ST. PIUS X CHURCH REYNOLDSBURG, OHIO Third Sunday of Lent This Week at Saint Pius March 9-15, 2015 March 8, 2015 Monday Women’s K of C PAC, 7:00 p.m. My eyes are always on the Lord! Masses for March 9-15, 2015 Monday 8:30 a.m. (MDF) +Msgr. Branimir Radetic by Bergman Family Tuesday 8:30 a.m. (MDF) +Dan Flowers by Mom, Jean Wednesday 8:30 a.m. (MDF) Gloria Davis by McClelland Family Thursday 8:30 a.m. (MDF) +Magdaline Rieser by Maria Harkins Friday 8:30 a.m. (MDF) +Msgr. Michael Donovan by Jean Flowers Saturday 5:00 p.m. (SF) +Thomas Crawford by Tim & Karen Schneider Sunday 8:30 a.m. (MPG) Living and Deceased Members of the Parish 10:15 a.m.. (MDF) +Anthony Balcer by Aggie Balcer Family 12:00 p.m. (MMS) +Debra Brock Boggs by Tony & Deanna Borrello COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS For the Week of March 1, 2015: Budget Requirements Actual Offertory Received: Weekly Surplus/(Deficit): **EFT (Debit) Program: Envelope Offering: Cash Offering: Total Offering: $ 19,000.00 $ 15,964.58 $ (3,035.42) $ 1,416.00 $ 11,799.00 $ 2,749.58 $ 15,964.58 Debit Program Participants: Envelopes Used: For the Month of March 2015: MTD Budget Requirements: MTD Actual Offertory Received: MTD Surplus (Deficit): YTD Budget Requirements: YTD Actual Offertory Received: YTD Surplus (Deficit): 64 277 $ 19,000.00 $ 15,964.58 $ (3,035.42) $689,000.00 $670,753.99 $(18,246.01) COLLECTION COUNTERS Sunday, March 15, 2015 CAPTAIN: Bill Ulrich Team 1: Rose Crane, Don & Mary Jo Neader Tuesday Bible Study PAC, 9:00-10:30 a.m. Bible Study Library, 6:30-8:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Bride's Room, 7:00 p.m. Stewardship Committee PAC, 7:00 p.m. K of C Officer’s Meeting Rectory, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Knit/Crochet Bride’s Room, 9:30 a.m. Soup Supper Cafeteria, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross Church, 6:30 p.m. Home & School Meeting Library, 6:30 p.m. Women’s Ministry PAC, 7:00 p.m. Faith Sharing Group Bride’s Room, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Adult Choir Church, 7:00 p.m. Thursday Children’s Choir Church, 5:15-5:45 p.m. New Creation Bride’s Room, 7:00 p.m. RCIA PAC, 7:00 p.m. Friday K of C Fish Fry Cafeteria, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Saturday Mass of Anointing Church, During Mass Night In Green School Fund Raiser Gym, 6:30 p.m. Sunday Mass of Anointing Church, 8:30 a.m. Mass Donut Sunday Cafeteria, After 10:15 Mass THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE March 14-15, 2015 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (H): Host • (C): Cup 5:00 p.m. H: (2) – Pulpit side –Holly High & Laura Cassanos H: (2) – Organ side –Carol Summa & Pat Miles C: (3) – Pulpit side –Scott Marsh & Patti & Jim Sperry C: (3) – Organ side –Marge DuPrey, Guy Lawler & Donna Nesbitt Lectors Dean Miles & Norbert Stalica Servers Susan Berger, Michael Shultz & Samantha Hanson 8:30 a.m. H: (2) – Pulpit side –Joyce Guth, Pam Briggs H: (2) – Organ side –Bob Briggs & Nancy Majerus C: (3) – Pulpit side –Cheryl & Michael Krolikowski & Jeff Cox C: (3) – Organ side –Patrick & Sharon Hensel & Ann Cox Lectors T.J. Bryan & Kathleen Goodyear Servers Blake Bratz, Paul Bratz lll & Megan Gallagher 10:15 a.m. H: (3) – Pulpit side –Maureen Kelley, Kathy Kelley & Lori Croswell H: (3) – Organ side –Olivia George, Katherine & Sara Croswell C: (4) – Pulpit side –Karen Kostra, Rose Crane & Richard & Pat Rolwing C: (4) – Organ side –Ann Alge, Scott Luallen, Clarke Branch & Brian Sauer Lectors Melanie Magin & Agnes Bryan Servers Maria Kelley, Joelea Kelley & Liz Kessler 12:00 p.m. H: (2) – Pulpit side –Dave Roby & Carol Shown H: (2) – Organ side –Amy Briski & Dominique Adair C: (3) – Pulpit side –Beth & Jose Antommarchi & Vicki Mercer C: (3) – Organ side –Mary Ann & Wayne Windgard & Tess Dusenberry Lectors Teresa Iannggi & Michelle Zuccarelli Servers Laura Williams, Natalie Zuccarelli & Alex Kiraly GIFT BEARERS: 5:00 p.m. Sue & Dick Rickerl 8:30 a.m. John & Anne Hohmann 10:15 a.m. Savannah Rowsey, Hannah Mathias, Sophia Sammler, Haylee Starzyk 12:00 p.m. Sonny & Loretta Shalosky 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. GREETERS: Mike Berger & Family David Foster & Family Girl Scouts Vicky Mercer MARCH 8, 2015 YOUNG STEWARDS CORNER March 1, 2015 Donations: $3.00 Number of Envelopes: 2 Examples of our young steward’s use of time and talent: – I shoveled the driveway (Ella) – helped my parents (Blake) IN OUR PARISH Newly Registered: Amanda, Mackenzie & Stephen Schwartzwalder; Bryan & Joanne Docherty MASS OF ANOINTING: The Communal Anointing of the Sick will be held on Saturday evening, March 14th at the 5:00 p.m. Mass and on Sunday morning, March 15th at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The Sacrament of Healing is available to those above the age of reason who are seriously ill and to those who are chronically ill because of the effects of aging or with any other chronic physical or mental condition. ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Please note that the “Conversion” video series will be held Sunday evening, March 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the PAC Room, because of a conflict in the PAC Room Monday evening. The series continues with a look at the stories of Matthew and Jonah in the Bible. WHERE FAITH AND REAL LIFE COME TOGETHER. Here is another opportunity for a one-night parish mission featuring Greg Wasinski, a nationally recognized, Catholic inspirational speaker. He will be at St. Pius on Monday evening, March 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Appropriate for all ages, Greg will lead us on a journey where faith and real life come together. Copies of his book will be available for purchase. Visit www.wasinski. com for more information about Greg. A freewill offering will be collected to assist Greg in his ministry. SOUP SUPPER: The next St. Pius X Soup Supper will be Wednesday, March 11th, from 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Come as a family and enjoy a meager meal of soup and bread hosted by the Parish School of Religion. Donate the cost of an evening meal to the Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl. A perfect opportunity for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lenten season. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WOMEN’S CLUB of Reynoldsburg announces our annual Cards and Game Night, which is themed “Cruise Into Spring,” which will be held on Tuesday, April 7, from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. in the St. Pius X gym. Tickets are $10.00, which includes a buffet of assorted refreshments, sandwiches, appetizers and desserts, a silent auction, raffles, and more. Enter our contest by wearing a stylish cruisethemed outfit and be the “most touristy,” “most colorful,” or “most outrageous.” Bring your own cards and/or games. Contact Tina Banaski at 614-861-2601 for tickets or information. All proceeds benefit local charities. ST. PIUS X CHURCH CARRY THE CROSS “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17 (RSVCE) Calling all men of St Pius X! On Holy Saturday, April 4th, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the St Pius X Men’s Ministry has organized a unique praying of the Stations of the Cross carrying a 10x6 foot cross made of 4x4 Cedar over an 8-mile round trip course, along bike trails and streets of Reynoldsburg. If you feel you are up to the challenge for a morning filled with prayer, hymns and fellowship then please mark your calendars now. If you have any questions, please contact John Zacovic, [email protected] or 614-322-9473. More to follow… MILITARY OUTREACH This year, the Military Outreach Program will be adopting the USO Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan. We will also be sending goodie boxes to deployed family members of St. Pius, Seton, and the VFW Post 9473. Please stop by the table in the entrance vestibule to choose an item to buy. Items will need to be purchased and returned before the 12:00 p.m. Mass on March 22. We will have a plastic bin located in the main entrance vestibule to collect all of your military outreach donations. We ask that all cash donations be put into an envelope labeled “Military Outreach Program,” then mailed (or brought) to the parish rectory or put into the collection baskets at Mass. Just make sure to include them in an envelope with the name of our program. Cash donations will go towards all of our shipping costs, goodie boxes shipped to deployed family members throughout the year, and towards our Christmas Care Package Program in November. Questions can be directed to Krista Schumacher at 614323-7048 or [email protected]. Thank you! A NIGHT IN GREEN – Join us March 14, 2015, for Saint Pius X School's "A Night In Green." This is the 2nd year for this event and will be one of the school’s largest fund raisers. This Saint Patrick’s Day themed event will include heavy hors d'oeuvres, spirits, live and silent auction and entertainment. The funds raised will help bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of providing the best opportunities for Saint Pius X students and teachers. Registration for the event is taking place now. If you are interested in registering or donating a silent auction item, please contact Kim Donnelly at 614834-3390 or email at [email protected]. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY WILL TAKE PLACE ON FIVE TUESDAYS OF LENT: TUESDAYS: MARCH 10, MARCH 17, MARCH 24 AND MARCH 31: Each Tuesday will offer two sessions: one at 9:00 a.m. (or immediately after the 8:30 Mass) in the PAC Room and repeated at 6:30 p.m. in the school library. Sr. Maxine will lead both groups. The theme will be “Encounters with Jesus” ... reflecting on stories of people in the Bible who met Jesus along the way, such as the widow with her two cents, the man with the withered hand, the Samaritan Woman, etc. These companions on our journey through Lent may help us reflect on our encounters with Jesus along the way. REYNOLDSBURG, OHIO FIRST COMMUNION PRAYER INTENTIONS The First Communion Class is asking for your prayer intentions as they prepare for their upcoming First Communion at the end of April. Chain Links will be in a basket in the vestibule of St. Pius X Church. Please take one and write a prayer intention for the First Communion Candidates on the link and return it to the envelope that is in the same basket. The chain links will be added to the links already collected in front of the PSR Office. Example: Let God touch each one of the First Communion Candidates with His special grace during this time of preparation. These prayers should be for the candidates’ intentions. – God Bless, De Ann Bukowski VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS SEEKING THE FOLLOWING PREP DONATIONS: To help keep our costs down and do our part in being good stewards of God’s creation, we’re asking everyone to please save the following items on our wish list: gift wrap tubes (we need the tall tubes for fencing – please, no toilet paper or paper towel tubes) and coffee cans with lids. We are also in need of large bags of plaster of paris (25#) and 1/2” x 10’ PVC pipe (bendable, to make “covered wagons,” fencing, and signposts). If you can help, please save these items (gift wrap tubes and coffee cans) and bring them to church and place them in the VBS box in the Bride’s Room beginning March 14. IF you can donate the pipe or plaster of paris, please contact Susan Gilmore to arrange pick-up. Please DO NOT leave these items in the Bride’s Room! If you have any other Western themed items that you would be willing to let us BORROW, please contact Susan Gilmore at 501-7545 or at [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS (current 7th graders and up) are needed to work on backgrounds for VBS this year. Our next Prep meeting will be on Saturday, March 21, from 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. in the SPX Cafeteria. If you have any paint supplies, drop cloths, thick permanent black markers, or white primer you can donate, please bring them with you or call Susan Gilmore (see above). FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT VBS, check out our website at or follow us on Twitter @spxvbs or like our page on Facebook: St. Pius X Vacation Bible School. SCHOOL NEWS This week at Saint Pius X School… Tuesday, March 10… Students attend 8:30 a.m. Mass Wednesday, March 11… Home and School Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 13… Pi Day Celebrations in Advanced/Jr. High Math classes Stations of the Cross, led by 3rd and 4th grades, 1:45 p.m. Saturday, March 14… “A Night in Green” 6:30 p.m., Gym THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT SCHOOL NEWS CONTINUED.. Each week of Lent, our Saint Pius X School students pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 1:45 p.m. This Friday, students from our 3rd and 4th grade classes will lead our prayer. Please join us as we walk with Jesus. Advanced Math students in grades 6-8 recently participated in the Mathematics League contest. Scores for the top 5 in each class will be sent on to compete at the regional level. Congratulations to the following students on a job well done: 6th Grade: 1st place: Piper O., 2nd place: John C., 3rd place: Caroline B., 4th place: Pailyn G. , 5th place: Agnes B., Ben G., Samuel G. 7th Grade: 1st place: Eric L., 2nd place: Braeden C., 3rd place: James F., 4th place: Andrew C., 5th place: Ian G., Chase O., Grace S. 8th Grade: 1st place: Adam G. (for the 5th consecutive year!), 2nd place: Y-Tien P., 3rd place: Mario N., 4th place: Elizabeth S., 5th place: Bailee Z. Congratulations to all students as well as Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. Signoracci! AROUND TOWN 2015 ST. CHARLES FATHER/SON MASS & BREAKFAST ON MARCH 28TH: Registration is underway for the 2015 St. Charles Father/Son Mass and Breakfast being held on Saturday, March 28th. This annual fraternal gathering, sponsored by St. Charles Alumni Association, continues to grow in popularity and drew over 300 dads and sons last year. It is a wonderful way for alumni fathers, uncles, and grandfathers to celebrate their St. Charles experience and introduce young sons and grandsons to the school! We also encourage current students, incoming freshmen and any other interested 6th, 7th or 8th graders, to attend along with their fathers, grandfathers and uncles. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. with Mass celebrated in Mother of Mercy Chapel followed by a complimentary buffet breakfast (prepared by Mass Appeal Dining Services) in the Robert C. Walter Student Commons. The breakfast is free, but you are still asked to reserve your spot(s) to ensure there is plenty of food on hand for everyone. To sign up or for more information on this or any other alumni activity, please contact St. Charles alumni director, Louis J. Fabro (’83), in the school’s Alumni and Development Office at lfabro@cdeducation. org. MARCH 8, 2015 CATHEDRAL CONCERTS: MARCH 8TH AT 7:30 P.M. – SPEM IN ALIUM: Thomas Tallis’s 40 part motet, Spem in alium, stands as a towering achievement in Renaissance choral polyphony. The Cathedral Choir will be joined by the Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, members of the Lancaster Chorale and other singers to perform this monument and other music for Lent and Holy Week at St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. J.O.I.N. BIBLIOBENEFIT: Friday, May 15, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Church, Nugent Hall, 1899 McCoy Road, Columbus, Ohio. The Joint Organization for InnerCity Needs’ annual fund-raising event helps support their mission to provide for emergency material needs. Registration for the fund raiser is $50.00. Please send check payable to J.O.I.N. c/o Bibliobenefits, 578 E. Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. For information, call 614241-2531. BISHOP HARTLEY’S LAST SCHEDULED PLACEMENT TEST will take place Saturday, March 14th. To sign up for the test, submit an online application available at Please note, that Bishop Hartley typically begins a waiting list, and the application fee significantly increases after the March test. Contact Heather Rush at [email protected] for more information or to schedule a campus tour. ST. CHARLES FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEED AND AGILITY CLINICS: Session I from 9:00-10:00 a.m. on March 14, 21 and 28 for students in grades 5-12; Session II from 12:00 Noon-2:00 p.m. on June 8, 10 and 12 for students in grades 5-8. Please contact Coach Tom Lopresti at [email protected] to sign up or learn more. Visit the school’s website at FATHER WAGNER’S SPIRITUAL DAY SPA IS THE CATHOLIC RENEW AND REFRESH RETREAT. Thursday, March 26th join Father Wagner, from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the St. Therese Retreat Center to RENEW Your Prayer Life and Your Compassion for the Marginalized... REFRESH Your Body to be the Hands and Feet of Christ... and RETREAT through Holy Mass and the Sacrament of Confession. For more information, go to BECOME A “LIVING REMINDER OF GOD’S PRESENCE” That’s what Fr. Henri Nouwen called husbands and wives. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend will help your marriage become such a reflection of the divine. The next two weekends are April 10-12 and a special in-parish weekend on July 31-August 2. For more information or to register, contact Paul and Marilou Clouse at 614-834-6880 or visit our website at FAITH DIRECT e-giving PROGRAM IS UP AND WORKING … Check out the Faith Direct Parish e-giving program on the Parish website at Click on the Faith Direct Logo and you are ready to sign-up for the program. If you tried to sign up over the weekend the site was not officially read to launch, but it is now open to all parishioners. The response is great only two days into the registration campaign. Through the Faith Direct e-giving program you can make your contributions to St. Pius X via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card account. Many of you already use online services for mortgage, household, and other monthly payments. Some of you are already using automatic transfers from your checking and savings accounts. Now, you have the opportunity to manage your contributions. It is the most cost effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO OUR PARISHIONERS? FLEXIBILITY … You can choose the amount and timing of your contributions and designate your preferred source for them at no cost to you! Don’t forget to click on the “Show More Annual Collections” button at the bottom of the page giving you the opportunity to contribute to regularly scheduled collections throughout the year or that extra Easter/Christmas contribution! Participating in Faith Direct e-giving means your envelopes will no longer be mailed to you! CONVENIENCE … Once you designate your preferences, your contributions will be made automatically for you. No need to fill out envelopes any more. You can manage your donations easily online or by telephone. You can go online and increase or decrease your contributions at any time. RELIABILITY… Your contributions are recorded throughout the year even when you are on vacation, traveling for business, ill or you simply forgot your envelopes on a particular weekend. We are unable to account for cash contributions as you may know. WHAT ARE THE BENFITS TO OUR PARISH? SAVINGS … It will save our parish considerable time and expense. It saves on the cost of envelopes. Currently, the parish is spending over $4,800 annually on unused envelopes. Some parishioners choose to give a cash contribution as they do not want their contributions made known. We will be contacting those parishioners who have no record of using envelopes over the past twelve months to determine whether we should take them off the mailing list and offer them Faith Direct e-giving when they are able to make a contribution to the Church. Can you imagine the additional savings there would be if those currently using envelopes switched to Faith Direct e-giving? Yes there is a slight cost to the Church for parishioners using credit card transactions, but that cost is overwhelming offset through the consistency of contributions through this program. CONSISTENCY … It gives the parish a better idea of the funds coming in each week to pay our bills and make our ministries and programs as far-reaching as possible. REDUCTION OF UNAVOIDABLE WASTE … Whether envelopes are used or not, they are eventually thrown away which means damage to our environment through waste disposal and the unnecessary use of our natural resources. Don’t have a computer or you aren’t quite sure how to work through the website? Contact the rectory make an appointment to come in and register to participate in the program. Are you already using ACH from your savings or checking account. We are not requiring our current users to make an immediate switch to Faith Direct; however, in the near future we will be asking all our current ACH users to switch to Faith Direct e-giving. Again, the parish is ready to assist anyone who would like assistance in registering for the program. DON’T FORGET … if you are a current ACH parishioner and you switch to the Faith Direct e-giving program, please contact the parish office to stop your current contributions. Check out the FAITH DIRECT e-giving Website. Additional registration forms will be available at the back of the Church. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 8, 2015 PHONES: Rectory & Church Office....................................................................................................................................................................................866-2859 Rectory Fax...........................................................................................................................................................................................................866-1499 Cafeteria...............................................................................................................................................................................................................866-1282 Latchkey...............................................................................................................................................................................................................866-1209 School....................................................................................................................................................................................................................866-6050 Children’s Center................................................................................................................................................................................................577-0826 Religious Education & Youth Ministry............................................................................................................................................................864-3505 PARISH PASTORAL STAFF:...................................................866-2859 Msgr. David Funk, Pastor – Ext. 104 Deacon John Vellani – Ext. 102 Deacon John DuPrey – Ext. 102 Deacon Jim Kelly – Ext. 102 Deacon Charlie Miller, Business Manager – Ext. 101 Michelle Carey, Administrative Assistant – Ext. 102 Judy Miller, Bookkeeper – Ext. 105 Brenda Brammer, Finance – Ext. 116 Christina Zacovic, Bookkeeper/Receptionist – Ext. 112 Leah Kelly, Pastoral Minister – Ext. 103 GOOD FRIDAY WALKING STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Many facets of faith and justice will be the focus of the annual Walking Stations of the Cross, which begins with prayer at St. Joseph Cathedral at 8:00 a.m., Friday, April 3, 2015. Hundreds will process throughout downtown Columbus to recognize Jesus Christ’s suffering and crucifixion as well as to reflect on current areas of social concern. Open to all ages. For more information, call Social Concerns at 614-241-2540 or Youth and Young Adult Ministry at 614-241-2565. YOU MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE… Parishioners have the opportunity to partner with Catholic Social Services to improve the quality of life of an isolated senior or disabled adult. Together, we will help bring hope, brighten the day, offer support, and ease loneliness and isolation by becoming a Friendly Visiting Volunteer, visiting 1-3 hours a week, with a matched person in need. Volunteer to be a trained Friendly Visitor or volunteer as a family (minors must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian). Interested? Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at Catholic Social Services at 614857-1225 or [email protected] to learn more about this rewarding opportunity. Make the difference, become a Friendly Visiting Volunteer today! YOUNG ADULT RETREAT FOR CATHOLICS IN THEIR 20s & 30s: What Next? Retreat March 28 and 29, 2015, Proctor Retreat Center, London, Ohio. Starting a new job? Not sure where your relationship is headed? Contemplating a change in your life? Our careers, living situations, relationships and identities are always changing. Explore the transitions that define who we are, and consider how faith can carry you through them. $65.00/person. More information and registration at Hosted by the Diocese of Columbus Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in partnership with Charis Ministries. Sr. Maxine Shonk, OP, Pastoral Minister........................................866-1575 Jonathan Cuniak, School Principal.................................866-6050 – Ext. 222 Mary Benedict, Co-Director, Children’s Center............................577-0826 Sharon Miller, Co-Director, Children’s Center..............................577-0826 De Bukowski, Director of Religious Education.............................864-3505 Judie Bryant, Youth Minister.............................................................864-3505 Beth Antommarchi, Director of Latchkey......................................866-1209 John Pottkotter, Coordinator of Music............................................501-0104 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Barbara Martin...........................................................................(614) 861-5809 LIVES OF THE SAINTS… March 6 St. Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes (1614-1645) Mary Ann grew close to God and his people during her short life. The youngest of eight, Mary Ann was born in Quito, Ecuador, which had been brought under Spanish control in 1534. She joined the Secular Franciscans and led a life of prayer and penance at home, leaving her parents’ house only to go to church and to perform some work of charity. She established in Quito a clinic and a school for Africans and indigenous Americans. When a plague broke out, she nursed the sick and died shortly thereafter. She was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950. Comment: Francis of Assisi overcame himself (and his upbringing) when he kissed the man afflicted with leprosy. If our self-denial does not lead to charity, the penance is being practiced for the wrong reason. The penances of Mary Ann made her more sensitive to the needs of others and more courageous in trying to serve those needs. Quote: “At times when especially impelled by love for God and fellowmen, she afflicted herself severely to expiate the sins of others. Oblivious then to the world around her and wrapped in ecstasy, she had a foretaste of eternal happiness. Thus transformed and enriched by God’s grace, she was filled with zeal to care not only for her own salvation, but also for that of others to the utmost of her ability. She generously relieved the miseries of the poor and soothed the pains of the sick. And when severe public disasters such as earthquakes and plagues terrified and afflicted her fellow citizens, she strove by prayer, expiation and the offering of her own life to obtain from the Father of mercies what she could not accomplish by human effort” (Pope Pius XII).
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