Year 4 Autumn Term Teaching Staff: Miss Pilnick & Mrs Gough Reading Reminders Your child will be given a new reading book bag which will contain their reading record and home reading book. This book will be changed once a week depending on the length and difficulty of Water bottles: these can be brought into school for your child to drink throughout the day. Please note that the bottle should be named and contain only water. No squash or juice is allowed. Toast : if you would like your child to have toast every day, please bring £1 in on a Monday. their book. Reading is an essential tool for your child’s learning and we ask that you encourage your child to read aloud every night and answer questions about what they have read. They have been given a reading record that you can record any comments about their reading. If you have any queries about the work being covered this half term, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher after school. Children are also expected to read with an adult each night and have their reading book completed, along with reading record signed. each day. Children must bring their reading book bag to school Finally, we wish your child a very successful and enjoyable Autumn Term! Literacy PE This term we will be doing a combination of in and outdoor PE. Your child will be taking part in gymnastics and rounders. This term the Literacy focus will be exploring humourous poetry Please ensure your child’s PE kit is named and that they bring the correct PE kits on the following days:- toms and Bile’ to promote writing across the curriculum. Monday and Wednesday All jewellery must be removed and long hair tied back on PE days. Homework Literacy, Maths and spelling homework will be given to your child every Thursday and should be given back to their class teacher on a Monday. All children should have a homework book to complete each task. Spellings, however, will be tested every Friday. and narrative. It will be strongly linked to our topic ’Burps, Bot- In comprehension we will explore a variety of comprehension genres, focusing primarily on evaluative and deductive style questions. We will continue to promote and develop essential Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar skills (SPAG) which will be transferable in to the child’s work and is designed to improve the overall effect and composition of the work; these include punctuation, adverbial phrases, paragraphs and descriptive language. We will also, If your child does not appear to have homework, please see their class teacher, as homework is very beneficial in consolidating your child’s learning. of course continue to develop the children’s handwriting and spelling skills daily. Spellings will be given out on a Thursday with the children being Please continue to listen to your child’s home reading book and write any comments in their reading record. tested on the following Friday. Maths Children will be working on the following key areas: recognising the place value of each digit in a four digit number Order and compare numbers beyond 1000 Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 Developing investigative and problem-solving skills and Topic and Science The topic for this half term is ‘Burps, Bottoms and Bile.’ They will go on a journey of discovery to investigate the busy world inside their body and explore the following questions: explaining their thinking and reasoning. Consolidate their ability to add and subtract mentally, double and half numbers Develop written methods to add, subtract, multiply and di- vide. Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes in different orientations, Convert between units of measurements (for example: hour to minutes, kilometres to metres) Measure and calculate the perimeter of simple shapes Compare and classify geometric shapes. Mental Maths is also an important part of our maths work and will continue to be developed. Your child must continue to learn their times tables as part of our weekly Times Table Challenge. What are the effects of sugary substances on their teeth? What different types of teeth do we have and what are their jobs? What is the best way to clean our teeth? Do beans really have wind power? This will investigated scientifically! What is the journey taken by food when it enters the mouth and leaves out bottom? How do we look after our marvellous belching, squelching, mixture making machine called our body?
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