The 3rd Kuwait International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer Provisional Scientific Program (8th-11th April 2015) 1 St. announcement Scientific program Radiodiagnosis: Dual CT scan: Applications in Head and Neck cancer. spectrum of thyroid nodules: US and US guided biopsy Parathyroid imaging: evaluation by ultrasound & 4DCT. Imaging basics of perineural tumor spread: what to look for. Imaging evaluation of sino-nasal neoplasia in head and neck oncology: what to look for? Imaging evaluation of neck nodes in: thyroid cancer, treated SCC and lymphoma patients. New imaging modalities in staging of head and neck cancer. Pathology: Molecular diagnosis of thyroid cancer and its impact on patient management. Pathological implications in the management of salivary gland tumors. Melanomas of head and neck: different pathological entities. Pathological Alterations in oral cavity cancers. HPV in head and neck squamous carcinomas: epidemiology, molecular and pathologic considerations. Pathological aspects of laryngeal tumors. Pathological Classification of head and neck sarcomas: Bone, Soft tissue, Radiation induced sarcoma. Surgical oncology: Risk adapted, evidence based, cost effective treatment of thyroid cancer. Treatment of locally advanced thyroid cancer. Central neck dissection in thyroid cancer Complications of thyroid surgery: prevention and management. Difficult case of advanced thyroid cancer for panel discussion. Management of unknown primary cancer. Diagnosis and management of primary hyperparathyroidism. Re do parathyroid surgery. Clinical case scenario for unusually located parathyroid adenoma. Tumors of the salivary glands Parotidectomy for benign or recurrent parotid tumors: An aesthetic approach. Minor salivary gland cancers: new concepts in the management. Impact of resection- margins on tumor recurrence. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Melanoma: indications and techniques. Melanomas of Head & Neck. The Role of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Oral Cancer. Oncologic evaluation and management of the mandible in oral cavity cancer. Neck node dissection in the management of oral cancer. Sentinel node biopsy versus selective node dissection in oral cavity cancer. ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION OF SINONASAL CANCERS: ONCOLOGIC OUTCOMES. Orbital tumors: surgical and reconstructive options. Optimal management of Para-pharyngeal Space Tumors. Cancer of the middle third of the face. Ongoing progress in the surgical management of skull base tumors in 2015. MDT Management of nasopharyngeal cancer. Surgical salvage of Oropharyngeal Cancer. Management of Hypopharyngeal cancer. Trans-axillary thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap: A versatile new technique for hypopharyngeal reconstruction. Evidence based review of organ preservation strategies in laryngeal cancer Neck dissection techniques and indications. THE IMPACT OF PHARYNGEAL CLOSURE TECHNIQUE ON FISTULA AFTER SALVAGE LARYNGECTOMY. Is there still a Role of total laryngectomy in the 21st century? Refinement of various flaps in head & neck reconstruction. Optimizing the use of Microvascular free fibula flap for mandibular reconstruction after tumor resection. Mandibular reconstruction, new concepts. Reconstruction of mandibular osteoradionecrosis ( ORN ). Tracheal reconstruction. Crico-tracheal resection in the management of tracheal stenosis and/or cancer invasion. The principles of surgical management of head and neck sarcomas. The incidence, risk factors and management of local recurrence of head and neck sarcomas. Medical oncology and radiotherapy: Systemic adjuvant therapy in head and neck melanoma: impact on prognosis and survival. The management of iodine resistant thyroid cancer and the use of new drugs. Current place of IMRT use in head and neck cancer. Role of Systemic adjuvant therapy in head and neck melanoma. Radiotherapy in oral cancer, what is new. Radiation therapy in laryngeal cancer. The use of adjuvant radiotherapy in head and neck sarcomas. The role of chemotherapy in the preoperative setting, postoperative (alone or in combination with radiotherapy) and in irresectable aggressive sarcoma of head and neck. List of guests of head and neck conference: Jatin Shah (USA) Ashok Shaha (USA) Beth Edeiken (USA) Ehab Hanna (USA) Michelle Williams (USA) Peirong Yu (USA) Jonathan Irish (Canada) Patrick Gullane (Canada) Ralph Gilbert (Canada) Eugene Yu (Canada) John Kim (Canada) Chris Nutting (UK) Jean-Pierre Jeannon (UK) Alexis Rapidis (Greece) Nadia Mokhtar (Egypt) Ayman Amin (Egypt) Day 1 : Wednesday 8 April, 2015 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Opening Ceremony 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM - 10:05 AM National Anthem 10:05 AM - 10:10 AM Recitation from Holy Quran 10:10 AM - 10:20 AM Minister’s Speech 10:20 AM - 10.30 AM Welcome Speech 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Break 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Keynote Lecture: Risk adapted, evidence based, cost effective treatment of thyroid cancer (Jatin Shah, USA) Session (1): THYROID CANCER Chairpersons: 1) 03:00PM – 03:20PM Molecular diagnosis of thyroid cancer and its impact on patient management. (M. Williams, USA) 2) 03.20 PM – 03.40 The spectrum of thyroid nodules: US and US guided biopsy (B Edeiken, USA) 3) 3.40 PM – 4.00 PM Treatment of locally advanced thyroid cancer. (Jatin Shah , USA) 4) 4.00 PM – 4.20 PM Central neck dissection in thyroid cancer ( J. Irish , Canada) 5) 4.20 PM – 4.40 PM Complications of thyroid cancer surgery: prevention and management. (A. Shaha , USA) 6) 04:40 PM – 05:00 PM A Difficult case of advanced thyroid cancer for discussion 7) 05:00 PM-05:20PM The management of iodine resistant thyroid cancer and the use of new drugs. (C. Nutting UK) 05:20 PM - 05:40 PM 05:40 PM - 06:00PM Panel Discussion Break Session (2): PARATHYROID NEOPLASIA Chairpersons: 1. 06:00PM-06:20 PM Keynote lecture: Management of unknown primary (A Shaha, USA) 2. 06:20PM – 06:40 PM Parathyroid imaging: evaluation by ultrasound & 4DCT (B. Edeiken, USA) 3. 06:40PM–07:00PM Diagnosis and management of primary hyperparathyroidism. ( A. Shaha, USA) 4. 07:00PM-07:20PM Re-do parathyroid surgery. (A. Amin , Egypt) 5. 07:20PM-07:40PM Imaging evaluation of neck nodes in thyroid cancer, treated SCC and lymphoma patients. (B. Edeiken, USA) 6. 07:40PM-)8:00PM Clinical case scenario for unusually located parathyroid adenoma (Said Marea, Kuwait) 08:00 PM-8:20 PM 08:20 PM-08:45 PM 08:45 PM-10:00 PM Panel Discussion Lottery Dinner Day 2: Thursday, 9 April, 2015 Session (3): SALIVARY GLANDS TUMOURS Chairpersons: 1. 10:00AM – 10:20AM Pathological implications in the management of salivary gland tumors. (M. Williams, USA) 2. 10:20AM – 10:40AM Imaging basics of perineural tumor spread: what to look for.(Eugene Yu, Canada) 3. 10.40AM- 11.00AM Tumors of the salivary glands (J. Shah, USA) Parotidectomy for benign or recurrent parotid tumors: An aesthetic approach. (A. Amin , Egypt) 4. 11:00AM - 11:20AM 5. 11:20AM – 11:40AM Minor salivary gland cancers :new concepts in the management (P. Gullane, Canada) 6. 11:40 AM – 12:00 PM Current place of IMRT use in head and neck cancer ( C Nutting, UK) 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM 12:30 PM – 03:00 PM Panel Discussion Lunch Session (4): MELANOMAS OF HEAD & NECK Chairpersons: 1. 03:00PM – 03:20PM Melanomas of head and neck: different pathological entities. (M. Williams, USA) 2. 03:20PM – 03:40PM Melanomas of Head & Neck. (J. Irish, Canada). 3. 03:40 PM – 04:00 PM Role of systemic adjuvant therapy in head and neck melanoma. ( ????) 4. 04:00 PM – 04:20 PM Impact of resection margins on tumor recurrence. (J. Irish, Canada) 5. 04:20 PM – 04:40 PM Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Melanoma: indications and techniques. (J. Irish, Canada) 04:40 PM-05:00 PM 05:00 PM-05:30 PM Panel Discussion Break Session (5): ORAL CAVITY CANCER (SCC) Chairpersons: 1. 05:30PM – 05:50PM Pathological Alterations in oral cavity cancers. (N. Mokhtar, Egypt) 2. 05:50PM - 06:10PM The Role of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Oral Cancer. (A. Rapidis, Greece) 3. 06:10PM – 06:30PM Oncologic evaluation and management of the mandible in oral cavity cancer. (A. Shaha, USA) 4. 06:30 PM – 06:50 PM Neck node dissection in the management of oral cancer. (A. Rapidis, Greece) 5. 06:50 PM –07:10 PM Role of radiotherapy in oral cancer, what is new? ( John Kim, Canada ) 6. 07:10 PM-07:30 PM Sentinel node biopsy versus selective node dissection in oral cavity cancer. (JP Jeannon, UK) 07:30 PM – 07:50PM 07:50 PM – 08:15 PM 08:15 PM – 10:00 PM Panel Discussion Lottery Gala Dinner (By Invitation) Day 3 : Friday, 10 April, 2015 Session (6): SKULL BASE, ORBITAL & PARA-PHARYNGEAL TUMOURS Chairpersons: 1. 03:00PM – 03:30PM imaging evaluation of sino-nasal neoplasia in head 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and neck oncology: what to look for?. (Eugene Yu, Canada) 03:30PM – 03:50PM Endoscopic resection of sinonasal cancers: oncological outcome. (E. Hanna, USA) 03:50PM – 04:10PM. Orbital tumors: surgical and reconstructive options. ( A. Rapidis , Greece) 04:10PM – 04:30PM Optimal management of Para-pharyngeal Space Tumors. (E. Hanna, USA) 04:30PM – 04:50PM Cancer of the middle third of the face. ( A Rapidis, Greece) 04:50 PM – 05:10 PM Ongoing progress in the surgical management of skull base tumors in 2015. (E hanna, USA) 05:10 PM-05:30 PM Panel Discussion. 05:30 PM – 06:00 PM Break Session (7): PHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA Chairpersons: 1- 06:00PM – 06:20PM HPV in head and neck squamous carcinomas: epidemiology, molecular and pathologic considerations (M. Williams, USA) 206:20PM – 06-40 PM New imaging modalities in staging of head and neck cancer: Dual CT scan applications. (Eugene Yu, Canada) 306:40PM – 07-00 PM MDT Management of nasopharyngeal cancer. ( C Nutting, UK ) 407:00PM – 07:20PM Surgical salvage of oro-pharyngeal cancer (P Gullane, Canada) 507:20PM – 07:40PM Management of Hypopharyngeal cancer. (R Gilbert , Canada) 6- 07:40PM – 08:00PM Trans-axillary thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap: A versatile new technique for hypopharyngeal reconstruction. (A. Amin, Egypt) 08:00 PM – 08:15 PM 08:15 PM – 08:45 PM 08:45 PM – 10:00 PM Panel Discussion Lottery Dinner (By Invitation) Day 4 : Saturday, 11 April, 2015 Session (8): LARYNGEAL CANCER Chairpersons: 1. 10:00AM-10:20AM Pathological aspects of laryngeal tumors. (N. Mokhtar , Egypt) 2. 10:20 AM – 10:40 AM Evidence based review of organ preservation strategies in laryngeal cancer (R. Gilbert, Canada) 3. 10:40 AM – 11:00 AM Neck dissection techniques and indications. (J. Irish, Canada) 4. 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM The impact of pharyngeal closure technique on fistula after salvage laryngectomy. ( R. Gilbert, Canada) 5. 11:20 AM – 11:40 AM Radiation therapy in laryngeal cancer. (C. Nutting, UK ) 6. 11:40 PM – 12:00 PM Is there still a Role of total laryngectomy in the 21st century? (JP Jeannon, UK) 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM 12:00 PM – 03:00 PM Panel Discussion Lunch Session 9: HEAD & NECK RECONSTRUCTION Chairpersons: 1. 03:00PM – 03:20PM Refinement of various flaps in head & neck reconstruction (Peirong Yu, USA) 2. 03:20PM – 03:40PM optimizing the use of Microvascular free fibula flap for mandibular reconstruction after tumor resection. (A. Amin , Egypt) 3. 03:40PM – 04:00PM Mandibular reconstruction, new concepts. (R. Gilbert, Canada) 4. 04:00 PM – 04:20PM Reconstruction of mandibular osteoradionecrosis ( ORN ). (Peirong Yu, USA) 5. 04:20 PM – 04:40PM Crico-tracheal resection in the management of tracheal stenosis and/or cancer invasion (P Gullane, Canada) 6. 04:40PM-05:00PM Tracheal reconstruction. (Peirong Yu, USA) 7. 05:00PM -05:20PM Lip reconstruction following ablation for cancer. ( P. Gullane, Canada) 05:20PM -05:40PM Panel Discussion 05:40PM-06:00PM Break Session 10: Head and neck Sarcomas Chairpersons: 1. 06:00PM-06:20PM Pathological Classification of head and neck sarcomas: Bone, Soft tissue, Radiation induced sarcoma.(M. Williams, USA ) 2. 06:20PM-06:40PM The principles of surgical management of head and neck sarcomas.( P. Gullane, Canada) 3. 06:40PM-07:00PM The use of adjuvant radiotherapy in head and neck sarcomas. ( John Kim, Canada ) The role of chemotherapy in the preoperative setting, postoperative (alone or in combination with radiotherapy) and in irresectable aggressive sarcoma of head and neck. ( ? ) 4. 07:00PM-07:20PM 5. 07:20PM- The incidence, risk factors and management of local recurrences of head and neck sarcomas. ( JP Jeannon, UK ) 08:00 PM – 08:15 PM 08:15 PM – 08:45 PM 08:45 PM – 09:00 PM 09:00 PM – 10:30 PM Panel Discussion. Closing remarks (Dr.Medhat) Lottery Dinner (By Invitation) DR Medhat Oteifa Head of the Surgical Oncology Department KCCC Chairman of the conference organizing committee
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