Cobrua Reporter the official publication of Century of Boca Raton Umbrella Association M&O Committee By Stanley Siegel, Chairman Al DiPretoro - Bill Knowles - Mike Limongelli Adelle Pastman - Lynn Roberts - Syd Schwartz Our monthly meeting with representatives of Management took place January 21, 2015. Present were Anita Pearce, Administrator, Dan Cruz, Regional Facilities Manager and Monica Wells, Cenvill CFO. Laura Coffey, Esq. brought us up to date on collections from delinquent accounts, which total $75,589. For the year we collected $777,000. She also informed us that there are fewer foreclosures and the banks are working a little faster processing them in the system. ~Attendance at shows is doing very well. ~The clubhouse parking lot is just about complete. Lighting and lane indicators remain to be done. From a safety standpoint, residents should use the walk lanes. We have added a number of lanes so play it safe and use them. ~Clubhouse furniture is being reupholstered. A number of chairs have added cushioning to make it more comfortable. ~After a number of changes, the bus contract has been sent to Academy. The next phase will be with the schedule in-season and off-season. At the last meeting, a resident suggested that I should be a bus rider. Even though I would periodically ride our buses, during January I had the opportunity to be a regular rider for several weeks. There were times when riding the internal bus I was just about the only passenger (and this is season). So in planning to schedule for the new contract, a thorough examination of the ridership will be taken into consideration. ~The Committee agreed on adding Wi-Fi in the Fitness Center. In general, with the new software we are trying to determine if problems will be cut down. Remember, our system is not meant for streaming, movies or heavy duty work. ~Revalidation of ID cards started and hopefully everyone will make it their business to receive their new one. ~AARP’s tax preparation is now administered by the Internal Revenue supervisor. In reviewing how the program works, the supervisor informed us that in order to continue this service in the clubhouse, area residents would also have to be included in the program. Since we did not want outsiders possibly wandering and using the clubhouse facilities, we could not agree to the IRS’s rules. ~As soon as the walkway is completed by the excursion bus area, a bench and bus stop sign will be added. ~Canasta players are asked to use a card room for playing. The library is not a card room. Please cooperate. ~After the season, the theatre seats will be reupholstered and the theatre will be painted. ~Preparation for new lighting in the walkways near the Ainslie-Cornwall section has begun and should be completed by the time the next edition is in circulation. The Yarmouth-Wolverton section will also be adding lighting for the walkways. Next month there will be additional information regarding ongoing and new projects. March 2015 Community Affairs By Stanley Siegel, Chairman; Mike Limongelli, Marvin Manning Unlike other Century Villages, our Government meeting the 2 nd Monday of the month is quite successful. Residents have the opportunity to air their problems or ask questions of our local and federal representatives. Also available are representatives from Comcast, DSL (Wi-Fi) and amplified telephones. Remember the session takes place in Room A from 10am – 12noon. Mark it on your calendars. No matter how many times we write about driving in the village, it seems to fall on deaf ears for a number of our residents. Stop signs mean stop. When making a turn, use your signals. Too many times it seems to be a guessing game with a number of our residents. Remember the slogan; the life you save may be your own. Our local representatives were contacted regarding the traffic conditions in our local area. Now with the widening of Lyons Rd. north of Yamato, we will need relief because the volume will only increase. This situation was brought to the attention of the West Boca Community Council. Hopefully, a solution can be made. State Senator Joe Abruzzo is working with other legislators regarding a bill to give grandparents visitation rights. Too many times we read grandparents are not permitted to visit their grandchildren. We will contact his office and find out how we can support Senator Abruzzo’s effort. MONDAY, MARCH 16TH Election Update 8 AM to 1 PM • SPONSORED BY COBRUA By Sharon Lustgarten The four candidates for three (3) open M & O positions are as follows: (In Alphabetical Order) Bojidar Dobrew, Adelle Pastman, Lynn Roberts, Stanley Siegel Candidates for M & O Committee will be permitted to speak for two minutes on their own behalf before the election at the Delegates Meeting March 10, 2015. There will be an election to replace Sydney Schwartz, Recording Secretary. DELEGATES MEETING BLOOD PRESSURE On the Inside When: March 4th and 18th Where: Time: Room “I” Noon to in Clubhouse 1:30 p.m. TO BE HELD IN MOBILE UNIT IN FRONT OF CLUBHOUSE Tuesday, March 10th, 10am Clubhouse Everyone Welcome! Advertisers Index................................................................................. 13 Classified, Service Ads.......................................................................... 34 Club Dates........................................................................................... 51 Social Whirl......................................................................................... 44 Shows................................................................................ 24, 25, 26, 27 Free Movies......................................................................................... 23 Saturday Dances ................................................................................. 13 Page 2 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Delegates Meeting Executive Board January 13, 2015 February 2, 2015 The Delegates were called to order by President Mike Limongelli at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was established. The minutes of the November meeting were approved as published in the Reporter. President’s Report: Mike Limongelli reported. He reminded the Delegates that candidates nominated from the floor at the February meeting must have their article for the newspaper at the COBRUA office by noon on Wednesday, February 11th. Treasurer’s Report: Lynn Roberts reported. The cash and CD balance on December 31, 2014 was: Checking - $34,879.69 and CD - $40,232.79 for a total of $75,112.48, a decrease of $434.93 from the prior month. Security: Security Supervisor Joe Tucker reported. (1) He cautioned residents to obey the posted speed signs in the Village. (2) A Security guard cannot close a unit door left open by a resident; security must call the Sheriff’s office to do it. (3) The gate automated system was down for a short time. It is back up and running. (4) Check at the Information Desk for the date of I.D. renewals for your association. Cops Program: No report. Election Committee: Sharon Lustgarten reported. Nominations for three M&O seats will be taken from the floor at the February meeting. The announced candidates to date are: Stanley Siegel, Lynn Roberts, Adelle Pastman and Sara Lazarus. Candidate articles for the newspaper are due in the COBRUA office by noon on February 11th. Community Affairs Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) We are still waiting for more flyers and decals for the Yellow Dot program. (2) Possible changes coming to our neighborhood are: a new development at Clint Moore and 441 replacing Thomas Farms; a new entrance and traffic light at Sports Authority; a new entrance but no new traffic light at the Target Center; and a Benihana Restaurant replacing Denny’s. M&O Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) Problems with Wi-Fi disconnects have been addressed with new software. The vendor will meet with the Committee again in a few weeks. (2) Collections from delinquent owners last month were approximately $116,000. (3) The Clubhouse parking lot project is almost complete. New lights are going in, new striping and curbing in front of the Clubhouse remain to be done. (4) Drivers are abusing the drop off privilege in front of the Clubhouse. (5) A proposed contract was received from Academy. It was reviewed and revised by counsel for CenWest, the M&O, and counsel for M&O and returned to Academy. The schedule for internal buses will be added when the contract terms are settled; the buses will run six months on the half-hour and six months hourly. (6) Work on the New England recreational area will begin after season. In addition to refurbished tennis courts, there will be additional parking, pickle ball courts and landscaping. (7) The December 11th new residents orientation had a very poor turnout. (8) The request for Catch and Release signs requested by the Fishing Club was approved. (9) The revalidation of I.D. cards has started. Check with the Clubhouse desk for the dates for your association. (10) Another project to begin after season is refurbishing and bringing to Code the first floor restrooms. (11) COP cars will be permitted to gas up prior to a Monday holiday. Blood Bank: Ed Sussman reported. The next donation date is Monday January 19th in front of the Clubhouse. There will be a second bus for donation of blood platelets in addition to plasma. The gift is a t-shirt. Old Business: (1) A resident complained of noise from the indoor pool fan. (2) A sign was requested at the excursion bus stop. (3) The resident who submitted a letter at the last meeting re dissatisfaction with Wi-Fi service is still not satisfied with the service. New Business: (1) Music was again requested at the satellite pools. (2) Bike riders on the walking paths are not using bells to alert pedestrians; bells should be required equipment. (3) Pedestrians are inconsiderate of bike riders. (4) AARP is no longer sending representatives to complete tax forms with residents. The AARP’s new requirement that the schedule be open to residents of neighboring communities was not acceptable to the Village. (4) The M&O was thanked for the new walkways but several problems were pointed out for repair. (5) The drivers of off-premises buses are not requiring passengers to show I.D. (6) Questions were raised about the anticipated new bus schedule Good and Welfare: (1) Florrie Wolff thanked the residents for their good wishes after her accident and during rehab. (2) A request was made for the Associations to submit insurance proposals to residents. (3) Bikers without bells are dangerous but pedestrians ignore the bells when they are used. (4) Music at the satellite pools would disturb residents in their apartments. (5) Various alternative bus schedules were proposed. (6) Snowbirds do not want extensive cable TV. There should be just basic service and individual residents should pay for their own add-ons. (7) An update was requested on review of Code for jalousie doors. (8) Shampoo and soap should be allowed in the locker rooms. (9) A request for documents authorizing M&O was not mentioned in the minutes of the last meeting. (10) There were complaints about Wi-Fi service and price. (11) Advice was requested for procedure to get a welfare check on a resident. (12) Another vendor was requested to replace AARP to do tax returns. (13) The refreshment vending machines are out of order too often. (14) There should be Pedestrian Crossing or Yield to Pedestrians signs at gatehouses. (15) There should be speed bumps or flashing lights before crosswalks. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, s/ Sydney L. Schwartz Recording Secretary First Vice President Al Weinstein called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. A quorum was established. The minutes of the January 2015 meeting were accepted as published in the Reporter. President’s Report. Mike Limongelli reported. (1) A volunteer is needed to supervise the Blood Bank. Please call Maggie for information. If there is no volunteer, the program will be closed. (2) Syd Schwartz will retire as Recording Secretary after the March 10th meeting. The open position will be added to the March ballot. Call Maggie to file a letter of intent. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the February Delegates Meeting. (3) Representatives from the Veterans Administration will be in the Party Room February 12th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12noon and 2-4pm. All veterans and the spouses of veterans are invited to bring questions about their benefits. Treasurer’s Report: Lynn Roberts reported. The cash and CD balances at January 31, 2015 were: CD – $40,463.62 and Checking $30,975.51, for a total of $71,439.13. Community Affairs Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. State Sen. Joe Abruzzo will be sponsoring legislation to increase grandparents’ legal rights to grandchildren. M&O Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) Counsel for CenWest reported collection of delinquent accounts for the year ended October 31, 2014 was $777,000. The number of units in foreclosure is dwindling. (2) Attendance at the shows has been good. (3) The parking lot project is just about complete. New lighting is being added and the lanes marked. (4) The lobby furniture is being reupholstered and padding will be added. Completion is expected by Valentine’s Day. (5) The new bus contract is being reviewed. Once signed, we will be working on the schedules for the internal buses – six months of half-hourly service with six buses and six months on the hour with four buses. (6) The addition of Wi-Fi in the Fitness Center was approved. (7) Revalidation of I.D. cards is in progress. The schedule is at the lobby information desk. (8) Annual tax preparation by AARP in the Clubhouse has been discontinued. IRS rules do not permit an organization qualified like AARP to supply services on an exclusive basis; the Village would be required to allow outsiders to make appointments in our Clubhouse. (9) A walkway and bus stop is being created from the bus road to the Excursion Bus shelter. (10) Painting the theater and reupholstering the seats will be scheduled after the season is over. (11) Preparation has started for new lighting in the Ainslie and Yarmouth areas. Old Business: (1) Security supervision is requested at the Saturday night dances. Residents are coming wearing shorts and flip flops. (2) The shows have been wonderful. (3) Mark is no longer introducing the shows. (4) People have been tripping at the walkway on the south side of the Clubhouse. (5) The Wi-Fi vendor has not performed as promised New Business: (1) Rules for walking dogs are not being followed. Our attorneys are reviewing and updating the documents required for bringing dogs into an association. (2) First Residential’s emergency call center has not been responsive to calls for maintenance after hours. Good and Welfare: (1) A resident has complained to his Association about the holiday gift bonus given to employees. (2) Residents complain bus drivers show preference to certain riders. There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, s/ Sydney L. Schwartz Recording Secretary Cobrua Reporter Letters to the Editor Guidelines for Publication 1. Letters must be original to the writer. 2. Letters must be typewritten in 12 point type and double spaced. Do not use all caps. 3. Letters must include name, CVW address, and telephone number of writer. 4. Letters must be under 200 words. 5. Letters must be based on issues relating to CVW. 6. Letters will be subject to editing to assure accuracy. No rumor, gossip, personal attack, potential slander, or similar letters will be printed. 7. To promote diversity, letters from the same writer will not be published more often than every other month. 8. Letters must be EMAILED TO: [email protected] by the 10th of the month for publication in the following issue. 9. Receipt of letters will not be acknowledged. 10. All decisions of the Committee are final. COMMITTEE Sydney Schwartz, Chairman Lynn Roberts March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 3 M&O Candidates In Alphabetical Order Bojidar Dobrev Candidate for M&O Committee I have been a resident/unit owner in the Village since 2009 and currently serve on the Mansfield Association Board of Directors and as a member of the Citizen Observer Patrol (COP). I love this community and believe I can be useful as a member of the Management and Operations Committee. I am an engineer by trade with an advanced degree in mechanical engineering. I’ve worked primarily in the transportation field as an engineer for 40 years, and have also worked directly with the public. As a matter of fact, I’ve worked here at CVW as a bus driver. I have managed teams of engineers and other workers over the years and have experience in planning, scheduling, and cost analysis and control, among many other business-related skills. I believe my analytical, engineering, and technological skills and experience would be a useful addition to the M & O Committee. As a Committee member, I would be diligent about getting the best service available at the most reasonable price and I would dedicate myself to maintaining, improving and safeguarding the quality of living we enjoy and expect here in Century Village. IT’S NOT AL WAYS EASY ALW BUT IT P AYS PA It is not always easy... to apologize. to begin again. to take advice. to be unselfish. to admit error to face a sneer. to be charitable. to be considerate. to show appreciation. It is often difficult... to be broad minded. to forgive and forget. to profit by mistake. to think before you act. to keep out of a rut. to make the best of little. to shoulder deserved blame. to maintain a high standard. to see the silver lining. BUT IT P AYS! PA REPORTER 9045 La Fontana Blvd.Suite 229 Boca Raton, FL 33434 OFFICE HOURS: MON - FRI 9:30AM - 1:30PM PHONE: 561-487-0222 (3) FAX: 561-487-9819 EMAIL: [email protected] Managing Editor Emeritus Production Senior Contributors Al Horowitz Sylvia Black Lee Chanin, Sid Shapiro, Stan Slater, Paul Thorner Advertising information is available from COBRUA office, 487-0222. Copies of the Reporter are available at the COBRUA office. Our Fax Number is 487-9819; Our EMAIL is [email protected] Contributions to the Reporter are welcome, subject to editing. Contributions will be returned only if a stamped self-addressed envelope is included with copy submitted. Copy must be typed, DOUBLE SPACED, point size 12, letter form. Do not type in all caps. We will not accept copy with sexual content or profanity. We will not print letters or articles containing rumor, gossip, personal attacks or potential slander. Copy must contain the contributor’s signature, residence and phone number. Adelle Pastman Candidate M & O Committee I have been living in Century Village since 1989. I became a Director 1998-99 and from 2000 to the present, I have been President of Preston Association. My knowledge of property management came from my father – he managed and owned commercial real estate in Orlando. Upon his retirement, my daughter-in-law and I took over management. We were faced with all aspects of management, including leasing, budgets and insurance. The management issues presented to the M & O Committee are no different than the issues I encountered managing commercial real estate and then Preston Assn. As a member of the M & O, I was able to help implement the wish list that had been languishing for many years. In the two years I have been on the Committee, I have been instrumental in the decision making process of the following projects: a new clubhouse roof, new clubhouse parking lots and lighting, indoor pool renovation with a beautiful mural, updated billiard room, locker rooms with ADA accessible bathrooms, additional fitness center equipment and reupholstered lobby furniture. Coming in 2015 will be the New England athletic area, tennis and pickle ball courts with additional parking, ADA compliance to the two restrooms next to the party room, renovation of the party room and theatre and new carpeting in card rooms I am available to hear your needs and will continue to make this village a premier community. I am proud to have served on the M & O Committee for the last two years and wish to continue. Please give me your vote. We Care Thanks.. We Care wishes to thank New Kids On The Block for their donation. Their generosity is deeply appreciated. Single spaced articles will NOT BE USED. Century of Boca Raton Umbrella Association, aka COBRUA, a corporation, its officers, directors, editors, staff, and committee people, are not responsible for typographical errors or misrepresentations in any advertisement or article. They are not responsible, and assume no liability for the content of, or any opinions expressed in, any contributed articles which represent the author’s own opinion and not necessarily the opinion of COBRUA. Acceptance of advertising for products or services in no way constitutes an official endorsement of the product. 2014 COBRUA OFFICERS President Mike Limongelli Alan Weinstein 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Sheila Goodman Lynn Roberts Treasurer Budget Director Ted Spar Financial Secretary Henri Borstel Sydney Schwartz Recording Secretary Sergeant-at-Arms Stan Slater PAST PRESIDENTS *Eli Reiskin, *Bernie Bauman *Leonard Sheinfeld, *Julius Gilman, *Leon Scheinine *Philip Loeb, *Harvey Rosenthal, *Janet Shapiro, Roz Rothman *Bob Pally, Henri Borstel, Nat Hymoff, *Ricki Golden, *Oscar Larson, *Ted Forman, Marvin Manning, *Bernard Cohen, Stanley Siegel, Lynn Roberts *Deceased SUPPORT COBRUA Lynn Roberts Candidate for M&O I have been a resident of Century Village for twelve years. I am VicePresident and Director of Cornwall Association. I have served as the President of Cobrua for four years and have been a member of the M&O Committee for the past eight years. The work of the Committee has become even more challenging in recent years because our population has become more diverse in both age and culture. New interests and needs must be addressed to attract new buyers without jeopardizing a way of life the long-time residents enjoy. I have promoted enlarging our outdoor activity facilities. Our Mansfield tennis courts will now become the New England Rec Area. The New England Rec Area will incorporate the current tennis courts with dedicated pickle ball courts and additional parking. As Chair of the Clubhouse Maintenance Committee, I knew it was time for a ‘redo’. The glamour of the 1980’s and 90’s had become a little shabby in the 21st Century. Before the end of this fiscal year, our residents will have an updated Clubhouse to enjoy -- reupholstered furniture in the lobby, new carpet and updated seating in the Party Room, new carpet in all four card rooms, and reupholstered seats in the theater. We have a most unique senior community. I am proud to have had a hand in its on-going success. I would like to continue my work on the M&O Committee and I am asking for your vote. Thank you. Stanley Siegel Candidate for Reelection M & O Committee I am a graduate of Bernard Baruch School of Business - City College of New York (CCNY). I served two years in the army (1st Infantry Division). After discharge, I was employed for forty-one (41) years with one of the largest textile firms in the United States. I began as a Junior Accountant and retired as its Personnel Director (Human Resources). During this tenure, I was Payroll Manager (3,500 employees), Administrator of Basic Medical, Major Medical, Group Life Insurance, Long and Short Term Disability programs and Officer and Director of our Pension and 401K Plans. I was on the team that was responsible for negotiating contracts for our Welfare Plans. I volunteer 48 days per year at the JCC Thrift Shop which raises money for families in need, regardless of denomination. I have been President of Hythe Association since 2002. I am a past President (3 ½ years), 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and Budget Director of Cobrua. I am also a member of the Management & Operations (M&O) Committee. My goal for M & O has always been to work with the Committee to improve the quality of life for all residents in the village. With your support, I wish to continue on that path. Thank you.v Notice Regarding Dinner Bus The dinner bus runs every Wednesday at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. There is a minimum of ten (10) passengers. Reservations are imperative. If you plan on going, you must call the staff office between Monday and Wednesday to reserve your time. 451-1221. Guidelines for Contributors Deadline 10th of Month Articles must be double spaced and (preferably) emailed to Cobrua. Single spaced articles will not be accepted. Do not type in all caps or bold. Submit in letter form. Keep your articles short - preferably 1 or 2 pages. Thank You Cobrua Reporter Subscriptions We will no longer be mailing papers to residents. If you have already paid for a subscription, we will continue to mail your paper until the subscription expires. You may now read the paper online at www. NOTICE REPRESENTATIVES FROM Congressman Ted Deutch State Senator Joe Abruzzo State Rep. Kevin Rader Commissioner Mary Lou Berger County Tax Appraiser Gary Nikolits Property Tax Collector Anne Gannon Amplified Telephones Comcast DSL/Wi-Fi WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS OR HEAR YOUR PROBLEMS MONDAY, March 9TH 10 AM-12 PM CLUBHOUSE ROOM A Page 4 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Property Matters Anne M. Gannon Palm Beach County Constitutional Tax Collector Fundraising Free February I’m taking a break in February. Not from my official duties, but from raising money for my campaign in Washington when Congress is in session and I should be most focused on serving my constituents. You may have heard of Movember. Allow me to introduce Fundraising Free February. Americans are in near universal agreement that Congress is broken. Sweeping bipartisan policy initiatives have been replaced with negativity and partisanship. Politicians on both sides decry this toxic environment, and many of us even run for office pledging to overcome it. Unfortunately that passion for problem solving often succumbs to the daily grind in Washington.\ Members of Congress have always been scheduled down to the minute, running between committee hearings and votes, briefings and mark-ups, and meetings with advocacy groups, foreign officials, lobbyists, and constituents. The problem is that more and more of our time is dedicated to fundraising. Freshmen are expected to be on the phone before they are sworn-in. Frontline Members must raise millions to win re-election, and those in so-called safe districts must pitch in as much as they can while arming themselves against potential primary challengers. This week marks five years since the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC and it is no coincidence that Congress has been plagued by unprecedented partisanship and dysfunction ever since. That January 2010 decision left every member vulnerable to multimillion dollar smear campaigns by super PACs and sham 501(c)4 groups backed by deep-pocketed special interests and highly ideological, often anonymous donors. The notion that allowing more big money in our elections could corrupt the democratic process was flatly dismissed by the Supreme Court's 5-4 majority in last year's McCutcheon v. FEC ruling. Yet there are few ways to more accurately describe what is going on. Members of Congress are dedicating more of their time in Washington to fundraising off a tiny sliver of incredibly wealthy individuals whose priorities often differ from those of most voters. Furthermore, the implicit threat of attacks from outside groups ready to target those who compromise only pushes Members toward the extremes of the political spectrum. Doing so may help protect themselves in the next primary or maintain their scorecard grade, but it discourages thoughtful debate on the issues, and erodes the public’s confidence that we are able to compromise on solutions that move our country forward. In February, Republicans and Democrats come back from their respective retreats enthusiastic about getting things done. If there is any common ground for us to find, we have a far better chance of finding it if we spent a bit more time talking to each other and a bit less talking to donors. I invite all Members to join me for Fundraising Free February - a simple pledge that for the shortest month of the year, we put the permanent campaign on hold when we are in Washington and Congress is in session. We will use that time instead to get to know each other better, build bipartisan relationships, and do the work we were elected to do. Deutch has represented Congressional districts in southern Florida since 2010.Horrific gun violence has devastated too many families across this country, and all the more tragic is the fact that we know how to stop such crimes but have failed to act. The overwhelming majority of Americans – including gun owners – understand that our gun laws are not working if our citizens must live in fear whenever they send their children to school, go see a movie, or stop by the grocery store. Reducing gun violence will require standing up to the powerful special interests. Again and again, the gun industry lobby has proven it is more concerned with protecting its profits than representing the voices of America’s responsible gun owners. While there may be no single policy capable of ridding our society of all gun violence, we have the power to enact commonsense reforms that will make our communities safer and ultimately save lives. I am pleased that President Obama’s comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence includes many proposals I have long supported, including universal background checks on all gun sales in America. I am also a cosponsor of a new assault weapons ban in Congress that would also apply to the sale of high capacity ammunition capable of inflicting mass murder in a matter of seconds. Finally, I have introduced my own legislation – the Buyback our Safety Act – to bolster the impact that local gun buyback programs are having on communities across the country. Reducing gun violence also demands that we look beyond our gun laws. Recently, I joined several of South Florida’s leading mental health advocates to discuss how we can expand access to affordable mental health care in Florida. With two-thirds of Floridians with mental illness unable to access treatment, it is imperative that our state legislature fully enact the Affordable Care Act. New mental health parity regulations will require insurance companies to cover treatments for mental illness and addiction just as they do for other ailments, and a new expansion of Medicaid could extend coverage to over one million Floridians without health care. Our nation has been shaken by horrific tragedies in Newtown, Tuscon, Aurora, and too many other communities. There may be no perfect solutions to our national gun violence epidemic, but failure to take action would mean a failure to save innocent lives and prevent more families from experiencing the pain of these unspeakable losses. In the coming weeks and months, I will continue meeting with elected officials, law enforcement, and community groups to discuss how we can work together to stop these senseless tragedies and better protect our communities. Dear Friend, Spring is here. Public schools close for spring break the week of March 16. Many students use this time to come to our office to get their 1st driver’s license. Our free “In the Driver’s Seat” app is designed to help prepare for this exciting milestone. It has everything needed, including the Florida Driver Handbook, required forms and a practice test. You can also make a driver license appointment. Why not download it today? Search “In the Driver’s Seat” at the Apple App Store or Google play. News from Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a new deadline for REAL ID compliance. REAL ID documents include a state-issued driver license, state-issued ID card and a current passport. The new deadline for all individuals to have a REAL ID for official purposes is October 1, 2020. This new deadline eliminates all previous DHS compliance deadlines. Read more at To get a REAL ID driver license or ID card, federal law requires people present specific, original documents proving birth, social security and residence. REAL ID’s have a star in the upper right hand corner. So far 68 percent of all eligible drivers in Palm Beach County have REAL IDs. For more information on how to get your REAL ID visit www.pbctax. com/real-id. REAL ID enforcement dates are separate from the new compliance deadline. Enforcement is being handled in phases and has already begun. By October 1, 2020 DHS rules require individuals to have a REAL ID document to board commercial flights or enter federal buildings. Lost Your Birth Certificate? We have a new customer service for anyone born in Florida. If need your Florida birth certificate, we can now provide certified copies at designated service locations. Locations include our offices in Delray Beach, downtown West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. The fee for this service is $21.25. You must have valid photo identification. If you were born in another state go to and click on your birth state. Property Tax Deadlines Approaching If you still owe 2014 property taxes, be sure to pay this month. Payments received after March 31 are delinquent. Delinquent taxes are charged 3 percent interest and advertising fees. Why not pay online at It’s secure, easy and convenient. If you own more than one property, our system allows you to make multiple payments in one transaction. eChecks are free. Credit cards companies charge a convenience fee per transaction. Our office does not retain this fee. Do you know we have an Installment Payment Plan for property taxes? The plan allows you to make quarterly payments and offers a discount of slightly less than 4 percent. To enroll for 2015 taxes just complete our short application. It is available at or at our service locations. The deadline to enroll is April 30. If you are already on the plan, you do not need to complete a new application. Community Outreach We attend events throughout Palm Beach County. Our staff is available to answer questions and provide information about our services, including payment options, what documents are necessary to complete transactions and customer service tips, including how to save time and money. Homeowner associations are a key partner in our outreach efforts. If your community or organization would like us to provide a speaker, publications or participate in an expo event, please email ClientAdvocate@ with specific details. We will do our best to accommodate your request. I hope you will follow us on Twitter @TAXPBC. You can see pictures of our newest drivers, read important tax deadlines and stay up-to-date on the latest news about our services. Sincerely, Anne Anne M. Gannon IMPORTANT NEWS FOR FLORIDA DRIVERS! The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a new deadline for REAL ID compliance. That new deadline is October 1, 2020. This new deadline eliminates all previous DHS compliance deadlines. A REAL ID includes state-issued driver licenses and ID cards or a current passport. Enforcement dates of REAL ID are separate from the new compliance deadline. Enforcement is being handled in phases and has already begun. DHS expects to announce dates to require a REAL ID to board commercial flights or enter federal facilities no sooner than 2016. Please note that this DHS announcement makes REAL ID informational materials previously distributed to the public no longer accurate. Our agency is making changes reflecting the new deadline on all REAL ID educational materials and website information. March 2015 The Berger Banner Palm Beach County Vice Mayor Mary Lou Berger, District 5 The highly anticipated opening of the new District 4 Sheriff Substation will be completed by the end of February. For too long the residents of unincorporated Delray Beach and Sheriff Deputies have had to travel to and from Congress Avenue to resolve incidents in the District. The Alliance of Delray and I worked together to help make this happen. I am sincerely happy for all who will benefit from this relocation, particularly the senior citizens in my district. The new PBSO headquarters, located in the old library building in West Delray at Cumberland Drive and West Atlantic Avenue, will provide many services including fingerprinting, VIN verifications and accident reports. The $2.2 million project includes an 800-square-foot community room and is generator ready so that it can be used as a 24 hour base of operations in the event of hurricane or other emergency. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Audrey Wolf, the County’s Facilities Director, who oversaw the transformation of the new site from inside out, including roof replacement to comply with new wind code requirements, weatherproofing of the exterior, parking lot improvements, new HVAC, lighting and interior finishes. Speaking of emergencies, over the past few years we have all been made aware of the grassroots initiative by the West Boca Community Council and the Delray Alliance to bring the nationally recognized Yellow Dot program to Palm Beach County (PBC). With the help of Fire Rescue and the Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations, the PBC Yellow Dot campaign now in full force. On Tuesday, January 27th I sponsored a Year of the Yellow Dot proclamation and presented it the above mentioned and to State Senator Joe Abruzzo and State Representative Irv Slosberg who passed legislation in Tallahassee to create the Yellow Dot Critical Motorist Program. For more information, visit Lastly, for those that are not yet aware, the County’s Water Utilities Department (WUD) now accepts credit and debit card payments for their customers who pay their water bills online and have signed up for an online account. There are no fees for the convenience of this service. If you haven’t done so, signing up is easy. It’s how I pay the water bill for my Kings’ Point condo! Almost all the information needed to create an online account is available on your water bill. Currently, Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted with plans to expand the service in the future. Customers who will benefit most from this new payment option are those who make cash-only payments that need to be made in person at the Customer Care Service Center. WUD customers are encouraged to also sign up for eBill which allows them to receive bills by email instead of mail and offer other conveniences such as reminder emails when bills are due and access to usage and billing history. To set up an online account, visit and click “Access Your Online Account.” For more information, call 561-740-4600. As always, I invite your comments on any issue of interest to you. As your Commissioner I am here to help you. You may write me at 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach, 33401 or at [email protected]. You can call me or my staff at 276-1310 or toll free at 877-930-2205. Please visit me on the web at Want To Be Among Century Village’s Finest? Be our community’s & By joining the COP Program right here in Century Village, and volunteering just 3 or more hours a week, you too can be one of our heroes! Call Capt. Jay Levy (561) 218-4419 and Sign Up Today! We Care in the Village Needs Volunteers Do you have a few hours to volunteer to help your neighbors? Do you have a few hours to help take someone to a doctor’s appointment? Do you have time to call or visit homebound Century Village residents? We Care of Century Village West Needs You! We Need • Drivers • Office Staff and Clerks • Friendly Visitors • Telephone Reassurance Hours: Monday – Friday 9 – 11:30am and 1-3:30pm For information call 487-2827 COBRUA REPORTER Page 5 Fire Rescue FAST Facts Smoke Detectors- Did you know that there are new smoke detector laws for 2015? These laws are designed to make them more simple to maintain, cheaper, and prevent future fire deaths. Simple- New smoke detectors come with a permanently installed lithium battery. That means, you will never have to remember to change the batteries. Once installed these batteries last 10 years!! Cost- The old rules of smoke detectors-’’Change your battery, when you change your clocks’’ is out the window with these new detectors...With the cost of 9 volt batteries around $4 each the savings over the life a smoke detector really adds up. Preventing fire deaths- Did you know that 3 out 5 of all fire related deaths occurred in homes where they were broken (dead batteries) or no smoke detectors. With these new detectors you no longer have to worry about dead batteries. If your smoke detector is more than 10 years old than replace its time to replace it, and for more information check out . Patronize our Advertisers. Tell them You Saw Their Ad Here and Thank Them For Supporting our Community. FESTIVAL FLEA MARKET BUS THE BUS MAKES THE TRIP EVERY OTHER THURSDAY ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: March 12th, 26th THE $3.00 ROUND TRIP TICKET CAN BE PURCHASED THE THURSDAY MORNING OF THE TRIP AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE INFORMATION DESK IN THE CLUBHOUSE. THE BUS LEAVES OUR CLUBHOUSE AT 10:00 AM AND LEAVES THE FLEA MARKET FOR THE RETURN TRIP HOME AT 2:00 PM SLOW DOWN THIS IS A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY SPEEDING PUTS ALL OUR LIVES AT RISK RESIDENTS & VISITORS COMPLY WITH OUR SPEED LIMITS, CROSSWALK CAUTION & ALL SIGNAGE. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN FURTHER RESTRICTIONS & ENFORCEMENT RESIDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO CROSS THE ROAD WITHOUT FEAR OF A SPEEDING CAR THIS IS A SAFETY MESSAGE FROM SECURITY AND COBRUA –PLEASE COMPLY– Page 6 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 From A RabbiRabbi ’s D esk Dr. Chaim Shapiro Rabbi Emeritus - Congregation Torah Ohr I have been very concerned about certain events, generally involving victims of various forms of terrorism. These actions have not been limited to a certain area of the world but often have been committed by sources from the Mid-East. For instance, Arab murderers killed innocent victims in Australia. I have also heard of some 300 young Chinese men who joined an Islamic terrorist group and murdered a huge group of local Chinese citizens. In Brooklyn, a student of the Chabad Yeshiva was attacked coming out of the Yeshiva’s headquarters building and, fortunately was saved from this attack by a nearby police officer. Talking about New York City, the recently elected mayor came out with remarks denigrating and insulting to the police of New York. I consider this a stupid action since police are there to protect the citizens of that city. Other upsetting information involves the government leaders of Syria. The leader of Syria (during the recent years) has been Basher al Assad. A recent report claimed that the Syrian government had jailed 150,000 and had seriously tortured over 11,000 civilians. Another disturbing event was the removal of the terrorist organization Hamas from the official European Union list of terrorists. Here is an organization that tried to destroy the people of Israel in the recent Gaza war. I recently read that Hamas was not satisfied with the possible establishment of the future Palestinian state within the 1967 lines. They also revealed that Iran had supplied them with most of their rockets and other deadly weapons. Most people know that Iran would like to destroy Israel and stated they would attack the U.S. after that. Hamas also publicly stated they would not recognize any Zionist entity. I believe that their title is very apropos for, in Hebrew, Hamas is usually translated as murderer or thief. Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu warned his people that Hamas has written in their official charter that their major goal is to destroy Israel. I recently came across a news article that described how the Pakistan terrorist group Taliban murdered 145 high school age students. It was truly painful for me to learn of such disgusting actions. My only consolation of these terrible events is a Talmudic comment. It talks about the coming of the Messiah, who will bring peace to the entire world after a period of much bloodshed and warfare. May his arrival come soon. My wife Sheila joins me in hopes for a better future for us and all mankind. Village Speed Limit 20 L A W O F F I C E S The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Main office in Boca Raton. This Newspaper is brought to you by our Advertisers. Please tell them You Saw Their Ad Here and Thank Them For Supporting the Community. March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 7 Understanding Your AMR Transportation Coverage By Sarah Kirkwood Account Manager AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE THE FOLLOWING IS INFORMATION FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF CENTURY VILLAGE REGARDING YOUR COVERAGE FOR MEDICAL AND NONMEDICAL TRANSPORTATION WITH AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE YOU PROVIDE AMR WITH ALL YOUR INSURANCE INFORMATION. Additional Ambulance Services It is important to notify anyone arranging ambulance or non-medical transportation, that you have a contract with AMR. Some examples of Ambulance Transports are: • Ambulance transportation will be provided from Hospital to Hospital, as ordered by your physician, for approved medical necessity and higher level of care. • Hospital discharges to skilled and rehab facilities or home, if medically necessary. • Skilled or Rehab facilities to medical appointments, if medically necessary • Skilled or Rehab to hospital ER • Skilled or R ehab to home if medically necessary • A L L T R A N S P O RTA TION WILL REQUIRE THE RESIDENT TO SHOW THEIR CENTURY VILLAGE ID CARD. FOR ANY AMBULANCE TRIP THAT IS NOT A COVERED SERVICE, YOU MAY BE BILLED AT 40% OFF OF AMR’S PUBLISHED RATES. 911 Medical Transportation • IN ANY AND ALL MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, YOU MUST CALL 911! This is the Medical Emergency Network of all Palm Beach County and Fire Rescue will respond appropriately. • Once transported, you will receive a billing statement from the Fire Department. Contact them directly to discuss additional billing information they may need or to make co-payments depending on your insurance. AMR will not pay for transports nor is it a covered service, when transported by Fire Rescue. • If, at time of transport, you are medically stable, but still should go to the hospital, the County Rescue Paramedic will call AMR directly, and AMR will respond and transport you. • Your AMR contract allows us to bill your insurance, so you may be contacted Non-Medical Transportation for additional insurance information and co-pay Services (CABULANCE) information. ALL EMER- • Non-Medical services shall be available to all full-time GENCY TRANSPORTS and part-time residents A R E C O M P L E T E LY who permanently or tempoCOVERED BY YOUR rarily are in need of wheelAMR CONTRACT ONCE RENERT DENTISTRY Dr. Joseph Renert Practicing in South Florida since 1973 Graduate of Tufts Dental School Former assistant professor at Nova Southeastern Dental School Offering general dentistry procedures: • Crowns • Bridges • Dentures and Partial Dentures ~ Same day denture repair • Fillings • Cleaning (Prophylaxis) • Cosmetic whitening • Extractions • Simple Root Canal Treatment We accept most dental insurances including many HMO’s 488-0770 Located across the street in the Boca Hamptons Plaza chair service. Services provided are within Palm Beach County. Any out-ofcounty trips are reviewed on a case by case basis. • Non-Medical services are for medical appointments only and the service is not to be used as a taxi service. • All Hospital transports can All home transbe s• ports or Facility arranged transports must be scheduled with AMR 24 hours prior to appointment. • AMR will provide a wheelchair if the resident does not have their own. • All transportation will require the resident to show their ID card and provide AMR with any and all insurance information YOUR AMR CONTRACT APPLIES TO RESIDENTS OF CENTURY VILLAGE. IF AN OWNER OR RENTER CHANGES PERMANENT RESIDENCE TO A NURSING HOME OR ASSISTED LIVING HOME, HE/SHE IS NO LONGER COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT. MOST IMPORTANTLY… ANY AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS FROM AMR TO YOU, WHICH ASKS FOR PAYMENT, SHOULD BE TURNED OV E R I M M E D I AT E LY TO THE COBRUA OFFICE FOR PROCESSING. DO NOT PAY AMR FOR ANY TRANSPORTATION WITHOUT CONSULTING THE COBRUA OFFICE ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS TOTAL CONDO CARE WILL PROVIDE v v v v v v v v WEEKLY INSPECTION MONTHLY PEST SPRAYING PROMPT FOLLOW-UP AFTER WEATHER DISASTER SUPERVISE DELIVERIES AND SERVICE CALLS MONTHLY E-MAIL COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS AS REQUIRED ALL INSPECTIONS AND ACTIVITIES ARE RECORDED BONDED AND INSURED AIRPORT PICK UP AND DRIVING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CLEANING, PAINTING AND RENOVATION SERVICES 561-314-9889 We will take care of [email protected] your condo as our own. WE CARE Visually Impaired Persons Support Group Meets the First Wednesday of each month except August Next Meeting: March 11th • 10:30 AM in Room A ALL WELCOME •INFORMATION ON THE LATEST EQUIPMENT & TREATMENT AVAILABLE •NOTED DOCTORS AND COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES •SUPPORT AND HELP EACH OTHER AS WE ADAPT TO VISION LOSS If you need help or wish to speak to Robert, please call the We Care office at 487-2827 and he will get in touch with you. Page 8 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 IMPROVING HEALTH, ONE LIFE AT A TIME DOCTORS THAT CARE FOR THEIR PATIENTS Something you can always count on. At MCCI, we provide medical services of the highest quality. Our focus is on improving our patients’ lives by enhancing their personal health and treating them with the respect they deserve. We offer convenience without compromise. Our Medical Centers are built upon our medical expertise and around the healthcare needs of our patients. OUR OUTSTANDING SERVICES: • Personalized Medical Attention • Physician Specialists • Courtesy Transportation for • Diagnostic Tests Medical Visits Call us today to receive an informational package listing our services and to schedule a private tour of your nearest MCCI location. • Extended Hours • Home Medical Visits • Pharmacy 1-855-350-MCCI (6224) YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MCCI MEDICAL CENTER: 9080 Kimberly Blvd. Suite 1 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 1-855-350-MCCI (6224) Boca Raton ACTIVITY CENTER SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 Sit & Fit 10:00am Tai Chi - 1:00pm 8 15 Sit & Fit- 10:00am Tai Chi - 1:00pm Diabetic Education Lecture - 2:30pm Sit & Fit 10:00am 9 16 Tai Chi - 1:00pm 22 Sit & Fit 10:00am 23 Tai Chi - 1:00pm 29 Sit & Fit 10:00am Tai Chi - 1:00pm 30 WEDNESDAY Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Rummi Kub - 2:00pm 3 10 Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Games - 2:00pm 17 Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Veterans Lecture - 2pm 24 Strength & Balance - 10am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Rummi Kub - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am THURSDAY 4 Bingo - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am 11 18 Bingo - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am Bingo - 2:00pm 5 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Bingo - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am FRIDAY 12 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Scrabble - 2:00pm 19 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am BIRTHDAY PARTY 2:00PM 25 26 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Scrabble - 2:00pm SATURDAY Strength & Balance - 10:30am 6 7 Wii Bowling - 2:00pm Strength & Balance 10:30am 13 14 20 21 27 28 Movie - 2:00pm Strength & Balance - 10:30am Spanish for Beginners 2:00pm Strength & Balance 10:30am Movie - 2:00pm 31 Strength & Balance - 10am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Games - 2:00pm RSVP 1-855-350-MCCI March 2015 YOUR DENTAL HEALTH COBRUA REPORTER Page 9 Dr. Alan Wishneff, The Experience, Caring and Quality Behind Your Smile “Dental procedures may not vary much, but patients do – it’s the personal attention that makes all the difference . . .” Dr. Alan Wishneff No one likes to be treated like just another cog in a wheel. In an age of assembly lines, standardization of products, and ‘high tech’ mentality, most of us have just about had it being treated like we’re in a factory. Particularly when it comes to dental care. “Everyone’s an individual, and deserves to be treated like one,” says longtime favorite Boca Raton dentist, Dr. Alan Wishneff, whose offices are on the second floor of the Plaza at Boca Hamptons. “Although many dental procedures appear alike, their individualized attention can make all the difference between a satisfied patient and an unsatisfied one.” He notes that from the outset, a key element in patient satisfaction is listening carefully to the patient. “The way a patient chooses to explain his or her needs is as important as the substance of their explanation.” he notes. “We often deal with patients who express varying degrees of anxiety or fear, and that colors their expectations. I instruct my staff to be sensitive to this and try to allay the anxiety. It may mean spending extra time with the patient in order to listen and educate.” Individualized patient care starts outside the office Dr. Wishneff’s staff recognizes that patient care often takes place outside the office. “When a patient calls with a toothache or other problem, we know they want to be treated right away, not two weeks from now,” observes Ilene Leventhal, office manager. “We’re dealing with people who need attention and can’t afford to wait.” Preventive or routine care needs individualized attention as well But the patient-centered philosophy also extends to patients who are not in pain. Our dental hygienist spends all her professional time cleaning teeth and teaching patients how to avoid dental crises. But each dental cleaning (called a ‘prophy’ – short for ‘prophylaxis’) is as different as the individual patient she treats. “Some mouths are more sensitive than others to prophies, so we have to adapt procedures to accommodate individual patient needs,” she points out. Preventive care mandates that patients be well-informed about periodontal (gum) disease so as to avoid costly, time-consuming and sometimes uncomfortable conditions from occurring. According to Ingrid, our hygienist, “Each person’s life-style differs also, and that may have different implications for their dental hygiene.” Eating habits, diets, brushing, flossing regimes, whether the patient wears dentures, takes certain medications, all affect things like mouth odor, tooth color, puffiness or bleeding of gums. Accommodating patient needs Even the follow-up scheduling of patients for recall appointments should take into consideration their individual needs. Sometimes patients need to return every 3 months, sometimes every 6 months, sometimes only once a year. The individualized attention given patients at Dr. Wishneff’s assures a dental health program tailored just for them. A tradition of experienced, dedicated and up-to-date care. “I’ve always been a ‘people person,’ the kind who finds other people interesting and derives enjoyment from working with and helping others. When I started practicing dentistry in 1980, I found that I really liked this part of being a dentist. Today, more than 25 years later, this is still what motivates me to come to work each day and give my best. I get a charge out of being with people and meeting them, learning about them, interacting with them and playing a role in their oral health and ability to smile proudly. And it’s a natural part of this process to want to provide not just dentistry but excellent care, from offering quality clinical services to being personally dedicated. The reward for me is providing great results to a real person. My satisfaction only comes when you’re satisfied, and for that I strive to keep my skills sharp and my capabilities current with the latest and most effective methods.” DENTURE LAB ON PREMISES Most repairs done while you wait It is not uncommon for denture wearers to experience discomfort from damaged or broken dentures. Dr. Wishneff’s office strives to offer swift turnaround service for such walk-in patients, whose repairs can usually be completed same day or while you wait. Dr. Wishneff’s office is conveniently located on the 2nd floor of the Plaza at the Boca Hamptons Call Ilene at 488-3111 Also . . . Dr. Wishneff, a double graduate of Emory University takes pride in providing comprehensive dental care. His office features the following dental services. Advanced training... Advanced Training: Cosmetic dentistry, including porcelain veneers; advanced cosmetic bonding techniques; oral surgery; advanced crown and bridge; advanced TMJ; implant dentistry; endodontics — root canals; utilization of most advanced materials and the finest sterilization technology. “We are here to make your dental visit as pleasant as possible.” – Dr. Alan Wishneff Page 10 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 March 2015 The Good In People By Gregory Fusillo I have written about people who I categorize as being good people and then you come across someone that you feel goes beyond good and, simply put, they are two of the most caring people I have met in my almost nine years living in CVW. They come to us by way of our Orthodox Jewish brethren and are a couple for whom life is a continuum of helping others. One can only feel that they consider what they do as their God given duty to always help you. For their response to my asking them what it has been like living here in CVW they answered, “It was a gift from God”. How is that? I asked and they replied,”God has given us the chance to help people”. How sweet is that! They are my “storybook” couple of CVW… Jeff and Jill Adler. Whenever I meet up with them, it is always a pleasure to talk to them. “How is your daughter?” they would always lead off with. They exude a positive attitude toward their fellow man and are always looking to help someone in need. If you have trouble with your eyesight, Jeff will be at your door with a magnifying glass to help you with your reading. Have no one? They will be there to run errands or just to talk to you. Their work at Torah Ohr is ongoing and they consider it an honor to lend a hand. Jeff tells me that he belongs to several congregations up north and is involved with volunteer work at all of them. Their kindness extends to the northeast in New York where they regularly visit a nursing home sharing their kindness with those that have not. You will find them behind the wheel of their car in Borough Oh My Aching Back! BY CINDY GOLDBERG, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR In March I begin my fourth fabu- get a lot of help and BEND YOUR flexibility, contributing factors to a lous year here at Century Village and KNEES! If it is over 8 years old, it has stronger back. Please check the exI cannot believe I have not written one lost support and it may be time to get ercise schedule, classes are free and no sign up required. For any specific article about low back pain! Most of us a new one that is medium firm. Many of the group exercise classes questions, please feel free to stop by will experience low back pain at one time or another, a chronic illness with we offer can help to strengthen the fitness center and speak with me, a high likelihood of recovery and re- abdominal muscles and increase Monday through Friday 12:15-1:00. currence. The prevalence of back pain in the senior population is estimated to be more than 70%! There are many causes of low back pain (too many to address) but I would like to provide some tips on how to AVOID low back pain. One of the most important lessons I have learned in my 15 years of experience in the fitness field, is that you cannot exercise pain away! If you already suffer from a high level of pain, consider rest, ice and/or a visit to your doctor. If you have experienced it in the past and want to try to prevent recurrence, consider these tips: Exercise and Posture: Good posture and regular exercise helps minimize chronic back conditions. Environment: Avoid back injury by making your home as safe as possible. Attend to anything that can be a fall or trip hazard. Build up muscular strength and flexibility: Abdominal muscles and back muscles work together to give your spine support and strength. Strength and flexibility in your hips and thighs help to maintain proper alignment. Regular exercise such as swimming and walking allow muscles to function better: Remember to consult your doctor if you are just beginning an exercise program. Avoid prolonged standing and sitting: Standing in one position too long puts strain on your vertebrae. Chairs need good back support; be sure to sit up straight and no slouching. Lifting and Carrying: Poor technique is the most common and avoidable cause of back pain. Never carry loads that are too heavy. Keep your back straight when lifting and bend at your knees, never bend straight down from your hips. Weight gain: Maintain a healthy weight. Too much weight puts undue pressure and strain on your back muscles. Losing weight can make a significant difference to back pain and discomfort. Check your mattress: If you wake up with back pain each morning, it may be time to flip your mattress. . If you are flipping your mattress over, COBRUA REPORTER Page 11 Park volunteering to drive for HILF. They have been married for 42 years and are the proud parents to five children and seventeen grandchildren and like many of us never stop doing for them. We at CVW are lucky to have such a beautiful couple in our grasps. The only down side is they are snowbirds and spend their summers up north; our loss. (If you know of someone that you consider a good person, please call me at 400-2573) Name of Organization Here Contact Information Here Page 12 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Y L I R E M NT A F CE T O FO Todd N. Pinsky, DPM Board Certified Podiatrist “feel the soft touch of a specialist” Graduate of Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine Residency Training at: • VA Medical Center Miami • Jackson Memorial • Homestead Airforce Base VISIT OUR STATE OF THE ART OFFICE • In Office Digital X-Ray • In Office Vascular Testing • Whirlpool Included With Routine Care • Successful Treatment For All Diabetic And Regular Ulcers/Open Wounds • Participate In Medicare Diabetic Shoe Program • Surgically Trained To Treat All Foot Deformities Visit our web page at New patients are always welcome! Serving Boca Raton Since 1991 “Oh yeah by the way” Expert Care for all Heel P ain, Bunions Hammertoes , , Nail Proble ms, Adult and Pediatric Flat Feet, Fra ctures, Foot and Ank le Sprains 561-488-4848 West Boca Medical Center Campus 9980 Central Park Blvd., N. Suite 208, Boca Raton, FL 33428 Caregivers ALERT You are not alone. by Barry Rock, Bereaved Caregiver Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiver’s Help is Available at the Clubhouse No one has to tell you that being a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia illness is stressful and frustrating. You even have feelings of anger on occasion. There are a number of things you can do to redirect those feelings into a more positive direction. Here are a few helpful hints. 1. Seek Support: Talk to other caregivers right here at Century Village. The group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Room D in the Clubhouse. The group is led by Social Worker Danielle Cohen, (561) 477-1467. 2. Trust Yourself: Give your instincts a chance; they’re probably leading you in the right direction. 3. Be Informed About Your Loved One’s Condition: Education is a pow NIGHT ENCHANTMENT By Lee Chanin As a winged angel perched on a moonbeam, I fly to the to the far flung firmament, Moving through the murky Milky Way, to the galaxy of glittering glowing gems, brightly lighting the velvet night, Observing the radiant ghostly white globe shimmering in the darkness. Is there an image hovering in its shadows waiting to be discerned by my vivid imagination? I move on to a planet whose red rings cast a crimson glow on the nearby points of light. I travel in a firmament of the ubiquitous universe lending enchantment to the brilliance of my dream. erful tool. Learn all you can about your loved one’s condition to help you understand their behavior and respond appropriately. 4. Don’t Be a Martyr: Be open to new technologies, hiring help and taking advantage of new facilities. If you can promote your loved one’s independence and take some of the weight off your shoulders, jump at the chance. 5. Accept Help: When others offer to help, accept it. Direct your helpers to specific tasks whenever possible. 6. Grieve When Necessary: You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel sad from time to time. It is difficult to watch a loved one’s decline and it can be overwhelming to care for them. Give yourself permission to cry and grieve as things change. 7. Be Honest About Depression: Particularly if you’re dealing with an unhappy loved one, you may find yourself suffering from depression. Get help when you need it. 8. Treat It Like A Job: Caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia illness is a job, and like any other job you need some breaks. Adult Daycare Centers offer a great option for getting a few hours of total (and guilt-free) freedom during the day. 9. Keep Yourself Healthy: You’ll be less likely to lose your temper if you are well-rested and well fed. Make your self-care a priority. Bottom line... You are not alone. Help is available. The Century Village Caregiver’s Group is ready, willing and able to be of any assistance you need. All you have to do is give us a chance. We hope you can attend our meetings. It’s FREE and it really helps. (Material for this column was obtained in part from, ElderCarelink.) BARRY ROCK, Caregiver/Bereaved SATURDAY FREE DANCES Dancing To The Live 40's, 50's AND 60's Sounds! SAT., MAR. 7 - CARLOS LEON SAT., MAR. 14 - PETE TERRI SAT., MAR. 21 - JOE SPITALE SAT., MAR. 28 - DEBBY MASSEY ALL DANCES BEGIN AT 7:45PM Cups & Ice Are On The House March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 13 Services provided to over 100,000 patients in the South Florida region since 2007 Medicare and most major insurances accepted Discounted Self Pay pricing available Serving Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie counties Contact Apex or your healthcare provider to learn more about our services and to see if your home visit qualifies as “Medically Necessary” OUR WAITING ROOM IS YOUR LIVING ROOM Research has shown that 70 to 80 percent of medical decisions are based on laboratory results. Apex Laboratory’s Home Visit Services allows patients to have their health monitored without leaving their home. Crucial lab tests are no longer delayed due to the burdens of traveling or finding transportation to and from the lab or physician’s office for a simple blood draw. SUPPORT COBRUA Advertisers A Beautiful Ceiling........................ 31 A Good Handyman........................ 23 Ability Jalousies............................ 46 Affordable Car Care...................... 42 Alongside Home Health................ 43 American Friends of Hebrew U.... 49 AMR............................................... 20 Angela’s Bennington Carpets....... 47 Apex Lab........................................ 13 Bath Fitters........................... Inserts Boca Raton Box............................. 38 Boca Raton Funeral Home........... 37 Boca Regional Urgent Care.......... 18 Boca’s Second Hand Rose............. 45 Boynton Beach Home Care.......... 43 Broward Factory Service.............. 20 Budget Electrical........................... 35 Buyers of Costume Jewelry.......... 38 Can-Cope Construction................ 43 Century Village Real Estate......... 48 China House.................................. 15 Compassionate Companions......... 33 Congregation Torah Ohr.............. 46 Corporate Coaches........................ 21 Dr. Howard Bueller....................... 31 Dr. Alan M. 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Inserts Proficient Painting........................ 49 Property Partners Plus................. 38 RCI................................................. 33 Richard A. Schwartz, Atty............ 43 Regents Park................................. 31 Sponder Realty.............................. 38 Stock Market Justice.................... 44 Temple Beth Shalom..................... 46 Tenet Florida Phusicians Services.21 The Atrium.................................... 42 The Construction Guys................. 45 The Renaissance........................... 34 Todd Pinsky, DPM........................ 12 Total Appliance............................. 37 Total Condo Care............................ 7 Total Health & Rehab................... 28 Tropical Cleaning.......................... 49 Utopia Bagels................................ 33 Van For Sale.................................. 34 Veranda Club................................. 34 Vespera Life................................... 37 Walgreens...................................... 14 Weiss Skin Institute...................... 17 West Boca Hearing Center........... 47 Whitsyms....................................... 39 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Page 14 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Your 2014 tax returns … Prepared at your convenience … By appointment only. Michael A. Poretsky, MBA, EA Enrolled Agent Licensed by the Internal Revenue Service Fellow, National Tax Practice Institute Member, National Association of Enrolled Agents 917 922-1421 [email protected] Consultations in your home or at my convenient office. Accurate preparation of Federal and all state income taxes. Representation before the Internal Revenue Service. Enrolled agents (EAs) are America's Tax Experts. EAs are the only federally licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. Notary service at your convenience. Fishing Lines Happy days are here again The fish are here to stay my friend The dock is full of happy fishermen Happy days are here again This is good news and the results are in; by the looks of the photos we are on the right track and all indicators are good. The catfish pictured was caught by Felix Wadiche (spouse of the turtle lady) on the dock and the three young men (meet Shimmie, Tzvi and Moshe!) came down to the dock to see what all the fun was about while visiting their grandparents. A fishing club member was nice enough to lend them a fishing rod and you can see the results. They were ecstatic that they cumulatively had hooked a trophy fish which they released back into the lake. It appears that expansion of the dock will not take place until after The corner of Happy and Healthy Zostavax (Shingles), Pneumonia and Flu Shots – ARE NOW AVAILABLE – Appointments Are Recommended W NO ING R E F OF FREE DELIVERY (Minimum order $20) From our Hampton Plaza Location 9060 Kimberly Blvd., Boca Raton FL 33434 Tel. No. (561) 451-1448 All ORDERS should be called in before 2:00 PM for next day delivery. We can deliver the following items: •Incontinence •Photo Orders •Grocery Items •Vitamins & Supplements •OTC Products •Paper Goods •Water & Drinks •Diabetic Supplies •All bulky items •Laundry & Cleaning Supplies •Nutritional Drinks * FREE DELIVERY ON PRESCRIPTION ORDERS MONDAY TO FRIDAY BETWEEN 10AM AND NOON • WE DO PASSPORT PHOTOS Gregory Fusillo the winter season has ended, however we will make due and thank Management for their efforts. The catch and release policy in CVW is taking ground (or water) and all will benefit from it. We are heading out to Holiday Park in the Everglades to freshwater fish on motor boats and I will have more to say about that in next months’ column. The dinner/dance held on January 29th at the Pavilion Grille was a beautiful affair. The food was great and the entertainment was even better. It was dancing with the stars since the dancers we got to see were of a noteworthy caliber and it was enjoyable to watch and dance with them. Our last trip on the ocean was okay and we caught a lot of fish that had to be thrown back - blue runners were on the menu for the day (they are not that good as edible fish). There were eight members signed up at the February meeting, so the interest in fishing and enjoying the good life is catching on. If you would like to join in fun call me at 561-4002573. The Century Boca Fishing Club meets the first Tuesday of the month in the party room and breakfast is served to all members. If you would like to have a grandchild, son, daughter, spouse or yourself featured in this column, call me at the above telephone number. The Key Fourth Stanza By Stan Slater Whence comes this famous line – “Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation?” Answer: The Star Spangled Banner. The second and third stanzas are obscure to be sure, but less so the fourth stanza which starts as follows: “Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand, Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation. I told you it was “Key.” March 2015 BINGO REPERTORY THEATRE GROUP The Repertory Theatre Group meeting of February 13th was called to order by the President Phyllis Kinsler. The National Anthem was led by Annette Husik and accompanied on the piano by Carol Lieberman. Marc Goldsmith announced the workshops that are being rehearsed as well Signature Moments and Rehearsed Readings. Fran Goldenberg again explained the Signature Moments. Other chairpersons were called for their reports and Milt Strumeier talked about the High School shows we will be attending in March and the exciting bus trip to Savannah next week. We are really busy having fun. The members were hurrying to CENTURY VILLAGE Sponsored by: Cobrua sign up for our “Spring Is In the Air” Installation Luncheon on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. It sounds like it will be a smash hit with all of the exciting plans. Harvey Zivitz performed his annual “Sig Mom”. He sang a love song in honor of Valentine’s Day. We look forward to having new members who enjoy getting on the stage to sing, dance, act in workshops and having something to do all year long. Just come to our meeting the second Friday of the month at 9:30 AM and get acquainted or call President Phyllis Kinsler at 483-3129 and/ or Membership Chairman Pamela Goldman at 235-1821 for more information. Every Wednesday Night!!! Doors will be open at 4:30 PM. Bingo play begins at 7:30-9:30 PM. Minimum pay out ........... $ TBD based on attendance Jackpot winner............... $ TBD based on attendance • • • • • • • • • • CHINA HOUSE RESTAURANT FREE EGG ROLL OR PINT OF WON-TON SOUP WITH ORDER OF $15 OR MORE (before sales tax) CASH ONLY - TAKE OUT ONLY DINNER ONLY GAMES: Regular-Vertical-Diagonal-Horizontal SpecialX Regular SpecialL-OneWay Regular Specialsmallframe—NoB&O Regular SpecialTOneWay Regular Jackpotwinner $ TBD – Based on attendance 1 OFF $ 00 OFFER GOOD FOR DINNER • Every Day (Except Holidays) • No Sharing • Cash Only. Eat In Only 9050 Kimberly Blvd, Boca Hampton Plaza, We now carry the Hurrycane! 20% (As Seen On TV) Kin-Care is your convenient headquarters for the area’s widest selection of items for home medical needs or just to make your life easier! Our professional and friendly staff will help you get the products you need. We have served South Florida for over 25 years. We accept Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances. Discount with this coupon On Any Single Item Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Coupon expires 3/31/15. Void where prohibited. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Excludes Medicare items, Lift Chairs, Power Chairs and Scooters. Visit Kin-Care and make every day a better day for you! $150 OFF 477-0041 Any Lift Chair, Power Chair or Scooter with this coupon Boca Raton: (561) 477-2507 Delray Beach: (561) 495-7901 Offer expires 3/31/15 Must present coupon at time of purchase. Void where prohibited. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Boca Century Art Club Many thanks go to Anne Marcus for all the door prizes she contributed to the wine and cheese party and to Fred Hadley for his wonderful review of the event in the Village Sentry. Ivan Metzger, a long- time member known for his work in pastels, was the special guest of honor at the wine and cheese party. Our club took part in the Village Wide two -day art exhibit February 26th and 27th. Elections will be held in March. We urge members to step forward to serve on the board. With active participation and a dynamic exchange of ideas, we will ensure the success of the club and its continuation. Please consider giving of your time. The members of this year›s Board have been: Caryle Block and Bill Farran co-Presidents; Bernie Hoffman, Vice President; Norman Maneely, Secretary; Roz Ross-Hoffman, Treasurer and Patty McCully and Diana Willis general Board members. We thank them all for their commitment and hard work. Checks for the luncheon at the Delray Golf Club on March 15th are due by March 8th. See Social Whirl for contact info as well as other events. For the coming season, members have expressed interest in holding other smaller informal events be- Bingo Volunteers Pauline Martineli Elliott Friedman Early Bird Specials Hours: Mon. - Sat. 11:30 AM to 10 PM • Sun. - 1 PM to 9:30 PM Next to Bank United COBRUA REPORTER Page 15 West Boca sides the traditional ones (i.e., the wine and cheese) to showcase their work and share ideas as well as taking greater advantage of our local art galleries as potential organized trips. By the number of ideas suggested, we should expect next season will be have exciting programs. 9060 Kimberly Blvd. #28 In the Boca Hamptons Shopping Plaza Lyons Road, 1 mile north of Glades Delray Beach 14852 S. Military Trail In the Bed Bath and Beyond Plaza On the SE corner of Military and Atlantic Jensen Eye Care Drs. Andrew Jensen and Katherine Brauss SERVICES OFFERED Dry Eye Management Treatment of glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy Cataract evaluation Red Eyes Comprehensive Eye Exams Contact Lens Fittings Optometric Physicians 9080 Kimberly Boulevard, Suite 11 Boca Hamptons Shopping Center Boca Raton, Florida 33434 BUY ONE COMPLETE PAIR OF GLASSES AND GET THE SECOND FRAME FREE! *Some restrictions apply. Please see store for details. EXPIRES 3-31-15 561-488-6200 Hours: Monday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Accepting New Patients! You can now schedule your appointment on any weekday! MEDICARE and many other insurances accepted! Come See Our Optical For: Glasses • Contacts • Sunglasses Fit Overs • Accessories Low Vision Services Low vision exams Prescriptions for low vision devices to match the best device to your needs Low vision products in our office to try before you buy EYEGLASSES SALE $100 OFF ANY COMPLETE PAIR OF EYEGLASSES *Some restrictions apply. Please see store for details. EXPIRES 3-31-15 THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. Page 16 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Remembrances of the Past By Lee Chanin In reminiscing about my happy childhood, Mama was always sharing stories and details of her life in the small town of Kishinev, Romania where she and Papa grew up and got married. They came to this country in 1921. Papa seldom brought up memories of his life there with one exception that I can recall. He did reveal with a smile on his face that when he was a soldier in the Russian Army during World War I, a bullet whizzed by his head barely missing him. It might have killed him, but that was a lucky day…more good luck was to follow. A high military officer learned that Papa was a tailor. He took him off the firing lines and made Papa his personal tailor for duration of his service. On the other hand, when Mama and I were alone at home after school, while she prepared our supper or did the ironing, she would often reminisce about her experiences as a child. One such story she relayed to me was about her becoming an apprentice to a seamstress when she was just nine years old. Mama was left-handed. Back in those days, being left-handed was looked on as a negative. The seamstress bound Mama’s left thumb so she couldn’t use it to sew. From then on, Mama used her right-hand, but only for sewing. She did everything else with her left hand. Mama explained that girls were not required to attend school. Therefore, they were taught a skill. Boys were schooled until they reached eighteen and were then conscripted into the Russian army. Mama remembered very well when her older brother became eighteen. My Grandparents knew the army would take him so they did what so many other parents did back in those days…they secretly arranged to have their son, my Uncle, go to America. By sending him away, Mama told me how heartbroken she and her parents were, knowing they would never see their son again. And that’s the way it was. At other times when Mama reminisced, she often spoke lovingly of her mother, and how devoted they were to each other. After World War I, there was an outbreak of Typhus which was highly contagious. Her Mother contracted it and was hospitalized. Mama went daily to care for her, as was required by the hospital, and sadly she fell ill as well. Her mother succumbed, but Mama was more fortunate. She had surgery and survived. When she spoke of it, she would show me the little scar on the side of her neck. I was born left-handed and my teachers forced me to write with my right hand. As a result, I write with my right hand, but I favor my left for almost everything else (just like Mama). My daughter, Leslie, was born right-handed, but my son, Rick, was born left-handed. I insisted that his teachers made no attempt to change him. Years later, as a dental student, his chairside setup had to be in complete reversal to the standard as well as his new setup when he opened his practice. This poem that I wrote in 1999 brings a little mistiness to my eyes, as it tells of some of the highlights with Papa during my early years, and the passing of him and Mama: I REMEMBER PAPA He was a gentle, mild-mannered, quiet man, Who supported his family as best he can. A shadowy figure, always in the background. Mama protected him from every sight and sound. We would go walking together once in a while. He would read a lot, and seldom did he smile. Excitement rose when the circus came to our town. He would take us kids to see our favorite clown. Years went by – Mama at 67 passed away. Papa managed alone, visiting us some days, Remaining independent, quiet and strong. Quite suddenly, past 80, Papa was gone. We miss him and Mama more than words can say. We’ll remember them both to our dying day. VETERAN SERVICES LOCAL Florida Department of Veterans Affairs........... 800 827-1000 West Palm Beach VA Medical Center 7305 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach......... 561 422-8262 Making a Difference. Every Day. VA Outpatient Medical Clinics Boca Raton - 901 Meadows Rd., Boca Raton............... 561 416-8995 As Florida’s residential property management leader, we know what it takes to create great communities that residents are proud to call home. We start by putting the right teams in place – local property experts who deliver genuinely helpful service. Then we back them up with the tools and resources that only the leading property management company can provide – full-service solutions and exceptional customer service that enhance the value of every property and the lifestyle of every resident we serve. That’s how we make a difference, every day, for great communities like yours. Delray Beach - 4800 Linton Blvd., Ste. E300, Delray Beach...............561 495-1973 NATIONAL Debt Management .........................800 827-0648 Education Benefits .........................888 442-4551 Health Benefits .........................877 222-8387 Health Eligibility Center ....................... 800 929-8387 Proudly serving the residents of Century Village West since 1988! Management Office 561.826.1684 Life Insurance ....................... 800 669-8477 VA Benefits .........................800 827-1000 FSRS-728 FP B&W Ad for Cobrua Reporter.indd 1 12/4/14 2:06 PM DERMATOLOGY March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 17 Stefan C Weiss, MD FAAD Board Certified Dermatologist Dermatologic Surgeon Clinical Instructor University of Miami School of Medicine Skin Cancer Screening Psoriasis Mohs Surgery Mole evaluation and treatment Light Therapy 561.372.7546 9980 Central Park Blvd North Suite 124 Boca Raton Next to the West Boca Medical Center Same Day Appointments Available Accepting Medicare and Most Major Insurance Plans BA: Yale University MD: Duke University Dermatology: Stanford University Fellowship: National Institutes of Health Page 18 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 THE KOSHER FOOD TASTING FESTIVAL By Ronnie Mandelbaum A Sisterhood President’s job is not an easy one and we are all sorry that Beverly Kornfeld’s term is almost done. Beverly did something we will remember forever. She had a brilliant idea and proved she is so clever. She rounded up sponsors to serve kosher food, you could eat to your heart’s content . . …I must confess it was the best seven dollars I ever spent. Beverly worked very hard to get sponsors to participate. It’s true that she had a great deal of help, but the idea she did create. The food was delicious, the variety was great. I am sure that you loved almost everything that you ate. The Temple raised money, and of course, we always need more, so I hope that more of these types of events are in store. All the sponsors were happy and said that they would come back someday. Whoever follows Beverly will find it much easier because she paved the way. So, thank you, Beverly Kornfeld. It’s hard to express how we feel. We wish you many healthy, happy years ahead. We thank you a great deal. Support Groups By Robert Goodman, MSW Geriatric Social Worker Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? Are you trying to cope with caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or other illness? Do you need someone to talk to? Well there is help out there for you. It is not healthy to keep your feelings bottled up. Support Groups provide an opportunity for you to share your feelings, concerns, and ideas with others who are struggling with the same issues as you are. In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant information, relating personal experiences, listening to and accepting others’ experiences, providing sympathetic understanding and establishing social networks. A support group may also work to inform the public or engage in advocacy. Support groups help you realize that you are not alone in struggling with an issue or loss. If you have successfully coped with a challenge in your life, support groups provide you with an opportunity to share your story with others so that they might learn from you. There are several support groups that meet in Century Village. These include: Alzheimer’s Support Group, meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1PM. The Faulk Center for Counseling 483-5300 sponsors Sharing and Caring support group every Thursday at 2PM in Room E. We Care (487-2827) sponsors a support groups for persons with visual. Watch Channel 63 for contact information on other groups. Several community organizations offer counseling and sponsor support groups. These include: Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services — 561- 852-3333 Morse Life Neighbors 2 Neighbors — 561-531-9844 Alzheimer’s Association — 800272-3900 American Parkinson’s Disease Association — 954-786-2305 Arthritis Foundation — 561-8331133 Mental Health Association — 561712-0584. MS Society for South Florida — 800-344-4867 If you are interested in forming a support group on an issue of concern to you, contact Robert Goodman at We Care 487-2827. EMERGENCY POOL PHONES Anita J. Pearce, Vice-President Cen-West Management We have recently installed red, 911 emergency phones at each pool, right next to the black phones. Please note the following: Black Phones: Use the black phone to speak with a security guard related to a nonemergency situation. Use of this phone routes your call directly to a security guard. Red Phones: Use the red phone for emergency situations only. Use of this phone routes your call directly to the Palm Beach 911 Emergency Call Center, and connects you with a 911 Operator. There is a large, red sign over each red phone which provides the address location of that pool. Please refer to this sign when asked by the 911 Operator for the address you are calling from. All pool phones are checked by a security officer once a week, and the entire 911 system is automatically checked by the DSL Express Network Operations Center every 60 seconds to ensure they are operational. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CHECK THE RED PHONES YOURSELF since that will trigger a response from the closest Palm Beach County 911 emergency team. March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 19 Century Village Boca WiFi System The WiFi system software is in the process of being upgraded to provide a more reliable connection in the wake of the extreme interference we are experiencing in the community. The interference is from many new WiFi Access Points being turned up the same channels that are being used by the WiFi system. The new software will monitor the channel and if interference is detected, the radio will automatically switch to a clearer channel. A few notes about the WiFi system; the system currently has just over 2,000 devices connecting daily with 25-50 new users per week. The WiFi system is connected to the Internet via a Fiber-Optic connection that is far below capacity. The WiFi system was not designed to replace Comcast or AT&T for High-Speed Broadband Service. The system was designed to provide extremely lowcost low-speed Internet connectivity. The system is not designed for residents to run their home-based businesses or for streaming movies. The system was designed to provide a maximum of 1.5Mbps of download speed. This is equivalent to the slowest speed available from AT&T. The cost for the WiFi service is about 5 cents a day per unit. The WiFi service is for inside the Clubhouse and buildings only. We do not provide WiFi at the pools at this time. The WiFi system is not designed for roaming throughout the community using a smartphone. The Helpdesk is for WiFi issues and repeater orders only. They will not assist users with software or other computer related issues. If you are on hold for more than 3-minutes, this indicates the helpdesk technicians are on the phone with other users. You will be asked to leave a message. Please leave your name and number and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Please be aware that the helpdesk is assisting up to 50 new users per week during this time of year so please be patient. If you leave multiple messages, this may be confusing to the technicians and you may not get a return call at all. The Helpdesk is available Monday-Friday 8 AM to 10 PM excluding holidays. We are at the Clubhouse every 2nd Monday of the month from 10 AM to noon. We can answer questions, take Repeater orders and configure devices to work on the WiFi system. We can not troubleshoot WiFi issues at the meetings. In many units, the location of the Repeater will greatly affect the quality of your service. Please do not give your username or repeater to other people as it is assigned to you. Contact the Helpdesk if you want to transfer the Repeater to another person. Jay Brussels DSL Express 1-888-738-5195 Wow, I didn’t know I could sell my life insurance policy for cash! Are you or a family member 74 or older? You could receive a cash payout, if you no longer need or want your life insurance policy. • No medical exam or medical records required • Free assessment • To qualify, the life policy must be between $50,000 and $500,000 FIND OUT HOW IT WORKS CALL: 1-888-738-5195 Or visit us at We buy existing life insurance policies for cash. The process is free and there is no obligation to sell the policy once an offer is expressed. The Life Policy Payout program is administered by Vespera Life, a licensed life (viatical) settlement provider, by the State of Florida. For people with hearing loss who have been waiting for revolutionary hearing technology. INTRODUCING... The world’s First and Only hearing aid Clinically Proven* to provide Better Than Normal Hearing.. Industry Leading 5-Year Protection Plan • FREE 5-Year Protection • FREE Unlimited Reprogramming • FREE Unlimited Office Visits • FREE Hearing Aid Batteries Hearing Aids Exclusively from HearUSA $1,500 Value Only available through HearUSA! Clinically Proven* to Provide Better Than Normal Hearing Hear better in noisy situations than someone without Ultra Hearing Aids. They automatically turn background noise down while focusing on the sounds you want to hear. That’s something a person with normal hearing simply cannot do! Ultra Amazing! Ultra Effective! Ultra Smart! Experience better than normal hearing in noisy restaurants — clinically proven!* Enjoy 360 degrees of hearing. There is no more need to turn toward whomever is speaking. Take total control of your hearing aids with our app on your smartphone. FREE! Demonstration of the new Ultra Hearing Aids! Hear the difference between traditional hearing aids and the amazing “Ultra Hearing Experience.” FREE! Hearing Screening Call for details. In the Westwinds of Boca Shopping Center on the Southeast corner of 441 and Glades Road, 2 doors to the right of Publix. 9858 Glades Road, D-2, Boca Raton Call Toll Free: 855.222.1907 Now open in our new location! * Studies conducted at University of Northern Colorado (2014) and Oldenburg Horzentrum (2013) showed that Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) in cocktail-party situations improved up to 2.9dB for wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss using the latest BestSound™ Technology with Narrow Directionality, compared to people with normal hearing. This corresponds to over 25% improvement in speech understanding. © 2014 HearUSA, All Rights Reserved. 150301 HearUSA Ultra Ad_Cobrua Reporter_10x8_to run 3-1_01.indd 1 2/2/15 10:04 AM Page 20 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 SERVICE CONTRACT FOR CENTURY VILLAGE Have your major appliances and air conditioning equipment repaired for one low annual fee!!! SPECIAL FOR CENTURY VILLAGE 199. $ A/C up to 3 Ton HEATING WALL THERMOSTAT COMPRESSOR OVEN and RANGE Including SELF CLEAN 00 “40 Years Satisfying Customers” Package Includes: REFRIGERATOR ICE MAKER Water Heater 30 gallon Door Seals and Gaskets Plumbing and Electrical Visit us at CALL 1-888-237-8480 Broward Factory Service BFS is Licensed and Insured CAC056774 • CAC057400 • CFC056867 • CAC056778 • ES0000336 March 2015 Reflections of Life By Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur Congregation Torah Ohr Last month, I referenced an occurrence in which my oldest child, when she was five years old, questioned why I bid “Good Morning” to a stranger. While she would not have remembered an earlier episode, it was the same child who almost isolated my wife and me from our plane neighbor. My daughter was one year old when my wife and I made our first trip as a family to Israel. The takeoff and early stages of the flight were difficult for our daughter; she cried for a while. The woman sitting immediately to our right was not pleased. My wife and I did as much as we could to calm our daughter. We were not, however, as successful as we wanted to be. Much to our relief, our daughter quieted down and adjusted to her new surroundings. About an hour later, unsolicited, our daughter (remember, she was only one year old), turned to our in-flight neighbor, looked her in the eye and said, “Hi!” That little word opened a new world. During the flight, my wife and I shared several pleasant conversations with the woman. She was a government worker in Israel; her husband a university professor. The couple lived in Jerusalem, not far from the apartment we would be renting for a month. She invited us to visit on the Shabbat afternoon of our choice. We did. How pleasant it was. A relationship which started on a tense note was quickly reversed by one small word. That one word broke the ice. Other small words can also break relationships. The words we speak may very accurately reflect how we feel. They may reflect how we think. But, do we need to say them at all? If we answer “yes,” we should then ask ourselves: do we need to say them at that moment? The Sages of How A Colonoscopy Can Bring You New Friends By Arlene Coleman Sometimes I see things and have a different way of processing my feelings. A long time ago, one of my friends from P.S. du Pont High School in Wilmington, Delaware said, “Arlene, you just see things differently”. When he said that I finally realized “ok” not everyone sees it the way I see it - but that’s “ okay – just different results. This latest revelation was something that happened last year when I decided to learn canasta. I figured “why not”? So, I like other who joined the class was sitting at a table of four when I looked around at the group (which consisted of eight) and “thru my eyes” saw an opportunity. I had been procrastinating with the colonoscopy procedure and knew it was time to bite the bullet and do it. I looked around and said to myself, “if anyone knows of a good gastro doctor it’s got to be this group”. So while the teacher was away from the class for a short time, I hollered out “does anyone know of a good gastro doctor?” I am not lying when I tell you that within 15 seconds, names came flying from all directions. One of the people who offered her information was a neighbor of mine and within minutes she was kind enough also to coordinate the visit to the doctor for the procedure and back for me the same day as hers. Her husband was also very kind and was the driver to this event. I see them occasionally and always think to myself how even a colonoscopy can help you make new friends. Who would have thunk it? the Talmud, in Ethics of the Fathers, caution us not to even attempt to placate someone in the heat of his anger. How much more so could we hear the Sages warning us not to exacerbate a difficult situation by being critical of another while he is upset? For anyone who regrets a wedge which separates one from those whom we love or from those whose COBRUA REPORTER Page 21 friendship we desire, it may be helpful to reflect on the advice given by the thirteenth century Jewish scholar, Nachmanides: “Think about your words before you let them leave your mouth”. Small words can, at times, get us into big trouble. Sometimes, though, small words may enable us to begin a fresh and welcomed new start. Page 22 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 We are excited to introduce a new concept in Seniors Care Housing. We are excited to introduce a new concept in Seniors Care Housing. We are an assisted living organization with an affordable luxury and three facilities for you to choose from all near your door step. Residents enjoy endless opportunities to socialize with their peers, while experiencing optimum care. The best part… it’s truly affordable! •OnsiteBeautyandBarbersalon •Plannedoutings •Weeklyentertainers •Dailyhousekeeping •Dailynutritionalchefpreparedmeals •Activitiesgalore •Transportationtoallofyourappointments •Courteousservice •FamilyOwnedandOperated Present this coupon for 1000.00 OFF $ ADMISSION FEE GOOD AT ANY OF OUR 3 FACILITIES Expires April 1, 2015. Call today for complimentary lunch and to set up a tour 561-281-7275 LocationsinBoyntonBeach, LantanaandWestPalmBeach AL10424,AL11386,AL7617 March 2015 Free Movies In February BEGIN AGAIN - Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Adam Levine A chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter new to Manhattan turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents. Written and directed by John Carney. R; 104 Mins. Rated R for Adult Situations. *03/01Sun 2PM *03/01Sun 8PM 03/02 Mon 8PM 03/05 Thu 2PM 03/06 Fri 8PM Sid’s Slant 03/15 Sun 8PM 03/16 Mon 8PM 03/19 Thu 2PM ELSA & FRED - Shirley MacLaine, Christopher Plummer, Marcia Gay Harden, James Brolin, George Segal, Chris Noth A beautiful story of two people who at the end of the road, discover that it’s never too late to love and make dreams come true. Directed by Michael Radfor. PG-13; 97 Mins. *03/19 Thu 8PM 8PM 03/20 Fri 03/23 Mon 8PM THE WOLF OF WALL STREET *03/24Tue 2PM - Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, 03/24 Tue 8PM Margot Robbie Based on the true story of Jordan MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy - Colin Firth, Emma Stone, Marcia stockbrocker living the high life to Gay Harden his fall linvolving crime, corrup- Woody Allen wrote and directed tion and the federal government. this romantic comedy about an Directed by Martin Scorsese. 180 Englishman brought in to help unMins. Rated R for Adult Situa- mask a possible swindle. Personal tions, contains explicit sex scenes, and professional complications ensue in this highly entertaining drug use, foul language. and satisfying love story. PG-13; *03/08Sun 2PM 97 Mins. *03/08Sun 7PM *03/27Fri 8PM 03/09 Mon 7PM *03/29Sun 2PM 03/10 Tue 2PM 03/29 Sun 8PM 03/10 Tue 7PM 03/30 Mon 8PM CANTINFLAS (sub-titled) - Oscar 03/31 Tue 2PM Jaenada, Michael Imperioli, Ilse The Good Lie - Reese WitherSalas The untold story of Mexico’s spoon, Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany greatest and most beloved com- Sundanese refugees given the edy film star of all time, from his chance to resettle in America arrive humble origins on the small stage in Kansas, where their encounter to the bright lights of Hollywood with employment agency conselor and discovery by Michael Todd forever changes all of their lives. and Liz Taylor. Directed by Sebas- Directed by Philippe Falardeau PG-13 110 Mins. tian del Amo. PG;102 Mins. * Indicates closed captioned when *03/13Fri 8PM available *03/15Sun 2PM COBRUA REPORTER Page 23 By Sidney Shapiro The world is a mess and getting steadily worse and the so-called leadership is doing nothing to help. The Republicans made Israel’s situation worse by inviting Benjamin Netanyahu to address the U.S. Congress, putting Israel between them and President Obama. No matter what he decides to do, Israel is a loser. Vladimir Putin of Russia and the country of Ukraine are fighting each other as the Russians move ahead to take back all the countries they lost when the Soviet Union fell apart. There is the inaction as Iran moves steadily ahead to attain a nuclear bomb. Surging in Nigeria is Boko Haran raiding and killing helpless men, women and children in villages, slaughtering them like innocent sheep. The worst of all are the radical Islamists in Syria and Baghdad. They are like a horde of marauding savages butchering their innocent captives, burning and beheading them. While all this is going on, the civilized world stands by and doing almost nothing to help. It is time for the great powers to declare war on the predatory animals and destroy them no matter what it takes. The great powers have the military strength to wipe out these threats to humanity. Unless this is immediately done, the modern civilized world will cease to exist. Many years ago the world was threatened by Adolph Hitler and it took Franklin Roosevelt to realize the danger and rally the world to it and defeated the venemy. We now need our great countries to band together and destroy these vicious savages and rescue our great civilization. The time to act is NOW. A Good Handyman Reliable, Dependable and Affordable No job too big or small !!! Home Repairs • Quality Work • Reasonable Rates • Prompt Service Call for FREE estimates STEVE: 561-722-6087 IRA LACK COMPUTER CONSULTANT Learn Computer at Home or Office I Find and Fix Computer Problems Phone: (561) 705-5765 Email: [email protected] Kennedy Restoration Services LLC Professional Carpet, Upholstery & Tile Cleaning ur o h 24 cy n e g r Eme ice Ser v 561.955.0055 Licensed & Insured Certi fied Mold Rem ediat ors Quality Service Email: [email protected] FLMold#MRSR368 IICRC#171706 Serving Palm Beach County Page 24 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... At Your Request - Stayin’ Alive A Tribute To The Bee Gees Tuesday, March 3 You demanded and we listened—the world’s number one tribute to the Bee Gees returns! This amazing Canadian band is also a favorite at Disney World returning to multiple engagements year after year in Epcot. The New York Times describes the trio as “amazing” while the Chicago Tribune calls them “fantastic”—our crowds just cry “bring ’em back!” Larry Marshak’s Tribute To The Platters Thursday, March 5 To truly appreciate the success of this incredible group, take a look at just some of their hit songs—Only You, My Prayer, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, One In A Million, It’s Magic, The Great Pretender, Enchanted—the list is seemingly endless. This performance presents the best of the best… by the best. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Saturday, March 7 Presented by Dance Alive National Ballet, this bright and beautiful ballet performed in the classical style shows how true love never runs smoothly. On a dreamy midsummer night’s eve, the worlds of fairies, humans, dukes and donkeys all collide under the magic spell of Cupid’s arrow. As the mischievous Puck proclaims, “Lord what fools these mortals be!” The McCartney Years Thursday, March 12 This show celebrates the genius of Paul McCartney at the height of his career. Praised by original Beatles promoter Sid Bernstein as “the best on the scene today,” The McCartney Years is a note-for-note faithful recreation of a mid-1970s McCartney concert. With a full band led by perfectionist Yuri Pool as Sir Paul, the show is period-true, technically stunning and a blast to watch and listen to. Just close your eyes, you’ll think you’re listening to McCartney himself! Michael Bublé Tribute Saturday, March 14 With backing by the outstanding Paul Vesco Orchestra, acclaimed performer and entertainer Clark Barrios pays tribute to the Canadian sensation, Michael Bublé. Just some of the hit songs to be heard are Haven’t Met You Yet, Everything, Feeling Good, Home, Save The Last Dance For Me, Lost and much more. March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 25 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... The Duprees Tuesday, March 17 “See the pyramids along the Nile…” as you take in the beautiful sounds of this legendary foursome returning to Century Village for the first time in years. You Belong To Me is just one of scores of hits for The Duprees. My Own True Love, Take Me As I Am, Have You Heard, It’s No Sin, Why Don’t You Believe Me and It Isn’t Fair are just some of the gems to be treasured from this group. Along with their unique sound and outstanding vocal harmonies, The Duprees perform with a showmanship that is second to none. Laugh Out Loud Starring Sarge Saturday, March 21 Sarge is a one-of-a-kind comedian and musical savant. He delivers one of the most entertaining and hilarious performances ever to hit the stage. His rapid-fire, off-the-cuff style of observational comedy takes aim at anyone and everyone! Sarge also does spot-on singing impressions of well-known performers such as Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie and Harry Connick, Jr. and his skills at the piano are equally prodigious. Needless to say, no two of his shows are ever alike. Cirquesco Sunday, March 22 Combining the magical artistry of a European circus with the flirtatious camp of burlesque, Cirquesco is an intimate and tasteful evening of song, dance, humor and mind-blowing acrobatics. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and sizzling choreography, Cirquesco is a treat for all of the senses. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Thursday, March 26 Going courtin’ has never been so much fun! This rip-roaring stage version of the popular MGM movie tells the story of a young bride living in the 1850s Oregon wilderness and her plan to marry off her six rowdy brothers-in-law. Bursting with the rambunctious energy of the original film, this theatrical production contains all the boisterous fun and romance that brings back memories of the glory days of the movie musical. At Your Request Earl Turner’s Box Of 45s Saturday, March 28 Never let it be said that Century Village audiences don’t have great taste! This man is a CV favorite and he’s also a favorite in prestigious venues throughout the world. The Las Vegas Review Journal named Earl Turner “Male Vocalist of the Year.” Turner returns in a new show featuring some of the best pop, standards and R&B classics ever sung. Page 26 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon Meritt & Moreau Saturday, April 4 From Broadway to nightclubs to television, Don Meritt and Annette Moreau weave a spell of warmth and excitement that captivates every audience. They combine good looks, comedy and sensational singing in an act that’s bursting with energy, enthusiasm, and an obvious love of music. They offer their audience some of the greatest music ever written. The finest Broadway show tunes, the best in popular music past and present, and even opera! These two versatile performers can sing it all without compromise! You’re just going to fall in love with Don Meritt and Annette Moreau. Meet The Rhythm Chicks Saturday, April 11 Donna Shelley Donna Shelley, born in Brooklyn, NY began her career in Murray the K’s comeback revue in New York City at barely 18yrs old. Choreographed by Henry Le Tang, Donna & her partner Jeff went on to perform a successful club act that led to 2 yrs on the syndicated TV show “Soap Factory”. They were a featured act on many of the top cruise lines and in commercials & several films including “Let It Be Me”. They joined the American Ballroom Theatre for 6 yrs where they performed in major theatres around the world including Kennedy Center, the Jackie Gleason Theatre, the Joyce Theatre and Kravis Center. Donna has also been featured in films & television commercials & recently moved to Florida where she choreographs & performs in her own shows. Yvette Carol Yvette Carol, the youngest of 15 children was born in Jacksonville, FL. At a young age she embarked on a singing career that took her to places like NYC, the Hamptons,Las Vegas, Japan & South America. She performed in Ceasars Palace, The Rainbow Room, The Latin Quarter, Eden Rock & Regine’s at the Grand Bay hotel just to name a few.Yvette has performed with Ann-Margaret, Tom Jones & Pat Boone. This beautiful & talented lady has both written & recorded her own music & has been performing with The Rhythm Chicks for the last 2 yrs. Erica Rubio Erica Rubio hails from Tampa, FL and began singing & dancing at the age of 5 She was a student of Rene Godin & performed with Scott Evans productions and the Forida Allstate Choir. Erica was also honored to sing at Carnegie Hall in a tribute performance for 9/11. Her theatre credits include “Mary” in Give My Regards To Broadway and “Miss Adelaide” in Guys & Dolls. She is happy & proud to be part of a fun “Girl Power” show like the Rhythm Chicks. She is also an accomplished ballroom dancer & won many competitions David Orson Saturday, April 18 At a time when performers are labeled “artists: simply because they seek to exercise their eccentricity, it’s refreshing to encounter a talented individual who is both a superb showman and an accomplished performer. That description could easily apply to David Orson, a South Florida singing sensation whose soaring baritone and riveting stage presence have moved audiences from cheers to tears and caused critics to echo their approval. The Motowners Saturday, April 25 This up-beat show of 5 singers will perform a song and dance tribute to the legends of Motown & The Big Band Era. The group will take you back in time of the glorious days of Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, and Etta James. From that time line the group moves on to the the doo-wop era of the Platter. The second half of the show is a tribute to Motown. Performing classics by The Temptations, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, and The Supremes. The group closes out the show with classics from the disco era. In January 2010; Derrick & The Motowners enjoyed a 4 city tour in Spain. This included Barcelona, Bilbao, Zaragoza, and San Sebastian. In March of 2011, opened for the legendary Spinners at the city of West Palm Beach’s one hire anniversary of Centennial Square. In October of 2012, the group was asked to perform for first lady Michele Obama. Born in Manhattan; Derrick Hadley, the producer of the group spent his earlier years being cultivated by his family of generational musicians. His grandmother attended New England conservatory during the roaring 20’s and his mother; an accomplished choral music and piano teacher: played a major role in his early artistic development. Also, singing in the A.M.E Church gospel choir; helped to broaden and give him the overall power in his voice. Derrick Hadley performs as a soloist and with his Motown group at Festivals, corporate events, and on Florida’s country club circuit. Let’s us enjoy the 50’s and 60’s as the Motowners take you on a walk downtown with the sounds of Motown. March 2015 The Savvy Senior By Robert Goodman, MSW Retirement is a major life changing event. One has to plan for retirement. More and more “younger” people are retiring to South Florida (and Century Village). Many decisions have to be made about how to spend your retirement. Do you have a plan? What will you do after you retire? Will you move to South Florida as a snowbird, snowflake, or snowdrop or full time? What activities are you going to participate in? Will you continue to work? Hopefully you have put away money for your retirement and can now live comfortably in this stage of your life. There is a lot to learn about being retired. You have financial, health and use of leisure time concerns. I always say you have to be healthy, wealthy, and wise to retire to Florida. You need your health to enjoy retirement, money to spend, and wise enough to make the right choices on how to utilize your time. There are many activities to choose from in Century Village and in the local area. There are all kinds of classes, clubs, a full service gym and first rate entertainment right here in Century Village. There are theaters, educational opportunities, and other kinds of activities in the Boca area. You can’t get bored around here! Another way to spend your time and give back to the community is by volunteering. There are many volunteer opportunities available. You can start by volunteering in your own community, here in Century Village. Your Association or building may need a Director or President. Get involved with COBRUA. The library in the clubhouse is staffed by volunteers. Join the COP program and help patrol our Village roads. We Care needs volunteers to work in the office and to drive residents to doctor’s appointments. If you are interested in volunteering call 487-2827. I have recently been involved with SCORE, the Service Corp of Retired Executives. They are a wonderful organization with dedicated volunteers who make themselves available to help up and coming entrepreneurs. SCORE offers information and assistance for a business or business idea. Every month SCORE provides FREE counseling to hundreds of budding entrepreneurs in the South Florida area. They also offer a variety of workshops. If you have at least 10 years of business experience as an owner, officer of your own business, or served at mid-level management or higher in the corporate world, and would enjoy helping men and women seeking to start or grow their own businesses, call SCORE at 561-981-5180. The local hospitals, Boca Raton Regional and West Boca Medical Center use volunteers for a variety of patient related duties, like answering phones, transporting patients, and delivering flowers. Contact West Boca Medical Center at 561-488-8178. The number to volunteer at Boca Raton Regional Hospital is 561-955-4098. COBRUA REPORTER Page 27 Other volunteer opportunities: American Red Cross 561-833-7711 Area Agency on Aging SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) 561-746-7111 Boca Helping Hands 561-417-0913, ext. 206 Brandeis Used Book Store 561-852-2650 Jewish Family Services 561-852-3333 Jewish Federation 561-558-2191 Literacy Coalition of PBC 561-279-9103 Morse Life 561-687-5749 Seniors Versus Crime 561-865-1571 Trustbridge Health 561-227-5138 Vitas Health 561-683-5012 Volen Center 561-395-8920, ext 272 For more information on volunteer opportunities in South Florida log onto: volunteer-opportunities/ Functions Of Various Entities Of Century Village West By Stanley Siegel Cobrua, which is our Umbrella Association, works on behalf of the sixteen autonomous Associations that are represented in Century Village West (CVW). Cobrua committees put together proposals for the Associations, who in turn either approve or reject what is presented. Some examples are Comcast Cable and the AMR contract. The purpose is clear. Rather than sixteen Associations attempting to get proposals, the Cobrua Committee working in conjunction with the Associations, puts it together for them. When there is more than one vendor available, we get proposals. Since Associations are required to get competitive bids whenever possible, Cobrua performs this function. Also, the lowest bid does not always have to be accepted, but in the majority of situations, that is the one accepted. Cobrua is required to publish a newspaper, which we do, for ten months during the calendar year, and it is financially successful. Our publication keeps residents informed as to what is occurring in the village, plus it features many diversified articles submitted by residents as well as our government representatives. Cobrua’s Community Affairs Committee is the liaison to the West Boca Community Council (we have a seat on the Executive Board). A dialogue is constantly maintained with local, state and federal representatives on behalf of issues affecting the residents of our village. If a question or situation occurs with any billing or transport issues with AMR (American Medical Response), we will intercede on behalf of our residents. Cobrua conducts nine monthly meetings with its Executive Board (sixteen Association presidents and past Cobrua presidents) as well as nine delegate meetings in the Party Room of the Clubhouse. All residents are invited to attend the delegates meeting. Management and Operations Committee (M&O) This Committee came into existence in 1994. CVW became an active and functioning community commencing in 1979. An Agreement (1994) was hammered out between the H. Irwin Levy Group, owners of Century Village, and Cobrua, representing the sixteen Associations’ residents. As a result of a lawsuit, the court instructed both Parties to come up with a workable Agreement, which they did. The Agreement stipulated that the Committee consist of no more than seven (7) members. M&O was to act on behalf of the 5,712 unit owners in seeing that the living conditions remained at a high level. M&O was mandated to review and approve the annual budget for Borec, Inc. and CenWest Communities, Inc. Borec, Inc. is responsible for recreation activities (clubhouse, swimming pools) and CenWest the common elements and services needed to run a village of our size. The M&O Committee approves what is being done in CVW on behalf of the residents. The Committee is comprised of former corporate executives in both financial and human resources, an attorney and business experienced individuals. We proudly can claim that this group is dedicated to see that the standard of living in CVW remains at the highest-level at the most reasonable cost. The nicest part is that this Committee has no personal agenda other than CVW. M&O works closely with our entertainment director who has provided us with quality entertainment during the season as well as off-season. We have maintained a reasonable ticket price level, particularly when you see the cost of the tickets on the outside for some of the same shows we have. Borec, Inc. and CenWest Communities, Inc. are private corporations and our Committee does everything in its power to protect the interest of all unit owners. M&O reports to the Executive Board and the delegates monthly about our meetings with Management (in accordance with the mandate given the Committee and the bylaws of Cobrua). This is the Committee’s only responsibility to Cobrua. Nowhere is the Committee responsible or required to be linked to the officers of Cobrua. The functions and responsibilities of Cobrua and M&O are completely opposite and not overlapping in any way, shape or manner. The Association Each one is a separate corporation under Chapter 718 Fl. Statute, the Condominium Act. As a corporation, it is run by a board of directors who select the officers. Everything within the boundaries of the Association, with the exclusion of the satellite pool, is the Board’s responsibility (maintenance, finances, insurance, general upkeep such as irrigation, landscaping, etc.) If there is a problem in the Association a unit owner must approach the Board’s directors to remedy the problem. Each Association has contracted with First Service Residential to provide the services needed to undertake the running and upkeep of the Association. Boards are required to meet at least twice a year (budget meeting and annual meeting). It is the Board’s sole responsibility to run the business of the corporation on behalf of its unit owners. First Service Residential The Management Company that each Association has contracted with to provide the necessary services for the Association to function. Examples are janitorial, bookkeeping and accounting, landscaping, irrigation, maintenance, etc. First Service Residential will work with the Association to get competitive bids when required, offer guidance at Board meetings and handle the sale and rental agreements on behalf of the Association. First Service Residential works closely with Cobrua, Associations and the county in preparing for hurricanes. After hurricane Wilma, Cobrua and CVW, in conjunction with Palm Beach County’s various emergency hurricane units, became an active participant. Internally, we established a hurricane committee with First Service Residential and CenWest. We were designated by the county as a community distribution site for CVW. Fortunately Mother Nature did not test us for two years, but we were ready. Even as we get ready to organize this year, we will not be disappointed if not tested again! Borec/Cen West Borec, Inc. administers the clubhouse as well as the various recreational facilities in CVW. They offer classes to residents, a library, meeting rooms, a party room for functions our clubs and Associations may want to hold, a fitness center, billiard room and provides entertainment throughout the years whether it be live shows or movies. CenWest Communities, Inc. is responsible for the common element areas outside the domain of the Associations. This includes roadways, lighting, security, bus service (both internal and external), landscaping of the premises, offices that take care of the administrative functions, resident ID’s, auto decals, in-house TV channel and all other functions. As we stated at the outset of this article, this is meant to give everyone an idea of what the functions of each CVW element is responsible for. I believe the items outlined in this article will give everyone an idea of the responsibilities of each group. Page 28 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Neck & Back Pain Relief • Chronic Pain and New Injuries • Medicare Accepted • Be Seen Today • Personal One On One Treatment • Complimentary gourmet coffee, tea, and dark chocolates Dr. Ben Galin, Doctor of Physical Therapy • Michael Minett, D.C. Introducing Dr. Conrad Winiarski, certified in the revolutionary back pain relieving technique - Mckenzie Method Physical & Massage Therapy – Gentle Chiropractic - Acupuncture Medicare pays pays for Medicare for your yourcare! care! Come See Us & FEEL BETTER! TOTAL HEALTH and REHAB Located at the NE corner of Glades & Lyons Rd., in the Somerset Shoppes, between Michaels Crafts and Lenscrafters Please call our office to find out more! 561-482-7575 March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 29 Looking for HIGH QUALITY HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES? “Call my Grandson!” at 561-266-3558 Open 24-hours per-day, 7-days a week. Accepting all forms of long term care insurance and private pay. Brad Jaffe Owner of Florida First Senior Home Care #1 Caregivers #1 Customer Service Proudly Serving Century Village Residents We Offer: • Alzheimer/Dementia Care •Transferring/Bathing/Toileting/Cooking • Personal care/Housekeeping • Errands & transportation • Live-In/Hourly Care • Veteran’s assistance/Respite · Hospice • Post-rehab or hospital care · • Short term or long term · And much more! 561-266-3558 35% Discount on any Home Health Care Service (New Clients Only) For Century Village Residents Mention this ad License #: 30211672 Page 30 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 TALK TO A LAWYER... BE SMART LAW OFFICES of MARTIN ZEVIN, P.A. MARTIN ZEVIN HAS BEEN PRACTICING IN FLORIDA SINCE 1973 FREE CONSULTATION Personal Injury Wills Trusts Estates 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 954-569-4878 954-569-HURT You may obtain free written information regarding the specifications and experience of this law firm by writing or calling during regular business hours. I CAN HELP YOU LEARN THE COMPUTER & WEB TV Get All The Information You Want Right In Your Own Home. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT NOW!! Specially for beginners, senior and new computer owners; Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, iPad software installation, downloads, printing, internet, Web surfing, E-mail; Also set-up & installation on DSL, CABLE & all computers. Easy Private Instructions In Your Home, Day or Evening. REASONABLE! JAY 954-974-9614 SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CENTURY VILLAGE RESIDENTS Bus Schedule Suggestions By Karen Greene All Century Village residents value the ability to maintain an independent lifestyle for as many years as possible. The convenience of our facilities and our transportation system helps to facilitate that goal for many. M&O wants to cut the bus schedule on the off-season to save on fuel. No one with whom I have spoken has a problem with cutting the number of buses and extending the routes, but running the buses only once an hour would have a radical impact on life in the Village. The independent lifestyle of which I spoke relies on a reasonable bus schedule. When the snowbirds leave, the humidity spikes and the rains come, the buses become even more of a necessity -- for the elderly, the disabled, for couples with one vehicle pursuing separate activities, and for those who find walking very difficult in stifling summer heat. The idea of having to manage with buses that run only hourly during the off-season, makes CV a less attractive place to live for those who want or need alternative transportation. As many of us are aware, life in CV does not stop when the snowbirds fly north. What does an hourly schedule mean? If you take a class that begins at 9:20 am, you can just about make the class if you take the 9:00 bus now, but once the route is longer, you will be missing the first part of the class. If you want to be there for a 10:10 class, you would have to leave your apartment at 8:50 to make sure you catch the 9:00 bus. Likewise, making an 8pm movie or show would require leaving one’s apartment around 6:50. Really? Should one need an hour and ten minutes to get somewhere that’s only five or ten minutes away? And on the flip side, if you miss the bus to bring you home, you would have to wait another hour. What kind of quality of life is this? Not the one I expected when I bought my apartment seven years ago, and not the one my neighbors and I have enjoyed until now. Do we want CV to become a place with a reputation for being unfriendly to those who do not drive? Do we want to watch our neighbors trying to cope with this change in lifestyle, or will those with cars be chauffeuring them around. I would suggest that (a) M&O should do a study of when the buses are most needed rather than simply cutting down to once an hour, (b) We should be thinking of creative alternatives, and (c) if more of us take the bus, this would also cut down on fuel and personal expenses and it would show support for our friends and neighbors who need the service. DERMATOLOGY It’s Your Skin. It’s Our Mission. • We’re here to help solve ALL of your skin problems • We screen and treat patients for skin cancer • MOHS’ Micrographic Surgery • Emergency appointments available • Medicare and many insurances accepted • All patients treated by the Doctor New patients welcome. Come and experience the care and personal attention you deserve Dr. Alan Fischer, MD, PA Member of the American Academy of Dermatology Dermatology and Surgery of the Skin Call for an appointment (561) 488-2900 West Boca Medical Center, Professional Building, Suite 320 9980 Central Park Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33428 March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 31 Harriet and Jay Wickner - Fanshaw Association By Arlene Coleman In my past life raising my children in Livingston, NJ there were always people who made an impression on me and my children. Two of those people are Harriet and Jay Wickner. Harriet and Jay moved to Century Village twenty years ago and, of course, live a totally different life in retirement. You can see Harriet and Jay busy with exercise classes and Jay enjoying riding his bike. Why I chose to write a short article on them is simple. When I bump into them occasionally here, I immediately go back to a past time in my life which was one of the happiest, and they are part of that experience. Jay owned Jay’s Shoe Box on South Livingston Avenue in Livingston, NJ. This is one of the town’s landmarks and was one of the Mom and Pop shops at that time. Going to Jay’s for your children’s shoes (whether it was for school, camp or a special occasion) was always regarded as a very pleasant experience. The reason was because of Harriet and Jay who worked side-by-side, always with a smile and never losing their temper. I can vouch for many times when I was in the store and there were customers who I would have put in their place for such poor behavior. But that was never the demeanor of Harriet or Jay – always smiling with their customers while the kindest interaction took place with adults as well as children. Village Speed Limit You are invited to a monthly luncheon! 20 TO ALL CENTURY VILLAGE WOMEN Through their sensitivity they created a memory of an experience that was like a Norman Rockwell poster. A simple experience in the life of families that always is remembered with sensitivity and respect. That’s why my memory is always “Jay and Harriet/Harriet and Jay - Jay’s Shoe Is your Dome Ceiling not looking as bright as it should? Changing your plastic panels is the secret to your Dome continually looking brand new. All plastic materials “yellow” with age. When this happens as little as 10% of the source light will pass through. 12:30pm in the Party Room Bring your own lunch and come join us for some lively conversation. Meet new people and have some fun. Check with the front desk for dates Box - CUSTOMER SERVICE AT IT’S BEST! Jay’s Shoe Box is still in Livingston, NJ run by their son Ted. As reported by others in the community, Customer Service At Its Best is continued. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We replace the yellow plastic panels and the old fluorescent bulbs Residential Dome Ceilings Panel Replacement Senior Citizen Discount Call today for a free estimate. Serving all Broward, Palm Beach & Miami-Dade 561-826-7214 Howard A. Bueller, M.D., F.A.A.D. Diplomate, American Academy of Dermatology Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology With Svetlana Reyblat, P.A.-C., M.P.H. Certified Physician Assistant, Master’s Degree in Public Health Говорю по русски Medical and Surgical Dermatology Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Warts, Itching Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment Cosmetic Skin Rejuvenation Mohs Micrographic Surgery PUVA and UVB Phototherapy Botox® Cosmetic, Juvéderm Ultra™ Medicare and Many Insurance Plans Accepted. New Patient Appointments Available. 5258 Linton Boulevard, Suite 306 Delray Beach, FL 33484 (Next to Delray Medical Center) No Waiting! Phone: (561) 498-2911 Fax: (561) 496-0282 Website: Page 32 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 A Five Star Independent and Assisted Living Community A nip here, a tuck there and voilà, a fresh new look for the Florida senior lifestyle! It’s all part of The Horizon Club’s multi-million dollar renovations. There’s fresh paint, lush landscaping and gorgeous additions wherever you look – everything from shady benches and new balconies to hurricane-impact windows and doors. Of course, the food is incredible. And the neighbors? Well, let’s just say that friendships and similar interests come easy here. Act now while the rates are still low! Up to $500 move-in bonus Guess Who’s Getting a Facelift? 1208 South Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 954-481-2304 Assisted Living Facility #5422 March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 33 utopia bagels Call Us Before You Need Home Health Care Our Special Companions Are Warm, friendly, mature adults Many are educated, all are experienced Reliable & caring, just like friends & family Retired Professionals We are now introducing a more extensive cooking service, custom prepared according to your needs. Your recipes or ours, your home or ours. Healthy, fresh and delicious. Food is Medicine for the Soul. 954-370-7273 =W • Open for Breakfast and Lunch • Organization Discounts • Catering and Box Lunches • Holiday Platters What We Do For You We discourage use of cell phones & television. Our time with you is all about you. 482-2904 We do light housekeeping, laundry, healthy meal preparation and driving to appointments or social activities. Boca Lyons Plaza • 9188 Glades Rd. (SW corner of Glades & Lyons Rd.) Open Daily at 6:30 am WOW! 12 BAgELS We can assist in shopping, medication reminders, and be there with you when you shower. Serving South Florida since 1990. We must be doing something right! Lic. # HCS 5657 Miami/Dade, Broward & S. Palm Beach Counties 305-519-8600 =C 954-533-6361=F [email protected] With coupon only. Cannot Combine offers. One special per customer. • Exp. 3/31/15 2 Eggs with Potatoes, Bagel And Plain Cream Cheese, 8oz Coffee / 4oz Juice 4 $ 69Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 3/31/15 4 oz. Nova, 6 Bagels, 5 oz. Plain Cream Cheese 13 $ 99 Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 3/31/15 8 $ 99 1 Bagel / Sliced Nova Plain Cream Cheese Lettuce/Tomato/Onion 8oz. Coffee / 4oz. Juice 9 $ 25 Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 3/31/15 Painting & Waterproofing Exterior Painting, Waterproofing, Deck Texture Painting, Power Washing Having proudly served: Ainslie, Brighton, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Fanshaw, Guildford, Hythe, Lincoln Mansfield, Newcastle, Preston, Rexford, Suffolk, Wolverton, Yarmouth Licensed * Bonded * Insured (Broward County Lic. # 91-6607-PU-R) (Martin County Lic. # MCPTG5743) (Palm Beach County Lic. # U-16498) Marcel Rosen (Owner) Office: 561-737-3566 Fax: 561-737-3561 630 Industrial Avenue • Suite 1 • Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Also check us out on the web at: Page 34 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Service Ads Al’s Fix-It Handyman Services, 30 yrs. Exp. Home Services & Window Screen Repairs. Licensed Locksmith. 7 DAY SERVICE. 477-2987, 477-5935 --RUDY’S HANDYMAN SERVICEServing Century Village 33 Yrs. With Home Improvement Repairs & WINDOW CLEANING Too. 7 DAYS A WEEK. Call 482-7058. --Cleaning Service – In Business 15 Yrs., Experienced. 561-482-5435. --BUDGET ELECTRICAL SERVICE LICENSED BONDED INSURED SAME DAY SERVICE EC13004082 561-637-2366 --COMPUTER TUTOR & TROUBLESHOOTER by Fred, President 372-1772. [email protected] --- Classifieds WANTED! OLD MAH JONGG SETS. Call Wendy 561-477-6171, 703-3585 --ISABELLA TAILORS & DRY CLEAN - PROFESIONAL ALTERATIONS FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. HEM SLACKS $10.00, DRY CLEAN $ 3.99 LAUNDER SHIRTS $1.99. Rug Cleaning. NEXT TO DORIS MARKET. 561-405-6872 --- RENTAL 2015-16 SEASON. SUNNY, CLEAN. CLOSEST TO BUS STOP & POOL. CENTRAL A/C. KITCHEN CEILING FAN, DISHWASHER, FULLY FURN. ALL LOVELY TILED FLOORS. 4 MOS. MIN. 561-477-1557 --Seasonal Rental 2015-16. Suffolk A. 1BR/1.5BA. 4 Mos. Min. 561-4774812. Cash Buyer looking to purchase your apt. immediately. Save time & money instead of dealing with agents and having property listed with no results. Call Harold 561-302-6618. --Annual Rentals – 1 & 2 BR. All Newly & Completely Renovated kitchens, bathrooms, tile flooring, granite, crown molding, new appliances, lake views. From $1,000$1,400/mo. Call Harold 302-6618 for current availability. --Seasonal Rental Wanted – Dec 2015 – Mar 2016. 1 or 2 BR, Hi Rise. Larry 732-598-4390. --- Meadows Marketplace - Please patronize our Partners SHLOMO & TOMER LLC HANDYMAN SERVICES – Licensed Locksmith & Window Treatments. 9291014. No Saturdays. --- 20 MPH VILLAGE SPEED LIMITS FOR SALE P&R ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES, INC Complete Preparation Personal & Corporate Returns Over 25 Years Professional Tax Services Reasonable Rates – Free Pick Up & Delivery Ron Barnett / Pam Barnett Office 561.965.4623 [email protected] Cellular 561.542.4112 PRIVATE SUITES 2006 Kia Sedona with Harmar heavy duty rear power lift. Keychain remote. Power wheelchair included at no additional charge. 30,000 miles. $12,500 SUPPORT COBRUA Includes Kitchenette SEMI-PRIVATES FR 1,99500 OM $ OM $ FR *PER MONTH 1,69500 * PER MONTH 561-613-1257 Lic. AL#08697 Approved: _________________________ Talk to Someone Date:_____________________________ Who Can Help • Bereavement Bereavement To Advertise contact Fred Foreman (954) 480-8863 • Loneliness Loneliness 2014: A year of change I was sure I’d lose my independence when I moved to a retirement community, but I was tired of cooking, cleaning and home maintenance. My daughter was worried about me living alone. I wasn’t eating right and frankly, I was lonely. • Family Problems Problems • Anxiety & Stress I found everything I wanted at Veranda Club. My daughter still worries because I’m never home. But frankly ... I’m having the time of my life! Call today and find out how you can make the change for the time of your life. Coming Soon! Our New Assisted Living Building…. Reserve Your Apartment Today! VERANDA CLUB Glades Rd 6061 Palmetto Circle N. Boca Raton, FL 33433 tel 561-368-2122 Palmetto Cr W. Palmetto Park Rd W. Hillsboro Blvd S. Military Trl Powerline Rd Floridas Turnpike 95 N FAC. #:11989 VCAD2014AYearofChangeR1 4.915x7BW1002-mm.indd 1 11/5/14 11:29 AM Licensed Psychologist 7777 Glades Rd., Suite 100, Boca Raton Web: (561) 376376-4299 Medicare Welcome March 2015 Tennis Times By Bob and Judy Cantor The passing of George Spitz, one of the most liked longtime BCTC members, gives us pause to think once again of the human condition and to realize that precious time should not be spent dealing with petty arguments and grievances such as the unnecessary disputes that sometimes affect tennis activities here at CVW. So, let’s get serious for a few moments and consider Tennis Life and Tennis Strife in our Village. What causes such strife? First, there are the minor irritations of people opening the doors to the courts and walking through when others are playing, thereby interrupting the game. Or people, who while sitting or standing on the sidelines, COBRUA says... STOP! DON’T BE A VICTIM When pumping or paying for Gas: • Remove your keys from the ignition • Hide purses & valuables • C l o s e windows all • Lock all doors License # EC 13004082 thoughtlessly make a good deal of noise or smoke or otherwise distract players and cause them to lose their concentration on the game…or people who, under the guise of giving an unauthorized tennis lesson, use a basket full of balls which scatter all over the courts interfering with regular players. All these relatively minor irritations which at times lead to harsh words and ill feelings could be avoided by following the rules of simple tennis etiquette. There is another category however, that is more insidious and less capable of simple solutions. That is the problem known as Looking For A Game. It is the situation we all know about. Typically it involves a single player standing by and looking on as others are playing and obviously the standbty person wants to join in the game. He or she may have a hang dog imploring facial expression or sometimes may vituperatively demand the right to join in the play. What do you “All Calls Answered Live” ing at 8:40am saying, “we shouldn’t have to get off the court because we’ve only been playing for 20 minutes.” Once again a situation arises where disagreements can cause animosity between otherwise pacific people . What is the solution to all of these dilemmas.? Your authors have no Solomon-like wisdom to impart. However as to the Looking For A Game problem we do have the example of our northern residence where each day a period is set aside for a so-called open game where anyone who shows up, whether alone or not, will get to play even if they have to wait 10-15 minutes. It would be nice if such a program (which works without supervision) could be had at CVW. An even more fitting solution to these problems (again brought to memory by the passing of George Spitz) is that of human empathy and the remembrance of the golden rule --Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Bear in mind that good humor and camaraderie trumps good play! After all, it is just a game. And remember it is a game that in the English speaking world is saturated by a particular word which, as far as we know, is not used in any other sport and that word is LOVE . Don’t let a painful foot, ankle or leg condition keep you from enjoying an active lifestyle! If you experience pain in your legs after walking a short distance, you may have a condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease, or PAD. We offer non-invasive vascular testing in our office. DIABETICS: You may be eligible for shoes and custom inserts through the Medicare Shoe Program. Call today for a consultation. Dr. Savran, a Board Certified Podiatrist and his caring staff specialize in the treatment of the following conditions: • • • • Heel Pain Plantar Fasciitis Heel Spurs Leg Cramps • • • • Infections Ingrown Toenails Arthritis Gout • Burning, Tingling or Numbness in your feet or legs FOOT OR ANKLE INJURY? • Pain or Discomfort due to Bunions, We have on site x-rays and treat foot and Hammertoes or other foot deformitories ankle sprains and fractures. We offer therapy for the treatment of foot and ankle injuries • Foot or Leg Wounds and/or other Diabetic Ulcers and conditions. Do your legs feel tired and achy? Do you have back pain? Ask about Custom Orthotics. Medicare Assignment Accepted. 24 /7 Emergency Service • Troubleshooting • Installations • Repairs • No Power • Flickering Lights • Tripping Breaker • Burning Smell tell such a person ? Do you say “this is a private game and we do not want you to join in” ? Or do you say “we don’t want to play with you because you are too weak a player” or “you’re a snowbird and our game is for fulltime residents only.”? The way these touchy situations are handled can lead to long-lasting animosity between people who were previously either friends or at least good neighbors. Relatedly, there is the problem of failing to follow the official rules for access to the courts. Here it involves not a single lone supplicant seeking a game but rather a foursome that shows up and wishes to obtain a court to start their game. The problem though, is that the courts are full up! What should happen? The rules, which were promulgated in 2007 and approved by CVW Management as applying to all residents, state that there should be a lottery held fifteen minutes before the hour and that players who have already been playing on the courts must get off and are not entitled to participate in the lottery. Please review the rules which are posted at each location. How many times have we had the situation of a group which starts play- COBRUA REPORTER Page 35 HOME CALLS AVAILABLE Don’t wait to make an appointment. Painful foot conditions won’t cure themselves! Call Today. Dr. Jeffrey Savran Board Certified, American Board of Podiatric Medicine Our office is conveniently located in the Publix/Home Depot Center on the S.E. corner of Glades and 441 852-8950 9858 Glades Road, #D5 • Boca Raton, FL – Century Village Bus Comes To This Mall – Page 36 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 THE FABULOUS ANNUAL RESIDENT SHOW By Ronnie Mandelbaum Last night I saw a fabulous show, Whoever missed it, I want you to know Missed a show that could easily have been on Broadway, And five dollars was all I had to pay. The actors and actresses worked as hard as could be To provide entertainment for you and for me. I think everyone in Century Village should be sure to attend. Each one that appears is someone that is your friend. Show them your support, you will be pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed it, I laughed, and at some point, even cried. So next year when you hear about the Resident Show, Try to be in it, but if you cannot, at least “GO”. You will thank me for my advice, every year I see the show twice. Again I ask you, See the Resident Show, See it, enjoy it and you will thank me, I know. Called For Jury Duty? By Sharon R. Bock Clerk & Comptroller Palm Beach County Jurors provide crucial public service in Palm Beach County A juror has the power to transform a person’s life. Serving as a juror is one of the most important responsibilities that any citizen can make to serve their community, the justice system and their country. Jury duty should be approached with honor and served with dignity. The importance of jury duty has come to the forefront recently due to some highprofile court cases in Palm Beach County and throughout Florida. Those cases get an extraordinary amount of attention, but are relatively rare. Most jurors’ experience with jury duty will entail a single day at the courthouse. The Clerk & Comptroller’s office manages Palm Beach County’s jury system, summonsing more than 155,000 potential jurors each year who are randomly selected from the state driver license database. Understanding that jury duty may impact your daily routine, many conveniences are offered to make serving easier. Providing complimentary parking, movies in the juror waiting area, free Wi-Fi in the courthouse and computer access in the juror room are among the ways jury duty is made enjoyable. Jurors may also bring laptops or smartphones to work while waiting to be called. Rescheduling jury duty is simple if you’re unable to report when scheduled. To learn more about jury duty and what to expect, visit the Jury Duty page on the Clerk & Comptroller’s website at www. Serving on a jury, you quickly realize the weight of this responsibility. As your Clerk & Comptroller, I thank those who receive a summons in the mail, recognize the importance of the call to duty, and respectfully do their part to protect a fundamental right guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution —the right to a trial by our peers. Best regards, March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 37 Page 38 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Condo Law SACHS SAX CAPLAN Florida is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of 55 year old and over communities. A “55 and over” community is defined as housing that is intended and operated for occupancy by persons 55 years of age or older. As such, if a community meets specific requirements, as mandated under federal and state laws, it may restrict occupancy based upon age. Typically, the right to restrict occupancy based upon age is based upon precise wording contained within a commu- nity’s governing documents. It may have been originally drafted by the developer, or may have been added pursuant to an amendment voted in by the owners. Despite the fact that a community may have the proper wording in its governing documents, there are numerous other requirements a community association must follow in order to continue to be deemed a “55 and over community.” First, at least 80% of the homes/units must be occupied 10% OFF Any UPS Shipment MUST PRESENT COUPON formerly Mr. Shipper MailBox Rentals BOCA BOX COMPANY (561) 483-3707 9070 Kimberly Blvd. Open M-F 9am-4:30pm • Sat 9am-3pm by at least one person 55 years of age or older. Second, the community must publish and adhere to policies and procedures that demonstrate its intent to be a provider of housing for those 55 and older. Third, the community must comply, no less than once every two years, with age verification rules and procedures established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition, pursuant to Florida law, a 55 and over community must also register with the Florida Commission on Human Relations. It is important to point out that the Federal and State laws only provide a minimum threshhold for the number of units that must be occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older. In other words, by virtue of the fact that the statute requires “at least” 80% of the homes/units to be occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older, this leaves open the door to the possibility that an association can amend its documents to require 90% or 100% occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older. Further, it is important to point out that, where a community is properly registered and meets all other requirements of a “55 and over community,” such community may prohibit children under the age of 18 years from residing in the community. Of course, many associations do provide some allowances for temporary visitation for up to 30 or 60 days in any given calendar year, which would be allowable under both the Federal and Florida statutes. It is additionally important to point out that, although the Federal and State statutes allow up to 20% of the units to be occupied by persons under the age of 55 years, the association should not simply just allow any person under the age of 55 to reside in a unit simply because space is available for such occupancy. We would argue that allowing any such person would be contradictory to the law’s requirements that the association demonstrate its intent to be a provider of housing for those 55 and older. Therefore, we recommend that the 20% of the units allowed to be occupied by persons under the age of 55 years be reserved for hardship exemptions, such as where a residing spouse who is under the age of 55 inherits the unit from his or her deceased spouse, or where such other hardship can be demonstrated. This is further supported by commentary in the Federal Register that indicates that it was the intent of Congress that the 20% be reserved for just these types of hardship situations. Failure to adhere to the above provisions could jeopardize a 55 and over community’s right to continue enforcing its age restrictions. Many times a community association incorrectly assumes that its designation alone, without anything further, will always entitle that community to restrict occupancy based upon age. Such an assumption may have costly legal consequences. For those communities which are currently enforcing, or wish to enforce or implement age restrictions, it is essential that the Board of Directors consult an attorney to ensure that the governing documents properly allow for such restrictions and that the proper procedures, as mandated by the Federal and State governments, are implemented. SACHS SAX CAPLAN PETER S. SACHS M & S PEST CONTROL Century Village Special Seasonal You Go $75 6 mos. contract $15 Pay(noAscontract) $132 Yearly Contract Pest Control For All That Bugs You! Box 811961, Boca Raton, Fl 33481-1961 Fully Insured • License No. JB116719 Buyers Of 561-852-9734 1-888-739-1042 Residents of West Delray Wendy 561-310-1396 Richard 561-880-7354 ~ Costume Jewelry, Vintage Jewelry ~ Watches (broken or working) ~ Designer Handbags ~ Designer Sunglasses ~ Artwork Email: [email protected] CASH PAID - WE COME TO YOU! March 2015 Attention: New Year Special Call Now! COBRUA REPORTER Page 39 NATIONAL TRANSMISSIONS NATIONALTRANSMISSIONS & COMPLETE AUTO CARE CENTERS & COMPLETE AUTO CARE CENTERS Serving our Community Since 1983 Serving our Community Since 1983 FREE VEHICLEPICK-UP PICK-UPAND AND DELIVERY FREE VEHICLE DELIVERY FROM HOMEOR OROFFICE OFFICE FROM HOME Freedom med Alert * No Contract * Free Equipment * Easy Installation * Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored * Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind 15% 15%OFF OFFLABOR LABORFOR FORALL ALLCENTURY CENTURYVILLAGE VILLAGERESIDENTS RESIDENTS SPECIAL! 24 Month 24,000 Mile Warranty on Every Repair**** $19.95* $14.95* $14.95* Oil, Filter Change, Tire PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng Rotation & 27 Point Oil, Filter Change, Tire Vehicle Safety Inspection Rotation & 27 Point Vehicle Safety Inspection CALL ToLL frEE 1-877-318-4993 $49.95** $49.95** A/C Or A/C Or Cooling Cooling System System Tune-up Special Tune-up FREE FREE DIAGNOSTICS DIAGNOSTICS $99.95*** $99.95*** Brake Special Brake Special Special *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy FREE Tire Mount and Balance. Tire Disposal & State Tax Fees Extra We are your local AAA Aproved Repair Facility for all your automotive needs: Oil changes, Extended Warranty, A/C, Tires, Alignment, Brakes, Engines, Starters, Tune-Ups, Alternators, Timing Belts, Water Pumps, Transmissions, Differentials, Struts & Shocks and MUCH MORE. MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 - 5:00 PM SATURDAY 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM 3030 S. Congress Ave. #3 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-737-6073 [email protected] 502 NE 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-737-7551 [email protected] WWW.NATIONALTRANSMISSIONS.COM *UP TO 7 QUARTS OF CONVENTIONAL OIL ONLY. $15 off Synthetic Oil Change, NORMALLY $59.95 **Includes 1 gallon of anti-freeze, 2 pound of freon and labor. Shop supplies and disposal fees extra. *** Includes Install new Pads or Shoes, inspect complete brake system & repact wheel bearings ****At Our existing locations only. Never Underestimate the Power of a Smile! A nice smile can help you look and feel younger and more attractive! Let Gentle Dental help you look and feel your best. You deserve it! ADULT NEW PATIENT PACKAGE lComprehensive Exam (D0150) lFull Series 18 X-Rays (D0210) lOral Hygiene Instruction (D1330) lFirst Teeth Cleaning (Healthy D1110 or Debridement D4355) 69 lOral Cancer Screening $ Only * New Patients Only A SAVINGS OF OVER $300 DENTURE SPECIALS Gold Package Complete Denture 695 * Platinum Package Complete Denture Only Upper (D5110) or Lower (D5120) - (Porcelain or Cosmetic Teeth) $ Only UPGRADED 895 * NO PROBLEM!! Dental Implants by a Specialist (D6010) lImplant Abutment (Prefabricated) (D6056) lPorcelain Fused to Metal Crown (D6066) STANDARD COMPLETE Only NO DENTAL INSURANCE? lSurgical Placement of Upper (D5110) or Lower (D5120) - (Resin Teeth) $ VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM IMPLANT & CROWN PACKAGE $ 1999 Per Unit Complete ALL GENERAL, SPECIALTY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY IN ONE PLACE! Caring, sensitive staff who will provide a comfortable experience. Join the GENTLE DENTAL VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM and SAVE UP TO 65% OFF our normal low fees on all General, Specialty and Cosmetic Dentistry in our South Florida offices. * 35% OFF Including Dentures, Bridges, Crowns and Fillings! Patient Financing Available. Even With Poor Credit History!** Most Dental Insurance Accepted Our Boca Raton offices are just minutes from Century Village Gentle Dental of W. Boca Raton Gentle Dental of E. Boca Raton 9874 Yamato Rd., Suite 116 1200 Yamato Rd., Suite A-4 Boca Raton, FL 33434 Boca Raton, FL 33431 CALL TODAY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT 877-910-4332 *MUST MENTION SPECIAL PRIOR TO SERVICE. DISCOUNTS ARE NOT COMBINABLE WITH VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM, INSURANCE OR OTHER OFFERS OR PROGRAMS. THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THIS FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT. MINIMUM FEES ONLY. DR. NEAL ZIEGLER DN 6483 **WITH APPROVED CREDIT. Page 40 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 PHYSICAL THERAPY You deserve the best in care. Not all rehab is equal. The high level of expertise and personalized attention given at Gusman Physical Therapy is a key element for your success. For the past 25 years I have treated conditions using the latest technologies with Innovative Programs proven to be the most effective to Enhance Healing, Control Pain and Restore you to a Safe and Active Lifestyle. Suffering from • Neck, Back and Knee Pain? • Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries? • Total Joint Replacements? • Arthritis, Stenosis, Sciatica? • Muscle Weakness, Balance Problems? • Parkinson’s, Stroke? Are you starting an exercise program but not sure what’s right or wrong? We can help with a designed Wellness Program just for you! If you are not receiving advanced State of Art Rehab Modalities like the Vivatek back system and Tetrax Computer balance testing and training equipment, then its time you should! With limits being put on your insurance benefits, it’s time that you make the most of your healthcare dollars. Start by calling today where personal hands-on care leads to positive results. Take a Proactive Role in your Physical Therapy. Do not be led to your Physicians Therapy when you have the right to choose your Licensed Physical Therapist. I look forward to helping you get better! CALL 561-482-7474 STANLEY GUSMAN CCI, RPT, PA FREE COMPUTERIZED BALANCE TEST Credentialed Clinical Instructor, Registered Physical Therapist Member of American Physical Therapy Association Florida Chapter and FPTA Government Advocacy Committee An Independent Physical Therapy Practice Serving The Residents of Century Village Since 1986. AUTO ACCIDENTS & WORKMANS COMP MEDICARE, HUMANA, GHI, UNITED HEALTH CARE, B/C B/S AND MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Conveniently Located In The Boca Hampton Plaza 9060 Kimberly Blvd., #44, Boca Raton, Fl. 33434 March 2015 Immediate Response Experts in Water Damage COBRUA REPORTER Page 41 You Pay *We Bill Insurance Directly • Moisture Detection • Structural Drying • Mold Control • Condo Multi-Unit Experts • Leak Detection • Full Plumbing Services COMPLETE RESTORATION SERVICES • Mold Remediation • Mold Testing Without High Costs • Clearance Certificates • Full Remediation & Rebuild • Moisture Detection • Water Removal • Water Damage • Dehumidification • Complete Structure Drying • Fire & Smoke Damage FREE VISUAL INSPECTION IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Page 42 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Musical Notes By Max Deutsch Question Songs: Ever notice that the question songs never have answers? Is $50 the answer to How much is that Doggie in the window? Could Las Vegas be the answer to Where Did Our Love Go? I guess the word Yes would be the answers to Do You Love Me?, Does Your Chewing Gum Lose its Flavor on the Bedpost Over Night? and Are You Lonesome Tonight? By the way, ‘Does Spearmint Lose its Flavor had to be changed to Chewing Gum in Great Britain because the English laws prevent songs from having corporate names. Today with GPS and MapQuest, no one would ask Do You Know the Way to San Jose? Shopping, paying bills, eating, and doctor appointments were the answers I got from several of my friends living in Century Village when I asked What Are You Doing for the Rest of Your Life? How Much Do I love You? answers questions with questions such as How deep is the Ocean, How high is the sky? Did You Ever See a Dream Walking? is a song by Gordon and Revel. You can see a beautiful girl in your imagination just by the song title. Ain’t That A Shame, sung by Fats Domino, does not require an answer. Do I Worry?, sung by the Ink Spots, is about a man who worries about a girl who has strayed from him. The last words in the song are “You bet your life I do.” There are three questions in the song title Was I Drunk? Was He Handsome? and Did My Mom Give Me Hell? They deal with a 16 year old going out on her first date. It was first sung in a Zigfield review. Two Question songs with the same title Do You Love Me, from Fiddler on the Roof and a Rock and Roll song by Contours have different meanings. In Fiddler the answer is a question Do I What? The Rock and Roll version gives the possible answer “now that I can dance.” Do You Wanna Dance?” one of a few hits by Bobby Freeman, is a question we all asked as teenagers. Are You Lonesome Tonight?, first sung in 1926 and written by Roy Turk, was a big hit sung by Elvis. His manager Colonel Parker liked to record old songs that were royalty free. Twenty years before Elvis recorded it Al Jolson and Jane P Morgan put it on record. During performances Elvis would have fun changing the words. In Vegas in 1969 he sang Do you gaze at your bald spot and wished you had hair? (Do you gaze in the door step and picture me there?) That performance was recorded with Cissy Houston (Whitney’s mom) as back up soloist. There were silly question songs. Who put the Bomp in the bomp ba bomp? and Who put the Ram in the Ram in the Rama lama ding dong and the dip in the dip da dip da dip? is a great novelty song by Barry Mann. It made fun of Doo Wop. By the way I wonder who wrote the Book of Love? LADY BUYER WILL PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR • COSTUME JEWELRY • GOLD • STERLING SILVER • FIGURINES • CHINA • PAINTINGS • PRINTS • LAMPS • PERFUME BOTTLES • OLD EVENING PURSES • RUGS • SCONCES • MEN’S OLD WATCHES • AND MORE! CALL 561-865-2009 AFFORDABLE CAR CARE & TIRE CENTER B A CLINT MOORE N W E S SPANISH ISLES LYONS ROAD 441 Pick-Up and Drop Off Service Available For All Century Village Residents (Oil Changes Excluded) YAMATO ROAD All Major Tire Brands Available Servicing Domestic And Foreign Cars • FREE WIFI Open Mon. - Fri. 9am. - 5pm. • Sat. 9am. - 2pm. LOCATED IN BOCA COMMERCE PARK • SHUTTLE SERVICE 10026 Spanish Isles Blvd #B2 & B28 • FAMILY FRIENDLY 561-470-6200 • FLEET ACCOUNTS WELCOME • MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES ACCEPTED Lube, Oil & Filter Change 19.95 $ Plus $1.75 disposal • Most cars!! • Up to 5 quarts of 10W-30 • Top off fluids & safety inspection Expires 3/31/15 Call Ray For Your Appointment Today 4 Wheel Radiator Tune- Up Balance & 4 Cyl. $39.95 Cooling System Tire Rotation Maintenance $ $ 19.95 • Rotate And Balance Your Vehicle’s Tires And Bring Them All Up To Recommended Pressure • Extra Charge For Wheels 18” and Up) Expires 3/31/15 6 Cyl. 49.95 8 Cyl. $59.95 Most cars 29.99 $ Brake Special $ 69.95 • Front or rear • Most Cars!! • Trucks Plus $2.00 disposal fee • Most cars • Drain & Fill Cooling System and vans slightly higher • Includes pads and labor • Includes Up To • Does not include • Does not include 1 Gallon Coolant platinum plugs! resurfaced rotors • Inspection Of Belts & Hoses Expires 3/31/15 Expires 3/31/15 Expires 3/31/15 2 Windshield Wiper Blades Installed 16.00 $ Most cars Up To 24” Includes Washer Fluid Top Off Expires 3/31/15 IMPORTANT!! Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in the COBRUA Reporter March 2015 CAN–COPE CONSTRUCTION, INC. SUPPORT COBRUA Complete Interior Remodeling and Handyman Services Eye Associates of Boca Raton, P.A. ___________________ Surgical & Medical Eye Care __________________ COMPLIMENTARY VISION SCREENING (Mention this ad when calling) 561-391-8300 • 950 NW 13th St. Boca Raton COMPUTER & SMARTPHONE HELP FOR SENIORS & BEGINNERS NO PRESSURE! Learn at Your Own Pace. Learn how to use the INTERNET, EMAIL, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, SKYPE, Download/Print PHOTOS of your Grandchildren and MORE! TEXT and EMAIL from your SMARTPHONE! NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION We will set up your new COMPUTER, Easy PRINTER, ROUTER (wifi), etc. Computer Special ALREADY USING A COMPUTER? Only $3000* NEED REPAIR? for one hour Is your computer running too slow? Tell us your problem SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD* Free Phone Consultation Regular Fee is $3500 If we can’t fix it there’s Century Village Residents - SAVE $500! NO CHARGE! We Fix TV, DVD, Cable Problems: Call: 561-445-1139 References available upon request. WE SELL YOUR “STUFF” ON E-BAY • Have “stuff” laying around unused? • Moving and need to downsize? • Don’t throw away or give away that “stuff” • Sell it on e-bay! We come to you, photograph your “Stuff” and post it on E-Bay. You name the price, we pack and ship it and you get paid. (We take a commission only when merchandise is sold). Questions? Call Lori: (310) 461-6633 “In-Home Care for SENIORS” First 3 hours FREE!!! Call us today! 1-800-712-4266 • Hourly & live-in caregivers • Light housekeeping and prepare meals • Accompany to appointments, errands COBRUA REPORTER Page 43 • Bathing, dressing and assistance with daily living • And more... Kitchen and Bathrooms • Tub Conversions Painting • Tiles • Ceiling • Drywall Mold Testing and Remediations Kitchen Panel Replacement LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR CGC 1517468 954-461-7093 Boynton Beach Home Care We Bring Health Care To Your Home FREE initial assessment & a customized plan of care to meet your needs Lidija Paskova, RN Hourly or Live-In Care Personal Care by HHA / CNA Bathing / Dressing / Toileting / Transportation Meal Preparation / Dr. Appointments “Proudly serving Companion Services Palm Beach County since 2003” Laundry / Errands / Light Housekeeping We Accept All Long Term Care Insurance (561) 742-2532 License No. NR30211165 RICHARD A. SCHWARTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW RETIRED MIAMI DADE COUNTY COURT JUDGE * Wills * Living Trusts (avoid probate) * Power of Attorney * Medicaid Planning * Healthcare Surrogate * Quit Claim Deeds (avoid probate) * PROBATE & TRUST ADMINISTRATION HOME VISITS 561-988-1099 Schwartz & Wider, P.A. 10843 White Aspen Lane Boca Raton, FL. 33428 Page 44 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Social Whirl MARCH 10 - BOCA CENTURY ART CLUB – Bonnet House. Bus leaves 10:15am. Includes lunch Aruba Beach Café, museum docent tour. Call Susan 451-9110. 10 - SISTERHOOD CONG. TORAH OHR – Boutique Social Hall. 11:30am-1:30pm. Call Lee 718-290-4315. 15 - BOCA CENTURY ART CLUB – Delray Beach Club. 11:30am-3:30pm. 18 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Redlands Tour, Coral Castle, Orchid Gardens, Winery. Lunch, Bus. Call Gladys 482-3657, Celia 477-9820. 18 - SISTERHOOD CONG. TORAH OHR – Mah Jongg & Card Party, Social Hall. 11:30am-3pm. Call Marcia 561-482-6373. APRIL 17 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Pavillon Grill, buffet & entertainment. 6:30pm. Celia 477-9820, Gladys 482-3657. 22 - HADASSAH – Independence Day Celebration hot luncheon. 12Noon. Temple Beth Shalom. Call Lucille 483-2166. MAY 3 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Brunch Clubhouse 11:30am. Call Celia 477-9820, Gladys 482-3657. TEMPLE BETH SHALOM OF BOCA RATON A Conservative Egalitarian Temple Located On The Grounds Of Century Village Welcomes All Our Neighbors To Worship With Us In Our Beautiful Temple Let us turn your costume jewelry, collectibles, and antiques into CASH!!!! We pay TOP DOLLAR and COME TO YOU! Please call Linda today at 561-294-6341 Don’t be a victim - recover your investment losses EVENTS OF THE MONTH Wed, Mar 4th, 7pm Reading of the Megillah Thurs, Mar 5th, 8:30am Reading of the Megillah Thurs, Mar 5th, 6pm Purim Dinner Tues, Mar 10th, 10am Adult Education Lecture ‘A Celebration of Yiddish Storytelling’ – Dr. Karen Neile Sun, Mar 15th, 9:30am Congregation Meeting Thurs, Mar 19th, 1pm Sisterhood Book Club Sun, Mar 22nd, 5pm Sisterhood Card Party Mon, Mar 23rd, 4pm Sisterhood Meeting Sun, Mar 29th, 9:30am Men’s Club Meeting SAVE THESE DATES Fri, April 3rd Passover 1st Seder Sat, Apr 4th Passover 2nd Seder VISIT OUR JUDAICA GIFT SHOP Open Daily 9am - 11:30am For Membership Information Call (561) 483-5557 Everyone knows it’s not uncommon to lose money in the stock market either through bad investment advice, unforeseen market fluctuations, or for a number of other reasons. However, what most investors don’t know, and what has often been described as Wall Street’s ‘dirty little secret’ is that often times, an investor’s losses can be recovered from the broker, investment advisor and/or the brokerage firm itself if it turns out the investor’s losses were caused by the negligence or fraud of those entrusted to safeguard and invest your hard-earned capital. This may be true even if losses were caused by an unforeseen decline in the market. Stock Market Justice, LLC is a company formed and run exclusively by securities professionals who possess many years of experience in detecting and going after broker malfeasance, often recovering all or a substantial portion of their clients’ losses from brokers and/or brokerage firms found guilty of putting their own financial needs ahead of the needs of their clients to whom they owe a duty to protect. Call us for a FREE consultation: 954-871-2103 1-800-404-9607 Email: [email protected] March 2015 Under the Garment By Scott Cunningham To work with the body, rather than against the body the spark of the Creator within each thing is one with the essence of spirituality this oneness the oneness is the Creator. ---Ba’al Shem Tov. Is Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer the founder of Hasidic Judaism? A miracle worker and healer said to be a Ba’al Shem Tov ‘Master of the Good Name’ and now known as the Ba’al Shem Tov. The mysteries of his birth, of when and where are still basically unknown even though some publications put him coming into this world as an Elul (Virgo), 25 August 1698 in the “holy community of Okup” a mysterious corner of the earth in a tiny village in Poldolia, Ukraine. There is no known record of this location of the mysterious “holy community of Okup” and whether the Besht was really born there or if he just spent time there as an adolescent or a child. We do not know a thing about his parents and teachers or his mentors. Everything about his life is shrouded in secrecy. If this is the Ba’al Shem Tov that is the founder of a movement based on teachings that were satiated by the Kabbalah’s “wells of wisdom?” Then Reb Yisroel would be the Holy Sage who taught his disciples what has become known as “Torat Habesht”. These are said to be the Besht’s teachings even though no records have ever been found of these teachings, “as though a trusted hand sought to cover up his tracks,” noted writer Eliezer Steinman. Florida Drivers By Marilyn Kaufman Why don’t drivers signal in Florida? Why do I feel so unique and alone here when I signal constantly, even within the confines of CV? Is it because cars are so loaded with technology and data streaming at drivers that they feel signaling is now redundant? Is it that cars are so big they feel their intent is clear without signaling? Is it that the conversation inside or on the phone is more important and there is no free hand? Please signal your intent to turn a corner or change lanes well in advance. It truly is in your own best interests to let other drivers know what you are doing so they can avoid having to brake suddenly or, worse, hit you. I beg anyone reading this who fails to signal regularly to reconsider. Please use your signals all the time and often, and even when there is no other traffic. It becomes second nature and part of ‘muscle memory’ and will make all of us safer, including you. And then there is the 98% of the Florida population that obviously has a death wish, carefully holding their children›s hands while stepping off the curb without even a sideways glance to check for oncoming traffic. Despite the law siding with pedestrians, I cannot really be the only one who believes both drivers and pedestrians have a responsibility to respect each other. It was only when Rabbi Eliezer began with his mystical and public actions, in the middle of the 1730s, did he slowly begin to reveal himself as the inspiring figure we envision him as today. He became known as a Ba’al Shem Tov as a reaction against overly legalistic Judaism. He met Kabbalists and people like himself with unparalleled devotion to prayer; students, admirers and opponents; women and common people; Jews and gentiles. He was truly a man of the Kabbalah. This Ba’al Shem Tov had the unique ability to understand the depths of the Torah and by sharing this understanding with all other peoples of his time; he knew how to explain the Kabbalistic tools to reveal Torah in its simplicity. His teachings were of a street level Kabbalah, the simplest of perception for a better understanding of the Torah’s penetrating wisdom. The approach of the Chassidim themselves towards this legend is an unusual mixture of suspicion on one hand, and ingenuous, almost naive belief on the other. With so little information to make my own judgment call as to Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer being the Ba’al Shem Tov of Hasidic Judaism, I have to say yes this is he. It’s a galvanizing feeling I receive that pulsates through me when I meditate upon COBRUA REPORTER Page 45 his soul that brings me to this conclusion. Just feelings to go on as the historical information is only at best a modicum. Kabbalah says that the souls of these Holy Sages have an intelligent energy of their own that can be obtained by those who mediate on them by asking for assistance from this energy. Antiques, Furniture & Decorative Objects All Periods From 18th Century to Today! ABOUT ANTIQUES & UNIQUES We Make House Calls We Specialize In Estate Liquidation •Paintings •Sterling •Lamps •Mid-Century •Bronzes •Chandeliers •Decorative Furniture •Porcelain •Pottery •Jewelry •Art Pottery •Lucite •Art Glass •Clocks (561) 756-6596 • (561) 756-6595 Page 46 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 OBEY THE C.V.W. SPEED LIMITS The Fine Art of Golf By Art Citron ABILITY Jalousie Doors Corp. Ventilate Your Apartment Convert Your Existing Solid Door to a Jalousie Door • Jalousie Doors • Window Cranks • Window Screens • Patio Screens • Window and Door Security Guards LICENSED AND INSURED 954-973-1370 1350D Martin Luther King Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33069 What a great start to another year of fantastic golf. To all the lovers of this great game of games, many times called names we cannot repeat in print, I want to welcome you to another Fine Art Of Golf article. This month I want to discuss three very important aspects of the game that will put you on the path to better scores and happy times. Pre-Shot Routine: While it’s important to pace yourself on the course, taking too long to hit a shot paves the way for negative thoughts. To keep your pre-shot routine around 20 seconds here’s what you need to do. Stand behind the ball to choose your target and visualize your ball flight to your target; align your feet, hips and shoulders down your target line; waggle the club two or three times and fire away. It’s important to repeat this routine on every shot so you will be relaxed and ready every time you address the ball. The Pitch Shot: If executed properly it will definitely lead to lower scores. Mastering the pitch shot can be a life Luncheon & Presentation “Crossing the Line: Rising Anti-‐Semitism on the College Campus” ” Guest Speaker Matt Weissbaum Managing D irector, Jerusalem U “Israel and Judaism T hrough a Fresh Lens” Date: Monday, March 16, 2015 Time: 12:15 p.m. Place: Social Hall in Torah Ohr Cost: $3.00** in advance; $7.00 at the door For additional info/questions please call: Bella (561) 488-3700 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -‐TEAR OFF HERE-‐ Reservations must be made by March 9, 2015 Name (s) ________________________ Phone ________________ Address ______________________ Email _________________ # of Reservations ________ Amount Enclosed: $___________ Make check payable to: "Congregation Torah Ohr" Please place your check in an envelope marked: "CVC- Torah Ohr" Drop off or mail your envelope to: CVC c/o Torah Ohr 19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 ** Subsidized by saver for us seniors who can’t rely on long drives or fairway shots anymore. A well struck pitch can help save par or set up a birdie on short par fives. Here’s how it works. The angles and positions set up at address affect every swing you make, even more so in pitching because the swing is short. In other words, a player with a poor set-up is almost always a poor pitch shot person. The set up keys that I feel works best are as follows. First, tilt your body forward from the hips so your hands hang directly below your shoulders; next, set your stance parallel to the target line with your weight set equally between your feet and flex your knees slightly playing the ball forward. The Swing: good contact and distance control are the major objectives in pitching. Swing the club back with the hands and arms. This move will pull the shoulders into action. Extend the club straight back along the target line until your hands reach chest high. Now, the first move on the down swing is a simple falling of the arms back to the ball. Make sure your back stays turned as your arms drop. This assures the club head will swing down from the inside. Keep your right or left heel planted on the ground. This keeps your hip from turning out too soon and will maintain space for your arms to drop to the inside. Important - through impact, hold the club open. Finally, control your swing speed by making your follow-through the same length as your backswing, about chest high. The result will be a high, soft landing shot. Putting: Putting accounts for about 40% of your score, so doesn’t it make sense to find out as much as you can about reading greens? I think it does, so let me tell you several ways to read a green. This should help you to greatly improve your putting. The amount a putt breaks is determined by the slope of the green and the pace you hit the ball. Excellent tip: read the green before you reach it. As you walk toward the green pay attention as to how it slopes. This will, of course, help you to understand if you have a left to right or right to left breaker that is either uphill or downhill. I recommend that you look at the putt from behind, from below and from above the hole to determine the break point, and then concentrate on the speed you need to hit the putt. If you consistently struggle with short putts of six feet or less, try the following: get in your normal address position, line up the putt, now look at the hole, continue to look at the hole and putt. Yes, you read it right, continue to look at the hole while you putt. This simple step keeps you from moving your head as you strike the ball. It sure has helped me and I’m sure it will help you. You are now on your way to lower scores, lots more fun on the course, and bragging rights in the bar while having a cold one. In closing I thought you would enjoy this story. I was having lunch with my friend Nick, and I said to him, “here’s a tip that will take 8 strokes off your game”, he said, excitedly, “Tell me how.” I said “skip one of the par 3’s.” Thought of the month: Save The Earth----- It’s the only planet with Chocolate. Till Next Time March 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 47 Thorner’s Corner By Paul Thorner Luck Had Nothing To Do With It Jack was sitting on his patio looking out on the lake. It was a sunny day and he was watching a family of ducks glide smoothly across the water. It was one of his daily activities. He was a simple man, lived a simple life, with one main rule - do the right thing. His elbows were on the arm rests. His head bothered him a bit. A few times when he moved his shoulders, a slight pain brought him back to last week. He remembered the crash, but there was something he didn’t remember that bothered him. Someone had touched his shoulder. He had opened his eyes. Everything was white. A hospital? “You’ll be okay,” he heard a voice say. He turned to his left and saw a doctor standing there. “It was a bad crash,you were lucky. You’ll be fine. Nothing broken. Some bad bruises. We’ll discharge you in a day or two. Take the medicines I ordered. Go easy for a while. You’ll soon be back to normal. You may COBRUA says... STOP! DON’T BE A VICTIM When pumping or paying for Gas: • Remove your keys from the ignition • H i d e p u r s e s & valuables • Close all windows • Lock all doors have an occasional headache.” He sat on the patio thinking of what had happened before he had ended up in the hospital. He had delivered Edna to the clubhouse for her chorus rehearsal. He had exited the car to take her walker out of the trunk and as he got back into the car the driver behind him loudly honked the horn. He remembered driving away and ending up on the perimeter road of the village. The road was empty. He remembered stopping for a moment, but couldn’t remember why. There was a knock on the front door. “Come in, Sam. I’m on the patio.” Sam entered and sat down near Jack. “How are you feeling?” They talked for a while about the accident and other things and then Sam got up to leave. At the door he turned to Jack and said, “You were lucky you were wearing your seatbelt.” Jack returned to the patio. Seat belt! Now he remembered. That’s why he had stopped on the road. It was the seatbelt. On the ride from the clubhouse he had burped, had put his hand on his stomach and realized he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Because of his quick departure from the clubhouse he had neglected to put it on. Automatically he stopped the car, connected the seatbelt and drove away. A short distance on a car coming out of Marion Lane crashed into his car. Was Sam right? That he was lucky he was wearing his seatbelt? Jack smiled to himself. Yes, he was lucky. But luck had nothing to do with it. Jack knew he was saved by following the rule he lived by - do the right thing. WATER HEATER $649 Century Village Special Installed Extended Wear Hearing Aid Breakthrough Totally Invisible No Batteries to Change FDA Approved Can be worn while sleeping, showering and talking on the phone. YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A RISK FREE 30 DAY TRIAL *Requires ear exam and medical questions. THE CONTACT LENS FOR YOUR EAR As seen on As seen on We also install: Sinks, Faucets, Garbage Disposals, Toilets Call (954) 397-0958 Innovative Plumbing Solutions is there for you! License: CFC1429164 Featured in BENNINGTON CARPET & TILE ’s a l e ng A ” ER2009, N 2011, 2013, 2014!! N I W “ Best of Boca Best Carpet Store t$ .99 e p r Ca 1 From MIN. 20 YDS. ~Stock Colors Only~ Angela Sq. Ft. RE MADE IN U.S.A. ST OF S R T LO ANTS RE ETCH N PA IRS ING REM 23074 Sandalfoot Plaza Dr. West Boca (next to Western Beef) Sandalfoot Plaza • All Major Credit Cards Accepted M-F 10:30-6 • Sat 10:30-3:30 488-1333 WEST BOCA HEARING CENTER Boca Lyons Plaza 9178 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-488-2207 Page 48 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Century Village® Real Estate, Inc. Boca Raton, FL More NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL advertising than any other Century Village® Broker. Toll-Free 800.443.9097 -or- 561.852.7006 67,5+(@:(>,,2^^^*LU[\Y`=PSSHNLJVT *Listings available at time of publication Ben G. Schachter, Licensed Real Estate Broker LINCOLN C – 2/2 – New a/c and new water heater ........................................................................................................... $129,900 PRESTON E – 2/1.5 – 1st Fl. Corner, lake view! Updated kitchen............................................................................................. $59,900 LINCOLN B – 2/2 – 2nd floor – Updated kitchen, lake view! .................................................................................................... $74,900 MANSFIELD G – 2/1.5 – Bright corner unit – new water heater and appliances .......................................................................$53,900 FANSHAW K – 1/1.5 – 1st floor, Updated kitchen & bathrooms, lake view! ..............................................................................$45,900 FANSHAW J – 1/1 – 2nd fl. Beautiful lake view! Tiled throughout ..........................................................................................$38,900 GUILDFORD B – 2/1.5 – 1st fl. Great water view! Newer kitchen ............................................................................................. $67,500 GUILDFORD A – 2/1.5 – Move in condition - beautiful lake view! ...........................................................................................$54,900 DORSET I – 2/1.5 – 2rd Fl. Corner – storage on patio with lake view!......................................................................................$58,900 NEWCASTLE A – 2/2 – All tiled - updated kitchen, great view, priced to sell ............................................................................$69,000 CORNWALL D – 1/1.5 – Ground fl. - magnificent lake view – clean and neat ..........................................................................$59,500 LINCOLN C – 2/2 – Fully tiled, great location = beautiful lake view from patio ......................................................................... $79,900 AINSLIE C – 2/2 – Completely redone – lake view – new kitchen & bathrooms ...................................................................... $164,000 EXETER A – 2/2 – 3rd Fl. Corner – updated kitchen – long lake view ...................................................................................... $139,900 GUILDFORD E – 2/1.5 – Patio has accordion shutters, beautiful lake view ................................................................................ $59,900 LINCOLN A – 2/2 – Executive – largest unit in village – new kitchen & appliances................................................................. $183,000 CORNWALL E – 1/1.5 – Pristine unit – wide lake view – new a/c ...........................................................................................$59,000 PRESTON C – 2/1.5 – Inside corner – enclosed patio - ..........................................................................................................$58,900 CORNWALL E – 2/1.5 – Panoramic lake view – penthouse – enclosed patio ............................................................................ $74,900 HYTHE B – 2/2 – All updated – spectacular lake view ......................................................................................................... $160,000 PRESTON B – 2/1.5 – Main floor – bright corner, tiled living area ........................................................................................... $59,900 EXETER B – 2/2 – First fl. Corner – lake view – tiled, updated kitchen..................................................................................... $159,900 FANSHAW H – 2/1.5 – Inside corner – panoramic lake view ................................................................................................. $69,900 CORNWALL A – 1/1.5 – Lake view – tiled living area – walk to clubhouse............................................................................... $59,900 GUILDFORD A – 2/1.5 – 3rd fl. Lake view – stall shower - ......................................................................................................$64,900 FANSHAW N – 1/1.5 – Central air – steps to bus and pool ...................................................................................................$34,900 GUILDFORD E – 2/1.5 – Main floor – lake view – updated kitchen, extra closets ......................................................................$68,999 MANSFIELD F – 1/1.5 – Central air – updated kitchen & baths ..............................................................................................$64,999 GUILDFORD C – 2/1.5 – Tiled, lake, updated kitchen & appliances ......................................................................................... $74,900 GUILDFORD D – 2/1.5 – Spectacular - remodeled ........................................................................................................... $120,000 DORSET E – 2/1.5 – 2nd floor, Bright corner, updated appliances ............................................................................................ $59,900 CORNWALL C – 1/1.5 – Lake view! All upgraded ..................................................................................................................................$78,500 HYTHE A – 2/2 – 2nd fl, Lake view – steps to bus & pool ........................................................................................................................... $79,900 CORNWALL E – 2/1.5 – Lake view – all tiled, updated kitchen ................................................................................................................. $74,890 NEWCASTLE A – 2/2 – Main fl. – enclosed patio – remodeled kitchen ..................................................................................................... $73,500 GUILDFORD E – 2/1.5 – Clean and neat – brand new a/c ...................................................................................................................... $67,900 SUFFOLK G – 2/1.5 – Top fl. Corner – new kitchen cabinets .................................................................................................................... $68,000 WOLVETON D – 2/2 – Renovated kitchen – pull out drawers - great water view - .................................................................................... $149,900 YARMOUTH D – 1/1.5 – Very clean – near elevator – tiled patio ..............................................................................................................$64,900 REXFORD C – 2/2 – Ground fl. Tiled kitchen – brand new a/c - water view ...............................................................................................$79,000 LINCOLN A – 1/1.5 – Pristine apt. near elevator – new a/c .................................................................................................................... $49,900 CORNWALL D – 1/1.5 – Updated kitchen – across from pool & bus stop ..................................................................................................$71,700 DORSET B – 2/1.5 – 3rd fl. Corner – move in condition – enclosed patio w/ storage ...................................................................................$54,900 DORSET A – 1/1 – Beautifully renovated – terrific lake view – new a/c ......................................................................................................$52,500 BRIGHTON G – 2/1.5 – Stall shower – hurricane shutters – move in condition......................................................................... $56,000 March 2015 Bridge In Our Century By Stan Slater North (IB) S Q1053 H J8542 D A3 C Q7 West (PH) East (NH) S J842 S 97 H Q976 H AK103 D 8654 D K107 C J C K953 South (SS) S AK6 H---- D QJ92 C A108642 Neither Vulnerable E S W N 1C ppdbl pp*p 1H2C p p p *See write-up for this correct bid Opening Lead: Heart six Every now and then a player will find himself in a high level doubled contract which is due to fail badly, perhaps because of a bad trump split. In most cases, there is no better contract available. Consider today’s hand where it’s an altogether different story. When East opened one club, South quietly passed. This is usually the right move when you were about to open in that suit, one in which you have length, say a five or six carder. Note West’s correct ‘pass.’ Many who play ‘a short club,’ thereby enabling them to open one club with only a doubleton in that suit, com- pound the problem by insisting that partner can’t pass that bid regardless of the hand’s weakness. Now it was North’s turn in what is referred to as being in the ‘balancing seat’ because a pass allows the declarer to play in one of a suit. Here, less strength is required to keep the bidding open. As such, North chose to make a takeout double despite the shortage of diamonds. East had a clear pass, and South with a decent six card club holding converted the double to a penalty double by passing. Now came the key point of the auction. West should redouble which in this case is an ‘SOS’ redouble asking partner to bid another suit. East had a clear runout to one heart. When South then bid two clubs, which showed a suit along the lines of the one he actually held, East-West were now off the hook and wisely chose not to compete any further. West led the heart six, declarer ruffing East’s king. The trump two then brought out the jack, queen and king. South trumped the heart return and followed up with a diamond to dummy’s ace in order to lead a trump. East followed low and South finessed the eight because West’s play of the jack at trick two indicated it was a singleton. South pulled East’s remaining two trumps and went after spades, successfully finessing West’s jack on the third round of the suit based on COBRUA REPORTER Page 49 the bidding as well as West’s discarding. East won the last two tricks with the diamond king and the heart ace. Declarer made ten tricks in all – two heart ruffs, three trump tricks, the diamond ace, and four spades. WATCH FOR PEDESTRIANS PROFICIENT PAINTING INC. Village Speed Limit • ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS • REMOVAL OF ALL TEXTURES TO SMOOTH CEILINGS • DRYWALL / PLASTER REPAIR • KNOCKDOWN / POPCORN & REPAIRS • CARPENTRY / CROWN MOLDING / BASEBOARD 20 • REASONABLY PRICED FOR TODAY’S ECONOMY (FREE ESTIMATES) LIC / BONDED / INS. U-11924 561-392-9195 Lifetime Income for Retirement. And an even greater outcome for Israel, science and education. "CARPET CLEANING" $ 55 AND UP INCLUDES: Living and Dining Area and 1 Bedroom (Berber Slightly Higher) Double Process and Some Furniture Moved! Tropical Cleaning Service 561-368-8837 BOCA RATON "The Owner Does The Work" JERRY TURNER Learn why Ruth chose her plan. See a video profile: Sample AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Single-Life Rates Age 67 70 75 80 85 90 Rate 6.2% 6.5% 7.1% 8.0% 9.5% 11.3% Rates are calculated based on a single life. Cash contributions produce partially tax-free annuity income. CALL OR EMAIL NOW. THE RETURNS ARE GENEROUS. THE CAUSE IS PRICELESS. For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, please call AFHU Executive Director, Southeast Region, Monica Loebl at (561) 750-8585 or email: [email protected] The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research engine for the world. Engine of growth for a nation. 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Suite 865 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 • 800-899-AFHU (2348) Page 50 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Your Century Village Real Estate Expert DEBBIE WILSON AINSLIE D Please Call – 561-883-9578 MY MOTTO IS “JUST SOLD!” 2/1.5, 3rd floor, lake view, totally renovated, brand new kitchen with wooden cabinets, granite, cabinets extend into dining room, new stainless appliances, double sink, new hot water heater, new A/C, freshly painted, updated bathrooms, stall shower, tile in living area, new carpet in bedrooms, screened patio, walk to houses of worship, shopping & clubhouse.....................................................................$110,000 BRIGHTON B 2/1.5, 1st floor, inside corner, updated kitchen, stone floors, freshly painted, walk to houses of worship & shopping ....................................................................................................................$67,000 CORNWALL D 2/1.5, Yearly Rental, 2nd floor, lake view, furnished, tile in living area, stall shower, renovated kitchen, new appliances, immaculate .........................................................................................................................$1100/Monthly EXETER C 2/1.5, Yearly Rental, 2nd floor, lake view, renovated kitchen, furnished .......................................................$1100/Monthly EXETER D 2/1.5, 4th floor, beautiful lake view, updated kitchen & appliances, brand new hot water heater, updated bathrooms, stall shower, new high toilet in master bath, tile in living area, enclosed patio with new tile overlooking breathtaking lake view, view of pool from front door..............................................................$94,900 FANSHAW E 2/1.5, 3rd floor, inside corner, wood floor in kitchen & dining area, screened patio ...............................................$45,000 GUILDFORD B 2/1.5, 2nd floor, lake view, brand new A/C, newer hot water heater, tiled kitchen & dining area, screened patio, furnished, shows well .....................................................................................................................$59,900 GUILDFORD C 2/2, 2nd floor, corner, eat-in kitchen, lake views all around apt., windows on patio, shows well .........................$175,000 LINCOLN C 2/2, 1st floor, lake view, updated kitchen with newer appliances, furnished well, tile, screened patio w/pull downs, immaculate ..............................................................................................................$77,000 MANSFIELD C 1/1.5, 3rd floor, central air, light & bright, screened patio with pull downs, unfurnished ........................................$32,900 MANSFIELD D 2/1.5, 1st floor, corner, light & bright, furnished, screened patio .............................................................................$49,500 MANSFIELD L 2/1.5, 3rd floor, corner, tile in kitchen & dining area, screened patio, furnished, shows well .................................$47,500 PRESTON A 2/1.5, 2nd floor, lake view, totally renovated, updated kitchen w/newer appliances, new tile in kitchen & dining area, new carpet, new vanities in both bathrooms, stall shower, new A/C, freshly painted, opposite Wolverton, walk to houses of worship, screened patio w/pull downs .....................................................$69,000 REXFORD B 2/2, 1st floor, gorgeous lake view, brand new extended kitchen, custom wood cabinets, new stainless appliances, freshly painted, new carpet, ceramic tile .......................................................................$99,000 SUFFOLK A 2/1.5, 3rd floor, corner, tile in kitchen, screened patio with pull downs, new hot water heater, walk to houses of worship & clubhouse. .................................................................................................................$70,000 WOLVERTON E 2/2, 1st floor, corner updated kitchen, tile in kitchen, the rest is carpet, newer A/C, walk to clubhouse & houses of worship. ...............................................................................................................$198,500 WOLVERTON E 1/1.5, 1st floor, lake view, close to parking spot, walk to houses of worship ..........................................................$69,000 “THINKING OF SELLING?” CALL ME – MY LISTINGS ARE MOVING FAST. MAJESTIC PALMS REALTY SALES - RENTALS • 561-883-9578 March 2015 Club Dates AMERICAN LEGION POST 245 meets 2nd Thursday of month at South County Regional Park, 7 p.m. Call Cmdr. Jerry Blumberg, 488-5061, cell 213-2799. CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Party Room. All are welcome. Call Gladys, 482-3657; Ceil, 477-9820. AMERICAN RED MOGEN DAVID FOR ISRAEL meetings are 4th Sunday of the month, Sept.-May, 1:00 p.m., Temple Beth Shalom, entertainment and collation included. For info call Sylvia, 487-7477 or Gerry, 482-5762. CVW SHUFFLEBOARD CLUB meetings are held the 4th Sunday of each month in the MUSIC room at 10:00 a.m. New members always welcome. Call Larry at 487-3874. Club plays daily from 8:30 to noon. ART APPRECIATION CLUB meets 1:30 p.m., 2nd & 4th Friday of the month, MEDIA Room. Significant artists are featured. Free Admission. Call Elmer, 215-350-0496; Fred, 482-9096; Sylvia, 479-2503. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS CHAPTER 133 meets 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Boca Community Center, 201 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. “B-HYTHES’’ meet the first Sunday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. poolside. BILLIARD CLUB OF CVW meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2:30 pm, Room F. Call Marvin 465-9781, Harold 715-8009, Abie 845-807-6895 for info. BIOGRAPHY CLUB - Lecture and discussion on the lives of famous, infamous and little-known people who had interesting and exciting lives. We meet at 10:30 a.m. the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month in Room B, Clubhouse. Free admission. Everyone welcome. Any questions call Paul Thorner, 482-6784. BOCA CENTURY ART CLUB meets every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Art Room at Clubhouse. Patti, 724-549-3911. BOCA CENTURY CANCER RESEARCH meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Temple Beth Shalom at 10 a.m. Louise, 483-4612. BOCA CENTURY TENNIS CLUB meets the last Friday of every month at 12:45 p.m. in the Clubhouse, Rm. A. President: Len Lechtner, 487-0384. BOOK DISCUS SION GROUP meets 2nd Tuesday of every month, 1pm, Room G, Clubhouse. For info call Pat, 400-2162, Carol, 465-5425. BROOKLYN/CONNECTICUT SOCIAL CLUB & FRIENDS — meets first Tuesday of month until May, 12:30 p.m., Party Room. Entertainment & refreshments. New members welcome. Call Gladys, 487-8979. BROTHERHOOD-TEMPLE BETH SHALOM breakfast is held on the last Sunday of each month in the Temple auditorium. Dues are $18 per year. 483-5557. CANADIAN CLUB meets 2nd Tuesday Dec.-Mar. We welcome new members, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Party Room - refreshments. Call Noreen for info. 482-3233. CENTURY BOCA FISHING CLUB meets 1st Tuesday of each month, 10am in Clubhouse Party Room. Fishing trips, contests, prizes, speakers. Bagels & coffee for members. Gregory 400-2573. COMPUTER CLUB meets the 1st Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m. in the Media Room. All skill levels invited. Free! For info call Fred Hadley, 372-1772. DORSET ASSN. MONTHLY MEETING – 3rd Friday of the month, Music Room, 10AM. DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB ACBL sanctioned games held Tues. & Thurs. 6:45 p.m., Room A. Board Mtgs. 1st Friday each month, 10 a.m. Club meetings, 2nd Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., Party Room. FRENCH CONVERSATION & MUSIC CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of month, 2:30 p.m., Room D2 of Clubhouse. Must speak French. Call Hetty for info., 487-7326. FRIENDS OF HABILITATION ENTER meet the 1st Monday of the month at Utopia Bagels. Call Harriette 487-0617 for info. GUILDFORD SOCIAL CLUB meets 10:30 a.m., 2nd Wednesday of each month, October thru April, Party Room. HADASSAH CHAPTER meets 3rd Wednesday of month, 12:00 Noon, Temple Beth Shalom. Call Pauline 487-1305 HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS CLUB meets 2nd Sunday Oct.-May at 5:30 p.m. in Room A Clubhouse. Stanley, 852-4817. NA’AMAT USA meets 2nd Thursday of each month, 1PM, Party Room.. Call Marlene, (561) 470-2208 or Doris, (561) 961-4912. NEW CVW GOLF CLUB — meets 4th Monday of each month, 10 a.m., Room H, clubhouse. Contact Steve, 487-3004. NEW FRIENDS OF CVW meets December thru March. Call for more information. Harriett, 483-8910; Claire, 483-3150. NEW MANSFIELD SOCIAL CLUB meets 4th Sunday of every month at 11 a.m. in the party room of clubhouse. Program following meeting. Call Nettie for info. 470-1499. PHILADELPHIA CLUB — Meets 3rd Sunday of each month at Clubhouse Party Room. Entertainment & Brunch. Call Jordan 477-7501, 215669-3914. POETRY CLUB meets 1 st & 3 rd Monday of each month (except major holidays) Room H, 2pm. Some of us write poetry, others just appreciate it. Sue, 561-886-8258. REPERTORY THEATRE GROUP of Century Village West, meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Party Room at Clubhouse. Phyllis, 483-3129. COBRUA REPORTER Page 51 SISTERHOOD TEMPLE BETH SHAL OM CVBRW - Sisterhood meeting is on the 4th Monday in the Temple at 9:30 a.m. Continental breakfast and entertainment. All are welcome. Call 477-4955 for more info. TEMPLE BETH SHALOM meets 3rd Sunday of the month, 9:30 a.m. in the Temple. Continental breakfast & entertainment. All are welcome. Call 483-5557 for more info. UFT/RETIRED TEACHERS CHAPTER - Meets 2nd Tuesday each month Dec.-April, Temple Anshei Shalom, Delray Beach. USA FRIENDS OF BEIT HALO CHEM - Call Milton for meeting information, 487-3947. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST #10556 meets 1st Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m., Veterans Park, Palmetto Park Rd., between Lyons & 441. Call Cmdr. Jim Foye, 483-3175. WOLVERTON “C” SOCIAL CLUB — Meets 2nd Sunday of month, 10 a.m., poolside. WOODCARVING CLUB meets weekly. Call for day, times and location. Bernie, 483-0377. YARMOUTH ASSOCIATION meets every 4th Wednesday, 10 a.m. at the Clubhouse. SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Friday, 1-4 p.m. Room G. Call Brenda, 705-5592. YARMOUTH C, meets every 2nd Sunday, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse. SENIOR BOWLERS CLUB meets each Wednesday, 12-3 p.m. Contact Stan, 852-6193. YIDDISH CONVERSATION CLUB — meets every Tuesday, 1:00 p.m., Clubhouse Room H. For info call Morris, 488-9331. PALM HOME IMPROVEMENT KITCHEN & BATHS HYTHE-A meets 2nd Sunday of each month, poolside at 10:00 a.m. ITALIAN-AMERICAN CLUB meetings held Sept.-April 3rd Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Clubhouse Party Room. Refreshments will be served. Nancy, 483-4716. JEWISH WAR VETERANS, SNY DER-TOKSON POST 459 & LADIES AUXILIARY will meet 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Veteran’s Park Palmetto Parkway. Breakfast will be served and there will be a program. For info about the Post, please contact Recruiter Ralph L. Shear, 482-4032. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE #206 meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7:30 at Firehouse on Hagen Ranch Rd., Delray Beach. We welcome all Pythians as a dual transfer or reinstated members. Contact Norman 482-4751 LATINOS & FRIENDS meets 3rd Friday of each month, 6 p.m., Party Room. Contact Ricardo 754-245-4163. LINCOLN SOCIAL CLUB meets 1st Sunday of the month in party room. Call Ruth for info, 488-1588. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL ONE COMPANY, ONE CONTRACTOR FREE IN HOME DESIGN SERVICES KITCHEN AND BATH REMODELING / TUB TO SHOWER CONVERSIONS / FRAMING / DRYWALL / TRIM & CROWN MOLDING / PAINTING / WOOD FLOORING / KNOCKDOWN TEXTURE / FLAT CEILINGS / COUNTERTOPS / BACKSPLASHES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! http:// WWW.PALMHOMEIMPROVEMENT.COM LICENSED INSURED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (561) 204-5528 / (954) 559-5959 CGC1512017 Page 52 COBRUA REPORTER March 2015 Hello, Palm Beach! Do you have both Medicaid and Medicare? Get the Humana Medicare Advantage plan designed for people just like you. With Humana, you get all this and more: • • • • • • • • Prescription drug coverage Dental Vision and Hearing Coverage Rides to your doctors Over-the-counter medication benefit Fitness program - gym membership at no additional cost Doctor’s office visits and hospital coverage Emergency coverage at home and when you travel And more we haven’t listed! Call today to find out more about the Humana Gold Plus® SNP-DE (HMO SNP) plan designed for people just like you. 1-844-697-5625 (TTY: 711) Call a licensed sales agent 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Friday Español? 1-855-499-0524 Humana is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Florida Medicaid program. Enrollment in this Humana plan depends on contract renewal. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, copayments and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premium and member cost share may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. The plan is available to anyone who has Medicare and Medical Assistance from the state that pays for Medicare-covered services and premiums. Eligibility varies by state. Please contact Humana Customer Service to see if you’re eligible to enroll in this plan. Premiums, co-pays, coinsurance, and deductibles may vary based on the level of extra help you receive. Please contact the plan for more details. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodations of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-844-697-5625 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Friday. Applicable to Humana Gold Plus® SNP-DE (HMO SNP) H1036-104. Y0040_GHHJ4HCENTE_1 Approved PB 3/15
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