März 2015 Datatrans eCom Technical Implementation Guide For Universal Payment Page (UPP) V 8.43 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 1 / 41 To guarantee a proper implementation of the Datatrans Payment Solution make sure to read the following documents carefully: General Information Technical Implementation Guide Please use only the latest version of these documents. Both are available at http://www.datatrans.ch/en/Payment-solutions/Technical-information/ 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 2 / 41 Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT 1.2 RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS 1.2.1 RECOMMENDATIONS 1.2.2 FORBIDDEN EXPRESSIONS IN PARAMETER VALUES 1.2.3 FORBIDDEN PARAMETER NAME 1.2.4 OTHERS 1.2.5 SPECIAL CHARACTERS 1.2.6 UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES 1.2.7 SERVICE- AND RETURNURLS 2 AUTHORIZATION 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 3 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 DESIGN PROCESS OVERVIEW MANDATORY PARAMETERS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH EACH TRANSACTION HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PARAMETER OTHER MANDATORY PARAMETERS MANDATORY PARAMETERS FOR HIDDENMODE OPTIONAL PARAMETERS CUSTOMER ADDRESS DETAILS AVAILABLE PAYMENT METHODS AUTHORIZATION RESPONSE SUCCESSFUL AUTHORIZATION FAILED / UNSUCCESSFUL AUTHORIZATION CANCELLED PAYMENT PROCEDURE POST URL FEEDBACK PAYMENT PAGE RESPONSE CODES XML SETTLEMENT AND STATUS REQUESTS 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 3.1 XML SETTLEMENT REQUEST 3.1.1 PROCESS OVERVIEW 3.1.2 MANDATORY PARAMETERS 3.1.3 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS 3.1.4 XML SETTLEMENT RESPONSE 3.2 XML STATUS REQUEST 3.2.1 PROCESS OVERVIEW 3.2.2 MANDATORY PARAMETERS 3.2.3 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS 3.2.4 XML STATUS RESPONSE 3.2.5 MEANING OF ERROR CODES 3.2.6 MEANING OF RESPONSE (STATUS) CODES 4 SPECIALTIES ABOUT DIFFERENT PAYMENT METHODS 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 3 / 41 4.1 AVS - ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE 4.1.1 MANDATORY PARAMETERS 4.2 CREDITPASS ELV (ELEKTRONISCHES LASTSCHRIFT VERFAHREN) 4.2.1 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS 4.3 CURABILL 4.4 DELTAVISTA 4.4.1 MANDATORY PARAMETERS 4.5 PAYSAFECARD 4.6 MFGROUP CHECKOUT 4.6.1 MANDATORY PARAMETERS FOR CREDIT CHECK (MFA) 4.6.2 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS FOR CREDIT CHECK (MFA) 4.6.3 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS FOR AUTHORIZATION (MFG) 4.6.4 MFGROUP SPECIFIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS (MFA) 4.6.5 MFGROUP EASY INTEGRATION (PAYMENT METHOD MFX) 4.7 PAYPAL 4.7.1 REFERENCE TRANSACTIONS 4.7.2 LINE ITEMS 4.7.3 PAYPAL EXPRESS CHECKOUT 4.7.4 ADDITIONAL PAYPAL SPECIFIC PARAMETERS 4.8 POSTFINANCE ALIAS 4.8.1 PROCESS STEPS: 4.9 PAYOLUTION 4.10 ADUNO SURPRIZE 4.10.1 ADUNO SURPRIZE SPECIFIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS 4.11 MIGROS BANK PAYMENT 4.11.1 MANDATORY REQUEST PARAMETERS 4.11.2 OPTIONAL REQUEST PARAMETERS 4.11.3 RETURN PARAMETERS 4.12 SWISSCOM EASYPAY 4.12.1 OPTIONAL REQUEST PARAMETERS 4.12.2 SETTLEMENT 4.12.3 CREDIT 4.13 SWISSBILLING 4.13.1 ADDITIONAL MANDATORY REQUEST PARAMETERS 4.13.2 OPTIONAL REQUEST PARAMETERS 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 5 ALIAS 32 6 SECURITY OPTION 32 6.1 DATA TRANSFER ENCRYPTION 6.2 DIGITAL SIGNATURE 6.2.1 SECURITY LEVEL 0 6.2.2 SECURITY LEVEL 1 6.2.3 SECURITY LEVEL 2 6.2.4 CREATION OF THE DIGITAL SIGNATURE (VALUE OF PARAMETER SIGN) IN THE REQUEST 6.2.5 SIGN2 7 7.1 TEST PROCEDURE TEST CREDIT CARDS 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 4 / 41 7.1.1 TEST RULES 7.2 POSTFINANCE 7.3 CREDITPASS ELV (ELEKTRONISCHES LASTSCHRIFT VERFAHREN) 7.4 MYONE 7.5 DANKORT 7.6 PAYPAL 7.7 DELTAVISTA 7.8 MFGROUP CHECKOUT 7.9 ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE 7.10 MAESTRO 7.11 JELMOLI BONUS CARD 7.12 SOFORT ÜBERWEISUNG 7.13 IDEAL 7.14 SWISSBILLING 7.14.1 TEST DATA 7.14.2 TEST RULES 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 ERROR CODES 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 UPP AND XML ERROR CODES ANTI-FRAUD ERROR CODES ALIAS ERROR CODES XML SPECIFIC ERRORS 40 40 41 41 Revision Control Version Date Changed by 7 05.02.2010 Katja Schlegel 7.1 04.03.2010 Katja Schlegel 7.2 09.04.2010 Katja Schlegel 7.3 13.04.2010 Katja Schlegel 7.4 7.5 7.6 12.05.2010 27.06.2010 20.10.2010 Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel 7.7 02.12.2010 Katja Schlegel 7.8 7.9 28.12.2010 31.01.2011 Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel 8 22.02.2011 Katja Schlegel 8.1 08.03.2011 Katja Schlegel 8.2 28.03.2011 A. Mkrtchyan 8.3 01.04.2011 A. Mkrtchyan 8.4 20.04.2011 A. Mkrtchyan 8.5 05.05.2011 A. Mkrtchyan Comments / nature of change 2.3.1 Add note about PayPal 2.3.3 Add uppCustomerDetails, new functionality for PayPal 7.9 Add note about PayPal 2.3.1. Add paymentmethod CashTicket 2.3.2 Note about pos_payment_type 7.5 New test parameters for PostFinance tests 7.14 New payment method SOFORT Überweisung 2.3.1 New payment method SOFORT Überweisung 1.2.3 Restriction in URL endings 1.5.2 Add uppWebResponseMethod 2.3.2 Add uppMobileMode 7.4 Change expiration date on credit cards 4.3 Add new chapter 4.4 Add new chapter 4.5 Add new chapter with Powercard; Vanilla 3.4.1 Add response codes 0, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 30 3.2.1 parameter pmethod is not in use anymore authorisationCode replaced with uppTransactionId 2.4.1 Add responseCode to list of parameters 2.3.1 Add iDeal to list of payment methods 7.15 Add new chapter - description for iDeal 2.3.2 Remove testOnly parameter 7.2 Remove text with testOnly parameter 3 Updated XML settlement request section, added XML status re quest service description 2.5 Changed description for PayPal Express Checkout 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 5 / 41 8.5.1 10.05.2011 A. Mkrtchyan 8.5.2 16.06.2011 A. Mkrtchyan 8.6.0 19.08.2011 Oliver Heister 8.6.1 05.09.2011 Oliver Heister 8.7 07.10.2011 Urs Kipfer 8.8 13.12.2011 Oliver Heister 8.9 15.12.2011 Oliver Heister 8.10 8.11 30.12.2011 12.06.2012 Oliver Heister Oliver Heister 8.12 15.06.2012 Oliver Heister 8.13 22.06.2012 Oliver Heister 8.14 22.08.2012 Oliver Heister 8.15 03.12.2012 Oliver Heister 8.16 07.12.2012 Urs Kipfer 8.17 11.12.2012 Oliver Heiser 8.18 13.02.2013 Oliver Heister 8.19 8.20 06.03.2013 26.03.2013 Katja Schlegel Urs Kipfer 7.11 4.5.1 3.2.7 7.15 2.4 2.5 4.5 7.11 2.4.1 1.2.5 2.4.2 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.7 7.9 8 2.5.1 7.1 2.5.1 * 4.4.1 2.4 2.4.2 2.5.5 2.4.2 * 2.4.2 4.9 Changed acquirers, which support AVS Removed payment type Vanilla Added response code 14 (Timeout) Added restriction about special characters for iDeal New MFGroup payment methods New uppCustomerDetails (birthdate, gender, language) MFGroup specific details Test process for MFGroup Remove obsolete parameter cardsqnr Restrictions on return URLs (ports 80 and 443) New payment methods - Reka Card - iDEAL via SOFORT Überweisung - PostFinance Card - PostFinance E-Finance - Mediamarkt Shopping Card - Saturn Winner Card Parameter “pos_payment_type” removed New Parameter “mfaReference” New “reqtype” REA (re-authorization) MFGroup process overview MFGroup: new input parameter “mfaReference” new MFGroup specific output parameters PayPal Reference Transactions PostFinance Alias New PayPal test process New chapter “Error Codes” authorizationCode is deprecated Added countries for test cards removed length of acqAuthorizationCode correction of spelling errors Deltavista: added parameter uppCustomerName Added parameter useTouchUI Removed deprecated parameter POS Updated List of error codes Removed duplicated parameters Removed http:// URLs added Payolution payment methods Payolution details * 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.2 4.5.1 4.5.4 4.1 4.9 4.9 7.1 2.4 2.4 4.7 4.5.2 4.5.4 New URLs for showcase examples New parameter names for PayPal Reference Transactions PayPal line items PayPal Express Check-Out Additional PayPal parameters New chapter “CreditPass” New parameter value “MFX” for “paymentmethod” New chapter “MFGroup easy integration” Parameters for AdressVerificationService reqtype for Payolution Standard-Mode for Payolution Test credit cards: added 06/2015 Added details about uppWebResponseMethod Added parameter uppReturnMaskedCC Added missing word “days”. Add Installment-specific parameters New Parameter “returnVirtualCardno” 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 6 / 41 8.21 03.06.2013 Oliver Heister 8.22 06.06.2013 Oliver Heister 8.23 19.08.2013 Katja Schlegel 8.24 03.09.13 Katja Schlegel 8.25 12.09.13 Katja Schlegel 8.26 01.10.13 Katja Schlegel 8.27 8.28 8.29 07.10.13 10.10.13 24.10.13 Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel 8.30 31.10.13 Katja Schlegel 8.31 19.11.13 Katja Schlegel 8.32 11.12.13 Oliver Heister 8.33 8.33MDP 8.34 8.35 03.03.14 03.03.14 07.03.14 11.03.14 Oliver Heister Oliver Heister Katja Schlegel Katja Schlegel 8.36 31.03.14 Katja Schlegel 8.37 15.09.14 Christoph Ryser 8.4 15.10.14 Christoph Ryser 8.41 07.11.14 Peter Sutter 8.42 29.12.14 Christoph Ryser 8.43 03.03.15 Christoph Ryser 4.6.2 4.6.2 4.6.2 4.6.3 2.4.2 4.1.1 4.5 4.6.4 7.4 4.3 2.3.2 2.4 2.4 * 8 8.5 4.7.4 1.2.1 4.7.2 2.3.1 2.5.1 8 * 1.2.5 2.4 7.8 7.9 4.2 7.3 4.10 4.11 7.6 2.4 2.4.2 4.2.1 2.4.2 4.12 2.3.3 2.5.1 3.2.4 2.4.2 4.13 7.14 2.4 2.4 2.5.1 2.5.3 7 8 2.4 4.12.2 2.42.4 Changed parameter name “uppCustomerIpAddress” Added parameter “atOwnRisk” Added details for parameters “installmentType”, “atOwnRisk” Added details for parameters “installmentType”, “atOwnRisk” Added payment method Billpay Added parameter uppCustomerState Added note about credits for Installements Added new parameters uppDisplayShippingDetails and uppForwardCustomerDetails Add new test credit cards for Visa, MasterCard, Amex Added Curabill Add recommendation about Hidden Mode Add customTheme Add refno2 and refno3 for ELV Delete chapters 7.1 – 7.3, replace by dedicated test-account Information Add text about error codes Add chapter Add pendingPayPal Add recommendations Add explanation for PayPal Line items Move sign-parameter to highly recommended parameters Add RC 01 and RC02 Add RC 1403 Correct hyperlinks Add chapter Add refno2 for Visa/MasterCard (Soft Descriptor) Add virtualCardno Add samples for Bad and Unknown Customer Add restriction (US entity) Added SEPA paramters for ELV Added test data for SEPA ELV Added "Aduno surprize" Added "Migros Bank Payment" Update link to PayPal subscription Add remark for refno2 for sofortüberweisung Add Billsafe Add uppElvMandatText Added Payment Method Swisscom Easypay Added Swisscom Easypay correct field type aliasCC define field type aliasCC correct field type and description aliasCC Added Payment Method SwissBilling Added SwissBilling Added test data and test rules for SwissBilling Remove prerequisite for TouchUI Add parameter uppReturnTarget Add parameters for dynamic currency conversion (DCC) Merchant parameters also sent back in case of cancel Remove Payolution in chapter 7. Remove 8.5 Other errors Remove Parameter uppMobileMode Details for settlement of Swisscom Easypay Added parmeter merchantAgbLink 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 7 / 41 1 Introduction 1.1 About this document This document gives you an overview about the implementation of our interface and its parameters and helps you to implement all the options to process a transaction properly. * The most common problems with the payment process are doubled or missing transactions. This kind of problems is in most of the cases the consequence of improper payment process implementation. We highly recommend reading the document “General Information about the payment process with Datatrans”. In description of field types following acronyms are used: N - means numeric value (e.g. 1234), A - means alphabetic value (e.g. abc), AN means alphanumeric value (e.g. abs123), MM means month (e.g. 03 for March), YY means year (e.g. 11 for 2011). For example, N8 means a numeric value of length 8 (e.g. 33145687). There are also some code examples on http://www.datatrans.ch/showcase/ which are useful for a basic implementation. 1.2 1.2.1 Restrictions and regulations Recommendations Please note that we do not recommend using iFrames for external payment methods. Refer to this chapter for the details which are external payment methods and which are not. 1.2.2 Forbidden expressions in parameter values Do not use the following expressions in parameter values. Script onload onunload onclick ondblclick onkey onmouse onfocus onblur onselect onchange 1.2.3 Forbidden parameter name Do not use the following expression as parameter name. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 8 / 41 submit 1.2.4 Others The payment has to be processed in a visible frame with a minimum size of 390 x 400 pixels. We do not send parameters back to a return URL that ends with .html or .htm. Please use all other endings. 1.2.5 Special characters Use ASCII for the reference number. Special characters in the “refno” will be changed as follows: ä, ö, ü, â, é, è to a, o, u, a, e and so on. 1.2.6 Undocumented features Please note that undocumented features can be changed or disabled by Datatrans at any time. We highly recommend implementing your interface to Datatrans according to our specifications to guarantee a proper payment process. 1.2.7 Service- and returnURLs All service and return URLs (Post URL, Success URL, Error URL, Cancel URL) are restricted to the ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 9 / 41 2 Authorization 2.1 Design You can choose between Standard and Hidden Mode. Standard Mode shows the consumer the Payment Method Selection Page from Datatrans, which can be customized individually in the Web Admin Tool. Hidden Mode shows the consumer the payment page programmed by the merchant and skips the Payment Method Selection Page from Datatrans. There are some additional parameters which have to be used in the Hidden Mode. It is necessary to have a valid SSL certificate if you use the Hidden Mode. But we highly recommend using an SSL certificate for Standard Mode too. 2.2 Process overview The UPP interface directs the consumer to the URL of the service provider and posts the parameters. The final payment transaction response reaches the merchant in two ways: Response URL The consumer is directed with posted parameters back to the merchant (to the URL of his choice). Post URL If a Post URLs is used, parallel to the call of the merchant’s web page, the transaction response is directly sent to the server application of the merchant. Starting the payment service, the merchant’s application directs the consumer to the service URL (e.g. form action) and passes all mandatory and optional parameters to the service. Once the transaction is completed, the consumer is directed back to the return URL of the shop application. Service URLs: UTF-8 encoding: ISO encoding: 2.3 https://payment.datatrans.biz/upp/jsp/upStart.jsp https://payment.datatrans.biz/upp/jsp/upStartIso.jsp Mandatory parameters to be submitted with each transaction * All parameters are case specific merchantId amount currency refno N10 A3 AN18 Unique Merchant Identifier (assigned by Datatrans) Transaction amount in cents or smallest available unit of the currency Transaction currency – ISO Character Code (CHF, USD, EUR etc.) Merchant reference number; note: unique value for PayPal; can be defined as unique value for all other payment methods, too. Please refer to [email protected] for details. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 10 / 41 2.3.1 Highly recommended parameter We highly recommend adding at least the sign level1 to your request. sign 2.3.2 This parameter may be used according to the merchant’s security level settings. For details please refer to the chapter “Security Option”. Other mandatory parameters The following parameters either have to be submitted with each transaction or configured / pre-set in the merchant administration tool https://payment.datatrans.biz successUrl This parameter represents the URL of the merchant’s shop application, where the consumer should be redirected to after a successful transaction This parameter represents the URL of the merchant’s shop application, where the consumer should be redirected to after a failed transaction This parameter represents the URL of the merchant’s shop application, where the consumer should be redirected to after cancelling the payment dialog errorUrl cancelUrl 2.3.3 Mandatory parameters for HiddenMode paymentmethod A3 cardno or aliasCC AN20 expm expy hiddenMode MM YY cvv N4 Payment method code; please refer to chapter 2.4.2 for detailed listing; this parameter is optional for Standard Mode Credit card number or alias for credit card number. Optionally used for PostFinance Alias or for PayPal Reference Transactions Expiry month of the card Expiry year of the card Validates required parameters for hidden mode; sends process to error page if validation fails; value: “yes” CVV code (mandatory for initial transactions) We highly recommend to validate, if the fields are filled our and if they are correct. (Numeric fields only contain number, alphabetical field only contain letters etc.) 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 11 / 41 2.4 Optional parameters useAlias language A2 Post URL reqtype uppWebResponseMethod Merchant Specific Parameters useTouchUI customTheme AN50 mfaReference uppReturnMaskedCC N10 refno2 AN27 Requests the CC alias, this option needs to be activated by Datatrans; value: “yes” This parameter specifies the language (language code) in which the payment page should be presented to the cardholder. The following ISO-639 2 character language codes are supported: - de (German) - en (English) - fr (French) - it (Italian) - es (Spanish) - el (Greek) - no (Norwegian) - da (Danish) This parameter can’t be passed with the HTTPS Post message; it has to be configured in https://payment.datatrans.biz. For further details please refer to chapter “Post URL Feedback”. The request type specifies whether the transaction has to be immediately settled or authorized only. There are two request types available: “NOA” authorization only “CAA” authorization with immediate settlement in case of successful authorization; if “reqtype” is not submitted the transaction is processed according to the setting in the Web Admin Tool (section “UPP Administration”). “GET” if the response is wished to be received as a GET. “POST” if the response is wished to be received as a POST. Default for “.htm” URLs ist “GET”, for all other endings “POST”. The merchant can invent and submit any number of own parameters. These parameters are returned to the Success-, Error- and Post URL. Restrictions: - The maximum length is limited to 300 characters - Line brakes are not allowed "yes" enforces touch mode "auto" enables touch mode when touch device detected, "no" disables touch mode Style Sheet used for TouchUI, please contact Datatrans for further information. For payment method “MFA” only (see also chapter 4.5) “yes” – requests the return of the masked credit card number to the merchant in field “maskedCC”. See chapter 2.5.1. For ELV; lines 3 to 4 on the customer invoice For sofortüberweisung; will be forwarded to reason_2 (visible on customer invoice), if this value is empty, we will forward the “refno” and use “Shop reference” as reason_1 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 12 / 41 refno3 virtualCardno uppReturnTarget AN27 N19 merchantAgbLink 2.4.1 For Visa/MasterCard (Soft Descriptor); depending on the acquirer use these restrictions: Chase Paymentech AN22 ConCardis AN17 * Please refer to Datatrans before implementing the Soft Descriptor. For ELV only; lines 3 to 4 on the customer invoice For MFG only, refer to chapter MFGroup “_top” if return URL should be opened full screen when payment starts in an iFrame. An external link to the merchant’s terms and conditions. Will be displayed above the payment button with the text: “With your payment you accept our terms and conditions.” Customer address details It is now possible to submit customer address details to the Datatrans payment application. These details are stored in the Web Admin Tool, and they can be searched and viewed under https://payment.datatrans.biz. All address parameters are optional. uppCustomerDetails uppCustomerTitle uppCustomerName uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerStreet2 uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerPhone uppCustomerFax uppCustomerEmail uppCustomerGender uppCustomerBirthDate uppCustomerLanguage AN30 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 A3 AN10 AN40 AN40 AN40 A6 Date A2 * Pilot parameter, to be submitted with value: “yes” - if address details are submitted and if the data should be stored in the Web Admin Tool, or “return” (only available for PayPal Express Checkout) – if address details should be returned from PayPal to the merchant. Title of customer Name of customer * First name of customer * Last name of customer * Street address Second street address * City * ISO country code (alpha) * Postal code Phone number Fax number E-mail address Gender of customer; values: “male” / “female” Customer date of birth; format: “dd.mm.yyyy” or “yyyy-mm-dd” Language of customer; values: en, de, fr, it * With PayPal (Express Checkout) you have the possibility to check if the address that was entered by the customer matches with the address he has registered at PayPal. Use therefore the uppCustomerDetails parameters with value “return”. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 13 / 41 2.4.2 Available Payment Methods Parameter values for “paymentmethod”: VIS ECA AMX BPY VISA MasterCard American Express Billpay BSF Billsafe CUR DIN DEA DIB Curabill Diners Club / Discover *iDeal SOFORT Überweisung DII DNK DVI ELV EPS ESY JCB JEL MAU MMS MFA MFG MFX MNB MYO PAP PEF PFC PSC PST PYL PYO REK SWB SWC iDEAL via SOFORT Überweisung Dankort Deltavista German ELV * EPS Online-Überweisung *Swisscom Easypay JCB Jelmoli Bonus Card Maestro Mediamarkt Shopping Card MFGroup Check Out (Credit Check) MFGroup Financial Request (authorization) MFGroup Easy integration * Moneybookers only with reqtype CAA Manor MyOne Card * PayPal * Swiss PostFinance – PostFinance E-Finance * Swiss PostFinance – PostFinance Card * Paysafecard * CashTicket Payolution Installments; also see chapter 4.9 Payolution Invoice; also see chapter 4.9 Reka Card SwissBilling Saturn Winner Card Specification to be found here: http://pilot.datatrans.biz/showcase/doc/Billpay.zip Specification to be found here: https://www.datatrans.ch/showcase/authorisation/billsafe No special characters are allowed in the refno credits are not possible, unless you have a bank account at sofortbank only in Standard Mode available Refer to chapter MFGroup Refer to chapter MFGroup Refer to chapter MFGroup * For all external payment methods only the parameter “paymentmethod” is required. card number, expiry date, and CVV are not supported. These unsupported fields can either be omitted or submitted without value. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 14 / 41 2.5 Authorization Response 2.5.1 Successful Authorization This response is sent concurrently to the successUrl and the post URL, which are provided by the merchant. uppTransactionId authorizationCode N18 N9 responseCode N4 responseMessage refno amount AN18 currency pmethod A3 A3 reqtype acqAuthorizationCode A3 AN status uppMsgType aliasCC AN20 maskedCC sign2 virtualCardno DccAmount N19 N DccCurrency A3 DccRate N Unique transaction identifier Internal transaction number (deprecated, use acqAuthorizationCode) Authorization response code 01 successful authorisation 02 successful authorisation without liability shift Response message text (e.g. TRX AUTHORISED) Merchant order reference number Transaction amount in units/cents (the smallest unit of the currency) (e.g. 123.50 = 12350) Transaction currency The payment method by which the transaction has been made (e.g. VIS, ECA...) NOA or CAA Authorization code returned by credit card issuing bank (length depending on payment method) Constant “success” Constant “web” for successUrl, “post” for postUrl Alias for credit card number, for PostFinance or for PayPal Reference Transactions – optional Masked credit card number – optional (only returned with alias Request or when uppReturnMaskedCC=”yes”) Returned only if “sign” has been submitted with authorization (see chapter “Security Options”) Virtual card number for MFGroup Checkout – optional DCC amount in home currency chosen by cardholder. In cents or smallest available unit of home currency Cardholders home currency – ISO Character Code (USD, EUR etc.) Applied exchange rate of DCC provider (e.g. 0.855304) * DCC parameters returned only if DCC is activated and cardholder has chosen to pay in home currency. The service always returns all other merchant parameters sent along with the request. * Response code 02: You will receive a response code 02, if the issuer doesn’t claim liability. In case of a charge back the merchants will have the liability. These transactions are declined on default. If you would like to accept transactions with a response code 02, please modify the configuration in the Web Admin Tool > UPP Administrator. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 15 / 41 2.5.2 Failed / Unsuccessful Authorization This response is sent to errorUrl and/or post URL provided by the merchant. uppTransactionId errorCode errorMessage errorDetail refno amount N18 N7 currency pmethod A3 A3 reqtype status uppMsgType acqErrorCode A3 AN18 N Unique transaction identifier Error code (please refer to chapter 8) Error response message text (example: INVALID VALUE) Error detail text (example: CARD NUMBER NOT VALID) Merchant order reference number transaction amount in units/cents (the smallest unit of the currency) (e.g. 123.50 = 12350) Transaction currency The payment method by which the transaction has been made (VIS, ECA...) NOA or CAA Constant “error” Constant “web” for errorUrl, “post” for postUrl Contains the error code sent by the acquirer * The service always returns all other merchant parameters sent along with the request. 2.5.3 Cancelled Payment Procedure If the cardholder decides to cancel the payment process and to return to the shop without payment, the response is sent back to the cancelUrl. uppTransactionId refno amount N18 AN18 currency status uppMsgType A3 Unique transaction identifier Merchant order reference number Transaction amount in units/cents (the smallest unit of the currency) (e.g. 123.50 = 12350) Transaction currency Constant “cancel” Constant “web” for cancelUrl * The service always returns all other merchant parameters sent along with the request. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 16 / 41 2.5.4 Post URL Feedback A merchant can collect successful or failed transactions on data-oriented Post URL. This Post URL is used for faceless (server to server) data communication. * Note that for security reasons the Post URL cannot be submitted as a parameter. It has to be configured in the merchant’s administration tool (https://payment.datatrans.biz). The Merchant can choose one of the following options (according to the “Post data format” setting in Web Admin Tool) Get pure XML data 2.5.5 Get posted HTML form with all necessary parameters posted into the request. Payment page response codes This is an extract from possible error codes. Note that this list is dynamic and not complete. You find a detailed response message for every transaction in the Web Admin Tool. It’s not recommended to show the exact error code to the consumer due to fraud risk. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 17 / 41 3 XML Settlement and Status requests 3.1 XML Settlement request The merchant application directly connects (server to server via standard socket) to the service URL, writes the XML document into this connection and reads the XML response documents from there. URL: https://payment.datatrans.biz/upp/jsp/XML_processor.jsp 3.1.1 Process overview This interface can be used for the settlement of authorized transactions and for credit notes of settled debit transactions. Transactions due for settlement can be sent as a formatted XML message via an http request to the Datatrans payment application. After the validation of the XML message the merchant application receives back a status response. The settlement procedure is then performed by the payment application from Datatrans. The merchant’s shop gets back an XML-formatted message containing all necessary data about the settled transactions. 3.1.2 Mandatory parameters merchantId amount currency refno uppTransactionId 3.1.3 AN3 AN18 N18 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) Transaction amount in cents (the smallest unit of the currency) (e.g. 123.50 = 12350) * Must not exceed the authorized amount! Transaction currency - ISO character code (CHF) Merchant order reference number Original and unique transaction id. * Is returned with the authorization request! Optional Parameters reqtype transtype COA – Settlement debit (transtype 05 required) DEFAULT COA – Settlement credit (transtype 06 required), only for settled transactions REF – Submission of acqAuthorizationCode after referral; requires acqAuthorizationCode; changes status to authorized REC – Submission of acqAuthorizationCode after decline; requires acqAuthorizationCode; changes status to settled STA – Transaction status request; see response codes below DOA – Transaction cancel request; used for authorization reversal REA – ** Re-authorization of old transaction 05 – debit transaction DEFAULT 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 18 / 41 acqAuthorizationCode sign errorEmail AN50 06 – credit transaction Required for reqtype REF and REC According to merchant’s security level setting E-Mail address, one e-mail address can be used The system sends an e-mail to this address in case of a failed settlement * Note that all parameters marked as DEFAULT are set with the corresponding default value if they are not present or no value is set. ** reqtype REA has to be submitted with the uppTransactionId returned by the first authorization request; moreover, reqtype REA is only supported for credit card transactions with status “authorized”. 3.1.4 XML Settlement response The response XML document contains the same parameters as the request document. Additional parameters returned upon successful settlement are: responseCode responseMessage N4 Settlement response code Settlement response message text N7 Error code Error response message text (example: INVALID VALUE) Error detail text (example: CARD NUMBER NOT VALID) Only returned in case of error: errorCode errorMessage errorDetail Only returned in case of credit: uppTransactionId authorizationCode acqAuthorizationCode N18 N9 AN7 Original TransactionId Original authorization code Original acquirer’s authorization code returned by acquirer Complete list of XML Settlement response parameters can be found on Datatrans Showcase webpage: http://www.datatrans.ch/Showcase/Settlement/XML-Settlement-request/Using-transaction-id/ The meaning of error and response codes is represented in bellow in “Meaning of returned XML codes” 3.2 XML status request The merchant application directly connects (server to server via standard socket) to the service URL, writes the XML document into this connection and reads the XML status response from there. URL: https://payment.datatrans.biz/upp/jsp/XML_status.jsp 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 19 / 41 3.2.1 Process overview This interface can be used for requesting the status of transaction. After the validation of the XML message the merchant application receives back a status response. The merchant’s shop gets back an XMLformatted message containing all necessary data about the status of transaction. 3.2.2 Mandatory parameters merchantId Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) At least one of following parameters must be submitted uppTransactionId (preferred one) authorizationCode refno 3.2.3 N9 AN18 Original and unique transaction * Is returned with the authorization request! Original authorization code Merchant order reference number id. Optional Parameters reqtype 3.2.4 N18 STA – Standard (default) transaction status request; STX – extended transaction status request (see XML status response below) XML Status response The response XML document returned upon successful settlement contains: responseCode responseMessage N4 Settlement response code Settlement response message text N7 Error code Error response message text (example: INVALID VALUE) Error detail text (example: CARD NUMBER NOT VALID) Only returned in case of error: errorCode errorMessage errorDetail Only returned in case of extended status request (reqtype STX): uppTransactionId maskedCC aliasCC N18 AN12 AN20 expm expy MM YY Original TransactionId Masked credit card number Alias for credit card number, for PostFinance or for PayPal Reference Transactions Expiry month of the card Expiry year of the card Complete list of XML Status response parameters can be found on Datatrans Showcase webpage: 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 20 / 41 http://www.datatrans.ch/Showcase/Status/XML-Status-request/Using-transaction-id/ The meaning of error and status codes is represented bellow in “Meaning of returned XML codes” 3.2.5 Meaning of error codes These codes are returned in XML response if error happened in parameter called errorCode Error Code 2000 2001 2002 2011 2012 2013 2014 2021 2022 2098 2099 3.2.6 Code Message Access denied by protocol control Input document missing Error building document Root element invalid Body element missing merchantId missing Element missing Missing value Invalid value Database error XML processing error In parameter Error Detail see for: Name of missing element XML format error Unexpected root element of XML document Attribute ‘merchantId’ in body element missing Name of element, where value is missing Name of element that contains invalid value Meaning of response (status) codes These codes are returned in XML response in parameter called responseCode Response Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 20 21 30 Description Incomplete transaction Transaction ready for settlement (trx authorized) Transaction debit waiting for daily settlement process Transaction credit waiting for daily settlement process Transaction declined or other error Transaction in referral status cancelled by merchant after successful authorization cancelled by merchant after successful authorization cancelled by merchant after successful authorization cancelled by user (before authorization process) Authentified (applies for split trx only) Authentified and authorized (applies for split trx only) Pending transaction Timeout Record not found Transaction already settled Multiple one transaction found 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 21 / 41 4 Specialties about different payment methods 4.1 AVS - Address verification service * For AVS the merchant needs to have an US entity as well as contracts for VISA and MasterCard with either Worldpay or Chase Paymentech. Verify the address of your customer with this service. It can be used on the Web interface and also for an XML request. 4.1.1 Mandatory parameters merchantId amount currency refno uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerCity Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) AN3 AN18 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN10 AN40 Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) Merchants order reference number First name of customer Last name of customer Street address Postal code City Datatrans has to activate the Fraud option, please contact us in advance. You will receive some return codes which you can decline or accept individually. There options must be set in the Web Admin Tool. 4.2 CreditPass ELV (Elektronisches Lastschrift Verfahren) "Old" parameters for ELV: bankaccount bankrouting N10 N8 Bank account number Bank routing number (“Bankleitzahl”) New parameters for SEPA ELV: bankiban bankbic elvMandateID AN34 AN11 AN35 IBAN BIC (optional) ID of mandat (optional). If empty the content of refno will be used. Please note that the fields for SEPA (bankiban, bankbic, elvMandateID) are curently only available on the test system. Please contact the telego! GmbH about the availability on the production system. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 22 / 41 4.2.1 Optional Parameters refno2 refno3 uppElvMandatText AN27 AN27 line 3 on the customer invoice line 4 on the customer invoice Default text can be overwritten. No HTML-tags are allowed exept <<BR>> German ELV transactions can be processed with an integrated credit and address check. The merchant has to agree with CreditPass (Telego) the test rules. Each test rule is referred to by a “Purchase Type”. The CreditPass credit check is based on the “uppCustomerDetails” (see chapter 2.4.1). uppCustomerDetails PurchaseType uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode N1 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 A3 AN10 Pilot parameter, to be submitted with value “yes” if address details are submitted and if the data should be stored in the Web Admin Tool Purchase Type according to agreement with Telego First name of customer Last name of customer Street address City ISO country code (alpha) Postal code CreditPass transactions can be processed as https form post or as XML authorization requests. Please refer to the technical showcase page (www.datatrans.ch/showcase) for implementation examples. 4.3 Curabill merchantId amount currency refno paymentmethod AN3 AN18 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) In the smallest available unit Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) Merchants order reference number CUR Also, there is a Curabill-XML document to be submitted. The content of this document has to be verified with Curabill. Please contact your contact person at Curabill directly. For a sample refer to http://www.datatrans.ch/Showcase/Authorisation/Curabill/ 4.4 Deltavista Deltavista is a European service for merchants who accept payments by invoice. This service allows checking the consumer’s creditworthiness and address. It requires the same parameters as described in the previous chapters but the parameter values are different. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 23 / 41 4.4.1 Mandatory parameters merchantId amount currency refno paymentmethod hiddenMode uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerStreet2 uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerState uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerType uppCustomerName AN3 AN18 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 A3 AN40 AN10 A1 AN40 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) Can be 0 Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) Merchants order reference number DVI yes First name of customer Last name of customer Street address House number City ISO 4217 country code (alpha) State, e.g. Californa for USA Postal code “P” or “C” (individual person or company) Name of company (for uppCustomerType “C”) All requests are visible in the Web Admin Tool. 4.5 Paysafecard The settlement has to follow the authorization within one hour, except you have a different agreement with Paysafecard. 4.6 MFGroup Checkout MFGroup Checkout is a Swiss service for credit check and monthly invoice. It requires the basic parameters according chapter 2. The recommended implementation is the following: 1. Credit Check; if successful a virtual card number is returned; payment method “MFA” 2. Listing of available payment methods; the merchant presents MFGroup Checkout as payment method only if a virtual card number has been returned by the credit check 3. Authorization; authorization process according to chapter 2; payment method “MFG” Please note that credits for Powerpay Installements are not possible. 4.6.1 Mandatory parameters for Credit Check (MFA) merchantId amount currency AN3 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) Can be 0 Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 24 / 41 refno paymentmethod hiddenMode uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerGender uppCustomerBirthDate uppCustomerLanguage 4.6.2 AN18 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 A3 AN10 A6 Date A2 Optional parameters for Credit Check (MFA) uppCustomerPhone uppCustomerEmail mfaReference AN40 AN40 N10 shoppingCartType AN30 uppCustomerIpAddress installmentType AN30 AN30 4.6.3 Merchants order reference number MFA = credit check Only MFX = credit check and authorization at once (see chapter 4.5.4) Yes First name of customer Last name of customer Street address and house number City ISO 4217 country code (alpha) Postal code Gender of customer; values: “male” / “female” Customer date of birth; format: “dd.mm.yyyy” or “yyyy-mm-dd” Language of customer; values: en, de, fr, it Phone number E-mail address Customer reference in MFGroup system; returned by the first MFA request of a customer; helps to identify the existing account and credit limit of the customer Merchant can agree with Intrum Justitia to send them types of shopping carts, to prevent misuse of their online-shop. MFGroup just forwards the values sent in this field to Intrum. optional, customers IP-address The fields that are necessary to offer paying on installments to the customers are the following: <installmentNumber>, <installmentAmount>, <installmentFees>, < installmentInterests>. We will send those fields in the response if the field <installmentType> is i.e. “4in12”, which means 4 payments in 12 months. Merchant need special agreement for this option with MFGroup. This parameter has to be sent for MFA and MFG. Optional parameters for Authorization (MFG) installmentType AN30 atOwnRisk AN30 The fields that are necessary to offer paying on installments to the customers are the following: <installmentNumber>, <installmentAmount>, <installmentFees>, < installmentInterests>. We will send those fields in the response if the field <installmentType> is i.e. “4in12”, which means 4 payments in 12 months. Merchant need special agreement for this option with MFGroup. This parameter has to be sent for MFA and MFG. This field gives the merchant the possibility to take the risk for some transactions, especially when the <amount> is higher than the <mfaAvailableCredit> of the customer. Please consider, that the merchant has to be authorized by MFGroup first, to do “atOwnRisk”-transactions. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 25 / 41 The MFGroup credit check can be submitted as XML authorization request or https Post redirect. Please refer to [email protected] to get more information about the XML process. All requests are visible in the Web Admin Tool. 4.6.4 MFGroup specific response parameters (MFA) mfaAvailableCredit mfaMaximalCredit mfaReference mfaCreditRefusalReason mfaResponseCode errorDetail installmentNumber installmentAmount installmentFees installmentInterests 4.6.5 the credit of the customer currently available for purchases the maximum credit available for this customer the customers reference in MFGroup system which can be saved and used to retrieve the customer and his account for further purchases; to be submitted with all subsequent transactions of the same customer contains the result of the credit check, which is “null” in case of success response code from MFGroup is returned in error case, only; values: - “unknown address”: customer is unknown / was not found - “other”: request was declined because of some not communicated reason and does therefore not receive credit The number of installments the customer using the payment on installments has to pay The amount of each installment the customer has to pay (including installment fees and installment interest), amount in the smallest available unit The amount of fees included in the installments, amount in the smallest available unit The amount of interests included in the installments, amount in the smallest available unit MFGroup easy integration (payment method MFX) With the standard integration of the MFGroup monthly invoice the credit check and the authorization request have be processed in two separate steps. However, it’s also possible to process both steps in one single request. The transaction has to be submitted either in hidden mode or standard mode. The only difference is that “paymentmethod” has to be submitted with value “MFX”. In this process, there is in most cases no need to get the MFGroup virtual card number. However, if the merchant needs it anyway, it can be obtained with the submission of the following parameter: returnVirtualCardno virtualCardno 4.7 to be submitted with value “yes”; returns the MFGroup virtual cardnumber returned to success URL with virtual card number as value PayPal Please note the following restrictions: IIt’s not possible to process PayPal transactions in an Iframe IIPayPal authorizations expire within 30 days; older transactions can’t be recovered 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 26 / 41 4.7.1 Reference Transactions This option allows to process recurring transactions as a back-end process without user authentication. It is therefore suitable for monthly subscription billing or mobile applications with one click check-out. 1. Authorization / Customer Registration Payment Page authorization request according to chapter 2 with additional parameter “useAlias”=”yes” 2. Recurring Transactions via payment page (UPP) Payment page request in hidden mode according to chapter 2 with the additional parameter “aliasCC”; the value is the billing agreement ID returned by the customer registration process 3. Recurring Billing via XML authorization request XML request according to sample on http://www.datatrans.ch/Showcase/Authorisation/XMLAuthorisation/ 4.7.2 Line Items With this feature the shopping cart items can be submitted to PayPal; they will then be displayed in the PayPal check-out page. Parameters: ITEMAMT TAXAMT SHIPPINGAMT L_NAMEn L_AMTn L_Numbern L_Descn L_QTYn L_TAXAMTn N N N AN20 N N AN20 N N Header: total amount of all items (L_AMT0 * L_QTY0) + (L_AMT1 * L_QTY1) + ....) Header: total tax amount in cents (L_TAXAMT0 * L_QTY0) + (L_TAXAMT1 * L_QTY1) + ... Header: total shipping fees excluding tax Line item: name Line item: price per items in cents Line item: article number Line item: description Line item: number of items Line item: tax amount The parameter “amount” is calculated from ITEMAMT + SHIPPINGAMT + TAXAMT n stands for the number of items, starting with 0. E.g. L_NAME0=Wine, L_NAME1=Whiskey, etc. 4.7.3 PayPal Express Checkout PayPal Express Checkout is a good way to make the check-out process more convenient for the shopper and to get PayPal advanced seller protection. Please refer to PayPal for more information about Express Check-Out. For the technical implementation please refer to this chapter of this document. 4.7.4 Additional PayPal specific parameters imageURL URL URL for image to be displayed in the PayPal check-out page 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 27 / 41 cpp-cart-border-color PayPalAllowNote Hex Code yes / no uppForwardCustomerDetails uppDisplayShippingDetails yes/no yes/no pendingPayPal yes 4.8 PayPal border color; to be submitted as hex color code Defines wether the text field for merchant notification should be visible for the shopper Regulates wether the customer details are forwared to PayPal or not Regulates wether the shipping details are displayed or not (note uppForwardCustomerDetails and uppDisplayShippingDetails set “no” if the shipping details should not be shown on the PayPal page. This parameter will be returned, only if the PayPal transaction is in a pending status. Pending means that the transaction coundl’t be confirmed by PayPal. PostFinance Alias This option allows to process recurring transactions as a back-end process without user authentication. It is therefore suitable for monthly subscription billing or mobile applications. 4.8.1 Process steps: 1. Authorization / Customer Registration Payment Page authorization request according to chapter 2 with additional parameter “useAlias”=”yes” 2. Recurring Transactions via payment page (UPP) Payment page request in hidden mode according to chapter 2 with the additional parameter “aliasCC”; the value is the alias (“aliasCC”) returned by the customer registration process 3. Recurring Billing via XML authorization request XML request according to sample on http://www.datatrans.ch/Showcase/Authorisation/XMLAuthorisation/ with <aliasCC> 4.9 Payolution Mandatory parameters for Payolution invoice (paymentmethod PYO) and Payolution installments (paymentmethod PYL) merchantId amount currency refno paymentmethod uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerStreet2 uppCustomerCity N10 AN3 AN18 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) Transaction amount in cents or smallest available unit of the currency Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) Merchants order reference number PYO / PYL First name of customer Last name of customer Street address house number City 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 28 / 41 uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerEmail reqtype uppCustomerDetails uppCustomerType A3 AN10 AN40 A1 ISO 4217 country code (alpha) Postal code E-mail address “NOA” authorization only “CAA” authorization with immediate settlement in case of successful authorization yes (if the customer data should be stored in the Web Admin Tool) / no P (Person) or C (Company) Optional parameteters for Payolution invoice (paymentmethod PYO) and Payolution installments (paymentmethod PYL) uppCustomerBirthDate Date uppCustomerName uppCustomerAirlineDeparture uppCustomerAirlineRoute uppCustomerAirlineFlightNumber uppCustomerAirlineBookingCode uppCustomerAirlineFrequentFlyer hiddenMode AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 Customer date of birth; format: “dd.mm.yyyy” or “yyyy-mm-dd”. Mandatory for B2C transactions only. Name of company (for uppCustomerType “C”) 2012-12-30 17:00 VIE,MUC,LHR OS1234,LH1234 yes 4.10 Aduno surprize Aduno surprize is a loyality system from Aduno Gruppe. 4.10.1 Aduno surprize specific response parameters adunoAmtAuthOriginal N amount N adunoTotalDiscountAmount adunoLoyDisclMsg adunoCampaignText adunoCampaignSummaryText N AN1024 AN1024 AN1024 adunoLoyRefNum AN16 adunoLoyResltMsg adunoLoyReslt adunoPtAvail adunoPtEarn adunoPtPrev AN1024 N5 N9 N9 N9 Original transaction amount in cents or smallest available unit of the currency New transaction amount in cents or smallest available unit of the currency Sum of all discounts Used for disclaimer texts for sales slips. Campaign text (either confirmation or the decline message) Campaign summary text that can be used on the POS receipt (validity) Unique reference number provided by the Loyalty system. Used as reference and matching criteria for Loyalty transactions. Contains the explanation text to the adunoLoyReslt Loyalty result code, which indicates the result of a loyalty request. Used to show to the cardholder the remaining points. Used to show to the cardholder the points earned in a transaction. Used to show to the cardholder his point balance before the cur- 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 29 / 41 adunoPtRedeem rent loyalty transaction. Used to show to the cardholder the points redeemed in a transaction. N9 4.11 Migros Bank Payment Migros Bank Payment is a cardless payment method from Migros Bank with direct debit during payment process and payment authorization by smartphone. 4.11.1 Mandatory request parameters merchantId amount currency refno AN3 AN18 Unique Merchant Identifier (allocated by Datatrans at merchant registration process) In the smallest available unit Transaction currency - ISO 4217 character code (CHF) Merchants order reference number 4.11.2 Optional request parameters paymentmethod mdpUserId useAlias mdpAlias A3 A18 A3 A18 "MDP" Username of registered MDP customer. "yes" (if an alias should be requested) needed if a payment shall be processed as an alias payment 4.11.3 Return parameters mdpAlias txnMbRefNo A18 A18 Alias (if requested by merchant and confirmed by the customer) Migros Banks unique transaction reference number 4.12 Swisscom Easypay Easypay is a carrier billing service from Swisscom. The amount of the purchase will be charged to the consumer’s monthly invoice from Swisscom or in case consumer has a mobile prepaid the amount will be debited on the prepaid credit balance. Consumer will be redirected to an external webpage from Swisscom to confirm the payment. Easypay can be used with practically all mobile end devices: mobile phones and smartphones. All consumers with a Swisscom SIM card (subscription or prepaid) can use Easypay without any registration. 4.12.1 Optional request parameters easyPaymentInfo AN50 This value is displayed on the external Swisscom webpage, in the notifica- 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 30 / 41 tion SMS, in the Swisscom customer center and on the consumer‘s bill. If parameter is not submitted, the value from parameter refno will be taken. If parameter is submitted without value, an error will occure on Swisscom webpage. (A-Za-z0-9_- ) easyTitle AN25 easyDescription AN100 Title of the content/product. Will be displayed on external webpage from Swisscom. (A-Za-z0-9_- ) Description of the content/product. Will be displayed on extern webpage page from Swisscom. (Any character except: ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘&’ ) 4.12.2 Settlement Deferred Settlement is technically possible.We recommend to authorize with immediate settlement (reqtype = “CAA”) or with a separate settlement request immediately after successful authorization. An authorization can not be settled after 00:59 of the next day. . To settle a smaller amount as initialliy authorized is not possible. 4.12.3 Credit A previously authorised and settled transaction can be refunded. Refunding a transaction with multiple credits (i.e. 1 x settled transaction of CHF 100 / 2 x credit of CHF 50) is not supported for Easypay. However, it's possible to refund a partial amount (i.e.CHF 50). 4.13 SwissBilling SwissBilling is an external provider who handles invoicing to consumers and their payments. 4.13.1 Additional mandatory request parameters uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerPhone uppCustomerEmail uppCustomerBirthDate AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 A3 AN10 AN40 AN40 Date First name of consumer Last name of consumer Street address City ISO country code (alpha) Postal code Phone number E-mail address Consumers date of birth; format: “dd.mm.yyyy” or “yyyy-mm-dd” 4.13.2 Optional request parameters taxAmount uppCustomerId N AN Total VAT amount for this purchase Identifiert for a consumer 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 31 / 41 uppCustomerLanguage A2 uppCustomerStreet2 uppShippingDetails AN40 yes/no uppShippingFirstName uppShippingLastName uppShippingStreet uppShippingStreet2 uppShippingZipCode uppShippingCity uppShippingCountry uppArticle_1_Id uppArticle_1_Name uppArticle_1_Description uppArticle_1_PriceGross uppArticle_1_Quantity uppArticle_1_Tax uppArticle_1_TaxAmount uppArticle_1_Type AN40 AN40 AN40 AN40 AN10 AN40 A3 AN AN AN N N N N AN Language of consumer; values: de, fr, it If parameter is not submitted, de is default. Street address If “yes” all shipping parameters are mandatory except uppShippingStreet2 remains optional. First name of recipient Last nameof recipient Street address of recipient Street address of recipient Postal code of recipient City of recipient ISO country code (alpha) of recipient Identifier for the product Name of the product Other information related to the product Product unit price including VAT Quantity of product VAT rate for this product VAT amount for this product Value “goods” specifies that products shall be shipped. Information for multiple products can be submitted by adding additional parameters for article. The names of the additional parameters for articles are defined as: uppArticle_2_Id, uppArticle_2_Name, etc. Datatrans provides also a technical interface to check (“pre-screening”) if SwillBilling is eligible for a consumer. Please refer to Datatrans Support ([email protected]) for XML-examples. 5 Alias PCI Security Standards do no longer allow the storing and processing of credit card numbers and CVVs on the merchants system. In some situations though, it is necessary to have the card information on the merchants system. You will therefore use the alias. The system generates for every card number one alias. The CVVs must still not be stored and processed by the merchants system. The alias can be used in Standard and Hidden Mode and is requested with the parameter useAlias=yes. 6 Security Option 6.1 Data transfer encryption The entire data transfer between the merchant's shop application and the Datatrans payment application is secured by the secure SSL protocol. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 32 / 41 6.2 Digital signature The security elements are described on https://payment.datatrans.biz. * With the activation of the security feature the request parameter "sign” becomes mandatory! 6.2.1 Security level 0 The data transmission is not secured. 6.2.2 Security level 1 The data transmission is secured by sending of the parameter sign which must contain a merchant-specific control value (constant). This value is generated in the merchant administration tool https://payment.datatrans.biz. Note that with every change of this value (which is possible at any time), the interface accepts the current value only! 6.2.3 Security level 2 The data transmission is secured by sending the parameter sign, which must contain a digital signature generated by a standard HMAC-MD5 hash procedure and using a merchant-specific encryption key. The HMAC key is generated by the system and can be changed at any time in the merchant administration tool https://payment.datatrans.biz. * With every change of the key, the interface accepts signature based on the current key only! The key is delivered in hexadecimal format, and it should also be stored in this format. But before its usage the key must be translated into byte format! “sign2” is only returned in success case 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 33 / 41 6.2.4 Creation of the digital signature (value of parameter sign) in the request translate HMAC key from hex to byte format create string to be signed by concatenating of parameters - merchantId - amount - currency - refno in exactly this order and without separators sign the string using HMAC-MD5 procedure based on merchant’s HMAC key translate signature from byte to hex format and associate it as value with parameter sign Refer to Datatrans Support ([email protected]) for PHP-examples. 6.2.5 Sign2 The system signs the response similarly to the way the merchant does. It passes the signature back to the merchant in parameter “sign2”, which is created in the same way as the parameter sign. There is one difference: the signed string contains the parameter “uppTransactionId” instead of the reference number “refno”. We recommend checking the response signature. For an even higher security level, it’s also possible to generate an alternative key for the “sign2” parameter. With this feature “sign2” is created with a different key. To enable it the option “ Use another key for sign2 generation” has to be activated in UPP Admin in the menu “Security”. As an option it is also possible to sign XML settlements. To enable this feature in UPP Admin, go to “Security” and activate “Use signature also with settlements”. * Once the signature validation for settlement is activated, the parameter “sign” will be validated with each XML settlement request. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 34 / 41 7 Test Procedure For test porposes you need a dedicated test account. The test account is only working in the test environment and with test credit cards. For ordering a test account, please refer to https://www.datatrans.ch/en/Payment-solutions/Overview-of-services/Test-account/. Please find test samples here: www.datatrans.ch/showcase 7.1 Test credit cards In order to test the error handling of the e-shop application the developer has to use our test card numbers which create dedicated error messages depending on the authorized amount: Card type Card number Expiration Date CVV Country Test rule Support 3D Visa 4242424242424242 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 CHE With limit No Visa 4900000000000086 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 USA Without limit Yes Visa 4900000000000003 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 USA Without limit Yes MasterCard 5404000000000001 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 RUS With limit Yes MasterCard 5200000000000007 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 MYS Without limit No MasterCard 5200000000000080 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 MYS Without limit Yes Amex 375811111111115 12/2015 or 06/2015 1234 With limit No Amex 375000000000007 12/2015 or 06/2015 1234 Without limit Yes Amex 375811111111123 12/2015 or 06/2015 1234 Without limit No Diners 36168002586009 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 With limit Diners 36167719110012 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 Without limit JCB 3569990010030442 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 With limit JCB 3569990010030400 12/2015 or 06/2015 123 Without limit AirPlus 122000200924770 12/2015 or 06/2015 CHE With limit AirPlus 192072420096379 12/2015 or 06/2015 CHE Without limit - 7.1.1 Test rules The following test rules apply for all cards with limit (see column “Test rule”): Amount / amount range <= 90.-> 90.— and <= 100.— > 100.— and <= 110 > 110.-- Error message Transaction authorized Transaction declined (i.e. insufficient limit, bad expiry date) Referral Card blocked (lost or stolen) * Note that all card numbers only work in our test environment! Productive cards cannot be processed on the test account. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 35 / 41 7.2 PostFinance PostFinance does no longer provide any test card numbers. For tests you can use a productive PostFinance card number on your test account (Pilot application). The amount will not be charged on your card. 7.3 CreditPass ELV (Elektronisches Lastschrift Verfahren) Test option for German ELV available upon request. "Old" parameters for ELV: bankaccount bankrouting 1234512345 12345678 5432154321 12345678 Restriction if > 90.00 declined no restriction New parameters for SEPA ELV: IBAN BIC DE85123456781234512345 AGIDDEFF 7.4 Restriction if > 90.00 declined MyOne Test option for MyOne available upon request. Card number: 6004520200668702072 Expiration year: 2015 Expiration month: 12 CVV: 123 The same test rules apply for MyOne as for the test credit cards. 7.5 Dankort Card number: Expiration year: Expiration month: CVV: 7.6 5019994000124034 14 12 747 PayPal There is no generic test account provided by PayPal. However, it’s possible to create a sandbox account on http://developer.paypal.com. Important steps: - Create a new seller account and set the country to Germany - Assign password and add to “notes” - Add account balance of max. 9999.— 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 36 / 41 Then set all API permissions according to the PDF document https://www.datatrans.ch/userobjects/4421_3509_Paypal_Anleitung_EN_V3.4.pdf They need to be assigned manually! As “Third Party Permission Username” please use “info_api1.datatrans.ch”. Please find below a more detailed documentation from PayPal. Note that this document is only available in German. https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/de_DE/downloads/erstellen_eines_paypal_sandbox_accounts.pdf Please send the PayPal user name (e-mail address) [email protected]. Datatrans needs this information in order to add PayPal to the merchant’s dedicated test account. * Note that – before going live - PayPal doesn’t work in a frame, you have to use the full window for a PayPal transaction. Authorized PayPal transactions expire within 30 days. Please contact PayPal if you wish to re-authorize a payment which is older than 30 days. 7.7 Deltavista uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerStreet2 uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerType 7.8 Returns “green” Returns “red” MFGroup Checkout uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerCity uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode uppCustomerGender uppCustomerLanguage uppCustomerBirthDate uppCustomerEmail 7.9 Johnny Good Bad Test Street 13 Test City CHE 8000 P Good Customer via Streccione 2 Lugano CH 6900 male it 1980-01-01 [email protected] Bad Customer via paradiso 5 Locarno CH 6600 male it 1.2.1980 [email protected] Unknown Customer via castello 4 Bellinzona CH 6500 male it 1.3.1980 [email protected] Address Verification Service Preconditions The merchant has the general Fraud Monitor enabled The merchant has an acquirer which supports AVS, e.g. Worldpay or Chase Paymentech 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 37 / 41 uppCustomerStreet and uppCustomerZipCode are submitted to UPP Card number: Expiration year: Expiration month: CVV: 4900000000000011 and 5200000000000015 2015 12 123 The following rules apply amount<=500 500<amount<=1000 1000<amount<=1500 1500<amount<=2000 2000<amount<=2500 2500<amount<=3000 3000<amount<=3500 3500<amount<=4000 4000<amount<=4500 4500<amount<=5000 5000<amount<=5500 5500<amount<=6000 6000<amount<=6500 6500<amount<=7000 7000<amount<=7500 7500<amount<=8000 8000<amount<=8500 8500<amount<=9000 9000<amount<=9500 9500<amount<=10000 10000<amount<=11000 11000<amount Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized -50 -59 -42 avsResult=A avsResult=B avsResult=C avsResult=D avsResult=E avsResult=G avsResult=I avsResult=M avsResult=N avsResult=O avsResult=P avsResult=R avsResult=S avsResult=U avsResult=W avsResult=X avsResult=Y avsResult=Z Declined Declined / referral Declined / card blocked 7.10 Maestro Test option for Maestro available upon request. Card number: 6759000000000018 and 6759000000000026 (with limit) Expiration year: 2015 Expiration month: 12 CVV: 123 The same test rules apply for Maestro as for the test credit cards. 7.11 Jelmoli Bonus Card Test option for Jelmoli Bonus Card available upon request. 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 38 / 41 Card number: 60045110000000008 and 60045110000000016 (with limit) Expiration year: 2015 Expiration month: 12 CVV: 123 The same test rules apply for Jelmoli Bonus Card as for the test credit cards. 7.12 SOFORT Überweisung Test data for CHF Bank Routing: Account number: PIN: 00000 any value any value Test data for EUR Bank Routing: Account number: PIN: 88888888 any value any value * Frames are not supported, only full browser windows. 7.13 iDeal iDeal does not provide any test data, and cannot be tested in the test environment. * The refno of the merchant will be forwarded as purchase_id to iDeal. The field size of purchase_id is limited to 16AN, and has to be unique. Special characters are not supported! 7.14 SwissBilling 7.14.1 Test data uppCustomerFirstName uppCustomerLastName uppCustomerStreet uppCustomerStreet2 uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerCountry uppCustomerZipCode Johnny B. Normal/Bad/Good Limmatquai 55 CH Zurich 8001 7.14.2 Test rules uppCustomerLastName Normal Bad Good amount <= 9000 > 9000 Transaction authorized Transaction declined Transaction declined Transaction declined Transaction authorized Transaction authorized 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 39 / 41 8 Error Codes There is no final list of error codes. Please note that we do not recommend showing the exact error code or error message to the buyer. Instead, we recommend distinguishing between technical errors and errors sent from the issuer. 8.1 1001 1002 1003 1004 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1012 1403 8.2 UPP and XML error codes required parameter missing format of parameter is not valid value not found card number is not valid card expired access denied by sign control access disabled by admin merchant paym.method init error action not allowed (not applicable transaction status) duplicate settlement request transaction declined without any further reason Anti-fraud error codes 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 IP address declined by global fraud mgmt. IP address declined by merchant fraud mgmt. CC number declined by global fraud mgmt. CC number declined by merchant fraud mgmt. IP address declined by group fraud mgmt. CC number declined by group fraud mgmt. 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3031 3041 3051 3061 3071 declined by merchant fraud mgmt. - TRX per IP declined by group fraud mgmt. - TRX per IP declined by merchant fraud mgmt. - TRX per CC declined by group fraud mgmt. - TRX per CC declined by merchant fraud mgmt. - AMOUNT per CC declined by group fraud mgmt. - AMOUNT per CC declined by country filter - Unknown BIN/Country country declined by country filter declined by country verification - uppCustomerCountry missing declined by country verification - country does not match country declined by group country filter declined due to response code 02 declined due to postPage response error declined due to country verification check declined due to unique refno check declined due to AVS check 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 40 / 41 8.3 -885 -886 -887 -888 -889 -900 -999 8.4 2000 2001 2002 2011 2012 2013 2014 2021 2022 2031 2041 2042 2043 2044 2051 2097 2098 2099 Alias error codes CC-alias update error CC-alias insert error CC-alias does not match with cardno CC-alias not found CC-alias error / input parameter(s) missing CC-alias service is not supported General error XML specific errors access denied by protocol control no input document error building document root element invalid body element missing merchantId missing element missing missing value invalid value offline authorization not allowed 3D-Directory request not started 3D-Directory request not finished 3D-ACS process not started 3D-ACS process not finished initialization UPP record not found internal error database error xml processing error 03.03.2015 CRY Datatrans AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 33, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 256 81 91, Fax +41 44 256 81 98, www.datatrans.ch 41 / 41
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