Lantern The Lutheran Lantern Shedding light on our life together in Christ Shedding light on our life together in Christ Bethel Lutheran LutheranChurch Church && First FirstLutheran LutheranChurch Church Bethel March 2015 Inside this issue: Worship Matters 2 March Events 3 News & Notes for All 4 Reminders 5 News & Notes to the Bethel Family 6 Messages & Memos to Bethel 7 First’s Service Assignments and More 8 News & Notes to the First Lutheran Family 9 Bethel Birthdays, Anniversaries, Shut-Ins 10 First Birthdays, Anniversaries, Shut-Ins 11 SPECIAL DATES SPECIAL DATES SPECIAL OF INTEREST INTEREST DATES OF SPECIAL OF INTEREST DATES Saturday, OF INTEREST March 7 Thursday, May 1 Sunday, Dick Bair December Memorial 7 National Day Prayer Wednesday, 2nd Pancake Sunday Breakfast ofof March Advent 4 Annual 8:00 am Lenten – 11:00 Breakfast am FirstSunday, Lutheran December Fellowship Sunday, May 414Hall 3rd Hunger Sunday 9:00 am of Advent Walk March 17 Sunday, Saturday, St. Patrick’s December March Day 21 7 Sunday, May 11 4th Dick Sunday Bair Memorial of Advent Pancake Joint March Service Breakfast 20 Mother’s Day 8:00 Spring am – Begins 11:00 am Sunday, December 28 Sunday, May 18 1stSunday, Sunday March of March Christmas 25 8 Confirmation Day Daylight Annunciation The Savings Holy Innocents of Time ourBegins Lord March 29 Palm March Sunday 17 St. Patrick’s Day Monday, May 26 MemorialMarch Day (Observed) 20 Spring Begins March 25 Annunciation of our Lord March 29 Palm Sunday How do you walk through Lent? Each of us has learned ways of engaging ourselves in this season of preparation for the sorrow of Jesus’ passion and the joy of the resurrection. For some, it is the mid-week simple suppers followed by worship that provides nourishment for the Lenten journey (see page 2 for info on this year’s series). For others, it is the special devotional booklets that enhance and focus their daily time of study and prayer. For some, it is giving up (sacrificing) something they enjoy for 40 days. For others, it is adding a spiritual practice (singing, giving, serving, being kind). How do you walk through Lent? Each of us has a different attitude toward these 40 days. For some, it is the most meaningful season of the Church Year. Others think, “Oh no, Lent, time to feel awful again.” Lent encourages us to live as if we are on the way to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. We mentally try to place ourselves in a time before both happened in order to more fully appreciate those events. We wonder, “Will Jesus overcome his temptations?”, “Will our sins ever be forgiven?” In order to grieve appropriately during Holy Week, we spend 40 days pretending we don’t know how the story turns out. And that is the problem with the season of Lent. It is a problem because the truth is that we do know that Jesus will overcome every temptation put before him. We do know that our sins are forgiven. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, we would not care about ashes or giving things up for Lent. If Jesus was not raised, it would be shear silliness to engage in Lenten disciplines. But Jesus was raised! We live in the time after the resurrection. We confess our sinfulness because Jesus has already done something about it. We come together as a faith community to hear the story once again because we know the story turns out in reconciliation and triumph – every single time. Knowing that allows us to walk through Lent with confidence and joy. So, during the days of March, I invite you to remind yourself daily: “I am walking through Lent in this way because I have been forgiven by the risen Christ.” Easter morning may not be quite as surprising if you remind yourself of that every day. But, you yourself will be transformed – reshaped by the incredible love of a God who allows you to live each day of your life after the crucifixion and resurrection. Blessings on your Lenten walk, Pastor Darla Ann WORSHIP MATTERS MARCH 2015 Page 2 “Walking Where Jesus Walked” Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm Meal, 6:45 pm Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall at Bethel First Lutheran – 9:00 am First Lutheran—9:00 am Bethel Lutheran—10:30 am Bethel Lutheran—10:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES Sunday, March 1 2nd Sunday of Lent Gen 17:1-7, 15-16 SCRIPTURES Rom 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 Sunday, March 8 3rd Sunday of Lent Daylight Savings Time Begins Exodus 20:1-17 1 Cor 1:18-25 John 2:13-22 Sunday, March 15 4th Sunday of Lent Num 21:4-9 Eph 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 The season of Lent is a time for us to immerse ourselves more fully in the story of Jesus. We do that by breaking bread with other followers of Jesus and then letting our meal fellowship spill over into worship fellowship. Pictures from Pastor Kratzer’s recent trip to the Holy Land will bring fresh perspective to the scriptural stories that nourish us on our Lenten journey. Week 1 – February 25 Nazareth, Sepphoris, Capernaum Working and Healing Week 2 – March 4 The Mountains Teaching and Eating Week 3 – March 11 The Sea of Galilee Calming the Storm Sunday, March 22 5th Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34 Heb 5:5-10 John 12:20-33 Week 4 – March 18 Samaria Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Isa 50:4-5 Phil 2:5-11 Mark 11:1-11 Week 5 – March 25 Jerusalem *************************** Maundy Thursday - April 2 7:00 pm hosted by Bethel Lutheran Good Friday - April 3 12 noon hosted by First Lutheran 7:00 pm hosted by Bethel Lutheran Outcasts and Sinners The Mount of Olives and the Way of the Cross Easter Day this year is Sunday, April 5th The Easter Season runs from April 5-May 24 The Canton City Lutheran Parish Choir will present an Easter Cantata on Sunday, April 19th at Bethel Lutheran Church at 10:30 am. MARCH EVENTS MARCH 2015 Page 3 Annual Lenten Breakfast First Lutheran Church March 4, 2015—9:00 AM Menu: German Fries (Potatoes, Green Pepper, Onion & Ham) Fresh Fruit Homemade Muffins Coffee, Tea and Juice Special Lenten Program presented by Shirley Griffin 1997 National Christian Educator of the Year Sign up sheets are located at First on the bulletin board outside the office and at Bethel in the Narthex at the back of the church. Dick Bair Memorial Pancake Breakfast Saturday, March 7, 2015 8:00 am – 11:00 am Bethel Lutheran Church 701 Broad Avenue NW, Canton, Ohio During his lifetime, Dick Bair was a passionate supporter of both Lutheran Men in Mission and the UrbanArk. Dick died in July of 2014. Therefore, on March 7, Bethel will hold a pancake breakfast in memory of him to benefit the UrbanArk food and clothing distribution ministry. This breakfast is for everyone – women, children, teens, and men from 1 to 101. Please join us for great food, warm fellowship, and an opportunity to remember Dick and the ministries he cherished. A Free-will Donation will be taken (suggested minimum donation of $5.00). This is one of two annual breakfasts sponsored by the Canton Massillon Conference Lutheran Men in Mission organization to raise funds for ministries to which area congregations are committed. NEWS & NOTES FOR ALL MARCH 2015 Page 4 Daylight Saving Time Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 8. Please remember to turn your clocks FORWARD. Lifelong Learning Opportunities Walsh University All adults are invited to continue learning about faith and spirituality through the education opportunities offered by Walsh University. This lifelong learning academy is organized by Rabbi John Spitzer who has led several classes & discussions for us during our 5 years as a parish. The following events are held in the Barrette Business & Community Center. Sunday Night Live March 8, 2015 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm All youth (6th – 12th grade) are invited to Sunday Night Live. Pastor Darla Ann went to check out this Canton-Massillon area youth event in February and it was amazing! 71 youth of the Lutheran Christian variety were there for a musical presentation, games including human foosball, Chick-Fil-A, a service project, and worship. This month the event is being hosted by St John, Canal Fulton. Mark your calendar for the coming months, so you won’t miss any SNL events: March 8 – St John, Canal Fulton April 12 – Peace, Canton South May 10 – Christ, Massillon June 14 – St Paul’s, Massillon July – off August – off September 13 – St Jacob’s, State Street October 11 – Abiding Savior, Alliance Thursday, March 12th 7:00 pm “Christians & Jews: Creating Relationships Built On Truth” An evening with Rabbi Eric Yoffie. Thursday, March 26th 7:00 pm Jewish Spiritual Practices—Making the Ordinary Sacred. Led by Rabbi Joan Friedman, Ph.D. Wednesdays, March 25 & April 8th 7:00 pm “The Exodus and Redemption” “Sinai and Revelation” Bring Your Own Bible to follow the biblical story of leaving Egypt and standing at Sinai. Led by Rabbi John Spitzer. Monday, April 13th 7:00 pm “The Impact of the Holocaust on the 2nd & 3rd Generation and Upon the Jewish State” Tohar & Ofri Kait, young Israel Emissaries share the story of Tohar’s grandfather, a Holocaust survivor. Thursday, April 16th 7:00 pm “The Conscience of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran Pastor, resisted the Nazi regime. Pastor Darla Ann and Dr. Thomas Kratzer will present his story and talk about the source of his conscience & his courage. The cost is $5.00 /youth and the meal is included in that cover charge. We have to make a reservation each month so please text Pastor at 330-495-8710. Pub Church Sunday, March 1 & 15, 3:00 pm Blue Fig Restaurant on Whipple A pub church is a gathering of Christians which meets in a public establishment. The topic of the March 1st conversation will be “Christian Community”. Please join us. REMINDERS Weekly Bulletin Deadline MARCH 2015 Page 5 Please submit all information for the Sunday bulletin to the office NO LATER THAN 9:00 AM on WEDNESDAYS. Weekly Deadline The bulletins are printed on Wednesday at 10:00 Bulletin AM. Please submit all information for the Sunday bulletin to the office NO LATER THAN 9:00 AM on WEDNESDAYS. The bulletins are printed on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM. Newsletter Deadline Please submit all information for the April Newsletter to the office by 9:00 AM on Newsletter Deadline WEDNESDAY, March 18. Please submit all information for the March Newsletter to the office by 9:00 AM on Mary Steiger (Bethel) serves as proofreader. We are looking for a 18. new proofreader from First Lutheran to help. Wednesday, March Please callserves the Parish OfficeReader at 330-456-0210 with your information. you! Mary Steiger (Bethel) as Proof for the newsletter. We wouldThank love to have a First Lutheran member also review the newsletter before it goes to print. Please call the Parish Office at 330-456-0210 with your information. Thank you! 2015 Dedication Charts Prayer Chains Bethel Members: Please call Evelyn Bair (330-837-7650) if you wish to have a person’s name added to the Bethel Prayer Chain. First Members: Please call Carole Nichols (330-4843306) if you wish to have a person’s name added to the First Prayer Chain. To dedicate the altar flowers or the eternal flame (Bethel), simply enter your name on the chart in the coatroom (Bethel) or see the Sunday office volunteer (First). You can enter your dedication beside your name, or submit it to the church office one week before the date you have selected. Your dedication will be printed in the bulletin on your selected date. Money, which is not due until the day of your dedication, may be given to the Sunday office worker (First) or placed in the offering (Bethel). Please note “altar flowers,” “bulletins,” or “eternal flame” on the offering envelope. The costs are as follows: BETHEL Altar Flowers—$17.50 per vase per week Bulletin Covers—$15.00 per week Eternal Flame—$17.50 per month Hospitalizations If you or a loved one is hospitalized and you desire pastoral care, please call the church office. Due to privacy laws, hospitals cannot tell pastors who has been admitted to the hospital without the patient’s permission. That may mean that your clergyperson will not know of a hospitalization. So, please call the church office if you desire a hospital visit for yourself or a loved one. On evenings and weekends, you may also wish to leave a message for Pastor Kratzer at her cell phone: 330-495-8710. FIRST Flowers—$35.00 Altar Vases or Floor Vases $17.00 Piano or Organ Vase Bulletin Covers—$15.00 per week Friends and Family Prayer List When you become aware of a status change of someone you’ve submitted to the Prayer List, please call Marie at 330-495-7481 and let her know. Any updates and/or deletions will be very helpful in keeping our Prayer List current from week to week. Thanks for your help! NEWS & NOTES TO THE BETHEL LUTHERAN FAMILY MARCH 2015 Page 6 Easter Flower Order Form It’s time to order your Easter plants. Quantities of each are limited, so please order early. Please fill out the information below and return it to Cheryl Sepanik (330-768-7496) or place it in the offering plate (with your money). Orders due March 15, 2015. I/We would like to order: _____Easter Lily ($9.35 each) _____Lavender Tulips ($8.35 each) _____Pink Hyacinths ($8.35 each) ____ In memory of __________________________________________ ____ In honor of ____________________________________________ ____ To the Glory of God Other _____________________________________________________ Your Name_________________________________________________ Please note: Each plant this year is 40 cents less than last year’s price! FEED THE NEED Stark Hunger Walk Sunday, May 3, 2015 Did you know that 269 people participated in the first Stark Hunger Walk in 2014? This fundraising walk benefits all the food distribution sites in the Stark County area who rely on the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank for the groceries they give out to those in need. Every penny raised by this walk goes to the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank. Last year brought in $9,820.16 and 767 pounds of food. Hunger affects 1 in 7 people in our communities. You can make a difference by participating in this kid-friendly, pet-friendly walk of 2.1 miles on sidewalks in North Canton. Date of Walk: Sunday, May 3 at 3:00 pm. Starting location: Community Christian Church, 210 North Main Street, North Canton Pre-walk activities: Registration (indoors), music by the Storyville Stompers Dixieland Band, Face painting, Veggie cups & chips, WHBC live-broadcast, Group picture before walk, Ribbon cutting by the North Canton Mayor to begin the walk. Post-walk festivities: An Interfaith Soup Social inside the spacious hall at Community Christian Church. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 3 and plan to either walk or support those who walk with a donation. MESSAGES & MEMOS TO THE BETHEL LUTHERAN FAMILY MARCH 2015 Page 7 Donations Given in February Men In Mission Memorials Donations were received from Ray Studer, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sepanik, in memory of Julia Reusing. Breakfast— Saturday, March 14th, 8:30 am at Jane’s Restaurant. Donations were received from Ray Studer, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sepanik and Irene Campitella, in memory of Larry James. March 9th 7:00 pm Questions, please call Tom Jingo 330-453-0562 Council Meeting The Bethel Council will meet on Tuesday, March 10 at 7:00 pm in the Lounge. Council meetings are open to ALL members of the congregation. If you have something to bring before the council, please contact the council president, Rick McMichael, so he can reserve enough time on the agenda. Bethel Church Council 2015-2016 President: Rick McMichael Vice President: Cindy Leasure Secretary: Gary Sepanik Treasurer: Cheryl Sepanik Pastor: Darla Ann Kratzer Property: Dale Studer Stewardship: Nada Hershberger Communications: Mary Steiger Please support the Bethel Church Council with your prayers throughout the year! Bethel’s Address: 701 Broad Avenue NW, Canton, OH 44708 Phone: 330-454-3978 The Adult Class 9:15AM each Sunday ROMANS CHAPTER 8 & THE PASSION The Bethel Sunday School Class meets in the Lounge at 9:15AM each Sunday. We started a new lesson series on Sunday Feb. 8th titled “Climbing to a Place of Confident Faith” by Pastor Tom Holladay. These lessons are based on Romans Chapter 8. On Sunday, March 15, we will have a lesson on “The Passion” by Pastors’ Lance Witt & Tom Holladay. We will watch the movie “The Passion of the Christ” by Mel Gibson over that 3 week period. Come and join us and learn from the lessons and the discussions that follow. Bring a friend, all are welcomed. SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS & MORE FOR FIRST MEMBERS MARCH 2015 Page 8 Donations Given in February Thank You! Soup Kitchen Ed & Nancy Zelmer, Larry and Erika Begue; Al & Mary Nuske, in memory of Margaret Davis; Larry & Erika Begue, and Susanna Scheel, in memory of Regina Bruckner. Hunger Relief Bill Meyers Memorials Gertrude Beadle (designated for the Choir), Bill Meyers, Stephen & Frieda Braneky, Carol Warner in memory of Margaret Davis; Gertrude Beadle, in memory of Regina Bruckner. Thank you to the group that sent me the cute Valentine with the mouse on the front, it brightened my day. My sister, Evelyn, also sends her thanks. Shirley Clark Please remember that when we have a snow day on Sunday morning our expenses do not take a break. Just as many of your household expenses are fixed, most of the expenses for running our congregation’s programs & building are fixed. Please help your church by bringing or sending your offering from the Sunday that we did not assemble for worship. Thank you. Bulletins Ed & Nancy Zelmer MONTHLY ASSIGNMENTS: MARCH OFFICE ........................................................................................................... Gayle Brown SECURITY ................................................................................................. Fred Stuhldreher USHERS ............................................... Albert & Angela Koehler, Gary Koehler, Devin Koehler ALTAR GUILD........................................... Kari Stuhldreher, Kelly Stuhldreher, Cheryl DeNayer GUEST FOLLOW-UP ............................................................................................. Fritz Miller March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Palm Sunday Robert Marchbank David & Jean Herritt Carole Nichols Kelly Stuhldreher Sandra Marchbank Nancy & Ed Zelmer Fritz Miller Tim Stuhldreher Robert Marchbank David & Jean Herritt ACOLYTES Tyler Koleski None Abby Nichols None Tyler Koleski LECTORS Abby Nichols Ed Rehfus, Jr. Samantha Nichols Cheryl Stuhldreher Steve DeNayer Kelly Stuhldreher Dorothy Breniser Steve & Cheryl DeNayer 2015 GREETERS SERVERS Steve & Cheryl DeNayer Kelly Stuhldreher Steve & Cheryl DeNayer Dorothy Breniser NEWS & NOTES TO THE FIRST LUTHERAN FAMILY Page 9 MARCH 2015 Easter Flowers It’s time to order Easter Flowers that will decorate the Altar and Sanctuary during the Easter season. The Altar Guild will be offering Lilies, Tulips and Hyacinths for the April 5 Easter Sunday service. Complete this order form by indicating which plants and how many you wish to order. Write your dedication and include payment when you order. Make checks payable to First Lutheran. Orders must be placed by Monday, March 16. ____Lilies $9.75 ____ Pink Tulips $7.75 ____Yellow Tulips $7.75 ____Hyacinths $7.75 In memory of: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ In honor of: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ To the Glory of God: ________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsored by: ________________________________________________________________________________ All plants may be picked up after Easter Sunday service on April 5. If you’d like your plant to go to a shut-in, please make arrangements to deliver it, as the Altar Guild does not deliver Easter flowers. Testing Your Knowledge: First Lutheran Church Council 2015 Steve DeNayer Tim Stuhldreher Elaine Bray Larry Begue Vernon Nelson Fred Stuhldreher Treasurer: Judy Reisinger Pastor: Darla Ann Kratzer Please support the First Lutheran Church Council with your prayers throughout the year! 909 East Tuscarawas St Canton, OH, 44707 Lets see how well you know your church… The February Question was... How many years were regular worship services conducted in German? The answer is: 155 years; until 1965 The March Question is… What items were added to the church in 1925? The answer will be in the April newsletter. BETHEL’S PAGE Page 10 MARCH 2015 MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 3-5-1977 David & Barbara Seeton MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-12 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-19 3-28 3-30 Shirley Campolieto Marilyn Lang Erica Speer Richard Klotz Peggy Allison Evelyn Bair Deborah Lutyen Kyle Shackle Marjorie Funk Susan Stacy Lauren McMichael Alicia Reynolds Natasha Musaelyan APRIL BIRTHDAYS 4-1 4-13 4-14 4-17 4-18 4-28 4-29 Connie Deibel Debbie Large Margaret Daniels Bob McKee Brian Seeton Valane Messerly Barb Jusi APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 4-10-95 Bill & Anita Calhoun 4-16-94 Joe & Valerie Fleming 4-24-70 Charles & Peggy Allison BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS None in March APRIL 4-23-06 Zander Skiles 4-29-07 Braden James Price FIRST’S PAGE Page 11 MARCH 2015 MARCH ANNIVERSARIES APRIL BIRTHDAYS MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3-1 3-4 3-10 3-12 3-14 3-16 3-17 3-20 3-25 Stephen Miller Marjorie Rehfus Dorothy Breniser Samuel Rehfus Fred Stuhldreher Mary Nuske Gary Nuske Ed Bray Heidi Mueller 4-1 4-3 4-7 4-24 4-25 4-27 Dorothy Scarry Kelly Stuhldreher Pat Nuske Larry Begue Donna Salmen Robert Schwichtenberg 3-10-1990 David & Jean Herritt 3-17-1979 Edward & Lissa Rehus, Jr. APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 4-16-1983 Fred & Cheryl Stuhldreher 4-30-2011 Ed & Elaine Bray First Evangelical Lutheran Church 909 East Tuscarawas Street Canton, OH 44707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL: Please Deliver by February 27 [] [] 2015 Parish Council Tim Stuhldreher (First) - 1st year Tom Jingo (Bethel) - 1st year Larry Begue (First) - 1st year Mary Steiger (Bethel) - 1st year Ralph Reisinger (First) - 3rd year Gary Sepanik (Bethel) - 1st year Treasurer—Judy Reisinger Pastor—Darla Ann Kratzer Non-Profit Org. 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