BOKELA HiBar Filtration 2 / 2015 e Continuous Pressure & Steam Pressure Filtration with Large Filter Units BOKELA HiBar Filtration Continuous Filtration with Rotary Drum or Disc Filters HiBar Pressure Filtration compressed air/gas is used for filtration HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration superheated steam is used for cake washing and cake dewatering Features of both versions continuous filtration process with rotary drum or disc filters hermetically sealed process high filtration pressure difference up to ∆p = 6 bar and temperature up to T = 160°C (in special cases vessel pressure up to 15 bar, T < 200°C) efficient cake washing with minimal wash liquor demand cake discharge generally by compressed air blowback reliable sluice technologies for cake discharge out of the vessel BOKELA HiBar Filtration Continuous Filtration with Rotary Drum or Disc Filters HiBar Filtration with large filter units is made for: fine and difficult to filter particles high specific throughput rates e.g. for bulk materials extremely low cake moistures toxic products like emitting suspensions low-boiling suspensions hot suspensions and high process temperatures effective cake washing in up to 3 counter-current steps high energy efficiency by recirculating of hot filtrates gentle product handling BOKELA HiBar Filtration Plant Design Plant Design for Large and Small Filter Units With horizontal pressure vessel for large units with rotary disc or drum filters for filtering, washing and dewatering of bulk materials with high throughput rates Oyster design (vertical vessel) for small units with rotary drum or disc filters for sophisticated separation tasks like washing and drying of valuable products in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, etc. BOKELA HiBar Filtration Plant Design for Large Filter Units Rotary Drum and Disc Filters in Horizontal Pressure Vessels HiBar Drum Filter HiBar Disc Filter Principle of Plant Design Continuous Pressure Filtration & Steam Pressure Filtration Superheated steam Compressor Steam Pressure Filtration clean solids by excellent cake wash lowest moisture content extraction of soluable components steam cabins disc filter pressure vessel filtrate receiver hermetically sealed process no product contamination no emissions closed gas circuit Slurry pump cake blow off tank discharge sluice Filtrate high throughput rates continuous operation low moisture content Filter cake small specific footprint simple peripheral equipment (tanks, pumps) energy saving in downstream thermal drying good bulk material handling low transport cost Why Pressure Filtration? Higher pressure difference increases throughput & reduces moisture content mechanical demoisturing limit Capillary Pressure pC [bar] 6 5 4 3 2 1 t2: demoisturing time t2 = ∞ higher throughput rates mS ~ ∆p, n t2 = 120 s separating of fine particles t2 = 60 s pressure filtration reduced moisture contents t2 = 0 s (overcoming of the capillary forces) S = f [ (∆ ∆p – pke), t2, ...] vacuum filtration pce improved filter cake washing pce: capillary entry pressure 0 0 0,5 Saturation S [-] Sremanent Sequilibrium (3 bar) 1 Svacuum Theory of Filter Cake Formation . & s ⋅ A F = ρ s (1 − ε ) ⋅ Ms = m 2 n α1 ⋅ κ ⋅ ∆p ⋅ ⋅ A F ⋅ 3,600 ⋅ η Lrc 60 360 0 product parameters machine process parameters parameters product parameters ms ηL κ rC ε [kg/m²s] [kg/ms] [-] [1/m] [-] specific solids throughput filtrate viscosity solids concentration coefficient cake resistance porositiy process parameters n ∆p [1/min] [N/m²] filter speed pressure difference in form zone machine parameters α1 Α [°] [m²] cake forming angle filter area BOKELA HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration Innovative Hybrid Process HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration is an innovative hybrid process which achieves extremely dry and pure filter cakes. Pure steam is used for dewatering, washing and cake drying. A filter cake formed at the low temperature of the feed slurry enters a specially designed steam cabin immediately after emerging from the slurry in the filter trough. Here, a superheated steam atmosphere exists and the following phenomenon takes place which can be described by the model of the condensate front. Model of the Condensate Front filter cake: before ... during ... after steaming superheated steam cold and saturated continuous moving of a condensate front homogeneous heating of the filter cake emptying of nearly all pores viscosity reduction of the residual liquid excellent washing out (extraction) extremely low moisture content vacuum filtration Steam Pressure Filtration wet & sticky cake mc = 35 % dry cake mc = 23 % hot and dry filter cloth filtrate / condensate HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration Process and Plant Principle In a specially designed and patented steam cabin covering only part of the filtration area, the filter cake is only partially exposed to steam, which accelerates and intensifies the dewatering process. steam cabins cake discharge segments Control head BOKELA HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration Process and Plant Principle compressed air (P2) steam (Psteam) wash water P1 = pressure inside vessel Psteam = P1 P2 P2 ∆pFiltration sluice cake (Patm) = blowback pressure for cake discharge > P1 filtrate, condensate and air suspension feed = P1 – Patm ≤ 6 bar Application of Steam Pressure Filtration Conventional Filter Addition of liquid or dry material Conventional Filter Drier Conventional Filter Drier Chem. Reactor Conventional Filter Product recirculation Drier Washing on Convent. Filter Washing on Convent. Filter Refinement with liquid or dry additives Thermal drying Chemical Material Conversion Thermal drying with dry product re-circulation or with additives Multiple washing with re-slurring Alternative: Hybrid Separation Process HiBar BOKELA HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of an Organic Acid Filtration, Washing & Dewatering Greatest Pressure Drum Filter Worldwide HiBar Drum Filter L-Type 40 Filter area [m²] 40 Drum Diameter [m] 2.4 pH value of suspension [-] 1-2 Suspension temperature [°C] 45 Product Data Process and Operation Data [t/h] 2.7 Cake moisture [wt%] < 26 Steam per t solids [kg/t] 50 Solids throughput (dry) HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of FGD-Gypsum Filtration, Washing and Dewatering filter area number of filters Vacuum Drum Filter HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration [m²] 18 10 [-] 2 2 16 cake thickness [mm] 17 - 20 filter speed [rpm] 0.75 1 pressure difference [bar] 0.7 1.5 scraper Air blow back [t/h] 12 12 [%] 11 3.3 [m³/h] 3 1.2 cake discharge Target solids throughput reducing of cake moisture reducing of wash liquor reducing of Cl- content in the cake reducing of solids in the filtrate steam consumption gas throughput energy [mg/kg] 50 - 100 40 - 50 [wt-%] 1.5 0.3 – 1.0 0 0.8 [m³/h] [t/h] 600 700 [kW] 50 30 no no flocculants HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Coal Ultrafines Waste-to-Money Hi-Bar Steam Pressure Filtration is capable to produce extremely dry ultrafines below 10wt-% moisture which now offers new options in coal ultrafines treatment. steam cabins HiBar Disc Filter in horizontal pressure vessel for Steam Pressure Filtration HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Coal Ultrafines Waste-to-Money Ultrafines (x < 250 µm) Vacuum 23 – 28 wt% Continuous Pressure Filtration Hi-Bar Steam Pressure Filtration 16 – 19 wt% 8 – 12 wt% Steam Consumption for Coal Ultrafines Dewatering vs Moisture Content specific steam consumption [kgsteam/tDS] Typical Moisture Contents of Met Coal Concentrates 140 120 18.06.2014 day 1 100 23.06.2014 day 2 24.06.2014 day 3 80 60 pressure difference ∆p = 3 bar 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 moisture content [wt.-%] -17- HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Coal Ultrafines Waste-to-Money HiBar Pilot Plant Operation for Steam Pressure Filtration of Coal Ultrafines HiBar pilot plant Dry coal with moisture content mc = 8 wt% mc = 8 wt% Clear filtrate Benefits of HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration bulk material characteristics even under frost conditions lower transport weight no post-dewatering due to compacting during transport („flow moisture point“) lower or even no energy cost for thermal drying marketing as stand-alone product -18- HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Iron Ore Concentrates Hi-Bar Steam Pressure Filtration achieves lowest moisture contents of mc = 3 wt% with fine iron ore concentrates. This improves transport in cold regions with long frost periods or makes transport possible at all. Dewatering of Fine Concentrates: Technologies and Results Dewatering of Fine Iron Ore Concentrates: Technologies and Results magnetite slurry, xmagnetite slurry 50 = 35 µm Moisture Content Vacuum Filtration Continuous Pressure Filtration (∆p = 4 bar) Hi-Bar Steam Pressure Filtration 10 – 14 wt% 6 – 9 wt% < 3 wt% moisture content mc [wt.-%] 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 ∆p = 0.7 6.0 ∆p = 5.5 bar 5.0 ∆p = 5.5 bar 14 kg steam/t solids 4.0 3.0 2.0 ms = 8.2 t/m²h n = 1.5 – 3 rpm 1.0 0.0 target moisture for rail transport in winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 dewatering ratio ratio t2t/t21/t[-] dewatering 1 [-] -19- HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Bauxite Residue Converting Red Mud to Dry Bauxite Residue (DBR) HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration Offers New Possibilities for Bauxite Residues HiBar disc filter (70m²) with steam cabins minimum moisture content remarkably below the thixotropic point (mc < 28wt%) improved handling and improved disposal sand-like bulk characteristics i.e. good transport and handling characteristics minimized content of soluble soda industrial re-usage of bauxite residue possible for re-cultivation, street or dam building or other applications HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Bauxite Residue Converting Red Mud to Dry Bauxite Residue (DBR) HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration Plant with 2 HiBar Disc Filters for Bauxite Residue Dewatering 2 x HiBar disc filter 70 m² per filter with 5 discs per filter 1 filter in operation, 1 filter as stand-by unit red mud with very small particle size of x50 = 1.9 µm filtration pressure difference ∆p = 4 - 6 bar solids throughput: 32 t/h moisture content mc in wt% pressure filtration mc < 28 wt% steam pressure filtratation: mc < 25 wt% Filter building (foot print L x W x H = 13.7 m x 8.5 m x 13 m) -21- HiBar Steam Pressure Filtration of Bauxite Residue Converting Red Mud to Dry Bauxite Residue (DBR) The blown-off DBR filter cake ... ... and forms a heap of dry and flowable DBR ... falls into the sluice ... onto the conveyor ... Exemplary Application Products Exemplary application of HiBar Filtration with large filter units bauxite pigments (organic and inorganic) coal concentrates precipitation & crystallisation products iron ore concentrates starches copper concentrates • lead concentrates tailings like zinc concentrates • • mineral bulk products like • • gypsum, fertiliser or similar phosphate products • wheat, potato, tapioca bauxite residue iron ore tailings zinc leaching tailings etc. HiBar Filtration Discharge Sluices Chamber Discharge Sluice - Different Solutions Available Proven double valve arrangement Conical intermediate chamber to avoid solids bridging Heating / CIP as required Gate Valves Swing Valves COPERION Rotary Valve reliable and proven equipment for PTA and other non-abrasive products -24- HiBar Filtration in Horizontal Pressure Vessel Filter Sizes Sizing of Disc Filters Filter Type [-] XS S Disc Diameter [m] 2.2 3.2 Filtration Area [m²] 6 - 84 56 - 168 Sizing of Drum Filters Filter Type [-] M L XL Drum Diameter [m] 1.8 2.4 3.2 Filtration Area [m²] 6.8 - 20 16 - 40 40 - 81 HiBar Filtration Pilot Plant Mobile Plant for Pilot Operation Tests at the Site drum filter HiBar Pressure & Steam Pressure Filtration maximum operation pressure: < 6 bar,g drum filter 0.3 m² (0.2 m²) / disc filter 1 m² maximum operation temperature: 180°C (drum) / 170°C (disc) disc filter overall installation dimensions: approx. 3,600 x 5,000 x 4,000 mm total weight: approx. 6,000 kg material of construction: SS AISI 316L power supply: 360 - 440 V AC, 50/60 Hz Vacuum Filtration Dynamic Crossflow Filtration Membrane Filtration Sieve Filtration DYNO Filter (MF) Filter Revamping DYNO Filter (sieve) Filter Revamping Trouble Shooting Consulting Development Services Disc Filter Hi-Bar Filter Backflush Filtration Drum Filter Hi-Bar Oyster Filter FILTRATEST Pressure Filtration Pan Filter Hi-Bar Pressure & Steam Pressure Filtration Laboratory Equipment Backflush Filter FILTRATEST DYNOTEST BOKELA GmbH BOKELA Australia Pty BOKELA do Brasil Ltda BOKELA India Pvt Ltd Tullastr. 64 76131 Karlsruhe Deutschland Springfield, QLD 4300 Australia Baner Pune 411 045 Maharashtra India phone: +49 721 96456-0 [email protected] phone : +61 7 3288 1400 [email protected] R. Santiago Ballesteros 610 Sala 6, Cinco 32010-050 Contagem – MG Brazil phone: +55 31 2565 0976 [email protected] phone: +91 955 26 69 200 [email protected]
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