V OLUME 28, N O . 7 The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan M ARCH , 2015 LSA R EPORTER EDITORS: William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, M.Ed. * Alvin Moebus, CPL Publication Deadline: Submit items Two (2) Weeks [14 calendar days] by 5:00 p.m. AFTER the last LSA meeting. LSA Website: http://www.LSAmichigan.org LSA M EMBER OF THE M ONTH — G ARRETT Y ANKOVITCH Thanks to LSA member Don Moonen. We have a new member in our Association – Garrett Yankovitch. Garrett is not only our newest, he is also our youngest member! Garrett’s interest in locks started when he had a padlock at home with no key. After many tries he was successful in opening it and continued to find more locks to take apart and discover how they worked. He stated: “I found locks interesting and I wanted to learn more about them so I can help people with their hardware problems.” He forgot about his interest in locks for a while when he became the manager of a local pizzeria. “I then got the urge to learn more so I started calling a few locksmith shops and Don was the only one to encourage me to pursue the trade.” Garrett’s high school education was in the Utica Schools Utica, Michigan. At one point he took a welding class at Utica-Stevenson High School. He learned many welding techniques but when he ruined several welding tips, the instructor said he should find another avenue to pursue. He recently signed up for the Foley-Belsaw course online. He also has helped with the Fellowship of Christian Locksmiths job in Troy, Michigan. Garrett is interested in apprenticing with anyone who will have him. “My goal is to get a Certification from ALOA,” he says! LSA...let’s help him reach his — by Al Moebus, CPL goal!! LSA Officers President—Jeremy M. Ameen, CML (810) 629-6883 Education Chairman—Byron Lutes, ARL (734) 751-0336 Vice President—Marc Dearing, CPL (810) 603-4100 Membership Secretary—Alvin Moebus, CPL (313) 885-9365 Secretary—Ray Sinai, CML (248) 543-5397 Public Relations—John Hubel, CML, ICML (586) 254-7233 Treasurer—Aron Boag, CRL (248) 321-2244 Librarian—Larry Williams, RL, CPP (248) 917-2323 Sargent-At-Arms—Byron Lutes, ARL (734) 751-0336 Refreshments—Richard Danforth (248) 890-2681 Newsletter—William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML (313) 884-9800 Technical Operations Director—William Trout (248) 350-0027 Board of Directors: Jeremy Ameen, CML, Ray Sinai, CML, Newsletter—Alvin Moebus, CPL (313) 885-9365 Webmaster—William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML (313) 884-9800 John Hubel, CML; ICML, Rob Rovinsky, CPL; Robert Noble, CML, CPS; Photographer —Rob Rovinsky, CPL (248) 644-7939 Larry Williams, RL, CPP, Maurice Horne, CML, Larry Walker, CRL →Please Volunteer and be part of our Group! P AGE 2 LSA R EPORTER ALOA PRP in March! PRP—The next local ALOA PRP evaluation sitting (testing for certifications) will be at the end of the IDN-Hardware Sales trade show in March. So if you are inclined to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, contact IDNHardware Sales, or simply print out the form found elsewhere in this newsletter. For ALOA members it is significantly less expensive, so consider becoming an ALOA member at the same time. Sign up right away so you won’t change your mind. For those of you who do not favor another “test” in your locksmith life, the LSA will help you through the strategies of test taking. Sponsor: IDN Hardware Sales Trade Show & Convention—Bonnie Weston Date: Sunday, March 22, 2015 Location: Sheraton Detroit Hotel [Novi, Michigan] Can You Identify These V.I.P. LSA Members? (answers on last page of this issue) #1 NEXT M ONTH ’ S LSA M EETING T HURSDAY , A PRIL 9 TH , 2015 7:00 P . M . Locksmith Security Association meets at 7:00 p.m., the second Thursday of the month (Sept. to June) in the Metro Detroit Area in southeast Michigan at: Troy Community Center 3179 Livernois Troy, MI 48083 (248) 524-3484 #2 PRP G LOSSARY — K NOW I T & U SE I T ! A Study in ”B””…” ”…” ball locking—a method of locking a padlock shackle into its case using ball bearing(s) as the bolt(s) barium ferrite card—an access control system credential consisting of magnetized ferrite embedded in a plastic card with polarity and location being important features barrel bolt—a surface mounted slide bolt which has a cylindrical shape barrel key—a type of bit key with a hole drilled into the shank from the tip barrier free—having to do with the absence of restrictions to access by the handicapped Barron, Robert—the Englishman credited with the invention of the double‑acting lever tumbler in 1778 Basic Building Code—former name for BOCA National Building Code battery eliminator—an electric device designed to provide energy to equipment normally requiring batteries for operation LSA—The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan P UBLIC P AGE 3 RELATIONS — J OHN H UBEL , CML, ICML, M.E D . Bring Your Business Card At the end of this newsletter there are business cards of some of the member attendees of our last LSA meeting. Many locksmiths attending each LSA meeting offer problem solving solutions for others. The meeting night can be fairly hectic and time seems to slip by quickly, so below you will find these business cards as a quick contact reference to follow up with your information inquiries. For those reading from beyond the meeting, these locksmiths are some of the LSA’s finest. Feel free to contact them directly should you need locksmith services in their perspective geographic areas. If you are an LSA member and your card is not showing, simply come to the LSA meeting and submit your card for inclusion. Hopefully, this will become a monthly thing. Corbin Russwin Master Ring Jumbo Cylinders This cylinder is not used much anymore for new master key systems, but there are many still in use. The master ring was intended to extend the possibilities for key changes within a master key system. With the implementation of single step master keying, the jumbo cylinder has become less popular, but it is a locksmith’s responsibility to know how to properly utilize this cylinder. We will have a short in-service at the meeting, showing the various parts of the cylinder, what makes it work, and how to make it work for you. At the end of the meeting interested members will have the opportunity to take one as their own. Thank you to Jim Thibodeau, for making it possible for the LSA to have these cylinders to show. “Qwik-Qwiz” Within the Sargent 6300 LFIC, the control chambers are: A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1-6 2-4 3-4 5-6 1-2 1-4 2-5 3-6 None of these [Answer on Last Page of this Newsletter] Sargent LFIC In April, William Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, ALOA ACE Instructor, will be doing a brief inservice, regarding Sargent LFIC cylinders. These complete cylinders, with an operating and control key will be available to anyone wishing to continue their learning. Thank you to John Labut and John Hubel for making these cylinders available to the LSA. FREE Table Bring in your overstock, leftovers, or other items you would like to pass on to your fellow LSA locksmiths. What you might pass off as disposable, other locksmiths might look as an opportunity. One table will be for the “FREE” stuff and another table will be for items you wish to “sell”. Feel free to participate. Caesar & Marcus -John Hubel, CML , ICML, M.Ed. - LSA Past President C ALENDAR OF LSA E VENTS —S EE W EBSITE FOR C OMPREHENSIVE L IST 2014-2015—Dinner at 7:00 pm March LSA General Meeting—Thursday, 03/12/15 April LSA General Meeting—Thursday, 04/09/15 May LSA General Meeting—Thursday, 05/14/15 June LSA General Meeting—Thursday, 06/11/15 “Education, Knowledge & Cooperation—LSA” LSA Mascots W EB L INKS ALOA www.aloa.org IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. www.IDNhardware.com LynkWeb—Hosting & Domains www.LynkWeb.com LAB-Pins &Tools www.labpins.com LSA-Premiere Association www.LSAmichigan.org www.TheLockman.com ICLS—Key Retainers & Tools www.ICLSglobal.com LSA R EPORTER P AGE 4 R OGUE ’ S R OW — F EBRUARY LSA M EETIN G R OB R OVINSKY , CPL - O FFICIAL LSA P HOTOGRAPHER P IX The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan R OGUE ’ S R OW — P AGE 5 M ORE F EBRUARY LSA M EETING P IX R OB R OVINSKY , CPL - O FFICIAL LSA P HOTOGRAPHER The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan P AGE 6 Are YOU a Member of LSA? You can download the form from: http://www.lsamichigan.org/Docs/Application%20Form% P AGE 7 The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan Why not be a Corporate/Business Sponsor for LSA!?! You can download form from: http://www.lsamichigan.org/Docs/Application%20Assoc%20Mem%20Form%2012%20022612.pdf P AGE 8 P RESIDENTIAL P ENNINGS — J EREMY A MEEN , CML I would like to thank Shawn from the Macomb County Vet Center and Craig from Michigan Class Coating. They were presenters at last month’s LSA meeting, and gave us much information on services available to Veterans, as well as security glass coatings. Ron Weston also gave away an IDN show class pass, and we are grateful for their support to LSA. As we look forward, at this time of year, we get tired of the cold weather and the difficulty of working outdoors. We each know that spring and summer will be here before we know it. Keep pressing on and remember the goals that you set back in January. Are you staying on track to achieve those goals? Looking ahead, this month is the IDN Annual Trade Show. They will be offering many classes and learning opportunities. Please try to take advantage of these. Also LSA will be having a booth at the show, so please consider helping out at our booth to talk to others who might be interested in LSA. Let's try to talk to our other friends who might be at the show, and encourage them to attend the monthly LSA meetings. Let’s grow our membership and not keep LSA a hidden secret, just for us to take advantage of! Jeremy Ameen, CML - LSA President P AGE 9 L OOKING BACK INTO T HE L OCKING P AST …R ETRO #38 To follow is another page from the now defunct Locksmithing Institute of New Jersey Home Study Locksmithing Course, started by the late Leonard Singer (Master Keying Expert). The program went out of business in the early 1980s. This lesson excerpt is circa 1973 . Some illustrious graduates who are LSA members include: Ray Sinai, Theo Schultz, Dan Meggison, Nick Palise, Tom Lewis and William Lynk, as well as the notable Billy B. Edwards, Casey Camper and inventor John Ulaszek. The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan P AGE 10 “J OHN ’ S R ANDOM T HOUGHTS ” — BY J OHN H UBEL , CML, ICML, M.E D . We Are Easy To Find When you arrive at the Troy Community Center, follow the LSA signs to our comfortable meeting room. The LSA classroom is set up and ready for learning. We will be implementing our visual enhancements to help each of our attendees see the close up parts of the products being demonstrated. Sharing What You See Did you work on something unusual this past month? You can share by simply taking a few pictures of your project. William Trout, our LSA Technical Operations Director, will gladly help you transfer any picture(s) you have taken to share. Sharing your childhood throwbacks probably will not generate a lot of interest. But what you share in the classroom may save others many hours of work when they meet the same or similar challenges. Why Is It So Important You may be asking why it is we’ve been harping on oil these last few months. The answer is twofold. Mike Trueba, at MPT, is one of our LSA Associate Members and has an incredible wealth of knowledge regarding engine lubricants. But secondly, because of Mike’s input, we have the opportunity to covertly save money as a result of this knowledge. Oil isn’t one of those things we see, smell, or sell, as part of our daily business. But when handled properly, the benefits will visibly show up in our company’s bottom line. And that, in some business circles is called making a profit. Additional lubrication information can easily be found at the MPT Industries website: http://www.mptindustries.com/mpt_products/motoroil.htm Book Tidbits “Yes” or “No”, The Guide to Better Decisions by Spencer Johnson. Spencer Johnson also wrote “Who Moved My Cheese” and a host of other books. The first step in making a good decision is to stop proceeding with a bad decision. Change direction, use your head (options, past experiences, information gathered) and then your heart (is this ethical, hurtful, etc.) when making decisions. Am I meeting the real need with this decision? Ask yourself many questions. More Book Tidbits As we move along in our business lives, books often sum up many of the characteristics of successful business models. No, they may not always be the nuts and bolts of crunching numbers or the rules of running a business, as taught in a Business 101 class. Some books may be more of the philosophical process in running a successful business. This month we share a few quotes, that just might get your thought process jarred enough to accept possible change for your own business application: “For the successful capitalist, self-control is an essential major characteristic.” “Good judgment comes from experience and that experience comes from bad judgment.” “I think I had better exercise my options while I have them, and I had better do it quickly.” “With all the confidence that ignorance brings, I . . . “ “I’ve saved my airplane, and now I’m going to jail.” “Sometimes sin takes you deeper than you want to go and keeps you longer than you want to stay.” “The answer to the customer is always, ‘ Yes, sir! ‘ “ “The most expensive words in the English language are ‘ while we’re at it.’ “ These quotes were taken from the book: Our Toilets Are Not For Customers, written by the late Floyd Coates. Mr. Coates was President of American Plastic Molding Corporation. How often have you heard these (book title) words when you have taken your own young kids into a retailer? These words sent a clear message to the customer. What words are you sending to your customers? We hope to get some copies of this book of business advice, which will be available to selected LSA members. It Just Makes Sense When duplicating multiple keys for your client, place these duplicate keys in a coin envelope, available from any office supply store. Identify the content and place your business card in with the keys. Tell your client they have the option of listing the names of those who are issued a key directly on the envelope. You will be amazed how many clients will use your strategy. Bonus: Your name is always in front of them. P AGE 11 Educational Opportunity! [Information below provided courtesy of POLA] Here is a list of upcoming classes that POLA (PennsylvaniaOhio Locksmith Association) is putting on: ♦ The Safe Masters’ class is about half what it would cost anywhere else. ♦ March 7th. Electric strike frame cutting. Free. At John Bockertt’s in Monroeville, OH. Contact John about it. ♦ April 11. Electronic Lock Defeat Class. $125.00 for member of POLA and LSA. $175 for nonmembers. Held at North Canton, OH. ♦ July 11 and 12. Master keying Class by Cal Royal factory. Instructor-Bill Deahl. $100 for both days. Send check (made out to POLA) for amount to: Bill Mandlebaum, Secretary 825 Haskins Road Bowling Green, OH Contact: 419-352-9119; E-mail: [email protected] P AGE 12 Educational Opportunity! P AGE 13 P AGE 14 LSA R EPORTER LSA Minutes—February 12th Meeting LSA Meeting , February 12, 2015 The meeting was brought to order at 7:30 pm. by President Jeremy Ameen. Guests included Deron Moser a new Pop-a-Lock franchisee, Tony a new locksmithing student and Dustin and his mother Angie. Dustin and Angie have recently opened a new locksmith business in Portage, Michigan. We welcome all guests and all prospective members. One of our presenters was Greg Compton from Michigan Glass Coatings. Mr. Compton explained and displayed the 3M products for window glass protection. His company supplies and installs the film to protect glass from vandalism. All in attendance received a brochure and a sample of the film. Our second presenter was from Macomb County Veterans Center. He gave us information regarding services that are available to military veterans. Ron Weston , from IDN/Hardware Sales gave us more information regarding the upcoming Trade Show. The trade show dates are March 18 – 21 at the Novi Sheraton Hotel in Novi, Michigan. In addition to the trade show, there are 24 classes available and the ALOA PRP test will be given on Sunday. The IDN Trade Show has proven to be one of the best locksmith / door hardware trade shows in the Midwest. Other upcoming locksmith events include; Safetech in Reno, Nevada in April, HL Flake’s trade show in Texas, Clark Security’s Trade show in Chicago and SOPL in Indiana in May. Our monthly “break out” session presented the question: “what is the most important tool in your business”. Answers ranged from code cutting machines to Makita finger sander to communication tools such as cell phones, computers and personal electronic devices. Ray Sinai presented some ideas on possible classes for LSA. No decisions were made as of yet. The Fellowship of Christian Locksmiths mentioned that the second phase of their project, keying of a local church, was completed. New signs to be posted in the Troy Community Center were made, directing members and guests to the new LSA meeting room. We are all thrilled with the new venue and beautiful meeting room. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. The door prizes included 8 different items that were won by members of LSA. Respectfully Submitted, Ray Sinai, CML - LSA Secretary P AGE 15 The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan Security Leader’s Forum ALOA Security Leaders Forum 2015 (Visit: www.ALOA.org for Brochure): Learn, Play and Expand Your Horizons in Reno—2015! ALOA Reno Convention 2015 (Visit: www.ALOA.org for Fact Sheet): LSA R EPORTER P AGE 16 We Are Proud Below you will see business cards of some of the member attendees of our monthly LSA meetings. Many locksmiths attending each LSA meeting offer problem solving solutions for other, not so learned, locksmiths. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it is very good because it allows our membership to sharpen our knowledge and skills. The meeting night can be fairly hectic and time is not always our friend, so below you will find these business cards as a quick contact reference to follow up with your information inquiries. For those reading from beyond, these locksmiths are some of the LSA’s finest. Feel free to contact them directly should you need locksmith services in their perspective geographic areas. If you are an LSA member and your card is not showing, simply come to the LSA meeting and submit your card for inclusion. P AGE 17 The Locksmith Security Association of Michigan P AGE 18 LSA Dinner Sponsors If you are interested in sponsoring Dinner for a future LSA meeting, contact President Jeremy Ameen, CML (810) 629-6883 or Refreshment Chairperson Richard Danforth, Sr.. All of our members are appreciative for your time, funds and effort. Thank you. September—Marx Locksmith Service, Inc. - (Marc Dearing, CPL) October—ICLS [Interchangeable Core Lock Systems] - (William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, M.Ed.) November—Keejon Keys - (John Hubel, CML, ICML, M.Ed.) December—Gene Simon, IDN Hardware Sales & Byron Lutes - (Holiday Dinner) January— LSA of Michigan February—LSA of Michigan March—LSA of Michigan April— May— June— Associate Members/Sponsors of LSA 1100 Killian Road Akron, OH 44312 1-(800) 321-9602 P.O. Box 610 Mackinaw City, MI 49701 Kristy McFarland, Managing Director BREAK- IN BLOCKER By Sovilok Toll free: 888-SOVILOK www.breakinblocker.com Jon Hohauser-Mfg. Rep (248) 650-7824 Safety Technology International, Inc. Tim Zale, Inside Sales [email protected] www.sti-usa.com (248) 673-9898 Securitech Group 54-45 44th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 ♦John Hubel, CML (800) 622-5625 ♦(586) 254-7233 www.securitech.com Zipf Lock Company 830 Harmon Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43223 77 Rodeo Drive Brentwood, NY 11717 Marshall Brooks, Technical Support Specialist (631) 492-1711 [email protected] www.USLock.com Call: (800) 848-1577 Fax: (800) 228-6320 http://www.zipflockco.com National Wholesale Distributor of Commercial & Residential Door Hardware and Locksmith Supplies since 1908. S. J. Schilling & Associates, Inc. Representing: American Lock, Cal Royal, Emtek, Master Lock Steve Schilling Office: (740) 929-2933 Cell: (614) 496-4387 E-mail: [email protected] LSA R EPORTER P AGE 19 F OR I NFO ., CONTA CT : A L M OEBUS , CPL— MEMBER SHIP C HAIR 533 F ISHER R OAD , G ROSSE P OINTE , MI 48230 (313) 885-9365 MEMBERSHIP Download Membership Application Publication Deadline: Submit items Two (2) Weeks (14 calendar days) by 5:00 p.m. AFTER the last LSA meeting. http://www.lsamichigan.org/LSA%20Membership%20Application.pdf TO: [email protected] [ Click above or on our web site!] Associate Members/Sponsors of LSA IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. 35950 Industrial Road P.O. Box 510624 Livonia, MI 48150 Livonia: (800) 521-0955 FAX: (800) 272-4409 http://www.idnhardware.com William M. Lynk, CML, CPS FAX: (586) 755-5145 www.ICLSglobal.com Your Key to Security Hardware [email protected] (313) 884-9800 Bockert & Associates 18 Fort Monroe Industrial Parkway Monroeville, OH 44847 LynkWeb.com -An Affordable Lynk to the World ———————————- (800) 321-7550 FAX: (419) 465-4216 Manufacturer Reps for: DON JO, DETEX, ACSI, MARKS USA, RCI, CANSEC, ABH, ADA-EZ, ABH, Olympus JLM Wholesale, Inc. 3095 Mullins Ct. Oxford, MI 48371 ♦ Websites Under $12.00 ♦ Customer Support 24/7 ♦ 500 E-mail Accounts ♦ Free Software FAX: (800) 782-1160 Wholesale Hardware 700 Emmett St. Bristol, CT 06010 www.LynkWeb.com (800) 243-8242 RITTNER/FRENCH ASSOCIATES Gene Simon 150 S. Elizabeth Rochester, MI 48307 Hardware Specialist P.O. Box 51 Flossmoor, IL 60422 1-800-RFA-4-SPEC FAX: (248) 651-2650 Jet Hardware Mfg. Corp. LAB Security Products Major Manufacturing, Inc. Representing: 909 Washington Ave Alpena, MI 49707 Phone: 989-354-5623 Fax: 989-354-4238 Web: www.framon.com #1 = Jimmy Mowry, CML #2 = Marc Dearing, CPL WHO ARE THEY? Phone: (708) 799-8783 FAX: (708) 799-4322 (800) 732-4773 Framon Manufacturing Company., Inc. Credit Card Processing (888) 228-1011, ext. 115 www.labpins.com ♦ William Lynk, CML, CPS-Owner www.jlmwholesale.com (800) 522-2940 THE CHOICE OF *Professional Locksmiths *Finest Lock Companies MPT Twelve Lock Lubricant is the longest lasting lubricant and penetrant available. MPT Industries 1010 Aviation Drive Lake Havasu, AZ 86404 800-537-5397 9950 Freeland Avenue Detroit, MI 48227 6-B Hamilton Business Park 85 Franklin Road Dover, NJ 07801 Phone: (313) 931-7720 Phone: 973-989-9220 ————————————— Toll Free: 800-351-0605 Fine Quality Key Machines, Key Blanks, Locks, Hardware FAX: (313) 931-7758 Michael Wiener Qwik-Qwiz Answer: Answer: C Warren: (800) 468-7490
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