Those to whom we take Communion at home: Beryl Campbell, Edie Crompton, Mr & Mrs Curley, Elaine Farrington, Nora Lingley, Thomas Ireland, Olga Kovuniak, Jim Malone, Jeff & Trina Mousdale, Dorothy McCarthy, Sally O’Connor, Barbara Preston, Catherine Rutter, Sandra Ann Smyth, Brenda Snelson, Kay Thompson and Sheila Toft. Our Elderly and in care: Jean Duncalf, Amy Dutton, Mrs Fairclough, Pat Gordon, Marney Hampson, Irene Monks, Aurelie Newton, Olive Williams, James Malone, Peppina Vella & Ann Wilson. All those who request our prayers: for all who have died recently; Molly Beechall, Brian Bloomfield, Marcel Bringau, Margaret Crosbie, Gordon Hargreaves, Rita Lapin, Winifred Marczak, George Mockler, Marion Walsh and those whose anniversaries occur about this time, all who mourn. “COME & SEE” ST BENEDICT’S Tuesdays at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start in the Holy Family Chapel Following the Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Church's official route for those wishing to explore the faith of the Catholic Church, also for anyone who would like to deepen and explore their own faith further. Sessions are led by a team of parishioners who share their faith with enquirers. If you prefer to talk to someone about it first please speak to Fr Devine on 630127 or contact Michele Walker on 07900 581784. A warm welcome awaits you. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FRIDAY 6th FEBRUARY 2015 3.00 – 4.00 pm at St Benedict’s NOVENA & BENEDICTION (St Oswald’s) Thursdays at 7.30pm with Holy Communion. MEDITATION (St Benedict’s) Fridays at 6.45pm in the Holy Family Chapel Requiem Mass for George Mockler Monday 16th February, 12.10pm at St Mary’s Sung Mass: Extract of Faure’s Requiem RESPONDING TO THE CALL VOCATION DISCERNMENT GROUP To support those exploring Vocations to the Priesthood in our diocese, a monthly day of recollection has been organised for the first Saturday of each month. These days help men who feel called to ordained ministry to discover more about diocesan priesthood and meet others discerning a call to priesthood. The first of these days takes place on Saturday 7th February at St Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. Enquiries to Fr James Preston on 0151 727 2493 or email [email protected] ST MARY’S PARISH COUNCIL STEERING GROUP Nominations are still invited for parishioners who wish to serve on the Parish Council. Forms are available at the back of church, to be returned ASAP. If you are considering this but are not sure what is involved, speak to Fr Devine or ask to see the Terms of reference. If sufficient nominations are received to proceed with arrangements in the coming week, the first meeting is scheduled for Monday 9 th February at 7.00pm in the Music Room. If more time is needed, a new date will be announced. MASS INTENTIONS / OFFERINGS St Oswald’s currently have approx. 45 outstanding Mass requests. Please accept their apologies if your Mass request has not yet been fulfilled. They hope to allocate dates as soon as possible. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 ST BENEDICT’S CENTENARY PARISH OUTING MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL CRUISE Wednesday 17th June All those who had expressed interest in going are listed at the back of church at St Benedict’s. If your name is not on that list please contact Celia at St Benedict’s to have your name added. Those already listed please confirm your place by paying your deposit or cross out your name if you are unable to go. The number of places have to be confirmed by Friday 20th February. The cost of coach transport and the cruise is £40p.p. Please see Chris Sykes after Mass at St Benedict’s or hand it into the parish office at St Benedict’s a.s.a.p. Thank you. EVENTS AT THE METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ‘LIVING JOYFULLY’ – 3 DAY EVENT Friday 5th – Sunday 8th February To mark the ‘Year of Consecrated Life 2015’, the religious of the Archdiocese are organising a 3 day event. Friday’s activities from 10.00 am – 2.30pm are for children in years 10 – 13 of school. Introducing children to ‘different flavours of consecrated life’ with games, music, moments of prayer and reflection and a tour of the cathedral. On Saturday afternoon, there were to be similar activities for adults aged 18 years and upwards. The Cathedral will be open on Saturday morning and Sunday until a short time after the 11.00am Mass for visitors to see the stalls and displays. MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Invites you to the annual ‘Celebratory Mass of Marriage and Family Life’ at the Liverpool Metropolitan cathedral Sunday 8th February 2015 at 11.00 am All welcome. CIVIC MASS – Sunday 15th February 11.00am This year Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP will be the chief celebrant. FOODBANK APPEAL Most urgently needed: Cartons of Fruit Juice, Cream crackers/savoury biscuits, Evaporated or condensed milk, UHT milk (semi or full), Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Jam, “pasta’n sauce” or other dried ready meals, Baby Milk 1, 2 and 3. Also needed: Noodles, Savoury Rice,(Tinned: Vegetables, Tomatoes, Spaghetti & Meats), Instant Mash, Baked beans, Soup, Tea bags, coffee, sugar & Breakfast cereals. All kinds of ladies & men’s toiletries and soap/detergents etc. Donations can be left with either of the three parishes. Thank you for your continued generosity. MASS IN HONOUR OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES Wednesday 11th February at 7.30 pm at The Church of Christ the King, Childwall. The main Celebrant will be Bishop Tom Williams. Everyone welcome. ‘DO YOU LOVE ME?’ by Bishop Brian Noble (See Poster) Tuesday 17th February, 6.30pm -8.30pm Everyone is welcome to come and find out about this response to Pope Francis’ call for everyone to have an intimate relationship with Christ. To attend RSVP to [email protected] or tel 0151 5221040. POPE FRANCIS MISSION INTENTIONS PRAYER FOR FEBRUARY That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. DIVORCED / SEPARATED SUPPORT from the Archdiocesan Marriage and Family Life Department (pastoral Formation). Meetings to offer pastoral support to people who are divorced or separated, or experience the breakdown of a marriage or a long term relationship, start in February. See poster for details or contact Frances Trotman on 0151 727 2195 COMMUNITY LIFE ST OSWALD’S LADIES GROUP next meet this Thursday (5th) at 8.15pm in the Parish Club Lounge. JUST MEN (St Benedict’s) Breakfast and lively debate Saturday 7th February, 9.30am in the Sacristy. First Saturday each month; breakfast, discussion and outings. New members welcome. 200 CLUB WINNERS: 18th Jan – no.42 Diane Berry 25th Jan – no.15 Chris McGann DICK WHITTINGTON Presented by St Benedict’s Drama Club Held at St Benedict’s Social Centre Wednesday 18, Thursday 19 & Friday 20 February Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start Tickets £3.00 (Wed / Thur), £3.50 (Fri) Tickets available from Miriam on 234342 or the parish office 630127. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 GOSPEL REFLECTION Jesus Teaches with Authority (Mark 1:21-28) Scripture Readings The Week Ahead Monday Malachy 3:1-4 Luke 2: 22-40 Tuesday Hebrews 12:1-4 Mark 5: 21-43 Wednesday Hebrews 12:4-7,11-15 Mark 6: 1-6 Thursday Hebrews 12: 18-19,21-24 Mark 6: 7-13 Friday Saturday Hebrews 13-1-8 Mark 6: 14-29 Hebrews 13:15-17 Mark 6: 30-34 After spending a few minutes considering this Gospel, continue by reading Fr Henry Wansbrough’s reflection. The growing authority of Jesus is the theme of the early part of Mark’s gospel and today’s story is an excellent illustration of this. Jesus has already called the disciples. He calls and they simply follow: it seems that he is a total stranger to them, yet has such authority that they drop everything to follow him. Now in the synagogue he teaches on his own authority. He does not quote the interpretations of others, as rabbinic teachers did, saying, “Rabbi X says this,” “Rabbi Y says that”. No, Jesus teaches, “I say to you….” He seems to be master even of the Law. But it is God’s Law. Only God has authority over it, so who does Jesus think he is? On one level he is a teacher to be compared with Moses, one who is to come into the world, the teacher prophesied in today’s first reading. But he is more than this. To confirm the power of his teaching, he shows what authority he has by overcoming an unclean spirit, wringing from it the snivelling protest, “Have you come to destroy us?” and the acknowledgement that he has a special link with God. Sunday Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23 Mark 1: 29-39 What are the qualities of a good teacher? How does Jesus, the good teacher, reveal his authority? Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB This reflection is taken from “The Wednesday Word” PIETY SHOP FREE CATHOLIC PICTORIAL The February edition of the Catholic Pictorial, the official publication of the Archdiocese, is now available, FREE OF CHARGE, at the back of church. Cards, rosaries, gifts etc. available after Mass at St Benedict’s and St Oswald’s Eucharistic Ministers please take one to the sick ST OSWALD’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday Monday 9.00pm Quiz – Concert Room 2.00pm Sequence Dancing 7.30pm Line Dancing Tuesday 9.00pm Quiz – Lounge Wednesday 8.00pm Bingo NEWSLETTER DEADLINE For items to be included in the parish newsletter please ensure one of the parish offices receives them no later than Wednesday lunchtime. Thank you. ST BENEDICT’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday 8.30pm Cabaret: Shelley Timmins-Personality vocal Monday 6.00pm Rainbows Group 7.45pm Bingo Tuesday 7.30pm Line Dancing (Intermediate) Wednesday 7.00pm Drama Group (Rainbow Room Thursday 7.00pm Line Dancing (Beginners) Parish Finance – Thank you for your offerings for the 25th January Second Collection today: Catholic Education Service St Mary’s £638.58 (£228.50 Gift Aid & £166.27 W’kday) £125.87 Nugent Care Crib Appeal St Benedict’s £368.01 (£174.92 Gift Aid) £101.53 Missionaries of Charity -Coffees £105.00 Centenary Fund from Quiz Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 St Oswald’s £495.04 (£270.67 Gift Aid)
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