ST JOAN’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Office & Centre Bookings 01252 716711 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] St Joan of Arc, Farnham The Parish Office is open 9.30-12.30 Tuesdays to Fridays. Fr Niven Richardson 19 Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ Tel: 01252 716711 Parish Office email: [email protected] Website: WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS/PARISH MAGAZINE: Please send articles to [email protected] PUBLICITY: Tony Tunstall Tel:703219 email:[email protected] WEBSITE: Contact Mary Nolan at [email protected] with any changes/updates to the website. ARCAID: Funding small charitable projects overseas. If you have a project you would like us to consider, please contact Jenifer Davis Tel: 794369. GIFT AID CONTACT: Gerry O’Donnell [email protected] Tel: 724169 RADIO STATION St Joan’s Year of the Holy Spirit 2014 Sisters of the Holy Spirit: Sr Sujata, Sr Dolorina, Sr Simone, Sr Krystyna Tel: 722329 St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School: Head - Mrs A.Gunn Tel: 716307 All Hallows Catholic School & 6th Form College: Head – Mrs E. Lutzeier Tel: 319211 THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 16th November 2014 Psalter week 1 Cycle A Year 2 We gather to worship God in union with Francis I, Our Pope. Saturday 15th November 9.30am Mass: Hazel Tarpey RIP Confession & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 5.30pm Confession 6.00pm Mass: Joan Davis RIP (anniv) Sunday 16th November 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9.15am 11.15am 6.00pm The e-logo at the top of column 1 of this newsletter can be scanned with a GROUPS smartphone or iPhone andPARISH will automatically download the parish website. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP: Monday 10.30-11.15am in the Centre Foyer. NO MEDITATION GROUP 17TH NOVEMBER. ROSARY GROUP: Meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.25pm in St Joan’s Church. Next Rosary 18th November. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP: Thursday at 8pm in the Centre Foyer. MOTHERS PRAYERS: Fridays after 9.30am Mass in the Centre Foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY is on the 2nd Sunday of every month in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel after Sunday Masses. PARENT TODDLER GROUP: Tuesday 9.00-11.30am in the Centre, during term time. ST JOAN’S YOUTH CLUB: Fridays 7.00-9.00pm Year 7’s and above. 21st November Film Night in Centre. Further details please 'phone Clive 07980177601 or Vince 733876 email:[email protected] THE SECOND MONDAY CLUB (2:2 Club) Second Monday of the month 2pm - 4pm in the Centre. All retirees welcome. Games, chat, songs and tea. Next Club 8th December – Christmas Event Everyone is warmly welcome to attend these groups. Mass: Bernard Manning RIP (anniv) Mass: Private Intention Youth Mass:Janina & Eugeniusz Lotocki RIP Helen & Percyval Hart Dyke RIP Monday 17th November 10.00am Funeral Service: Norah Robinson RIP Tuesday 18th November 7.25pm Rosary 8.00pm Mass: Holy Souls Wednesday 19th November 3.30pm Mass: Evelyn Borelli RIP Thursday 20th November 9.30am Mass Year 5: Holy Souls st Friday 21 November 9.30am Mass: Frank Davis RIP (anniv) Saturday 22nd November 9.30am Mass: Holy Souls Confession & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11.00am Baptism: Poppy & Isabella Westlake 5.30pm Confession 6.00pm Mass: Glen Freshwater RIP (anniv) Sunday 23rd November OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE 9.15am Mass: Kate & Gerry RIP In Memory 11.15am Mass: Peter Shannon RIP 6.00pm Let us pray for those in our families who are unwell at this time and especially for Helen Dakers Black, Geraldine Tod, IIona Main, Eileen Mulvin, Linda Weston, Mary Walsh, Terry Taylor, Tim Greenwood, Bob Locking, Benedikta Rowe, Mary Tracey, Mary Lynch, Lydia Quicke, Clare Caillard, Mary Myers We pray especially for Miss Norah Robinson RIP who died recently and whose Funeral will be here at St Joan’s on Monday 17th November at 10am. Youth Mass: Holy Souls And for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time Joan Davis, Bernard Manning, Frank Davis, George Dickason, Delia Webber, Thomas McDonagh, Donald Barwell, Joseph Brownbill, Eileen McGrory Thank you very much for your generosity last week. £2599.51 (£1454.51 cash £1,145 standing orders). Transformation Project standing orders average £233pw. Collection 1st/2nd November £2,531.03 (£1386.03 cash £1,145 standing orders) 2nd Collection The Retired Priests Fund £699.77 2nd Collection this weekend 15th/ 16th November The Cathedral Maintenance Fund (Gift Aid) Mass attendance: Saturday Vigil 6pm=127; Sunday 9.15am = 209 Sunday 11.15am =174; 6pm = 250; Total: = 760 Fridays are a day of Penance and abstinence from eating meat. May the Lord grant them all a place in His Kingdom th GOLDEN JUBILEE FESTIVAL 5 July 2015 . The Diocese celebrates 50 years of existence in 2015. There is to be a major event at Brighton & Hove Football Ground. Fantastic speakers, family activities, entertainment and Mass of Thanksgiving. Thank you to Susie Duffy who has volunteered to be our Parish Contact for Jubilee 50. Homily Summary 9th November 2014 YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT This year in our Parish we are focusing on the Holy Spirit, learning how He helps us to pray and grow in our Catholic faith. The Holy Spirit is “God active in us” and “awakes our memory” of how Christ redeemed us of our misery and sin. Amen. Pope Francis PARISH NEWS/EVENTS We remember all the armed forces men and women who died in WW1 and in the Second World War and those who have died in conflicts since. We remember too all our living relatives and friends – to love them and support them. And we remember the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is with us in our lives. We are never alone. TH ARCAID AGM - ST JOAN’S CENTRE MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER 2014 at 8.00pm You are all warmly invited to come along to hear about ARCAID’s activities in the past year. Wine, beverages and nibbles will be served. ARCAID is St Joan’s own small, independent, overseas aid charity; founded in 1989 and spending more than £40,000 per year of your generous contributions. Our guest speaker this year is Dr Karilyn Collins, MBE. Karilyn is a palliative care physician, specialising in HIV care and treatment. She is founder of Muheza Hospice Care in Tanzania - a wonderful organisation supported by Arcaid this year.All parishioners are members of Arcaid, and many are subscribers. THE HOLY SPIRIT ASSOCIATION I would like to invite all of you who are willing to share the original fire of missionary enthusiasm to come and join our Association. 7 years ago, more or less, Sr. Adel started a group of the Holy Spirit Association in the Farnham community. Now our mission starts anew. I would like to invite all members of that previous group and all those who are interested to join as. Our first meeting will be on th Monday 17 of November 7.30-9.00pm in the Convent of the SSpS, 78 Firgrove Hill, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8LW Sr.Krystyna 722329. CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH FOR PEOPLE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE SPEND THE DAY ON THEIR OWN AND COORDINATED BY CHURCHES TOGETHER IN FARNHAM. To book a place please ring Mariola on 716785 or Michael on 712600. For volunteer helpers – helping in the kitchen, serving guests, clearing up afterwards etc –please ring Jo, on 737162. We are especially seeking volunteer drivers because many of the 80 guests are dependent on our providing transport for them. Very many thanks. HORSES ! THE PARISH GOLD CUP! Last chance to buy a horse and be in there with a chance! £100 for the winning horse, £50 for a place. Draw will take place at the coffee morning after the 9.30 Mass on this coming st Friday November 21 . Fifty horses waiting to be taken up. Find them in The Link. The Fundraisers’ Horse of the Year will sell on until December. PARISH WALK Come and Enjoy our next Parish Walk led by John Harvey on Tuesday 18th November. Meet in the Church car park at 9.30 a.m. as usual. Optional pub lunch is an excellent finish after a good morning's walk! Further details in Church Porch. th LADIES BRING A DISH Wednesday 19 November 7.30pm at Jen Hepworth’s home. Sign up sheets are in the church porch or contact Jen on [email protected] ALTON CONVENT SCHOOL invites you: Transition to th Reception Event for Entry 2015 Wednesday 19 November 7.00pm. Further details contact Mrs Pigott on 01420 82070 or [email protected] St Teresa of Avila: Presentation The year 2015 is the 500th anniversary of St Teresa of Avila There will be a presentation of her life and her writings on prayer by Jan McGrory TUESDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 7.45 – 9.00PM In the Parish Hall ALL ARE WELCOME THE ARUNDEL AND BRIGHTON DIOCESAN TRUST IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 252878 SMALL GROUPS FOR ADVENT:Groups will be meeting in the parish to help prepare spiritually for Christmas. There will be four weekly meetings when we will read and reflect on Scripture. Sign-up sheets are now in the Link. Please choose your group and add your name to the sign-up list. EVERYONE IS WELCOME th ADVENT HOLY HOUR – Thursday 4 December 8pm ‘Come Lord Jesus’. th CHRISTMAS PARISH SUNDAY LUNCH – Sunday 7 December at 12.30 in the Centre. Details to follow shortly. CHRISTMAS LUNCH FOR WALKERS, Past, present, future th on 11 December at Café Rouge. Sign up sheet in church porch. ST JOAN OF ARC LEGENDARY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR th Saturday 29 November 10.45am-1.30pm “A great time to do some Christmas Shopping.” May we appeal …. for the Grand Raffle, gifts, Whiskey, Chocolates and for the other stalls… gifts, cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery, books, toys, vegetables, fruit, plants. Bottles for the Bottle stall, sweet jars, handbags and on the day CAKES, CAKES, CAKES!! GRAND RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE AFTER ALL MASSES REPOSITORY / CHURCH/SHOP Christmas Cards, Gifts, Advent candles, calendars and diaries are for Sale in Repository after weekend Masses. CHILDREN OF ST JOAN OF ARC FIRST HOLY COMMUNION SIGN UP SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY 16TH NOVEMBER AFTER 9.15am Mass Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate. YOUTH OF ST JOAN OF ARC Now that you have been confirmed Fr Niven and Sr Krystyna look forward to meeting up with you on Sundays. st Friday 21 November 6pm in the Foyer Catch up with Fr Niven for Year 13’s. CONFIRMATION EXPERIENCE 2015 Please sit in pews allocated for you at the front of the church on Sunday evenings. rd Session 1: 23 November 4.30-5.30 followed by 6pm Youth Mass
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