Mrs Julie Kornmann College Director Mrs Sue Esposito Primary School Principal Mrs Amanda White Deputy Principal The Year 5 Curriculum Units of work Literacy & Numeracy Blocks Helping your child achieve Specialist Lessons Leadership Process Homework Learning Celebrations, Behaviour Goals & Behaviour Management Assessment, reporting, communication & NAPLAN Housekeeping Year 5 Camp Fourth year of implementation now including: Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, HPE. Units of work /concepts for Term 1 English – Maths - Narratives Explore a variety of concepts including number, fractions & decimals, data representation and interpretation and chance. Science: Light History: Australia’s Colonial Past Technology: Out of the Box The Arts: Exploring the early European Colonies in Australia Health & PE: Bullying, Sports Expo, Swimming Carnival, Preparation for cross country Spelling activities Reading & writing strategies Shared/guided reading & writing activities Speaking & listening activities (Sharing / Circle Time) 5B& 5S Literacy Block Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.45-9.00 Maths Masters Writing Maths Masters Writing Maths Masters 9.00-9.30 Spelling Rotations Spelling Rotations Spelling Rotations Spelling Rotations Spelling Rotations 9.30-10.30 English unit Year 5 Grammar & Punctuation English unit Year 5 Grammar & Punctuation English unit 10.30-10.55 Reading on the same page Reading on the same page Reading on the same page Reading on the same page Reading on the same page Math’s warm-ups Number facts Explicit teaching of focus concept Practise Reflections 5B & 5S Numeracy Block 12.0012.30 12.301.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Warm up Warm up Warm up Numeracy Rotations Warm up Explicit teaching Explicit teaching Explicit teaching Number Facts Practise Reflection Number Facts Practise Reflection Number Facts Practise Reflection Number Facts Explicit Teaching Practise Reflection •Read to him/her. •Listen to him/her read. •Discuss what has been read. •Ask questions – make them specific not general i.e. Don’t ask ‘How was school today?’ instead ask ‘What did you learn in English today?” •Discuss the homework questions. Ask “How did you get that answer?” and “Prove to me that you are correct.” •Attend Assembly if possible, this is a good opportunity to hear what is happening in classrooms. •Communicate regularly with us, let your son or daughter know that you are interested in their learning and you know what is happening at school. •Encourage your child to be positive towards their learning, encourage them to be a risk taker and have a go. •Follow us on Twitter and make sure we have your email as we are moving towards this form of communication. •Remember learning is not confined to school your child is constantly learning. Music Physical Education LOTE Library Borrowing ICT Tim Burns Shane Will Senora Bielemeier Kylie Downey Kristine Kopelke Extra Curricular Activities School Choir Performing Arts Chess Club Leadership Process Leadership Diploma will be sent home for students to complete with parents. Students will have an interview with their classroom teacher. Candidates are selected for further interview with School Principal & Deputy. Final candidates will deliver speeches before student & teacher voting. Spelling, Reading & Comprehension, Numeracy – NAPLAN focus Reading – 15+mins (please sign the reading log) Why? To support and reiterate our daily lessons To develop a routine for future study habits in later schooling years Homework is due back to school on FRIDAY Learning celebrations will be held in our class each semester to showcase our talents and academic achievements. Year 5 will hold their first celebration in Term 2. Celebrating and rewarding positive behaviour choices Class Dojo Fortnightly assembly to reward Star of the Week. Positive postcards sent home. Morning Tea with the Stars Negotiated classroom rewards (please refer to classroom charts) Class behaviour is managed cooperatively between students, teacher, parents and admin team. We all follow the College’s Responsible Behaviour Plan. Meridan’s full responsible behaviour plan is available on our college website. Warning verbal / Non verbal Responsible Thinking Plan (parent contact) Reflection Room Restorative Practises All classroom and college rules are based around the Meridan Core Values. Task tracking sheet Bookwork Class routines Parent / Teacher interviews – end of Term 1 & Term 3 Written reports – end of Term 2 & Term 4 Ongoing communication – emails, phone calls, meetings. NAPLAN testing will commence 12 – 14 May. Reports will be sent home as soon as we receive them approx.- end of Term 3. Camp – Term 3 Community Days – Our first community day is on Friday 20th March, Wk8, Anti Bullying Day. Our four communities are: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ O’Neill Community Bradman Community Freeman Community Rafter Community Throughout different times of the year we would love some parent helpers in our classroom. If you are able to help out either on a small scale or on a regular basis, please let us know. Reminder: ‘No Play” on Primary School Playgrounds before or after school. If your child arrives before 8.20am, they are to sit outside the office on the other side of the Prep classrooms. They will then be supervised in the undercover area until they are dismissed to their classrooms.
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