GLOSSARY OF MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS @ c 1/7 1/52 1/12 r 2° T i +ve -ve # A AA —> ++ > < ng Alk phos ALL at with 1 day 1 week 1 month primary secondary increasing decreasing positive negative psychiatry/psychology fracture diagnosis differential diagnosis therefore leading to very, very greater than less than microgram AMA AMP AMPS AML AN ANA ANAC ANC ANF AO AP APC APER APH A(P)LS A2 aortic component of second heart sound AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm Ab antibody Abdo abdominal ABG arterial blood gas ABPA allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring Abx antibiotics ac ante cibum (before food) ACE antigrade colonic enema ACE(i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitors) ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone ACL anterior cruciate ligament ACLS advanced cardiac life support ACS acute coronary syndrome ADH antidiuretic hormone ADH atypical ductal hyperplasia ADL activities/aspects of daily living AE air entry AF atrial fibrillation AFB acid-fast bacillus AFP alpha feto protein antigen Ag AHP abnormal head posture AICD automatic implant able cardioverter defibrillators AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AKA above knee amputation A1 aluminium APTT AQ ARDS ARM AROM ASD ASO AST ATC ATSP ATLS ATN AV AVR AVM Ax AXR B alkaline phosphatase (also ALP) acute lymphoblastic leukaemia antimitochondrial antibody adenosine monophosphate assessment of motor/process skills acute myeloid leukaemia anxiety neurosis antinuclear antibody anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ante natal clinic antinuclear factor alveolar oedema anteroposterior argon plasma coagulation abdomino perineneal excision of rectum ante partum haemorrhage advance (paediatric) life support manuals activated partial thromboplastin time Anaesthetic questiormaire adult/acute respiratory distress syndrome artificial rupture of membranes active range of movement atrial septal defect antistreptolysin O aspartate transaminase anterior tibial compartment asked to see patient advanced trauma life support manual reference acute tubular necrosis atrioventricular aortic valve replacement arteriovenous malformation assessment abdominal x-ray (plain) barium bronchoalveolar lavage British Association of Paediatric Surgeons BAWO bilateral antral washout BBA bom before arrival BBR bilateral breast reduction BCC basal cell carcinoma BCR british comparative ratio (-INR) bd bis die (twice a day) BF breast fed BG basic grade BIBA brought in by ambulance BAL BAPS Page 1 of 6 BINP BiVA BK BKA BM BM BMI BMJ BNF BNO BO BOP BOP BP BPD bpm BRA BSA BSE BTB BX bilateral intra nasal polypectomy bilateral ventricular assist devices below knee below knee amputation barium meal blood monitoring body mass index British Medical Journal British National Formulary bowels not open bowels open bleeding on probing biocompatible osteoconductive polymer blood pressure bi parietal diameter beats per minutes (eg pulse) bite raising appliance body surface area breast self examination breakthrough bleeding biopsy carcinoma coronary artery bypass graft CAD coronary artery disease CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia CAL chronic airflow limitation cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CAPE Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly CBD common bile duct CBD cortico basal degeneration CC creatinine clearance CCF congestive cardiac failure (i.e. RVF with LVF) CCST Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training CCT controlled cord traction CCU cardiac care unit or coronary care unit CD cluster of differentiation surface molecules, eg CD4 lymphocytes CD controlled drug CDH congenital dislocated hip CDU Clinical Decisions Unit CEPH cephalic CESDI Confidential Entry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy C CABG Ca ;> Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10 3,11 CHART continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy CHAT Community Health Access Team CHB complete heart block CHD coronary heart disease (related to ischaemic and atheroma) CHD common hepatic duct CHI Commission for Health Improvement ChVS chorionic villus sampling CI contra indications CIS carcinoma in situ CK creatine (phospho) kinase (also CPK) CKMB creatine kinase MB CLD chronic lung disease CLL chronic lymphocytic leukaemia CML chronic myeloid leukaemia CMV cytomegalovirus CMW Community Midwife CNS central nervous system CNV choroidal neovascular C/O complained of COAD chronic obstructive airways disease COC combined oral contraceptive i.e. (o)estragen + progesterone COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COT Community Occupational Therapy COTN Chessington O.T. AB Neurological Assessment Battery CP cerebral palsy CP 12 chest pain 12 hour blood sample CPAP continuous positive airways pressure CPB cardio-pulmonary bypass Cpd cigarettes per day CPITN Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs CPM constant passive motion CPN Community Psychiatric Nurse CPR cardio-pulmonary resuscitation CPPV continuous positive pressure ventilation CRF chronic renal failure CRP C-reactive protein CRPS complex/chronic regional pain syndrome CRVO central retinal vein occlusion C&S culture & sensitivity CSF cerebrospinal fluid CSOEM chronic suppurative otitis externa & infection mastoid cells CSM colour sensation & movement CSU catheter specimen of urine CSW Clinical Support Worker CT computerised tomography CTD/R carpal tunnel decompression/release CTG cardiotacograph CTS carpal tunnel syndrome CTO chronic total occlusion CVA cerebro-vascular accident CVL central venous line CVP central venous pressure CVS cardiovascular system CXR chest x-ray ( d day(s) (also expressed as x/7) D dimension DADL domestic activities of daily living D&C dilatation (cervix) & curettage dB decibel D/C discharge D/X DCIA deep circumflex iliac artery DCM dilated cardiomyopathy DCT direct coombs test DDD degenerative disc disease DDS deputising doctor service DES drug eluting stent DHS dynamic hip screw Die disseminated intravascular coagulation DIP distal interphalangeal DKA diabetic ketoacidosis dL decilitre D/L direct laryngoscopy DM diabetes mellitus DN District Nurse DNA did not attend DNLO District Nurse Liaison Officer DNR do not resuscitate DoH Department of Health (United Kingdom) DP distal phalanx DPT dental panoramic tomogram DSH deliberate self harm DTA decision to admit DU duodenal ulcer D«feV diarrhoea and vomiting DVT deep venous thrombosis DXT deep radio therapy Page 2 of 6 E&D EBL E-BM eating and drinking estimated blood loss evidence-based medicine (& its journal published by the BMA) EBM expressed breast milk EBV Epstein-Barr virus EC elbow crutches Echo echocardiogram ECG electrocardiogram ECM external cardiac massage ECMO extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation ECT ECV EDD electroconvulsive therapy external cephalic version estimated/expected date of delivery EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (full blood count bottle) EEG electroencephalogram EFM external fetal monitoring EFW estimated fetal weight ELBW extremely low birth weight ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbant assay EM electron microscope EMG electromyogram EMI elderly mentally ill ENT ear, nose and throat EPO evening primrose oil EPD enzyme potentiated desensitisation EPR endoprosthetic replacment EPS electrophysiological study ERCP endoscopy retrograde cholangio-pancreatogram or endoscopic retrograde cholecysto-pancreatography ERPC evacuation of remaining/retained products of conception ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate ET endotracheal ETOH ethyl alcohol ETT endotracheal tube ETV endoscopic third ventriculostomy EUA examination under anaesthetic EUM examination under microscope EVD external ventricular drain EWS early warning score EXC excision EXT extraction ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ;> Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10 3,11 F 1 fac fetal abdominal circumference FACH forceps to after coming head FB foreign body FBC full blood count FDP fibrin degradation products FED Fuch's endothelial dystrophy FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery FEVl forced expiratory volume in first second FFA fundus fluorescein angiography FFD fit for discharge FFP Iresh frozen plasma FH family history FH foetal heart FHH foetal heart heard FHHR foetal heart heard regular FHR foetal heart rate FM fetal movements FM(N)F fetal movements (not) felt FOB foecal occult blood FiOj partial pressure of O j in inspired air FROM full range of movements FSH follicle-stimulating hormone FSE fetal scalp electrode FSTF free standing toilet frame FTA failed to attend FTND fiill term normal delivery FTSG fiill thickness skin graft F/U follow up forced vital capacity FVC FWB full weight bearing G6PD GTN GTT GU GUM U HAV HA HAD HSG hepatitis A virus home assessment hospital anxiety & depression haemoglobin hepatitis B surface antigen hepatitis B virus head circumference human chorionic gonadotrophin (pregnancy test) haematocrit hepatitis C virus Health Care Support Worker haemodialysis high-density lipoprotein, a 'good' form of cholesterol High Dependency Unit hepatitis D virus hemiplegia hyperoesinophilic syndrome haematrocrit helping hand hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia hepatic immunodiacetic acid hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy human immunodeficiency virus heel to knee length has not passed urine House Officer hyperfrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy hyperosmolar non-ketotic (diabetic coma) hereditary osteoonychodysplasia history of present illness history of present complaint human papillomavirus heart rate hormone replacement therapy hysterosalpingogram HSV highly selective vagotomy Hb HbsAg HBV HC HCG Hct HCV HCSW HD HDL HDU HDV Hemi HES Het HH HHT HIDA HIE HIV G g G G GA GB GC GCS GDP GFR GGE GGSw GGT gram gauge gravida general anaesthetic gall bladder gonococcus Glasgow coma scale General Dental Practitioner glomerular filfration rate gasfrograffin enema gastrograffin swallow gamma glutamyl transpeptidase GH growth hormone GI gastrointestinal GIFT gamete intra fallopian fransfer GIT gastrointestinal tract GOR gastro-oesophageal reflux GORD gastroesophageal reflux disease G.P. General Practitioner G&S group & save glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase glycerol trinitrate glucose tolerance test genito-urinary genito-urinary medicine HKL HNPU HO HOCM HONK HOOD HPI HPC HPV HR HRT 1 Ib/ibid I&D lABP IBS ICP ICSI ICU IDA IDDM IDM IE Ig IGTN IHD IM IHSS IMB IMV INP INR lO lOL lOL IP IPPV I&R ISC ISQ ISR ITP ITU lu lUCD lUD lUG lUGR IV IVAB IVC IVF IVI IVM IVRG IVU Ibidem, Latin for 'In the same place' incision and drainage intra aortic balloon pump irritable bowel syndrome intracranial pressure intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection Intensive Care Unit iron-deficiency anaemia insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus inferior dental nerve infective endocarditis immunoglobulin ingrowing toenail ischaemic heart disease intramuscular Intensive home support scheme inter menstrual bleeding intermittent mandatory ventilation intra nasal polypectomy international normalized ratio (prothrombin ratio) interstitial oedema implant of lens induction of labour Interphalangeal intermittent positive pressure ventilation Intake and Rehabilitation Team intermittent self catheterisation in status quo in-stent restinosis idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura intensive therapy unit International unit intra uterine contraceptive device intra uterine death intra uterine growth infra uterine growth retardation Infravenous infravenous antibiotics inferior vena cava in-vifro fertilisation intravenous infusion in-vitro maturation intravenous regional guanethedine infravenous urography herpes simplex virus HT HV HVS hypertension Health Visitor or home visit high vaginal swab J junctional ectopic tachycardia JVP jugular venous pressure K Page 3 of 6 JET K+ potassium ;> Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10 3,11 KCCT kg Kpa L L kaolin cephalin clotting time kilogram kiloPascal litre or left LA LA LAD local anaesthesia laser ablation left anterior descending (angiogram) LAD left axis deviation (ECG) LBBB left bundle branch block LBT left before treatment LBT laryngotracheobronchoscopy LCX left circumflex LD lumbar drain LD latissimus dorsi LDH lactate dehydrogenase LDL low-density lipoprotein, a 'bad' from of cholesterol. LDS left divergent squint LFT liver ftinction test LH luteinizing hormone LIF left iliac fossa L K K S liver, kidney (R), kidney (L), spleen LLD limb length discrepancy LMA laryngeal mask airway LMN lower motor neurone LMP first day of the last menstrual period LNOF left neck of femur LOA left occipital posterior LOC loss of consciousness LOP left occipital anterior LP lumbar puncture LRA lower raising appliance L/ROA leftyright occipito anterior L/ROL left/right occipito lateral L/ROP left/right occipito posterior L/RSA left/right sacro anterior L/RSP left/right sacro posterior LRTl lower respiratory tract infection LSCS lower segment caesarian section LUNA laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation laser uterosacral nerve ablation LUQ left upper quadrant LVAD left ventricular assist devices LVF left ventricular failure LVH left ventricular hypertrophy LVRS lung volume reduction surgery MAP MAOI MCP morning after pill monoamine oxidase inhibitors Metacarpophalangeal micro, culture & sensitivity medial collateral ligament mean cell volume microwave endometrial ablation MDMA 3,4methylenedioxymethamphe tamine ME myalgic encephalomyelitis MET maximal exercise test mg milligram MI myocardial infarction mL millilitre ML microlaringoscopy mmHg millimetres of mercury MM malignant melanoma MN midnight MND motor neurone disease MODY maturity onset diabetes in the young MOSF multiple organ systems failure MR] magnetic resonance imaging MRSA methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus MRSE methicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermis MS multiple sclerosis MS musculo skeletal MSA multiple stab avulsions MSSA methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus MSSU mid stream specimen urine MST morphine sulphate tablets MSU mid stream urine MTP metatarsophalangeal MW Midwife Mx management NND NOS MCS MCL MCV MEA N&V NAI NaCI NAD NBM NBP NCCG ND NEC Neg NFR NG (T) NHS NHL NICE nausea and vomiting non accidental injury sodium chloride nothing abnormal detected nil by mouth nil by peg non-consultant career grade notifiable disease necrotising enterocolitis negative not for resuscitation nasogastric (tube) National Health Service non Hodgkin's lymphoma National Institute for Clinical Excellence NICU neonatal intensive care unit NIDDM non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus NKDA no known drug allergies NLD necrobiosis lipoidica NMR diabeticorum nuclear magnetic resonance scan Page 4 of 6 NPHC NPO N20 NSAIDS NSCLC NSTEMI NVD NWB NYHA I neonatal death nil of significance no obvious symptoms new patient health check not passed urine nitrous oxide non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs non-small cell lung cancer non-ST elevated myocardial infarction normal vaginal delivery non-weight bearing New York Heart Association OA occipito-anterior OAF Or-antral fistula OBS OCP od OD ODP observations oral contraceptive pill omni die (once a day) overdose operating department practitioner OE on examination OGD oesophagastroduodenoscopy OGTT oral glucose tolerance test OM otitis media OM obtuse marginal artery O/P on palpation OP occipito-posterior OPA out-patient appointment OPC out-patient clinic OPD out-patient department OPG ortho pantoemograph ORh-ve blood group O, Rh negative ORIF open reduction & internal fixation ORTW on return to ward OT Occupational Therapist I P PA PA PAC PAN P/c PCA PCB PCI PCOS PjCOj P3O2 PCNL PCO PCV PD PDA PDPH parity posteroanterior peri-apical pre admission clinic polyarteritis nodosa presenting complaint patient controlled analgesia post coital bleed percutaneous coronary intervention polycystic ovary syndrome partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood percutaneous nephrolithotomy polycystic ovaries packed cell volume peritoneal dialysis patent ductus arteriosus post-dural puncture headache © Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10.3.11 pulmonary embolism peak expiratory flow rate percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy PEP pulmonary embolism prevention PERLA pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation PET pre-eclamptic toxaemia PFE pelvic floor exercises P/h past/previous history PUO PUPP PE PEFR PEG PICC PICU PID PID PIE PIP PIP PIPJ PKU PM PMH PND PNS PO POAC POC PONV PoP POP Pos POSSUM PPOSSUM PPH PPHN PPI PPROM PR PRN PROM PSA PTA PTC PTCA PTR PU peripherally inserted central catheter. paediatric intensive care unit prolapsed intervertebral disc pelvic inflammatory disease pulmonary interstitial emphysema prolactin release inhibiting factor proximal interphalangeal proximal interphalangeal joint phenylketonuria postmortem previous medical history post natal depression/ paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea post nasal space per OS (by mouth) pre-op admission clinic Polythene occlusal covering post operative nausea and vomiting progesterone-only pill plaster of paris positive physiological and operative severity score for enumeration of mortality and morbidity Portsmouth predictor equation post partum haemorrhage persistent pulmonary hypertension proton pump inhibitor preterm premature rupture of membranes per rectum pro re nata (as required) premature rupture of membranes prostate specific antigen pure tone audiogram percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty prothrombin ratio passed urine PV PVC PVD Q R ^ qds pyrexia of unknown origin pruritic urticarial papules, plaques of pregnancy per vaginum pulmonary venous congestion peripheral vascular disease quarter die sumendus (to be taken 4 times a day) right rheumatoid arthritis rest as much as possible renal artery stenosis radio allergo-sorbent test retinoblastoma right bundle branch block red blood cells random blood sugar Royal College of Anaesthetists RCA right coronary artery RDS right divergent squint RDS respiratory distress syndrome RFFF radial forearm fasciocutaneous flap RFT respiratory function tests RGN Registered General Nurse rhesus Rh RhF rheumatic fever/ rheumatoid factor RICE rest, ice, compression and elevation RIF right iliac fossa RIG radiological inserted gastronomy RIP rest in peace RJB Robert Jones bandage RM Registered Midwife Registered Nurse RN ROC removal of clips ROM range of movement rhinoplasty of prematurity ROP ROS removal of sutures R/P root planing RR respiratory rate respiratory system RS RTA road traffic accident RTW return to work RUQ right upper quadrant RVAD right ventricular assist devices RVF right ventricular failure RVH right ventricular hypertropy R V O T right ventricular outflow tract Rx treatment ^ RA RAMAP RAS RAST RB RBBB RBC RBS RCA S SAD SALT sats SAU seasonal affective depression speech & language therapy saturation level Surgical Admissions Unit Page 5 of 6 SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis SBO small bowel obstruction SBR serum bilirubin subcutaneous SC SCA sickle cell anaemia SCBU special care baby unit squamous cell carcinoma SCLC small cell lung cancer SE side effect(s) sec seconds SFD small for date SI sexual intercourse SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone SIDS sudden infant death syndrome SLE systemic lupus erythematosus SLR straight leg raising SMD submucous diathermy SMR sub-mucosal resection S/N Staff Nurse SOB short of breath SOBOE short of breath on exercise/exertion SOL space occupying lesion SP scale & polish SPA supra-pubic aspiration SPC supra pubic catheter SPD symphisis pubis discomfort SpO, oximetry estimation of capillary blood oxygen saturation (also SaOj) SPR Specialist Registrar SPT skin prick test SQ Surgical questionnaire SR slow release SRM spontaneous rupture of membranes SSG split skin graft Stat statim (immediately; as initial dose) STD sexually transmitted disease STI sexually transmitted infection STl soft tissue injury ST/N Student Nurse STOP suction termination of pregnancy SUFE slipped under femoral epiphysis superior vena cava SVC SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery saph. vein graft SVG SVIA self ventilating in air supraventricular SVT tachycardia SW Social Worker see trilogothyronine thyroxine T & A ' s tonsils & adenoids T ^^ ;> Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10 3,11 TAAA TATT TB TBG TBI TCA TCC TCI TENS TIA tid (tds) TFT TLC TLE TMJ TMD TNT TOE TOP TOS TOS TPN TPR TRITS TRUS TSH TTN TTO TTP TTTS TURBT TURP TVN TVS TWOC Tymps M uorU UAI2 UPPP U&E UO URA URT URTI USS UTA UTI uv thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm tired all the time tuberculosis thyroxine binding globulin total body irradiation to come again transitional cell carcinoma to come in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation transient ischaemic attack ter in die (3 times a day) thyroid function test tender loving care temporal lobe epilepsy tempero-mandibular joint tempero-mandibular dysfunction Troponin T trans oesophageal echo termination of pregnancy trial of scar thoracic outlet syndrome total parenteral nutrition temperature, pulse and respirations count trimming of inferior turbates transrectal ultrasound scan thyroid-stimulating hormone transient tachypnea tachypnea of the newborn tablets to take out tender to percussion twin to twin transfusion syndrome transurethral resection of bladder tumour trans urethral resection of prostate tissue viability nurse transvaginal and transvesical sonography trial without catheter typanometry ^ VAC VADs V/B VCMG VE VE VEP VF VIP vacuum assisted closure ventricular assist devices visited by videocystometrography vaginal examination ventricular extrasystole visual evoked potential ventricular fibrillation visual infusion phlebitis score VCUG voiding cystourethrogram VLBW very low birthweight VMB very much better VQ ventilation/perfusion sinctigram VSD ventricular septal defect VV varicose veins w WBC white blood cells WCC white cell count WEL WNL WNR W/R wt yrs weekend leave within normal limits within normal range Ward Round weight years units unstable angina 12 hour blood sample Uvulo-palatopharyngoplasty urea and electrolytes urine output upper raising appliance upper respiratory tract upper respiratory tract infection ultra-sound scan unable to attend urinary tract infection ultraviolet Page 6 of 6 ;> Medical Clerical Bureau - Amended: 10 3,11
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