370 SW 3rd St. Boca Raton FL 33432 561.392.0007 561.392.0074 Fax • • • w W w . s t jo a n . o r g Msgr. Michael D. McGraw Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag Parochial Vicar Fr. Wesler Hilaire Parochial Vicar Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Assisting Fr. Norman Schwartz Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Deacon Christopher Dorsey • • • • • P a r i s h Of f i c e Ho u r s Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm S c h o ol Of f i c e Ho u r s 561.392.7974 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Today’s Gospel leads us to meditate on Jesus cleansing the Temple in Jerusalem. Why did Jesus want to clean the Temple? And what did Jesus find inside the Temple? Jesus found out that “People sold oxen, sheep, and doves; in addition, “the money changers sat there.” How did Jesus react vis-à-vis this cultural behavior? Jesus stopped them by spilling the coins and overturning their tables and saying to the rest, “Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” Some of them replied saying to Jesus, “If you want us to stop, show us a sign.” Jesus tells them, “I will destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” What kind of temple was that? There was nothing else other than the temple of his body. Dear friends, imagine, Jesus coming into the temple of our heart and driving out those things that are keeping us from loving God and others. How would our reaction be? • In this Third Sunday of Lent, Jesus invites us to meditate on the Temple of His Body, and He calls us to reflect on things that hinder Him from entering our heart. M a s s S c h e du les Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm(Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon C o n f e s s io ns Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm March 8, 2015 Jesus wants us to be aware of things in our heart that need to be changed. Jesus wants us to be aware of things that paralyze us from being His followers. Jesus wants us to be aware of distracting stuffs that possess us and hinder us from being a good friend either with God and others. Jesus wants us to know that every single moment; He wants to be in us. Let Him in. Can you? Father Wesler Hilaire 2015 LENTEN SCHEDULE LENTEN DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: 6:45am, 8:15am and 12 noon in the Church Mon.–Fri., Saturdays 8:15am in the Chapel. SPANISH LENTEN VIA CRUCIS & MASS: THURSDAYS; Feb. 26, Mar. 5, Mar. 12, Mar. 19, Mar. 26, at 7pm in the Chapel. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday during Lent in the Chapel at 3:30pm. LIVE STATIONS OF THE CROSS: MONDAY, Mar. 30: at 8:45am, TUESDAY, Mar. 31: at 8:25am & 9:30am in Mercy Center. COMMUNAL CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: 7:00pm MONDAY, Mar. 23: at St. Joan of Arc Church TUESDAY, Mar. 24: at St. Jude Church. March 8, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF March 8, 2015 MONDAY – March 9 6:45am The Santos de Diego Family & Santa Catarina 8:15am Pura Caceres by Alba & Maria Steve Schnellenberg 12:00pm Tom Santell by Tom Santell Kathleen Visco by The SJA 8th Grade Class CONFESSIONS: MONDAY, Mar. 30: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel. TUESDAY, Mar. 31: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel. WEDNESDAY, Apr. 1: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00 am to 11:30am in the Chapel. Confessions will not be heard after Wed. Apr. 1 at noon to allow for the prayerful observance of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. TENEBRAE SERVICE: Wednesday, Apr. 1: 7:00pm at SJA Church. TUESDAY – March 10 6:45am Louise S. Lowe Kathleen Visco by Beth Monarch 8:15am Robert Feliz by Wife Kathleen Visco by The Marshall Family 12:00pm Maria Teresa Llopis by The Voyer Family Pierre Voyer by The Voyer Family LENTEN PRAYER ”God will make a way when there seems to be no way. God works in ways I cannot see. God will make a way for me.” WEDNESDAY – March 11 6:45am Morgan Sweeney by Kathleen 8:15am Angela DiPilato by The Gesualdi Family Mary Moore by Joan McBride & Family 12:00pm Al Risen by Tom Santell Tom Ingolia by Dale Kolbrenner BULLETIN EDITOR: *Please email Bulletin materital to: [email protected] PATTY DELANEY *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion. 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 THURSDAY – March 12 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Nuriel Kadel by Catherine Hanley Michael Powers by Diane & Lou Walewski 12:00pm “Jeffrey” by Tom Santell Michael Kilbane by Marina Hannwacker FRIDAY – March 13 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Angela DiPilato by The Gesualdi Family Matthew Storrelli by Mary K. Yacona 12:00pm Elsa Santacroce by The Family SATURDAY – March 14 8:15am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 4:30pm Mary Moore by Donna & Will Dugan Linda Surratt by The Peters & Barbagallo’s Families 6:30pm Jorge & Elvia Rodriguez by Marta Hoynoski In Thanksgiving SUNDAY – March 15 7:30am George Johnson by Leslie & Frank DiMarco Willi Breu by Zita Gerosa 9:15am Mary McCarthy by Paul & Eleanor Farbanish Catherine Vickers by Her Family 10:45am Stephanie Scott by SJA Sunday Bible Study Josephine Furci by Maria & Joseph Pellicano 12:15pm Diane Molle Bartczak by Tom D’Agostino Gilbert Handal by Judith & Sons 5:00pm Luis & Maria Rugeles by Maria Rugeles-Smith Luis Rugeles & America Buitrago by Maria Rugeles-Smith PASTOR’S MESSAGE RECOGNIZING EACH OTHER AT A FISH FRY The gospels have several accounts of Jesus feeding His disciples with a fish fry that He prepares and serves. They come to recognize Him within the context of this meal and they are encouraged and nurtured by His presence. Jesus seemed to intuitively know that when eating together we naturally share with each other and get to know each other. We may even grow in trust and friendship and support one another in the challenges of conversion and the changes that come with discipleship. Jesus showed all that to be true as He ate with public sinners like Mary Magdalene and Zacchaeus the tax collector. He reached out to them and they reciprocated with trust and a change of life. Jesus used the context of a fish fry to reveal Himself to His disciples on the seashore and to serve them and to calm their fears. He was truly their Lord with them and they discovered they had nothing to fear even of an unknown future. He would always be with them accompanying them on the journey. He would always be with them to calm the stormy seas and restore tranquility. Our recent parish fish fry sponsored by the Dad’s Club was a terrific meal within the context of families sharing, kids having lots of fun and parishioners socializing across generational lines. Literally it was a banquet that brought members from our whole parish together in community. I do not think that it is being overly spiritual to call attention to the presence of Jesus during our fish fry. He was there in the sharing, listening, fun and eating. His presence made it clear that we engaged in a holy event and one that helped us grow holier. I think we fed each other both with real food and with the encouragement and support of community. We can be sure that Jesus was there “in the midst of them” as He promised. A social event like the Fish Fry is a powerful reminder that Saint Joan of Arc is a social and real community as well as one that worships together and reaches out in service together. Every time we have an event like the Fish Fry, Family Faith and Fun Day, International Festival, Gala Auction or our upcoming Spaghetti Dinner (March 28 after 4:30 Mass) for our International Mission of Friendship, we grow in knowledge and communion together. As we gather, Jesus who is the source of our identity and our united “Body” will always be present as the greatest gift and blessing for us. Our Fish Fry on a Friday during Lent is also our way of being in continuity with Christians throughout the centuries who have reverenced Friday as the day of the passion and death of Jesus, Good Friday. The tradition of abstaining from eating meat on the Fridays of Lent (and in past years on every Friday) throughout the year is a way of reminding ourselves of the early Christian love for the symbol of the fish. They used the picture of a fish to identify themselves as Christians and it is present as an element of earliest Christian iconography. The act of abstaining from food for a spiritual reason, also, is a reminder to us of those for whom fasting and abstaining is a daily way of life. It can serve as a catalyst for our prayers and for our generosity toward the elimination of world hunger. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 3 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for February 28/March 1, 2015 totaled $26,777.00. 755 envelope users contributed $20,691.00 and non envelope users contributed $6,086.00. PARISH DIRECTORY ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appointment only BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 DIOCESAN SERVICES APPEAL MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Wesler Hilaire, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 We are all one family experiencing the grace of God, and sharing our gifts with our brothers and sisters in His name. Let us follow the model of our Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so that together, as “A Family of Faith in Service to Others” we share the hope and salvation of Christ, our brother. - Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito PHYSICAL PLANT DIRECTOR Paul Micelli, 561-392-0007 ext. 2850 COUNSELING CENTER (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Counseling Director: Mrs. Caroline Roberts, 561-392-7974 Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW - 561-215-0208 Mario Acosta, Ph. D. - 561-254-6558 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006. COUNSELING CENTER (Private Practice) Hours: Mon - Wed, 7:30am to 4:30pm Pamela Sigda, Ph. D. - 561-7062277 Thur - Fri, 7:30am to 3:30pm Sat, 9:00am to 5:30pm COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Sun. 9 am to 1:30 pm Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR First Saturday of the month following Wendy Horton, 561-952 2838 the 8:15am Mass. Special Projects: Diane Salerno Please call the Parish Office to 561-952-2848 request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Sr. Vivian Gonzalez / Director Rosa Davidson / Admin. Asst. SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen, Sr. Josephine, Sr. Kathleen, 561-952-2872 561-392-7974 FAMILY LIFE WEDDING PREPARATION Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Patricia Suau, 561-392-2806 http://12567.thankyou4caring.org/pages/dsa-brochure-english PRAYER FOR FAMILIES God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us Your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May Your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Chinchilla, 561-952-2858 May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of Your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek Your truth and live in Your love. USHERS MINISTRY Javier Palomo 561-445-1782 Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! 4 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 Thank you, for all who took the time to give your feedback to our Holy Father concerning issues important to us. - St. Joan of Arc Parish Family THIS TUESDAY! TUESDAY, MARCH 10 The Columbiettes of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Boca Raton are once again sponsoring a day long annual retreat March 21, 2015 from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the parish Mercy Center. This year’s theme: “A Day with The Lord” challenges us to discover the transforming love, the healing touch and the saving power of the Blessed Trinity. “A DAY WITH THE LORD” COLUMBIETTES RETREAT We are inviting both men and women to join us in heeding Christ’s invitation: “Come and See” (John 1:39). The retreat Master Rev. Father Jimmy B. Hababag, Chaplain, whose deep knowledge of Cristology is further enriched by being a Marian priest and is enhanced by his travels to the Holy Land and several Marian sites. Totally dedicated to pastoral care and the veneration of the Holy Eucharist, he started his religious vocation with the Redemptorist Fathers, Australian Province,in the Philippines in 1978. Later he was ordained a Diocesan Priest and since then has been giving talks, conducting retreats and facilitating conferences. Detach The registration fee is $25. This includes a continental breakfast, snacks and lunch. For more information call Mary Lou Hotchkiss at 561-392-5952 or Maria at the church office, 561-392-0007. Name(s) of Attendees: ___________________________ ___________________________ Amount Paid: $ ______________ ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE. NO MONEY COLLECTED AT DOOR. March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 5 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF FAMILY MINISTRY LENT, LOVE AND FAMILIES Now that we have had two weeks of Lent, let us evaluate the traditional practices that strengthen and prepare our families to walk together toward Easter Sunday. How are we doing so far? Are we working together in ways noticeable to our children, and going out of our comfort zone to help others? Is our faith as strong as it should be? St. Augustine once said that fasting and almsgiving are the two wings that help our prayers fly up to heaven. Think about it, by denying ourselves of the things we think we can’t live without and caring for those in need, we put aside selfishness, and unite ourselves as one Body of Christ. These practices allow us to focus more on Jesus and the selfless love he wants to build up in us. Jesus wants us to look at Lent as a time of renewal and spiritual growth. He knows that self-denial, together with prayer and generous giving opens our lives to God’s love and His teachings. What a beautiful message to teach our children. So how do we move forth? If you have not, start with an extra prayer each day. Gather the family before or after work, and pray together for those who have less than you. Give thanks every day, for all that we have comes from God. If you have the Rice Bowl, follow it with your children, and bring it to life. Schedule a service activity with your family, it will create a life changing memory for your children. Sacrifice a little and give with joy, and you will discover the secret of happiness. Lent can help build harmony in our homes. Fasting, prayer and almsgiving will help us become better spouses, better parents and better children. God rewards our efforts with abundant grace and love. Let us use this time wisely, let us walk with Jesus this Lent, let us unite our cross to His and the Easter celebration will find us all with lighter and happier hearts and God will bless us beyond our expectations. Tessie O’Dea Director of Family Life Ministries 6 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 THIS SATURDAY! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN INVITES YOU TO OUR ANNUAL BEACH MASS Can’t Catch Our GROOVY GATORS! We’re in 1st place! Please bring your family & friends to celebrate this beautiful mass Msgr. McGraw will celebrate Mass and a light breakfast will follow. There is a $5.00 donation. RSVP at 561-392-0007 ext. 8104 South Inlet Park is located in Boca Raton at 1298 South Ocean Blvd. just south of Camino Real on A1A. Have you noticed our Groovy Gators? You may want to bring a folding chair, seating is limited. Every Friday this team and many more, including school staff and faculty, walk in a competition with the other schools of our diocese in The Principal’s Throwdown Challenge. Every step they take gets them closer to their goal! They are currently in the lead by 2,315.8 miles! Saturday, March 14, 2015 If you spot them in their groovy purple shirts, We encourage you to carpool - parking is limited. There are automated parking machines at this location. St. Joan of Arc Council of Catholic Women Women United in Spirituality &Service 8:30 a.m. at South Inlet Park Happy Easter A new ministry: Parish Singles Spiritual Family To begin our ministry, there will be a gathering on three special days: Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can join us for one or all three events. We will first attend Mass together at St. Joan of Arc and then go as a group to a restaurant or private club for dinner. Estimated cost is: $35-40 per person/dinner. Checks will be made payable to the restaurant ahead of time ... so that a confirmation of dinner guests can be made to the restaurant. cheer them on! What’s Holding You Back? Do anger, fear, or envy get in the way of your relationship with Christ? Are you ready for change? WALKING TOWARD ETERNITY: Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart by Jeff Cavins & Emily Cavins Walking Toward Eternity Our text is an inspiring series designed to help participants live their faith more fully. Through daily prayerful meditation with Scripture (lectio divina), you will be drawn into an intimate and life - changing encounter with Christ. Please call or email me if you are interested. Jean Ordonez, Coordinator Parish Singles Spiritual Family (561)350-0643 [email protected] Join UPLIFT: Catholic Bible Study and Fellowship Group on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in the Ark for 8 weeks beginning on March 25th, 2015 for this study. Please contact Mercy Carrillo to register for the class and order your book at 954-401-8266. March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 7 FAITH FORMATION & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SR. VIVIAN GONZALEZ, Director of Faith Formation (561) 952-2870 [email protected] Rosa Davidson, Administrative Assistant (561) 952-2872 • [email protected] SUNDAY SESSION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCAITON: 9:00 A.M. TO 10:15 A.M. WEDNESDAY SESSION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 4:45 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. MAKE SURE IT’S IN YOUR CALENDAR! Religious Education Office Hours: MARCH 28th - FIRST RECONCILIATION DAY 9:00 AM for Last Names A - K and 11:30 AM for Last Names L-Z RCIA NEWS Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. *Please note hours have changed Fridays: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sundays: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & by appointment IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Baptismal Preparation Class for 2015 April 9th May 7th June 4th July 9th Please register with main Parish Office to attend the class. Sunday Religious Education Classes: March 8 - Classes March15 - NO CLASSES - SPRING BREAK March 22 - NO CLASSES - SPRING BREAK March 29 - NO CLASSES - PALM SUNDAY Wednesday Religious Education Classes: March 11- Classes March18 - NO CLASSES - SPRING BREAK March 25 - NO CLASSES - SPRING BREAK Homeschool Next Family Catechesis (Homeschool) Sessions: Sunday, March 8th Wednesday, March 11th 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 The RCIA Group is now beginning the last stage of their preparation to receive the sacraments on the Easter Vigil. The next set of Rites is called Scrutinies. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults defines the scrutinies as follows; “141 The scrutinies, which are solemnly celebrated on Sundays and are reinforced by an exorcism, are rites of self-searching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose. The scrutinies are meant to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good. For the scrutinies are celebrated in order to deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. These rites, therefore, should complete the conversion of the elect and deepen their resolve to hold fast to Christ and to carry out their decision to love God above all.” “143 In order to inspire in the elect a desire for purification and redemption by Christ, three scrutinies are celebrated. By this means, first of all, the elect are instructed gradually about the mystery of sin, from which the whole world and every person longs to be delivered and thus saved from its present and future consequences. Second, their spirit is filled with Christ the Redeemer, who is the living water (gospel of the Samaritan woman in the first scrutiny), the light of the world (gospel of the man born blind in the second scrutiny), the resurrection and the life (gospel of Lazarus in the third scrutiny). From the first to the final scrutiny the elect should progress in their perception of sin and their desire for salvation.” PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CATECHUMENS AND CANDIDATES. Dad’s Club FISH FRY Long-Sleeve Relief Drive THE LIGHT of Clean USED or NEW cotton shirts - Running Feb. 18 - April 2 For more information: •collection box will be at all Sunday Masses and in the Religious Education Office during the week • Service hours will be given • Contact Cecilia, Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected] The SJA Young Adults Ministry and Faith Formation Ministry will also help collect the shirts.You can drop them off at the Parish office. Thank you for your support! THE LIGHT, St Joan of Arc’s young adults’ ministry, invites young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 (married and single) to our weekly meeting at the Ark (319 SW 3rd Street, Boca Raton FL 33432) at 7:30 PM on Monday March 9. The topic of discussion will be about corporal works of mercy involving pastoral care to the sick and the handicapped. For more information please contact [email protected] March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 9 PRAY FOR THE SICKMarch Bauchman, Maureen Campbell, Mary Claussen, Camila De La Torre, Eugenia Ferrer,Helen Garvey, Don Harpster, Joann Hughes, Barry LaHoma, Cloeren Linzer,Chad Lopez, Carlos Margolis, Robert Mongrut, Silvia Pearson, Janice Petho, Ellen Power, Theresia Saffran, Dorothy Schoemaker, Raquel Takacs, Linda Uchitelle,Frydel Woolley, Bill Word, Char ALTAR BREAD Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. In loving memory of Rita Maggiore By the Maggiore family BAPTISMS We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. Calder Michael Sandelin Keira Estela Lescano Noah Alexander Kessler Altar Flowers this weekend Donated in Loving Memory of Don Popik - from his family If you would like to donate flowers to decorate our altar, please call Patty Delaney, (561)952-2868 or email her at [email protected] 10 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Benjamin Creed, PO3, William Fix Jr. Navy in Okinawa, Japan ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH Statement of Activities Income & Expenses 7/1/13 - 6/30/14 1,449,552 471,149 38,681 200,095 113,152 252,600 59,578 116,820 Budgeted Income & Expenses 7/1/14 - 6/30/15 1,501,000 182,200 37,800 244,380 97,178 223,000 52,850 107,850 2,701,627 2,446,258 51,645 169,148 27,862 195,958 444,613 30,733 166,250 126,000 170,002 492,985 91,708 113,215 280,707 305,942 96,215 92,512 90,195 219,570 217,413 264,326 298,594 55,755 98,557 113,992 286,245 274,084 108,510 84,679 40,000 201,467 256,064 246,168 185,486 49,660 100,000 200,000 Total Parish Expenditures 2,133,778 2,032,363 Total Operating Expenses 2,670,099 2,638,563 $31,528 $(192,305) REVENUE Offertory Collections Non Offertory Church Donations Stole Fees (Weddings - Funerals - Baptisms) Parish Social Ministries Donations (Includes Care Ministry) Ministries Programs Income Parish Activities Income (Includes Auction) Church Bookstore Income Other Income (Includes DSA Overage & Interest) Total Operating Revenue EXPENDITURES Church Expenditures Liturgical Expense Salaries - Clergy (Resident - Non resident Clergy & Deacons) Church Repairs & Maintenance Music Expense Total Church Expenditures Total Rectory Expenditures (Includes Building Maintenance) Parish Expenditures Care Ministry, Parish Social Ministries Expense & Salaries Other Ministry Program Expense & Salary Parish Activities Expense (Includes Auction) Church Bookstore Expense (1) Donations Operations Expense Administrative Salary & Payroll Tax Expense Health Ins. & Pension (2) Plant & Facilities (Includes Maintenance Dept. Salaries) Utilities Property & Liability Insurance Parish Subsidy to School Net Operating Income / (Loss) (1) One time extraordinary donation expense (2) One time expense related to the refurbishing of clergy residence. Expense underwritten by donor. March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 11 ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC SCHOOL Statement of Activities Income & Expenses 7/1/13 - 6/30/14 Budgeted Income & Expenses 7/1/14 - 6/30/15 3,389,266 409,009 107,557 45,084 99,667 14,726 195,656 (60,506) 3,532,530 397,459 20,000 39,500 120,000 17,500 230,000 (160,000) 4,200,459 4,196,989 1,357,267 62,889 1,420,156 313,659 1,390,842 61,000 1,451,842 344,650 691,037 333,810 23,300 560,803 164,786 120,692 69,398 497,547 613,751 324,657 14,000 551,738 158,004 118,020 69,000 513,400 Total Administration Costs 2,461,373 2,362,570 Total Operating Expenses 4,195,188 4,159,062 $5,271 $37,927 REVENUE Tuition Fees - (Net of discounts) Registration & Other Fees (1) Donations Fundraising Income - Raffle Extended Care Income (After School Care) Other Income Parish & Diocesan Support Financial Aid (From Parish & Bequests) Total Operating Revenue EXPENDITURES Instructional Costs Salary Extended Care Expense Total Instructional Costs Instructional Supplies & Other Expenses Administration Costs Salary & Payroll Tax Expense Administrative Expense Donations Health Ins. & Pension Utilities Property, Liability & Student Insurance Development Office Expense Plant & Facilities (Includes Salaries & Capital Expenditures) Net Operating Income (Loss) (1) Includes extraordinary estate received in July 2013 12 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 Supplemental Financial Data ENDOWMENT / RESERVES Church / School Endowment Fund Designated Reserve Fund (Donor restricted) Non - Designated Reserve Fund Emergency / Capital Reserve - Bequest received in 2010 & 2011 Capital Campaign Donations (Collected) Kilby Designated Gift (Donor restricted) OUTSTANDING DEBT School Debt (Loan) - Payable to Diocese of Palm Beach Parish Debt (Loan) - Payable to Diocese of Palm Beach EXPENDITURES Facilities and Technology Improvements Church & School $1,758,840 $1,057,060 $560,907 $1,238,923 $1,973,508 $1,176,265 $122,468 $263,899 $ 284,000 (Air Conditioning units, Hurrican Protection, Clergy Residences, Playground expenses) St. Joan of Arc Parish Support for School $113,992 Parish Support for Diocesan Required Collections & Other Collections Diocesan Services Appeal - Support to the Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Relief Services Church in Latin America Respect Life Propagation of Faith Campaign for Human Development Retired Religious Catholic Education Support Education of Seminarians Holy Land Peter’s Pence Catholic Communication Black & Indian Mission Victims of Phillipines Disaster Ministry of Good Shepherd (Spaghetti Dinner - Internations Festival - Other Collections) Total Parishioners Support for Required Special Collections $406,274 $5,504 $5,419 $5,691 $4,399 $4,764 $8,238 $6,659 $7,856 $6,485 $8,010 $4,846 $4,670 $17,945 $23,338 $520,098 March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 13 AROUND OUR DIOCESE Do You Think God is Calling You to Priesthood? If you are a junior in high school or older, come join other men who are looking to answer that question. On March 20 - 22, 2015, John Vianney Seminary in Miami is hosting a weekend to experience what life is like at the seminary and to answer any questions you may have. Transportation will be provided. Please ask your Parish Priest for a registration form. If you need more information please contact the Office of Vocations at 561-775-9552, or [email protected] 2015 Boca Boating & Beach Bash for People with Disabilities When: Saturday, March 21, 2015; 10am - 3pm Where: Spanish River Park, A1A, Boca Raton,FL What: Free admission to park, Boat Rides, BBQ lunch, Supervised Sports, Kids Fun Zone and more! For more information please contact the Bash office at 561-715-2622 Our Lady of Lourdes Golf Scramble Saturday, March 21, 2015, 11:30am Check-in, 1:00pm Shotgun Start Where: Boca Greens Golf Club, 19642 Trophy Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498 Phone: (561) 852-8837 Cost: $125 per person includes cart, range balls, contest entry, dinner Contact: John, (954) 304-2806 Benefits: Knights of Columbus Council #11241 projects for parish renovations Cost For Dinner Only of $40 per person entitles entry to raffles and silent auctions. All are welcome. Celebrate at the Joe-Paddy Festival The Joe-Paddy Festival returns to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. Join us on Thursday night, March 19, from 6pm - 9pm as we celebrate the feasts of St. Joseph and St. Patrick. Enjoy an evening of Irish and Italian music, food and drink as well as a silent and live auction in the company of the St. Vincent’s community. Protection of Children and Young People Price per ticket is $50. Tables of 10 can be reserved for $500. The Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach is committed to the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable adults in its care. Victims of abuse For more information, please contact Barbara at are encouraged to contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator to 561-732-4424 or [email protected] begin necessary emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. The Diocese of Palm Beach Victim Assistance Coordinator, Rosary Service Held Every Month Ms. Theresa Fretterd, can be reached at 561-801-0999. Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life conducts a Rosary Service the For more information on Diocesan policies and procedures for reporting first Saturday of each month at 9am outside the Presidential Women’s abuse as well as to view the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Center in West Palm Beach. The center is located at 100 Northpoint Children and Young People, please go to www.diocesepb.org and Parkway, just off 45th St. and Village Blvd. Please join us across the click on Offices/Safe Environments. street from the abortion center as we peacefully pray. For information, call Catholic Charities Respect Life Office at 561-775- 9565. Have the Courage to Defend the Unborn The Respect Life Ministry invites you to participate in the 40 Days for Life campaign of peaceful prayer. We meet from Ash Wednesday, February 18 until Palm Sunday, March 29 from 7:00am - 6:00pm at “The Presidential Women’s Center”, 100 Northpoint Parkway WPB. Call Shift Leaders Joan: 561-338-3017 or Kathleen: 815-451-2386 for information and direction. Thank you. Spring Workshop for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion The diocesan Office of Liturgy will hold two workshops in March for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on Saturday, March 7 at Holy Cross Church in Indiantown from 9 a.m. – Noon (12:00 p.m.). The last day to register for that session is Thursday, March 5. The second workshop will be held on Saturday, March 14 at Ascension Church in Boca Raton from 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The last day to register for this session in Boca Raton is Thursday, March 12. 14 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8 Day of Reflection “Who is Jesus?” Presenter: Deacon Dennis Demes Location: Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 1300 U.S. Highway One, N. Palm Beach, FL 33408 Phone: (561)626-1300 April 1, the day programs run from10am - 2:30pm and include presentations, time for private reflection, opportunity for Confession, a meal and Mass. The donation for each session is $30. Reservation required. Holy Week Retreat: “Blessed Are You!” April 1-5. Led by Retreat Team. Cost is variable for religious, singles and couples. Deposit and Registration is required. See our website for more information. ourladyofflorida.org March 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 15 16 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • March 8
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