Trust Board — March 2011 Performance Report Chair of Performance & Finance Committee & Executive Lead: Mark Oldham Contains:1. Patient Quality & Safety focus (Jan '11 Data) 2. Finance focus (Jan '11 Data) 3. System delivery focus (Jan '11 Data) 4. Workforce focus (Jan '11 Data) 5. Learning/development focus (Jan '11 Data) 6. External focus & Service (Feb '11 Data) Development/Planning Page 1 of 90 Section 1 Patient Quality and Safety Focus Accountable Office – Julie Smith Page 2 of 90 Summary of Complaints – January 2011 (19 complaints received) New Complaints by Division 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Surgery & Cancer May-10 Jun-10 Di agnostics & CSS Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Emergency Care Oct-10 Nov-10 Women, Chil dren & SH Dec-10 Jan-11 Estates & Faci lities The number of complaints received this month for Emergency Care has increased again 8 to 12 but no clear trends were identified. The number of complaints received this month by the Surgery and Cancer Division is again low (2). Monthly Percentage of Inpatient and Day Case Activity for January 2011: Division Surgery and Cancer Diagnostics and Clinical Support Services Emergency Care Women, Children and Sexual Health Percentage 34% 2% 40% 24% Percentage of Complaints responded to within Timescale agreed with Complainants 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Feb-10 M ar-10 A pr-10 M ay-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 A ug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 No v-10 Surgery & Cancer Diagno stics & CSS Emergency Care Wo men, Children & SH Estates & Facilities Target Dec-10 Jan-11 Page 3 of 90 Risk Gr ading of Complaints 4 3 2 1 0 F e b-1 0 Mar- 10 Apr- 10 Ma y-1 0 Surg ery & C an cer W ome n, Chi ldr en & SH Note: J un -10 Ju l-1 0 Au g-1 0 S ep -10 O c t-1 0 D ia gno sti cs & C SS Es ta te s & F aci li ti es 1 = Minor, 2 = Moderate, N ov -10 De c-1 0 Jan -1 1 Eme rgen cy C are 3 = Major/Catastrophic The maximum risk grading of any complaint received in January 2011 was ‘moderate’. The grading of a complaint is calculated using the Trust’s Risk Categorisation Matrix. Number of Meetings In addition to sending out formal written responses to complaints, the Trust encourages meetings with complainants. During January meetings were held with patients or their representatives as follows: Division Diagnostics & Clinical Support Services Surgery & Cancer Division Emergency Care Division Women’s, Children’s & Sexual Health Estates and Facilities Total Number 0 1 0 0 0 1 Complaints made to Central and Eastern Cheshire PCT There were no complaints made to the PCT in January regarding the Trust’s services. Page 4 of 90 Complaints referred to the Ombudsman No new complaints were referred to the Ombudsman in January Complaints/Trends referred to Monitor No complaints/trends were referred to Monitor in January Top trends from past 3 months Issues Raised Most Frequently in Complaints Received Between November 2010 January 2011 (65 complaints) 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Communic Communic Attitude of Attitude of Treatment ation with ation wit h midwife nurse delay patients relatives Nursing care other 0 0 Discharge - Medical Medical Midwifery Privacy inappropri medication adverse care and dignity ate error/delay outcome 0 Medical - Medical delay in diagnosis treatment problems Jan 0 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 0 3 6 Dec 4 3 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 Nov 1 4 5 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 Jan Dec Nov Closed Complaints Summary Attached Sections removed under S40 of the Freedom of Information Act Ethnicity Data Patients (n=19) White British Irish Ethnicity White Other Asian or Asian British Mixed Black or Black British Other Ethnic Group Undisclosed Number % 18 95% 0 Patients 0% 0 6% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 5% Number % 12 63% Complainants 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 7 37% Page 5 of 90 Summary of Patient Advice and Liaison Service January 2011 Concerns by Division PALS Concerns by Division 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Feb10 Mar10 Apr10 May10 Jun- Jul-10 Aug10 10 Sep10 Oct10 Nov10 Dec10 Jan11 Surgery & Cancer Diagnostics & CSS Emergency Care Women, Children & SH Es tates & Facilities Corporate A total of 88 contacts for concerns (42%) were received for the above Divisions in PALS from 208 contacts in January 2011. Total contacts for the current month have decreased by 19% from the previous month. This is probably due to the latter part of the Christmas period. PALS are also continuing to receive fewer contacts for Face to Face interpreters, which is impacting on the total number of contacts. Contacts for concerns have decreased for all Divisions except Estates and Facilities (+4). Three of these four concerns were regarding the cost of parking. The two concerns for the Corporate Division were around communication in Integrated Governance. Page 16 of 90 Time to Resolve Concerns by Division Perecentage of concerns resolved within 3 working days by Division 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Surgery & Cancer Diagnostics & CSS Em ergency Care Wom en, Children & SH Estates & Facilities Corporate Dec-10 Jan-11 The number of issues resolved in 3 working days has decreased slightly for this month, which is probably due to the latter part of the Christmas period and annual leave being taken. Compliments by Division Complim ents by Division 12 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 0 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Surgery & Cancer Diagnostic s & CSS Emergency Care Women, Children & SH Estates & Facilities Corporate Page 17 of 90 Compliments There has been no return this month from Departments within Diagnostics and Clinical Support Services. The three compliments for this Division have been made direct to PALS. PALS Top 5 Concerns Top 5 Concerns - November 2010 to January 2011 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Communication Appointments Care Treatment November 40 29 29 12 8 December 41 18 12 10 13 January 35 18 23 11 11 116 65 64 33 32 Total Property The above graph is based on the number of issues, not contacts. Although the total numbers have decreased slightly for January, the total for issues of Care have risen against the previous quarter by 8 (56). For January, Emergency Care had the highest number of care issues, being 8, with the Emergency Department having 3 of those issues. 2 were regarding Nursing care and 1 Medical care Sections removed under S40 of the Freedom of Information Act Page 18 of 90 Patient Experience Report January 2011 Surveys carried out in January 2011 by Division Survey Name of Division Reason for survey Number Survey CD089 PALS Corporate To evaluate the PALS service. Service CD087 Advance Corporate To gain patient feedback on their Quality experience whilst in hospital SC090 Urology Surgery & To gain patient feedback on the Nurse Cancer service currently provided. Practitioner Service DC088 Waiting Time Diagnostics To highlight issues regarding Audit & Clinical communication Services of clinic delays to patients. Evaluation Forms following patient surveys received to be reported to PEC: Nutrition Phlebotomy Discharge Audit NHS Choices postings – All postings reported they would recommend the hospital Surgery & Cancer Division Breast Care Unit– positive -– prompt efficient and caring treatment received Ward 9 – positive – Impressed with very clean and good food and good follow up care Orthopaedic Unit – positive – Staff were wonderful very caring with lots of patience Emergency Care Division Accident and Emergency Department – positive – Care and kindness was excellent Women’s & Children’s Division Maternity Unit – 2 positives – Excellent Care To date 31 out of 50 patients would recommend the hospital Page 22 of 90 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% Sep-10 ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Falls Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↑95% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Falls Assessment ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Indicator Criterion All patients will receive a falls risk on admission to the trust which will be dated and signed by the assessing staff member Care Plans to minimize falls will be evident for all patients assessed vas being at risk A further assessment will be undertaken for all patients identified as being at risk All risk assessment documentation will provide details of ward, patient name and date of birth, hospital identifier and date Care plans will identify actions following the use of the Risk Balance Tool. ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Compliance for completion of bed rail assessments are overall improving ward results. Page 23 of 90 Feb-10 Jan-10 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Fluid Balance Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Fluid Balance Care Indicator ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Indicator Criterion: Patients requiring Fluid Balance will be placed i=on the appropriate chart – WPG319 All patient Fluid Balance Chart documentation will provide details of ward, patient name, date of birth & hospital number All patients fluid balance charts will be dated. 24hr cumulative balances will be evident on all fluid balance charts Column totals will be calculated daily Fluid Balance There are only 10 patients per ward audited, these patients may not be currently on fluid balance charts. Further audits of fluid balance chart audits are currently being undertaken by Consultants within the Trust Page 24 of 90 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Bowels Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Bowels ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Bowels Care Indicator All patients will receive an assessment of elimination needs on admission to the Trust, which will be dated and signed by the assessing staff member All patients will have their bowel movement recorded and documented on the vital observation chart once a day All patients requiring analgesia will have an aperients prescribed on their prescription chart Aperient administration and efficacy will be documented in the daily summary of care ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% The results for the bowel indicator continue to improve each month. The implementation of the new Trust documentation will further assist compliance Short stay assessment documentation does not have allocated section for initial bowel assessment hence this is lowering scores Page 25 of 90 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Nutritional Assessment Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Food & Nutrition ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Indicator Criterion All patients will receive a nutritional assessment on admission to the trust which will be dated and signed by the assessing staff member All patients will be weighed on admission to hospital Care Plans demonstrating nutritional support interventions will be evident for all patients identified at risk Patients will be reassessed as required in accordance with assessment documentation All nutritional assessment documentation will provide details of ward, patient name and date of birth, hospital identifier and date Nutritional assessment documentation will highlight referrals to the dietetic dept as necessary All wards are constantly completing nutritional assessments, this is helped by ED weighing dependant patients as they arrive Page 26 of 90 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Cannula Care Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↑95% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Care Indicator – Cannula ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Indicator Criterion Care Plan documentation will be evident for those patients with venous access device The VIP score will be carried out once per shift Dressing Changes will be documented on the Care plan All documentation will provide details of Ward, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Hospital Identifier & date The new cannula careplan is currently being trialled throughout the Trust. ↓84% Page 27 of 90 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Pressure Area Care Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% Pressure Area Care Indicator Criterion All patients will receive a waterlow risk assessment on admission to the trust which will be dated and signed and timed by the assessing member of staff Waterlow Scoring will be reassessed on a daily basis. All risk assessment documentation will provide details of ward, patient name and date of birth, hospital identifier and date All patients identified as having a pressure ulcer will have an IR1 form completed Pressure Area prevention careplan to be evident for all patients with a waterlow score of 10+ All patients with a pressure ulcer will have a careplan for treatment of ulcer Completion of question ‘pressure ulcer present on admission? Will be completed All patient indentified with pressure ulcer on admission to be graded The non-completion of pressure area prevention careplans are causing reduced scores. The monthly data is submitted to the Tissue Viability Nurses for ward followup/ education input. ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Page 28 of 90 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Infection Control Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Infection Prevention & Control ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Indicator Criterion: Alcohol gel is available in line with Trust Guidance Hand hygiene is completed in accordance with Trust policy Care Plan documentation will be evident for those patients who are identified with an alert/organism/ condition Care Plan documentation will be evident for those patients with invasive devices Evidence of adherence to uniform policy and PPE worn according to Trust guidance ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% This indicator has recently been re-introduced at the request of the Matrons, results are improving monthly. Reduction is results is caused by sideroom doors not being closed when nursing an infectious patient and alcohol gel not being at the end of each bed. Page 29 of 90 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-10 Feb-10 ↓84% Sep-10 ↓84% Red = Ambe r= Green = Trust Care Indicators Wards with no results displayed were closed during the audit period. Medicine Management Cardiac 1 ↑95% Respiratory ↑95% Cardiac 3 ↑95% Gastroenterology 4 ↑95% Gastroenterology 5 ↑95% Complex Care ↑95% Stroke Care ↑95% Gastroenterology 7 ↑95% Orthopaedic Elective ↑95% SAU ↑95% Surgical Speciality ↑95% Care of Older People ↑95% General Surgery 12 ↑95% General Surgery 13 ↑95% Endocrinology ↑95% Orthopaedic Trauma ↑95% VIN Intermediate Care ↑95% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% 8594% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% ↓84% Medicines Prescribing & Administration Indicator Criterion All patient prescription documentation will be legible. All patient prescription documentation will provide details of ward, patient name and date of birth, hospital identifier and allergy status The status of all patients with a potential / actual medication allergy will be identified Patients requiring antibiotics will be have a defined stop date / review date. This indicator was recently re-introduced for a 4 month period to ensure sustained results Page 30 of 90 Advancing Quality The Trust joined the Regional Advancing Quality programme in 2008. The programme went live in October 2008 with the Trust collecting and reporting on clinical measures as well as service improvement work. The aim of this project is to record and report on agreed clinical measures and improve outcomes for patients with the following clinical conditions. • • • • Acute Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery Community Acquired Pneumonia In Year one, October 2008 – September 2009 the Trust was financially rewarded for achieving top 50% in Heart Failure & Community Acquired Pneumonia. Year two (October 2009- March 2010) earned the Trust achievement awards for Hip & Knee, Heart Failure and AMI. AQ has now joined CQUIN. Acute Myocardial Infarction MI - Composite Scores 2010/11 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Apr May Jun Jul Rate Aug Sep 75th Percentile Oct Nov Dec Jan 50th Percentile Feb Mar Apr CQUIN Oct 2010 Discharges Acute Myocardial Infarction Aspirin at arrival Aspirin Prescribed at discharge ACEI or ARB for LVSD Adult Smoking Cessation Advice/Counselling Beta Blocker prescribed at discharge Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival AMI: Composite Process Score (CPS) AMI: Appropriate Care Score (ACS) Num Den Rate 32 26 4 4 22 1 0 89 32 32 26 4 5 25 2 0 94 37 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 88.00% 50.00% N/A 94.68% 86.49% Page 31 of 90 Heart Failure Heart Failure - Composite Scores 2010/11 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Apr May Jun Jul Rate Aug 75th Percentile 50th Percentile CQUIN Hospital October 2010 discharges Focus Area/Measure Heart Failure Discharge instructions Evaluation of LV Function ACEI or ARB for LVSD Adult Smoking Cessation Advice/Counselling HF: Composite Process Score (CPS) HF: Appropriate Care Score (ACS) Num Den Rate 14 21 9 0 44 15 20 23 12 1 56 23 70.00% 91.30% 75.00% 0.00% 78.57% 65.22% Community Acquired Pneumonia Community Acquired Pneumonia - Composite Scores 2010/11 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Apr Rate May Jun Jul Aug 75th Percentile Sep Oct Nov Dec 50th Percentile Jan Feb Mar CQUIN Apr Hospital October 2010 Discharges Focus Area/Measure Pneumonia Oxygenation assessment Blood Cultures Performed in the A&E Prior to Initial Abx Received in Hospital Adult Smoking Cessation Advice/Counselling Initial antibiotic received within 6 hours of hospital arrival Initial antibiotic selection for CAP in immunocompetent patients PN: Composite Process Score (CPS) PN: Appropriate Care Score (ACS) Num Den Rate 39 40 97.50% 3 3 14 18 77 17 5 12 29 25 111 41 60.00% 25.00% 48.28% 72.00% 69.37% 41.46% Page 32 of 90 Hip & Knee Surgery Hip and Knees - Composite Scores 2010/11 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Apr May Jun Rate Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 75th Percentile Dec Jan Feb Mar 50th Percentile Apr CQUIN Hospital October 2010 Discharges Focus Area/Measure Hip and Knee Replacement Prophylactic antibiotic received within 1 hour prior to surgical incision Prophylactic antibiotic selection for surgical patients Prophylactic abx discontinued within 24 hours after surgery end time Recommended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis ordered Rcvd appropriate VTE Prophylaxis w/i 24 hrs Prior to surg to 24 hrs After surg H&K: Composite Process Score (CPS) H&K: Appropriate Care Score (ACS) Num Den Rate 36 45 46 43 47 46 46 45 76.60% 97.83% 100.00% 95.56% 31 201 24 45 229 47 68.89% 87.77% 51.06% Stroke Stroke joined the Advancing Quality programme with October 2010 discharges. The formal period for assessment for the Stroke CQUIN is discharges between 1st October 2010 – 31st March 2011 75% of the CQUINS award will be paid upon delivery of a cumulative composite quality score which is equal to or exceeds 90% 25% of the CQUINS awards will be paid upon delivery of an appropriate care score which equals or exceeds 50% Stroke - Com posite Scores 2010/11 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% Apr May Jun Jul Aug Rat e Sep Oct 75t h Percent ile Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 50t h Percent ile Page 33 of 90 Hospital October 2010 Discharges Focus Area/Measure Stroke Stroke unit admission within 4 hours after hospital arrival Swallowing disorder screening within 24 hours of hospital admission Brain scan within 24 hours of hospital arrival Aspirin or Antiplatelet received within 24 hours of hospital admission Physiotherapy assessment received within 72 hours of hospital admission Occupational therapy assessment within 72 hours of hospital admission Weighed at least once during the admission process STK: Composite Process Score (CPS) STK: Appropriate Care Score (ACS) Num Den Rate 10 31 32 34 34 37 39 35 29.41% 83.78% 82.05% 97.14% 30 34 88.24% 29 26 192 7 33 36 248 41 87.88% 72.22% 77.42% 17.07% Year Three 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011 Advancing Quality has joined the CQUIN programme from 1st April 2010 The incentive budgets for year three are based on a percentage of total contract value, as advised by NHS North West. For Acute focus areas it is 0.01% of the total contact value. The CQUIN targets that have been set for each focus area have been set in accordance with Trust improvement from Year 1 CQS. Page 34 of 90 Patient Safety Monthly Performance Report MCHFT want to deliver high quality, safe patient care. Despite their best efforts human factors, systems and processes contribute to prevent this desire. We unintentionally harm patients in our care. In order to understand this we need a diagnostic journey that moves the organisation to a model for improvement and learning, away from a model of measuring for judgement (Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009). Learning from the Leading Improvement in Patient Safety (LIPS) program, this paper has been developed using Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts to measure the avoidable harm caused to patients in Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT). The Trust has a positive incident reporting culture and the aim is to: • Reduce the severity of avoidable harm caused to patients by 10% year on year. • Increase medication incident reporting by 10% 2010-2011. • Increase no harm reporting by 1% 2010-2011. This report presents the data in different formats with the inclusion of trend lines in some charts as an alternative for consideration by the Board of Directors. Definitions Runs apply that identify special cause patterns on SPC charts. • Rule 2 or shift in the process is defined as 7 or more consecutive points above or below the median. These are indicated by orange circles on the SPC charts within this report. Serious incident Serious harm is defined as any patient safety incident that appears to have caused major permanent harm or contributed to the death of a patient (NPSA 2009). Moderate harm Moderate harm is defined as any patient safety incident that resulted in a moderate increase in treatment and which significant but no permanent harm (NPSA 2009). Low harm Low harm is defined as any patient safety incident that required extra observation or minor treatment and caused minimal harm (NPSA 2009). References: NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2009) A guide to creating and interpreting run and control charts, turning data into information for improvement. National Patient Safety Agency (2009) Incident Categorisation Matrix. Page 35 of 90 SPC 1 Clostridium Difficile outbreak on Ward 5 Number of SIs Temporal Arteritis Incident 3 months without SI Patient Fall resulting in transfer to neuro surgery Patient suicide on Orthopaedics 7 months without SI 3 months without SI Misplaced naso / orogastric tube not detected prior to use Aimed Direction for Improvement Serious Incidents by Month April 2009 to January 2011 (Detail removed under S40 of FOI Act) Information Governance incident at VIN Month SPC 1 demonstrates the number of incidents that have resulted in a serious incident. In accordance with Trust policy a level 2 root cause analysis is performed on all serious incidents reported with an Executive Lead review, this is to enable the Trust to learn and share lessons to prevent re-occurrence. Action plans developed in response to these incidents are monitored at Operational Integrated Governance Committee (OIG). Following analysis of the incidents the severity is reassessed and documented in the Operational Integrated Governance action points and on the incident reporting data base. There have been no level 2 root cause analysis reviews since the last report. Page 36 of 90 Run Chart 2 P atient F alls R es ulting in H arm by Month & Y ear J anuary 2009 to J anuary 2011 System for identifying repeat patient falls introduced 50 Patient falls strategy implemented 40 30 Patient falls documentation audit completed 20 10 0 J an F eb Mar A pr May J un J ul A ug S ep Oct Nov Dec 2009 39 41 42 39 53 51 33 23 23 31 45 42 2010 35 28 34 40 29 32 35 31 34 40 36 33 2011 37 Aimed Direction for Improvement 60 Run chart 2 demonstrates the number of patients who have fallen whilst in hospital which have resulted in harm. Of this data 96.6% (875) resulted in low harm, 3.3% (30) resulted in moderate harm and 0.1% (1) resulted in a serious incident. The majority of falls continue to result low harm. A patient fall that result in moderate harm is subjected to a bespoke root cause analysis, this enables the Trust to learn and share lessons. The trend line for falls is slightly moving away from the aimed direction of improvement. Page 37 of 90 Run Chart 3 Direction for Improvement Medic ation Inc idents R es ulting in H arm by Month & Y ear J anuary 2009 to J anuary 2011 30 25 20 Introduction of Pharmacy Intervention Database 15 10 5 0 J an F eb Mar A pr May J un J ul A ug S ep Oct Nov Dec 2009 6 12 4 5 6 15 17 7 8 19 26 10 2010 10 5 6 11 6 10 4 2 1 4 3 6 2011 3 Run chart 3 demonstrates the number of medication incidents that have occurred and resulted in harm. One rule 2 can be identified where the number of medication incidents resulting in harm has been below the median line for 10 months. Of this data 99% (204) resulted in low harm and 1% (2) resulted in moderate harm. There were no incidents reported graded moderate or above. Medication incidents are monitored at the Safer Medicines Practice Group and a lesson’s learned document is issued following the meeting. The trend line for harm caused from medication incidents is moving towards the aimed direction of improvement. Page 38 of 90 Aimed Direction for Improvement Run Chart 4 Run chart 4 demonstrates the number of patients who have developed either a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT or Pulmonary Embolism (PE) whilst an inpatient. A bespoke root cause analysis’s is undertaken for any patient that experiences a Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) these are monitored by the VTE working group chaired by the Consultant Lead for Patient Safety. Page 39 of 90 Aimed Direction for Improvement Run Chart 5 Run chart 5 shows the VTE data submitted to the Department of Health via their UNIFY system. The Trust is required to collect and submit this data on a monthly basis and shows compliance towards achieving the CQUIN of 90%. The Trust is not achieving compliance with this. Page 40 of 90 Run Chart 6 Crude Deaths by Month & Year 160 Aimed Direction for Improvement 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2009 139 104 119 125 100 97 104 83 109 114 96 109 2010 123 101 113 120 106 96 67 87 87 103 101 108 2011 143 Run chart 6 demonstrates the crude number of deaths for the Trust. The Hospital Mortality Reduction Group has initiated a number of actions throughout the year aimed at reducing the Trust’s mortality rates. The Trust, along with 8 other Trusts in the region has signed up to a Mortality Collaborative in NHS North West, this is a 12 month program aimed at reducing hospital standardised mortality rates by 10 points by March 2011. Whilst the numbers of deaths have increased over the past month the trend line demonstates that the overall number of deaths is declining and that the Trust is moving towards the aimed direction of improvement. Page 41 of 90 Run Chart 7 Rolling 12 month Mortality Trending Aimed Direction for Improvement 130 Mortality Index 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan10 10 10 10 10 10 11 Mortality Index Month Peer Average Run Chart 7 demonstrates a reduction in the risk adjusted mortality rate against peer. Page 42 of 90 Aimed Direction for Improvement Run Chart 8 Page 43 of 90 Section 2 Finance Focus Accountable Office - Mark Oldham Page 44 of 90 1. KEY FINANCIAL RISK RATINGS Financial Risk Ratings 5 score 4 3 2 1 EBITDA EBITDA % Margin achieved ROA I&E surplus margin Cu m u l ati v e Rati ng Liquidity Overall Rating Forec as t Rati n g EBITDA % achieved EBITDA %age of turnover 170% 14.0% 12.0% 150% lev 5 lev 4 10.0% 8.0% Le v el 5 130% Le v el 4 110% Le v el 3 6.0% lev 3 4.0% 90% a c tu a l 0 9 /1 0 70% a c tu a l 1 0 /1 1 2.0% 50% 30% Bu d g e t (% ) a c t 0 8 /0 9 (% ) a c t 0 9 /1 0 (%) Lev e l 3 a c t 1 0 /1 1 (% ) Return on Assets I&E surplus %age of turnover 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% Ac tu a l 1 0 /1 1 4.0% Le v el 5 3.0% Le v el 4 2.0% Le v el 3 1.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% -1.0% -2.0% Le v el 5 Le v el 4 Le v el 3 Bu d g e t Ac tu a l 0 9 /1 0 Ac tu a l 1 0 /1 1 0.0% Plan Actual Days Liquidity 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Le v e l 5 Le v e l 4 Le v e l 3 Bu dg e t Ac tua l 0 9/1 0 Ac tua l 1 0/1 1 Page 45 of 90 2. OTHER KEY INDICATORS Net Profit Pay costs by month 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 (1,000) (£'000) (£'000) 11,100 10,600 10,100 9,600 9,100 8,600 8,100 7,600 7,100 Month c u m u l a ti v e b u d g e t c u m u l a ti v e a c tu a l 0 8 /0 9 c u m u l a ti v e a c tu a l 0 9 /1 0 c u m u l a ti v e a c tu a l 1 0 /1 1 a c tu a l 20 0 8 /09 a c tu a l 20 0 9 /1 0 a c tu a l 20 1 0 /11 Turnover by month 16,000 4,000 3,800 3,600 3,400 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,600 2,400 15,000 (£'000) (£'000) Non Pay Costs by Month b ud g e t 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 bu dge t ac tual 20 08/0 9 ac tua l 20 09 /10 a c tu al 2 010 /11 budget a c tu a l 0 9 /1 0 a c tu a l 1 0 /1 1 Cash balance 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 (£'000) (£'000) Capital programme cumulative spend a c tu a l 0 8 /0 9 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Bu dg et Ac tu al 08 /09 Ac tu al 09 /10 Ac tu al 10 /11 Ba s e Pro gram m e re v i s e d pro g ra m m e c um u l a ti v e ac tu al 09 /1 0 100 95 90 85 80 Private Patient Cap %age % Public Sector Payment Policy 1.60% 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.00% Ca p Ac tu a l Target Ac tu al m on th c u m u l ati v e av e rag e Month Cu m u l ati v e Page 46 of 90 3. INCOME & EXPENDITURE POSITION (see Appendix 1a, 1b) A. Summary Position for Quarter 4 and cumulative to 31st January 2011 Quarter Actual Q4 to date (£'000) Cummulative Var Q4 to date (£'000) Actual Apr Var Apr to to January January (£'000) (£'000) Var to Last Year (£'000) Forecast (£'000) Income Clinical revenue Other Expenditure 12,078 1,865 189 64 121,277 18,101 1,329 162 516 2,271 146,102 21,180 Pay Non-pay EBITDA -9,813 -3,336 794 -284 285 254 -96,918 -34,026 8,434 -2,994 771 -732 -3,523 -1,055 -1,791 -116,023 -41,540 9,720 -464 3 -305 -15 -8 -14 -3 1 -3 -8 -4,333 29 -3,059 -175 -8 202 -37 1 68 -8 -58 -2 -55 39 -54 -5,189 44 -3,672 -220 0 5 227 888 -506 -1,921 683 Depreciation Interest receivable Dividend payable Interest payments Leases Profit on disposal of assets Surplus/(Deficit) A.1 Total contract income is £1,329K better than expected. The main reasons are: i. Non Elective income is (£17K) worse than plan. There is under-performance in short stay activity of (£925K) and over-performance in standard tariff activity of £1,333K. Of note, are positive variances in General Medicine £935K, Orthopaedics £419K, General Surgery £198K & Paediatrics £255K and adverse variances in A&E of (£1,110K), Obstetrics (£152K) and Gynae (£95K). This is offset by the impact of the cap agreement and marginal rate being (£425K). ii. Day cases and elective inpatients are (£681K) worse than plan. Of which: a. £201K is due to day case over-performance with notable variances of Clinical Haem £94K, Ophthalmology £140K, Urology £100K and General Medicine (£133K). b. (£882K) is due to under–performance in elective activity with notable adverse variances in General Surgery (£473K), Orthopaedics (£259K), Gynaecology (£138K) and Urology £87K. This has deteriorated by in month as a result of cancelled electives (£223k) in regard of flu measures imposed by DoH. iii. Over performance on outpatients of £1,328K better than plan. Of which: a. New patients are over-performing by £521K, most notably in General Surgery £306K, Ophthalmology £120K and Gynaecology £87K. b. Follow up patients are over-performing by £808K with variances being reported in Ophthalmology £900K, Paediatrics £68K and General Surgery (£137K). However, over-performance will be offset by (£313K) being the cap on the First:FollowUp ratio, mainly in Gastroenterology, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology. c. Outpatient procedures are over-performing by £324K, mainly in Gynaecology, Dermatology & ENT. iv. Over performance on A&E attendances of £309K. v. Other income is £390K better than plan relating in the main to High Cost Drugs £686K and the rebate relating to the fixed contract value agreement of (£311K). Page 47 of 90 The level of over-performance on the contract with CECPCT is £3.0M at Month 10, this being prior to the rebate of £311K relating to the recent agreement to fix the value of the contract at £134.5M. This consisting of contract base of £131.9M value plus £2.6M over-performance cap. The impact of the agreement is that the forecast position of the Trust will reduce from £2M to £0.5M and is dependent upon expenditure being controlled tightly throughout the remaining months of the financial year. A.2 Overall Pay costs (£2,995K) worse than anticipated. The cumulative position is primarily due to; a. Medical staffing is over-spent by (£532K). Slippage on investments in medical staffing and gaps in junior doctors has resulted in a £2,214K favourable variance which includes locum costs of (£709K). This has been offset by agency costs of (£2,746K). There is a need to review the level of vacancies in medical staff, however, the position has improved in the last two months as a result of cessation of waiting list activity and recruitment of some longstanding vacancies in Emergency Care Division. Use of agency and locums is concerning due to the high cost and adverse productivity. b. Nursing costs continue to overspend due to the ongoing high use of bank and agency to cover vacancies and short term bed pressures. Detailed below is the position as at month 10. Bank and agency spend has deteriorated against the previous month and is higher than the levels experienced in the last financial year. The variance against substantive posts has increased over last month. Close monitoring of the recruitment, retention and use of bank and agency is required. A number of business cases to reduce reliance on bank and agency have been agreed and are now implemented. Nursing cost Qtr 1 Variance (£’000) Qtr 2 Variance (£’000) Qtr 3 Variance (£’000) January Variance (£’000) Cumulative variance (£'000) Nurses in substantive posts 856 695 550 235 2,335 Agency Budget 250 250 250 83 833 Gaps covered through Nurse Bank (728) (757) (764) (264) (2,513) Gaps covered by Agency (692) (437) (419) (161) (1,708) Vacancy Target (282) (282) (282) (94) (940) Net unplanned spend (595) (531) (665) (201) (1,992) c. The balance of the overspend is related to adverse variances attached to savings targets not attributed to staff groups offset by underspends in admin and other staff groups. The table below highlights the position by division: Qtr 1 Variance (£'000) Qtr 2 Variance (£'000) Qtr 3 Variance (£'000) January Variance (£'000) Cumulative Variance (£'000) Emergency Care (425) (613) (531) (250) (1,819) Surgery & Cancer (406) (649) (602) (76) (1,733) DIVISION Women's & Children 55 11 45 (18) 94 Diagnostics & Clinical Support 85 (24) (99) (35) (73) Estates & Facilities (74) 15 20 42 2 Corporate Services TOTAL 281 (483) 18 (1,242) 181 (986) 54 (284) 534 (2,995) Page 48 of 90 Emergency Care continues to overspend due in the main to ongoing medical and nursing vacancies/staff turnover and the use of agency and bank staff. There is a continued pressure (£36k) in A&E related to medical staffing vacancies and staffing CDU overnight to manage bed pressures. Surgery and Cancer is overspent in month as a result of savings targets not being met in theatres (£23k), the ward reconfiguration impact on rotas and staffing becoming embedded (£40k) and additional shifts being worked in critical care as a result of the flu outbreak (£20k). However, this continues the improvement shown in December. Womens & Children is marginally overspent in month. Diagnostics & Clinical is marginally overspent in month. Estates & Facilities is underspent in month. Corporate is underspent in month. A.3 Non pay costs are under spent against plan to date by £771K. This is a movement of £285K in month some of which is related to the previous month unusual overspend linked to stock movements over the holiday period. Key variances include: i. Drugs are adverse by (£287K), particularly in General Medicine, Clinical Haem, Paeds and GUM. This is offset by the High Cost Drug income variance above. ii. Clinical supplies is favourable by £973K, associated with Orthopaedic equipment and appliances £374K, Ophthalmology lens £174K, pathology & imaging consumables £317K and Blood products £85K. iii. Non-clinical supplies is adverse by (£29K) as a result of a increased costs related to disposable items on wards. iv. Utilities are under-spent by £256K as a result of favourable prices compared to budget. v. NHS Purchases & Professional fees are overspend by (£150k) as a result of recharges for lens, sessions for oncology and radiology reporting. B. C. Key Variance and Action Plans Variance Action Plan Executive Lead Pay Costs (£2,995)K Close monitoring of recruitment to additional establishment and impact on agency useage. Support budget holders in management of agency costs. Vacancy freeze on non-clinical posts introduced January 2011. MO/JH Understand vacancies in Medical staff and expedite recruitment programme. MO/RA Forecast The final column of Appendix 1a gives a forecast position of £0.7M. This assumes income and costs continue with the current variance trend but that support of £1.3M is given to CECPCT to manage their financial position. It also recognises risks around movement in incomplete spells, winter pressures and a pending permanent injury claim. The downside forecast would be break-even assuming the pay trend worsens by £100k per month and the non-pay trend for under-spend reverts back to budget. The upside forecast would be £1.3M which assumes income and non-pay costs continue with the current variance trend and improvements in pay occur as a result of agency usage and efficiencies from theatres redesign project are released. Page 49 of 90 Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) Following review of the impact of the Bed Reconfiguration project and analysis of current and revised budgets, it has been necessary to reduce the expected level of budget savings as a result of ward closures and moves. This has been offset by the positive settlement of the 2010-11 contract and additionally identification of further schemes, most notably in Surgery around additional income from the AMD service of £650k. The table below gives an analysis of the original schemes, including the January position against target and forecast position. In summary, current schemes have identified potential of £6.3m, of which the RAG rating is £0.1m Amber Red, £1.7m Amber and £4.5m Green. Target 2010/11 £'000 YTD Target £'000 YTD Actual £'000 Forecast £'000 Bed Reconfiguration (AE Executive Lead) 281 127 -393 -251 Emergency Care 247 191 263 251 1472 1235 806 2047 CIP Summary Position Surgery and Cancer Women and Childrens Diagnostics and clinical support Estates and Facilities 924 755 750 914 1349 1010 1029 1317 498 415 460 535 Corporate teams 1546 1269 1299 1567 TOTAL 6317 5002 4214 6380 Savings identified and actions complete to deliver on time and within value Green Scheme identified but no evidence of delivery yet Amber Red Uncertainty remains as to the delivery date and the value but the scheme continues to be worked up The scheme is no longer anticipated to deliver 4524 AR 126 Amber 1730 Red 0 6380 TOTAL There are a number of schemes being supported by the Quality Matters Programme and these are now entering implementation stage which will be vital for assurance on delivery in year. A summary of the KPI’s for these schemes is included in Appendix 5. Where there is a balance of CIP, the divisions are working on identifying alternative and further schemes to meet the target level. An analysis of Amber Red schemes is available below. Detailed Scheme Closure of ward - QMP Winter Ward ‐ QMP Ward reconfiguration (Ward 18/19 to Surgical Corridor) ‐ QMP Drugs spend on FP10's (Surgery Division) Reduction in agency and bank useage (Surgery Division) Admin Review (Surgery Division) Community Paeds ‐ Admin Band 4 on hold Womens & Children Division ‐ Unidentified slippage Selling aspetic products Increase Car Parking fees RAG 2010/11 Target £'000 YTD Target £'000 YTD Actual £'000 Forecast £'000 AR -235 -235 -366 -366 AR 322 76 81 302 AR 413 365 0 33 AR 67 50 39 67 AR 64 48 17 0 AR 100 50 0 0 AR 26 20 1 1 AR 0 0 0 28 AR 4 0 0 0 AR 90 68 38 60 851 441 ‐191 125 Page 50 of 90 4. BALANCE SHEET (see Appendix 3) A. Summary Position A.1 Cash - balance is currently £4,078K, which is £1,585K less than planned at this stage in the year. A.2 Current Assets NHS Debtors are £ 4,645K which is £1,561K more than anticipated. This mainly due to i) East Cheshire NHS Trust. £462K is overdue, however only £330K has been received in February. University of North Staffordshire NHS Trust £160K with £134K relating to Nephrology charges for a number of months Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust £40K for Radiology charges Christies Foundation Trust £60k oncology drugs CECPCT Bowel Screening £224K which has been paid in February Western Cheshire Bowel Screening £180K which has been paid in February ii) iii) iv) v) vi) A.3 Creditors – Trade Creditors are now £1,162K more than anticipated. This is mainly due to i) ii) iii) iv) B. 5. CECPCT £330K Therapies Contract. This has now been paid in February East Cheshire £100k NHS Business Services £175K FP10 invoices which have queries on them University of North Staffordshire NHS Trust £58K oncology invoice Key Variances and Action Plans Variance Action Plan £1,561K Outstanding invoices pursued on a regular basis Over 4 month Debts (464k) East Cheshire - £365k These are being paid and a resolution has been agreed to Consultants recharge Betsi Cadwaladar NCA £67k awaiting critical care information. They have now received information. Executive Lead MO MO MO CAPITAL PROGRAMME (see Appendix 6) A. Summary Position A.1 The capital programme for 2010/11 is £6,250k, of which £750K for medical equipment replacement is to be funded through lease arrangements. . The spend to the end of January is £3,803K with £91K being paid in February leaving a variance of £260K. Page 51 of 90 B. Key Variances and Action Plans Variance Action Plan £262K 6. Executive Lead To monitor capital spend MO CASH FLOW (see Appendix 3) A. Summary Position A.1 Cash balance at the end of January is £4,078K, which is £1,585K less than anticipated at this stage in the year, the material variances are due to: i. ii. iii. iv. Movement in working capital (Debtors and Creditors) Surplus Financing activities Investing activities (1.3)M (0.8)M 0.5M 0.0M The chart below shows a cash flow forecast based on the 2010-11 plan with a rolling 12 month projection. Cash Forecast 8000 7000 6000 5000 0 0 4000 '0 £ 3000 Plan Actual 2000 Forecast 1000 0 0 1 ‐r p A 0 1 ‐y a M 0 1 ‐ n Ju 0 1 l‐ u J 0 1 ‐g u A 0 1 ‐ p eS 0 1 t‐c O 0 1 ‐v o N 0 1 ‐c e D 1 1 ‐ n aJ 1 1 ‐ b eF 1 1 ‐r a M 1 1 ‐r p A 1 1 ‐y a M 1 1 ‐ n Ju 1 1 l‐ u J 1 1 ‐g u A 1 1 ‐ p eS 1 1 t‐c O 1 1 ‐v o N 1 1 ‐c e D 2 1 ‐ n aJ Page 52 of 90 Financial Institution Cash Balances 2010/11 Min Balance £'000 Max Balance £'000 Current Interest Rate Interest Received Royal Bank of Scotland AA- 285 13,754 0.50% 23 GBS 419 14,189 0.25% 5 Financial Institution Fitch LT Risk Rating N/A Investment Profile as at 31st January 2011 Period of Investment On Call 1-5 Days 1 month 1-3 Months £'000 4,076 - Page 53 of 90 APPENDICES Appendix Board 1a. Income and Expenditure Account 1b. Monthly Income and Expenditure analysis for the quarter 2. Balance Sheet – Statement of Position 3. Cash Flow 4. Forecast Income and Expenditure Account 5. Cost Improvement Programme – QMP KPI’s 6. Capital programme Page 54 of 90 Appendix 1a Income and expenditure report for the period April 2010 to January 2011 Quarter to Date Year to Date Actual Plan Q4 Q4 to Var Q4 Plan Apr to Actual Apr Var Apr to date to date January to January to date January (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) Base Budget 2010/11 £'000 Forecast 2010/11 (£'000) Operating N H S C linic a l R e v e nue 10,362 37 0 0 55,516 1,045 16,562 132 25,503 2,423 5,865 0 0 27062 144,507 0 144,507 1622 924 2,546 4,915 10,818 15,733 162,786 -8,269 -12,003 0 -2,148 - 109,814 -757 -18,434 -151,425 11,361 NHS Acute Activity Income Elective revenue, long Stay Elective revenue, Short Stay Non-Elective Revenue Planned Same day (day cases) Outpatients A&E Other NHS Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Tariff Non Tariff Sub Total PbR Claw back Total NHS Clinical Revenue Non Mandatory/Non protected revenue Private Patients revenue Other Non Mandatory/Non protected clinical Total Other Operating Income Research and Development Income Education and training Other Total TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Operating Expenses Drugs Clinical Supplies Decrease(increase) in inventories of finished goods & WIP Non Clinical Supplies Employee Benefits Expenses (Pay) Education and Training expense Other operating expenses TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES COSTS EBITDA 829 3 0 0 4,692 89 1,330 11 2,048 195 461 0 0 2,232 11,890 0 11,890 481 0 0 0 4,744 38 1,293 11 2,062 258 435 0 0 2,755 12,078 0 12,078 -348 -3 0 0 52 -51 -37 0 14 64 -26 0 0 523 189 0 189 8,569 31 0 0 46,122 865 13,702 109 21,099 2,004 4,925 0 0 22,521 119,948 0 119,948 7,694 28 0 0 46,235 735 13,856 152 21,871 2,562 5,234 0 0 22,911 121,277 0 121,277 -875 -3 0 0 113 -130 154 43 771 557 309 0 0 390 1,329 0 1,329 9,300 33 0 0 55,652 888 16,749 184 26,436 3,097 6,233 0 0 27,530 146,102 0 146,102 128 77 205 79 85 164 -49 8 -41 1,273 770 2,043 1,180 837 2,017 -93 67 -26 1,402 995 2,397 409 1,187 1,596 431 1,270 1,701 22 83 105 4,155 11,741 15,896 4,245 11,839 16,084 90 98 188 5,045 13,738 18,783 13,691 13,943 253 137,887 139,378 1,491 167,282 -701 -1,047 -688 -760 13 287 -6,591 -10,706 -6,878 -9,733 -287 973 -8,243 -11,664 0 -173 -9,529 -29 -1,671 0 -166 -9,813 -22 -1,700 0 7 -284 7 -29 0 -1,739 -93,924 -257 -15,504 0 -1,768 -96,918 -242 -15,405 0 -29 -2,994 15 99 -380 -2,119 -116,023 -290 -18,844 -13,150 -13,149 1 -128,721 -130,944 -2,223 -157,562 541 794 254 9,166 8,434 -732 9,720 6 3 -3 66 29 -37 0 -8 -8 0 -8 -8 44 0 0 -12 -303 -15 -317 -3 -14 -243 -2,961 -175 -2,759 68 202 -220 -2,721 -147 -147 0 -1,574 -1,574 0 -2,468 -305 0 5 0 1 0 227 0 -3,060 0 1,394 0 -3,059 0 888 0 1 0 -506 0 -3,672 0 683 Non Operating 82 0 -290 -3,164 -2,295 Non Operating Incom e Finance Income Interest Income Other Non-Operating income Proft(loss) on asset disposal Non-Operating Expenses Finance Cost Interest Expense on Finance leases (non-PFI) Depreciation & Amortisation - Ow ned Assets Depreciation & Amortisation - assets held under finance lease Impairment -3,670 PDC Dividend Expense 0 Taxation payable 2,024 Net Surplus/(deficit) 0 -306 0 -221 Comments Page 55 of 90 Appendix 1b Monthly I&E report for quarter 4 January Actual (£'000) Plan (£'000) February Variance (£'000) Plan (£'000) Variance (£'000) Actual (£'000) Quarter to date March Plan (£'000) Actual (£'000) Variance (£'000) Plan (£'000) Actual (£'000) Variance (£'000) Inc o m e NHS Clinical Inco me Elective Income Tariff Non Tariff Elective revenue, ShoTariff Non Tariff Non-Elective Income Tariff Non Tariff Planned Same day (d Tariff Non Tariff Outpatients Tariff 829 481 -348 0 0 0 0 0 0 829 481 -348 3 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,692 4,744 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,692 4,744 52 89 38 -51 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 38 -51 1,330 1,293 -37 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,330 1,293 -37 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 2,048 2,062 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,048 2,062 14 Non Tariff 195 258 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 258 64 A&E Tariff 461 435 -26 0 0 0 0 0 0 461 435 -26 Non Tariff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Tariff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Tariff Sub Total PbR Claw back Total NHS Clinical Incom e 2,232 2,755 523 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,232 2,755 523 11,890 12,078 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,890 12,078 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,890 12,078 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,890 12,078 189 128 79 -49 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 79 -49 77 85 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 85 8 205 164 -41 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 164 -41 Non NHS clinical Income Private Patients revenue Other clinical Income (RTA's) Total Other Income Education and training 409 431 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 431 22 Other 1,187 1,270 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,187 1,270 83 Total 1,596 1,701 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,596 1,701 105 TOTAL INCOME 13,691 13,943 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,691 13,943 253 -9,529 -9,813 -284 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9,529 -9,813 -284 -701 -688 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 -701 -688 13 -1,047 -760 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1,047 -760 287 -173 -166 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 -173 -166 7 -29 -22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 -29 -22 7 -29 Expenses Pay Costs Drug Costs Clinical Supplies and services Non Clinical Supplies Education and Training expense Other Costs -1,671 -1,700 -29 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1,671 -1,700 -13,150 -13,149 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -13,150 -13,149 1 541 794 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 541 794 254 profit/Loss on Asset Disposal 0 -8 -8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -8 -8 Impairments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Depreciation Ow ned Assets -303 -317 -14 0 0 0 0 0 0 -303 -317 -14 Depreciation finance lease -147 -147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -147 -147 0 6 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 -3 -12 -15 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 -15 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taxation payable -306 -305 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -306 -305 1 Net Surplus/(deficit) -221 5 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 -221 5 227 -380 -380 0 0 -380 -380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -375 -153 TOTAL COSTS EBITDA Total Interest receivable/(Payable) Total interest payable on Loans and Leases PDC Dividend Exceptional item s CECPCT Agreement Norm alised position -221 -375 -153 0 0 0 0 0 0 -221 Page 56 of 90 STATEMENT OF POSITION Plan Apr Actual Apr to January to January Variance (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) Forecast 2010/11 (£'000) Assets Assets, Non-Current Intangible Assets, Net Property, Plant and Equipment, Net Trade and Other Receivables,Net,Non Current NHS Trade Receivables, Non Current Prepayments, Non -Current Total Assets, Non-Current Assets, Current Inventories Trade and other Receivables,Net,Current NHS Trade Receivables, Current Non NHS Trade Receivables, Current Other Financial Assets, Current Accrued income Prepayments, Current Non Current Assets held for sale Cash and Cash Equivalents Total Assets, Current ASSETS, TOTAL 577 112,619 575 108,830 -2 -3,789 933 109,234 416 0 434 0 18 0 434 113,612 109,840 -3,772 110,601 3,131 2,980 -151 3,092 3,084 1,785 4,645 1,917 1,561 132 4,437 1,959 0 1,240 3 5,663 14,906 0 1,322 3 4,078 14,944 0 82 0 -1,585 38 1,025 0 2,285 12,798 128,518 124,784 -3,734 123,399 -104 -434 -91 -2,193 -162 -387 -176 -2,173 -58 47 -85 20 -1,435 -124 -201 -2,218 -3,820 -1,437 -717 -4,982 -1,409 -429 -1,162 28 288 -4,775 -1,287 -1,206 -2,769 -1,223 -12,788 -2,002 -1,223 -12,944 767 0 -156 -1,719 0 -12,965 2,118 2,000 -118 -167 -7,174 -1,423 -3,579 -1,368 3,595 55 -2,557 -1,518 -31 0 -31 0 0 0 0 -8,628 -4,978 3,650 -4,075 107,102 106,861 -241 106,359 49,946 11,629 2,010 49,946 11,154 2,405 0 -475 395 49,946 10,963 1,987 43,517 43,356 -161 43,463 107,102 106,861 -241 106,359 107,102 106,861 -241 106,359 Liabilities Liabilities, Current Finance Lease, Current Deferred Income, Current Provisions, Current Current Tax Payables Trade and Other Payables, Current Trade Creditors, Current Other Creditors, Current Capital Creditors, Current Other Financial Liabilities Accruals, Current PDC dividend creditor, Current Total Liabilities, Current Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) Liabilities, Non Current Non-Interest-Bearing Borrow ings, Non-Current Provisions, Non-Current Trade and Other Payables, Non-Current Trade Creditors, Non-Current Other Creditors, Non-Current Total Liabilities Non-Current TOTAL ASSETS EMPLOYED Taxpayers' and Others' Equity Taxpayers Equity Public dividend capital Retained Earnings Donated asset reserve Other reserves (government grant reserve etc) Revaluation Reserve TOTAL TAXPAYERS EQUITY TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED Comments Page 57 of 90 Appendix 3 Cash flow statement to Period end 31st January 2011 Plan Apr Actual Apr to January to January (£'000) (£'000) Variance Surplus/(deficit) after tax 1,454 888 -566 177 -87 146 -98 -31 -11 Non-cash flows in operating Surplus/(deficit) - Finance Income/Charges - Other operating non cash movements - Impairments - Depreciation and Amortisation 4,485 4,333 -152 Non-cash flows in operating Surplus/(deficit) total 4,575 4,381 -194 6,029 5,269 -760 Increase/(Decrease) in working capital - Inventories - NHS Trade receivables - Non NHS Trade receivables - Accrued Income - Prepayments - Deferred Income - Provisions - Tax payable - Trade Creditors - Other Creditors - Accruals - PDC Dividend Creditor Increase/(Decrease) in working capital Total -40 1,317 0 0 -488 0 -431 48 -1,925 32 0 1,210 -277 111 -244 -150 0 -570 -47 -401 28 -763 4 -767 1,210 -1,588 151 -1,561 -150 0 -82 -47 30 -20 1,162 -28 -767 0 -1,311 Net cash inflow /(outflow ) from operating activities 5,752 3,681 -2,071 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities - Property, plant and equipment -4,154 -3,833 321 -Movement in capital creditors Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities total 3 -4,151 -285 -4,118 -288 33 1,601 -436 -2,037 0 -243 -1,850 66 36 0 -1,991 0 -175 -1,471 29 57 23 -1,537 0 68 379 -37 21 23 454 -390 -1,973 -1,583 6,053 6,053 0 5,663 4,080 -1,583 Operating cash flow s before m ovem ents in w orking capital Net Cash inflow /(outflow ) before financing Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities - Public Dividend Capital received - interest element of finance lease rental payments - Capital element of finance lease rental payments - Interest received on cash and cash eqivalents - Cash flow s from other financing activities - Cash receipt from asset sales Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities Total Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Opening cash balance Closing cash balance Comments Page 58 of 90 Appendix 4 FORECAST INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT See Forecast in 1a and narrative. Page 59 of 90 C O S T IM P R O V E M E N T P R O G R A M M E A p p e n d ix 5 Q M P T o p K e y P e r fo r m a n c e In d ic a t o r s Ke y: C o m p lian t w it h / E x ce e d s Tar g e t W it h in 1 0 % o f Ta r g e t F a ile d Tar g e t K P I N o . K P I 5 K P I 1 7 In d icat o r Tar g e t O v e r all % o f A & E p a t ie n t s D isch ar g e d / A d m it t e d (in clu d in g V IN ‐ M in o r s & M ajo r s) 75% 85% 95% 100% 08/09 B ase lin e 5 4 .1 % 7 9 .7 % 8 8 .3 % 9 8 .1 % 9 .4 1 0 .3 C u m m u lat iv e E m e r g e n cy C ar e L e n g t h o f st ay < 2 h r s < 3 h r s < 3 ½ h r s < 4 h r s N o t e : R e st at e d M t h 7 C H K S Tr aje c t o r y A c t u al V ar i an c e M o n t h y Tar g e t b e fo r e 1 1 am M o n t h ly Tar g e t b e fo r e 3 p m K P I 2 0 K P I 1 1 D isch ar g e s N o t e : R e st at e d M t h 9 t o In clu d e D isch ar g e s fr o m EA U 5 0 % R e d u ct io n in can ce llat io n s b y p at ie n t M o n t h l y t ar g e t aft e r 3 p m A c t u al M o n t h l y D i sc h ar g e s b e fo r e 1 1 am V a r i e s p er V a r i e s p er m o n th m o n th A u g ‐1 0 6 3 .6 % 8 4 .4 % 9 1 .6 % 9 9 .0 % S e p ‐1 0 5 8 .7 % 8 1 .5 % 8 8 .8 % 9 7 .1 % O ct ‐1 0 5 5 .5 % 7 7 .7 % 8 5 .3 % 9 5 .7 % N o v ‐1 0 5 7 .3 % 7 8 .5 % 8 6 .9 % 9 6 .3 % D e c‐1 0 Ja n ‐1 1 5 3 .6 % 7 4 .5 % 8 2 .6 % 9 3 .1 % 5 9 .0 % 7 9 .8 % 8 6 .9 % 9 5 .9 % 9 .9 1 0 .3 ‐0 .4 9 .8 1 0 .1 ‐0 .3 9 .7 1 0 .0 ‐0 .3 9 .7 9 .9 ‐0 .2 9 .6 9 .7 ‐0 .1 9 .5 9 .5 0 .0 9 .4 9 .4 0 .0 9 .3 9 .2 ‐0 .1 9 .2 9 .1 ‐0 .1 9 .2 9 .1 ‐0 .1 534 531 534 543 559 556 552 556 578 562 266 261 266 269 269 266 261 266 277 344 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 165 168 170 167 282 279 313 364 359 337 357 366 386 379 A c t u al M o n t h l y D i sc h ar g e s aft e r 3 p m 471 476 494 565 531 543 520 583 627 562 260 474 214 260 430 170 260 547 287 260 536 276 260 522 262 260 511 251 260 489 229 260 498 238 260 473 213 260 423 163 260 494 227 533 306 227 453 226 227 468 241 227 508 281 227 446 219 227 521 294 227 370 143 227 480 253 227 489 262 227 458 231 227 227 98% 9 6 .0 % 98% 8 9 .7 % 9 8 .0 % 8 6 .4 % ‐1 1 .6 % 9 8 .0 % 8 6 .3 % ‐3 .7 % 9 8 .0 % 8 7 .9 % ‐1 0 .1 % 9 8 .0 % 8 9 .6 % ‐0 .4 % 9 8 .0 % 8 9 .8 % ‐8 .2 % 9 8 .0 % 8 9 .3 % ‐8 .8 % 9 8 .0 % 8 1 .3 % ‐1 6 .7 % 9 8 .0 % 8 0 .0 % ‐1 8 .0 % 9 8 .0 % 8 0 .1 % ‐1 7 .9 % 9 8 .0 % 7 9 .0 % ‐1 9 .0 % 9 8 .0 % 8 6 .8 % ‐1 1 .2 % 9 8 .0 % 8 8 .6 % ‐9 .4 % 9 8 .0 % 9 0 .2 % ‐7 .8 % 9 8 .0 % 8 7 .2 % ‐1 0 .8 % 9 8 .0 % 9 4 .4 % ‐3 .6 % 9 8 .0 % 9 0 .0 % ‐8 .0 % 9 8 .0 % 8 9 .8 % ‐8 .2 % 9 8 .0 % 9 1 .6 % ‐6 .4 % 9 8 .0 % 7 6 .4 % ‐2 1 .6 % 9 8 .0 % 9 1 .7 % ‐6 .3 % 85% 7 3 .6 % 85% 7 0 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 6 8 .8 % ‐1 6 .2 % 8 5 .0 % 6 7 .0 % ‐1 8 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 7 3 .3 % ‐1 1 .7 % 8 5 .0 % 7 0 .2 % ‐1 4 .8 % 8 5 .0 % 7 5 .6 % ‐9 .4 % 8 5 .0 % 6 8 .1 % ‐1 7 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 7 5 .8 % ‐9 .2 % 8 5 .0 % 6 5 .8 % ‐1 9 .2 % 8 5 .0 % 7 7 .8 % ‐7 .2 % 8 5 .0 % 6 8 .0 % ‐1 7 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 7 5 .8 % ‐9 .2 % 8 5 .0 % 7 0 .1 % ‐1 4 .9 % 8 5 .0 % 7 7 .1 % ‐7 .9 % 8 5 .0 % 7 2 .7 % ‐1 2 .3 % 8 5 .0 % 7 6 .0 % ‐9 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 7 0 .0 % ‐1 5 .0 % 8 5 .0 % 6 8 .7 % ‐1 6 .3 % 8 5 .0 % 7 3 .1 % ‐1 1 .9 % 8 5 .0 % 7 0 .7 % ‐1 4 .4 % 8 5 .0 % 7 2 .1 % ‐1 2 .9 % V ar i an c e Tr aje c t o r y A c t u al V ar i an c e Tr aje c t o r y A c t u al V ar i an c e 9 .1 520 Tr aje c t o r y A c t u al F e b ‐1 1 260 Tr aje c t o r y A c t u al TC 6 1 .6 % 8 3 .4 % 9 1 .6 % 9 8 .7 % 164 A c t u al I/ P Ju l‐1 0 139 V ar i an c e K P I 2 1 8 5 % A v ailab le C lin ical C o n t act T h e at r e t im e U t ilisise d (ie e x clu d e lat e st ar t s, e ar ly fin ish e s, g ap s b e t w e e n ca se s a n d o v e r r u n s) 5 9 .4 % 8 2 .3 % 9 0 .3 % 9 8 .4 % 147 Tr aje c t o r y TC Ju n ‐1 0 124 A c t u al I/ P 6 3 .1 % 8 4 .9 % 9 2 .2 % 9 9 .0 % 164 V ar i an c e K P I 1 4 9 8 % o f fu n d e d list s u t ilise d (e x clu d e s W ait in g L ist s) M a y ‐1 0 144 Tr aje c t o r y 5 0 % R e d u ct io n in can ce llat io n s b y h o sp it al 5 9 .0 % 8 0 .9 % 8 7 .9 % 9 7 .5 % A c t u al M o n t h l y D i sc h ar g e s b e fo r e 3 p m V ar i an c e K P I 1 2 A p r ‐1 0 Page 60 of 90 Capital Programme as at 31st January 2011 Key Project Original Capital Budget £'000 98 CT/VT Mains 259 (Interim) Fire Measures 50 Fire Alarm System (Additional Capacity) 273 200 Appendix 6 Budget to Date £'000 Actual to Charged in Date Next £'000 Month £'000 ONGOING W ORKS 72 0 Better / (W orse) than Budget £'000 % Forecast Carry Committed / Completed Not £'000 Forw ard to Date to next Committed year £'000 Expected Completion Date 72 98 Yes 10 Mar-11 199 18 181 259 Yes 10 Mar-11 50 0 50 50 Yes 10 Street Refurbishment /Asbestos removal/containment 223 273 -50 273 Yes 100 CT phases 3 & 4 200 201 -1 200 Yes 100 Complete 0 -14 14 -14 Yes 100 Complete Roads & Pavements W ard (14) Refurbishment 0 0 0 Urgent Care Centre 0 0 0 VIN Car Park Drainage & OPD Carpark resurfacing 0 0 0 0 0 -13 13 -11 0 6 -6 6 Other under / Over 0910 Schemes - Disability Discrimination Flat 25 & 26 Mar-11 Complete NEW W ORKS 1220 W ard 5 & 3 Refurb 1220 1306 -86 1220 300 Outpatients 125 0 125 30 150 Consultant W ard 21 Offices 150 147 3 150 200 Additional W ard Siderooms 200 147 53 100 Breast Screening Extension 100 72 28 36 0 DSA / DDA 300 No 0 Jul-12 Yes 100 Complete 200 Yes 95 Feb-11 100 Yes 95 Feb-11 36 46 Yes 80 Mar-11 334 598 Part 40 Mar-11 0 82 Yes 100 Complete Complete BACKLOG 598 82 8 5 21 Backlog Maintenance - Generators 1&2 synchrnisation unit 82 82 - VIN Enabling 17 17 0 8 Yes 100 5 5 0 5 Yes 90 Mar-11 19 19 0 21 Yes 100 Complete 100 100 0 148 Yes 95 Feb-11 13 0 13 13 Yes 100 Complete Complete - Rascals - Mortuary Floor 148 - Gas Mains 13 - Boiler House Steam Meters 5 720 334 - W ater Softener - Street Refurbishment - Bulk Oil Store - A&E Footpath - W ard 6A Plate Heat Exchanger 5 5 0 5 Yes 100 629 629 0 720 Yes 85 Mar-11 11 11 0 Yes 100 Complete Yes 100 Jan-11 6 5 1 29 29 0 Page 61 of 90 Key Project Original Capital Budget £'000 Budget Actual to Charged to Date Date in £'000 £'000 Next Month £'000 IM&T Expected Completion Date 199 MIPLC 0 9 -100 139 Yes 50 112 Maternity Information System 0 59 -59 112 Yes 85 Apr-11 28 Digital Dictation 0 0 0 28 Yes 70 Mar-11 118 Business Continuity / Storage & Backup 0 72 -72 118 No 50 Mar-11 16 Integra 0 0 0 16 Yes 0 Jun-11 80 Replacement Hardware PAS 0 0 0 80 No 0 Mar-11 82 No 0 2011/12 82 91 % Carry Committed / Better / Forecast Not Completed £'000 Forward (Worse) to Date to next Committed than year Budget £'000 £'000 Theatre Scheduling 0 0 0 Colposcopy 0 0 0 Diabetic Retinopathy Module 0 9 -9 Computer Server Room Lease Buyout 0 14 ICS Lease Buyout 0 29 200 6 Dec-11 Yes 100 Oct-10 10 Yes 100 Dec-10 -14 14 Yes 100 Jan-11 -29 29 Yes 100 Dec-10 242 -42 240 Yes 83 Mar-11 6 0 6 Yes 100 Mar-11 40 12 52 Yes 100 OTHER 240 Design Team 52 Painting Division 52 Medical Contingency 52 36 NIV Equipment 36 25 11 36 Yes 100 Nov-11 0 39 -39 39 Yes 100 Nov-11 Meal Delivery Lease Buyout 5465 Electrolux Catering Lease Buyout 0 93 -93 93 Yes 100 Jan-11 Laundry Lease Buyout 0 29 -29 29 Yes 100 Jan-11 Computer Services Building Lease Buyout 0 56 -56 56 Yes 100 Dec-11 4119 3768 260 5386 Yes 100 Complete TOTAL OWNED PROGRAMME 91 FINANCE LEASE AND OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING 35 MA 12 Flat refurbishment 35 35 0 35 500 Medical Equipment Funded through Leasing Arrangements 0 0 0 500 250 Medical Contingency 0 0 0 250 4154 3803 260 6171 6250 TOTAL APPROVED PROGRAMME 91 N/A Page 62 of 90 Section 3 System Delivery Focus Accountable Office – Denise Frodsham Page 63 of 90 ACTIVITY, TARGET AND STANDARDS Summary of system focus section Referrals & Activity from all Commissioners against Contract Target In month performance against target for all referrals up 1.5% Cumulative performance against target for all referrals up 0.9% In month activity for outpatients New Follow-up Overall down 1.3% down 1.1% down 1.1% Cumulative activity for outpatients New Follow-up Overall up 3.1% up 2.3% up 2.6% In month activity for admissions Non-elective Inpatients Daycase Overall up 1.1% down 46.3% down 6.0% down 4.5% Cumulative activity for admissions Non-elective Inpatients Daycase Overall up 2.6% down 16.3% down 0.3% up 0.3% Divisional Activity Summary This shows a detailed breakdown of Activity By Division cumulatively against target and against last year. GP referrals are up against target and last year’s performance in all clinical divisions except Women & Children. First out-patient attendances are down in Diagnostics and Emergency Care against last year’s performance and target. Surgery & Cancer and Women & Children are up against both. Follow-up out-patient attendances are down in Surgery & Cancer and Emergency Care against last year’s performance. Emergency Care is the only division down against target. Non elective spells are up on last year’s performance and target in Surgery & Cancer, Women & Children and Emergency Care. Diagnostic spells are to low to show a realistic trend. Elective activity is up on target in Diagnostics but down in Surgery & Cancer, Emergency Care and Women & Children. Against last year’s performance only Surgery & Cancer is down. Page 64 of 90 Performance Targets & Standards This gives the details behind the national, and some local, targets & standards Tabular data in graphical form Show performance against LDP targets and national Standards Graph1 Graph 2 Graph 3 Graph 4 Graph 5 Graph 6 Graph 7 Graph 8 Graph 9 Graph 10 Graph 11 Graph 12 Graph 13 Graph 14 Graph 15 Graph 16 Graph 17 Graph 18 Inpatient Long waiters are up considerably on last month and waiting lists in General Surgery, Orthopaedics and Urology have significant risks. Outpatient long waiters are down overall but waiting lists in General Surgery, Orthopaedics ENT, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Gastroenterology have significant risks. 18 week RTT (90% admitted and 95% non-admitted) - performance in Jan ‘11 was 89.4% and 97.3% respectively and so the old 18 Week RTT admitted target would have failed in month. In Jan ‘11 the following specialties didn’t passed the old 18 Week RTT target: Orthopaedics (Admitted & Non-Admitted), General Surgery (Admitted & Non-Admitted), Urology (Admitted) and Gynaecology (Admitted). 4 hourly performance was above the new 95% target at approximately 96.18% in Jan ’11. Yearly performance is currently (20/2/11) above the 95% target at 97.43%. RTT Median Waits (11.1 wks admitted and 6.6 wks non-admitted) – achieved in Jan ’11 for both admitted (11 wks) and non-admitted waits (5 wks). RTT 95 Percentile Waits (27.7 wks admitted and 18.3 wks non-admitted) – achieved in Jan ’11 for both admitted (23 wks) and non-admitted waits (17 wks). Please note the admitted RTT target from April ’11 onwards is 23 weeks and so at risk of failure. Thrombolysis - Call to Needle – underachieved YTD up to Jan ‘11. Cancer 14 day – Achieved in Jan ’11 and currently YTD. Cancer 31 day – Failed in Jan ’11 but currently achieving YTD. Cancer 62 day – Underachieved in Dec ’10 but currently achieving YTD. Cancer 14 day breast – Achieved in Jan ’11 and currently YTD. Cancer 31 days to subsequent treatment – Achieved in Jan ’11 and currently YTD. Cancer 62 day screen to treatment – Underachieved in Dec ’10 but currently achieving YTD. Cancelled Operations seen in 28 days – Achieved in Jan ’10 but currently underachieving YTD. Cancelled Operations on the Day – Underachieving YTD. Occupied bed days – The monthly Medical Outliers are below the average for last year but has risen since last month. The monthly Beds occupied by Delayed Discharges are below the average for last year and is down significantly since last month. MRSA – Target for year is 5. No bacteraemia were reported in Jan ’11 and YTD. C-Diff - Target for year is 106. 11 cases were reported in Jan ‘11 which is above the monthly trajectory but just below the YTD trajectory. Emergency Bed days – continues to be above the 03/04 baseline, red rated. GUM - 100% seen within 48 hours although national target is still appointment given within 48 hours. Page 65 of 90 MID CHESHIRE HOSPITALS FOUNDATION NHS TRUST Referrals Activity Measure Monthly Performance Target Actual Var'ce % Var 3767 3884 117 3.1% 3114 3099 -15 -0.5% 6881 6983 102 1.5% Year to Date Target Actual Var'ce % Var 39556 40151 595 1.5% 32692 32764 72 0.2% 72248 72915 667 0.9% Activity Summary: Outpatients Activity Measure Annual Monthly Performance Target Target Actual Var'ce % Var New Attendances 73591 5911 5836 -75 -1.3% Follow Up Atts 163782 13155 13013 -142 -1.1% TOTAL ATTS 237373 19066 18849 -217 -1.1% Year to Date Target Actual Var'ce % Var 60883 62762 1879 3.1% 135498 138672 3174 2.3% 196381 201434 5053 2.6% Activity Summary: Admitted Patient Care Activity Measure Annual Monthly Performance Target Target Actual Var'ce % Var Non Elective Spells 38486 3227 3263 36 1.1% Elective IP Spells 4590 369 198 -171 -46.3% Day Cases 23286 1870 1758 -112 -6.0% TOTAL SPELLS 66362 5466 5219 -247 -4.5% Year to Date Target Actual Var'ce % Var 31914 32746 832 2.6% 3797 3179 -618 -16.3% 19265 19201 -64 -0.3% 54977 55126 149 0.3% GP Referrals Other Sources TOTAL REFS Annual Target 47656 39386 87042 MONTH: January 2011 Average Percentage Bed Occupancy (at midnight) Monthly Performance Activity Measure 2009/10 Perf 2009/10 2010/11 Var'ce Adult Medical 91.9% 92.2% 92.0% -0.2% Adult Surgical 88.8% 92.0% 83.7% -8.3% Adult Gen & Acute 90.8% 92.1% 89.2% -2.9% Year to Date 2009/10 2010/11 Var'ce 92.4% 89.9% -2.5% 89.0% 85.2% -3.8% 91.1% 88.3% -2.8% Page 66 of 90 Inpatient and Day Case Waiting Lists Activity Measure March Oct 2010 2010 <2 weeks 790 689 2 to 4 weeks 1046 934 5 to 7 weeks 398 431 8 to 10 weeks 270 262 11 to 14 weeks 122 181 > 14 weeks 95 104 TOTAL 2721 2601 Nov 2010 759 810 456 305 156 111 2597 Dec 2010 437 1083 563 320 264 145 2812 Jan 2011 792 727 492 403 351 177 2942 11 11 12 13 5.6% 5.9% 6.4% 6.5% 4.3% Outpatient Waiting Lists Activity Measure March 2010 < 1 week 730 1 to 2 weeks 830 2 to 3 weeks 603 3 to 4 weeks 558 4 to 5 weeks 468 > 5 weeks 1152 TOTAL 4341 Oct 2010 809 734 669 526 473 1567 4778 Nov 2010 584 766 629 559 412 1400 4350 Dec 2010 314 593 558 519 480 1588 4052 Jan 2011 644 742 669 448 214 1343 4060 8 8 8 8 18 week Referral to Treatment Times Number of Open Pathways Activity Measure March Oct 2010 2010 < 4 weeks 3782 3232 4 to 6 weeks 2635 2629 7 to 11 weeks 2660 2836 12 to 14 weeks 499 827 15 to 17 weeks 357 496 >= 18 weeks 232 484 TOTAL 10165 10504 Nov 2010 3325 2331 2864 729 592 417 10258 Dec 2010 3254 2355 2600 694 819 487 10209 Jan 2011 4223 1576 2526 602 774 550 10251 Monthly Performance Pathways ending Annual with: Target Admission 90% Non Admission 95% Nov 2010 92.6% 98.0% Dec 2010 93.8% 97.7% Jan 2011 89.4% 97.3% 90th percentile waiting time(wks) %age Suspended 90th percentile waiting time(wks) Oct 2010 94.1% 97.8% Page 67 of 90 CUMULATIVE ACTIVITY SUMMARY MONTH: January 2011 GP Referrals Annual Target 25560 9227 7754 5115 47656 Year to Date Performance 09/10 10/11 10/11 YTD Target YTD 21038 21216 21703 7810 7659 8431 6385 6436 5737 4260 4246 4280 39493 39556 40151 Performance Variance from Target from 2009/10 Number % Number % 487 2.3% 665 3.2% 772 10.1% 621 8.0% -699 -10.9% -648 -10.1% 34 0.8% 20 0.5% 595 1.5% 658 1.7% First OP Attendances Annual Division Target Surgery & Cancer 35977 Emergency Care 10541 Women & Children 22035 Diagnostics 5038 TOTAL 73591 Year to Date Performance 09/10 10/11 10/11 YTD Target YTD 30457 29764 30867 8473 8721 8471 18233 18230 19362 4335 4168 4062 61498 60883 62762 Performance Variance from Target from 2009/10 Number % Number % 1103 3.7% 410 1.3% -250 -2.9% -2 0.0% 1132 6.2% 1129 6.2% -106 -2.5% -273 -6.3% 1879 3.1% 1264 2.1% Follow Up OP Attendances Annual Division Target Surgery & Cancer 70477 Emergency Care 27409 Women & Children 55131 Diagnostics 10765 TOTAL 163782 Year to Date Performance 09/10 10/11 10/11 YTD Target YTD 63508 58306 60218 22949 22676 22232 45400 45610 46209 9863 8906 10013 141720 135498 138672 Performance Variance from Target from 2009/10 Number % Number % 1912 3.3% -3290 -5.2% -444 -2.0% -717 -3.1% 599 1.3% 809 1.8% 1107 12.4% 150 1.5% 3174 2.3% -3048 -2.2% Non Elective Spells Annual Target 6261 19887 12338 0 38486 Year to Date Performance 09/10 10/11 10/11 YTD Target YTD 5496 5219 5845 15830 16495 16596 10050 10201 10305 1 0 0 31377 31914 32746 Performance Variance from Target from 2009/10 Number % Number % 626 12.0% 349 6.4% 101 0.6% 766 4.8% 104 1.0% 255 2.5% 0 #DIV/0! -1 -100.0% 832 2.6% 1369 4.4% Annual Target 18232 6210 2419 1015 27876 Year to Date Performance 09/10 10/11 10/11 YTD Target YTD 15382 15084 14594 4846 5138 4856 1838 2001 1882 826 840 1048 22892 23062 22380 Performance Variance from Target from 2009/10 Number % Number % -490 -3.2% -788 -5.1% -282 -5.5% 10 0.2% -119 -6.0% 44 2.4% 208 24.8% 222 26.9% -682 -3.0% -512 -2.2% Division Surgery & Cancer Emergency Care Women & Children Diagnostics TOTAL Division Surgery & Cancer Emergency Care Women & Children Diagnostics TOTAL Elective Spells Division Surgery & Cancer Emergency Care Women & Children Diagnostics TOTAL Page 68 of 90 Non Elective Spells Elective Spells 1000 200 100 800 0 -100 600 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar -200 400 -300 -400 200 -500 -600 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar -200 -700 -800 Monthly Activity Cumulative Position Monthly Activity Cumulative Position GP Referrals Outpatients 7000 1500 6000 1000 5000 4000 500 3000 0 2000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 1000 -500 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar -1000 -1000 Monthly Activity Monthly Activity Cumulative Position Cumulative Position Outpatient Waiting List (by wks waiting) Waiting List (by weeks waiting) 3500 6000 3000 5000 2500 4000 2000 3000 1500 2000 1000 1000 500 0 0 Apr May <2 wks Jun Jul 2-4 wks Aug Sep 5-7 wks Oct Nov 8-10 wks Dec Jan 11-14 wks Feb Mar Apr May < 1wk > 14 wks Open Referral to Treatment Pathways Jul Aug 1-2 wks Sep Oct 2-3 wks Nov Dec 3-4 wks Jan Feb 4-5 wks Mar > 5 wks 18 week RTT Performance 100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% 88.0% 86.0% 84.0% 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Apr Apr < 4 wks Jun May 4-6 wks Jun Jul 7-11 wks Aug Sep Oct 12-14 wks Nov Dec 15-17 wks Jan Feb >=18 wks May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Mar Admitted Actual Non Adm Actual Admitted Target Non Adm Target Page 69 of 90 Performance Targets and Standards MONTH: January 2011 1. Elective and Outpatient Waits Status = Red IP Waits Status = Red OP Waits 100.0% 98.0% 100% 1 99% 0.99 98% 0.98 97% 96% 0.97 95% 0.96 94% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% 88.0% 93% 0.95 92% 0.94 91% 0.93 90% 86.0% 84.0% 82.0% 80.0% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p10 O ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 0.92 0.91 Adm Actual Non Adm Actual Adm Target Non Adm Target 0.9 1 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 OP Waits 1562 1731 1755 1640 1780 1621 1567 1400 1588 1343 0 0 Ap r-1 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 .C IP Waits 280 273 223 253 274 299 285 267 409 528 0 0 3. A&E 4hr Waits Achieve 95%; Underachieve 94% Status = Green M Month 2. Referral to Treatment Times Performance Red Data Completeness Green IP Target - 150 or fewer patients waiting > 10 weeks OP target - 35 or fewer patients waiting > 5 weeks 4. Referral to Treatment Median Waiting Times Admitted Pathways Amber Non Admitted Pathways Green 12 95% of non-admitted patients achieve target 90% of admitted patients achieve target 5. Referral to Treatment 95th Percentile Waits Admitted Pathways Amber Non Admitted Pathways Amber Monthly %age Achieved Underachieved Within 4hrs YTD Perf #REF! #REF! 6. Thrombolysis Call to Needle - Achieve 68%; Underachieve 48% Status = Amber 100.0% 25 90.0% 10 #REF! 20 80.0% 70.0% 8 15 60.0% 6 50.0% 10 40.0% 30.0% There was one patient recorded on the Door to Needle pathway and they met the 30 minute target. 20.0% 10.0% Adm Actual Non Adm Actual Adm Target Non Adm Target Achieve 1 0 Call to Needle (YTD) Half of non-admitted patients seen within 6.6 weeks Half of admitted patients seen within 11.1 weeks Fe b1 Non Adm Target D ec -1 0 Adm Target O ct -1 0 Non Adm Actual 0.0% Ap r-1 0 Adm Actual Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 0 Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b11 M ar -1 1 0 Au g1 2 10 5 Ju n- 4 Underachieve 95% of non-admitted patients seen within 18.3 weeks 95% of admitted patients seen within 23 weeks Page 70 of 90 Performance Targets and Standards MONTH: January 2011 7. Cancer - 14 day Achieve 93%; Underachieve 88% Status = Green 8. Cancer - 31 day Achieve 96%; Underachieve 91% Status = Green 9. Cancer - 62 day Achieve 85%; Underachieve 80% Status = Green 100% 100% 99% 96% 97% 94% 95% 92% 93% 90% 91% 88% Most recent month is draft local report 86% 84% 89% 87% 95% 90% 85% 80% Most recent month is draft local report 75% 70% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 80% 65% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b11 M ar -1 1 85% 82% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 98% Monthly %age Achieve Monthly %age Achieve Monthly %age Achieve YTD Perf Underachieve YTD Perf Underachieve YTD Perf Underachieve 10. Cancer - 14 day Symptomatic Breast Referral Achieve 93%; Underachieve 88% Status = Green 11. Cancer - 31 day Diagnosis to Subs Treatment Achieve 94%; Underachieve 89% Status = Green 12. Cancer - 62 day Screening to Treatment Achieve 90%; Underachieve 85% Status = Green 100% 100% 99% 98% 95% 97% 94% 95% 92% 93% 90% 91% 88% 90% 85% 80% 89% Most recent month is draft local report 84% 82% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 80% Monthly %age Achieve YTD Perf derachieve Most recent month is draft local report 87% 85% 75% 70% 65% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b11 M ar -1 1 86% Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 96% Monthly %age Achieve Monthly %age Achieve YTD Perf Underachieve YTD Perf Underachieve Page 71 of 90 Performance Targets and Standards (Information removed under S43 of FOI Act) 13. Cancelled operations seen in 28 days Achieve 95%; Underachieve 85% Status = Amber MONTH: January 2011 14. Cancelled Ops on Day of Admission Achieve 99.2%; Underachieve 98.5% Status = Amber 15. Beds Occupied by Dischargable Patients Average Medical Outliers also shown Red Del Disch Status = Green Outlier Status = 350 60 60.0 95% 300 50 50.0 90% 250 40.0 40 85% 200 30.0 30 80% 150 75% 100 20.0 20 10.0 70% 50 Achieve Underachieve YTD Perf 0 Cumulative 16. MRSA Target = <5 MRSA cases in year Status = Green 20 Achieve Ave Med Delayed Disch Ave Outliers 09/10 Ave Del Del Disch Disch 09/10 07/08 Ave Underachieve 17. Clostridium difficile Target = <106 c difficile cases in year Status = Green Ave Med Outliers Monthly Delayed Disch Ave Outliers Monthly 07/08 Medical Outliers 18. Emergency Bed Days Status = Red 120 No MRSA bactaeremia reported between April and January. 100 16 14 11 c difficile cases reported in January. 40.0% 30.0% 80 12 10 20.0% 60 8 10.0% 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 r-1 y-1 n-1 ul-1 ug-1 ep-1 ct-1 ov-1 ec-1 an-1 eb-1 ar-1 J O N Ap Ma Ju J M F D S A 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-1 y-1 n-1 ul-1 ug-1 ep-1 ct-1 ov-1 ec-1 an-1 eb-1 ar-1 J O Ap Ma Ju J M F S D N A Reported Cumulative Threshhold (<=12)" Reported Cumulative Threshhold (<=181) % Month Change Fe b -10.0% D ec 2 0.0% O ct 20 Au g 4 There have been 7 deaths this year where c diff was a primary cause, and 3 where it was a contributory factor Ju n 40 6 Ap r 18 0 Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b11 M ar -1 1 %seen in time 10 0.0 Ap A r-1 prM 0 10 ay -1 J Ju 0 un -1 n0 10 Ju l-1 Au Au 0 g -1 0 g1 Se 0O p- ct 1 -1 0 O 0 ct -1 D N 0 ec ov -1 -10 D 0 ec -1 Fe Ja 0 b-1 1 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 Ap r-1 M 0 ay -1 Ju 0 n10 Ju l-1 Au 0 g1 Se 0 p1 O 0 ct -1 N 0 ov -1 D 0 ec -1 Ja 0 n1 Fe 1 b1 M 1 ar -1 1 100% % Cum've Change Reduce emergency bed days by 5% by 2008 (from the 2003/2004 baseline) Page 72 of 90 Performance Targets and Standards MONTH: January 2011 19. Smoking in pregnancy 20. Breastfeeding 21. Supporting Information Status = Red 26% Status = Red 544 bed days (17.5 beds each day) were unavailable for unplanned reasons during December. This was mainly due to infections. 70% 24% 65% 22% 20% 60% 18% 55% 16% 14% 124 bed days (4.0 beds each day) were opened above planned levels. 50% 12% 10% Month 10/11 Target Cumve 10/11 A comparison between the trusts 2009-10 and 201011 smoking during pregnancy rates Month 10/11 Cumve 10/11 ar M Ja n Fe b ov ec D O ct N Se p Ju l Au g ay Ju n Ap r 40% M Ap r M ay Ju n Ju l Au g Se p O ct N ov D ec Ja n Fe b M ar 45% "Target" A comparison between the trusts 2009-10 and 2010-11 breastfeeding initiation rates (joint measures with 7. Smoking in pregnancy) GUM Access Status = Green Page 73 of 90 Monitoring the 18 week pathway 2010-11 Pathways not ending in an admission Q1 Q2 %age ending pathway in < 18 wks General Surgery 97.7% 96.6% Urology 96.7% 97.5% Orthopaedics 98.0% 97.8% ENT 96.9% 97.7% Ophthalmology 98.8% 99.3% Pain Relief Direct Access Audiology 100% 100% Oct Jan YTD Target Nov Dec Q3 95.3% 96.5% 95.8% 97.3% 99.3% 100% 100% 95.4% 95.2% 95.4% 97.3% 99.2% 100% 100% 94.8% 96.3% 92.7% 96.6% 99.2% 100% 100% 95.2% 96.0% 94.7% 97.1% 99.2% 100% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 99.2% 96.5% 95.5% 98.6% 100% 100% 99.3% 99.3% 99.3% 97.7% 98.4% 98.0% 98.2% 98.1% 98.7% 97.2% 97.1% 97.8% 97.8% 98.7% 100% 99.1% 100% 99.6% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99.8% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94.3% 94.9% 95.3% 96.7% 98.0% 97% 100% 100% 96.3% 96.6% 96.8% 97.2% 99.0% Gastroenterology Diabetic Medicine Cardiology Respiratory Medicine Care of the Elderly Rheumatology 97.3% 98.9% Gynaecology Paediatric Medicine Paediatric Audiology 99.0% 99.3% 98.4% 98.0% 98.8% 98.4% 96.8% 98.7% 99.1% 99.3% 100% 100% 100% 99.0% 100% 100% 95% 95% 95% Dermatology Clinical Haematology Chemical Pathology 99.1% 99.3% 98.1% 98.3% 97.4% 98.0% 95.3% 98.5% 97.6% 94.7% 93.1% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 95% 95% Other Specialties 100% 99.6% 98.7% 97.5% 100% 100% 99.4% 100% 100% TOTAL ALL SPECIALTIES 98.6% 98.6% 100% 100% 99.5% 100% 99.7% 97.8% 98.0% 97.7% 97.9% 97.3% 98.3% 95% Page 74 of 90 Pathways ending in an admission Q1 %age ending pathway in < 18 wks General Surgery 96.0% Urology 94.7% Orthopaedics 96.6% ENT 97.7% Ophthalmology 98.8% Pain Relief Gastroenterology Respiratory Medicine 99% 100% Gynaecology Q2 Oct Nov Dec 93.7% 94.8% 94.0% 98.3% 99.3% 90.9% 90.7% 88.9% 98.5% 98.6% 97.9% 99% 100% 97.6% 97.5% 96.7% 100% 100% Q3 Jan YTD Target 90.7% 92.1% 91.1% 84.2% 93.1% 93.7% 90.7% 92.0% 88.3% 93.5% 77.6% 85.9% 83.9% 78.4% 90.4% 98.1% 100% 98.6% 100% 98.3% 100% 97% 98.7% 97% 98.7% 100% 100% 97% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 97% 100% 98.7% 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 94.9% 96.5% 96.8% 97.6% 99.0% 97.6% 87.1% 95.5% 90% Dermatology Clinical Haematology 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% Other Specialties 100% 98.6% 100% 100% TOTAL ALL SPECIALTIES 96.9% 96.2% 100% 100% 100% 99.5% 100% 99.2% 94.1% 92.6% 93.8% 93.5% 89.4% 95.1% 90% ** March and Q4 projected as at 6th April Data Completeness Q1 Q2 Oct Nov Dec Q3 Jan Non Admitted Pathways Admitted Pathways Sum All Pathways 93.0% 89.0% 90.9% 85.5% 79.3% 85.3% 87.5% YTD 88.9% 88.0% 91.4% 85.5% 83.8% 75.5% 82.1% 87.5% 87.2% 91.8% 89.5% 89.5% 85.1% 78.5% 84.5% 87.5% 88.5% Direct Access Audiology 52.0% 66.2% 81.5% 68.2% 272.9% 100.5% 99.1% 70.1% Direct Access Audiology Data Completeness as understood by MCHFT and CECPCT Page 75 of 90 95th percentile Wait Times 1. Pathways ending in an admission: threshold 23 weeks April May June July Aug General Surgery 19 18 18 18 20 Urology 19 19 18 18 16 Orthopaedics 18 18 18 20 18 ENT 18 18 18 17 18 Ophthalmology 18 17 17 17 17 Gastroenterology 15 15 15 15 14 Gynaecology 23 18 19 18 18 Other Specialties 18 17 18 18 17 Sum All Specialties 18 18 18 18 18 Oct 22 23 21 18 18 17 18 18 19 Nov 20 22 24 17 18 16 18 14 20 Dec 23 25 25 17 18 18 18 17 20 Jan 24 27 25 18 18 17 22 13 23 2. Pathways ending other than in an admission: threshold 18.3 weeks April May June July Aug Sep Oct General Surgery 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 Urology 18 17 18 17 17 16 15 Orthopaedics 17 15 16 16 17 16 17 ENT 17 16 18 17 16 17 16 Ophthalmology 14 13 14 15 13 14 14 General Medicine 13 12 10 14 12 11 9 Gastroenterology 18 17 18 18 18 17 18 Cardiology 15 18 17 17 18 18 18 Dermatology 15 16 17 16 17 17 18 Respiratory Medicine 9 15 12 16 12 14 15 Rheumatology 13 16 17 14 13 15 12 Geriatric Medicine 10 9 12 13 10 11 11 Gynaecology 15 17 15 15 16 15 16 Other 12 12 12 12 14 11 13 Sum All Specialties 13 15 16 15 16 16 16 Nov 17 18 18 17 15 11 17 15 17 12 12 11 17 10 16 Dec 19 17 21 18 15 11 17 17 18 12 15 10 15 12 17 Jan 20 19 18 18 15 10 17 18 18 12 12 9 17 13 17 3. Incomplete Pathways: threshold 28 weeks April May June General Surgery 15 17 17 Urology 18 17 16 Orthopaedics 15 15 16 ENT 17 18 14 Ophthalmology 12 13 14 General Medicine 10 11 11 Gastroenterology 13 14 13 Cardiology 13 13 14 Dermatology 12 13 12 Respiratory Medicine 10 10 11 Rheumatology 13 13 10 Geriatric Medicine 9 9 10 Gynaecology 15 15 15 Other 14 13 14 Sum All Specialties 15 15 15 Nov 22 18 19 17 15 10 15 13 15 9 10 9 17 15 18 Dec 23 18 20 18 15 12 15 14 16 10 11 9 19 16 18 Jan 25 18 21 17 15 13 16 14 17 9 11 9 17 15 19 July 18 16 16 15 14 11 15 15 13 10 11 10 15 15 16 Aug 18 19 17 17 14 11 13 14 16 11 12 10 17 16 17 Sep 22 21 20 18 17 16 20 18 19 Sep 19 17 18 17 13 13 14 14 15 11 11 9 18 15 17 Oct 20 17 20 18 14 11 15 12 15 9 10 10 18 15 17 Page 76 of 90 Median Wait Times 1. Pathways ending in an admission: Median threshold 11.1 weeks April May June July Aug Sep General Surgery 9 9 9 7 12 11 Urology 8 10 8 7 8 11 Orthopaedics 11 11 12 12 14 13 ENT 12 8 10 10 10 9 Ophthalmology 10 9 8 8 8 9 Gastroenterology 6 6 5 3 3 3 Gynaecology 7 6 12 7 10 10 Other Specialties 13 10 13 13 12 14 Sum All Specialties 9 9 9 8 10 11 Oct 10 10 14 8 9 4 6 12 10 2. Pathways ending other than in an admission: Median threshold 6.6 weeks April May June July Aug Sep Oct General Surgery 5 6 5 5 7 6 5 Urology 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 Orthopaedics 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 ENT 8 7 8 6 7 10 7 Ophthalmology 7 4 8 6 7 7 5 General Medicine 6 6 5 7 4 5 3 Gastroenterology 9 9 11 11 11 10 11 Cardiology 7 8 7 8 8 8 7 Dermatology 9 10 10 8 10 10 10 Respiratory Medicine 6 6 7 7 8 7 5 Rheumatology 9 10 10 9 9 9 8 Geriatric Medicine 4 5 6 5 3 3 3 Gynaecology 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 Other 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sum All Specialties 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 3. Incomplete Pathways: Median threshold 7.2 weeks April May June July General Surgery 5 5 6 6 Urology 6 5 5 5 Orthopaedics 5 5 6 6 ENT 6 6 5 6 Ophthalmology 5 5 5 5 General Medicine 4 3 5 5 Gastroenterology 6 6 6 6 Cardiology 5 5 6 6 Dermatology 5 5 5 6 Respiratory Medicine 4 4 4 5 Rheumatology 6 5 4 6 Geriatric Medicine 3 4 3 4 Gynaecology 6 6 6 6 Other 5 5 6 6 Sum All Specialties 5 5 5 6 Aug Sep 6 6 7 6 6 4 6 5 6 4 5 3 6 6 6 Oct 6 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 6 4 5 2 7 5 6 Nov 10 8 14 7 9 6 7 8 9 Dec Nov Dec 5 8 7 6 5 4 9 7 9 5 7 3 5 1 5 Nov 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 3 5 4 6 5 6 6 11 13 7 9 5 6 9 9 Jan 5 8 7 7 5 5 10 8 11 5 7 2 4 1 5 Dec 7 7 7 6 5 4 5 4 6 3 4 3 6 5 6 Jan 11 13 15 8 11 6 7 8 11 5 9 7 8 6 5 10 9 11 6 8 2 3 1 5 Jan 8 7 8 7 7 5 6 6 7 4 5 3 7 6 7 Page 77 of 90 8 7 8 6 6 4 6 5 6 2 5 2 7 6 7 PCT PERFORMANCE SUMMARY: YEAR TO DATE MONTH: January 2011 ADMITTED PATIENT CARE: Non Elective Acute FFCEs PCT Target Actual Difference No %age Central & Eastern Cheshire 24468 25200 732 3.0% West Cheshire 1058 994 -64 -6.0% 2009/10 23921 1065 Difference 09 to 10 No %age 1279 5.3% -71 -6.7% North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 174 89 263 166 92 258 -8 3 -5 -4.6% 3.9% -1.8% 189 81 270 -23 11 -12 -12.2% 13.6% -4.4% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 67 31 50 63 28 0 -4 -3 -50 -5.8% -8.4% -100.0% 60 31 46 3 -3 -46 5.0% -9.7% -100.0% 639 4 26579 660 0 27203 21 3.2% 2.3% 63 -3 1210 10.6% 624 597 3 25993 ADMITTED PATIENT CARE: Elective Inpatients and Day Cases Difference PCT Target Actual No %age Central & Eastern Cheshire 21034 20635 -399 -1.9% West Cheshire 1127 1028 -99 -8.8% 2009/10 20950 1047 NCAs Other TOTAL 4.7% Difference 09 to 10 No %age -315 -1.5% -19 -1.8% North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 462 234 696 379 198 577 -83 -36 -119 -17.9% -15.4% -17.1% 469 230 699 -90 -32 -122 -19.2% -13.9% -17.5% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 70 15 18 35 14 0 -35 -1 -18 -50.2% -6.0% -100.0% 65 13 19 -30 1 -19 -46.2% 7.7% -100.0% 102 1 23062 91 0 22380 -11 -10.6% 99 -8 -8.1% -682 -3.0% 22892 -512 -2.2% Difference No %age 207 4.0% -26 -20.9% 2009/10 5201 117 NCAs Other TOTAL ADMITTED PATIENT CARE: Maternity PCT Target Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire Actual Difference 09 to 10 No %age 149 2.9% -19 -16.2% 5143 124 5350 98 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 19 12 31 32 19 51 13 7 20 65.1% 61.0% 63.5% 24 9 33 8 10 18 33.3% 111.1% 54.5% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 16 0 1 17 5 0 1 5 -1 6.2% #DIV/0! -100.0% 15 0 1 2 5 -1 13.3% #DIV/0! -100.0% 19 1 5335 22 0 5543 3 13.5% 3.9% 2 0 156 10.0% 208 20 0 5387 NCAs Other TOTAL 2.9% Page 78 of 90 OUTPATIENT ATTENDANCES: Total Attendances PCT Target Actual Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire Difference No %age 4973 2.7% -330 -4.2% 2009/10 187854 8075 Difference 09 to 10 No %age -1065 -0.6% -532 -6.6% 181816 7873 186789 7543 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 3210 1416 4625 3205 1759 4964 -5 343 339 -0.2% 24.3% 7.3% 3326 1422 4748 -121 337 216 -3.6% 23.7% 4.5% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 603 192 89 562 152 110 -41 -40 21 -6.8% -20.8% 24.3% 631 187 102 -69 -35 8 -10.9% -18.7% 7.8% 1167 17 196381 1223 91 201434 56 4.8% 2.6% 25 -332 -1784 2.1% 5053 1198 423 203218 Difference No %age -521 -15.1% -39 -23.1% 2009/10 3378 177 NCAs Other TOTAL ADMITTED PATIENT CARE: Elective Inpatients PCT Target Actual Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire -0.9% Difference 09 to 10 No %age -456 -13.5% -46 -26.0% 3443 170 2922 131 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 96 35 131 68 23 91 -28 -12 -40 -29.1% -33.8% -30.4% 91 37 128 -23 -14 -37 -25.3% -37.8% -28.9% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 7 2 9 6 2 0 -1 0 -9 -19.4% -19.4% -100.0% 7 3 10 -1 -1 -10 -14.3% -33.3% -100.0% 34 0 3797 27 0 3179 -7 -20.4% -7 -20.6% -618 -16.3% 34 0 3737 -558 -14.9% Difference No %age 123 0.7% -59 -6.2% 2009/10 17572 870 NCAs Other TOTAL ADMITTED PATIENT CARE: Day Cases PCT Target Actual Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire Difference 09 to 10 No %age 141 0.8% 27 3.1% 17590 956 17713 897 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 366 199 565 311 175 486 -55 -24 -79 -15.0% -12.2% -14.0% 378 193 571 -67 -18 -85 -17.7% -9.3% -14.9% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 63 12 9 29 12 0 -34 0 -9 -53.9% -3.3% -100.0% 58 10 9 -29 2 -9 -50.0% 20.0% -100.0% 68 1 19265 64 0 19201 -4 -5.7% -1 -1.5% -64 -0.3% 65 4 19159 42 0.2% NCAs Other TOTAL Page 79 of 90 OUTPATIENT ATTENDANCES: First Attendances PCT Target Actual Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire Difference No %age 1718 3.1% -186 -7.6% 2009/10 56182 2488 Difference 09 to 10 No %age 1372 2.4% -208 -8.4% 55836 2466 57554 2280 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 1142 564 1706 1195 872 2067 53 308 361 4.7% 54.5% 21.2% 1130 554 1684 65 318 383 5.8% 57.4% 22.7% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 227 91 23 197 50 27 -30 -41 4 -13.1% -45.1% 16.6% 229 83 29 -32 -33 -2 -14.0% -39.8% -6.9% 523 11 60883 521 66 62762 -2 -0.4% 3.1% -3 -213 1264 -0.6% 1879 524 279 61498 OUTPATIENT ATTENDANCES: Follow Up Attendances PCT Target Actual Difference No %age Central & Eastern Cheshire 125980 129235 3255 2.6% West Cheshire 5406 5263 -143 -2.7% 2009/10 131672 5587 NCAs Other TOTAL 2.1% Difference 09 to 10 No %age -2437 -1.9% -324 -5.8% North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 2068 851 2920 2010 887 2897 -58 36 -23 -2.8% 4.2% -0.8% 2196 868 3064 -186 19 -167 -8.5% 2.2% -5.5% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 376 101 65 365 102 83 -11 1 18 -3.0% 1.1% 27.0% 402 104 73 -37 -2 10 -9.2% -1.9% 13.7% 644 6 135498 702 25 138672 58 9.1% 2.3% 28 -119 -3048 4.2% 3174 674 144 141720 NCAs Other TOTAL -2.2% Page 80 of 90 REFERRALS: all referrals from General Practitioners PCT Target Actual Difference No %age Central & Eastern Cheshire 36011 36392 381 1.1% West Cheshire 1803 1624 -179 -9.9% 2009/10 36006 1811 Difference 09 to 10 No %age 386 1.1% -187 -10.3% North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 879 554 1433 952 917 1869 73 363 436 8.3% 65.6% 30.5% 871 501 1372 81 416 497 9.3% 83.0% 36.2% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 159 18 6 121 19 2 -38 1 -4 -24.1% 4.0% -65.6% 158 21 8 -37 -2 -6 -23.4% -9.5% -75.0% 120 6 39556 124 0 40151 4 3.0% 117 6.0% 595 1.5% 39493 7 0 658 Difference No %age 279 0.9% -1 -0.1% 2009/10 30309 1437 NCAs Other TOTAL REFERRALS: all referrals from Other Sources PCT Target Actual Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire 1.7% Difference 09 to 10 No %age -186 -0.6% -221 -15.4% 29844 1217 30123 1216 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 493 210 703 448 205 653 -45 -5 -50 -9.1% -2.4% -7.1% 517 194 711 -69 11 -58 -13.3% 5.7% -8.2% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 109 49 23 104 42 39 -5 -7 16 -4.4% -14.2% 67.8% 112 69 31 -8 -27 8 -7.1% -39.1% 25.8% 507 240 32692 587 0 32764 80 15.7% 0.2% -27 1 -518 -4.4% 72 614 -1 33282 Difference No %age 660 1.0% -180 -6.0% 2009/10 66315 3248 NCAs Other TOTAL TOTAL REFERRALS PCT Central & Eastern Cheshire West Cheshire Target Actual -1.6% Difference 09 to 10 No %age 200 0.3% -408 -12.6% 65855 3020 66515 2840 North Staffordshire Stoke on Trent NORTH STAFFS 1372 764 2136 1400 1122 2522 28 358 386 2.0% 46.9% 18.1% 1388 695 2083 12 427 439 0.9% 61.4% 21.1% Shropshire County Warrington North Wales 268 67 29 225 61 41 -43 -6 12 -16.1% -9.3% 41.1% 270 90 39 -45 -29 2 -16.7% -32.2% 5.1% 628 246 72248 711 0 72915 83 13.3% 0.9% -20 1 140 -2.7% 667 731 -1 72775 NCAs Other TOTAL 0.2% Page 81 of 90 Turnaround Times for Clinic Letters, Discharge Summaries and Diagnostics Reporting February 2011 OUTPATIENT CLINIC LETTERS (Days) DIVISION / DEPARTMENT SURGERY & CANCER General Surgery Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 8 9 9 4 9 9 13 10 10 10 7 12 11 11 5 5 0 5 0 0 9 10 5 8 1 5 6 5 7 7 4 7 1 5 3 3 10 10 10 10 2 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 SRS PPI SM 15 15 15 10 10 10 20 25 25 15 15 15 2 9 9 5 5 5 Oral Surgery 2 2 2 2 2 2 DJC JPS AJG MEH CRS AUK VP GKM DIVISION / DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY CARE Urology Endoscopy NA NA NA NA NA NA Pain Clinic 2 2 2 2 2 2 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 7 4 8 17 12 3 4 3 5 18 18 6 8 8 10 15 3 3 5 7 5 7 5 3 9 9 9 11 11 6 9 9 12 12 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 10 7 9 9 10 3 7 7 6 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 12 3 5 4 6 6 6 3 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 4 4 3 10 3 7 8 7 7 8 3 7 10 9 9 3 5 3 3 3 5 5 3 9 8 4 12 3 4 5 4 7 7 3 6 Dr Thomson Dr Burns Dr Ellison Dr Dowson 4 7 6 4 0 1 0 2 1 1 8 8 1 4 5 3 1 1 4 4 5 4 11 6 Dr Thirumurugan 0 2 8 3 1 7 Dr Sackey 0 4 8 2 0 1 8 0 8 JMST Cardiology Locum APM RKK Heart Failure Nurse MDW Locum (Care of Elderly) MS (Care of Elderly) LGA (Care of Elderly) AHH MZQ JSM IJL KYY KP (Rheumatology) AJF (Rheumatology) A&E Consultants Acute Physicians Orthopaedics My Hyder Mr Pegg Mr Gilles Mrs Luscombe Mr Redfern Mr Barnes Miss Blanckley Sep-10 9 WOMEN & CHILDREN Paediatrics Dr I Blakeborough Audiology (Eagle bridge) ENT AFD JAD JED AK 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 34 34 34 34 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 21 21 21 21 ADH SW MAN 27 27 27 23 23 23 21 21 21 21 21 21 19 19 19 14 14 14 SQ 27 23 21 21 19 14 BJM / VK 27 23 21 21 19 14 Ophthalmology 26 20 8 21 12 15 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Mr Meekins 5 4 0 11 1 1 Mr Scott Mr Armatage Mr Lukas Miss Heron Miss Coughlin Dr Cunningham Miss Pinto Miss R Sawyer Sally Smith 7 5 7 6 11 0 0 7 12 10 11 4 0 12 2 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 9 8 12 0 9 0 0 4 0 14 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 2 0 26 19 21 25 21 25 12 16 10 7 11 22 0.6% 99% 86% 73% 0% 66% 82% 65% 61% 71% 33% 100% 43% 44% 86% 4% 86% 76% 25% 1.4% 87% 83% 81% 0% 82% 90% 67% 64% 78% 75% 100% 47% 44% 90% 0% 100% 83% 35% 100% 2.4% 96% 57% 73% 0% 83% 70% 61% 59% 78% 100% 100% 31% 47% 68% 0% 82% 86% 31% 4.1% 88% 67% 72% 11% 77% 92% 66% 60% 72% 67% 67% 45% 54% 90% 0% 75% 83% 32% 5.0% 98% 100% 78% 0% 77% 100% 62% 60% 77% 71% 100% 41% 56% 90% 0% 86% 87% 29% 100% 79% 81% 100% 67% 42% 100% 50% 30% 70% 100% 28% 80% 100% 60.3% 60.0% 59.9% 58.3% DIAGNOSTICS Dermatology gy Haematology E-DISCHARGE & SIGMA (Maternity) SUMMARIES SPECIALTY Accident & Emergency Anaesthetics Cardiology Clinical Oncology Dental Ear Nose & Throat Gastro-Enterology General Medicine General Surgery Gynaecology Medical Oncology Medicine for the Elderly Obstetrics - Delivery Opthalmology Paediatrics Radiology Rheumatology Trauma & Orthopaedics Urology Vascular Surgery Z Not Used (Endocrinology) Z Not Used (Haematology (Clinical) Z Not Used (Nephrology) Z Not Used (Rehabilitation) Z Not Used (Thoracic Medicine) Haematology Genito-Urinary Medicine Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery SPECIALTY 33% 71% 67% 92% 0% 96% 43% 81% 84% 86% 100% 100% 100% 99% 77% 0% 75% 93% 90% 83% 91% 100% 62% 100% 100% 81% 100% 100% 0% 97% 89% 78% 89% 87% 67% 67% 100% 100% 78% 0% 100% 91% 75% 100% 89% 63% 75% 100% 0% 95% 100% 78% 87% 86% 100% 100% 100% 100% 72% 0% 100% 88% 89% 95% 71% 100% 90% 100% 92% 67% 79% 89% 87% 100% 100% 94% 100% 57% 0% 100% 94% 89% 88% 77% 100% 86% 0% 95% 83% 78% 87% 91% 100% 56% 100% 100% 51% 0% 100% 92% 86% 100% 90% 94% 100% 94% 73% 100% 100% 95% 43% 100% 92% 50% 100% 96% 64% Accident & Emergency Anaesthetics Cardiology Clinical Oncology Dental Ear Nose & Throat Gastro-Enterology General Medicine General Surgery Gynaecology Medical Oncology Medicine for the Elderly Obstetrics - Delivery Opthalmology Paediatrics Radiology Rheumatology Trauma & Orthopaedics Urology Vascular Surgery Z Not Used (Endocrinology) Z Not Used (Haematology (Clinica Z Not Used (Nephrology) Z Not Used (Rehabilitation) Z Not Used (Thoracic Medicine) Haematology 84.8% 85.4% 83.2% 80.6% 80.1% % Within 48 Hours 88.9% 88.7% 87.2% 85.3% 85.6% TRUST DIAGNOSTIC WAITING TIMES (Days) MEDICAL IMAGING CARDIO RESPIRATORY ECG 83% 22% 0% TRUST MRI CT Ultrasound Barium Dexa 86% 64% 100% 46% 100% 57.0% DIAGNOSTIC REPORTING TIMES (Days) Sep-10 28 21 28 7 7 Oct-10 28 28 21 7 7 Nov-10 28 35 21 14 7 Dec-10 28 35 21 14 7 Jan-11 28 35 28 21 7 Feb-11 28 35 28 7 7 Sep-10 0 Oct-10 0 Nov-10 0 Dec-10 0 Jan-11 7 Feb-11 1 MEDICAL IMAGING MRI CT Ultrasound Barium Dexa Plain Films: - GP's - A&E Exercise Tolerance Test GP 12 18 21 9 14 11 - Wards Exercise Tolerance Test OPD Echocardiogram urgent Echocardiogram routine Vascular Scan - urgent Vascular Scan - routine Varicose vein scan 24 ECG monitor 24 BP monitor Lung Function Test Basic Lung Function Test Full Carotoid Scan - urgent Carotoid Scan - routine Cardiac event recorder - 12 5 5 10 10 10 4 5 5 3 4 4 19 18 4 4 4 7 7 4 7 4 2 4 7 25 21 5 12 5 5 5 12 13 5 6 1 5 5 9 2 2 1 9 9 9 2 9 3 1 3 38 14 1 5 7 7 7 13 7 7 6 1 7 30 11 3 14 3 20 20 14 5 14 8 3 20 35 - Outpatients Sep-10 7 2 2 7 7 Oct-10 7 7 2 7 7 Nov-10 7 2 2 7 7 Dec-10 7 2 2 7 7 10 10 4 20 10 25 0 0 Back log of Backlog of 51 backlog of 98 42 days days days Backlog of 40 Backlog of 63 backlog of days days 102 days backlog of 122 days Jan-11 7 2 2 7 7 Feb-11 7 2 2 7 7 10 10 15 10 Backlog of 98 backlog 109 days days Backlog of 28 Backlog of 43 days days Page 82 of 90 Membership Figures as at 21 February 2011 Month Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr 12 Apr- Staff 2,697 2,695 2,690 Patient Public Total 1,309 4,011 1,304 3,995 1,305 4,010 8,017 7,994 8,005 Required 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Number Membership Figures Required -v- Actual 8,020 8,015 8,010 8,005 8,000 7,995 7,990 7,985 7,980 Required Breakdown of Total Figures Class of Patient & Carer Class of Patient Carer of Patient 16+ Carer of Patient 15 or less Unknown Total Min Req. Jan-11 230 1227 10 21 10 10 0 46 250 1304 Feb-11 Target 1228 21 10 46 1305 1333 Min Req. Jan-11 189 604 22 117 121 776 179 670 57 190 10 8 30 148 0 182 608 2695 Feb-11 Target 604 117 775 667 189 8 148 182 2690 2667 Min Req. Jan-11 450 808 1100 1669 1200 1518 0 0 2750 3995 Feb-11 Target 812 1676 1524 0 4010 4000 Staff Staff Category Clinical support Medical Me dical & Dental Non Clinical Nursing & Midwifery Other Clinical Professional Reps of Trade Unions Volunteer Unknown Total Public Constituency Actual Month Borough of Congleton Crewe & Nantwich Vale Royal Unknown Total Page 83 of 90 Section 4 Workforce focus Accountable Office – Rachel Alcock Page 84 of 90 Workforce Focus: January 2011 Trust Summary (Rolling performance except spend against budget, mandatory training and appraisal which are cumulative) Trust : Jan 11 Attendance T: 95.60% 100% Attendance is above target overall but long term sickness (musculo-skeletal, malignancy, stress & surgical conditions) in Surgery & Cancer and Diagnostics may impact upon attendance figures. A: 95.66% 96% 91% In Budget Retention 87% B: £93,924.4k A: £96,918.3k T: 91.48% A: 90.13% 82% Appraisal T: 72.41% Mand Training T: 62.57% A: 54.82% A: 70.86% Retention is 1.35% away from target. Improvements in retention have been seen in Women & Children, Estates & Facilities and Corporate Divisions. Mandatory & essential training is 8% below target with Surgery & Cancer (-28%) Diagnostics (-10%) and Corporate (-18%) away from target. The Trust is overspent against its pay budget. Surgery & Cancer and Emergency Care have a £1.7M and £1.8M YTD overspend respectively. Of these two divisions, Emergency Care has a higher % of divisional overspend. Both divisions have a high usage of bank and agency nursing staff. Emergency Care : Jan 11 Surgery & Cancer : Jan 11 Attendance 100% 90% Attendance 100% T: 95.73% A: 94.92% 95% 80% 70% In Budget Retention 60% B: £25,668.2k A: £27,400.7k 50% Appraisal 90% In Budget T: 92.00% B: £19,399.3k A: 91.84% A: £21,217.9k T: 89.11% 85% A: 87.69% Appraisal T: 62.00% A: 78.98% A: 44.78% Mand Training T: 62.00% A: 56.20% Diagnostics : Jan 11 Women & Children : Jan 11 Attendance 100% Attendance T: 95.38% A: 95.90% 100% 99% B: £13,977.2k A: £13,884.0k Retention Mand Training T: 73.34% T: 77.97% A: 68.88% In Budget T: 95.20% A: 95.21% T: 96.26% A: 95.94% 90% 98% Retention 97% T: 93.16% A: 91.55% In Budget B: £18,804.7k 80% Retention 70% T: 90.75% A: 88.88% A: £18,877.3k Appraisal Mand Training T: 65.00% A: 65.97% T: 50.00% A: 56.81% Appraisal Mand Training T: 73.64% T: 75.93% A: 78.79% A: 63.70% Corporate: Jan 11 Estates : Jan 11 Attendance 100% T: 93.71% A: 95.44% Attendance 100% T: 97.08% A: 97.75% 90% 95% 80% In Budget B: £7,133.8k A: £7,131.7k Appraisal T: 77.70% A: 67.79% 90% Retention In Budget 85% A: 93.30% 70% 60% T: 94.50% B: £8,941.3k 50% Retention T: 90.00% A: 88.10% A: £8,406.7k Mand Training T: 58.40% A: 54.72% Appraisal T: 81.26% A: 52.40% Mand Training T: 73.29% A: 55.02% Page 85 of 90 Key Monitoring Areas Trust Attendance Target Rolling The rolling 12 month attendance rate is above target. In month The in month (January ) position is 94.68% and has improved. 97.0 % 96.5 The Trust lost 4466 FTE days through sickness absence in January. This equated to £290,831 in direct lost salary costs. 96.0 95.5 There were 593 sickness episodes in January, which is an 18% decrease on the December position, with cold and influenza still having an impact. 95.0 94.5 In month sickness has improved in Surgery & Cancer, Diagnostics and Women & Children. Surgery & Cancer had the highest in month sickness. Critical Care, and Orthopaedics remain the main hotspots both in month and rolling. 94.0 93.5 93.0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 Emergency Care is now above trajectory. Benchmarking Attendance iView Northwest trusts Jan-Oct 10 is 95.61%. MCHFT is 95.75% (better than average). Vacancy and Bank/Agency Usage Nursing Staff (WTE) Vacancy Graphs showing bank/locum and agency usage against current vacancies for the three main groups of staff – Nursing, Medical and A&C staff. Bank and Agency 180 160 Use of nursing agency decreased in January but this was offset by an increase in nurse bank usage. 140 120 Medical staff locum and agency usage has risen slightly this month with increases in sickness and covering vacancies. Surgery & Cancer continue to reduce their agency medical staff usage. 100 80 60 The medical, and the administration staff groups remains consistent with the level of vacancies but the nursing staff group appears to be significantly in excess of the vacancy levels. This is explored in more detail overleaf. 40 20 0 May- Jun10 10 Jul10 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Medical Staff (WTE) Vacancy Locum and Agency A&C Staff (WTE) 180 180 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 May- Jun10 10 Jul10 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Vacancy Bank and Agency May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Page 86 of 90 The graph below shows the bank and agency usage for the wards in January Generally, wards are staffed above budget with bank and agency staff. Jan 11 Nursing WTE Able to Work Sickness B&A Budget 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Wd 26 Wd 24 Wd 23 Wd 17 Wd 13 Wd12 F Wd 10 SSW Wd 10 SAU Theatres TC Wd TC Th Ortho ICU Wd 7 Wd 6a Pre Disch Wd 5 Wd 4 Wd 3 Wd 2 Wd 14 Wd 1/CC A&E VIN Elmhurst 0 EAU 10 The graph below shows bank and agency usage reasons (bars) and actual vacancies (line) for each ward. A realignment of ward establishment has taken place. All wards are now staffed within budget. VIN, and SAU are using between 2-4 WTE more than needed to cover vacancies and sickness. The audit that was undertaken in December has been discussed with lead nurses and actions to address issues raised agreed. NB. Please be aware of the difference in scale when comparing the two graphs. Sickness Dependency Jan 11 B&A Reasons WTE Vacancy Workload All Leave Actual Vacancy 14 12 10 8 6 4 Wd 26 Wd 24 Wd 23 Wd 17 Wd 13 Wd12 F Wd 10 SSW Wd 10 SAU Theatres TC Wd T C Th Ortho ICU Wd 7 Wd 6a Pre Disch Wd 5 Wd 4 Wd 3 Wd 2 Wd 14 Wd 1/CC EAU A&E VIN 0 Elmhurst 2 Page 87 of 90 Section 5 Learning and development focus Accountable Office – Rachel Alcock Page 88 of 90 Appraisals Information on appraisals is now shown in the Workforce Focus section. Serious Incident Root Cause Analysis Between April and January 11 there have been 17 meetings chaired by Executive Director. After Action Reviews Review Increase In A&E Attendance following a cold spell IT Virus Cancer Peer Review : Internal Validation Process High Dependency Patients on CAU in December 2009 Review to understand non elective admissions and reasons for high levels of A & E breaches. Clinical Service Strategy Pharmacy Review 4 x Leadership Development Reviews: Estates & Facilities, Diagnostics, Corporate and Women, Children and SH, Victoria Infirmary Inpatient Wards Move to Ward 19 Leighton Hospital Non Elective Patient Flow Model Haematology at. ECHT - CPA Visit Ward Reconfiguration – Financial Impact Date Held January 10 February 10 February 10 February 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 May 10 May 10 June 10 September 10 September 10 Page 89 of 90 Section 6 External focus & Service Development/Planning Accountable Office – Executive Director (as appropriate) Page 90 of 90
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